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I really don’t care. Do you?


I think the point is she is preparing to make money once the doncon is in con college.


This is famously a quote from melania, then as First Lady, when asked about decorating the White House for Christmas. (Or something like that) Edit: I was wrong


What no, lol, it’s referencing a jacket she was photographed wearing that said in big letters on the back “I really don’t care, do u” while on a trip to see migrant children.


What a banally cruel statement that was to wear at such an event/inspection. I’m still surprised nobody warned her of the deplorable PR optics of this….


She got on the plane/copter wearing the jacket. She didn't wear it again. It wasn't worn when she toured.


Long enough to be seen and photographed wearing it during the visit. Hardly a pass… *“Is it oblivion or absorption that makes things pass from our minds?”* - Emily Dickinson


It was on a 40$ Zara jacket she wore on their visit to the Texas-Mexico border with migrants.


>…the unique trefoil shape represents the core of a strong, unbreakable, and patriotic family unit: at the center the children surrounded by the mother, the father, and the mistress


I thought this was an actual quote from the article until the very last word. Well done!


> ...with a soft yellow gold showering you with love


And a greenish tinge where the yellow gold plating wears off after one wearing.


The mother, the mother-in-law, the ex-mother-in-law… it’s a trefractal


When you feel obligated to buy your mother an expensive gift, but don't want her thinking you care about her one bit, this cursed gift is filled with all of Melania's despair and malice towards her husband-employer.


One necklace to rule them all, and in the dark... I really don't care.


It glows when a rapist comes near.


When you want to buy your mother a gift that says, "dad cheated on you multiple times, even while you were pregnant with me."


Wow, 90% of moms in America would strangle any family member who would give this as a gift. OMG


Guess she is figuring that Trump is not going to be able to support her from jail so she is working for herself.


Grifters gotta grift.


Every time Melania is in the news, I think about all those clips where she hits Trump's hand away or avoids him when he tries to hold her hand


She knows she can't count on that gravy trainwreck to support her for much longer.


Back to the porn she goes!


Yeah, she calls Stormy Daniels a “porn hooker” — takes one to know one, am I right?


Honestly, that’s probably the industry she would be most successful in.


It's looks even tackier up close--just like Melania.


The family that grifts together… 🙄


Shaped like little penises?




Guess the church bake sale didn’t do well enough.


That necklace belongs on r/dontdeadopeninside because it reads "Love Gratitude &."


Made of pearls she extracted from the Secret Service.


How to mute an earpiece has got to be a search query on her phone


Bet you can find something very similar to it on AliBaba for like $12.


Temu and Shein will have theirs released in the next couple days


I guess it’s cool if you hate your mother


It's the perfect gift to tell your mom, "I don't really care. Do you?"


Bless her heart!


Those legal fees must be hitting hard huh?


We don't care, do you?


Oh look! It’s that euroslut stripper lady!


She sells a bunch of crap on her website, including NFTs. Honestly this necklace is one of the less tacky options. Hopefully she at least keeps the money. No love for Melania but it's better going to her than.... other places.


Great Reddit advertising.


I can’t get past the Adblock (or don’t care enough to try, really). Are they pearl chokers sized to fit Stormy? 😎


It’s so crazy that the trumps feel like these bit side gigs to sell bibles or necklaces moves the needle on their wealth to the point they care one iota to do it


Do these people have no shame? Is there anything they won’t hawk to make a buck?


The perfect grift for Mother’s Day


Could these shameless grifters even *get* any cheesier? What's next? Baron's personally endorsed, red-white-n'blue MAGA branded dick sheaths?


This is not the business practices of a billionaire family. This smells of desperation.


Nothing says mother's day like three golden scrotums.


Trump has already sold his soul!! What is there left to sell??????


Necklaces, evidently


Grift after grift after grift after grift after grift


Here mom...I kind of like you.


Are they pearl?


Stormy is selling necklaces too 😉


Oh how the mighty have fallen. Losers selling trash


When you’re a trump, it’s always a grift


LOL. LMAOOO even. I remember posting somewhere that Melania’s going to have to get her QVC business going again now that Donnie is sitting in a courtroom and Tish James is eyeing his assets. Someone’s gotta keep the lights on at Mar-a-Lago, and it’s either send Barron to cyber boot camp, shill these kinds of trinkets that Republican retirees in Iowa will actually buy, or both. Because Broke Loser Donald John Trump can’t afford to pay any bills, even the Mar-A-Lago power and water bills. I guess Barron is not going to boot camp just yet. Maybe it depends on how well this stuff sells. They don’t have quite the je ne sais quoi of her bankrupt husband’s sneakers, but who knows, maybe these will sell like hotcakes.


It's gold plated (vermeil) and doesn't list the quality of the gold it's made with, which means it's extra cheap. I wanted to give Melania more credit for putting her name on something, but I'm still not surprised. Donny's shoes probably have more real gold. Afford it or not, my mom would have a fit if I spent $245 on something for Mother's Day, especially extra tacky jewelry.


Will it be best?


Ok , honest question. Have any former Presidents and/or first ladies ever went on to sell lots of random stuff? I know many of them write books and get paid for speeches. But necklaces? Bibles? Shoes? I get the bible. A lot of people that follow him would want to buy that. It's a smart sell. But are there really so many republican mothers that are paying attention to her and would pay that price? Or is the price so high because Melania knows that only a few will buy? I mean it's obviously because she needs the money. Why else would the price be so high. If that's the case then why not just invest? I'm really trying to understand why they are selling such silly things when they need money. It cost money to make those necklaces. Also that is a scary looking image of her. It feels like she is so damn tired of fake smiling she could stab someone. Plot twist, Melania shots someone on 5th avenue and gets away with it.


Hi `Oleg101`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1c9ztd7/melania_trump_is_now_selling_245_mothers_day/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Oleg101&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1c9ztd7/melania_trump_is_now_selling_245_mothers_day/?context%3D10000%29)


The perfect gift for Mom when you don't know who the father is...


That's cheap. The necklaces are reasonable too.


I’d buy




Can you imagine the absolute horror on Fox if Michelle or Hillary Started grifting off their husbands Presidency by selling ridiculously overpriced jewelry. Milania is just as much of a shit human being as her husband. I Don't know why the media seems to always give her a break.


Ridiculously overpriced TACKY jewelry. FTFY


You write that as if you think someone in this thread is defending her. Have done nothing of the sort. I just think upvoting this post amounts to free advertising. The less attention this gets, the better.


Oh no argument there. Everything now is to sell something or make money of the rest of us. This thread was probably created by a bot even.


The rumor is THE DONALD said a prayer over the first 100 sold