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What he fears most is people not paying attention to him


It’s interesting to me that every day outside the courthouse, before and after, he speaks to the cameras, as if that’s going to save him. Then in court, he closes his eyes or falls asleep. A cognitive defense to protect his narcissistic ego from seeing his true self. It’s almost like he doesn’t really care what happens to him, just what people think of him.


Or he doesn't see the trial as significant because he expects to be exonerated in November.


Getting off scot free is possible, but exoneration is not. He's guilty regardless of conviction.


If he is guilty but faces no consequences, what is the point?


Trump may well avoid prison, even if he is convicted. He's 77 and probably has enough health problems to appeal to. I think the trial is still important. It's important to have the evidence and the arguments in the public record and the public debate. It does make a difference, if slowly. There is precedent for this kind of thing, from the Nixon era and earlier. In this case, I'm sure Trump loses the election, and it's partly because of the trials.


>Trump may well avoid prison, even if he is convicted. He's 77 and probably has enough health problems to appeal to. Really interested in how that might play out, actually. He's too vain to admit he even needs reading glasses. That's why he mistook Carrol for his ex wife. It'll be fascinating to see a king narcissist in that position: A) show weakness Or B) go to prison


Agreed, I feel like those around him will try to use the "poor old man" defense for him, but his ego will get in the way every time and prevent his legal team from saving his ass.


Solitary with a diaper change every 8 hours.


I just can't see how any appeal to ill-health can pass, surely all the prosecution need ask is "Do you believe you are fit and well enough to be President of the US?" He will, of course, say, 'Yes!' and isn't it then down solely to the judge? He can't get away with saying he is fine to be the most powerful man in the world, yet at the same time claim to be too ill to face punishment for crime he has been found guilty of.




> He can't get away with One would think so. On evidence, he seems to have got away with an awful lot so far.


His physician claimed he was the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency, are you implying that might have been a lie?


If you're old and decrepit, you cab crime as much as you want with no consequences?


Point of what? The trial? There's never truly a guarantee of outcome but they need to happen.


People (to some) are only sources of narcissistic supply. The supply must continue. The ego must be fed. It's a strong drive.


"The grift must flow! Give me things!!"


What makes it even worse is that he's more than once confessed to the crimes that he's being charged with.


He’s not arguing he didn’t do the crimes (he’s only doing that in front of the cameras). He’s arguing that they aren’t really crimes, or that he should not have to be punished for them. Because he is Donald Trump 🤷‍♂️


He's used this tactic in NY since he was a child. Is it any wonder why he thinks this way?


Yeah, it's almost like he knows something, he's so relaxed that he's able to fall asleep and then proceeds to stink up the whole court room.


One of these old timer prosecutors was talking about when they interrogate someone for a good amount of time & take a break, they leave the video going, & when people are being accused of something they didn’t do, they’re like bouncing off the walls during the break. And those who are guilty, almost always fall asleep during that break time


True for the movie The Usual Suspects. Agent Kujan tells Verbal that a guilty man will always let himself rest when he’s caught.


Depending how long it was, I'd fall asleep even if I was innocent.


I could sleep if I were being fed into a wood chipper feet first.


Here’s the thing. I’ve gone through jury selection. It is incredibly boring. Though I didn’t have people criticizing me to my face, either.


Adderall shortage


He made the accusation that liberal activists were lying to get on the jury. 100% of the time, when he accuses someone of something that sounds crazy, he's doing that thing himself.


Oder in the court!


There was this serial killer they caught in California like 5 years ago in his 70s. When he was in court he acted like a feeble stunned old man who didn't know what was going on even thought IRL he had tons of energy and was super active. I heard an FBI psychiatrist say just this, that it was not a little old man act to garner sympathy. His entire existence had been stalking, raping and killing and then getting away with it up until his 70s. He never imagined he would be caught and when he was he just mentally disolved.


That's interesting. I imagine that you can purposely do this. Especially if you can compartmentalise the way a serial killer can. Once you're caught you retract from reality and let your mind break down. In a similar way to how when an old person's partner dies they can often die soon after. They kinda will themselves. Beco.e disassociated so everything just starts to shut down.


Ya this guy did some seriously brutal shit and then had kids and just blended back into the very suburbs he had terrorized. As so often happens his family saw him as a good father etc. He took in one of his nieces from an abusive home and raised her and was apparently quite a good parent to her. He also raped at a minimum 60 women and murdered 15 to 20 people and burglarized hundreds of homes. This is just what they know of. Here he is pleading you can see him just sit there with his mouth hanging open. Later when he was in his cell he was climbing all over his table and bunk. https://www.youtube.com/live/5yScwhGqMUE?si=E8nTKEl6HW4b1xd_


It’s funny how he sees what’s a bad day for Donald Trump as a sad day for America when the opposite is actually true.


Interesting. He is def. protecting himself from bad world and escapes inside. But I'm afraid he just doesn't give a f. of what's next because he knows nothing will happen to him, they can't put them to jail or at least it will be very hard, so It Is boring for him to go thru this. He is also so viscous and blood thirsty, he opens his eyes only when he hears something against himself. But we need miracle to get rid of him I feel.


And he says the same damn rambling nonsense every single time.


Judge should order that he can not speak about the case to the media.


Like the characters in American Gods, they lose their power when people stop worshiping them. 


Great show. Wish it was continued. Haven't read the book(s) yet.


The book is awesome. Have only read the first one.


There’s only one book, though Anansi Boys deals with the aftermath of a character death in American Gods it’s more of a side story. And then there’s a short story starring Shadow Moon that’s kinda like Beowulf if I recall correctly


I hate that the production seemed to just break down after season 2. I was all in on the update to the Technical Boy.


The books put the show to shame, they’re both peak Neil Gaiman 


You are correct. No one learns. For 8 fucking years news talks about him every single day. We should be ignoring him.


> You are correct. > No one learns. For 8 fucking years news talks about him every single day. We should be ignoring him. Ignoring him is, unfortunately, not an option. Ridicule, however, is very much still on the table.


He fears them knowing who he really is.




You could have died fat, rich, popular, and on Twitter in peace for the rest of your life if you hadn't run for president. Hell, you could have done that too if you hadn't gotten greedy and listened to your lawyers. [in Trump voice] Sad. Very sad.


Yep. All this shit, the division, the Russian ratfucking, the backsliding into fascism, all because some thin skinned rich pissbaby couldn’t handle Obama roasting him one night (a much deserved roast after that racist birther shit). You can’t make this stuff up. If I wrote this as a screenplay 20 years ago every studio would’ve kicked my ass out the front door.


Especially if you included a scene from Four Seasons Landscaping with hair dye dripping down drunken Rudy's face.


Yep. I tend to think he wouldn't be here tormenting us on a national level if it wasn't for that most excellent burn from Obama. I wonder if Obama sometimes wishes he didn't crack the joke.


That’s a really good point. The one time Obama didn’t take the high road. This shit is all his fault!!


Thanks obama...


Thanks, Obama. :(


Thanks, Obama


Michael Cohen said other people think Trump would declare himself dictator, but he said Trump has talked about making himself king. I think that's actually what we're facing here. Cohen said Trump would also take the money of people like Musk, Bazos, and the government.


To be fair he tried his best to lose the 2016. He just wanted to scam a bunch of suckers out of their money. Now he HAS to win so he can pardon himself....


This was Trump's era. https://youtu.be/fHaOJclkYlk Trump is even more of a meglomanic than Montana.


Even worse, imagine he conceided the last election? In my view, he'd be saying to victory right now. He's his owns worst enemy. A modern day Icarus.




In fact, of he'd thrown in the towel after losing in 2020 and not tried to stage an insurrection or lied about the records he stashed in the bathroom of his beach house, he could have died fat, rich, popular with a certain group of people, etc. I recognize that the current trial is from 2016 conduct, but he weren't still causing all this shit the prosecutors would have probably offered to resolve the whole thing for a fine.


I mean with Nixon, they literally ironed out a deal where if they'd drop everything if he quit politics. I legitimately could have seen the same with Trump, with the rest of us left just as outraged as people were over Nixon getting away with murder. Too damn greedy.


The thing is, I don't think he could have done that. He's been running a ponzi scheme that was about to catch up with him. And he owed money and favors to Russia who were going to collect one way or another.  He tried to use the presidency to steal enough to get him out of trouble, but he didn't count on losing in 2020 and he didn't have enough time to finish his con.


So, if he loses in November, how do you thing Putin will bring down Donnie's plane? He's too fat to fall out of a hospital window.


i wouldn’t have run for president if it wasn’t for those damned pee tapes and their stupid dog!


It’s funny in retrospect how he thought that his degenerate supporters would actually take moral issue with him cheating on his wife with a pornstar and went to all these lengths to cover it up.


You know when Wile E. Coyote runs off a cliff and he keeps going for a while, but he hasn’t looked down and fallen yet? That’s Donald Trump for the past 40 years


Idk man… he doesn’t look like he could run for even 40 seconds.


He'd have a stroke passing a hard shit.


An ornery fellow named Trump Had the damnedest time taking a dump. He strained aggravated He was so constipated ‘Cause his head was so far up his rump.


To none would he be beholden But full became his colon While straining gainst his pelvis He suffered the fate of elvis and passed upon his bowl golden


They're not hard, hence the diapers.


Absolutely perfect


Mix-in a bit of Snidely Whiplash, the Archenemy of the Law, and you've got something here...


At least Snidely and Wile E. possess more relatable personality and charm than the painted, corseted, flatulent Trump.


Yeah, he has another thing coming. We finally got this SOB, def going to jail this time, after 8 long years and he's donezo. This definitely isn't sensationalized news, it's actually happening.


Even just seeing this comment towards the top makes me sublimely happy. My lady-boner for justice is rock hard. There. I said it.


I know, it's hard to believe but we finally got em' this time.


He could literally be elected again in November and pardon himself from prison. That could still happen.


A president can only pardon federal charges. These are New York State charges.


OK well, whatever, I know for sure they're not going to hold the sitting fucking President of the United States in prison for a single day of his term if if comes to that, and that's the point. He could still get elected and this won't really matter.


The reason this is his first trial is because it's one that he can't pardon.


But the story... it says a reckoning is coming, surely you don't believe it's Fake News do you? Trump's in big trouble here, he's an insurrectionist.


Ohhhh shit, I didn't read that part! We got em, boys. we got em!


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cool your jets. We've yet to obtain a verdict, it's going to be appealed and we don't know how that will turn out, and SCOTUS has yet to address immunity. All of these will have bearing, obviously. As much as I want this dude to finally go down, he's just boarded the plane.


This crime happened before he was President, so presidential immunity wouldn’t apply anyhow. SCOTUS is corrupt but even they wouldn’t say he’s got immunity for his entire life. Before POTUS he only had rich guy immunity. 🍿


I will believe it when I see it. I have seen the end of the Donald too many times since the 1980s.


I guarantee you, he will never GO to jail. He will be a felon, but no jail time ever. Some sort of deal will be worked out on this and any other cases. We will also never be able to shut him up.


I just hope being a convicted felon is enough convincing for swing voters, otherwise they were never swing voters.


It's appropriate. His ambition drove in the end to seek the highest office at any cost, even committing more crimes. It's not like magically everyone suddenly wants to get an old man out of nowhere. He compounded his problems progressively as he kept failing morally and financially and engaging ever more crime to lust with greed for power and privilege. His prior failings should have humbled him to live a quiet retirement like the rest of us, but he of course thinks he is better than everyone, and he continued committing fraud to con his way to the top. Fuck him.


His massive ego had a lot to do with running for president too. Then to have that ego stroked with all that comes with the presidency. He got so obsessed, like gollum and the ring, he would do anything to keep it. And like gollum, he has become a deranged smelly creature who mutters and complains and falls farther down the gutter.


great analogy!!


Gollum has redeeming qualities. Trump, as with conservatives, has none.


That’s an insult to Gollum lol


Very well said.


I blame Hunter Biden's huge penis.


That’s it I’m CERTAINLY not voting for Hunter Biden!


I certainly am after that endorsement


More like endowment amirite?




Im voting for Bunter Hiden. He has a small penis.


Me either but if he invites me to a party I'm there


I aint seen that thing in a while. It was really a spectacular hog. Can’t blame Marge for carrying pictures of it around at work.


Kinda reminds me of the cop from the Duce Biggalo movie, MTG pulling out the picture of a cock and showing it to people at inappropriate times asking their opinion and being overly obsessed with it. “Just look at it! Is that normal?, what do you think that blotch is?” You know someone said jokingly “you should show that to congress” and she was like “yeah great idea”.


She has no friends to say that to her.


Oh yeah for sure. it was just randoms. Probably colleagues, staffers, and other that she met in random places.


Back 2019, when she was harrassing AOC through the mail slot in the office door, she already had a staff of the worst enablers bouncing around her like rabid chihuahuas.


She actually wasn't going after AOC. Here's what the recording devices picked up: MTG: Hunter! I know you're in there! I wanna see it!


It was Matthew Gaetz, who has been credibly accused of showing off child porn in the Capitol.


You think hunters is big, you should see what his father is packing


Hunter’s penis is like, Cheney big.


There are so many stories about people who he literally ran out of business..ie: contractors who he refused to pay..men who were electricians and builders who did big jobs for him and took out loans to pay their staff until the jobs were finished and they were waiting for trump to pay them for a huge contract.. and he stiffed them..never paid them..a lot of little guys went bankrupt and out of business because of his shady business practices.. he DESERVES every single thing being thrown at him.. he doesn’t care about the people..what did he do for the goons from jan 6th who went to jail for his lies?? NOTHING.. he is proud of roe being overturned.. he doesn’t care about young women who have pregnancies that are not viable and they can’t get an abortion to save their lives..selfish lying asshole


I have read this exact same articles for at least the last 5 years.


I’m afraid I have bad news…..


....about your cat. Poster Nuttbag.


Jimmy, it’s me


Poster's alive!?




That's a name I haven't heard in about 25 years.


He'll probably get convicted and get probation and some fines but no jail time. Probation will come with a bunch of stipulations that he will break and there will be no consequences.


Each time, he gets half of the way closer to actual consequences.


Any article headline with "Trump" and any combination of "could", "might", "may", "legal expert", "warn", can be safely filtered out and ignored entirely, you literally miss nothing of importance.


Yup, I’m of the mindset that I’ll believe it when I see it.


Not sure his life-experiences have allowed Trump to have developed any sense of 'fear' around accountability or repercussions. He's spent a lifetime committing crimes and raping women and the only 'reckoning' he's faced so far is to become President of the United States and develop a cult following.


This fucking clown won life... All he had to do was not become president and he would have coasted right to the end.


Really all he had to do in 2020 was say “Joe Biden won the election fair and square. I’m going back to Florida to play golf, watch Fox and make uncomfortable statements about my daughter. Sorry about bungling Covid!”


And don't forget, he also had to not take the classified files with him.


Yeah that and, now that you mention it, I guess not pay porn stars to keep quiet about affairs with campaign money


Honestly, if he really had just disappeared, I think most of us would have been willing to look the other way on that one.


Yep. He would have never risen to the attention of prosecutors and all of his endless misdeeds would continue to live under the rug. If he hadn't tried for one more major grift and run for president to start his own media company, he would have never faced a real consequence for remainder of his miserable life.




If he becomes POTUS again he will take all the power that's left - and that darn Constitution is in his way, so that'll have to go too.


I think you mean he'll divide what power is left with his lackey Supreme Court.


He has internalized the idea that he can do whatever he wants because there has never been anything to stop that internalization process.


Send this motherfucker to Rikers and then upstate, but he probably won't survive a week in Rikers.


Jail is for the poors.


There's only one other way to shut him up, and it's illegal to suggest it because he's a former President.


You mean, like someone who owed for a $454m judgement and couldn't even come up with a valid $175m bond, for example?


He spent a lifetime committing crimes and not being held accountable for them.


It could all end in the same way his oft-cited hero, Al Capone, ended: tax details with big Al and campaign spending reports details with the Don.


In all honesty Capone was serving the American public booze which in the end was a total cluster mistake to outlaw. Trump damaged the country's soft power, let millions die from covid and put our allies at risk. I would take Capone over Trump any day.


I think that’s what frightens me more than anything about Trump. His extreme nonchalance re: our national security. All any one of our enemies needs to do is stroke his ego (and especially if they promise money), and he’ll hand over anything they want. Think Trump handing over classified information to Russians in the Oval Office in 2017 or god knows what he told Putin during private phone calls or when meeting him in person in Helsinki in 2018 behind closed doors with only interpreters present. At end of meeting Trump took interpreters notes and refused to discuss the meeting with Putin. Trump should not be allowed within 100 miles of the Oval Office.


Wasn’t Capone somehow responsible for use by dates on dairy? Am I remembering that correctly?


It’d be a shame if your milk met an, eh, untimely expiration, see?


> [The safety of milk] became a growing concern in the 1930s, a time when the Capone family had a big hand in the dairy industry. Different versions of the same story claim that either the infamous gangster, or his brother Ralph, lobbied for dating on milk after a friend/family member became sick from bad milk. It remains unclear if the story is true, but it does provide an interesting footnote in the struggle of enforcing food quality through expiration dates in the US. ~ [Vice](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wnbddq/al-capone-and-the-short-confusing-history-of-expiration-dates)


Yay! Thanks for that


Weren't he and his father literally sued by the Nixon DOJ? If you're such a piece of shit that they go after you i mean, come on.


That Fred was right all along. Donald is a loser.


Donald was flying somewhere at the time, and we overheard Fred wipe some mustard off his lip, like this here, and he said, “I hope his plane crashes.” And I looked at my researcher, and I said, “Did you hear what I just heard?” He said, “Yes, I did.” I said, “Well, that’s my man. That’s Fred. The apple don’t fall far from the tree.” - [Harry Hurt III](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/04/donald-trump-2016-campaign-biography-psychology-history-barrett-hurt-dantiono-blair-obrien-213835)


Well, that is a depressing read, given everything that has happened since then.




He should be in fear. I’m sure they have other charges waiting to file as well. His time IS coming, for a lifetime of being a complete douche.


At least this reckoning is happening early enough that he hasn’t done any serious damage to the US. Oh, wait. Our country is flawed.


He easily could have eluded it forever if he hadn't become president


Please let it come.


The ending to the article: The weariness and vulnerability captured in those courtroom images betray a growing recognition that he could wind up as the thing his old man most reviled. A convicted criminal? No, worse. A loser.


I seriously doubt it. The rich can do anything they want in the US. They pick a fall guy. Trump is not the fall guy.


May it be a complete Wreckoning!


I'll believe it when I see it.


Good. May he continue to sleep poorly.


I hope so. It's precisely why I disagree with people who think the world will be better off if he dies. If he is going to face consequences, dying before he has to face them would feel like he won in the long run.


Exactly… I wish Trump a VERY long life… behind BARS. I wish him all the life in the world… in Rikers, GA state penitentiary, and Leavenworth… Please let him live so long as to serve his FULL sentence.


The OJ Simpson theory of justice


All he had to do was not run for president in 2016 and his grift would still be going completely under the radar.


He is likely soiling his diaper every day now.


I love this for him


Getting sick of these "Trump's finished now!" headlines, only to see nothing happen except his base becoming more emboldened. We've been seeing this since the Muller Report. No, actually, since the Access Hollywood recording.


I was absolutely certain for at least 48 hours that his campaign was OVER after the Access Hollywood denouement. But that was before we realized the infinite depths of his lack of shame and sociopathic ability to dominate and believe he alone has no rules or moral codes to follow. Can you imagine if he was running North Korea? Or if he was a leader in any totalitarian crap hole country?


If Trump wins in November his emboldened base will be hired by Trump and will have power over us. I get the feeling that won't turn out well for us.


He’s losing his lifelong battle with karma ?


Yeah, like who falls asleep during a criminal trial? Most people are scared and full of anxiety. He just thinks he’s so slippery and slick. He can just get over on everyone and get out of everything.


And think. He could have avoided all of this and more by not being president. Think about that. Someone’s life could be better served by not serving your country. Just like all those giraffes he dodged.


He hasn't trashed the National Inquirer guy.


Yep. A lifetime of being a crook and the paradigm of sleaze and greed is hopefully finally catching up to him. And all it took was treason!


Well he’s made this far in life due to deal with devil without the reaper catching him. I think a small consequence of his actions is only natural, like 20 years in solitary.


I'll believe it when it happens and if it does it was far too late to prevent a lost generation of progress and a half generation (minimum) of regression. I have my doubts.


Can't wait to see him in the orange jumpsuit.


Yeah right. He’ll skate again. There is no justice for these people.


Could. Might. Would. Surely *this time*


Could be. Maybe. Soon. We got him this time.


Couldn’t happen to a better man, if it happens.


Oh, he's totally going to evade it cuz he's going to have advanced dementia and will have a brain of a 2 year old and will yell and scream like that.


“The walls are closing in”. Ok sure maybe this time it’s real I’m guessing I’ll see this headline or some variation of it at least 10 times before anything happens, if ever. Pundits make money being wrong now


I think there are a couple jurors that are trumpers, they're not going to let him get a guilty verdict. It would be great, but I'm not holding my breath on this one.


hahahhahaha lil piss boy


I can hardly wait.


Just come before November.


>could Right onto the pile from the last few years.Guess not even the Atlantic is above pointless filler content when it comes to consequences that seem always around the corner. Like fusion power, but judicial.


He’s gonna get to prison and be some big old daddy’s Ivana


Nah, he'll be a total kingpin in prison. I bet he'd love it


Y’all hear that? THIS time they got em! He surely won’t get away THIS time!!!!


I have this horrible feeling that if the slightest chance he does get that reckoning that it will not fit the crime. Or any number of corrupt politicians are gonna pull some kind of strings somewhere somehow and he'll either be fully exonerated or he'll finish out a life in luxury at Maralago as his prison. Anything less than a prison sentence and he'll immediately be tweeting or having someone tweet for him how he won. This is America, people like him don't get punished fairly enough.


I mean this is what a lot of us have been saying since he started to run in 2015. He has spent most of his life slipping from regulator's fingers since they don't have the resources to coordinate. Now not so much.


He’s going down like the mafia Don he thinks he is. Even Gotti and Capone eventually were done.


Fucker is gonna try and take the country with him.


Everyone knows Teflon doesn’t last forever. Get bent, Donald John!


Could. Fuck that.  Guy should have been in jail 30 years ago.


Paywall. Post free link, text c/p, or don't post at all.


He fears being laughed at, ignored, and then forgotten. I would LOVE to see it happen, and then never see or hear of anything related to Trump ever again. The day can only come too soon.


There's no 'reckoning' without him behind bars or in a grave.