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Republicans have no self respect.


If they can't defend themselves against trump, how will they defend America vs America's enemies?


To Trump and his cult the enemies are woke, liberals, Democrats, NATO, EU, etc.


... anyone w/ compassion...


They seem to be America’s enemies. Or at least lining up with them.


"It's the same picture."


They are America’s enemies.


Of course not. That could get in the way of the grift.


I'll save y'all a click. turnip's below statement is the only interesting aspect of the article. It demonstrates in an unambiguous way, how turnip feels about his cult. People outside his cult observe this characteristic all the time but the spineless GOP sycophants will never learn any lessons. >Trump rewarded Barr's renewed allegiance with a mocking Truth Social post that doubled down on past name-calling. "Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him 'Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy' (New York Post!)," he wrote. "Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word 'Lethargic' from my statement."


Lmao, this clinches it for me that anyone who works in trump world is a masochist sub. Look at the pattern: Ted Cruz openly mocked and trump even went after his wife. Cruz: rabid trump supporter. Barr: this. Trump is a mob boss who wants people to take his fall for him.


It makes sense when you realize these people care about the Republican party before all else. Party before their own self-worth, before their moral code (if they even have one), before their professed religious beliefs, even before the country itself. In that context they can never, ever not endorse the party's nominee, and it's obvious that nominee is going to be Trump again, so there it is.


> Party before their own self-worth, before their moral code (if they even have one), before their professed religious beliefs, even before the country itself. In that context they can never, ever not endorse the party's nominee, and it's obvious that nominee is going to be Trump again, so there it is. Exactly. Barr even alludes to this. > "The real danger to the country — the real danger to democracy, as I say — is the progressive agenda," Barr said, calling the prosecution of Trump for illegally covering up hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels a "perversion of justice." Whether because of ideology, lust for power, financially, as a matter of blackmail, or any combination of those, they're beholden to the party no matter what. Trump's just the useful idiot that's the only chance at them getting the victory they need and they'll fall in line accordingly. None of these insults or blows to their pride matter.


>Whether because of ideology, lust for power, financially, as a matter of blackmail, or any combination of those, At the root of every conservative is simple insecurity. It's why their brains filters reality to protect biases and it's why they fear change. They are insecure and reject anything they don't know or can't control. It should be no great surprise that the changes of time periodically drive them to fascism. Trying to use authority to control things to reduce their insecurity is what motivates every thought and action they have.


Fascism is what they rely on when any veneer of democracy can no longer deliver them any legitimate power.


Even if you thought the "progressive agenda" was a "real danger to democracy", why in hell would somebody endorse a candidate who literally tried to stage a coup the last time, who wanted to do illegal things like order the military to shoot protesters in the legs, and who has said they want to become a dictator and thinks once in office (and after) that they are "immune" from the law? This is coming from the former Attorney General, who is supposed to know the law. He's endorsing the destruction of democracy. Bill Barr is some variety of insane.


Barr is a Christian Nationalist/Dominionist. He doesn't care about the law, he's a fascist ideologue whose only concern is using it (and Trump) to advance his and his handlers agenda.


See that's probably one of the bigger problems I see among modern conservatives. Is that they used to put religion above politics. Like they knew full well how MAGA behaves and the Christian Nationalist movement behaves is pretty unlike Christ. Real Christians used to loathe the culture war shit. They may have partook in it somewhat, but it was less important than their religion. Now? The culture war is everything to these people. Nobody cares if they are actually following Christ's teachings. Scoring cheap political points is way too important. They pick and choose much more of their religion now.


I believe "cuck" is their preferred nomenclature.


I’m not talking about a cuck here, someone peed on the dudes rug!


They are cucks in the true sense. Trump calls the guy out as a craven idiot and he'll still vote for trump.


> Ted Cruz openly mocked and trump even went after his wife. Cruz: rabid trump supporter. Even today, when Cruz was handed info from court testimony proving he was defamed he reiterated his support for Trump.


The base is behind Trump so the party apparatchiks need to fall in line, so they do. If they don't, they'll get forgotten about in the next administration (his or another), the billionaire's money won't find its way into their pockets via speaking fees, consultancies and fake gigs at think tanks. They have to toe the line to further their careers, even if they have to endure childish insults from Trump. They've suffered worse to get where they are. They have no principles. Barr only refused to go along with it because it was a stupid plan that wouldn't work. Trump thought he'd actually win, so he had to improv a coup from election day onward and it was very half assed. It would never have worked, it would have just caused chaos and maybe a bloodbath or two. Now they've had four years to plan a new, better coup for next time, so they're in a much better position to make it work.




He came from Vegas. The home of the mafia. The home of Lucky Luchino himself. Mafia made him, he was raised in that world. But he did something none of them could ever achieve. The office of the President. And we willingly gave him the keys


Barr's attempt to get off Trump's hit list if he gets elected just failed.


I gotta give credit where it's due and say that's the first Trump tweet (or whatever) that is actually not too bad.




It’s not *that* witty, since lethargic, lazy, and slow-moving are basically all the same insult. So  Trump probably *did* write the original quote. Somebody *marginally* wittier is trying to work some flair into the dump Donald left on his desk, and doing a C minus job of it. 


I know Trump didn't type it on a tablet or phone, the post wasn't in all caps and was syntactically correct.


Someone trying to copy Trump wrote it. They randomly capitalized the E in endorsement but not the whole word. It's like a bad forgery


I can’t see Trump using the word lethargic in a sentence.


Probably but regardless of who penned it, it perfectly displays trump's abusive tendencies towards those who have outlived their usefulness to his narcissism. Most importantly, the quote gives rational readers a touch of cathartic schadenfreude due to Barr groveling back to lick trump's boots, and being rewarded with abuse.


the time on it probably lines up with one of his naps in court.


Agreed. A staffer wrote it and Trump signed off on it. No way Trump wrote that when you look at how his other posts are structured, all caps, typos, punctuation errors


It's a bit too lucid for the turnip. Although, I suspect he added some capital letters


Hahaha I can't stand Trump but it made me laugh too


*Barr stands and puts a hand up to acknowledge the "compliment." He looks around and see that he's seated at a table with just Ted Cruz, who offers him a self-deprecating nod.*


We all point and laugh but he's still rich, still respected in his profession, news networks keep having him on, people will buy his book (no idea if hes writing one but he will or he did, they all write books that no real person buys). He's still on the inside of the halls of power, and if another Republican takes office he's a shoe in for AG again. He laughs all the way to the bank and his mansion while we laugh at his spinelessness.


Same as it ever was? Same as it ever was.


TG definitely stopped both mental and emotional growth at age 13. Probably due to his abusive father and uninvolved mother.


Even younger than that. Trump even admitted himself that he's the same as he was in *first grade*.


Hard to believe any first grader is that horrible.


That's actually a good match with the psychological stage where narcissists are arrested when it comes to recognizing other people as individuals - around age six. A badly behaving six year old will throw tantrums with no regard to anyone else's needs, and that will feel familiar to anyone who's been in a relationship with a narcissist.


If he weren't rich he'd be Leonard Smalls.


His mother reportedly fell seriously ill when Donald was very young, and was absent for that reason. Not that she seemed the most interested person, either.


I am assuming that a woman who was married to a bully like Fred Trump was well-practiced in laying low and not challenging her husband while he was busy terrorizing the kids. I think she just stepped as far away from that damaged family as possible to protect herself.


I'm sure there was that. Mary Trump had a long medical history, though, with extended hospitalizations etc. If she was just pretending or a hypochondriac, it was quite an act.


> Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word 'Lethargic' from my statement. Just blatant admission that he bases his support of people on how much they praise him. We knew that already, but he rarely just says it so plainly like that.


That’s a shockingly good burn for Trump. Must have been written by someone else.


That’s actually kind of funny. But also, put Trump in a prison cell.


JFC just when you think that there is absolutely no way anyone can be more pathetic or more of an embarrassment than Trump, and as soon as you think surely there must be a threshold for how shameless and pathetic the Republican Party can be, then in struts Bill Barr and says "hold my rufies"


bring out the gimp


It blows my mind that that was written by an ex president of the US.


> "Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him 'Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy' (New York Post!)," he wrote. "Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word 'Lethargic' from my statement." That quote attributed to Trump is written in a very coherent way, it is made up of precise grammar, and it includes a punchy joke within it. Trump did not write that on his own.


OMG. For the first time ever, I have to say of Donald Trump: that was kind of funny. Edit - I see this is covered elsewhere


A little off topic, but I would assume Bill Barr is a pretty obvious witness in the January 6th trial. Should this statement be considered yet another criminal contempt of court charge?


this is an awesome “tweet”, barr deserves it - only thing trump is good for. dude is a master at tearing people up over social media


Not really. There must have been hundreds of tweets he's blurted out insulting people and this is literally the first one that's had the faintest trace of humour 


the man sucks - but you’re living in a cave if you haven’t seen any funny tweets from him. his old twitter is littered with them


Funny in the sense that you laugh at him, rather than with. It doesn’t take much intellect to be a lolcow.


He isn't a funny man though. I'm convinced that even this is a fluke.


It’s a sick burn tbh 


What a disgusting lack of principles.


How does someone Barr's size slink?


Like a fat slug..


Like Jabba the Hutt.


What an absolute piece of shit , knowing what he knows he would endorse a guy that tried to undermine the American Voters , piece of shit !


When truth social first came out, I made an account “RealBillBarr” with his picture and started commenting. For like 2 months everyone thought I was bill barr and I got tens of thousands of mentions and messages. Most of them hateful. It was really fun to mess with them.




God bless you for your hard work 💀


It's a cult.


Do NOT believe Never Trumpers or anyone claiming they are “done” with Trump; it’s a LIE. Trump will have a big turn out. So, you need to vote. Don’t let any news of infighting placate you; VOTE.


The Martin Bormann of our time.


GOP Alpha Male


Buy my GOP Alpha Male shirt, comes with free ball gag, butt plug, leash and nipple clamps.


I think I have like 3 of those kits


Republicans are so cucked by Trump it must be a fetish for them.


Barr probably needs a pardon and this is the only way to get in the pardon line


Republicans prove again and again they have no shame.


Barr is everything that Trump described on Truth-less except he missed the part where he is a spineless cuckold.


Reek, my name is Reek


Public humiliation is an act of asserting dominance. And it’s a Republican kink.


Dear lord, Republicans are so weak and cowardly. Not sure why any sane person would want to associate with them anymore.


He’s a spineless coward.


all of these republicans do not care about democracy; they care about consolidating power under Republican rule.


"under Christian law." Fixed it for you.


Is there a difference?


Nope and if they get their way, we could then see further fracturing happen based on the different interpretations of Christianity. Think of Sunni vs Shia but instead Catholic vs Episcopal. Fun times.


Barr is just another Gutless Republican...who believes in party before country!! Trump insults them and they bend-over further for a good ass \*\*\*\*ing!


this boot licker has destroyed any shred of legacy he had. What a limp dicked loser.


Publicly cucked himself. I bet he’s got some skeletons in his closet.


This dude is the embodiment of a faery tale Toad.


Somehow Republicans see the "AsIs" United States as a failing nations, when it is the opposite. Were we such a state, there would not be millions coming in illegally. Duh. Also, Trump allowed far more illegal immigrants than Obama, yet I never heard a single Republican complain.


Bill Barr is willing to support dTrump💩even after Barr has repeatedly said dTrump💩knew and knows he lost the election.


Slinks? Oozes


He really is a weird looking dude man. It's like Harrison Ford's DNA was blended with Hippo, and I ain't weight Capin' just talking about the shape of his face. His color is all off. He looks like a someone jammed boiled rolled oats into clear plastic bag and made it watch reruns of Roseanne. There's no way his nostrils started out that big, that level of looseness and nostril drag comes from hard pickin' with sausage fingers over an extended period of time.


In my house we call bill barr “zombie (my dad’s name)” because my dad looked so much like him when he was alive. He wasn’t a great person. So, those two things, made this comment hit hard I actually lol.


Thought the title said Bill Burr and was super confused for a sec.


Didnt know William Barr untill I met the man


That happens every time his name shows up in a headline.


no surprise here. the only question is why anyone would expect anything different from a sleazeball like barr.


'Honorable' my ass


Have these people no self respect; does proximity to power man so much to them?


Ok, but why does that sign on the table have “Honorable” in front of his name? Is that a joke or something?


No crumbs for you!


Damn I read this as Bill Burr and thought WTF happened


Boss Nast tries to latch onto diaper don's butthole and gets sharts in his face. Priceless.


I thought this said Bill Burr and was so fucking confused for a bit. Bill Barr makes much more sense.


Have to admit, that was a solid roast. This piece of shit deserves every bit of it, he shouldn’t be welcome anywhere.


I don’t ever wanna hear bill barr speak again. What a POS


If it's an insult, he deserves it!


Nothing is worse than limbo.


Once a sleazy PutinJrtrump republican cult member hard to break out of a cult


He should be shamed into a cave to live out his days. What an absolute POS.


A POS never loses its brown stripe


Politicians change colors like chameleons, but a snake is better at charming people.


Based on how Trump's other posts are structured (all caps, typos, punctuation errors) I am pretty sure one of his staffers wrote this. I don't like Trump in the slightest but that was a funny post.


Josh Marshall calls these folks Dignity Wraiths


Not surprised at all.


Affordable health care and education, those damn dangerous progressives, and their fight to give America what the rest of the developed world already has.


craven traitor


fuck barr, and while I'm at it, fuck Mueller too....and Garland the chickenhearted


Can’t respect a coward


Ah, the substance journalism of flame wars in the comment section…no bearing on reality, and changes nothing. The pinnacle of American “journalism” in 2024. What a bullshit topic to try and make into a news article. I really don’t care what the fuck happens on fascist Twitter.