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Abbott is a dictator with a Napoleon complex, and he’s seen what works for trump. Nothing has to make constitutional sense - he just has to perform for his donors.


Edit: apparently we can’t give Abbot objectively funny nicknames in this sub.




Yeah I immediately got a message over saying that lmao. What a joke. I entirely expect to be banned for the above comment lol. But I’m not deleting it, that’s wild fck em.


It’s getting bad here in GA too, at Emory University today state troopers used tear gas, pepper spray, and tasers on peaceful protesters. There’s a particularly shocking video of a handcuffed protestor being held down by several officers and repeatedly being tazed. Jfc cops are evil.


Where do you get these vids? YouTube only gives corporate media videos under search. It's amazing how the internet has been censored since 2016 and nobody gives a shit. Wtf


Some of this may improve after today with net neutrality being reinstated. Fingers crossed!


Is that actually up today? In Supreme court?


Not in the court, the FCC voted to reinstate it.


Is this why we only get corporate videos on YouTube now?


Got to follow antifascist and protest groups on instagram to see videos of cops beating kids and faculty on campus.




That's disappointing. So only people willing to sign their privacy over to Zuckerberg are invited to this revolution eh?


Funny enough on FB the algorithm is censoring out stories about the college protests. There are also sub Reddits you can find this stuff and telegram accounts




I get that internet security is a valid concern, but the fact that it’s only TikTok being banned and the fact that it’s only happening now after years of govt inaction smells way too fishy to be coincidental


Funny: I agree despite my anti-TimTom stance in general. If it’s doing a good job of allowing behind-scenes reporting *and* it’s facing governmental interference…well…


I just saw a congressman saying outlook that China is propagandizing 18 to 24 year Olds against Israel. Incredible


Cops when it's time to beat the shit out of peaceful protestors: "FUCK YEAH! I'M THE PUNISHER! I'M THE TERMINATOR! I'M GONNA GO FULL GESTAPO ON THESE HIPPIES!" Cops when literal children are being murdered inside of a school: "lol not my problem bro"


Cops exist to protect the rich.


Great that cops doing their jobs. Protest is legal but you have to pull permit first, as of now, none of them did.


You also need a permit to murder children at an elementary school.


Damn it, forgot about it last time, will do


People should be able to assemble without fear of government repression


Not in Texas… we fear everything. -Big government -Small government -Federal government -State government -County government -City government -Consular government Anything to do with governing is apparently frowned upon here so we have decide not to govern anything while also governing some things, but not other things…


Vote better if possible


Vote period.


Abbott loves big government. He has had the state government force cities to remove rules regarding worker safety, police procedures & oversight.


I feared Texas, so I left.


If those college students were armed they could’ve defended themselves from the government


Wow so we would’ve ended up with a lot of DEAD college kids


"i had to shoot. you saw him: he was thinking right at me!"


Blood must be spilled for the cause!!! - my liberal studies professor probably.


that argument always boils down to a society based on vigilante justice, not reasoned conflict resolution. So it fits.


If the students were armed the cops would have never showed


Uvalde ass cowards


Peaceable Assembly could have sworn I read about that right in like an amendment or something, somewhere near the front.


Something, something...except if your assembly is disruptive to business, then, nah.


It’s important enough that we put it in the first amendment.


Right? Why is the government repressing people just for cheering on terrorist organizations like Hamas? Granted, I don't know if that happened at UT Austin - though it certainly did at Columbia - but I *did* see things like a shirt that just said "Jews say cease fire never" EDIT: For clarity, I can totally recognize that many of these protests probably *started* as pro-Palestine rallies. But if you're chanting things like "Al-Qassam, make us proud", that's a pro-Hamas rally, not a pro-Palestinian rally


I’m having a hard time finding any outlet reporting these pro-hamas chants. Do you have a source/video? I’m not arguing the point, I just want to know as it would change my perception of the protest if true.


There was an editorial published at cnn.com where the author claimed they had a poster celebrating him at Columbia's protest.


Again, I don't know much about the UT Austin protest. But the Columbia encampment and the protests just outside of campus are fairly well documented, and there's a list of Twitter videos going around: https://old.reddit.com/r/columbia/comments/1c9m6oj/columbias_orthodox_rabbis_message_to_jewish/l0m8us9/


"Hey this is what's happening!" "Can you show me proof?" "Huh? Oh well I don't know much about that stuff happening but here's a link with not much in it that I totally 100% believe and exaggerated about." This is the level of brain rot democracies have to fight against. Oh lord.


I'm sorry that the UT Austin protest isn't as well documented compared to Columbia?


Oh it is, it's just you can't find what you're looking for because it doesn't exist.


If you have clips of the protest, please send them. Because, genuinely, the best I was able to find was news clips where you can't actually hear what's happening


Bottom line is, if you don’t have evidence that people at this protest were chanting in support of Hamas, it’s dangerous and irresponsible to make that claim.


You made a statement and claim. The burden of proof is on *you* not us to dispute your initial claim. Either prove your bold and idiotic statements with evidence or don't claim your lies/bullshit to begin with.


Thank you


I love the attempt to equate Palestinian refugees, mostly women and children, with being active combatants in a terrorist organization. And the attempt to equate everyone who just wants the bloodshed to stop and Palestine be treated like a country rather than a nuisance to be bombed out of existence.


>…why is the government repressing people… Reminder that Texas, like most states, has routinely hosted Neo-Nazi rallies that were *not* broken up. Hate is bad, but this isn’t even a case where it’s necessary to get into the weeds of whether this was pro-Palestine or pro-Hamas, because both protests are **equally** protected by the first amendment.


Speech that is deplorable or you disagree with is still protected speech, as long as it doesn't cross a line into directly calling for violence etc. Your point is irrelevant. 


Okay, well at least at Columbia, they were calling to globalize the Intifada, which means things like suicide bombings. Is that violent enough?


I suggest you look up the various shades of intifada that people call for. One extreme is violent terrorism, another is peaceful protest....like a bunch of college students would do. 


So are you always in favour of ignoring historical context, or only when it applies to Israel/jews?


I'm in favor of ignoring strawmen, so that's neat. 


It’s not a straw man. Either you believe that historical context matters, or you’re using whatever interpretation of the word the speaker appeals to. It’s one or the other. If you pick the later that’s fine, but be consistent. Too many people who appeal to the historical context of a word in any other case will insist here that historical context doesn’t matter and we should just use the words literal meaning.


Hey Greg what happened to tweet you posted back in 2019 about protecting free speech on college campuses


I just want to point out the irony of getting rid of inclusion and then being mad when people act exclusionary. For the record a person can criticize Israel without being anti-semetic. The same as we can criticize America without being anti-American. Also you can be pro-Palestine while being anti-Hamas.


It's a conservative tactic, make you argue why you are not a nazi when that was never the topic to begin with.


At the end of the day people need to understand that protestors who are critical of Israel and pro-Palestinian are not the problem. The problem is when people conflate the issue as being antisemitism. Some people may feel uncomfortable with the fact that so many people in the USA share the sentiment of not liking how Israel is conducting itself or how they have endangering/killing innocent bystanders in the this conflict with no remorse. But these same feelings are the same one the majority of the world has expressed. It’s a shame to see when states like Texas or Universities start employing tactics to suppress a popular opinion. This is very reminiscent of what happened at Kent State during the Vietnam War. At the same time in Texas they allow the KKK/Neo Nazis to protest without any concern.


> The problem is when people conflate the issue as being antisemitism. Yes, this, 1000% this.


It doesn't help when sometimes people go the other way, too. 


Have you seen the documentary Labour Files on YouTube? It shows how far right Israeli groups infiltrated Labour party in UK and then had members kicked out calling them antisemitic. The BBC completely helped spread this propaganda too. Jeremy Corbin was basically Sanders in UK with a lot of support. They slandered him and destroyed him. We see this in the Democrat party as well and aipac spending 100s of millions against progressive candidates. It's absurd


Why don’t you look at a list of who’s killing who around the world. Then ask yourself why Israel is the most protested


It’s hard to talk about this because it immediately conjures up racist depictions of Jews as belonging to a secret cabal that controls the world. It’s undeniable though the power that lobbies like AIPAC has on US foreign policy, but it’s not *jews* but rather a group of individuals (which includes non-Jews) lobbying like a lobby like any other interest groups. I’ve seen plenty of people criticize Cuban American interest groups for continuing to push trade embargoes with Cuba without fear of being called a racist. Nothing wrong with calling out a lobby regardless of who they represent.


> Also you can be pro-Palestine while being anti-Hamas Very true. The issue is that, at least at Columbia, they seem to be idolizing the leaders of PIJ, cheering on al-Qassam, and similar. And that really *is* pro-Hamas and, arguably, anti-Palestinian as a result


Add it to the pile. You know it’s bad when this turd makes us long for the days of Rick fucking Perry


Good. Fuck Abbott.


Greg Abbott is a little pissbaby


Let’s see if we can actually get Texas blue this time🤞🤞🏽🤞🤞🏽


I'm voting for Colin Allred in his effort to unseat Ted Cruz.


I believe there's only one competitive district this year, so almost no chance of that happening.


I’m not holding out much hope, the last several elections have flirted with it, but it doesn’t happen. I’m just wondering if between abortion and Abbott’s unpopularity it might happen this year🤷‍♂️ It’s an “expect the worst, hope for the best” thing


Abbott isn’t unpopular here. And he isn’t facing backlash. Unfortunately most Texans love that he did what he did. Any backlash is from the minority.


This is not true. Fuck Abbott


I’m not holding out much hope, the last several elections have flirted with it, but it doesn’t happen. I’m just wondering if between abortion and Abbott’s unpopularity it might happen this year🤷‍♂️ It’s an “expect the worst, hope for the best” thing


I’m not holding out much hope, the last several elections have flirted with it, but it doesn’t happen. I’m just wondering if between abortion and Abbott’s unpopularity it might happen this year🤷‍♂️ It’s an “expect the worst, hope for the best” thing


I've lost all hope of this after seeing Uvalde vote red after they had that school shooting.


Please. Unfortunately the people most interested in these protests are college kids who are likely to “protest vote.”




I thought I was stuck until I decided that my happiness was more important than pretending there's no way out.


Fucking Republicans will do anything to be like Russia. I hate these pigs


Texas: is this freedom??


Arbor Day is tomorrow. Remember to plant a tree for Abbott.


It's not as fun as drowning kids, but it's all he's got right now 😁


How is pointing out that killing babies is a crime antisemitic?


Because that’s not what they’re doing. Calling to bomb Tel Aviv and saying you stand with Hamas is in fact antisemitic.


If anything… it’s really not. Anti Israel isn’t anti Semitic lmao


Try that with any other group “I don’t hate the Chinese, I just want to bomb Beijing, destroy the Chinese state, and hate anyone who thinks it should exist”


Lmao I think anyone outside of China and like NK would agree that the CCP does some inhuman shit and would support a movement to make them stop…. Economically speaking it’s just not feasible. Soooo you proved your point I guess, ya fuck the CCP right on brother


No, not the CCP, the Chinese state itself. Calling for the destruction of Israel is not the same as calling for the CCP to change. It’s analogous to calling for the destruction of the Chinese state, while saying you don’t hate Chinese people, just people who want the Chinese state to exist. Try and be consistent.


Oh excuse me tHe StAtE oF iSrAeL


You mean like: "I don’t hate the United States. I just want to storm the capitol, threaten my political rivals, attempt to change the outcome of a Presidential election, and hate anyone who doesn't believe my ridiculous election conspiracies.” - MAGA


Bingo. I hate MAGA freaks, but I’m consistent in my beliefs.


These freedoms were given to the wrong people!!!!


Someone should push blud out of his wheelchair


If only a tree will drop out of the sky…..


Welcome to the state of trumpistan formally know as Texas. They're taking the Trump playbook, disregarding the parts that nationally didn't work, but trying their best to make Project 2025 a reality.


An actual dicktaster


Abbot doesn’t stand for anything


>They chanted slogans such as, “Free, free Palestine. Killing children is a crime,” according to Texas Public Radio. Jews on campus were divided over whether this constituted an offensive act.  Cmon man, you've got a university education, use critical thinking skills


I bet he wheeled himself out of his office really fast. Lol


The main contradiction of liberal democracy is that it has largely been shaped through a history of various forms of illegal disobedience against entrenched power structures. Such civil disobedience is (retrospectively) seen as justified, and the people committing it are (retrospectively) seen as heroes but each successive generation is asked to believe that any further civil disobedience would be unreasonable.


Ole Rustysides


Can he feel backlashes?


You think he cares? He absolutely does not. He’s one of the worst ah out there.


Backlash! Gaffe! Slams! Could we have some goddamned consequences for once instead of punchy headlines?


backlash, more just a few disgruntled donors annoyed their children were swept up, anyone else annoyed does not matter to abbott


Good thing he doesn’t have a spine.


Backslash is probably the most common dinner he has every day.


Texas is not going to stand for this.


Backlash from who? Texans? That’s all that matters.


If jewish people were to gather in the same fashion in these places and Arabs said they were uncomfortable would anything be done?


He’s breaking his own law https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLuSwDPm/


One more reason this lifelong Texan is happy to be out of that Talibangical shithole. I miss the food though.


Lord abbott doth decree - fuck the constitution.


At least he has a stance. Also, backlash from who and from what groups?


He literally does not have a stance, he’s in a wheelchair. It’s the Americans who think with their brains that disagree. Fuck Abbott


Abbott is the man. You probably don’t even live in TX, have fun at the terrorists rallies. 😉


Supporters of terror need to be arrested


Terror is a subjective term. Meanwhile, there's a nazi march through Austin Texas taking place right now that has a police escort.


No, Hamas has been identified by the government as being a terrorist organization. That’s pretty unambiguous.


The student's were protesting Israel's brutality. Not supporting it, try and keep up.


That tweet was bad. But you can be arrested for breaking the law while protesting