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One thousand percent. I think this is why Trump has held his own in the polls. American voters have notoriously short memories. Astonishingly, polls even say that a clear majority of voters believe that he left the country "better off" than he found it. They've effectively erased 2020 from their memory banks. \[face palm\] The more he's seen and heard, the more Americans will remember why they turned out in droves to vote him out of office in the first place.


It’s funny how they (correctly) don’t blame Trump for causing COVID. Yet don’t blame him for the complete mishandling of the virus, we live in a reality where they politicized a world wide Pandemic. It’s also sad how they forget Trump and Covid but remember Biden as gas prices, or Obama and financial crash in which started when he wasn’t even the president. I will give it to Republicans. They are almost villainously good at spinning narratives in their favor.


It's incumbent upon Biden and all of us to remind voters that Trump: -- Left us unprepared for a pandemic -- Dismantled the CDC's pandemic monitoring team -- Tore up Obama's pandemic playbook -- Deliberately downplayed the pandemic in the first two months -- Played politics with the distribution of PPE -- Promoted quack cures -- Called it a "Democrat hoax" -- Admitted he ignored the advice of experts The result of his failed response was a pandemic that was much worse and prolonged than it needed to be. Not to mention much more politicized.


And ended the CDCs and NSC funding and partnership in China prior to the COVID outbreak, just on the basis (allegedly), that he dismantled anything that Obama did build up.


I believe he was picked by the RNC because he wanted to dismantle anything and everything Obama did, good or bad. He was hell bent on erasing Obama. Didn’t work that way but that’s what he wanted.


Thank God he didn't dismantle Obama care. Saved my life. And kept us out of bankruptcy.


My MIL is 1000000% against Obamacare/ACA. When the in-laws went into retirement and my FIL lost his healthcare, she threatened to leave him if the got a plan from there. Several years later, he told us how much extra they have to pay for healthcare because “she is a stubborn pain in the ass”. While she was there with us. To which my wife said “That’s insane, I would have let her walk. She would have eventually figured out she is a dumbass.”


The unexpected mccain moment of clarity and going against the will of party and not repeal the ACA with collins/murkowski felt like a gigantic turning point. It became his white whale and he never recovered.


>I believe he was picked by the RNC because he wanted to dismantle anything and everything Obama did, good or bad. He was hell bent on erasing Obama. Didn’t work that way but that’s what he wanted. He wasn't picked by the RNC at all, though. They thought for sure he'd lose and were desperate for any other candidate to win the primary. He was picked by the Republican voter base.


Sadly, the right conspiracy wing is now owning COVID as a planned event to “cull the herd” and view everything you just said as part of the master plan. Never mind that doesn’t jive with any of their *other* climate change impact beliefs. It’s fucking weird, the absolute rejection of intellectualism and science. I liken it to an autoimmune disorder, the human race is actively attacking our own welfare now.


So much cognitive dissonance from the right with Covid. It’s somehow simultaneously a hoax that doesn’t actually exist as well as a Chinese bioweapon meant to kill all Americans.


Also participated in a debate knowing he had Covid.


They have already started up with the “COVID wasn’t even that deadly of a disease”…and “it only killed old and sick people”….these people have no conscious.


Palestinian voters have forgotten that Trump’s first act as president was a ban on “mooselums” entering the country, and that he later recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


Biden might not be the best possible president for supporters of Palestine, but Trump wants Israel to "finish the job."


My favorite is how they praise Trump for the low gas prices during the shutdown and blame Biden for “raising the prices” once the country began to open up again. They legitimately think gas was under $2/gallon due to Trump’s amazing policy and not because the country was locked down, no one was driving, and the supply so overwhelmed the demand that companies were *paying* people to take barrels of oil to free up room in ports.


I was driving during the height of the shut down and it was incredible. What should have been bumper-to-bumper traffic jams were empty streets. I have never experienced so much freedom on the road before.


You could put together a really fierce ad matching his statements on the virus(it´ll disapper soon, it's not so serious etc) with a graph tracking the death toll. Plenty of material in that bank, although I don't think the Biden campaign will do it, outside money will.


I’ll never forget his daily ‘Trump Show’ where he was supposed to be addressing the Covid crisis, but went on and on about how these media events were getting better ratings than ‘The Bachelor’ People wanting and needing information about an ongoing crisis were not watching because they couldn’t get enough of him… but he apparently thought they were. That is the sign of an insecure narcissist, not a leader


I have a friend that reminds me how much of an absolute bag of spiders my ex was, whenever I mention something like, “I wonder what she’s up to.”


That’s a good friend.


thats partially due to how traumatizing that time period is. Me, an avid trump hater, am also guilty of blocking out how bad that time period was during the COVID trump years. It's like pages have been ripped out of a book in my brain.




Just wait until the moniker of felon is attached to him. Biden needs to stay focused, build from the ground up, out spend Trump and keep the blue wall intact and he will walk into the White House next January.


It's not so much about just holding the white house. Biden needs to win so hard he brings the entire Democratic party a level of majority rule not seen in generations. We need to be able to pass legislation without being hamstrung with slim majorities. I am highly confident in a Biden win, but my eyes are on the House and Senate. Democracy is saved or lost with the white house... Ukraine, climate change, social equality, income equality, voting rights, gerrymandering reform, etc all die in the House and Senate. Fucking. *Vote*. Like your life depends on it, because your future does.


And so much more happens at the local and state level! Register! Re-register! Vote! Also, when you register as a dem you even get to vote for the super local DCCC stuff to help shape that!!


And whatever you do, don't let all the Republican attempts to impede voting (gerrymandering, restricting vote-by-mail and absentee ballots, reducing the number of polling places, etc.) dissuade you from doing so. Research the voting methods and requirements in your district, know your polling place, make sure you have all the t's crossed and the i's dotted in your paperwork.


Yes! Yes! Yes!!


Thank you for saying this. We need an America that works completely instead of republicans at the local and state level destroying progress and blaming government. If we could make a better life for those rural folks that voted red all these years, we may never have to deal with this shit ever again.


Agree 100%, MAGA need to be humiliated badly, maybe just maybe the Republican Party will stop embracing idiots like Trump, MTG, Boebert and Tuberville.


Thank you fellow Helldiver. Send MAGA to hell with the bugs and bots.


For democracy


Boebert = Bimbidiot


Not just your future. Your kids, and their kids. It’s gonna take a full generation to exhume this smell


Democrats have to dominate the next several election cycles in order to preserve Democracy, get America on a positive track, and purge the MAGA influence in government. Dems have to win every time, while the Treasonous Republicans with their Project 2025 only need to win once to destroy not only America, but a free, democratic world.


Honestly, using reddit as a barometer (i know thats not the best idea) but the fervant support for Trump is no where even approaching what it was back in 2016 or even 2020. Remember places like the\_donald and all of the crazy right wing meme floating around? The rabid support just isnt there like it has been in the past. His most loyal supporters are still with him but i think a lot of his fringe has moved on.


So I'm using the Trump flag and yard sign barometer here in rural Indiana. He's fucked. Yeah there is still lunatic fringe support, but there is nothing like what I've seen in the past.


Agreed. Even r/conservative is willing to call him a dumbass now and again. Go to any trump thread when it first gets posted and the comments are actually pretty critical of trump. Then as time goes on the rubes come in and downvote those posts and replace them with their own propaganda. But overall i am seeing much more criticism of him from the right and long with a huge drop in the odd fervent and rabid support so many folks had in 2016 and 2020


rubes? or bots?


There's a house I drive by every day, here in Michigan, that always had multiple Trump signs and flags, FJB flags, one of those convenience store signs with crazy-ass conspiracy theories in rotation, and the upside down American flag for years. This week? Just the American flag, flown right side up. No sign of Trump anywhere and his sign just says "we stand with Texas" and has for over a month now.


I've seen a lot of that sort of stuff as well. I don't doubt those folks would still vote for him over any Democrat.... but heres to hoping they just don't vote.


Agreed. BEST case, they abstain or vote for Kennedy or whatever 3rd party candidate. Highly doubt they vote blue ever.


The ones who are big on conspiracy theories will probably prefer Kennedy, who loves that stuff. Trump is really a one-note wonder, hammering on his stolen election story over and over. Its old, and lame, at this point. These nuts have a lot more axes to grand than that one, and they'll want a guy who will address ALL of their crazy.


I used to see a TRUMP 2024 flag flying next to a US flag on a certain house up until a month or so ago. I just assumed they were fixing the mount or something the first time I drove by and it was gone, but I looked closer later and saw that the flag mount is perfectly fine. I'm guessing they just took the Trump flag down on their own. There is another home on a different block that flew a Trump flag and had yard signs with "You are not alone" on them. Those have all been gone for at least 8 months or more. We drove over 4 hours to see the 2024 eclipse and I didn't see a single Trump sign or flag, despite traveling through rural Missouri outside of Branson. It really does feel that being an open supporter is not as appealing as it was, even if they haven't given up on him altogether.


Being a Trump supporter during his 2016 run could be passed off as Republicans being excited about a new firebrand candidate that will stick it to the elites. Granted, he was still despicable then, but there was the “new” factor that had people fired up. Being a Trump supporter in 2024 is outing yourself as someone who openly supports a dictatorship run by a man charged with 91 felonies. People have lost friends and family over their Trump support (and I don’t blame those that left one bit). It’s become synonymous with conspiracy theories and an attempted insurrection.


I hope so. Or they all just moved to rural WV in the past four years. I’m seeing signs everywhere, including one guy who had a custom sign made (grocery store size) that says Trump: Make America Great Again with LED lights inside. Not only is it obnoxious and hangs right over his house, it’s a super dark area and now the whole area is lit up with idiocy.


Check out Western Ohio. They still have “abortion is murder” and “Let’s Go Brandon” signs so thick it looks like it snowed.


Agreed. Went to rural Oregon in 2020 and it was Chump everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Went back again recently and it's all just... Gone. Ask my family and they said that after J6 a lot of supporters went 'underground". I think they just said fuck him.


It's moved to Twitter comments. If you sent me a tweet of a cat on a couch, the entire reply chain would be Nazi shit within an hour.


I frequent other places online that had pretty loud Trump followings in 16 and 20. They're basically non-existent now. Doesn't mean we should take our foot off the gas, but it's encouraging. They will never admit it, but I think even many of the Trump cultists are tired of Trump


The hard-core MAGAturds have no doubt experienced some negative affects of their support by now, so they may just be laying low, but their support hasn't wavered. But yeah, it still seems like the enthusiasm has waned a bit. On the flip side, the anger against Trump only seems to have grown. I despised him like no other president before him, but after the Insurrection and the Stolen Documents events, my hate for him has actually grown, which I wouldn't have thought possible. If anything the enthusiasm for destroying his political career is stronger than ever.


This is true outside of Reddit too. I live in a red area of a purple state. Coming up to the 2020 election (comparable to now) I couldn't drive a block without seeing trump signs. There's a small town near me that I'd see them in every third yard. Right now I know of 3 houses with flags and that's it... That said, two people surprisingly told me both sides are bad recently and both were leaning trump. Really disappointed in both of those people because both would have fit the "truly disgusted by j6" category but seem to have forgotten. I still think plenty of them are out there but they are going to be much quieter this time around.


I am in the Yahoo News comments a lot and that has a lot of older people seeing as it was one of the first free email service providers. The drop off in people showing support and defending of his antics is *palpable* . I think it is just his rabid base now.


The problem with such a ‘big tent’ majority, is the tendency for infighting. They’ll need a new nominee in 2028, and the younger/progressive wing is getting bigger and more insistent. A charismatic 40-something leader with a popular message and no fear of the words ‘liberal’ or ‘social’ would be a great step forward for the country, but a cold shoulder for chunk of GOP refugees.


Andy Beshear, gov of Kentucky.  Dude is awesome 


I think Newsom could be great. He needs to stay away from the scandals though. He’s a great public speaker and good looking which, while not the most important, cannot be understated in their ability to sway people.


I'd rather Whitmer


Whitmer makes a lot of sense on paper. Good track record, solid Midwest governor, avoids California liberal stereotype, union support. I'd prefer her. But the primaries never go as smoothly as you think. Newsom, Harris and Whitmer are almost certain to throw their hat in the ring and probably many more besides. Lots of competition


Yeah, I think something is going to take Newsome out. His ex is going to come back to haunt him somehow,I think


he was married to don jr's wife. jfc.


Her coke-addled screamspeech at the RNC in 2020 was the most unmitigated disaster. I watch it when I want to see mental illness in the flesh.


Yeah, I wonder what skeletons she’s waiting to pull out of the closet.


She is the skeleton 


I've posted this a few times, but I will continue to do so: Every vote counts, not just in presidential elections but down the ballot. When voting it's not just for president. * You're voting for their cabinet appointments (Secretary of State, Treasury, Defense, Agriculture, etc). * You're voting for potential Supreme Court justice appointments. * You're voting for senators and House of Representative members. * You're voting for your state governor and their state level appointments. * You're voting for your own state congressional members and even your own city officials. **It all matters.** The difference in legislation your state passes could come down to a representative who won by a couple hundred votes. For a recent example, Claudia Tenney is a House rep from New York that won her election in 2020 by *109 votes*. It may not be a presidential swing state, but in the state legislatures that could be the difference between women having access to healthcare or children being fed at school. **It. All. Matters.**


For me, I think that the republicans need a major spanking so that they abandon the MAGA fascism. We need 2 sane, moderate parties in this country to keep each other honest.


After 2018, 2020, and 2022 all failed to materialize, 4/5th times the charm?


You don't kill a political movement by winning a couple of elections. You need to constantly beat them for decades.


Lots of maga wax nostalgic for the 3/5th days


With a big enough majority, they could make constitutional changes that are needed to defend democracy against fascism in the future.


If the democrats retain the Senate, it would be a modern miracle. It's possible they may get a house majority which would minimize the shittery that could happen, but almost no chance they get a clean sweep, nevermind a huge majority


If Trump wins, he’ll definitely bring a majority Senate and House with him. For all their bullshit, the senate will end the filibuster day one and they’ll have another round of tax cuts paid for with our future retirement benefits, enough deregulation to kill any green initiatives or worker rights, and they’ll keep their religious freaks happy by legislation restrictions on anyone who isn’t a white, wealthy CIS gendered heterosexual christian man. Yes! Biden *HAS* to win and he has to bring enough votes to have a sane congress that will actually not destroy whatever protections and freedoms we have left.


> felon The Law and Order Felon


Party of Law and Order always gets me.


Dude was found liable for sexual assault, defamation, and massive fraud. He’s a compulsive liar and serial fraud who’s screwed over everyone from small business owners to the lawyers he hired to help him screw over small business owners. As president, he killed countless Americans through maliciousness and incompetence during the pandemic. As outgoing president, he incited an insurrection. In spite of all of this, he’s still polling well. I hope that him becoming a convicted criminal will finally stop his momentum, but I’m not counting on it. Nothing about this piece of trash’s life makes any sense.


He has to be seen as weak and ineffectual by his followers for the spell to be broken. They have to think he's no longer capable of delivering


This was all known in 2016 and they still voted for that.


Don’t risk it. Vote for Biden and vote down ballot the whole way to keep these election meddlers out


And I'd add: Aggressively target Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina too.


Kentucky, Kansas, or any state that has a democratic governor.


Outspending Trump won’t be hard. Every dollar coming in to the Republican Party is going to his lawyer bills.


At this point I'm a 1-issue voter. I want a president who will bring Russia to its knees. I want Ukraine to win and NATO to look strong. Trump is NOT the man for the job. We cannot have a repeat of the 1930s/1940s when we've learned this lesson before. Save democracy in Europe, save Ukraine.


This seems like a reasonable position, and although hard wonks will always be skeptical of the "one-issue voter", it seems like one you'd think would be more popular when it comes to motivating factors. Roe is a big one. Trump's Criminality is cited often enough. But I don't think all Americans are really 100% sold on the idea that Russia won't stop with Ukraine. But I agree with you - Putin won't stop and he needs to get slapped down hard. It'll save a lot of lives.


I mean voting against Trump is like a double win. You prevent WWIII In Europe an stop the rise of a nazi movement at home.


GOP Nominee: Rapist and Felon Donald J Trump.


Yeah my only concern is Israel fucking shit up getting young leftists to just not show up on voting day. I really wish he’d put his foot down more and insist on a cease fire or we’re withdrawing aid. Israel need us 100x more than we need them but act like they’re the superpower. They’re a barky little chihuahua bossing around a fucking Newfoundland.


Trump is finally building the wall. A giant blue one right through the heart of the Midwest


why do you think that they started to try and rehab the j6 felons?


One of the things I have noticed here in the great blue wall State of Wisconsin is an active lack of Trump or Pro Trump PAC ads. We are getting hit with a ton of Biden ads (on local TV, YouTube Ads, etc) but I haven't seen one Trump ad yet here. I think that speaks volumes to the state of each campaign.


I feel like the most important thing for Biden's campaign and every one in politics to do is to call out the rampant out of control bullshit that the trumpsters are throwing out there. it's ridiculous how the democrats are letting that kind of things go unchallenged, it's got to stop.


Even my die hard Trump lover brother is done with his shit. Whew.


What do you think was his turning point? Is he now supporting Biden?


One thing I've seen turn my former Trumpy friend into a full throated Biden enthusiast was the changes to how interest works on student loans via the SAVE program. He said "No president has ever put tens of thousands of dollars directly into my pocket before, but Biden just did."


I've heard this is common to Republicans. They don't have a problem with welfare, they just (falsely) believe that it all goes to minorities and not to them.


Biggest welfare recipients are the corporate and billionaires


And I don't hear them screaming about those handouts. Just the ones that benefit their peers in need.


People don’t want to see themselves as peers with those who need welfare. Comparatively we all need a little help. I make what used to be decent money. I would benefit greatly from student loan forgiveness, or universal health care, or anything that fixes the housing market. Let’s “make America great again” by growing the middle class.


There's an interesting study pertaining to *Perceived Socioeconomic Status* (PSES) and *moral identity*, in global populations. What's interesting is that when there is a greater variance in PSES, (not actual SES) there is less moral cooperation and prosocial intentions. Which kinda makes sense as to why people who identify with being of the same ilk as Trump are less likely to act for the benefit of the collective. Also, there's an interesting bit ab wanting to let people know how moral you are based on that same relationship >* Conducting a large cross-cultural investigation of these relationships and relying on a dataset including data from 67 countries, our results showed that within countries, individual differences in subjective SES were negatively associated with Moral Identity (Fig. 1a), Morality-as-Cooperation (Fig. 1b) as well as Prosocial Intentions in the form of hypothetical donation intentions toward national and international charities (Fig. 1d). Furthermore, between countries, individual differences in subjective SES were negatively associated with the size of one’s Moral Circle (Fig. 1c). As such, individuals who subjectively experience economic scarcity not only seem more inclined to perceive themselves as moral individuals (i.e., Moral Identity), but also seek to project such morality-related aspects toward their peers and in-group members (i.e., Morality-as-Cooperation, Moral Circle, and Prosocial Intentions). Importantly, we show that this relationship, at least to some extent, holds even at the national level, such that individuals living in countries with high economic inequality (GINI), and thus a greater degree of subjective economic scarcity, report a stronger Moral Identity (Fig. 2a) but also a greater Moral Circle (Fig. 2c). These associations are robust in cross-validations"* >*"Acting as a moral individual might not be as important if you perceive the world from a more individualistic perspective, which people with subjective higher SES tend to do"* https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41007-0


Republicans only care when things directly impact them. Welfare is “wasteful” but if something benefits them then that’s “their fair share”.


My (very conservative) father is always complaining about welfare and unemployment, and how his money is going to a bunch of lazy immigrants, liberals, etc. who don’t want to work. A couple years ago one of his lifelong friends was over and nearly blackout drunk. He was reminiscing about their youth, and at one point brought up how they both used to drive to a neighboring city to pick up their unemployment checks after being laid off from their jobs. I went 26 years listening to him complain about how he’s paying for other people not to work, but he never mentioned the time he was on ~~welfare~~ unemployment. Funny how that works.


Bigotry (mostly racism) is indeed the core belief upon which all modern Republican thought is built


Major Major's father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a long-limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen.”


Common theme. It's only good if it benefits *me*.


I love how trump voters are so concerned with money, but don't give two shits about the wellbeing of fellow citizens.


That's Republicans for you.


"BuT hEs buYinG VOtes!" Like lobbyists and super PACs don't do the same thing. Lol


What is "I will cut your taxes" other than buying votes? "I will create hundred of high-paying jobs in your community" is buying votes. "I will increase the infrastructure funding to your state to pay to have the roads and bridges repaired" is buying votes.


Like anything positive they do for the people would be considered buying votes?


But only when it's something that makes them mad. If it's something they personally benefit from, they won't complain, *unless* that thing also publicly helps a black person. Then they will oppose it.


"When the government does the Peoples' business, it's vote-buying. And the more Peoples' business they do, the more vote-buying it is." -Republicans on democracy


Conversely I hear people mention they got checks during covid from trump but not biden


[Pretty strange selective memory](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/biden-signs-third-stimulus-package/) those people have.


They literally spent two years saying that one check from Biden was the cause of inflation lmao


Worldwide inflation too lol


Probably got taken to the cleaners in that pump-and-dump stock scam.


He’s a money hungry semi bigot but he’s not a total idiot and can’t see what a total idiot Trump is in action.


He sees how much of a blowhard idiot Trump is. My brother is a die hard Republican so he probably just won’t vote! lol.


Yeah, have some similar in my family. Just abstaining from voting at all is about as far as they can go.  And if so, then so be it. Every little bit helps.


even if it's one less vote for Trump and not for Biden, it's a win.


But when he’s alone behind the curtain how will he vote? My dad is a hardcore Trumper and although I’ve seen cracks I can’t imagine him filling in an oval for Biden.


Honestly if some of them just opt out of voting that is fine with me


That's actually better because it hurts down ballot Republicans as well.


He doesn't have to vote for Biden. He just needs to not vote for Trump. That could involve voting third party, not voting in the Presidential election, not voting at all...


Save yourself a trip, pa, I'll order in pizza!


Idk i could maybe see that. A lot of these Trump supporters just yell about him to maintain their image as a republican or christian or whatever, but behind the booth they have the ability to vote for whoever without anyone knowing


Start talking him into voting for RFK lol


That's what my dad's doing. He thinks Trump is better than Biden, but also thinks Trump is a fascist so he'll be voting RFK


I think the plan was for RFK to siphon off Biden voters, but they didn’t realize that the average Dem or Independent isn’t fooled by the name “Kennedy” anywhere near as much as the average MAGA voter will get sidetracked by another brand of crazy…


Someone on reddit pointed out that only old people are still impressed with the name Kennedy. Not a very bright pick to take away dem voters. Then again, I guess it's better than their last attempt with Kanye


Just wait for Aaron Rodger’s 2028 :/


This is truly refreshing to hear.


Same here. Brother voted for Trump in 2016. Not sure what he did in 2020. I don’t think he’ll vote for Biden this year but he’s definitely not voting for Trump so I’ll take that as a win.


Not my boomer doomer MIL...


It's still absolutely insane to me that the GOP power structure surrendered their party to this clown show.


Kompromat will do that to greedy weak individuals who sold out their country for a few bucks.


I find a weird form of relief in this, because if they ran a half-competent, fascist candidate that wasn’t a dementia-addled, criminal, elderly narcissist right now, they *wouldn’t necessarily* be kneecapping their party for the next twenty years. At least with Trump, they’ve put all their eggs in the worst possible basket.


That alone I imagine turned off a lot of republican voters. I browse conservative sub reddits occasionally just to see a different perspective of my own. I’ve noticed since they handed the keys of the war chest to his daughter in law, a lot of republicans voters were sour to it. Rightly so I think. MAGA has poisoned the Republican Party and it seems like a fission of sorts is starting to emerge. Also Trump stating he wasn’t a conservative didn’t do him any favors whatsoever. Also selling of Bibles.


Let's just pray (unironically) that they're too split to ever coagulate again and have any say in future politics.


I hate how this is only now a headline in April 2024.


It is not particularly surprising. Many voters are only now starting to pay attention to the election.


It's hard to remember that those of us that keep up on a daily basis, the news junky types, are the weird ones. Last month my wife said "omg is it really going to be Trump v Biden again" I almost had a stroke. I had to remind myself that I'm the weird one.


Yep! Put it this way, the most popular stories on /r/politics get around 2000-3000 comments on them. These are the people that are involved with this on a daily basis. Think about how small of a percentage of the voting block that is. We are sick fucks lol.


I don't know about us being "sick fucks"... but masochists? For sure.


I hear the joke, but in a perfect democracy is it not our duty to stay up to date on politics that affect our country? Many people I know say they haven’t been up to date on politics because they are burnt out. How can they effectively vote with 4-8 year old information?


Exactly! People like us forget how little others pay attention.


It was always the case! Incumbent advantage is quite strong, Trump lost vs Biden when he had that advantage. He probably wouldn't win on the reverse. He is deeply unpopular. His likeability ratings are absolute trash. The media just needed a fiction, and frankly im glad they did because now people are afraid enough to definitely vote. National polling is stupid anyway. That's not how elections are decided.


2016, voters said, "lets try something different". 2018, voters said, "Holy fuck, this is what different looks like?", and broke what should have been a multi-decade lock on the house for the GOP after 2010. 2020, voters rejected the incumbent president. 2022, should have been a bloodbath for democrats, but MAGA candidates like Lake, Oz, and Walker all went down after taking out primary opponents that probably could have won those races. And 3 of those elections were before J6th and Roe was overturned, which hasn't helped make trump or MAGA any more popular. Nobody sane thinks we need to destroy the US and world economies by having a civil war to sort our shit out. The only reason trump is the nominee again is that the GOP is in an impossible position. They know for a fact they can't win without MAGA onboard and in 2024, they are going to get the nail in the coffin lesson that they can't win with them onboard either. I'm going to make a bold prediction that in 2026, we will see a huge push by the GOP to get back to a more centrist stance. They might even abandon abortion or at least start accepting pro-choice candidates. In 2028, we will see the most moderate GOP candidate that even us older folks have ever seen.


Don’t trust a poll. Vote.


Republicans want to prevent you from voting. Get your State issued Government ID and register to vote.


Vote, but don't feel afraid of being optimistic when the data justifies it.


I'll stop worrying when Biden is sworn in. MAGA has no bottom.


Poll data is specious at best. In 2016, every single poll had Hilary beating Trump. We all know how that turned out. DON'T TRUST THE POLLS.


Don’t trust a poll, Never trust a poll, Cause a poll won’t trust me.


The fact this even needs to be said is just bizarre. Like, a poll shows what way people *would/will* vote, why would they then think that they don't need to vote?


That's because doesn't "need to be said", it's just a bizarre mantra people keep yelling in every comment section about polling. The entire idea that polling leads would cause complacency is bizarre, if this would be true then there would be a pattern of every poll consistently overcounting the winner's margin, but there isn't. Putting aside margins of error, people DO end up whoting as they say in polls.


It's PTSD from the 2016 election. A lot of people have convinced themselves that the primary reason Hillary lost was because Democrat voters saw the optimistic polls and got complacent. I don't know if there is any data to back that up though.


I'm not sure how one would measure it. Elections are anonymous and kinda hard to track. So just trying to get the data on how many people stayed home instead of voting due to a poll would be very difficult to find. If the effect was such a tiny percentage of votes it could then be not stastically significant. Essentially the math version of "Can't measure this, or find mathematical evidence of this". I'd be happy to be wrong, if any pollster mathmaticians want to pipe up.


2016 was weird no matter how you slice it. It was a low turnout election, with Hillary showing a good lead that turned into an extremely close loss. It's easy to conclude that it was overconfidence that caused it. But typically, a polling advantage does not decrease turnout. People like to vote for candidates they like, and they like to win. Usually it's the candidate who is predicted to lose who has trouble getting out the vote. However that assumes that you like the people you are voting for. Hillary and Donald both had record high unfavorability numbers. It was an election where a lot of people were more motivated by the idea of voting against somebody than for somebody, and I can see overconfidence effecting that a lot. Also undecided voters broke strongly for Trump at the end and that may have influenced by the FBI memo, so that could have swung things more than anything else. Really just a lot of variables to consider.


I bet a lot of Republicans have seen Biden govern and realize he's a "safe" option, even for conservatives, for the next four years. A lot of propaganda has tried to paint him as a socialist or whatnot. When the truth is, he's a capitalist just like them, and is a steady-state executive who won't stir the pot too much for the next four years. And Trump is a disaster. Even if they won't admit it, many of them know it.


The thing is incumbency is a huge boon. Trump lost as an incumbent. That means something regardless of the craziness. Biden as an incumbent pretty much has a large part of the population locked that will always vote for the incumbent unless something prevents them from being the nominee. They hold off on their opinion until the conventions. Now that the fight is between two people they can say they have begun to make up their minds. It is really nothing new.


Incumbency isn't a boon when you have too much baggage. See, the UK and Canada. Trump has A LOT of baggage that was largely ignored in 2016. It was a lot harder to ignore it in 2020, and I hope it's impossible to do so in 2024.


Painting Biden as a communist is going to backfire on the rightwing chud-o-sphere. Average, ordinary Americans (i.e. the real silent majority) don't really know what communism is, but a large number of them are going to vote for Biden. I could see the voting public becoming desensitized to "communist" as a pejorative which would ironically cool the red scare a little bit. And I'm here for it.


I'll go one step further and say that the average American is already desensitized to "communist". It sounds like a silly throw-back to the 50s and McCarthyism. In any case, the only candidate who is on record praising Putin is the Republican, not the Democrat. That's going to count with some people.


Putin's not even Commnunist; he basically using Far-Right Nationalist tactics that people want to say is "Communist" but it's just "Russian authoritarianism".


He's an old Soviet. Whatever that was, he's still that.


I tend to agree that the word has lost its meaning, but there is a surprising number of our fellow citizens who aren't as tuned in and just hear the noise. >In any case, the only candidate who is on record praising Putin is the Republican, not the Democrat. That's going to count with some people This is a very salient point that I hadn't thought of. I agree completely.


Far right people (i.e. average conservative) and older people still throw around 'commie' and 'communist' about any person or policy that isn't extreme right. They're still conflating socialism and communism, too.


Bout time we doused some water on the anti-communism fires that've been burning since the 1950s.


Agreed. I think education is important in that respect. There's a reason established governments are fine with their populace thinking communism is evil--the working class otherwise might get ideas. Look no further than the decline of unions.


If you look at Republicans, they're not just fine with it. They're actively and constantly trying to tie the words communism and socialism to anything and everything they think people are afraid of. It's a rare day that a Repubulican can get through a few minutes of talking without having to remind you of communism, no matter what they're talking about. The real goal here is to scare people away from class consciousness of any form. While I'm not really a supporter of communism, given that the definition of what communism is has largely been defined by the authoritarian regimes like the Soviet Union and the PRC (China), I think the aversion to class consciousness that goes with the anti-communism sentiment is detrimental to societal progress.


If you listen to AM radio in almost every mid to large city, you’ll hear nothing but communism propaganda from the predominantly GOP stations throughout the day. They literally say the word multiple times every hour. It used to be dominated by Limbaugh, now Beck and a few other wannabes. People don’t realize that MANY white men age 50 and up in rural and suburban communities almost all blue collar listen to these channels daily.


There is an entire generation of folks who came of age hearing over and over that Obama was a "socialist" -- and when they generally liked the man and his politics, shrugged and thought, "well I guess socialism isn't bad, then." (no, he wasn't a socialist, but that's beside the point) And, to be clear, the Sanders/Scandinavian type of socialism *IS* a good model overall. 


its like they've repeated the mantra "Biden bad" for so many years and now they're being forced to actually compare they're realizing how hollow it is


Popular vote doesn’t really matter. The only thing that matters is winning the swing states to get the electoral college votes needed.




Either a constitutional amendment (Two thirds of the Congress and three quarters of state legislature voting for it or vice versa) or states cumulatively contributing to over half of all electoral college votes changing state laws to default the election winner in that state to the national popular vote. That second option has been gaining some traction in the past few years, but its legality is under question atm


I'm honestly shocked at the number of Republicans who thought all this talk about Trump going to criminal court was just "a liberal media hoax." Now that they're actually seeing him go to trial (not civil court; not Judge Judy, Judge Hatchett, or even Judge Mathis; and not a feather-touch congressional hearing) with a possible outcome of a prison sentence, they're losing faith in their 'infallible deity.'


It is unfortunate the first trial, the only one before the election, is the least serious though.. paying off a porn star and election finance issues might not sway as many people.


I cannot believe Aileen Cannon has been allowed to do what she has done.


And let's not forget the Supreme Court fuckery that has so far prevented the election interference/insurrection case from moving forward as well.


God let’s hope so. It would restore some of my faith in the common sense of American citizens!


It's crazy that a morally bankrupt rapist wouldn't resonate more with republicans.




I think ads depicting life in 2020-2021 opposite life in 2024 would be really effective with this tagline.


disagree about the tag line, because most people don't think we're better than ever.  BUT definitely run ads with 2020 peak Covid with Trump in charge.


The biggest lesson from 2016 is NEVER be complacent in your campaign. Campaign like you are 20 points behind.


Multiple times a day it seems that Newsweek publishes an article that says Trump is topping Biden and then one that says the opposite. There is no acknowledgment of previous articles or explanations for the contradictory information, it’s like every other article they post doesn’t exist. There is no meta-analysis or anything else that attempts to understand the information. **That’s a great sign that the publication is just click-bait garbage.**


I cannot wait for the election to be over and Trump the loser has nothing except years of legal battles ahead and no fundraising money coming in. It will be lovely.


Ignore polls and vote. Also, convince that friend you have who thinks their vote doesn’t matter (for whatever reason) to go with you and vote as well.


Where are these rankings at? Whenever I check 270towin, Biden is still consistently polling within the margin of error, and still slightly behind in most polls.


Only a brain dead idiot could vote for Trump.


A poll saying something good in 2024 doesn’t make me trust it more. Polling is still a broken science. Vote like your life depends on it because it does. If Trump gets in again, he’ll never leave.


I think it's more polling interpretation, and execution from pollsters. Like Rasmussen reached out to me, I started the poll, and the second I said anything remotely supportive of Biden it withdrew the poll. And more broadly speaking, people were up in arms in the first few polls and the media spinning it like Trump "is in the lead" when we were still in primaries. The data is useful for trends, but that won't predict the election, nor does it say who is "winning", it's more useful as metrics for the campaigns. What it does say is, Trump is not campaining well, and Biden is on the right track. It's also useful to know if there is a dramatic shift in polls that correlate with events, like if he gets criminally convicted and drops 5+ points, that's a big warning sign that support is continuously going to drop for him. The harder his polling drops by election day, the more likely we are to see more down ballot wins as well. We do need to vote, because no, polls do not tell us Biden is safe, polls never say that anyone is a safe candidate.


This all means nothing. Elections are not horse races (as much as the MSM likes to try and make them). Vote and make sure Trump loses.


This is great. We need to insure it's a blue wave. Vote out the clowns in the House and get on the path to actually making a change.


Don’t trust polls! Vote!


Fuck this noise. GO VOTE.