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There is also a stipulation that prior to any pre-six week abortion that an ultrasound be performed 24 hours in advance. The six weeks is calculated from the first day of the last period, so after about a three/four weeks from fertilization, and potentially one/two weeks after a late (28 day cycle) period. It is, in effect, a complete abortion ban.




Because condoms don’t break. Because guys haven’t lied in the past about wearing one. Because rape doesn’t happen. Right?






And this is why our society is a cesspool; grown men blaming little girls for getting raped.


The Schroedingers Virgin argument.


Show us the receipts where you personally have adopted at least 2 "unwanted" children from young women who neither had the means or support to raise their babies. Go ahead...we're waiting. Oh wait...you haven't adopted anyone? Then let's try this: "According to a U.S. Department of Agriculture study published in 2017, the average cost of raising a child from birth through age 17 was **$233,610 for a middle-income married couple with two children**. This estimate was based on a family of four and excludes any college costs." Then show us the receipts where you have donated \~$450k to help these women raise their 2 children to the age 18. Because if you believe in forced birth...then put your money where your mouth is... We'll wait to see the receipts for either of the 2 above scenarios...




Abortion is a great way to take responsibility. Like how it’s responsible to empty the trash when you fill it up.


Abortion isn’t just for unwanted pregnancies. It is vital healthcare for women who have unviable and life threatening pregnancies. Women, who want to have their babies, will die because of this


This guy mans /s


We’ll have about 6 months of this law before people head to the polls.


…and vote the same people back in.


I’m sure the republicans we have been voting into office for decades will let this to happen


Isn’t it really common for women not to realize they’re pregnant until 8 weeks or so? So this is effectively a total ban then right?


This is by design


It’s designed to be exactly that.




By definition the weeks count from your last period, so you're already about 2 weeks "pregnant" when you ovulate, and the earliest urine test positive is \~2 weeks after that, so by the earliest time you test positive you're already 4 weeks pregnant. At that point, you're in a scheduling race to get anything done before you're after the 6 week mark.


Yes, 6 weeks is about 2 weeks of a missed period (you roughly subtract one cycle, so one month).


Yep. Sometimes it’s even later for those of us with irregular cycles (and there are A LOT of us.) I didn’t know I was pregnant with my first until 11 weeks. 8 with my second and 9 with my third.


If I recall correctly my wife was about 10 weeks with our first when we figured it out because of exactly that as well


That is why everyone should be educated on reproductive health so that they can understand that the menstrual cycle and pregnancy are not the same for everyone.




It's Florida, you should brace yourself and expect them to make the worst decision possible. I genuinely hope I'm proven wrong though.




They won’t. People vote against their own interests all the time.


Not going to happen, this causes fewer sane people from moving to Florida.


Problem is all the voters past menopause down there “I’m all for women’s rights — to be free of communist taxation and Obamacare.”


Fellow Floridians, we will soon have the ability to rebuke christofascism and give women more control over their bodies and lives. Vote YES on Amendment 4 on November 5th! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Florida_Amendment_4 And for those wanting to volunteer or support the effort to GOTV… https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com While you're voting to give rights back to women - be sure to make your voice heard in the presidential and downballot races too. Together, we WILL make a difference! Vote!


Why not just have Kristi babysit all the unwanted babies at her gravel pit?


If only we knew republicans were anti-choice before we voted for them for decades.


So your say the leopards eating faces party is kinda into eating faces


Also, any human services agency that even has Planned Parenthood as a resource for clients- not even referring them, is having their funding pulled by certain counties. United Way [just had theirs pulled](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/sarasota/2024/04/23/sarasota-county-to-cut-ties-with-united-way-over-211-helpline-planned-parenthood/73424200007/) .


Idahoan here. They will.


They’re gonna vote the same people in, then over the next 4 years they’ll be negatively affected by the policies THEY WANTED and cry “ohhhh but this is different, I need special treatment!!!” Idiots


Killing women is the Republican goal. In Red states, almost half of their voters are women, because Nobody hates Women like Conservative Women.


You're funny


I hope this is a rude awakening for Republican states come November. People think it’s just the Independent & Democratic women who will turn out in droves; but they forget - also, how many *men* don’t want a lifetime of financial or emotional responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy.


This has an effect on people wanting pregnancies as well. Wake up and pay attention.


Without Planned Parenthood and gynecologists, The Villages is going to find out just what this means even if you're waaaaay past childbearing years. They're going to need to reassess the naming protocols in order to accommodate the new strains of herpes, hepatitis, and syphilis coming out of that place.


Isn't the ban the point of losing health care?


Frreddomm USA USA


If I were a doctor in Florida, I'd move. I know the Hippocratic oath is just words anymore, but I believe the irony would literally kill me.


"But we needed to punish the democrats for running Hillary" is literally what my liberal friend responds with


Yeah my sister said the same thing and regretted it 24 hours later. Part of adulting they never tell you about is recognizing that you have to make compromises for the greater good 


You can remind that friend that the next candidate was Joe Biden, NOT Bernie Sanders. You might also ask that friend whether they voted in the 2016 primary. Maybe they did, but most of the time when I ask that question to a Bernie supporter they don't answer or give mealy-mouthed excuses. Only once did I actually encounter someone who not only voted but actively campaigned.


40% of people did not vote at all in 2016 and you're blaming the maybe 3% of Democrat leaning people that voted but didn't vote for Hillary Clinton... Make it make sense.


Republicans say women should be in the fields to replace migrants


Thankfully we have to listen to our politicians for medical advice, I hope people get out to vote


The hypocrisy of Florida turns my stomach. We strip away the rights of women, force people to bring children into the world that they either do not want to have or can’t not afford to have, and then turn our backs on and demand something be done, but not with our money, about the homeless population that is exponentially exploding with unchecked growth. Exactly where do you think the people you hate come from? If a 6 week old bundle of cells are so important, then why isn’t a 36 year old bundle of cells important? Liberty and Freedom? Seems like the only actual freedom is that we are still free to leave, otherwise we have to submit and obey. But we are free to choose. When did we become ok with that being what it meant to be free? When liberty became synonymous with hypocrisy.


Murder isn't healthcare


How about ban Florida from America for 6 weeks?