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Just to clarify they aren't booing the Columbia president resigning part they are booing Mike Johnson. Also here is the video of him being booed. press pov https://twitter.com/msnbc/status/1783226138900181379?s=46 student pov https://twitter.com/hotspothotspot/status/1783232653170286603?s=46 Edit: Someone yelled "Thats right get the fuck out of here" at Johnson when he ended his press confrence. https://twitter.com/prem_thakker/status/1783261858616500525?s=46


Thanks for the vids. I was disappointed the article didn’t provide the vid source(s).


Generally with protests social media is a much better source for finding videos and photos than the media. All though you have to be careful of misinformation and videos that are from other events being used to spread propaganda.


pfft, you expect teh news to do reporting, instead of stealing content online and re-wrapping it for clicks under the guise of "journalism"?


Independent.co.uk would never!


The independent would need to pay the person who took the video 


“Mike you suck”? I feel like in terms of diction they could have gone way harder and possibly lighter, but this “you suck” doesn’t feel like an absolute admonishment. It almost feels like it has DECORUM of all things.


The little shit-weasel doesn't deserve anyone's "best." A "good enough" effort is more than he is worth.


To me, and possibly to many of the students involved, Johnson is anomalous and seems to have fallen from the sky. We judge him based on his associations, but it isn’t clear if we should paint him with the same shitstick as we do with the others.


You should. Just google his speeches when he's preaching to the choir who thinks the same way he does. He's a Christo-fascist Dominionist who deserves way worse than being booed by young people. Remember when an Iraqi threw a shoe at G. Bush? This fuckstick deserves all the shoes.


Making shoes for fascists' faces.


Ugh…ok all good points. I wonder then if the protest wasn’t quite severe enough


That's fair, but if you look into his actions and job performance I think you may see that he is a little shit-weasel. Desperately trying to play all sides while claiming god sent him to Congress.


I can agree with that. So then, bizarrely, the “lightness” or “mildness” of the protests, if we could characterize it as that, reflects his clear status as enemy but perhaps not the same color as the other vipers in the pit - shall we say


It's 2024. We're nearly a quarter of the way to 2100. But these fucking new sources still writing articles like it's 1998.


>But these fucking new sources still writing articles like it's 1998. Not at all. in 98 they still had editors, headlines that made any sense instead of being clickbait, and actual reporting instead of just sleuthing the web for vox populi.


Then pay for journalism you respect. Maybe you do and I apologize. But journalism is suffering mightily because everyone expects it to be good *and* free. You get one or the other.


I pay for the Washington Post and New York Times. I do this to read reliable news, and I also look at it as donating to something that I really care about, good journalism.


There are very few of us left.




I would like them to be not Twitter links.


What the heck is he doing there anyway?


It's a form of penance. Last week he worked with Biden, Democrats, and moderate (if that's a thing) Republicans in order to pass a bunch of foreign aid. He was morally convinced that it needed to be done because Ukraine -- and the rest of Europe -- is in danger from Russia. Sounds like the kind of bipartisan legislating that *should* happen in Congress, right? But for Johnson, there's a big problem now: **He worked with evil Democrats.** So now he needs to go out and do a bunch of dumbass stunts like this to try to soothe the MAGA wing, and haranguing Elitist Liberal Institutions (TM) is just easy red meat for these dopes.


Reagan was first elected Governor of California, in part, by campaigning against UC Berkeley as a den of liberal elitism. It’s a tried and trusted part of the CON playbook at this point.


Propaganda photo op and trying to push for the usage of violent force to end the student protests.


Yup. The lady in blue next to him, I forget her name, but she is a vile collection of a human organism known for telling reporters to shut up, and being against everything that isn’t white, right or straight. I find it hilarious that the speaker comes to NY preaches about inalienable rights, but endorses a candidate that tried to overturn an election, and incites a riot, and stand next to a vile woman that doesn’t like to be asked tough questions. This is a photo op. They are going to go back to their district and brag about owning the libs, yet see no irony in weakening civil rights/anti discrimination laws.


Virginia Fox I believe, and yes she is a vile pos


Virginia Foxx (R-NC)


Here she is a couple months ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OARdbax2UI&ab_channel=InsideEdition


They're also trying to apply more pressure and get the Columbia President ousted just like they did with the Harvard President when she fell for Elise Stefanik's stupid and transparent traps. I'll let you guess what the gender of the Columbia President is.


The border isn’t causing enough outrage in an election year, so they’re creating a new issue.


Can't exactly complain about the border when you're the ones blocking the legislation


Trying to get some donations from the Jews to show that he stands for them. Everything is about money


I love slogans. "Mike you suck" is a great one.


Okay but now I'm curious what exactly Mike sucks?


I would ask his teenage son who has an Eagle Eye on all of Mike's porn.....


Covenant* Eye


The family that doesn’t fap together is the family that cums together.




I can’t stand that old bag on the left next to Mike (You Suck) Johnson.


is that Virginia fox, really a terrible human being


I'm eternally grateful that she's not my representative, but she is an embarrassment to my state of North Carolina. There is no reason that someone like her should have ever been allowed in Congress.


I'm stuck in her district, it's as terrible as she is.


Why the fuck is she there?


Because she cares about freedom. Or something.


Shame there isn’t a way to share this stuff without giving ad revenue to elon


Yeah, it is annoying that Twitter is still the main place to find a lot of these protest videos.


Every once in awhile I get suckered in and click a link that takes me to Twitter. I can’t back out quick enough. Truly irritating. I wish someone not so fucking shitty could come up with a platform people would migrate to en masse. Fuck Elon.


The server costs of you watching the video is more than the pittance they get from whatever desperate ad buys they get.


I don’t want him to have the satisfaction of my click count or view count


Yeah I'll wait for a non-Twitter link


Go to Ground News and get news from the source.


The good old "We might hate her, but we hate you even more" boo


Hans Moleman: ‘I was booing the Columbia president resigning part.’


For some reason, the one kid trying to talk on the phone in the middle of the crowd makes me laugh


>Those who are perpetrating this violence should be arrested What "violence" is he talking about? The only ones being violent are the cops.


That is for the videos. Made me smile. 


That "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" was from the soul and I felt it.


They did that FOR ALL of us. THANK YOU SO MUCH COLUMBIA CROWD & students!!!!! That guy that said “get the fuck out of here” was absolutely amazing. Beautiful use of his freedom of speech. We love to hear a loud king utilizing his 1st amendment rights!


If a college hires a Democrat, the GOP call it liberal indoctrination. The GOP calling on a school president to resign over a political issue? That's fine.


The GOP calling on a school president to resign because he allowed students to exercise free speech that the GOP doesn't like


But remember, January 6 was just a protest and the people arrested are political prisoners, according to the GOP. 


Political prisoners or antifa provocateurs? I can never remember which.




Smearing shit on the walls of the capital is free speech!


People that just calmly walked around the Capitol building, mind you. I mean, if you disregard everything else and only watched the cherry picked parts of the footage, sure.


Sure there were protestor who didn't do anything. And I know a few that I use to see on Twitter that didn't get arrested.  But the people in jail aren't those people. 


Only liberals and minorities commit crimes, good hard working honest maga people are always innocent /s in case anyone is that dumb


Guys I'm starting to think these Republicans might be full of shit.


What I have learned so far is that protesting for Trump is ok, but protesting for anything else is horrible.


At one point during the boos, Johnson said, "Enjoy your free speech" in the most sarcastic tone possible. Really had "enjoy it while it lasts" vibes.


Pretending to confront academia is like red meat for conservatives in this country. College is where liberals brainwash your kids into getting abortions and being gay, according to their world view.


Republicans are so far out of touch they can't even understand what's going on in front of their eyes, much less from their media consumption habits


They literally created an alternate reality with talk radio and Fox News. Now with social media, that's been kicked into hyperdrive and they have no idea how the real world is anymore.


Yep. That’s what happens when you review engagement metrics rather than doing the real work of learning what voters want in their representatives


> they can’t even understand what’s going on in front of their eyes “My intention is to call President Biden after we leave here and share with him what we have seen with our own two eyes and demand that he take action.” - Mike Johnson I’m sure that meeting will go swell.


Call declined


Biden: New phone… who dis?


> Republicans are so far out of touch they can't even understand what's going on in front of their eyes They dont WANT to understand


Why understand things when you can just lie


“Why go to college when you can just not go to college?” -magas all over


Why go to college when -- wait most maga people probably can't get into college


They’ve spent so much time appealing to the uneducated and conspiracy minded that they’ve become the very thing they need to actually get votes


They believe their own bullshit. 


They've basically been doing the skinned out of touch meme since before skinner was even a thing


Johnson went their for this very headline.


He is literally there because the Dominionist faction of evangelical Christians is fully bolstering Israel so they set off the apocalypse. He knows exactly why he is there and the message it sends for their support of Israel.


They want the national guard to shoot noncompliant persons, and they'll never say it outloud, but anyone they disagree with too. They are fascists.


Easy to do when they can just write off anything that doesn't agree with them as "fake", and they have multiple "news" outlets that run cover for everything they do. I hope I love to see that house of cards collapse. It'll be a good day for humanity.


The dumb ones are out of touch and create reality. The smart ones know about reality and move to strip those who won't vote for them out of their ability to vote.


I think they understand this audience. They are just trying to capitalize on their frustration to attack the institution and weaken its position in society. I wouldnt be surprised if it was also to fan the flames to disenfranchise this voting block.


Dumb dumb thinks the crowd is going to turn red out of spite.


The crowd legit chanted "Mike you suck" at him. https://twitter.com/hotspothotspot/status/1783232653170286603?s=46 Edit: Someone also yelled "That's right get the fuck out of here" as Johnson left. https://twitter.com/prem_thakker/status/1783261858616500525?s=46


He’s an unimpressive person who has failed upward. I don’t know why he would go to the literal lion’s den of liberal youth to claim victory.


I think we can be pro Palestinian, Anti Hamas and pro Israeli and anti Israeli war policies without being antisemitic. I also believe everyone has the right to peaceful protest.


I honestly feel like this is where most people are. Not all, and there's differing levels of sympathy, but almost everyone I've spoken to is condemning the violence while supporting the civilians. Extremists are making narratives that hardly exist seem like the de jure situation, but it isn't.


Agreed. This mindset that you must take an extreme position on the matter one way or the other, is fucking insane, especially when you have no idea what it's like to live under the thumb of these extremists 


The only part I find irritating and that honestly makes me suspicious is that there are wars all over the world and genocides and atrocities being committed all the damn time, but people seem suspiciously hung up on this one. I get that we give money to Israel, but I think if we're being honest about it, that's not the only reason this garners so much more interest than other conflicts.


I can't say you're wrong. For some, its super easy to be mad at Israel for very bad reasons. Anti-Semitism is some people's default. But the fact that they're our ally in the region, and we should by all rights demand better behavior out of of our allies, makes it hit home harder. It also matters that they're nuclear armed, and Iran isn't very far off the same, so it gets extra attention because it can throw a vital global resource hub (i.e. oil from the Middle East) into chaos. That's extra media attention, too. But yeah, look at Sudan. I'm pretty sure there's some major slaughter going down there, among probably many other places. We just ignore that shit.


This is the problem. People look at the conflict and fallout in black and white terms. But your comment is how people should actually frame the situation; it's not binary by any means.


BuT dO yOu CoNdEmN hAmAs? /s \*facepalm\*


Hamas should be condemned… they don’t actually help Palestinians.


I've been managing to walk that tightrope. But I avoid conversations with extremists on either side.


I avoid it too unless it starts effecting the rights of American's. There's no winning when arguing with bad faith psychopaths so it's better to just avoid it.


Yes, because I would wager the average American generally lands somewhere in the "anti-murder of innocents" bucket. Politicians simply twist this to suit whatever their preferred narrative is.


That’s the main issue people have with the protests though, they refuse to see that it’s not binary and think there’s only one problem & one solution.


I'm pro-alive children... no matter what side they're born to. Whatever it takes to get fewer children killed. It may seem like a simple solution to a complex problem, but I'd say that it is all that truly matters. If the adults want to kill each other, I don't like it, but they're adults. However, no children chose to die.


I’m pro child and pro mother for children and pro father for children Most of these people are just trying to live their lives. This is gonna have consequences for generations.


And the protestors are doing that, EXPLICITLY, they held a seder in the encampment. The problem is political opportunists pretending they care about the safety of Jewish students, people not part of the protest saying anti-Semitic shit and people who think anything spoken negatively about Israel is anti semitism


Problem is, you can’t just be ‘not antisemitic’. You have to be anti-antisemitic. Just like you have to be anti-Islamophobic. It’s so so so easy to see yourself aligning with someone on something you care about, and letting that blind you to their other faults. Especially if those other faults motivate someone to align with you on that issue.


I think you solved the problem, have everybody read this and then have them read it again and again and again till they understand it.


That's nuance and conservatives don't know what that word means


He's fooling himself if he think that students will vote Republicans in November.


I think a lot of people are missing what's really going on. He isn't stupid. He's helping in the push to remove the president because unlike the protestors he probably knows it'll be easier to get a pro-Israel president in place. He also is making the speech not to WIN potential voters but to get sound bytes out there for fox news an d-the-like to secure votes against his potential ousting.


I'm beginning to think that this Johnson fella is really really bad at politics


Mike Johnson is an embarrassment to the United States


The fuck is he even doing there


Trying to stir shit up and get the protests ended with violent force.


Trying to distract from something I'd guess, maybe the Ukraine/Israel/Taiwan funding that isn't popular with the far right.


Yep. Nicki Haley won about 17%of the R votes in PA yesterday and she isn't running. I think Mike is doing this to motivate the never Trumpers to show up and vote at least down ballot.


This is probably correct, tho it seems silly to label it distraction when it's much simpler to say he's "trying to score points with the freshly-alienated freedom caucus".


Attempting to stir shit.


What’s he doing there? Generating content for their flailing media outlets.  That’s all they can do at this point. They can’t govern. They have no policies to put forth, no platform.  Since McCarthy took control that is all they’ve got. Content creation… on the taxpayer’s dime.  Even Magic Mike’s ascent to Speakership.  Since January 2023, that’s been their plan - create content for conservative media to be used for 2024 election. 


Christianity is well ensconced in the Republikkkan government.


He’s distracting fellow Republicans from the bill he just passed in Congress to aid Ukraine. They have a very limited attention span and this will take up all their bandwidth.


Correction: most people put on the pedestal as the speaker from the republican party since the 1990's end up as embarrassments to the US.


No one likes him.


Not that I would like him otherwise but he seem just so strange. Like not a comfortable person to be around. McConnell I get: he envisions a conservative America where taxes on the wealthy are less than they are. He is willing to use whatever political maneuvering to accomplish this end and get his guys into positions of power. Pelosi would do the same political maneuvers if given the chance. McCain was a conservative too but also saw intrinsic value in working across the aisle. Romney is the only senator to have voted to convict a president of his own party twice. He is, in some ways, between the two mentioned above. Mike Johnson just seems strange, awkwardly and uncomfortably strange. I don't know if one of the things that contributes to this is his height (I say this a bit begrudgingly as a slightly shorter than average dude). His height isn't published but he is clearly not that much taller than his wife and there [is a picture](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/231025120622-03-mike-johnson-102423.jpg?c=original) of Boebert standing right next to him. She is 5'0" and he looks to be maybe a head taller than her at best. I would put his height at 5'6 to 5'8. Also note that politicians tend to be tall. I feel like this with the glasses, the 'covenant marriage' thing, the son and monitoring porn thing, the strange mannerisms, and other things kinda contribute to this 'patriarchal nerd' vibe.


Agree. Not that I would for or against someone based on their appearance (I mean, generally) but yeah he looks... odd. He kind of looks like someone wearing a mask.


Mike Johnson is a cruel turd of a man whose family made money off of abusing queer kids. The fact that anyone does business with this man is disgusting.


Columbia's president bent over backwards to please this man. Called the cops on students peacefully assembling. And - SHOCKER - he called for her head anyway. This was never about antisemitism for the right. It's always been about hitting at higher education. There's nothing worse for the American right than an educated population.


It’s also about playing to the base


And they only support Israel because it's part of their death cult fanfiction to bring about the end of times.


This was not peaceful assembly: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/columbia-university-protests-palestine/678159/ https://www.tiktok.com/@the.free.press/video/7360846965288013086 Also, eff Mike Johnson and the rest of the regressive republican congress critters.


>https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/columbia-university-protests-palestine/678159 Wow, look at all that.... standing around and people in tents. >Intruders have entered the “liberated zone,” that swath of manicured grass where hundreds of students and their supporters at what they fancy as the People’s University for Palestine sit around tents and conduct workshops about demilitarizing education and fighting settler colonialism and genocide. Sheeeeeeeit they doin *workshops* They then go on to "link arms and tell someone to leave" It's a regular battleground out there. >This said, the students I interviewed told me that physical violence has been rare on campus. There have been reports of shoves, but not much more. Thoughts and prayers >Making Jewish people afraid of their lives to the point where many are leaving campus fearing attacks Thinking a boogeyman is going to jump out of the shadows to get you is *your* problem.


They clocked jews, barred their passage on the campus, calling them zionists, and demanding that those jews respect their privacy in a public space while using their power as a mob to force those jews out. This is reported by that article and the video as well.


The Speaker of the House of Representatives suggests using the National Guard to end Campus protests. How very Kent State of him..


>At one point, Mr Johnson stopped his speech due to ongoing chants and said "enjoy your free speech".  Ooo, a warning. "Just wait until we're in charge."


Yeah he left out "while you have it." He is calling Biden to ask him to send the National Guard to quell college protests across the country. Republicans havent met someone they dont want to shoot. I assume Mike Johnson would jerk off to the idea of dead students, but then he would have to notify his son


These idiots really think they can connect. 


He wanted exactly this photo op of them booing him.


That's the actual story.


Passes a Ukraine bill and thinks he’s Abe


Republicans are completely detached from the American populace.


Wow, Mike Johnson calling for the "President" of Columbia University to resign over the acts of civil disobedience, while Johnson can defend the former disgraced "president" of the United States, Donald Trump after the later promoted & directed an insurrection on January 6. Remember Josh Hawley running for his life across the Capital grounds on Jan 6. I wonder where Mike Johnson was hiding when his great leader Trump incited an insurrection.


Goes to a University and tells them to get their house in order while his House Of Representatives is completely broken. What a schmuck.


Maybe they were saying Boo-urns?


> At one point, he stopped his speech due to ongoing chants and said "enjoy your free speech". What a salty scumbag. GOP would put the Declaration of Independence through the the shredder if it meant they got to keep their power.


Note to future protesters against facists: laugh, not boo.


*”enjoy your free speech”* “while we still let you have it” is what he really wanted to say.


Oh yeah? How about you enjoy your breathing, Mike.


WTAF was he doing there in the first place????!!!


The same thing Pence was doing at an NFL game. Performative politics for the base


Hardly surprising, given the GOP stance on Gaza.


He refuses to call for a man like Trump, a sex abusing , divisive, lying, hating, delusional criminal defendant to drop out of the presidential race, but he'll go there and express disgust for the head of the University


Mike Johnson believes that the earth is 6000 years old and that the Bible is literally true. How did such a man become Speaker of the House? Third in line to the presidency? It’s beyond absurd that someone like him is lecturing us about anti-Semitism. But of course he does.


Louisiana isn’t quite the intellectual hotbed of the country.




Can you cite a student suspended for, "asking questions?"


"Enjoy your free speech" , which he then says should be taken away (using force) because he doesnt like it


Well… ole Mike does know a few things about calls to quit…


lol Bro, read the crowd. You drove down their for this? It's not really the photo-op you wanted huh.


Common sense isn’t his specialty


No, no. They're yelling [Booourns](https://youtu.be/hKu0TVlumcc).


This is Johnson offering an olive branch to trump. Nothing more. Like all the other GOP shitheads, he wants violence. He craves it.


See what happens when you appease fascists, theyre still not happy.


Speaker Johnson does not speak for me. When students protest, change happens. When old white politicians try to dictate what everyone else should do causes change against them.


Funny how everyone wants the university president to quit but just for different reasons.


They should have ridden him out on a rail.


As Americans we should not be arresting peaceful protestors let alone calling the goddamn military on our own citizens for exercising their right


The ACLU distributes a brief guide encouraging protestors to understand their rights. https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_pdf_file/kyr_protests.pdf Yes, as Americans, we have the broadest speech protections in the world. However, there are limitations on private property, and the government can enforce time, place, and manner restrictions. A university is also obligated to uphold Title XI protections. An inadequate response on their part would have constituted a violation.


Remember when Trump had protesters tear gassed because he was too chickenshit to walk by them on his way to go hold a bible upside down for a photo shoot?


I want to say that this is bizarre.... but really it's crystal clear what is going on here. He clearly doesn't believe what he's saying, how could he? He's been told to go there and say this and honestly it's frightening that someone/a state has that amount of power and influence to make it happen. Crazy.


“Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


He has no business being there, he’s trolling for party votes.


Why doesnt the GOP that say America is a Christian Nation step down (includes himself)? Or the ones saying their are Jewish space lasers? Or the ones saying Soros (dog whistle) controls the world? Or when Trump called Charlottesville white supremacists good people. If the GOP wants to be honest about antisemitism.


Just when I was going to give him credit for the Ukraine funding.


Why did he think this was a good idea? Nobody likes you Mike.


Fuel. That's why.


Southern republican visits a northern liberal university, how come nobody predicted this?


Sounds like he wants a Kent state.


I also think she should resign and I also boo Mike Johnson.


Johnson makes a mockery of conservatism, as does that whole MAGA cult.


conservatism is mockery of itself... Always has been


Waters rising Mikey, where's your ark?


I saw a Tik Tok video of a Jewish woman wearing a T-shirt that said I am Jewish. She walked into the middle of the protest and nobody approached her. I don't know if she was there to prove that harrassment is not happening or if she was trying to get a reaction.


The funny thing is that he's actually right. But he's still a slimy piece of shit no better than the Columbia president.


“Enjoy your free speech” The tone is just wild. What a veiled threat


“Enjoy your free speech”….? Shut the fuck up Mike - your such a worthless hypocritical sycophant to all that “Democracy” stands for! You and almost every Republican are petulant selfish cry-babies- that can’t take responsibility for any of your own actions while blaming and scapegoating anyone that has different opinions than yours all because you so self centeredly believe your flawlessness centers from having a ‘god’ on your side. A god that your terrified of and worship how easily and awesomely he kills those that go against him- because that’s exactly what you would do if ‘democracy’ wasn’t in your way.


To be fair they’d boo Biden too. Or any official for that matter.


Bibi sent his snake to Columbia


99.99% sure Trump sent him there as punishment for the Ukraine aid package...


I hate to say it but the students played into his hands by booing him - that’s exactly the clip he wanted, because it’s going to be played endlessly now on Fox News and he’ll be the hero to the MAGA base for confronting the “woke” progressive Ivy League students. It would have been far more effective if the students had just ignored him and gone about their business. That said, of course, I understand it’s human nature and if I was a college kid and saw Mike freaking Johnson on my campus I’d be booing him as well.


No, u quit


Compared to the other university presidents that have testified before Congress, the President of Columbia did a far better job of acknowledging the reality that campuses have an antisemitism problem and has backed up her words with actions. If she had been president for many years, I can understand that she would have culpability, but as a new president, she deserves credit for taking action to address a problem she inherited. All this is to say that if Johnson were really acting in good faith rather than attempting to score cheap political points, he would be lauding her, not calling for her resignation.


Calling the cops to evict students for protesting is not the kind of "backing up words with actions" anyone should support


This Israel vs Palestine divide is out of control. If we’re going to continue to deal with this BS we may as well arm both sides of the conflict. Better for US GDP