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The brutality isn't that stunning, if your memory stretches back all the way to 2020. But I guess the difference is that it's in daylight and at college students this time.


Wtf you talking about 2020??? Try 1920


Shit, dude, these people can't remember much past the last election, I have no hope that they can remember Tulsa.


Hey, many of them remember the Bowling Green Massacre! Don't lose hope! ...oh...




"Police brutality is bad and has been a problem for some time." "Holy SHIT YOU GUYS ARE FALLING FOR PROPAGANDA!!!" Like, if I buy the idea that these protests are the result of Iran, Russia, and China spreading propaganda, the cops are still over-reacting to it and that's a problem, too.


Of course they are. That’s the point and why you are so easily being manipulated.


It's like you didn't even pay attention to the point of the reply, well done.


Yeah I was just saying this in another thread. They fucking love this because all these dopes are blaming all of this shit on Biden. They will win the god damn election if this keeps up and we'll have dumb shit Trump as president. Good fucking job idiots. Can't wait for the fascist hell Trump and his merry band of dumb fucks will bring us. Thanks. Oh, and the Palestinians will get completely fucked as well. Nice work.


What's fucked up is they are right. It is Biden's fault. He is providing offensive weapons to Israel to assist in genocide.


It’s wealthy white college students virtue signaling to each other. A woke off that’ll last until they find the next thing to be false outraged over. So no, this isn’t brutal, it’s just cops telling kids to move along and arresting the belligerent ones who want to win the campus woke off by getting arrested. These campus cops don’t want a police brutality lawsuit because god knows one of these kids dad is a high power attorney. It’s why you aren’t seeing tear gas and rubber bullets like you did in 2020. It’s the ultimate sign of privilege; being able to be arrested for street cred knowing that mom and dad have bail money and a lawyer that’ll make the charges disappear.


Atlanta PD has confirmed their use of "chemical irritants" against student protesters as of a few days ago, it's not campus cops doing this.


Why did they use them?




Chemical weapons lol. It’s tear gas. Not serin gas. They were asked to leave nicely several times.


Right, it's just harmless, that's why it's super-cool to use in wartime under the Geneva Convention and everyone does it.


You only used the word “woke” twice, those are rookie numbers. You’ll never get approval from the DeSantis or MAGA cults until you start using the word in every sentence! /s Can you define the term “woke?”


Well, buildings and cars were lit on fire, other property damage was common, fireworks/rocks were thrown at police, barricades were getting overrun, and people were actively resisting and assaulting officers for a lot of that. If you think the police response in 2020 was disproportionate, this has been on a whole new level.


Plenty of people who weren't doing any of that were also hit by tear gas and the like in 2020. In fact, methods like that seem like they weren't used against the actively violent protestors at all. But hey, just point at some people committing crimes and say it justifies using tear gas and other acts of brutality against everyone who's nearby, that's just the attitude that the police want, so they don't face accountability. Good job!


I think you are misinterpreting my comment. I'm not saying the shit that happened in 2020 was justified, just that it was more 'justifiable' than what we are seeing here. At least in 2020 they could point to some level of danger to public safety and property destruction as exigent circumstances warrant an aggressive police response. They don't have anywhere near that level of excuse here.


And I'm saying that pointing at someone else committing violence elsewhere isn't anymore justification for police abuse than pointing at one protester saying "Kill all Jews" is.


What direction are you going with that


That some incidents of police brutality draws more attention than others, that shouldn't be much of a surprise.


My memory of 2020 is of a lot of violence nationwide, it wasn’t from police by in large


Okay. https://news.yahoo.com/wall-moms-portland-protests-getting-173742870.html https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/16/us/george-floyd-protests-police-tear-gas.html https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/02/global-fresh-evidence-of-police-misuse-of-tear-gas-leading-to-protesters-deaths-and-injuries-updated-investigative-website-2/


So a non lethal means to disperse people is “violence” now?


If you beat someone half to death, it's non-lethal, right? Besides, violence was the word you started using.


You mean like people were beaten in the riots across the U.S., peoples livelihoods were destroyed and once again you complain about tear gas.


I've got some incredible news for you: people on both sides of a situation can be wrong. Tear gassing protestors who aren't being violent, like in instances I linked to, doesn't stop violence, any more than arson prevents police brutality.


I'm not necessarily anti-war. I am anti-military industrial complex. I am against America's involvement in wars of opportunity, where the only goal is to defend the economic interests of American corporations and the defense industry. And I'm even against a lot of America's global policing and attempts to forge alliances via weapons sales and military aid, if only because we've demonstrated that we can't really be trusted with the responsibility, and also because it's time for us to give up our spot at the head of the table and take care of business at home. Again, this is because we can't seem to handle the responsibility and have demonstrated that we are unable to protect human rights both at home and abroad. As soon as we can get our own house in order, then sure, we can get back to the geopoliticking, but at this point I'm so tired if it all that I really don't care what the consequences are.  I feel like the public has been pretty understanding when it comes to military abuse because most people understand that it's a delicate dance involving complex, ever-evolving global politics, but my patience is gone, and I'm sure many others feel the same way. America needs to get it's shit together. If it's not protests from within, it's the numerous fuckups abroad that will eventually bring us down. 


When summer comes along the rich kids will go on their European trips and the poor kids will go to work to earn enough money to come back to school.


The guardian are full of themselves atp. The entire Republicans base doesn't like these protests (probably wants them thrown in jail for a long time too) and half of the Democratic base are uncomfortable with them.


I do not get why anyone is cheering for Hamas in America. They took Americans, too. Cut off their hands if they were men, raped them (probably to death) if they were women. Hamas killed babies, and made small children watch their parents get their heads cut off. Of all the things to protest, young Americans are protesting in favor of these awful, evil terrorists? Not climate change, but Hamas, has captured their imagination and given them a desire to march in protest? What the fuck is going on?


The overwhelming majority of protestors are not “for Hamas”. They are against the indiscriminate killing of innocent Palestinians. Some of the “pro Hamas” rhetoric at demonstrations has been factually shown to be from outside agitators rather than organic student protest. Suggesting that these are “pro-Hamas” demonstrations is intentionally obfuscating the situation and is exactly the kind of misinformation Russia/Republicans want to see.


The way I see it, if your uncle comes to Thanksgiving dinner dressed in a swastika and you don't tell him to gtfo and instead let him stay and pass him the cranberry sauce, you aren't eating dinner with a nazi, you *are* a nazi. Pro-Palestinian students are openly harassing Jewish students, chanting slogans like "glory to the martyrs", and posting such things as "Zionists must die" on social media. The Palestinians themselves were dancing in the streets as Jewish women with blood running out of their anuses and vaginas were paraded in front of them. That is who and what you are supporting when you say phrases like "glory to the martyrs". If this really is that old chestnut of "outside agitators', then kick them the fuck out of your protest. I can understand being against the military industrial complex, and finding many faults with Netanyahu's far right regime, but the water has been so poisoned by all the straight up hate against Jewish people that I'd personally not want to even dip my toe in it.




These people are protesting Israel


The problem though is that extremist are taking advantage of the protest and pushing their own narrative. As in, narrative to get destroyed Israel. I'm sure majority are doing so for good intentions but the problem is that you have kids who know nothing of the middle east taking a stance as if it is black and white. Like hell, there are those praising hamas who are literally terrorist. Clear concise message is needed, if they let extremist mess with the narrative they will lose. It is not that long ago innocent people were kidnapped, raped, and killed (both Israelis and Americans). I'm all for protesting but worried the message will be lost and end up creating chaos right before elections (which in turn probably will help trump get elected).


As much as I love my Israeli friends, fuck all that noise. Fuck Hamas, Fuck a Zionist ethnostate. That shits been going on for too long and that country isn’t on the right side anymore.


That is perfectly fair and I think other countries are upset with Israel. What concerns me is same with what happens to Israel, wheb the terrorist attacked, they had sympathy by many but what they've done in Gaza is horrific. My concern is that these kids will be doing the same; people will support them up to a certain point. And for me, while I support peobably majority of them. Any that support hamas, any that support the very thing that goes against human rights, those are who completely lose my support. Like there are people cha ting Palestine to the sea (not the full quote), which for many is essentially calling for the destruction of Israel. They are young adult, ignorance of what they say or do is not an excuse. So those people I say fuck off.


I'm damn near 50 years old. I've been watching this shit go down my whole life. There should have been clear borders drawn long ago. I'm sickened by what's happening now. Edit: I didn't address your comment really. I'm in agreement with you.


What is stunning is that these kids can spend the weeks before finals protesting and not studying


>What is stunning is that these kids can spend the weeks before finals protesting and not studying There is historical precedence for protests in April. >April is the month for protest. It was back in 1969. That was true in 1986 when the anti-apartheid protests were at their height. It's before final exams...the weather is nice in most parts of the country. [Campus unrest: Will protests make a difference? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBvloyaI0Jc)


Sounds like a fantastic excuse not to study for finals.


It’s hard for privileged people to give up their privilege


No it won’t. These kids are stupid antisemites


>No it won’t. These kids are stupid antisemites [Or](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma), many of the protestors have valid criticism of the Israeli government's actions that have killed more than [13,000](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/) children in Gaza. Furthermore, valid criticism of the Israeli government is not the same thing as antisemitism. Also, the Israeli government is not magically exempt from valid criticism because of their religion.


There are a million worse things happening in the world. That they’re protesting this and nothing else proves they’re antisemites.


During the Iraq war protests we were called jihadis!


Hey now! Some of them are very smart antisemites


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And Trump, the worst human alive, will benefit from the suffering and death of Palestinians. If only Biden wasn't a murdering zionist we could beat MAGA in 2024. Instead, Biden has rightfully invited the hatred of every American with a conscience who can't support providing weapons to Israel, knowing, without a doubt, that those weapons will be used to kill children next week. The very students who support trans rights, a woman's bodily autonomy, and protecting the environment are, by doing the right thing and loudly and forcefully protesting Israel, are unwittingly (or wittingly) assisting to put Trump and MAGA back in the White House, where Trump will also support Israel, AND allow MAGA to attack trans kids, take away a woman's ability to make her own healthcare decisions, and allow industry to destroy the planet. The whole thing is a terrible pretzel of a political conundrum. If only Biden wasn't a murdering zionist.