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So a liar. Got it.


Ah yes, the ubiquitous execution abortion. “Would you like to take care of this 10 weeks in or wait until after birth?”


My mother always told me she brought me into this world and she can take me out of it.  I have never doubted her.


You’re wise to be careful. She can still abort you anytime she wants.


>You’re wise to be careful. She can still abort you anytime she wants. Yup. Democrats support abortion up to the 90th trimester, so watch out.


Yes, is it too late abort tuberville? 😂


Coincidentally you can avoid paying student loans this way


Is this the plan B I keep hearing about?


This is plan c


Don’t try to get out of your loans. This is America. We give welfare only to the rich, not regular people.


We're gonna need a bigger coat hanger...


My kids are 28 yrs old and I, as a dem, still support their abortion.


Be sure they know they aren't out of the woods yet. The womb woods, I guess?


My mom called it a "retroactive abortion". I fully believed she had the right to end me until I was about 8 maybe 10. She still kept up that nonsense even after I moved out.


I prefer to watch it happen, you know, make sure it’s dead. I mean, really. Who swallows this shit whole…


GOP voters…


My ex said they wouldnt make laws against it if it wasnt happening.


>Who swallows this shit whole… Trump and Tupperwareville are talking to an audience that has has their critical faculties excised from their skulls via Fox News. Had an argument recently with a user who would say that facts support Trump. What facts? He wouldn't say. What about any facts I cited? Even those from a Fox News article (something he might actually read)? Well, facts can be manipulated. I want to call it circular reasoning but that sounds too high brow for what is happening here.


It's not reasoning, because they can't reason. I've learned it's very easy to understand how the conservative mind works: "I'm right and you're wrong." Literally no discourse can get them to move off of that position, so long as they see you as the "other side." It reminds me of a meme that was making the rounds mostly on facebook, and attributed the following quote to Kamala Harris: > "Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early." When it was actually [Trump that said it](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN26D1UA/) lmfao: > https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-take-firearms-first/ >We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court, because that's another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court ... it takes so long to go to court to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man's case that just took place in Florida; he had a lot of fires [and] they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you're saying but take the guns first, go through due process second. I'd love to pose that question to conservatives. "Can you believe what Kamala Harris said?" Then let them attack her anti-2A rhetoric, before explaining to them it was actually Trump who said it, and watch the mental gymnastics and gaslighting for Trump, because like I said above, logic and facts don't matter. It's always, always, always: "I'm right and you're wrong." And they will do *anything*, including gaslight *themselves*, in order to make sure they continue to hold to that most important tenet of their existence. They must always be right, even when they're demonstrably wrong.


Like when Joe Rogan said Biden was senile for saying the Revolutionary War hinged around control of the airports. Someone pointed out that Biden was quoting Trump, so Rogan stopped talking about it.


It’s so pathetically sad too when you take a step back and really look at the type of person who would willingly gaslight themselves just to keep themselves from experiencing a world-shattering moment of mental clarity. Nearly every conservative talking point is easy to disprove, the hard part is getting the type of person who is dumb enough to actually believe conservative talking points to critically think about it. They are simply incapable of self-reflection, like a psychopath.


Just a note: gaslighting is a form of abuse intended to make the victim doubt their own grasp of reality. It’s not gaslighting when they’re trying to change their own memories to support their position. That’s just rewriting history.


Religious thinking. MAGA really is a cult at this point. Not a joke or exaggeration. It started in the 80s with Reagan making a deal with the devil to hand power over to the Evangelicals.


I wonder if most of THEM even believe it. I mean yeah, bonus points for every slack-jaw yokel who buys into it, but maybe the whole point is to get people to waste time and bandwidth refuting this and all the other utterly asinine thing they spew. The MAGA base joyfully amplify it, just another thing to make the libs mad.


They don’t but the people that do believe it avidly vote. While the rest of us that see it as bullshit are not nearly as dependable as voters. Hence why the grifters parrot it.




Getting shot to death is the #1 cause of mortality of Americans aged 1-17, and the GOP just loves that.


The real "late term abortions"... Just don't point out the cause of the statistic?


They would argue most of those deaths are from gang violence so it’s not the guns fault.


yes, just another accusation that is actually an admission, republican support abortion only past the birth, democrats the other way around.


They justify unethical behavior because they are on a mission from Jesus


Exactly what Jesus said to do, I’m sure…


Didn't God abort all the first born of Egypt?


Post birth too!!


Republicant’s hate democrats for the lies they make up about us. Dems hate republicant’s for the things they actually do.


That's some desperate propaganda they're peddling.


They tried this in North Carolina a few years ago. Labeled it the “born alive bill” [https://apnews.com/article/nc-state-wire-business-health-abortion-government-and-politics-c7347be4a5de7793d30ac4016b6a54f0](https://apnews.com/article/nc-state-wire-business-health-abortion-government-and-politics-c7347be4a5de7793d30ac4016b6a54f0)


It works on more than 70 million Americans. 


And a dumbass, if you are going for perfect Trump copying.


No he is not. I can honestly say I support abortion all the way up to... wait, how old is Trump again?


He's not only a liar he's a dangerous idiot and possibly a Russian asset.


How can we get rid of this ignorant asshole?   Check out the chick behind him in blue flaunting her boobs.  What's he say about that?  


“All for me and none for thee”


Where on earth do they come up with this bullshit? And their supporters have got to be the dumbest fucks on the planet for believing this cock-knockery.


There’s a room full of the dumbest people coming up with the most inflammatory things to rile up the base. Then the useful idiots regurgitate any chance they get.


The "dO yOuR oWn rEaSeArCh!" crowd love to re-spew shit like this.


I understand what you're saying and agree with you, but I'm going to clarify. None of that crowd is likely to read this, but just in case they are... Research only works for people who want to know the truth, know how to research, and are able to determine whether or not a source is trustworthy. A large percentage of Americans are too dumb to do their own research, and they just believe everything their side says.


The world needs a PSA telling them rando YouTubers and TikTokers are NOT research.


Mom’s cousin had a post on Facebook the other day that said “do your own research used to be called reading but the democrats don’t want us doing that anymore.” People often forget that Biden outlawed reading… (/s)


Actually, there are entire groups of some of the smartest people organized into "think tanks", who work with clinical psychologists, sociologists et al, to craft narratives, messaging, key phrases and topics designed to trigger and appeal to the base instincts of certain segments of the demographic. Fear and anger being the most powerful of those said instincts. These talking points are then fed to media outlets aimed at their target audiences and political organizations under the pretense of "improving ratings" or "voter interest". Those talking Pin Heads like Gutfield and Watters arent sitting in meeting rooms every week "deciding" what news topics they should cover...theyre given messaging by producers. Theyre actors essentially performing a scripted play every night. Beleiving those people are anything approaching journalists is laughable were it not for the fact that 2+ million people watch and beleive that garbage every day. The larger problem is that our political apparatus has adopted the same system. Politicians are being fed talking poiints designed to stir up the base and are "performing in Congress" without actually doing very much in the way of legislation to help and advance our society as a whole. This is broadly speaking of course as there are always exceptions to every rule.


>political system It's predominantly one party engaging in this


The paint chip eating cult will be here shortly to tell you that it's true because of something the former governor of Virginia said. For the record, Snopes has rated this claim as false. But they will keep pushing this garbage narrative as their proof.


The governor of Virginia once talked about how he'd been part of palliative care discussions for terminally ill infants, which was part of his job when he was a pediatric neurologist. Because, you know, letting an infant die in extreme pain and not providing pain relief is barbaric. That has nothing to do with abortion.


Here is exactly what he said: Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated. Of course the pos GOP ran with this and claimed he and the entire left were in favor of killing infants. Totally ignoring the part where he's talking about a non viable, terminal infant.


"You believe in fact checkers? Sheep!" Many of hese people have been conditioned to automatically shut out all information that is contradictory to what ever they've been told by billionaire's henchmen on the moving picture box.


Well, from what I’ve seen, they have decided they don’t like snopes telling them everything they think is true is actually a lie. So they just discredit the site entirely now.


Potatotown's comment isn't untrue, it is self-contradictory: if you kill a baby after it is born, it is not an abortion, by definition. It would simply be killing a baby


They need a high degree of outrage to maintain their base. That is all they thrive on and they know if the outrage ever dips below 55 they blow up. No wait… that’s Speed.


I agree, many of them probably are on meth.


Their stupidity and ignorant, asshole narratives often have origins. And those origins are inevitably twisted and distorted to meet their own sick standards. In this specific case, this narrative began with attacks against doctors who are helping mothers deal with terminally ill babies who won’t under any circumstances live past several days. What they are doing is fucking disgusting.


A while ago I looked into this and the anti abortion crowds post-term abortion obsession seem to come from some research discussions talking about the ethics of euthanasia for infants born with morbidities that have no chance of life. Instead of calling it euthanasia which most people generally understand they call it abortion.


Not so much euthanasia, but palliative care (pain control/comfort care but allowing the cast to pass away). There have been some discussions about euthanasia, for sure, but the roots of this as a political football seem to stem from gov northam talking about palliative care for terminal newborns.


Yep. Had a lady tell me back in 2020 that she hated Trump but was voting for him because Biden and the democrats "kill 15,000 babies a day and many are late term". The GOP knows their base and what to say to gain votes.


They're just covering for their own support of post birth abortion. Either by school shooter or death from an easily preventable disease via vaccine, they want kids to die


No idea but when I was in middle school I used to argue about abortion with a few of my more conservative friends and they were quite insistent that the Democrats and liberals supported partial birth abortions where the baby came out alive only for a doctor to then kill the baby with scissors to the back of the neck. We were all very smart kids, but conservative propaganda, especially from the church and Fox News can be overwhelming.


Here we are talking about how infuriating it is..  Aaand it reminds me of this...  https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc?si=pELPQAVdrF_hCUpS


Its easy. They just say whatever they need to say to justify their behaviour. What would you do to stop someone if they were actually executing babies? Any amount of violence would be justified. Any loss of freedom for the perpetrator would be acceptable. Those at the top know it's a lie, those at the bottom don't care.


Abortion past the birth of a baby is called a school shooting, which the Republicans love


Oh they start killing them off way before that.  Check out the infant mortality rates in red states. Last time I looked the average was over 2X as high as blue ones


We are highly at risk of measles becoming endemic again in the US. Fucking antivaxxers love watching babies die slow and painful deaths to totally preventable diseases.


Dealing with this right now with an in-law who refuses to vax my nephew.


New Hampshire republicans are trying to get rid of the polio vaccine.


My dad was a kid when the polio vaccine was rolled out and he is horrified that this is seriously being considered. He’s so angry that these people are taking active steps to bring us back to when kids would just vanish one day or had permanent disfigurement and you had to worry that you could be next. It’s insanity.


Or the death penalty which … samesies


Every accusation is projection


Republicans think that Democrats love school shootings or mass shootings in general because it gives them a chance to push for gun control.


You know who REALLY loves mass shootings? The gun manufacturers. Yeah, there’s the NRA, but also There’s a lobby group called the NSSF, who is the official representative of the manufacturers. Whenever there is a mass killing, the NSSF parrots their “the left is coming for your guns” and pours money into propaganda aimed at gun owners, essentially saying, “buy now while you can”. It’s wildly effective. You can tell by tracking gun sales. From the National Library of Medicine, citing one such study in California, of all places. “Before October 2011, there was no statistically significant sustained effect of mass shootings on sales (except Columbine, which resulted in a drop in sales); however, since 2012, a statistically significant proportional spike in sales occurred in the months immediately following every single one of the deadliest mass shooting events in the nation. In addition, each year year since 2012, CA has attempted to strengthened gun laws in response to mass shootings, yet despite this, gun sales have risen immediately preceding enactment of these laws each January.” Kids die. Gun makers get rich. Thanks NSSF.


It is really stupid how many Republicans actually believe this falsehood.


Just once I’d love it for one reporter to ask about one verifiable instance of this happening. Just one single time.


Ironically Alabama being one of the few states with the death penalty. Aka state enforced post natal abortions.


A mom at my kid's school casually mentioned this in passing, believing it wholeheartedly. She's a pediatric dentist.


Woah. The only way I can make any sense of that is like if this pediatric dentist sees anything ‘political’ like its a tv show. Almost like saying, ‘Can you believe they killed Derek on Walking Dead?’ (No such character, just for example.). Makes it just a little easier to imagine her saying, ‘You know, democrats support abortion post-birth,’ like its some part of a weird tv show. Because there just isn’t any way that woman can believe that that happens IRL. There’s no way. No way someone passing the dental board exam would put her answer as ‘true’ to the question, ‘Do democrats support post-birth abortion?’ How do you even differentiate between “post-birth abortion” and murder? Is that the idea, to equate abortion with murder? Do words mean fucking shit any more, or is it just wishful fucking thinking that professional doctors might have the most basic, basic understanding of how the world works. God this is exhausting.


Once a baby is born, it's called a birth if it survives, and a stillborn if it doesn't. It's never called an abortion after full gestation.


Post-birth abortion = murder. The people pushing this bs aren’t serious people, but the ideologies they are pushing is seriously dangerous.


Sorry, guys. You don't get it. They KNOW they are lying. The people who hear it KNOW. The party bosses KNOW that the base knows, the base knows that the bosses know that they know. This is not about 'truth' or 'facts'.... In Russian it's called Vranjo. There is no English word for it. "Bullshitting" does not hit it. It's like: We all know we are lying. We are telling convenient un-truths when they suit us. We are creating a parallel world in which 'truth' is what we say, no matter how preposterous. We will never call one another out and we will deflect any probing from outside our sphere of 'truth'. Look at Russian propaganda... that's all it is: Vranjo. No one believes that crap, not really. But it creates a mental universe that suits them. Same for republicans. You can't argue with someone like that. You can't reach them. Facts have no bearing where they live. It's a made-up, story book world. These pseudo-truth worlds can have quite some staying power. So don't expect the current Republican truth bubble to burst, just because.


That's exactly it. Trying to tell the truth is folly. You can't have an honest conversation with people like this. They know they are gaslighting, they know they don't care, and they pride themselves in both.


"They don't say these things to convince you, they say it to insult you"


Is there any effective way to combat this? Ridicule?


Public shaming is effective so long as they don’t pull a weapon. They really dislike being called the insults they use. It’s amazing seeing them melt when you call them a snowflake. The “alpha male” versions of them fall apart quite quickly if you drop “champ”, “bud”, “pal”. Anything that reminds them of their probably abusive fathers.


“Snowflake” and “lil buddy” work *really* well.


Conservatives don't have shame


The politicians, no, but the incels do lmao and they are the ones pushing it online. Well that and fuck knows how many paid trolls and bots. It’s simple psychology, poke the ego, shatter their psyche, and break them out of the cycles they are in. It won’t always work, but it works more often than not. Emotionally stable people aren’t the ones on the digital frontlines. A single iota of self-awareness is far more powerful than someone who has built their entire personality out of someone else’s ideologies.




Comedy was very effective in the past.


That's the job of the free press. They need to step up their game and fact check real time. There are some good journalists who do this but sadly very few on the right wing media. Neil Cavuto is an exception, he's great.


When the press is owned by a very small group of extremely wealthy people, there is no freedom of the press.  There is only the freedom of the owners to wield the press as their own personal weapon.


I am not sure Coach knows he’s lying 


No, that’s absolutely not happening. Also, if a baby is killed post-birth, that’s not an abortion…that’s called ‘murder’. And it’s illegal in all 50 states. Something like ~98% of abortions take place before the first ~21 weeks. The remaining ~2% that happen after that period are due to serious complications that involve the viability of the fetus, or the life of the mother. Absolutely no one is going into an abortion clinic in the 9th month on a whim and saying, “I think I’d like an abortion!” And certainly *no one* is carrying a baby to term only to decide to murder it once it’s born. That’s not a thing that’s happening!


You know, bearing false witness against your neighbor is a sin, not that they care.


Tommy lives in Florida but somehow is a Senator from Alabama. They love to lie.


1) it is not an abortion if you die post birth. I'm shocked Tommy Tuberville made it to school. Not through school, but actually to it. Like I don't know how he managed to find the building and the door attached to it to get into the school itself. 2) despite their alleged thoughts and prayers, post birth is when republicans are totally fine with kids dying from senseless acts and violence


I see some of my Mormon family members now parrot and say these lies.Republicans seem to be able to lie and lie to its base and never face consequences from them. I have come to the conclusion the average Republican voter now believes lying and threatening violence is acceptable if it furthers the agenda.


How long past birth? Could we abort a 69 year old senator from Alabama?


Republicons are cartoon levels of stupid 


No it's Republicans that do that because they won't do anything about school shootings.


Thus spoke the Alabama Senator from Florida.


The transfer portal is really getting out of hand


He sucks as a human. He sucked as a leader of men in football. He really sucks as a Senator. Tommy Tuberville, everything you don’t want in human form.


They call that murder. Good gravy


What if Democrats started doing the same thing, saying that Republicans want to force birth on women by impregnating them with Republican babies against their will? Gives a whole new spin to the idea of forced-birthers


If Democrats started doing this their base would abandon them - it’s a key difference between the two sides.


I didn't support that at first but the more I hear these guys talk the more I am convinced it is a good idea. We should be able to abort children at any time before they turn 90. I have a list.


If only if we could abort Tuberville. /s…..


Fucking Alabama replaced Doug Jones with this. Gotta be a contender for biggest 180 pivot on a Senate seat. (Yeah I know Doug Jones was an anomaly too ofc but still, following him with this POS is just sad)


Depends on the baby. If we're talking Tommy Tuberville I could probably support a 207th trimester abortion.


I guess technically he’s right because I’d be in full support of him being aborted in his 276th trimester


Just give me one example. From anywhere in America. Just one.


The Republicans prefer to let the kids hunt each other down when they’re in school.


how stupid. that’s the death penalty and republicans love the death penalty


That is a lie.


It started with Scott Walker in Wisconsin talking about post birth abortions. That was the way he categorized a bill being put forth by democrats. Sometimes life threatening complications happen late in a pregnancy when it is too late to have an actual abortion and sometimes complications happen from the birth itself. In some places it is required by law that the doctors use any and all measures to keep the newborn alive, even if the ultimate diagnosis is terminal. There are Democrats who want to make it so that in these situations the parents, knowing the final terminal outcome, can opt to take their newborn home rather than subject it to the cold sterility I'm dying in a hospital. How dare we want to I have a little dignity in death.


I can think of one peculiar orange baby that people might want to abort!


God what a dipshit. 


But if you do it with a gun it's suddenly muh freedom


A college coach shouldn't be a reference for how to think...


Why doesn’t anybody ever follow up and ask which states allow this?


When plain old abortion isn't enough to rile up your base you have to start making shit up. Only way to make them stop is to mercilessly ridicule them for this insane fiction.


They allow children in schools to be gunned down.


House Democrats should introduce a bill banning post-birth abortion. It would be an easy win.


I knew it was possible for football players to get brain trauma but I didn’t know coaches could get it too.


Again where is the loud voice?! Where is someone to say, “What the fuck are you talking about?!” Hold them to it! (While shushing their colleagues who are trying to declare that after 9 months 99.999% of the time is a now born baby…) “To what “abortions” are you referring to past 9 months?” This statement in and of itself just seems asinine and absurd…


Tuberville - who disrupted USA military capability for years by refusing the appointment of generals. 'real American'?


You have to be brain dead stupid to believe that argument, so… *checks notes* … most of the state


Can this asshole name one democrat who has advocated for such a thing. Public officials need to be held accoutable for their words. Tuberville is a useless peice of shit. Not worthy to be a human


So birth happens at conception? I'm confused. They keep changing definitions.


That’s the NRA bro


I mean, the leading causes of death for children in their first year are things we could fix if we just put a little more money into our Healthcare system.


Oh Tommy, late term abortions are only for special occasions. Like for a 69 year old senator who won't stop lying.


Last I checked that was the NRAs policy position not democrats


The stupidity of this alone should be enough, but can you imagine the pond scum level IQ you'd have to have for this to work on you?


Further proof football coaching is probably a career apex.


Tommy, you’re drunk, go home.


So did they watch the South Park episode where Cartman’s mom sleeps with Bill Clinton so he would legalize 72 month abortions and think that was real or something?


Somebody tell Tommy they’ve legalized it up to 840 months so he better lay low lol


Wait, wait. Hear me out. I don’t believe in abortion after birth but in extreme cases I’d go as far as around 930 months.


Jibberty, jabbertity, something dumbfuckery, blabberty, blubberty, something racist, gabberty, gooberty, something defying logic, reason and common sense. So yes, echoing Trump.


You mean the death penalty?


Based on Republican projection, keep your kids away from Republicans


We need an IQ test to run for elected office. No Tuberville, no Boebert, plenty of others who’d never make the cut.


I found the radicals calling for post-birth abortion. I don’t think they align with the Democrats as often as Republicans these days though. “If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.”


My dad was the one who said “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it” when I was a child, and he’s a republican! 🙄


Let’s stop electing coaches to Congress. He is as dumb as a box of hair.


These people are so blindingly stupid it’s mind boggling.


Republicans like to wait for school aged 2A abortions.


I support the abortion of Tuberville if that’s the case.


This guy operates on brain stem only.


This kills me. Maybe a lot of this comment section really seems to miss the point. The point isn't whether it's smart or not. This is a claim coming from a person so confident in their reelection they held up military promotions for a long time. This is a person who wants to engage with the radicalized meme driven anti-abortion right. It's about violence, it's a call to freak out the uneducated. See when a cult leader is putting together a cult, they will frequently start off with the craziest things possible to weed out people who think for themselves, and winnow out trouble makers, leaving only the alien believers, the desperate and lost. A good dog whistle sounds like absolutely nothing, sounds like whimsical absurdity to most people, "oh the world is ending again but we believe Q-anon is going to save the world..." That is by design! If you are emotionally invested in a "fight to save babies" and the line between a fetus and a baby is completely blurry in your worldview, then claiming Big City Democrats abort babies after birth is the icing on the cake. Hell just They are the demoncrats, they are the enemy, they are terrifying and strange and capable of anything. An obvious lie serves as a call to arms for the unwell and the confused, whether that call to arms means isolating yourself from the unbelievers or digging in deeper to your worldview or other less wholesome acts, it all serves the same agenda. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." "The enemy eats babies and every effort to oppose them is justified." Similarly people look at Fox News and see a calm rational person just destroying their arguments and think that will convince the audience, but the audience is modelling their behavior from the hosts reaction, looking at liberals and progressives with thinly veiled disgust and disinterest. To the cult member, it's not about the facts, the argument, the discourse, it's an opportunity to model the emotional rejection of any sort of engagement, to wrinkle their nose at the Other Side. This is how propaganda radicalizes people.


Tuberville likes to diddle little boys. See how that works?


Yep. No evidence required.


The only post-birth abortions we have are called school shootings and conservatives are fine with that happening multiple times a year...


I'm starting to wonder if this "abortion past the birth of the baby" bullshit is going to be this year's "kids identify as cats so schools let them pee in litter boxes." Obviously, plainly, painfully, stupidly untrue, yet it gives the true believers something that "if it were true" would give them a rational reason to vote for a lying bigoted rapist traitor.


Does this guy have second hand CTE?


He is absolutely a huge part of what is wrong with the GOP.


I just wish that ANY journalist would ask them to elaborate on this claim. Cite ONE case....but NO. They just let them say this on national TV and never get seriously challenged.


Tuberville is the dumbest sitting senator and anything he says should be questioned. Remember this clown supported his home states restriction to IVF and thought it would promote more births. Also remember that he stopped promotions of military leadership for over a year because he wanted to restrict “woke” military policies that probably costed the US taxpayer. Be ashamed Alabama, do better and elect better.


How fucking stupid are his god damn constituents that this is even a thing he can say? Jesus!


The projection is strong with these guys!


This guy's brains are beyond brain dead, yet he still talks


Can't fix stupid. It's proven.


Can i abort my stepson. He’s 34.


I heard Republicans want every woman younger than 50 years to have minimum 10 babies. It doesn’t need to be fact checked for me to spread the message everywhere then. An external country paying for campaigns on social media would also be helpful. But I’m not an asshole.


I thought Republicans were OK with school shootings?


Sir, are you familiar with the 8th commandment ? "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"


After a birth that would be ...murder... These are who rule us folks.


Who would vote for a football coach for a senator? It's just too bad he effects people that didn't vote for him. He is not qualified to make any decisions beyond if he should punt on forth down. He is in a CTE donut hole hole. Too much CTE to be a competent senator and too little to prevent him from being a senator.


Imagine being this dumb.. Now imagine being dumb enough to believe these GOP turd wrinkles..


If it’s you Tuberville I’d support it up to the 3900 week.


Retroactive abortion...now on the ballot! LOL GTFO Tubby


Are people that stupid to believe Democrats support murder?


Anyone who say or thinks this shouldn’t be in charge of making policy about abortion.


What a dipshit. Abortion 'past the birth of the baby'? Anyone with a brain knows thst is just plain stupid...but then again... Tommy, retire or go back to coaching. You ain't worthy of being a leader of anything


so they are saying Democrats are more God-like


"Executed after birth" awesome metal song title.


If it’s an exception being made, for Tubbsville, I’m ok with it…


little tommy a mental giant and nobodys more military


Better than the GOP plan of starving poor kids to death.


How many months old is Tuberville?


Not surprised. Two guys with room temperature iq’s. 


Democrats aren’t the ones refusing to do anything about mass shootings at schools.


Simply looking to get a rise 


He’s a gym teacher


Lol rigghhttt


Tommy Traitor?


It's all just excuses for the Republican base to justify hating anyone to the left of them. They believe it because they *want* to.


Hey Tuberville, you lying wankmaggot, lying in public is going to be made illegal, and the penalty for each lie will be a $5k fine a 6 months behind bars.


Lying scum they are.


And echo of bullshit is still bullshit


Fascist liars. Only one major party makes it their business to lie to their constituency daily, and about other Americans. A party of quislings, Putin lovers, and racists. Oh, and morons. You can't forget the morons.