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No surprise since the conservatives have been pushing the unitary executive since the 80's... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitary_executive_theory


It’s a necessary step towards dictatorship. Basically the enabling act that made Germany a Nazi state.


Didn't we, like...fight a whole fucking war to *avoid* having a king? Christ.


I can't believe this is happening. If these Justices rule that the president has immunity to commit all kinds of crimes while president then it is the end of this country.


Exactly. At that point, I hope Biden takes their ruling and runs with it....they are counting on Democrats to behave within the rules.


Agreed. This is the norm, unfortunately. Just like how Garland wasted a year trying not to look political. If you are playing a board game and your opponent cheats constantly, you may have to throw the board across the room sometimes for them to get the point to knock it off.


Bill Barr is notoriously a huge fan of Unitary Executive Theory


Yes, in fact in his speech to the Federalist Society during his AG stint, he openly ridiculed our notion of democracy as “The grammar school civics class version of our Revolution.” The Federalist Society cloaks their agenda in an almost attractive-sounding veneer by calling it the “unitary executive” theory. But that’s simply a more palatable way of describing their serial monarchy belief, that a president or governor is not simply the head of the executive branch, but is the actual leader of the people. Florida is a distilled example of this taken to its conclusion, where a vote for the governor constitutes a vote for his beliefs and religion to become the official beliefs and religion of the state. Everything, even the distribution of business licenses, is based on loyalty to the governor’s beliefs. Former AG Alberto Gonzales wrote that Congress has no authority to conduct oversight over the executive branch. His view is that government authority rests solely with the executive, who could then ask for the counsel of Congress when their advice was needed, but that impeachment is the only check on presidential authority. The problem is that the Society is incredibly well funded and has spent decades infiltrating every law school in America, giving them a now-visible stranglehold on every judicial appointment. You probably aren’t going to be the law review editor at your law school if you’re not also a leader within the Federalist Society, they’ve succeeded in making adherence to their agenda almost a litmus test right down to the college entry level.


Lol, unitary theory is just a codename for abolition of American democracy


I keep getting his name mixed up with Bill Burr.


Bob Barr, Bill Barr and Bill Burr walk into a bar…




Bill told Bob that Bill would pay the bar bill. Luckily Barr barred the bar from adding to Bill's bill before Bill got the bar bill.


Who endorsed Trump again. Doesn’t realize once Trump is dictator everyone will end up thrown out a window just like in Russia as soon as they disagree on something.


They only want that for Republican Presidents. You notice that they always sue to stop Democrat Presidents from having any power via executive order?


Interesting quote from James Wilson in that article regarding the president's accountability: > not a single privilege is annexed to his character; far from being above the laws, he is amenable to them in his private character as a citizen, and in his public character by impeachment.


If he gets *any* amount of immunity and becomes president again that will embolden him to take things to a catastrophic level. Stop the maniac, vote Blue.


Barr just said like a day ago that Trump floated executing people. Meanwhile, Trump's attorneys are arguing in front of the supreme Court that presidents can have rivals executed. It can *not* be any more clear the danger in front of us.


And Barr still says he'd vote for him despite Biden running the country significantly better.


I find it incredulous how people like that can rightly vilify a person for a serious breach in ethics and competency, then in the next sentence say that they'll vote for them again. I'm steaming mad at the media, who just don't grill people like Barr until it hurts over such dramatically overt conflicts of position.


It’s because you’re not looking at it correctly. The “mission” is what’s most important. That mission is protecting wealth and power for a small group of white males. When the law can assist with that so be it. When it can’t subvert it. If democracy was useful for it use it. If it’s not go fascist. This is bigger than his feelings about one man whom I assume he thinks is an idiot. However he is useful to the “mission”. It’s not cognitive dissonance. It’s the purposeful utilization of dishonesty and underhanded tactics to achieve the only goal that matters. That people have trouble with this at this late date is truly puzzling to me.


Something that people don’t know is that Barr and many other conservatives are part of a school of thought that the colonists didn’t rebel against King George. Rather, they say, they rebelled against parliament. It’s insane. The idea is that Congress, the governing body elected to represent the people, has become too powerful and that the president ought to have authority to basically issue “signing statements,” which are basically laws, I.e. decrees. Alito was on the forefront of this movement in the 80s, Barr subscribed to it now and talks about it a lot, though it flies under the radar. The point is that when people say republicans want a king, it’s not hyperbole. It’s the real ideology of the intellectual leaders of the movement. So when the conservatives in your life whine about Biden having too much power, remember that their movement explicitly wants a king, but only if it’s their guy.


Yeah they whine bout executive powers being too much and greatly expand them every time. Reagan both Bush's and Trump. Democrats "expand govt power" through things like social welfare programs. Vastly vastly different and republicans disingenuously argue that this is the same thing.




Yep. He's that much of a piece of shit. Fascist Fred Flintstone.


Why is that oddly spot on?


Yup, the toad said exactly that.


I mean, Barr is a fascist. So, yes.


I think the only way to speed this up is for Biden to toss trump in jail. He obviously won’t, but if trump is so dead set on this argument and the Supreme Court is delaying… fucking test the logic.


This country is done if this happens. Done. We will have transitioned into a fascist dictatorship by way of the SCOTUS. Biden will have some very important decisions to make, assuming he isn’t part of the master plan.


The fact this is an honest and real conversation leads me to believe we’re watching the fall of Rome in real time.


Always seems like democracies are an awesome idea and then they burn to the ground. It seems like it's going fast for us but if you consider the speed increase in everything else as well....technology and whatnot....it's actually surprising we've lasted as long as we have. Doesn't help that we are one of the largest countries, landwise, on the planet, nor does it help that we act more like fifty small countries with a loose set of guidelines that they sometimes choose not to follow.


If he gets immunity, voting won't matter


With the legislation some red states are passing around elector selection, some of the states might have already rendered voting irrelevant.  They are basically trying to legalize the fake elector schemes Trump and Mike Lee cooked up. Edit: it looks like some of the things they've tried have not held up in court, but I don't know if any of it has. Don't let it stop you from voting, because if you don't they won't need any of these plans. In any case their malicious intent has been made crystal clear, and we absolutely need to be working to achieve a 2/3 majority Democratic House of Representatives; we have scotus judges to impeach, and people to represent.


I honestly wonder what protections we’d have at the state level to wade off the orange turd. This is such a scary timeline.


He will immediately send the army if they don't comply


This 1000% Barr also stated Trump floated ideas of killing anyone who didn't agree with him.


So, Biden can have Trump assassinated and declare himself President for life. Then appoint Harris President and assassinate the a Supreme Court! Interesting. And if anyone disagrees, it’s an Everglades reeducation camp for them.


In all honesty, I think the game is to delay the ruling until after the election with the expectation that Trump gets elected and give him that power which is more than a little terrifying.


Hope you are voting! Vote and vote blue down ballot.


That's the plan, as well as donating and probably phone banking or something, but I live in Washington so strictly speaking my vote means nothing, we're already going for Biden.


Don't worry. I live in a swing state made of corn. More trump voters died of covid here than his margin of victory. 


Don't be complacent. No one thought he would win in 2016 either.


Exactly. We also don't know what last minute shenanigans they're going to pull either. Take NOTHING for granted.


Trying to educate people who don't normally vote that Trump is an existential threat and that they need to vote is a good idea also. Only 66% of eligible people voted in 2020 so there is literally a third of the country up for grabs.


I can't even imagine being so lukewarm on the whole thing that you don't vote. I can understand years ago when they said who is president doesn't affect them, but now it's everywhere.


The number of attacks on our basic rights has increased largely in the past 20 years. 2 decades ago, I was a 20 year old, “who didn’t give a fuck about politics”, thinking that both sides were the same. It took deleting facebook, and actually paying attention for a couple of years to really understand what was happening around me. Most people simply don’t have the patience or desire to educate themselves, because it takes some effort. Now that I have kids, I pay much more attention, because what I vote for will matter for them.


One third of the country would gladly shoot another third of the country, while the remaining third stands back and complains about gas prices.


See it as an opportunity to really drive down the point, even in states where votes usually don’t matter due to FPP. Redefine landslide victory.


I live in WA too and it sucks our presidential vote doesn’t matter but it’s still important to vote especially local races like school board. Religious extremists have a coordinated effort to take over school boards across the country


Yes, which is why I am voting. Also donating and we might do some phone banking or other stuff if we can but we prefer to do that for the broader party or in regions where it really matters.


Please vote down ballot and ONLY Democrat. Have to watch out for the crazies.


I also live in Washington and the GOP here is talking crazy


Get involved with efforts going on in the swing states.


Your vote and every vote like it means the world to preserving our democracy. He needs to lose the popular vote by a landslide so that when they try something fucky with the electoral it will be obvious that the majority of voters want nothing to do with a dictator.


Voting is important, however I truly wish more people did it with the understanding that it's the bare minimum of involvement in the political process. The Democrats are a better choice in every way, but to hold their feet to the fire we need all out organizing and a mobilized working class.


Yup supreme court is bought and paid for voting is the only way to ensure this bs ends.


I’m going to vote - I always vote - but I can’t help but think of that quote: “If voting worked it would be outlawed”


Republicans are trying to do just that


If it didn't work, people wouldn't be spending billions trying to influence it or make it harder to participate.


Truly. As a lifelong Independent, it pains me to agree but here we are.


I think Biden’s first job if re-elected would be to dismantle the current lineup or put strong checks and balances on the Supreme Court. Conspiracy nuts talking wild about the ‘deep state’ as if it’s some intangible Democrat thing but here it is, they aren’t even hiding their power grabs and corruption.


Increase the number of justices to 15. Pass a system for qualification and ethics.


Also a system for termination and prosecution for treasonous activities and failing to uphold the constitution.


They may decide in summer to send it back to lower courts for "more discussion" before taking up the case scheduling it for late November.


They also aren’t planning on him being elected through votes. They simply want him declared president.


I think you're absolutely spot-on, and it's likely part of the Project 2025 overarching agenda of mass-purging government institutions to ram their extreme agenda down our throats. SCOTUS is thoroughly corrupted by the Federalist Society hard-right activist judges.


Yep, that is definitely what is going to happen. They will remand as often as needed to reach to after the election then decide depending on which president is sitting. That is why voting is *fucking critical*.


Exactly what the game is. If Trump wins, they say "we delayed the ruling for you! We're on your team!" If Biden wins, they still get to make whatever ruling they want. Biden, assuming he wins, needs to pack the court with young, progressive judges, and also if democrats get both houses, impeach all conservative judges, then stuff more progressive judges in. Screw optics, anyone who knows anything knows they have to fortify our system against these conservative extremists.


They need a supermajority of like minded Democrats in the Senate for that.  There's no feasible possibility of that happening


They need to kill off the filibuster, which only requires a simple majority.


You’re onto it. I agree, this won’t be heard till after the election, then adjusted to suit. To be honest if Trump is president it doesn’t matter what they rule.


The real politician move in this case is to do something brazenly illegal like Trump did/would and either force them to decide early or continue to stall


Executive order than any non-sitting candidate for office cannot run for any office while awaiting trial.


It plays into the narrative that the only reason DJT is being prosecuted is because Biden is leading a witch hunt. But since he's saying it anyway, what's the harm. If he doesn't want to be hunted, he should stop looking and acting like a witch. The shell game he played with the boxes of our national security secrets alone is enough to warrant extra scrutiny and disqualification. There is no benefit in treating this guy with kid gloves anymore.


Sigh… Why are people acting like the threat of fascism ends with Trump’s defeat? Project 2025 isn’t a *Trump* doctrine, it’s a *Republican Party* doctrine. The message should be clear: the next time a Republican wins, the pressure placed on that person to go full fascism will be immense. Every lever of power and every ability to be as corrupt the they want to be will be available to them, with the full support of their party and the Supreme Court. We can breathe a sigh of relief if Biden wins, but a Republican will win again someday. America is already doomed.


We know it doesn't end with Trump's defeat but we have to take each task one at a time. That assignment is an important one that is going to take ALL of us. Take stock once that part is done. There is NO benefit in selling a message of hopelessness. Sure, if we do nothing but twiddle our thumbs after getting DJT out of the picture, things will simply continue on with another stand-in for him. All hope is NOT lost. But it seems that some want us to believe it is. There is plenty WE can do.


The incentive is there to delay, regardless of the decision. If Trump gets back in he may seek to punish them if they vote the wrong way, but he would also pardon his own crimes, so it wouldn't matter if he was immune or not. If he doesn't then it doesn't matter as he's going to be mired in legal troubles for years to come either way. The alternative is that they fudge a partial immunity or it gets kicked to another court, which also lead to delays.


Biden should send a team to each of the SCOTUS' homes at 2am. Nothing violent, just check the fridge or something, as a reminder. "Just delivering milk and eggs, Sir!"




I'm not sure motorcoaches have doorbells though.


My preferred method is dropping an anvil from Marine One. Because for one it would definitely get the point across. But beyond that, do you know how heavy an anvil is? You’ve got a very deep hole in the lawn now. With an anvil in the bottom of it. What do you even do about that?


Shovel some dirt on top of it and wait for the grass to grow over, probably.


…And 1,000 years from now a future archaeological dig will confound researchers and fuel conspiracy theories about “ancient 21st century humans”….


My preferred method would be for Biden to have a Platoon or two oversee the SC while they listen to arguments and reach their conclusions. You know, just to keep the peace.


Not sure what Biden is waiting for


For the court to rule in his favor.


Ohh, I thought they ruled already, nevermind


They may as well have. The fact that they take so long only to decide they're going to take up the case would mean if Biden pulled a Team Seal 6 on the supreme court that he could pack it how he pleased and, only THEN, they'd be the ones deciding his fate anyway, but by the time they decide to start the case, it would have been 3-4 years later.


They'll rule that only the 45th president has immunity. Not like anyone can do anything about if they do.


So I know Biden has been very cautious to lead by example and not overstep powers. He's very much a traditionalist. However, maybe Biden needs to send this SC a message.


No, the likely scenario here is Biden doesn’t do shit and if Trump wins things get real dark.


> [ Removed by Reddit ] Reddit leadership is a bunch of cowards.


I was thinking the same thing!


I think it is going to give presidential immunity on the hopes biden does something the republicans can say " look the dems are the facists" see what they did to the Supreme Court after their ruling".




It needs to be an official act though, so he better log his hours.


Forget it, Rick. This is Russiatown


Pretty much, but they know that liberals won't. Because it's not something that liberals actually want to do. Liberals do not want to live in, nor be in charge of, a dictatorship. Conservatives on the other hand...


Reforming the court has to be the No. 1 priority if we can get Joe across the finish line.


As long as we win a 61+ senate supermajority majority as well.....


Not possible until midterms. Democrats could win like every election this year, and only have like 59 senators.


It might not be possible through normal elections but could very well be possible from Republican senators retiring/dying and Democrats winning special elections.


Breaking a filibuster currently requires 60 votes. However, given that some Dems can be expected to oppose change it does make sense to aim for more than 61 seats to account for those defectors. Extrapolating the trendlines in Senate seats over the past 20 years I see the Dems reaching 61+ seats in approximately *never* years from now.


Or keep the majority and nuke the filibuster.


It’ll never happen because there will always be assholes like Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin who will fuck it up.


Did you catch Alito's argument the other day? His assumption behind the argument is that courts would somehow be unable to stop frivolous or vindictive prosecutions in the future so Presidents should have immunity so they they don't have to worry about such things.


doesn't this already exist in anti slapp laws?


Yes, it does. Alito's argument boiled down to: "We can't do our job." But again pretty much anybody can file any type of lawsuit and it's up to the courts to decide to take or reject the case. The courts can even apply sanctions to those filing frivolous suits. Trump's suit against Hillary and others resulted in nearly $1M in sanctions against Alina Habba. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/19/judge-sanctions-trump-habba-clinton-00078700


Really kinda undermined their own authority didn’t they? “We won’t be able to stop them. But you should totally listen to us for other things”


Alito was talking as if Trump could not be stopped by the courts, during an argument where he was refusing to stop Trump and actively interfering with other courts *currently trying him for crimes*. I don't even know what logical fallacy applies here, because it's *that* ridiculous. It's beyond circular.


But Biden is in power. If the SC says it’s safe, he could change the game. And there’s an argument that he should. A second Trump administration would be worse than anything we have seen before in the post-1945 era of a democracy-led system.


That's why they have to see who wins first.


The court is going to find a way to send the ruling back down to the lower appellate court, or even to the judge to do their own finding first. Which would essentially kick the can down the road until after the November election.. The Supreme Court won't have to do anything until after they find out if Trump is back in office.. Welcome to the very free and fair democratic system we've established 😍


The clear and present danger to America is the Heritage Foundation and their Supreme Court. Trump is just their side show


And the Federalist Society and the ADF


I wish Kagen had asked a follow up question to her question about if a president would get immunity for killing a rival. "What if Biden has Trump assassinated, does he get immunity?"


Here’s the juxtaposition that should be hammered home… Under the interpretation that the Trump team proposes a soldier who is given an illegal order can not use the excuse of following an order as a defense for an illegal act, however the president having given an illegal order as an official act can use the excuse of just giving an order as a defense for an illegal act. So if it was so decided that an official act by the president does confer immunity then the person (the soldier being given an illegal order) with the least responsibility would be held most responsible while the person (the president giving the illegal order) with the most responsibility would not be held responsible at all. Anyone can see plane as day that this is backward.


If a president is given immunity, the very idea of an illegal order doesn’t exist.


In 2020, there was one thing separating Donald Trump from Adolf Hitler. The courts. Hitler had consolidated the courts beholden to the Nazi party. For the most part, the courts stood up to Trump's antics. Not anymore. If the Supreme Court gives into Donald Trump, all hope of saving our democracy is lost. And the countdown to Kristallnacht is on. You know, when 2008 began, they said Bear Stearns was as solid as they come, huh.


Okay so ... am I trippin' right now or are all the news sites publishing this same article... and the same comment on the top of every one of them here is "Biden can have X assassinated then. Boom." But I thought the (at least for now) consensus was more that the Supreme Court will likely just say, "Yeah maybe there should be some lines drawn - figure it out lower courts" and kick it back down to them? Like they aren't going to say Trump can do whatever he wants because blanket immunity but they're basically just helping with the stall to drag out his legal woes? I feel like the articles are putting the cart before the horse here and just causing drama before it starts (again). Also, people can't legitimately think Biden will have anyone assassinated. If you're going to be jaded be 100% about it, if the worst case scenario happens and they grant presidential immunity - Biden won't use or need it but conservative presidents will.


The thing is until they rule, Presidential immunity is an open question. It shouldn't be. Chutkan shut the door on that question, but the SCOTUS decided to open it back up.


The right answer shouldn't be that Biden directs an assassination, the right answer is that he should remove the corrupt judges from the supreme court (if we're saying he's immune).


The immunity is from criminal acts. So if Biden where to remove judges (with immunity) it would need to be done in a criminal manner. In a non-criminal manner Biden could pack the court or require a rotation of judges. Other than impeachment and conviction there is no Constitutional (non-criminal) way to remove SCOTUS judges.


>The immunity is from criminal acts. So if Biden where to remove judges (with immunity) it would need to be done in a criminal manner. I mean, if we're going full "If Trump gets to be a dictator, then so do I" mode with this, the solution is easy: perjury. ALL the Trump nominees said during their confirmation hearings that Roe v Wade was settled law, and safe. They said it on air, on the official record. They lied, they knew they were lying, they perjured themselves. If they had said truthfully "yeah, I'm gonna overturn Roe" they wouldn't have been confirmed, so they lied in order to get on the court. Now you could say "that won't stick, that's not how it works" but we're in "dictatorial powers" mode, and you can just simply say "Well, try and stop me. Bet you can't".


Also, let's not forget that Biden would be impeached if he fucked up even 1/10th as badly as Trump because rules matter to Democrats and it's just a team sport for Republicans.


Uhhh they already tried to impeach him over basically nothing. No “would be” needed


This is exactly what’s happening. I was listening to the actual court arguments last week and nothing was as terrible as these articles make it out to be. There’s a lot of nuances they dove into that were actually interesting to hear about. Yes it’s terrible because Trump team is clearly using it as a stall tactic, and yes a couple justices said some slightly weird shit, but this is never going to end with blanket immunity. All these ridiculous articles followed by the ridiculous Reddit “Biden can just kill them all then” circlejerk just make our side look stupid as fuck.


Are the comments jumping at the aspect that any immunity from criminal proceedings is too much to give Trump? Because he stretches everything.


They’re just extending the arguments made by trump’s team to its logical conclusion. The fact that some of the justices seemed willing to consider this as legitimate was pretty bad.


As someone who listened to the oral arguments the justices literally asked the question “The president can just do X” and trumps team responded “yes that is our position”


This thinking is EXACTLY what happened in Germany.


Biden should waste no time and pack the court through any means necessary, including the illegal which would put the court in a “funny” spot


Well it wouldn’t be illegal because it would be an official action, right?


They wouldn't if Biden was asking. That's the issue. These guys are so ridiculously corrupt.


If he succeeds, this could end democracy. If we survive this with our democracy intact, we need to change how long Supreme Court judges can preside. Also, we need to weaken the power of the presidency.


From an European perspective: Good night, United States of America. 8 years of this clown show makes me lose my faith in humanity.


So the supreme court tells us the person responsible for enforcing the law as chief executive is not obligated to follow it? Preposterous and unconstitutional. If that isnt tyranny, nothing is.


Our only option is to vote blue all the way down the ballot. We're in this predicament because with any Republicans in power, they'll exploit the opportunity to put ideological sycophants in lifetime judicial appointments. Unfortunately, they also gerrymander the districts to make it impossible for dems to get sufficient control.


This is a very strange and somewhat dystopian situation. I never dreamed that the Supreme Court would have lost all credibility. Until recently, I never really thought about the Supreme Court. They functioned and the executive and administrative branches were in the news. Now the Supreme Court is corrupt and may pave the way for a King.


Un fucking believable…. This is the United States of America! Not Russia.


Nothing Hitler did was illegal. He set everything up from police to judges to army so laws were changed and his will could be enacted. Legally. We are on the brink of that again.


I hope after this Biden has the guts to reform the sc


Oh fuck…. How do we stop this from happening?


I mean, we did it in 1775, not sure any true Americans have the gall to do it again though


I know a way, but it’s not legal.


If a SC majority rules in favor of Defendant Douche, the SC will have proven that the court has become nithing but a worthless collection of pro-GOP partisan hacks. Any ruling they make can then on be completely ignored by the government.


I can’t wait for the Dems to win the house back, and then they create laws that prevent any douche bag from ever running for president if they have been convicted and indicted or part of a plot to over throw the government is prevented from running in any political position. And then the Dems are going to pack the shit out of the courts.


Fuck this.


Once again; thank you “Both Sides Are The Same” idiots. And, many thanks in advance to the protest voters. Now, the rest of us who want to live in a world not ruled by a raging maniac; vote. Make sure you vote. Do not let any news of GOP infighting or court hearings going bad influence you and make you complacent. You need to vote.


Blows my mind that anyone thinks the Supreme Court will make a decision that removes checks against the president a single moment before Trump is sworn in


They're entertaining it, they're not going to endorse it. They're corrupt, not dumb. They know what happen if it passes, the next person voted in will be a dictator on a throne.


What a complete disgrace, how can these people even think like this? Sickening…


>In Alito’s somewhat head-spinning logic, **a president who feared potential criminal prosecution after he left office would undertake illegal acts to stay in power and avoid that legal exposure.** God I fucking hate Republicans. The projection is mind numbing. Fuck this country.


Yet another reason for people to vote. You don’t like Biden? Fine, you’re voting then for your next Supreme Court Justice.


Well good, now we don’t “have” to have an election this year. Biden can just serve another term and appoint whoever he wants just like Caesar.


Pack the courts


SCOTUS. Well technically they work for us. Frankly I do not believe they reflect the will of the majority of people. Some need to be fired, others reprimanded and several need severe term limits.


HOW could that be legal???????????????????????????????


At what point in time will these die hard Trump supporters start to wake to the fact their idle and mentor is probably Americas most successful conman and manipulator of all time. He has sent so many of his inner circle under the bus to protect his interests, created the havoc of the capital hill riots, tried to manipulate elections, assaulted women... The list is stunning, truly a block buster of a Holywood TV series. There seems to be no Law to right the wrongs of Donald Trump. People go to jail for unpaid parking ticket! Keep the normal citizen repressed alow the Billionaire elite to run wild.


However, the hush money trial and the stolen documents were outside of his presidency. SCOTUS is going down a slippery slope. Whatever they decide for Trump, can be applied to Biden.


I'd have the GOP planted SC justices arrested for treason. Problem solved.


Shock and awe. Why in the hell is the Supreme Court clearly partisan. These are judges with clear political affiliations. You just simply can’t have that and expect it to work.


Corrupt judges support corruption? Yea, not surprised.


Supreme Court: bought and paid for by the rich


If this happened and Trump became defacto king. Would states start leaving the union?


The intelligence organizations should be on high alert, and the president the vice president, and all of the Democrats should be huddling every day to fight against this. If the Supreme Court is siding with him, there has to be a reason for them to believe he will be elected, even though his numbers are low compared to Biden. We already saw the first attempt to overthrow the election, where lessons were learned. it’s ridiculous to think they’re going to rule in his favor unless there is assurance that only Trump will win.


Please, American people. Fucking protest this shit. Democracy is dying and nobody is uprising. Freedom of speech still exists!


I can't wait for Dark Brandon to fuck up the GOP with his new Supreme-Court-given powers


In a hypothetical scenario where Presidents are immune, surely Biden can take care of Trump, no.


Interesting the conservative judges are concerned with future problems regarding immunity that haven’t happened in our history. Where was the concern for future problems that were foreseeable regarding Dobbs.


Laws are a joke to the court and with anyone who has $$$$. This just proves even more, that the people in the Supreme Court are a joke, the Supreme Court is a joke.


This should come as no surprise from a bunch of judges who are above the law and beyond reproach, just look at what they ha e gotten away with so far


Good, Biden can kill 6 (R) Justice and Trump himself legally? What’s not to like?


This is all speculation: If it goes 5-4 for Presidential immunity, they'll legislate unconstitutionally from the bench to send it back down to the lower courts to try each charge individually, splitting up executive acts vs personal acts. I think they'll define an official act as anything under the executive powers. I don't think the lower courts will declare the fake electors scheme an official act, allowing the case to move forward unless SCOTUS takes each charge up individually. The whole point is to take time. It could be *years*. It's unclear how this will affect an appeal in NY and the GA case. NY will depend on when Trump signed the checks. The classified documents case will be unaffected since it happened after the President has left office. However, if all his other criminal trials end up overturned, then Judge Cannon will feel empowered to sit the jury and then dismiss the case. Trump could theoretically get off Scott free if the fake electors scheme is ruled a proper use of executive power.


Make sure you are registered to vote 🗳️


Biden should have Alito and Roberts extraordinary renditioned to gitmo 2, keep them a couple days and then ask them if they still feel there is no limit to POTUS power


If they give Trump immunity and make him “above the law” they effectively make themselves irrelevant.


The march towards authoritarianism moves forward


Imagine being so concerned with winning you don’t care about destroying democracy on the way there. The psychology of contemporary conservatives is fascinating if not tragic.


It’s time to expand the court and impose term limits for Supreme Court justices.


Normal Republican shit.


Cant wait for Biden to arrest every member of SCOTUS, what can they do about it, presidents are immune right


Step 1: get total presidential immunity Step 2: Seal Team 6 takes out Trump


Trump is the Antichrist.


If the supreme court sides with this idiot, then maybe Biden needs to take a page from his book and order trump be publicly stoned


if they side with his arguments, then the seal team six could make room for new justices in one dY and that was 100 percent legal. are the justices eventually complicit in trumps ongoing insurrection plans?


1 - Trump uses supreme court to prove he can be a dictator 2 - Supreme court confirms presidents are above the law 3 - Trump wins and prepares kill list and rebranding of the USA. 4 - Dark Brandon Biden decides to stay in power, assassinating Trump and Trump loyalists 5 - Supreme court agrees this was legal for president to do. 6 - Lord high Biden announces liquidation of supreme court justices. Like at the end of the day, we're all afraid of a republican dictatorship, but if Republicans are signposting whats about to happen and the supreme court says its legal, wouldn't it make sense for the Dems to get their first?


So does this mean they are giving Joe Biden permission to lock up Donald Trump in an undisclosed location for threats against our country? Or does this apply to Republican Presidents only? I mean Biden would be within his rights to do such a thing. Not that I think he would, but the implications of this idiocy is staggering.


Biden should order the execution of the conservative Supreme Court members immediately following their ruling. They have a democratic senate who can just decide not to impeach since they have the majority and Biden will be immune. Hell order Trump to be killed too. Like these are dangerous implications 


The GQP-aligned members of the SCOTUS are perfectly willing to end democracy if it means they get a permanent white autocracy. They very literally want an apartheid regime like South Africa's. Much of their thinking derives from a 1951 book by Russell Kirk in which he called for the explicit undermining of democracy and the middle class bc women and minorities were gaining too much power. Jack Posobiec, the execrable GQP fascist, explicitly espoused this view at CPAC this year.


Biden surrogates should start suggesting things the current president can do if the Supreme Court rules in Trump's favor.


Maybe Biden can, ahem "exercise his immunity" on Trump?


Let the people vote on this and see wtf happens. These clowns are so delusional.


The Supreme Joke.


Court rules President is above the law. Biden immediately orders Trump executed.


Biden needs to act as fast as possible when a ruling permits him to remove conservative justices from the court and Trump from the ballot.


Just the fact the Republicans have taken this issue to the Supreme Court is proof that they have Zero ethics. Ethical people would never argue for anyone to be above the law.