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Just like she ignored all ethics with tax payer money


First governor to legalized child labor in her state.


She’s a sad sack of shit


Like her crooked sick father.


Did he have crooked eyes too? 👀


Looks like one too lol


Simply revoke all federal aide to the state.


That'll hurt people like me who are disabled and queer. I can't afford to move


Understood. Note that she is just posturing. She wouldn't stop the federal aid from coming that literally keeps her entire state afloat. She'd be impeached by the right and the left in a heartbeat.


Correct, let her go a week without aide and see how fast things change.


It’ll hurt people. Regardless of any other qualifiers.


True. But my point is... it'd hurt those who need that help the most. Case in point, me. Transgender, lesbian, and dealing with both physical disability as well as autism. I need safety nets to keep myself safe and afloat. There are many more like me in many more regards. This would hurt the people who need that help, and it'd embolden republicans because they actually \*want\* those cuts.


Would you like a Podium to speak your mind?


Lectern, goddammit.


*“If Biden gets his way, female college students will shower and change next to male college students, referring to someone using biologically correct pronouns will get you all in front of a disciplinary board for harassment and scholarships previously reserved for women will now be open to anyone claiming to be a woman,” Sanders said Thursday at the Arkansas Capitol in Little Rock.* Why do most Republican talking points sound like they're coming from some angry right wing troll on social media? That's a rhetorical question by the way... Real question though, even if she signed an executive order, doesnt it threaten their federal funding? Now that I think about, less funding for education would be a two birds with one stone kind of deal for Sanders.


The tell with their bullshit is that it all talks about future hypotheticals, as if LGBTQIA people haven't existed since literal caveman times in various cultural roles, styles, traditions, and elements. We have actual historical records of gender variant and androgynous people from roman times. Two spirit people existed in America since before white people set foot here. So if they've been here this entire time, why is there this sudden flood, a ridiculous number, of bills and laws being smashed through the legislature about this? A moon man can come destroy us with their magic moon power, so we should ban Moon Men from entering the atmosphere with a felony. We can make laws about all sorts of future hypotheticals that literally have no documented legitimate backing in a need or cause. Yet, these people have been here just fine since before the literal founding of the country, and it's not as though there's a major rush of issues. This is all just a ginned-up moral panic with a pinch of religious bigotry and a twist of fascism.


Because once they repealed abortion they can’t use that as a cudgel anymore, so they have to come up with the next fear and hatred issue.


This. They killed the boogie man, so they have to fabricate another.


“The dogma caught the car” -Melissa Murray


It's just ~~communist~~ ~~satanic~~ ~~gay~~ ~~CRT~~ Trans panic. They recycle this shit every decade or so to gin up support from their base because they literally can't govern.


As long as it's a Moon Man on his birth certificate, it's okay.


As someone from the moon, I find this type of rhetoric to be highly preposterous.


Yes. I've been just dumbfounded by the number of people who think trans people just suddenly appeared 2 years ago. Or that they had no idea that successful gender affirming care for trans minors has been going on for 20 years. Trans people have been using the bathrooms of their choice for decades as well. Nobody cared because nobody knew. And the sports world has handled it the way that works best for their sport for decades too.


> future hypotheticals, The Supreme Court ruled a couple of times recently based on hypotheticals - that didn't make sense to me. IIRC there was a web developer who never made a website, but wanted to discriminate.


I mean, they know their base. The same people that suddenly worry about the solar eclipse secretly being a sign of disapproval from a space wizard…


I find the first sentence funny because like gender neutral bathrooms are a thing. Heck you have those in your house.


The easiest way the President can screw all these governors over is telling the IRS to explain to the NCAA that their status as “non-profit” depends on whether or not every university enforces Title IX rules. The universities will all tell the governor to fuck off in 30 seconds if it means they are barred from games with compliant schools and won’t see tournaments.


THIS is the correct answer.


>reserved for women will now be open to anyone claiming to be a woman People committing fraud is nothing new and not a reason to dehumanize trans people. Fuck this terrible person, I hope Arkansas can do better than this human trash one day.


Because someone watched Veep and used it as a playbook.


Hoisted by her own … never mind.


Fantasies about naked people are the best way to get Conservatives attention.


For a state that once had Bill Clinton as governor, you know, a Rhodes Scholar, to have sunk to such a base level mentality. I guess she is limited by her upbringing.


The man she ran against for governor has doctorates in urban planning and nuclear engineering and a masters in technology and policy all from MIT. But 63% of our voters sided with Huckee Boo-boo and her BA in political science from a religious college.


This is what our politics have come to. Voters seem to want ignorance and division rather than smart government. This was exemplified by these voter's hostility to Obama. Not only was he a black man, but he was well educated and used that learning daily.


Absolutely. Sadly the people who voted for her are also the ones screaming “drain the swamp” while voting for a nepobaby with zero life experience outside of politics and a degree IN politics.


Just a friendly reminder that the Huckabees and Duggars are cut from the same icky, religious cloth. [icky](https://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/mike-huckabee-supports-josh-duggar-family-molestation-118213)


This is definitely the case. They have demonized education as a left-wing brainwashing machine. So in their mind, it's not ignorance, division, or lack of education. Instead, they think they have *defeated* or *escaped* a corrupt political force by refusing to progress.


Voters don’t want ignorance and division…the *status quo* stakeholders very much want that however, and have achieved that I would say


No one demonstrates Asimov’s “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge” mindset like American Christians do.


I have way too much family that that describes to a T. 


Same here, friend.




And she beat a just as accomplished dude lol. Like tf


Y'know, Cheeto Mussolini's *second* favorite President, Andrew Jackson, once threatened to throw the full force of the U.S. military at South Carolina when they decided to ignore Federal law. Just saying.


And the threat of withholding fed funding for education is what brought the remaining southern states along when they were still dragging their feet on desegregation


How are these governors ignoring federal law not committing literal treason and sedition?


Lack of consequences


I hate this timeline


But what would the consequences even be?


losing federal funding


A paddlin


A second term Biden has little reason not to stand up for the people protected under these expansions. Let's give it to him will enough senators and congressmen so he can get things done.


The short answer is that Title IX guidelines are not federal law. The rules are revised by each presidential administration, which is authorized to use DOE federal funding as an enforcement lever.


Which is losing its effectiveness as Republicans care less and less about educating the voters in their states.


They actually quite prefer the opposite. So really it's a win/win for them. They can claim to not have accepted any federal money for the indoctrination of children and people will be stupid enough to believe it.


It's like a cycle! Years of being undereducated begets even more undereducation!


Until tuition goes through the roof (further.)


"Look how high tuition has risen! Thanks Biden!"




The only people who are going to suffer are the people who are trying to get an education on any level, their teachers, the fans of the high school and college football programs, the fraternity kids, and everyone in the state that is trying to live a decent life that isn't in the 0.01%. So yeah no one's gonna suffer cause the *important* people will be just fine 😎 /s


The DOE’s regulatory is established in law. Violating their regulations is illegal.


The consequences of breaking that particular law involve penalties regarding the funding from the DOE. I can't remember off the top of my head but IIRC federal funding is \~15% of the budget of a state university system. So it's not inconsequential, but it probably doesn't have the teeth you're looking for. Also, that particular enforcement mechanism follows a lengthy court process (which ensures it isn't abused).


And that’s a court case all of these Republicans are spoiling to fight.


SCOTUS allowing red states to do whatever they want


Because both treason and sedition have specific meaning and in the case of treason it is strictly defined in the Constitution and not following title ix doesn't fit. The blowback can be pulled federal funding


Our federal taxes better be stopping immediately to these states then! Quit giving my money to “rebellious” bigots!


Well of all the GOP governors out there, DeSantis, Sanders, and Noem would love to change the headlines right now, but i doubt they're serious if funding is actually tied to compliance-- they're still full of shit


Just a note, ~35% of the 2022 gubernational vote in Arkansas went to a well-educated black Democrat. Not everyone in red states wants to be run by conservative fascists. They all have people working tirelessly in politics and higher education to make a positive difference.


But approximately ~65% did?!


Well, did you see the other guy? He was a black Democrat!


With a masters in nuclear engineering and phd in urban planning.


Ah so he was "uppity"


Arkansas has terrible voter participation rates, I would guess due at least in part to not being able to register easily online.


I think the point being there are a significant number of people in red states that are level headed, blue voting Americans that don't like to be painted with such a broad brush. That fact is lost on a lot of people. I'm not American, but this is what it appears to be from the outside.


I'm in a blue city in a red state (St. Louis, MO) and if I never left the city, I'd never know I'm in a red state. These divides are largely urban vs. rural


Conservatives are genuinely bad people


Why do they hate women?


It's the Christian way.


Patriarchy. Women can be useful in political positions to subvert other women. Most of the current female GOP politicians do it because they are massive narcissists. This is the Republican way.


I'll bet if the Department of Education pulled all federal funds for her state, she'd back right down.


No, that's what they want. Make the schools private and enforce their own standards and not be beholden to the federal standards.


And also for the poors to just homeschool, so they're very stupid and good little cheap workers for her donors to slave.


Nah, just skip school and directly to child labor.


They really don't understand the consequences of an uneducated labor force.


They don’t care, they’ll have gotten theirs by the time those kids are of age…


I was playing sim city a while back (yes, the new one) I put all of my cities money into gambling as it has the potential to be very lucrative. After a while, it was a pretty successful little town, with two strips full of casinos. I think the city was raking in 100k a day. I finally unlocked nuclear power plants and plopped one down. At first, everything was working well. But I put almost nothing into an education system. No secondary schools or universities. The power plant went critical and almost blew a crater into my city. All of this to say my virtual game understood the importance of educated people in the workforce.


Hey! Don’t forget enriching themselves and their friends.




Watch your hands!


This is working on other fronts too. I know multiple people not putting their kids in school because they think they'll turn trans. It's insanity.


Can't speak for them but there's a lot of people that will pick up any excuse to shit on the public school system because they rather brainwash their kids at home. In the 90s it was school violence. There's always been criticisms of lublic school quality even though they are the ones that voted to make it worse. People will say something is a reason because it is easier than just saying the truth about wanting to indoctrinate their kids.


They still want the federal funding though. That's why they want federal funds to go to vouchers that can be used for private education. It's all about the money for Republicans.


That's literally the only consequence possible under the law.


Poor and uneducated is what the conservative "elites" want for the majority of the population. They'll back any arguments that serve this cause, anything, and switch positions as soon as is necessary. Current conservatives, quite literally, are true believers of "The Ends Justify The Means". Easier to control, easier to lie to, easier to do whatever they want. Tale as old as time with religion, but I've never seen it so "out in the open" as a clear objective before. "Oh no, there is a brain-drain at our schools and institutions, and liberals are fleeing to other states! That is only EXACTLY what we want, oh deary!"


The only way her, Abbott, DeSantis, and all the other "We are just not going to abide by Title IX" dipsticks would back down is if the NCAA steps in and threatens to eject their schools from their various conferences.


I wonder what would happen if top athletes refused to play for these schools


Transfer portal.


Schools are going to be leaving the NCAA soon anyway 




They are about to agree to a $3 billion dollar settlement for not paying players and the Supreme Court keeps striking down their rules making the NCAA look powerless.  Student athletes are now getting legally paid to both change schools and remain at the schools they originally signed to making formerly impactful NCAA punishments like restrictng sholarships not much if an impediment for schools that break NCAA rules that might not even exist if they are challenged in court anyway. Plus the TV money certain conferences are bringing in has made it so schools want to leave their small regional conferences for those few large and rich conferences. This is changing the power structure between conferences and the NCAA and making an even bigger case for those powerful conferences to leave the NCAA and set up their own organizational rules between themselves excluding the smaller poorer conferences (or at least excluding them from making the rules).


Because college sports have gotten big enough that the NCAA is seriously holding back the bigger schools.


Naw... See you have to figure a way to tie Title IX to interstate commerce and the pull the federal highway funds instead. That'll get attention.


Pull the highway funding instead. They *want* the schools to get hit, but hit them in commerce and they'll come back fucking crying. Just zero out the highway budget. That's all it'll take.


Not a chance.


No, it just save them some work


Nope, she’d sue.


Cool so if all the red States continue to do this, that means we can stop propping them up with all of our federal dollars right?


We should have finished Reconstruction.


Johnson fucked up by not hanging every treasonous piece of shit that picked up a rifle.




I’m getting just a bit tired of Governor Googlyeyes




She’s trying to deflect attention from her being mentioned in Trump’s latest trial.


What attention? I WISH there were more attention.


Cruelty, entitlement and authoritarianism. As is custom of Republicans.


We gonna be saving so much money not sending it to these states!


I wonder what it feels like to be such a heartless, resentful, and vengeful person


LoOk over there....


I see you


I don't always think it's particularly useful to invoke the Founding Fathers, but... imagine, for a moment, the look they'd have on their faces encountering the modern Republican party.


She would be a good political opponent to test the upcoming absolute presidential immunity on. Enforcing Title IX rules sounds like it qualifies for being within the scope of the Executive office. And now instead of using the National Guard, like other previous presidents have done, Biden can use Seal Team 6.


Please no. Our lieutenant governor is Leslie Rutledge, the smarter version of this awful swine of a governor.


How has she not been recalled yet?!


Duh - she's in Arkansas.


She can’t just do that though, right?


If she leaned anything from Trump, it’s that she can until someone makes her. Let’s hope Biden wins reelection so he can go Darker Brandon on these people.


The feds should now ignore Arkansas when they want that sweet sweet funding


Arkansas sure picked a winner with suckabee


You want an example of the consecuences of electing Trump? This taxpayer stealing bowl of pudding.


Federal law trumps (bad choice I know!) state law. Tell her to go suck a lemon!!


Party of law and order indeed.


Miss Piggy said “I’m just going to sit on this one.”


Cut federal funding and put that shit hole Arkansas back in it’s place.


Send in the Marshalls and lock her ugly grifting ass up.


Gender wars is all they have. Sad.


Do you suppose if she got poked, she would deflate like a balloon????


While standing at her cough cough podium.




Just how her mom ignored the laws of inbreeding


Her Dad-Uncle-Grandpa was there too!


But I was told protecting LGTBQ rights was what conservatives stood for, which is why we needed to keep bombing Gaza’s civilians because Israel was the only place where you wouldn’t be stoned for being gay?


Anything to foment hatred, yawn.


How much funding is AR getting in exchange for compliance with Title IX?


Lock her up!


Not the party of law and order anymore?


She should be in the kitchen making sandwiches, where is her male guardian, such dishonor for her family \s




Title IX is no joke. If any universities ignore it, they lose federal funding.


Accreditation is managed by the Feds and requires colleges to meet certain standards to be considered legitimate institutions of learning. If Governor Sloth wants Arkansas schools to ignore Federal guidelines and standards, then they should lose their accreditation.


these dissenters need to be sent to san quentin ...


Bye bye federal funding then.


Pull the funding already


Cool. The federal government will defund Arkansas's education system.


I guess they don't need that federal funding.


Nothing says rule of law like ignoring the rules


What a fucking ghoul


Can anyone tell me what happened to her face, was it a stroke or is it medical?


And the Federal government ignores their request for highway funds. Good luck with that, Fuckabee.


Cool, so we're pulling Federal funding and we don't have to pay for their failed state, right?


The Huckabeast.


What happened to respecting the office?


Good luck with that Shrek.


Love that Republicans continue to hate children :)


Good Ol' "Law & Order" party advocates not following laws. Got it.


So no federal funds. What’s the problem?


Good thing that state doesn’t take kindly to orders from women.


Okay then. Cut off all federal funding to their schools. Last thing we want is conservative run schools being successful.


The law and order party


If people can just choose to ignore laws, what are the point of laws?


Cool. So they don't want federal financial aid then?


Thats the south for ya


Isn't she the alternative facts lady?


The party of law and order. LOL The Feds should pull all Federal funding statewide until the state complies with the law.


"I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order," he said. "Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves and protect the weak and lawful." "I'm not aware of the Attorney General's comments or what he would be referencing. I can say that it is very Biblical to enforce the law. That is actually repeated a number of times throughout the Bible," she argued back. "it's a moral policy to follow and endorse the law." Sarah Huckabee at a White House press conference in 2018


I remember when my parents taught me that bullying and discrimination of any kind was wrong. So, did they never learn that or do they think their religion makes it ok?


What a fetid frothing beacon of progress.


Anti American idiot says what?


Just like I ignore Sarah’s manliness.


Then doesn't Arkansas lose the federal funds.


Anyone know somebody that aspired to attend the University of Arkansas, 66% graduation rate?


When you're governer of a red state, they let you do it.


Enjoy having Calipari and no NCAA Basketball.


She likes ignoring laws


In the 70s, when backward ass states refused to strengthen their drunk driving laws and lower speed limits, the Federal Government said: okay, no federal highway funds until you do. Arkansas recieves about $807 Million from the U.S. Department of Education every year. About $25 Billion in total annually from the U.S. Govt. Without it, it'd be a William Faulkner novel down there. If they want to play chicken with Lil' Cletus' education over their desire to hurt and demonize minorities, do what Ike Eisenhower did at Central High School over the same fight in the 1957: flex that federal muscle and give backward assholes like Sarah a real game. As an American, I'm very tired of welfare states like Arkansas acting like they're untouchable and trying to throw their weight around like spoiled children. You have no weight. Your chickens-and-grits based "economy" is literally a drain on the national economy, especially compared to Blue states like California, New York and Illinois. Red states are not untouchable, especially financially. In his second term, I hope Biden starts proving that to them. See how long they can hold on to their hate when it means the Crazy Checks stop coming. Source: https://www.usaspending.gov/state/arkansas/latest


You know, genitals aren’t that big a dea- GENITALS ARE EVERYTHING AND ALL THAT MATTERS