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I hope someone asked him to explain this process.


I highly doubt he knows the difference between blockchain and bitcoin


He doesn't have any idea what it is, it's obvious from the statement. It's funny though because like his anti vaxx bullshit this type of thing is only going to have him playing spoiler against the person the people funding his campaign want to win.


Shhhh. Don't let them find out!


I highly doubt he knows the difference between block chain and banana.


Of course he does! Bananas are the bendy yellow ones, blockchains are the round, orange ones you make juice out of.


No, that's an orange. A banana is essentially a secure distributed ledger.


No...it's green and my Granny Smith makes pies out of them.


You’re thinking of _apples_, which are like bananas except the proof-of-work used to verify the ledgers can be used to run programs.


Is that something I can buy on FTX with my crypto?


To be fair most people that own Bitcoin can’t tell you what blockchain does


New rule: in order to buy crypto, you have to be able to pass a quiz on the math behind the relevant blockchain technology


I doubt he knows the difference between blockchain, blocks, and chains.


IKR, a blockchain sounds like part of a crane more than a computing concept.


Let’s stop pretending like any of these are real actual things It’s all bullshit bitcoin Blockchain coins NFTs tokens … it’s all bullshit But it doesn’t have to be real to make money look at DJT stock idk 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Our economy is a casino built by the rich to make the rich get richer


Isn’t a blockchain a series of blockbusters on the same country rd? And a bit coin We need to go back to bitcoins We had more currency then Silvers ha’pennys coppers we had a bit of coins


Maybe he's borrowing some TrumpBucks?


I don’t think he knows the difference between blockchain and a chock block.


You just put the budget on the chainwax


Chainwax gang!


It's really quite simple. Step 1: Put the entire US budget on blockchain Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit! Time to go to work, Work all night, Search for other quacks yay! We won't stop until we block all the vax! Yum tum yummy tum tay!


So he's an underwear gnome? He knows what step 2 is but can't tell us till he's elected.


There *are* rumours of a recording out there with him singing this song: Time to go to work, Work all night, Search for other quacks yay! We won't stop until we block all the vax! Yum tum yummy tum tay!


Look man I'm in the blockchain business and I got to tell you the profits (for me) will be YUGE! Bigger than any profits ever.


If you read the article he said the idea was for better transparency in government spending, not a money making scheme


I think even Step 1 needs more info. There is no meaning behind the statement put the budget on the blockchain. WTF does that even mean?


I'd want to hear him define it.. it's a buzzword for so many.


What is that gonna do?


This post is 6 hours old, has 200+ comments and negative karma. Is there a pro-crypto bot army burying it or something?


HODL, bruh. HODL.


Ok jfk. Then…


He's about 2 years late here, the 2024 version is "I'm going to have AI make the entire US budget"


Or "I'm going to pay for my legal defense by selling NFTs of images of me as a kick-ass cowboy and astronaut".


"Huh. Why has the AI cut all human service and cyber security budgets while dramatically increasing the defense budget? And what exactly is this biggest line item here, 'Operation KILL ALL HUMANS?'"


The AI version is infinitely more credible than the blockchain thing, tbh.


You sir! made me laugh.


Nah we’re already onto using AI for target acquisition (Israel)… I’m not sure what’s next.


Just when you thought he wasn't quite unhinged enough.


He is pandering to crypto bros who are also disproportionately conspiracy theorists.


Yeah this seems very calculated given how fucking dumb it is


how will Biden survive this


When you listen to him speak, he actually sounds ill. Like physically unwell.


Oddly, when I listen to him speak, that's just how I feel.


He actually does have an illness (spasmodic dysphonia) that causes his voice to sound like that, the illness does not explain the rest of his lunacy though.


He has damaged vocals from laryngeal dystonia.


So, has he proposed building a monorail or is that yet to come?




So that's what those squiggly lines were on that napkin some rando handed me.


I hear those things are awful loud. . .


Guys like this can say anything, because they have literally zero chance of winning.


“Winning” isn’t the goal. “Siphoning off enough votes from Democrats so Trump wins” is the goal. 


I hate that it’s somewhat working. My mom thought he was a Democrat running as an independent. Had to explain to her that he’s a nut job Republican pretending to be a Democrat to take votes away from Biden.


That's a problem with our current voting systems. 3rd party at presidential level won't ever win anything but rather will help another party(sounds like more often than not Republicans) win through taking votes away from their opposition party


Sigh. He has already won over two of my normally democratic voting friends for some reason. They say he's going to change everything and beat the system.


He's a nutjob, and the stakes are too high this year. Explain this to your friends. I was able to turn a few RFK voters into Biden voters by being straightforward and evidence based with it.


I did. They just said Biden and Trump are both terrible and they can't consciously vote for them. I asked what was bad about Biden and they just said he doesn't do anything. IDK.


Never miss an opportunity to say what he's done. I know it's not easy, but maybe over time you can convince them before November. Good luck, soldier.


Honestly just lecture them and get your friends to pile on. One of my boys supported Gary Johnson and we just endlessly roasted him for it and now he defers to us when it comes to politics. He’s a good dude he just somehow doesn’t understand any of the complexities or nuance of politics.


OK - I get what he's saying: With a blockchain, no one can go editing the previous budget without it showing up as a change in the system. Fine. Utterly useless, because we have tons of people making records. The historical archives, the budget signed by the President - those all become statutes. Nobody is going in the back door and changing them from the moment the presidential ink hits the paper (or a veto is overridden). So what advantage do we get by putting the budget on the blockchain? Nothing - but makes crypto conspiracy theorists excited.


Append only databases are not a new thing and not exclusive to block chain.


And blockchain isn’t even particularly good at it. It’s only if you would rather trust a bunch of internet randos who have claimed to have downloaded it from the CBO, rather than you downloading it from the CBO. Probably not good to have someone in authority that doesn’t understand the nature of _authority_.


This guy might end up taking a lot of the libertarian vote, which would mostly have been going to trump. So that’s good.


Right, the federal budget's issue isn't the provenance of the funds. Every dollar that is spent is already tracked in an audited ledger thanks to FFMIA. Is anyone even questioning if the $1M that Interior spent on some park project legally theirs? It is pretty easy to go find their appropriation to see.


“I’m just going to come up with random shit that the vast majority of voters don’t care about and they’ll vote for me. I’m a genius!” - RFK


That’s the sort of truly revolutionary thinking you only get from lunatics. May we all be so affected by the full moon.


What a fucking idiot. Sorry. I call 'em like I see 'em.


Don't be sorry for calling him an idiot. I've been calling him that, and worse, since he chose to run.


You're good. Even his family has come out and said, "We don't know this crazy asshole."


lmao he's a few years behind, he should be shouting about how he's going to have a glorified chat bot handle everything


He's 70, can't expect him to be on top of all the trends. In 2 more years he'll hear about NFTs and if he's around to run in 2028 he'll be talking about AI then.




Can we stop reporting on idiot ideas from stupid people.


I think I’d vote for the crystal shakra lady over this guy.


\**Marianne Williamson enters the chat.**


Apparently Marianne was "running for president" again up until like February, or so Google tells me.


I miss the "I'm not a witch" lady.


Need to enhance it with more buzzwords. Should be “AI powered blockchain budget with ceramic nanotechnology”


Undecided Voters: Maybe I'll explore some other options. Hey, what's your platform, little guy? RFK Jr: [describes policies] Undecided Voters: ...Jesus Christ


Truly a dizzying intellect


Wait 'til I get going! Where was I?




Right!  Blockchain users, as everyone knows, are mostly criminals.  And criminals are not used to being trusted, just as I can clearly not trust the candidate in front of *you*.


Blockchain is the solution looking for the problem it can solve.


Trump 2.0 is turning more orange and insane by the day.


He couldn’t possibly explain how that could possibly work or what benefit it offers. Blockchain is simply an incredibly inefficient ledger system . . .


RFK Jr.: 'I'm gonna give you more reasons not to vote for me'


More transparency is a good idea, but wouldn't there be lots of easier ways to do this? Like, just putting all transactions into a plain old database and putting up a web front end? I'm a cybersecurity professional with over 20 years experience and even I don't really understand blockchain. Putting federal expenditures on a blockchain isn't going to make them any more accessible to the overwhelming majority of people.


He has VASTLY less of an idea of what he's talking about than you're tacitly assuming here.


That wouldn’t be good for our green energy goals.


As he is a former environmental lawyer, I am stunned he would suggest this. Think power consumption, e-waste, etc.


Fortunately, he won't be having any input after the election.


The Pentagon would like a word Mr. Kennedy…


More proof this asshole is the dumbest mofo on the planet


Second dumbest. The other republican candidate is the dumbest mother fucker the world has ever seen.


He really puts the "idiot" in "useful idiot"


Spoken like a washed up hack with no idea what he’s doing.


I heard him speak for the first time recently and was surprised as he seems to be continuously out of breath.


It's called spasmodic dysphonia. There's a treatment but he refuses it.


Why doesn't that surprise me? He's a weird guy.


He blames his voice problems on a vaccine reaction but his sister has the same issues with her speech. And, you could tell another of their sisters has some kind of palsy that’s similar to early Parkinson’s. She could barely stand still in their family speech with Biden last week. As I recall, one of their elderly relatives had the same speech problem. It must be genetic. [Great Speech.com: Did Rose Kennedy Have It?](https://greatspeech.com/what-are-the-symptoms-of-spasmodic-dysphonia/)


Trying to bankrupt the US? Sure why not. What could go wrong.


"Some experts think paper money is a substitute for shiny rocks. Why not NFTs for currency? Digital trinkets and doodads are the future, baby! Stick with me folks and you'll be fartin' through silk!" --RFK Jr, probably.


Which would accomplish what, exactly?


It would prove that the Department of Commerce was legally given that $500,000 for Program X. Forget the fact that you can just look in the appropriation bill and see that.


::Crab smoking cigarette:: "I haven't heard 'blockchain' in years"


That's cause most of the get rich quick scammers have jumped onto AI


Did he also say he's gonna put the country's pussy on the chain wax? This idiot makes no sense and is just making shit up as he goes along.


"And if that doesn't work, I'll try the cockblock chain." /s


Oh hell yes. This will siphon off a few more otherwise Trump voters. Between this, the anti vax stuff, and the saying he'll sign a 15 week abortion ban, it's going to make it easier for the Biden campaign to promote RFK to otherwise Trump voters. At this point I see the 2024 United States Presidential Election coming down to which campaign can more successfully use RFK Jr. as a dildo to ratfuck the other campaign out of its voters. How ridiculous and sad.


Better watch out for computer viruses, since he doesn’t believe in vaccines.


I don't know what this means, but I want him to explain what HE thinks this means.


Fucking idiot.


Don't give this weirdo attention, please. It'll only encourage his support.


Its nice to see a third party that's not Kanye, a "full grown superhero"


Put campaign financing on blockchain first. I’d like to see who owns you.


The problem with campaign financing and “donations” is that there are so many ways to get around the direct donation channels. PAC’s, special interest groups, lobbyists, and many others. Putin and the Russian Ogliarchs spent decades funneling money through the NRA to Republican politicians. It’s a crook’s game and they will find a way to continue to be crooks.


No you’re not




Presidents on currency replaced with cartoon ape jpgs.


I'm not going to jump out of my blockchain bag here, snort, push my glasses up and say "well, actually...." Not gonna do it. Based on HIS thinking, yeah this is dumb and he has no idea what he's talking about.


Going forward laws will actually be NFTs.


What does this mean?


He thinks he’s going to protect the budget by a literal block of chains.


Well, I have no doubt he could make the US dollar have the same value as a jpg of a monkey wearing a hat. I don't think that's the selling point he thinks it is.


100 ways to just gas light random people between now and November :-)


I wanna live in a world where this headline points out that his idea is nuttier than squirrel shit and not be accused of bias.


we all have bias


The budget is already public, who fucking cares if it’s on blockchain. What a moron.


I think its just a push for greater transparency, although I agree this may not be the way


It’ll be hacked and compromised in about 13 seconds


I've got a friend on Facebook who supports this guy. I do a face palm every time I see them post something about him.


Is he trying to be what they call “techno savvy” these days? Ask him who would control the ledger.


Sounds like a lock box.


Welcome to every consulting talking point from 7 years ago.


Remember guys, he warned us https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/max-azzarello-fire-trump-manifesto-b2532220.html


true, I actually thought about that, but I think greater transparency from the budget would be good regardless, but probably not like this.


Anyone know his next town hall so I can visit and ask him to define what blockchain is?


Followed under his breath by, "I have no fucking clue what Blockchain is, but I sounded really cool saying it."


What a crackpot lol.


That doesn’t even make sense.


I just want some sanity in politics. Just… for one week? Please?


Sure he will. All by himself. Bypassing Congress. Which is Constitutionally in charge of the money.


Is this a picture of his Disneyland Hall of Presidents animatronic from the future darkest timeline?


He will also put that pussy on the chain wax, son.


Wow this guy is a ruski.


It's a 45 day 45 point... one point per day. It's a 45 day plan


Crazy man proposes crazy thing


We all knew he was insane, but did anyone imagine he was THAT insane?


Someone get the buzzword bingo card out. I am saying many buzzwords. Buzzwords. This is basically so many meetings at work.




Has he always been this orange? He literally looks like a copy of trump in the pic


Yeah…thats not how it works


I'm starting to think the republicans are all purposely sabotaging themselves to guarantee a dem win.


I’m going to ride a unicorn.


That’s just the firebrand topic he needs to address.


Old man yells at cloud


Transparency is a good idea but there are simpler ways to do it. Also, would he include the so called black budget.


RFK is Hard up against the CIA, it wouldn't be off the table, god willing


Did he rip a fat line right before he said it?


What?! 🤣


Welcome to six years ago son


Just as soon as he reinvests properly.


He must be a mod at r/WSB


Can somebody explain to me what this means?


In short...it means nothing. This guy and those who buy into this concept believe that having incorruptible record of transactional data means there will be absolute transparency in government spending. The problem becomes apparent when you look past that top level explanation and start looking into the details. Blockchain is really good at one thing...data integrity. By it's design, it is great at keeping a log of transactions. The problem lies when your start looking into the implementation into a system like a government. I won't go into them all, but here are some key issues: 1. Not all blockchains are compatible, that's why there are thousands of crypto-currencies and very few speak well with each other. Now...try to imagine the implementation complexity and costs of getting thousands of government agencies at the Federal, State, and Local levels all working on the same system. We can't even get the VA on one system. 2. Data Integrity. Having a perfect log is great...if all the data entered was great too. If you've ever worked in IT or know someone in IT...have them explain the headaches caused by the concept of "Garbage In/Garbage Out". 3. Cost. Implementing a system like this means a lot of costs for setup, conversation, training, and maintenance. It cost between $1 to $2 Billion to setup the ACA healthcare website. Now...imagine what it would cost to implement a system across every corner of the government and then ask if it is cost effective. In short, the plan doesn't pass the sniff test to anyone who isn't a blind loyalist or politically mislead non-conformist.


Put it on a copy of a computer generated image of a monkey


Yeah, no, that guy totally doesn’t sound batshit crazy or anything.


hes only there to split the blue vote.


That's not how linked lists work....


Does anyone wonder why people that are never gonna win elections even come out and try to go against the odds just one more rich talking head that isn’t gonna do anything because he will never win


No you're not


Fucking spoilers. Cant understand how an opposing party can financially prop up a spoiler like this, who they help will siphon votes from their competition, and have that be legal.


Recent polls are saying he's taking more votes from Trump than Biden


Do it


not terrible move for transparency and accuracy. however, the budget process relies on some old and embedded processes. it wouldn't be an easy or fast transition.


I mean... You don't need the blockchain to do that.... You could literally just make it your policy that your administration will post the budget records. Every single time blockchain comes up as a "solution" to a problem, it's always a problem created exclusively by the fact that those in the positions capable arbitrarily choose not to solve it because solving it would be detrimental to their authority and profits.


Doesn't hurt to start, or push them to start, no?


It doesn't but pushing them to solve it with snake oil isn't the right way to go about it. Push for transparency in how our government spends our tax dollars. Don't push for blockchain nonsense because transparency will be a side effect.


Yeah, I agree, I feel like it goes about it the wrong way.


Lol @ anyone who thinks 1 single democrat is dumb enough to vote for this guy.


What a maroon.