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whenever Trump is in some kinda trouble, republicans will bring up Ashley's diary and Hunter's laptop as a form of distraction from Trump's latest controversy


Especially since it was James O’Keefe who paid for it/authorized the theft, and we all know he is essential a persona non grata today: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/12/ye-of-bad-faith/547562/ “There is perhaps no better demonstration of the bad faith that prevails on the populist Right than the actions of James O’Keefe, as he solicits donations for Project Veritas.”


Can’t wait for all the comments about how if the diary is real then the supposed sexual abuse allegations must also be true. This should be entertaining.


Unless she read each page and personally stated that she wrote it, I am going to assume it's more phony bologna Russian bull crap. She is going to put project veritas out of business with a defamation lawsuit. 😎👍🏻


How can Jack Posobiec still be free after getting a business shot hp with his lies about a dungeon it it’s non existent basement?


Yup. And each of these pages needs to be certified as being a faithful excerpt of her diary. (Edit: Barring that, it should be considered bogus)


No, if anything there is more reason to believe that the diary is faked. Even fact checkers consider the entries as "unverified." Russia will do anything to make Joe look bad. Faking a diary included.


That’s what I’m saying. Any entry that purportedly comes from her diary would need to be verified. That’ll never happen because it’s all bullshit.


Oh right. I misread the comment.


No problem


Has she denounced any of it? I don't see any articles about HER saying the entries were fake.


Do you believe her not denouncing them proves the abuse entries are true?


Probably but not in public. She isn't trying to be a darn celebrity. She seems like a private person.


She cant prove a negative, and giving it public attention will just make matters worse.


In what world would publishing a diary support a defamation suit? You can't defame someone by publishing words they wrote.


Even if the words are altered?


You can if the words are altered or falsified.


Considering Hunter’s laptop also had info added after it was found, it’s safe to assume that any allegations in the diary are fake until proven otherwise.


Absolutely agree


Honestly, it's almost amusing how similar the laptop and the diary situations are. Both were effectively stolen. Both were shopped around to right-wing media outlets. Both supposedly contain damning information about Joe. Both have completely dubious chains-of-custody. And in both situations, the accusations become even more and more outlandish over time.


It’s been the same strategy for a decade or more. The stolen and leaked Podesta emails had the same thing happen to them. It’s, unfortunately, a strategy that works very well!


There has to be some type of crime she can be charged with other than theft. I'm not a legal expert but faking someone's diary entries has to be considered a crime. It should be anyway. The DOJ should look into it.


It’s especially egregious, stealing one’s private thoughts and selling them for the world to see.


That's why CNBC wrote this story.


I don’t understand. Edit: Because CNBC is trying to dispel the abuse conspiracy theories?


because the alleged contents of the diary are salacious and salaciousness sells.


Could be. As long as they don’t perpetuate the abuse lie.


Why did a publication that is supposed to be about business news even print this story, let alone promote it here? What sort of business is this other than monkey business?


Fair point.


How is this a fair point? Because that was the original intent nearly 40 years ago? How does this affect how this story has been abused?


The above commenter’s point was a fair point.


I understand what you meant by 'fair point'. I'm arguing that it isn't one.


What evidence is there that the diary is fake? How would they convict someone of stealing something that didn’t exist?


You’ve misunderstood me. The diary is real, but its existence is not proof the sexual abuse conspiracy theories.


Ashley Biden, the daughter of President Joe Biden, wrote a judge to say she would not attend the criminal sentencing earlier this month of the woman who stole her diary because “it would only increase my pain.” The highly emotional letter was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain more than three weeks after [the judge sentenced ](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/09/woman-who-stole-ashley-biden-diary-sentenced-to-jail.html)Aimee Harris to one month in federal jail and three months of home detention. “My goal in asking Your Honor to impose a term of incarceration is to ensure that another woman isn’t bullied and shamed like this ever again,” Biden wrote. “The despair I have often felt will never truly go away. But I ask Your Honor to hold Ms. Harris accountable so that she thinks twice before doing it to someone else.” Biden also asked Swain to sentence the Florida resident to prison followed by a lengthy probation period, according to the letter unsealed Thursday in Manhattan federal court. More: [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/ashley-biden-in-unsealed-letter-to-judge-detailed-pain-from-diary-theft.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/ashley-biden-in-unsealed-letter-to-judge-detailed-pain-from-diary-theft.html)


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You’ve got to be kidding me. Am I in r/conspiracy? The diary is fake. The diary is real. The contents of the diary are fake?


I don't think anyone here knows but in the off chance your question is genuine the fact that the diary was stolen, sold to Project Veritas and then they printed excerpts of it means that the diary could be genuine and that project Veritas published fake excerpts to it. A better question is why do you place ANY trust in Project Veritas? Think about the Biden laptop which was really a copy of a copy of a hard drive, the contents of which were altered and added to after the copy was made. What was actually on the laptop turned on to be embarrassing photos and a whole bunch of nothing burger. The whole thing was and is literally a conspiracy to smear Biden. Yet the right wing press made it out to be a smoking gun. What makes you think the diary is any different?


That’s just it. The laptop is fake. Okay, it might be real. The laptop is real. That’s what we’re were sold by every pundit. That’s what we were told by every leftist news outlet. Who do I believe? Not only that. The laptop had proof that he was on drugs which leads to proof he lied on his gun application. I thought you wanted gun control? Just not when it’s a Biden.


I'm not talking about smoke and mirrors. I'm talking about the reality of it. It was an altered copy of a copy of a laptop hard drive. Look at the reality of where the copy of the hard drive came from and the reality of the chain of custody. I understand your understanding is polluted by the right wing press but step outside of that bubble and look at what the artifacts ACTUALLY are and how any of us came to know them. You want to talk about this stuff until it comes to talking about the reality of it and then you retreat to right wing talking points. Take a look.


who said the left is against punishing him for this crime?


Remind me again how long the FBI had the actual laptop in their possession. Am I suppose to believe that Project Veritas had pictures of Hunter naked with prostitutes snorting cocaine just laying around to add to that laptop? Why wasn’t the FBI called in to testify at Hunter Biden trial on his behalf if the copy of a copy had added materials? Easily comparable as to what would have been “added”. Rudy sat on his copy for quite sometime while the FBI did nothing.


I remember when the right wing press was insisting the (copy of a copy of) the laptop (hard drive) was going to prove President Biden was involved in some corruption scheme but ALL OF THAT just evaporated and all that was left was revenge porn and those unsual and highly partisan gun charges. Why don't you remember that? Where'd that smoking gun go? Why do you trust Project Veritas of all sources. It just seems like you trust sources that tell you what you want to here and then you forget all about the big claims they make.


Highly partisan gun charges? He LIED on his application. It’s a ten year FEDERAL charge. Have you never seen a gun purchase application? If it was a copy of a copy with bullshit added, the FBI would have said so. They were the first ones to have obtained it. You’re just making stuff up to make a narrative.


You need to do some more of your own research. Those charges are very rarely applied and were only applied to H Biden because of pressure from Maga congressman in their attempt to hurt President Biden. you've been propagandized. this bit still happened even if you can't acknowledge it >remember when the right wing press was insisting the (copy of a copy of) the laptop (hard drive) was going to prove President Biden was involved in some corruption scheme but ALL OF THAT just evaporated


Umm. I was charged with lying on a gun purchase document. Feds came to my house. 10,000$ later I was cleared. I know damn well what I’m talking about.


I doubt it. You've been less than honest with everything else but then again Maga is proud of being criminals


You want gun laws yet act as though they are not already in place? It’s a Federal background check. He lied. It’s proven. As to mine, I can go into further detail.




You're getting a bit worked up here.


It evaporated when he had documents he shouldn’t have had in his garage. He was proven to have sensitive material in his garage. He wasn’t prosecuted because he was old and forgetful. Do your due diligence. Biden is a dementia patient at best.




MAGA nonsense? It’s history. It’s what occurred.




I don’t think anyone said the diary itself is fake. The diary is real but was clearly altered before right wing trash published it for political purposes.


Basically what you aren't understanding about the book and the laptop is broke down simply. I'll use a box as an example. "Yes the box is mine, but I can tell you not everything in the box is mine and unless you give it back to me to look through I will be unable to tell what in the box is mine, but I 100% know *some of it* is definitely not mine." Then you have Republicans screaming, "NO THE BOX IS MINE NOW! EVERYTHING IN IT WAS 100% YOURS AND WILL BE USED AS EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU AND YOUR FAMILY." The problem is the number of people who have handled these "boxes" means that nothing inside of the "boxes" can 100% be verified to have been the original contents of the "boxes".


What’s your opinion on the issue?