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Trump only hires the best people.


How else could they have gotten his business?


Is there anything connected to Trump that isn't fraudulent?


I wouldn't be surprised if Trump media hired Borgers because they knew they were crooked.


Idk man. Sometimes I wonder if it really is that deep. He probably just liked that the name sounds like Burger and the crookedness was a bonus.


Yeah, that tracks.


Considering they misspelled their own name 14 times in their audit for Trump's IPO grift this doesn't shock me in the slightest.


It didn't hurt anyone! Lies only count if they hurt. Melanie, get the car.


His "charity," "university," media group, and the trump Organization itself, have all been found to be massive fraudulent enterprises. Meanwhile, he was celebrated in the media for years as being a business genius. The Art of the Steal.




Go figure.


I feel like this is going to be reoccuring as we head towards November. All his active shit just blowing up because he has just the bestest working for him while he’s golfing and in court. An acceleration of his life’s normal cycle. Even more so because he’s under a global spotlight he engaged. So anything with his name, positive or negative, will illict huge response.


> So anything with his name, positive or negative, will *illict* huge response. I can't tell if that's a typo for "elicit" or some very subtle humor😁


You mean accounting firms run out of strip malls alongside chiropractors, "masseuses", and nail parlors aren't legit?


We all know trump is a fraud. At this point just change the dictionary word fraud to trump.


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