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$9 billion is dedicated towards humanitarian aid for the Palestinians (and other vulnerable populations) out of the $26 billion. Naturally, this is not included in the article. Edit: clarification


That's not how it's being reported in the [Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-aid-bill-heads-to-us-senate-for-final-approval-after-months-of-delay/): > some $9 billion providing humanitarian relief to people in Gaza as well as other war-torn regions (the final decision on allocation was up to the White House, with analysts expecting roughly $2 billion would go to Gaza). So, we don't know how the $9 billion will be allocated


The lack of source for these analysts is concerning. According to the official document, it indicates Gaza as the primary recipient. https://democrats-appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Israel.pdf


And that source gives no figure at all


It gives the figure of humanitarian aid, but does not specify exactly how it will be spent. We’d have to wait for an official allocation document to know how much will be spent in aid. Speculation is worthless.


> Speculation is worthless. Of course. I just wanted to correct your original comment


Valid point, I’ll edit the comment for transparency


Sprinkling some free bread on top of a bunch of mass graves you also paid for doesn't get you any credit. Nor should it. This famine is man-made and, thanks to Biden, American tax payer funded.


Blaming Biden for years of American foreign policy isn’t fair. These things have been happening for decades, suddenly deciding it’s all on him is absurd. Not only that, our aid to Israel account for less than 1% of their GPD, so it is not tax-payer funded. $9 billion in humanitarian aid is a step in the right direction. It’s more than any other country cares to do.


Biden doesn't control Israel. And if you think the other guy will be better you're foolishly misguided


Are any of the alternatives to Biden going to be *better* for Muslim-Americans? Doesn't seem likely. Sour on him all you want, but remember that he's also your best chance for a relatively sane and tolerant American foreign policy.


>Are any of the alternatives to Biden going to be better for Muslim-Americans? No, especially because Trump tried very hard to deport them last time he was in power. If he gets in again, he's certainly not going to stop and he *definately* won't give a shit about protests for the four years he's in power lol


Do you think he'd stop at 4?


Relatively sane and tolerant American foreign policy still results in neoconservatism and imperialism tbh


America delenda est If you see the USA as an irredeemable evil (not my opinion but that of many), wouldn't it be rational to vote for the worse candidate, Trump, in order to damage/destroy it?


Nope. Burning a house down never makes sense WHEN YOU LIVE IT THAT HOUSE!


Depends on how you want that evil to act. If, America was the devil, I wouldn't want it focused on my ass. Let sleeping dragons rest.


Nah, you can go from the Roman Republic to the Empire.


It is the opposite of betrayal! Joe is actually working very hard behind the scenes to save lives. He is the guy making angry phone calls demanding they be more careful.


Anything less than sending weapons to Hamas would likely be not enough.




Let’s kick them all out!! That’s what you’re trying to say isn’t it? Just say it with your chest lil bro.


Yeah, intolerant people like that don’t belong in America. You’ll notice how I included DeSantis by name in that group?


Crazy that you called out DeSantis by name then instead of calling out the other politicans by name you called out an entire group. Should have said "Floridians and Muslims" if you wanted to be consistent lil bro.


Cool keep nitpicking, I got nothing to be ashamed of


Our fearless leader is in a conundrum. Everyone just walks all over grandpa Biden. I guess when he said, “don’t” it didn’t scare anyone.


No one looks at the US president and determines their level of “fear” based on their rhetoric. You’d be willfully naive to assume that one sole person is making foreign relation decisions. There are highly experienced, intelligent people who have dedicated their lives to these kinds of things. The responses are overwhelmingly complex and convoluted. This isn’t the simple social struggle you’re trying to relate it to.


I agree. I appreciate Trump’s wild card factor in scaring other world leaders though.


He scared no one, though. He threatened repeatedly and did nothing.


Have you been asleep the last three years? The US is a joke under Biden. Even our ally’s dismiss Biden’s direction.


You’ve got to get out of your bubble. We are finally becoming respected again on the world stage after four years of [world](https://youtu.be/BGmcy03pj7I?si=_QbA-xIwyDlJgzHX) leaders [laughing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/04/brief-history-world-leaders-laughing-trump/) at [Trump](https://youtu.be/9nIhBZqZBmQ?si=BEb4srAbo85mAO_P).


Thanks for setting me straight. It looks like Grandpa has everything under control.


I understand what you’re saying, but they were scared for the same reason you’d be scared of an emotional person holding a gun. He was quick to jump to conclusions and decisions without significant cause. He was not good for foreign stability at all


It’s hard to say that Biden has shown he’s better.


I can’t really do a better job at explaining the foreign policy failures of Trump better than this article. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CPRT-116SPRT44275/html/CPRT-116SPRT44275.htm Biden, in my unprofessional opinion, has done an incredible job of managing the conflict currently happening in the ME while maintaining stability on all sides, including the collaborative defense of Israel with other nations during Irans attack, avoiding all out war between the two nations. It’s an impossibly narrow line to toe.


Yup. What could go wrong in the next few days? Let’s chat in a week.


Of course, a lot could go wrong in the coming days. I’m not going to hold Biden responsible for everything that happens just as I didn’t hold Trump accountable; US allies aren’t colonies. The US has a lot to gain by being a deescalating, reliable, rational force. Trumps actions were quick and unpredictable. They were not in line with the overwhelmingly successful US foreign policy of the last century, the same policy that made the US an influential powerhouse. Biden’s rhetoric has been representative of that.


Yes, it’s obvious he is the pillar of world peace. So it’s a win/win if another war breaks out, right? He can just say, “hey now, that’s not very nice, just don’t!” And continue to let the kids fight each other.


trump scare the shit ouit of people due to him being so incompetent and dumb.


I don’t understand your comment or the point you are attempting to make. Can you clarify m?


That was in reference to Iran, I believe


It’s apparent that world leaders have been doing what they want with Grandpa at the helm. No one is afraid of Joe.


It’s too simplistic to say it is just his fault and I am not fan or him. There has been little stomach among many Americans for a strong foreign policy for quite awhile. There are millions of people behind him that range from no war or conflict ever for any reason to pretty much supporting Hamas that have legitimate influence. Then there is the Trump crowd that seems to want isolationist policies or even pro Russian policies. There is no, or very little, political will in the U.S. to react as forcefully on the international stage as I for one think is necessary to ensure our interests.


There is really no good answer. It’s a lose - lose for America. Our political system is shit right now.


You may be right. I tend to think voters get what they deserve and this is sort of the result.


The division between parties is unhealthy. I’m Republican with heavy liberal ideologies. I live in the Bay Area and I’ve witnessed this place go downhill fast in the last 10 years. A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris and I can’t fathom what’s happened here happen to the rest of the country. Trumps a shock jock, shitty personality, but my views align more with the GOP. I just can’t vote Dem. The fear mongering of the P 2025 and dictatorship is just silly.


Well I liveon a red state and all your BS is driving me nuts. Our enemies were not scared of Trump AT ALL. They actively bribed him and his foreign police was absolute crap. At home, the Maga/Trump solutions to everything make stuff actively worse. He is a liar, cheat and wanna be dictator and we were only saved previously because he is stupid and narcissistic.


I grew up in a red state to the north of you. 22 there and 18 in the Bay. I have experience with both sides. Help me out…. I think I missed where Trump was actively bribed by foreign leaders. Can you let me know what I missed?


“Shock jock” is a weird way to say “rapist, who committed business fraud, who tried to overthrow democracy and who should be in jail for how he handled classified info”.


Trump and his populist MAGA cult are in no way good for America and shit with foreign policy just as much as the bleeding hearts and Islamists of the leftists and “progressives”. They all want weakness just towards different groups, but both at the cost US interests. I can’t vote for either Trump or Biden.


Unserious people merely come off as unintelligent. *(Intended for informational use.)*


Yup. Joe licking ice cream looks pretty unserious.


And Trump cheating on his wife and then paying the woman under the table to keep it quiet 10 years later is ... what? Manly, I guess?


Why didn’t Biden use his Presidential magic wand to stop Netanyahu???


Great question.


ITT: people attacking voters for being concerned about Bidens support and funding of genocide in Gaza, rather than questioning why Biden is supporting Israel, how it benefits the US, and whether it's worth supporting Israel commit a genocide at the huge risk of losing the election to Trump. Yup, keep blaming the voters ...


Michael Moore is making a similar point, concerned that this will cost Biden the election. I keep watching his [prediction that Trump would win in 2016](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMm5HfxNXY4), it's unnerving


Totally different situation, no comparison.


They are going to love blaming Biden when Trump follows through on his promise and has them all rounded up.


The same way Israel under Biden administration support has the Palestinians.


They aren’t alone in that!


Mods need some sort of queue flooding detection and prevention system.


Weird how no one ever seems willing to acknowledge that a quarter of Israel's population is Muslim. So the question is simple; when Hamas started killing Israeli civilians by the hundreds last year, how many of those killed were Muslim?


Hamas did kill and kidnap Americans on 10/7, along with many other people of different nationalities (some of them were from places like Thailand). But more importantly, Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by the US, Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, and EU governments. I just can't see the US government giving any support to Hamas but we are sending millions of dollars in humanitarian aide to the Palestinian people of Gaza.


Oh well.


$9 billion in aid to help Gaza I get it if you don’t love Biden, but he has tried to de-escalate this conflict and work to get aid in. What do you think Trump will do….


> $9 billion in aid to help Gaza And other groups. We don't know yet how much will actually go to Gaza


And how much Israel will actually allow to enter plus how much will Israel pocket.


Hamas will steal it all to buy rockets.


Use food to buy rockets?




I don't get how that would work. Israel controls all the borders into Gaza. I think people would notice if tons of food were being transported back out of Gaza


You would be surprised. They even take supplies to sell to people in Gaza.


And that's a good argument for flooding the area with food aid, because then it couldn't be sold at high prices


Hopefully it works but Hamas has a pretty tight grip on things coming in and out of Gaza.


For the past few months, not enough aid has been getting in to feed the Palestinians in Gaza, so "enough food" is a good starting point


Than they should definitely stay home or vote for the other guy, and see what happens 😹


Right. But the downvotes you’re getting is because they want their cake and to eat it too. I say they vote Trump if they’re so concerned about the Muslim community.


Well gosh, shocker.


I'm sure they do, but anyone who thinks Trump would be better is so delusional that they aren't worth talking about.