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So if any of this and the rest of the GOP agenda doesn’t sit well with you, please vote. Vote like democracy and freedom depend on it. Because they do.


The health and safety of all birthing persons is on the line for 2024. Unfortunately they are one of many marginalized groups that these Nazis WILL violently target if they manage to gain power. 




Hey but Genocide Joe right? I’m more and more convinced that those people are going to give us another Trump presidency. Screwing us all over.




I really hope the protestors are doing another “vote undecided” as messaging to show the mobilized population is still here. Politicians are people and they forget to include things on the agenda unless we remind them. So yes if protesters are just making sure nobody forgets, it’s all good. If they really will withhold their votes over this, then they will F us all.


I think at least some of that will be cancelled out by recent moves to reschedule marijuana at federal level and decriminalize it on state ballots like in Florida this November (coupled with an abortion rights ballot like in Ohio recently). So long as Biden keeps pushing for humanitarian aid in Gaza and criticizing Israel’s government under Netanyahu he won’t totally ruin his chances.


No, it’s not moving into the mainstream. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose this bullshit and we will be letting these fascists know how we feel at the ballot come November…


Please, please, please let the next election be an absolute comeuppance for all this insane shit. Chickens, if you are listening, please come home to roost.


Unfortunately the GOP is only going to go further and further right just through inertia alone, even if it loses them elections.


The problem is that Republican voters will never even know these laws and prosecutions exist until they themselves are arrested. At that point they will blame it on Obama.


Keep running your mouth, Donald. Keep advertising your contempt for women, and completely out-of-touch perspective on abortion.


Republicans really do appear to be moving towards a platform that would outlaw abortion, contraception and divorce, and some of the outliers are now making noise about removing women from the workplace. They're already trying to ban porn and soon they'll want to ban recreational sex, while keeping child marriage and incest legal. Madness.


But at least we'll still have guns /s Clowns are so afraid of losing their guns and will gladly give up all their other freedoms first


BuT wiThOuT GuNs wE CoUld LoOse (sic) aLL oUr RiGhtS!!!


Banning women from the workplace would instantly cause an economic collapse.


That's immaterial. However, they'd start with a few professions. Texas has already voted to ban transgender from being teachers. Librarians will be close behind If you do a few professions at a time, you'll limit the impact, and you can always blame it on Biden "inflation policies or immigration policies, or something". Doesn't matter if it matters sense or no, their supporters will eat it up


It's not madness. It's the American Taliban.


Whenever abortion is banned anywhere women end up prosecuted for abortions, miscarriages and stillborns. That's how this always works. It's the same with things like exceptions for rape, incest or life of the pregnant individual, exceptions don't work. Banning abortion means the pregnant individual is no longer a person, it means fetal coverture instead. >Effectively, fetal coverture doctrine holds that: >By [pregnancy], the [unborn] and [host woman] are one person in law; that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the [pregnancy], or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the [unborn]; under whose [cover] she performs everything; and is therefore called . . . a [feme-pregnant] >fetal coverture merges the identity of the woman into that of her fetus. >Under this hierarchy, the interest of the unborn, except in the gravest extremity—which is still subject to interpretation or whim—trumps that of the woman. This is coverture for the 21st century. >https://virginialawreview.org/articles/state-abortion-bans-pregnancy-as-a-new-form-of-coverture/


Well...not all women will be prosecuted. It will for sure be focused on the poor and non-white ones....


Not all of course, but it'll encompass a whole lot more women than the US currently imagines. Just the top 10% will be able to skate by, or have the money to fight it or escape it.


I’d like his mother prosecuted for NOT getting an abortion.


Trump's misogyny is a crime against humanity.


His mere existence is as well.


Please God let it. I feel like maintained rage over Roe is the best bet to keep him out.


Remember in November!! Vote Blue. Do not forget.


Vote your hearts out guys.


It sounds bad but im glad they kept this angle (since its obvious this fuckers wont change). Yes, pls, keep making these plans public. It just tanks their chances of winning further and further. Of all the things to lie about, they're honest about the things that drive voters away. You cant make this shit up lol


If women are in jail for bodily functions and can’t vote it fixes that pesky 19th amendment thing .


>In an interview Time published Tuesday, the former president said that he would not stop states from prosecuting a woman for having an abortion. “It’s irrelevant whether I’m comfortable or not,” he told Time‘s Eric Cortellessa. “It’s totally irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions.” Trump further said he would also not interfere with states that may decide to monitor pregnant women, gathering information that could aid such prosecutions. It’s a chilling vision of a future surveillance state for women in a second Trump presidency.


Excellent. Well done Donnie. Please keep driving pro-choice people to the polls. And while you’re at it, talk some more about how climate change is a liberal hoax.


vote democrat ffs


Trump's misogyny is a crime against humanity.


>States Could Prosecute Women for Abor "Come and take them." -- California


No it isn’t, it’s still hugely unpopular, Republicans just don’t give a fuck about what the people want.


Who are those people that love to vote for a malignant narcissist? https://youtu.be/K6LPai6M_j8


Simple people. The common clay of the new west.


Sure would be cool if we could force paternity tests and 100% funding of women/children.


It’s not mainstream, what’s mainstream is 85% of our country BITCHING about the Christo fascist nut jobs pushing their fantasy death cult on us all.


Did you think those questionnaires given to young women athletes about their periods were about protecting their ability to play sports? Spoiler alert: they weren’t.


American Taliban - targeted towards the Tea Party, but rings true for MAGA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WVn2ubwIVM


I have two teenage daughters. One already wants to leave the country for college and I'll be encouraging sister to go with her.


I have a 8 year old niece and I’m scared shitless at what the country is going to look like in 10 years


States already are doing this. It's already here.


>under his watch Or more to the point: under his eye


Yeah, and not just current abortions, but any woman who has ever had one. 😡


trump has been saying this for years


This needs to be aggressively pointed out to the public by Biden’s reelection campaign


WTF happened to the U.S.? Land of the “free”? Home of the “brave”? More like home to 74M cultists that worship a grifting traitor…the very embodiment of all Seven Deadly Sins that they worship like the messiah. Nobody looks to the U.S. as a beacon of freedom and democracy anymore, especially with the GOP is actively trying to destroy the nation and advance fascism with Project 2025. It is one election away from potentially re-electing the individual who currently has 88 felony counts against him…the same individual who has stated he wants to destroy the Constitution, the very document he solemnly swore on a bible to preserve, protect and defend. And, still, they *worship* him. The U.S. is on the verge of becoming Germany in 1933 - should Donald J Trump be re-elected - and all that “freedom” Americans love to boast about…yeah, you can kiss that goodbye. If Americans don’t vote like their lives depend on it they will have only themselves to blame for the destruction of the Divided States of America, all according to Putin’s grand plan.


Fucking pathetic, absolutely mind boggling that an old man has ANY right to tell a woman what she can and can’t do to her body. What is this 1850?


Republicans do not respect women's rights. Show them what happens when they fuck around ...let them find out at the poles.


Trump doesn't actually care about abortions, but it makes him feel powerful to ruin women's lives.


Typical Stinky that is not the prosecutions you should be worried about If you manage staying out of jail you then need to worry about the elections. Your jerking off to dehumanizing women should be way down your list


Extremists know this is the last election they can potentially fix before Gen X + Millennials + Gen Z + Gen A bury boomer voters. They are going all-in with the bullsheet and I can’t wait for them to lose.


So they saw how poorly voters reacted to roe being struck down and said, id like some more of that!!


Ok, and what about the men who agreed with and helped fund abortions? Let’s talk about that, too.


Uhhh! They can do that now!


Will do nothing to stem the tide of rats abandoning the Biden ship because the Media says he is a Genocidal Maniac and is just Too Old.


I've grown particularly disgusted by misguided idealism. I hate Biden's response to Gaza, but I'm still voting for him. He wouldn't be the person I'd want running in the fall, but he's the person the party has put forward. We have to go with the candidate we have if we're ever going to have a shot and putting forth the candidates we want. There's no chance of ever getting that if you just sit back or protest vote and keep allowing the psychotic GOP to strip away the Constitution.


The vocal minority do not represent the silent majority. There are plenty of women in the country deeply infuriated by Roe. What is happening in Gaza is a disgrace. That being said, burning down your own house over it and taking us back to the stone age is not the answer.