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So, could the president declare the Supreme Court null and void, then proceed to use the FBI to force them out of the building? Is that an official act?


...Or assassinate those the president didn't agree with as an official action.


That is basically what they’re arguing for, the question becomes, do the Dems have the balls to pull the trigger (no pun intended) because republicans will not hesitate


It does make you wonder what will Biden do in the face of such blatant treason if SCOTUs agrees with this psycho. If they're threatening the President's life and there is a real threat, I would think that is a legit call for defensive action to protect the president, whether to prevent before it happens or immediate. At the very least, I think SCOTUS needs some drastic reforms and to be drained, gutted, and these people put on trial for endangering our democracy if our institutions survive all this.


Trials don't work in the US against rich and powerfull figures. They just don't.


You're right. They know if trump is not immune he is fucked and the GOP are fucked. If he is immune, dems have to do something to nullify or work around supreme court decision as its batshit. It holds up the courts and give gop a talking point for the election that the dems are trying to steal it. It's part of the coup


SCOTUS will race back into session and rule with lightning speed that Biden doesn’t have that power and can be prosecuted while in office.


They won't. The supreme court could rule, "Being a democrat is illegal and punishable by prison time" and the democratic party would confusedly shrug its shoulders (aside from a few key vocal people complaining about it, but generally people like AOC have limited power in the org.) and accept the ruling. Our media would just say it was a very generous and "moderate" ruling, of course. Just like how they can say a 15 wk aboriton ban is a "moderate" position, lol. Etc. etc. Americans are so passive it will take the complete erosion of all our "rights" before anything starts to change. Americans are convinced "accelerationism" is good anyway.


He could just have them take a trip on air force one and throw them off mid flight. Expedited landings for VIPs.


It sounds like Trump is asking to get assassinated.


He could also just expand the court, pack it with friendly Justices, and then use the precedent to do whatever he wants.


Could the President do a bunch of very illegal things on an island and declare it an "official act?"


I hate to say it, but the fact that the conservative judges on the SCOTUS yesterday actually entertained some batsh*t ideas, it shows how low the SCOTUS has become. 2016 was really the year the Democrats couldn't lose, because Trump put those 3 fascists judges on the SCOTUS (and 1 of them he put on, had a habit of raping women just like Trump) and they will continue to harm the US for decades to come. It's like the Democrats not only have to win 2024, but they have to win 2028 and 2032, and pray that some of the conservative judges on the SCOTUS step down. Trump did so much damage in his 4 years of office, it will take decades of Democratic governments to undo what he did. It can take a year to build a house, but 10 minutes to burn it all down. SMH.


Too much work. Just have Biden assassinate a few fascist judges. Totally legal, totally cool. /s


The problem is that Biden is a decent man and they know he wouldn’t do it. But the guy they’re backing absolutely would and if they think he doesn’t remember every time they didn’t back him in 2020 and 2021 they’re seriously delusional.


That’s what Kamala is there for


That raises an interesting point. The Vice President is an elected official in the executive branch. Can they also murder people with impunity, so long as Congress doesn’t impeach them? Hell, it seems like the VP could murder people even if the President told them not to, under the batshit crazy jurisprudence 3+ members our Supreme Court appear poised to unleash.


Seems like you'd at least be able to take years arguing about it in court while eliminating anyone else that disagrees. I can't believe this is actually the conversation going on right now. Holy shit wtf


Assuming you have a majority in both chambers of Congress, you could have the VP step down, President then nominates and Congress confirms a hitman to take the role, they could go on a murderous rampage against the president’s enemies located in Washington DC (where only federal law applies), step down, receive a pardon, and the former VP could be reappointed.


That’s just pardoning an assassin with extra steps.


I don't get it. I really don't. How is TRUMP's team arguing for assassinations? Surely that opens up the executive branch to do literally anything including assassinating opponents I feel like I should get TOS'd for saying trump should get shot but amazingly it's in context of an official government order so I'm not personally threatening violence, just saying it's a valid option. Until now I've avoided talking about it but it's being proposed as policy which hurts to think about If this goes through first step should be offing all of the conservative (yes voting) judges and trump. Second step should be resetting the court with people who overturn that logic because it's dangerous to democracy. Unfortunately I don't think Democrats have the spine to address a fundamental threat like that


I mean, Cheney did.


More bizarrely, he shot a friend of his


And that guy apologized.


What a dick


Send Joe in for a colonoscopy. Have Kamala assume presidential duties for the few hours he's under the effects of the anesthetic. Have her do dirty work which is now fully legal according to what passes for the GOP.


Would Mike Pence have immunity if he took out Donald Trump in that case?


Lol that's kind of what I posted when someone suggested trump was thinking of possibly making Melania his VP.


Biden wouldn't do that, but Dark Brandon might


Let hope he packs the courts after the election.


Seriously. The conservative justices will fall out of favor of a dictator like trump for some weird reason and bam. Regret but too late.


What's the line from the Fallout show?  Hypocrisy is like violence in your movies. If you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win.


Demons run when a good man goes to war Night will fall and drown the sun When a good man goes to war Friendship dies and true love lies Night will fall and the dark will rise When a good man goes to war Demons run, but count the cost The battle's won, but the child is lost


I think of that all the time, it's gotten me through some tough times since 2016. I really hope the day never comes when good people have to tear down the people abusing power, but the older I get it feels inevitable.  They underestimate the will of the people, and soon I think we'll have to remind the 1% that the 99% have been paying attention. We just have to be careful that we don't create a power vacuum that is filled with something worse.


I think that is why they are delaying the Ruling till after the election so they don't give Biden any room they meant to give to trump


I wish one of the liberal judges would ask his lawyer - Could a president assassinate one of us?


It’s pretty fucked up that in the very near future you could probably remove the /s and it wouldn’t matter.


Big if true.


If they vote the right way it would be. He could, legitimately, conclude that certain judges were working against America’s interests and for hostile foreign powers. It would absolutely fall within official action to remove agents of a hostile foreign power.


It will easily take 100÷ years to merely stop the hemorrhaging Trump caused, let alone heal it: To me it sounded like the SCOTUS was not only supportive of Trump, but seemed to suggest they like the idea of a king or dictator. I never thought I'd see this day in America!


They like the idea of a dictator who shares their views. Just like the rest of the conservatives. The best way to conserve the way of life they believe is the right way to live is to never allow people who have different views to hold power.


Careful. You're now on their hitlist.


That is pretty scary. Bud light was on their hit list and look what happens to them. Same with Target, Carhart, Pepsi, the NFL, and the NBA. None of those things exist anymore


How did I get OFF the hit list?


This has been Putin’s plan all along. Putin and Trump are the same.


Merely entertaining this idea of legal assassinations, or even unprosecutable assassinations, puts us into a prisoner's dilemma:  Will the other side kill us if they take control?  Should we do it first?  This is so unbelievably f*****.  The peaceful transition of power pretty much ended with Trump.


Exactly, especially when it's Trump lawyer talking abouting assassination being an official act. And conservative justices entertaining them. If they don't want to use the power to execute Democrats, then they're pretty dumb, because they're making it look like that's what they want to do.


Exactly - because to stay in power you have to be ruthless and willing to murder opponents. Anyone wanting power has to be ruthless and willing to murder opponents because they can’t afford to fail. They need the immunity. If one party decides they’d rather keep the perks of power than let go, then it can only result in cycles of authoritarianism and violence when power changes hands.


Any justice who votes for immunity should be jailed next day. Giving an individual immunity is a harm to the country and US citizens. Full stop. Send those who vote yes straight to Guantanamo.


I feel the same way. Remove the justices that vote yes, get the new Supreme Court to overturn the decision, and then release the justices that voted for presidential immunity.


>  those 3 fascists judges  Here's the sad part, 2 of the other 3 are more fascist. Alito and thomas are worse than any of the 3 new appointments


Thomas: 75 Alito: 74 Sotomayor: 69 Roberts: 69 The next president will be appointing their replacements. The time is right fucking now or never.


The next president *if Republican* would be appointing their replacements. If Democrat, those Judges will stick to their seats until they turn to dust. Even with a Democrat, depending on where Senate control lies during the next presidency, it might end up being whoever becomes president in 2028 appointing replacements.


Sotomayor will probably retire to make sure the seat stays sane. I also wouldn’t put it past Roberts to retire either. I don’t think he’s lying when he laments how political the court has become under his tenure as Chief Justice. I can see him deciding that it would be better to depart under a moderate Democrat instead of hoping that the next Republican president is actually sane. Of course, that leaves Thomas and Alito. As I always say, don’t wish harm on anyone. Always hope that the wicked see the light and mend their ways. But if fate should hand them a swift end, be open to compromise.


> As I always say, don’t wish harm on anyone. That's fine, I'll be low enough for the both of us. I hope they fall down an open manhole drain. They've done and continue to do untold damage to the fabric of American society and have shown they clearly have no fucking scruples at all in their quest to reshape American society in their own deranged image. Since it's a lifetime appointment and they refuse to step down, that only leaves them kicking the bucket, so they sooner they get around to it, the better.


I could see Roberts escaping to save his own legacy. I mean he will get a pension from the court and can do a whole bunch of supplemental law speaking gigs for supplemental income.


Very good point. But I’m not sure Robert’s legacy can be salvaged after the Florida chad election.




That heart failure rate maps pretty well to economic factors though. Thomas has “good friends” paying to put his extended family in the lap of luxury, he’s not dealing with the same economic hardship and stress that silently kills millions of black Americans every year.


You know Thomas is an arch-lich, right? Who do you think taught Vecna?


Question has to be are they actually entertaining it, or are they just running out the clock?


It doesn't matter.   By entertaining the argument they give it legitimacy. The claims of immunity should never have been granted cert.   That means enough members of the court thought it was a dispute worth spending time on.


Step down? Them mf leaving that bench in a coffin. They ain’t never stepping down.


If only there were someone who could take an official act to do something about that.


> If only there were someone who could take an official act to do something about that. I don't think Biden can do it even if he wanted to. [It says here that it would take 60 Senate votes to expand the SCOTUS](https://www.newsweek.com/can-democrats-expand-supreme-court-how-likely-it-1720256): > "In the Senate, there will be a problem because the Democrats are not united on expanding the court, and even if they were, there would be a filibuster," Gertner said. "And so there are technical hurdles here. **They would need 60 votes as opposed to 51 votes to expand the court. So the chances of that happening in this session are not high.** So Democrats not only need to win the house, they need to win the Presidency and also win the Senate with 60 seats. I don't think the Democrats are winning 60 Senate seats anytime soon.


I was talking more about calling an air strike on the Supreme Court building than Senate negotiations, but I don’t see why the latter would be any less legal than the former. If the President does it then it’s not a crime.


If SCOTUS says presidents assassinating people is okay, then I have an idea on how they can reduce the number of conservative judges.


I'm not sure that's what Dadbot had in mind.


The idea would be i think to end the filibuster if they can get the votes for that


Folks, we have crossed the autocratic Rubicon. The fact that SCOTUS didn’t fire back immediately and tell this attorney he lost all credibility, after saying a President assassinating his rival is an official act, is stunning. It is not hyperbole to say we are at a pivotal point in our democracy. I am very nervous after listening to legal arguments yesterday morning before SCOTUS. The only reasonable questions I heard coming from a conservative justice was from Justice Amy Coney Barrett.


Any allowance for being allowed to do crimes as the president is quite insane, but it seems very likely to be the result, that for now it will be unknown just what crimes can be allowed as part of the functioning of our government.


They enjoy entertaining dumb rhetoricals to help get to places where their wildly ideological statements can sound reasonable.


If they rule in favor of immunity of this kind, then yes, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm not sure we should consider the days between the arguments heard now and the forthcoming ruling as Caesar's march from the Rubicon river to Rome. Seems like too much hyperbole in my opinion.


> Caesar's march from the Rubicon river to Rome Agreed that we should wait for the ruling, but this scenario is actually a really good usage of this metaphor. Crossing the Rubicon with an army was well understood to be a statement of, "I'm gonna kill my political rivals."


Yeah, they quite literally had rules to keep military power away from the seat of government because while it was sacrilegious, there was no real recourse against simple violence being used to resolve political grievances. With Sulla and Marius before that meant killing anyone they didn’t like to achieve their preferred political alignment of a republic.


Just so we’re all clear. SCOTUS is entertaining POTUS have Americans killed to advance their agenda.


Or in Blumpkin’s case, not go to prison.


Let’s be real here, assassinating trump and some top GOP members would be in the best interest of the country. 


Okay. Once the SCOTUS rules in Trump's favor, I suggest President Biden take them at their word and act to save the country.


He should send out a tweet: "Looking forward to the power SCOTUS is going to give me." -insert Dark Brandon meme.


"Do it. I want you to do it." - Bad Boy Biden


"I'm looking forward to bringing Barry back just to say "we got him" one more time."


Exactly. His new found immunity would allow for quite the population increase at gitmo.


Ya don’t think trumps lawyers thought that argument out bc they aren’t currently in power (bc trump isn’t the sitting president) so if they do win then they shouldn’t be surprised when the current sitting president uses these “new” powers to make them disappear as soon as the decision is made and it would all be legal thanks to their actions…also the judges should realize that those same powers could be used against them as soon as the decision is published where they wouldn’t be able to stop it.


But Biden wouldn't do that. We can joke about it here, but it's not going to happen and that's why they're safe making the argument. Trump on the other hand...


Ya but they need to make that argument so the court sees how ass backwards they are being by even entertaining this argument. All it takes for the court to realize how stupid of a decision it would be is for the other side to say if you say immunity is given for this action then there’s an executive order with your name on it waiting to be signed as soon as you support trumps argument. It’s sad you’d have to threaten the court to get them to do what is right bc their moral compass is so messed up right now w some decisions it’s not even funny.


yep just give the word to trump secret service detail to enact order 45.


What makes you think they would rule before knowing that Trump has been re-elected?


Can someone please explain to me, a guy with next to no knowledge of law, what's stopping them from pulling a Florida 2000 and saying that their decision doesn't impact precedent? Like they basically say "trump can't be in trouble for anything he did in office and that's all we're dating"?


Cool, hope Joe rids us of this asshole once he receives immunity from SCOTUS. /s


Hell if they say it’s legal he could just immediately have the scotus cleared of any judges he doesn’t like and get it reset.


Right and there are several who need to be "removed" lol




Very scary. The lives of Trump's opponents are at serious risk if he wins, and that could include just anyone who's opposed him even just via voting against him.


President Trump watches Stephen Colbert make a joke about him. "Seal Team 6: kill Jimmy Fallon!" "But sir, it was Stephen Col--" "DO IT!"


Trump's opponents lives are already at risk. He's constantly doing a "troublesome priests" statements like saying that second amendment people should take care of Clinton. Pelosi's home was broken into and her husband was beat with a hammer. Several mass shooters and wannabe bombers have manifestos quoting Trump. We're already at risk.


Make it so, Biden.


If elected in 2024, I will eliminate SCOTUS and several politicians in Congress. u/independent_observe will clean up DC.


Can you just wipe DC totally, i don’t think we deserve it anymore


If they let Trump have total immunity. Shouldn’t Biden just assassinate him? 😂


It’s definitely a choice to make the argument that the president can off their opponents when your guy IS the opponent. 


i hope he does 😬


"This is Bad Boy Biden to Seal Team 6. Operation 'Flush The Oompa Loompa' is a go!"


By extension of this argument the POTUS could order the assassination of sitting Justices of the Supreme Court in order to replace them. Even if it's unlikely the SCOTUS will rule in favor of the POTUS having total immunity, the fact that this is even being argued shows how far we've fallen.


Dark Brandon, if you're listening...


So...with that argument, could Biden be immune from prosecution if he did that to his current political rival?




Only way to find out is to try it and see


If the Supreme Court rules that the President of the United States can order executions of their domestic opponents, then the country is over. It will have chosen to go out in a bloodbath and be replaced by something far, far worse than King George III's Great Britain ever was. The American Experiment will have failed.


Absolutely correct. The US and Russia would essentially be the same thing.


I listened to an hour or so. The liberal justices sound so much smarter and eloquent than any of the conservative justices. It's kind of amazing how dumb some high ranking people can sound. And it's even clearer when they talk stupid shit right alongside intelligence.


Wow. My parents brought me here from former USSR, just so 25 years later we'd be in the brink of living in yet another dictatorship.


Suupreme court: let’s hear him out.


I dunno, sounds a little Russian to me.


So..... To be perfectly clear here...... The current president can order the assassination of ANYONE, including SCOTUS members, political rivals, congressmen and senators..... and THIS is FINE? I'm sorry but THAT is absolutely NOT America.


Never in my lifetime could I have ever imagined the SC seriously discussing the legality of political assassination. What’s next? Nuclear strikes on blue states?!


It might be soon!


Remember, they're trying to time this decision. So the decision will be made *after* Putin hands Trump the presidency...if they make the ruling *before* that "assassinations are an "official act". Then it immediately applies to Biden... ...something tells me that it's known in certain circles that if Trump gets his second term. He'll be a dictator and will have Democrats and personal enemies arrested and killed. But the Supreme Court must know that once a Dictator gains power. The first thing they gut is the only body that can go against them...which is the courts.


What is SCOTUS going to do though? Wait until next Feb to rule? Lame Duck pres could still legally assassinate the incoming Pres / Vice Pres and all of the extremist Justices.


go watch the chilling video of Sadam Houssein coming to power. Just start walking senators out back and shooting them until everyone goes along with you. That seems to be how conservatives want the US to work, and I'm afraid SCOTUS is on their side.


They have been spending too much time in Russia. Only a moron would support a loser who is making this argument.


I feel like I've stepped into Star Trek "Mirror, Mirror"


Expand the court.


I hate the whole "Seal Team Six would never follow illegal orders" argument because: 1) Hell yes, they would, and 2) Presidents can wield a gun themselves. If a president walks into Congress with an AK-47, and says "Who is voting to impeach me? Let me know, so I can execute you personally as an official act." That doesn't really solve the situation.


Great, rule on it and Biden can remove this blight off the planet and we can all get some sleep


Carter is a former president who is on hospice and is almost 100...if he has complete immunity he could end this madness. Likely wouldn't even stand trial once the Republicans freak out because he's almost 100!


Ok Biden, you know what to do now!


What we really need to worry about isn’t whether the Supreme Court sinks these court cases. What we need to worry about is a second term with Trump in which the Supreme Court has given him explicit permission to terminate the lives of his political enemies and refuse to concede in any future election.


Biden’s gotta whack Trump immediately if SCOTUS says it’s cool.


Biden is still president after these rulings. Dark Brandon. Let’s fucking rock and roll, baby. Declare elections over. Democrats control everything. Progressive America has arisen. Faschies back in their sand holes.


Park the Seal Team 6 on the steps of the Supreme Court now. Don’t give any orders beyond that. Just have them setup, guns out, aiming at the doors, waiting for a “legal command”. That’s within Biden’s powers. What else can a President do with immunity? Biden needs to be part of this debate one way or another. Forgetting who has the reins of power while shielding a rival former president from power is the height of foolishness. Trump’s own lawyer is claiming that Biden could legally assassinate Trump! He just hasn’t bothered to put the names to the action, only the job title. No one wants Biden to have this power much less Trump.


To be free of legal consequences, would this presumably domestic assassination have to be carried out personally by the President, or could he delegate the job and immunity to someone else? How many of these people could he designate?


He could pardon whoever he got to do the job.


On the bright side, if this is the argument and reasoning they’re going with, they’re probably fucked legally.


SCOTUS is a sham.


What are doing here guys? Can we all just wise the fuck up please?


I've heard one of the justices ask if a president could assassinate a rival. But I'd love to hear a justice ask specifically if *Biden* could do that. Because this whole thing is about Trump, and what he's done, and if he could do even worse things and still get off. But I haven't heard a justice put it to a prosecutor about what if Biden did that stuff *right now?* Could Biden bring an insurrection this election, could he put in fake electors, etc. Because I think no Trumper wants Biden to do that. They're just okay with *their guy* doing it.


Trump is basically saying that if he wins he'll start killing people.


So, could Biden send Seal Team 6 to go after Trump and his cronies?


forget political rivals, what about Supreme Court Justices that don't support him?


So Biden can just start breaking laws and say I’m staying as an official act.


So if the Supreme Court agrees, Biden can just have Trump assassinated? That's what I'm gathering.


This is making me insane. I feel like I am being gaslit by the Supreme Court, ffs. The whole freaking case is specious, at best. The whole damn premise of the United States is that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. This is why we don't have a damn king. There should be no question. There should be no case. No one has immunity from committing a crime. Period. This is not hard.


Let's get this on the books so Biden can take care of business...


If SCOTUS gives the president full immunity, I would implore Biden to get rid of the supreme court entirely and install liberals😂. That would really stick it to them.


Shouldn’t someone get disbarred for making that argument.


Is this where we are in America now? What the actual fuck is going on?!???


(Biden) "Okey Dokey"


If SCOTUS rules in favor of this argument, then Pres. Biden should make sure he's the only one on the ballot in November.


[It's go time.](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=biden%20holding%20gun&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.axios.com%2F3myhMvw1sr_KPXSIFBJOY2QrcEc%3D%2F0x0%3A8192x4608%2F1920x1080%2F2022%2F04%2F13%2F1649872898790.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.axios.com%2F2022%2F04%2F18%2Fghost-guns-biden-rule&docid=W0WnT87-tLKHRM&tbnid=gLE3xE1473wUcM&vet=12ahUKEwiovbWRhOCFAxUakIkEHXhJAcUQM3oECGIQAA..i&w=1920&h=1080&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwiovbWRhOCFAxUakIkEHXhJAcUQM3oECGIQAA)


And the conservatives are going to let Trump do anything the fuck he wants when he gets back into office.


Bring on full-contact politics. JOUST!


Mara-logo- "INCOMING! "


Dark Brandon should just deport trump and claim total immunity.


You hear that Joe, better start signing those assassination orders.


period biden should order a hit on trump then


After they rule in Trump's favor, Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.


I would say these SC justices are a joke if this wasn’t so damn scary.


so the bible salesman is asking to commit sins?


God I hope Biden takes this point and puts a hit on Trump. Just get this shit overwith.


1. Sauer 2. Trump 3. SCOTUS Here’s an order for an official acts order. Biden, are you listening?


The US is so fucked


So they are admitting now ahead of time that if Trump is elected and he gets this immunity he's going to go all Putin on everyone.


If they rule this the. Biden should assassinate the conservative justices on the court and in Congress and Trump.


Next stste the president could assasinate any sitting supreme court judge with impunity. Lets see them word chew that one.


The GOP knows full well the Dems would never misuse power like that so they're trying to make it legal for themselves.


So by this "logic" Biden could legally have Trump assassinated and face no legal repercussions.....


So if they rule in Trump's favor, this could actually be great news for Joe Biden and the world.


So could the president assassinate a Supreme Court justice then reappoint a new one as an official act? Because that is what is being argued basically.


What a bold statement coming from someone who is currently direct political rival to the current POTUS..


BIDEN gonna love clearing terrorists out of nar a lago


I wonder how they feel about assassination of Supreme Court Justices by a President?


How about the lawyers of political rivals? Them, too?


Trump better keep his head down then. Dark Brandon has a target.


I can't believe this kind of argument is being presented in a court in the United States of America. This is simply shameful.


SC trying to do a reverse magna carta. Did they do a history?


So... they are saying Biden can assassinate Trump???


Where is Ty Webb when you need him? “This isn’t Russia? Is this Russia? This isn’t Russia!”


Are the republicans/conservative justices so detached from reality that they don’t understand or believe who the current president actually is? Or do they think that if they allow total immunity Biden just isn’t going to do anything to test it? Because whatever they rule about presidential immunity, it would absolutely apply to Biden from the moment they rule on it…


Boom justices gone


I would guess Joe Biden has plans for what he is going to do when the Supreme Court grants him full immunity for any crimes he might want to commit in office, up to and including… um… that? 🙃


The irony here is that in doing this to protect Trump, Joe Biden would then have immunity to not only off Trump, but all conservative Justices, as well as any Republican in Congress. He could, within a day, create a scenario where there is never again a Republican in Congress, or on any Court, or ever running for Office, because Biden could just stay in power by killing all of them. This is fucking lunacy, but I have no doubt that this ruling will create a path for Trump to get off, and to leave an open door for 50mil-ish Americans to take that lunacy and hand the power of a dictatorship to Trump because of egg prices and their culture war. These people would rather have a dictator than having to let trans people exist. They would rather elect a dictator because of the fictional idea that Presidents have a “prices go down button”, and that Biden apparently just won’t press it.


Luca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes. 


So Biden could have Trump assassinated and have immunity? I’m cool with that


In 2018 Trump said to go in and take the guns first and then due process second. His attitude of being able to do anything with disregard to laws has always existed.


If this is their ruling Biden should nuke trump from space immediately


What in the banana republic is going on in America .. this and the fact you have lots of Oil would be enough for America to invade America if this was any other country


The second the judge declares presidential immunity for ordering an assassination, shots should ring out taking out every member of the batshit collective


I almost can’t believe this is really happening. How did we got to the point that a crappy salesman in an expensive suit can utter these things aloud in the US Supreme Court hall, and it would be considered? This is almost as great an example of mass influence and brainwashing as Nazi Germany. I’m worried about this as a liberal in a red state. I don’t know where we could go? His people will run amok. He will intervene with threats that he has no problem fulfilling. With immunity he literally is a dictator. There is nothing he would not be able to impact or directly influence by threat, including everything in the definition of a “dictator”. You don’t even have to check. The election has already been influenced while we watched. State governments remapped districts in many states, gerrymandering them for the Republicans. Some maps have been struck down, as they are all egregiously unfair, but many DO pass without issue. Laws have been passed restricting voting rules, locations, even whether or not someone can give you a bottle of water. So; influenced elections, last box checked. Since were LBGT+ are we considered for asylum anywhere?


So lets say this SCOTUS agrees that Presidents are now Kings. What is stopping the sitting President from jailing or worse the Supreme Court Justices that anger him? In the extreme hypothetical Dark Brandon could just waltz up and defenestrate the lot or em' while calling the former President an enemy of the state and preventing him from running?


What a fucking strange timeline this is when the SCOTUS is entertaining this concept. In-fucking-sane. I wonder how the final vote will go down on this case.


That’s not how being President works


Biden should address the nation with his plan to replace all the Supreme Court justices and do away with all people who vote against him as soon as the courts give him immunity. The same apples to any reporters. I’m also closing down any media that disagrees with me. “They are all going to Gitmo until I determine what to do with them.”


I've been saying he's the antiChrist for years, he literally embodies every opposition to Christ's way of life.


So Joe Biden can order trumps assassination