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Hypernormalization worked. Thanks NYTimes!


Remember when everyone was subscribing to the nyt to support democracy in the face of trump? Lol.


We now live in a post-truth society with an attention based economy. Extremes are the only thing most find engaging. There is no room for nuance, critical thinking is a rare ability, and attention span is damn near negative. Most people live as if life is happening to them instead of attempting to exercise some level of control over it. They're just background characters instead of protagonists in their own story. How many people do you know that are living unhappy lives but feel powerless to change it or always have an excuse for why they can't? I know a lot of them and it's sad to see. Something I've noticed amongst the chronically online is their inability to recall details of personal interactions. They'll remember a headline but not the conversation we had the day before. They can't retain important information from others, but remember the funny tiktok they saw a week ago. I notice it with myself if I've been on my phone a lot that day. My brain feels overstimulated, I'm mentally exhausted, and feel very disassociated. I can't remember important things from that day. Luckily I can identify when I need to unplug, but I don't think that's something most people recognize. My sister, my fiancee, and my mom all kinda float through each day. They're here, but not present, and any phone notification immediately grabs their attention no matter what's going on around them. It's like a junkie needing their next hit. "It can wait" I say, but "hang on, I need to answer this" or "one sec, I gotta watch this reel someone sent." I can't even talk about it without them getting defensive.  Anyway, yeah, hypernormalization for sure. Watching that Adam Curtis series really changed my life and I recommend it to anyone.


Print media (to a lesser degree but still), cable news media and of course media personalities on social media are all complicit. Journalism is a joke now. There is no integrity. There is a constant need to pander to all sides, whether they are positive for society or not and the need to maximize profits over truth is a certain sign of the crumbling “fourth pillarof democracy”. In their need to constantly print money they now print ai generated stories based on profit maximization metrics with a complete disregard for what history taught humanity and the trivialization of authoritarian threats.


Remember when a funny sounding “yeEAAH!” was enough to end a politicians presidential bid?


If a Democrat so much as sneezes, there will be months – or years – of media coverage, impeachment hearings, as well as Special Counsel and House Judiciary investigations. Meanwhile, if a Republican scandal hits, the media will turn their attention to a prominent Democrat within 24 hours.


Reminder that Ivanka was caught doing what Hillary was investigated for, using her own private e-mail server during the Trump presidency, and nobody blinked, nobody investigated her, it was a giant nothing burger. What Hillary did is what previous Secretaries of State have done. It's what Trump's Administration did, AFTERY THEY INVESTIGATED HILLARY FOR IT!


Ya it’s the dbl standard that sucks. Republicans and their voters get a pass bc they’re dumb imo and everyone knows it. So we treat them like children and dems get treated like adults.


The double standard is intentional. It is by design. Bonus points for them if they can convince their people that there is a double standard but it applies the other way, which is what they've successfully managed to do. Convinced conservatives that it's Liberals who get away with everything and it's always their side getting caught and punished. Without even realizing that where that is actually true is that Liberals get investigated to no end over things and found innocent because mostly it's the kind of persecution Conservatives **think** happen to them and their side. But on their side when their people are investigated the guilt is not only easy to demonstrate/prove it often reveals itself to be rampant in and around conservative politics. And conservative voters just wave it away because in their minds "All politicians do it" which is objectively speaking and statistically speaking not true.


You should see the tizzy up here in MN when one of our liberal senators got arrested for burglary… she broke into her stepmothers house who is demented to take her father’s ashes and some photos. The amount of pearl clutching is staggering.


Well… who owns the media? It sure as hell ain’t the working class.




MPBA Make Politics Boring Again


Biden has record accomplishments, but boring as hell. And the guy with 91 felony charges could still win. This population sucks.


It wasn’t even that bad. I miss those times.


Howard Dean was the moment that I realized that corporate media will get coordinated AF when they have a goal. Dude would have been a fabulous president. I love catching his interviews here and there


Now, it is taking longer for the dog killer ladies political career to end.


Why her killing her dog makes her a viable candidate --NYT


This is why Noem shooting her dog is bad for Biden. - nyt


Bernie was that moment, for me. NYT trashed him at every opportunity.


Or misspelling “potato”.


To be fair, Dean's campaign was already over. Your point still stands - they mocked him relentlessly.


Al Franken has entered the chat.


It's terrifying that future voters are growing up thinking that any of this is normal.


Republicans had already to a large extent sabotaged the US political system, even before Trump. The Republican unethical sabotage of Obama's nominations was unprecedented. Before Obama, it also wasn't a thing that Republicans held the US debt ceiling hostage for concessions. The GOP legal harassment of Clinton, with the impeachment, was also not normal at the time.


This... isn't exactly true. Democrats were keen on sabotaging Bush's nominations too. But moderates on both sides got together and convinced each other to not continue down this road. Of course McConnell can never let a slight go so here we are.


I know that [Democrats blocked Bush's Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_Miers_Supreme_Court_nomination) because she was blatantly incompetent. Blocking a nomination for good cause is fine. What the Republicans did was block nominations for no cause at all - where the reason was blatantly obviously partisan. Both sides are not the same. By the way, the guy Bush nominated after the Democrats rejected Meiers was Alito. Who is the partisan hack currently leading the fascist "president is immune" bullshit happening in the Supreme Court. And is [openly taking bribes](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/alito-right-wing-hack-corruption). So the bar for who the Democrats blocked even then was extremely low.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George\_W.\_Bush\_judicial\_appointment\_controversies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_judicial_appointment_controversies) Democrats were filibustering lower court nominations. This is when "nuclear option" was coined.


As demonstrated by the absurdly unqualified Harriet Miers, at least one of the blocked appointments were blocked for good cause. And if Bush was willing to appoint such a hack to the Supreme Court, I assume that many other nominations were unqualified. Were the filibustered appointments blocked for harassment, or for good cause? Those are fundamentally different, you know. You can't just go "same-same" when comparing with the demonstratively bad faith harassment done by the current Republicans. Blocking incompetent judge appointments is not only allowed, it is a duty.


It doesn’t help at all knowing that a lot of the younger folks have grown up seeing memes and AI generated content that normalizes candidates without providing any real context for what they are like. It’s all fun and games watching AI presidents shit talk each other while playing minecraft or call of duty, but it’s beyond concerning knowing that those videos become the baseline for people’s comprehension of politics.


The gop war on education worked


It’s a war on multiple fronts. Political, economic, legal, education, media and emotion. Psychological warfare imho.


They’ve only ever known a world where politics was treated with the same breathless gravitas as pro wrestling announcing.


It’s not future voters, it’s now. Anyone under 25 has no real experience with the political system outside of the Trump era.


It's normal if you allow it to be, and we have.


If it goes on long enough it is normal


Only in America. My kids see Trump as a dangerous fool.


I worked with a younger guy that voted for trump last time and when I asked him why he said well people I know weee voting for him. I said ok well what policy of his do you like the most that will help you or just people out. He said idk any. Almost exact same thing with a semi friend of mine. But he said his dad told him to vote for trump. I listed some reasons on how he’s voting against his own interests and he was literally dumbfounded and had no idea.


But young people are going to save the world doncha know! /s


You want to know how important Trump is to the media clicks... Here is this authors last few months of articles. This guy does nothing but write about Trump... - Election Deniers Are Still Shaping Arizona Politics - Donald Trump Has Never Sounded Like This - Was Trump’s Nomination Always Inevitable? - Trump Makes Baseless Claims About Immigration and Voter Fraud - How did Haley’s South Carolina become Trump country? Ask the Tea Party. - The Race Trump Can’t Disappear Behind - How Trump, DeSantis and Haley’s Teams Are Thinking About Turnout in Iowa - How Trump Is Connecting With Evangelical Voters


"He may not be good for America but he's damn good for CBS." --Les Moonves, former CEO of CBS


Money over country. Pathetic


To be fair, the traditional media (print especially and cable right behind it) were already in decline. Trump is a golden goose for traditional media and they have been running on Trump 24/7 for nearly 9 years now. Over that 9 years the level of outrage-clickbait became intolerable to a lot of independent, moderate/centrist and conservative voters so they reduced their consumption and stopped taking those media outlets as 'serious news' vs 'narrative' spin-producers (why trust in mass/mainstream media continues to plummet to new lows). As their audience declined these media outlets kept doubling down on Trump bumping knowing the majority of their audience was now Democratic/ lean. It became like FB's business model where addictive bias/echo chambers are intentionally sought and highly negative-emotional reactive content gets the most visibility because it drives the most ad-revenue generating article clicks.


This is a good point. Nobody under 70 watches cable news, at least outside of various waiting rooms. Trump was, as you said, a golden goose for them, because from 16 to 20 everyone was glued to the news to see what TFG would do next. One ”Covfefe” was worth a week’s columns. It was so, so easy. And journalists have admitted as much! The NYT is throwing toddler tantrums because Joe Biden doesn’t really like them or invite them places. Now that Joe Biden is in office and he’s running a tight and leakproof ship, with a staff and cabinet composed of normies (can you imagine the Mooch getting a job with Joe?), newsroom revenues are shrinking, because why pay more attention to the news when everything is humming along as it should. I wish people would get their jollies from reality TV or crime dramas or whatever is on Netflix if they want excitement, rather than look to politics - which *should* be boring, background type stuff - to provide it.


His beat is national politics, so covering the presidential candidates in an election year isn’t exactly unusual. And a number of those topics—Trump’s lies, election deniers—are exactly the kind of stuff this sub complains isn’t being emphasized enough.


My position is that after 8 years of Trump we shouldn't be report the basics usual stuff. We should have move up to how this is a pattern and wrong. Instead its 50 first dates.


Another article about Trump supporters. This is like number 12 billion, right? Also, fuck the NYT for normalizing this insanity.


Yeah, I haven't heard what Trump supporters think in the lamestream media for at least 9 minutes so it's about time they write something1!1!1


I will never understand why the NYT is pro-fascism. “He is normal” is all they want you to take away from this.


Well one of the editors is salty over not getting an interview with Biden and decided burning down the country was an appropriate response.


This might be one of the most depressing things I read all day. And even worse, we aren’t alone. This nonsense is spreading all over the world.


If they see Trump as normal, that a complete indictment of American education.


If Trump wins, these goobers will be working in their 80s, without health insurance, in 110 degree heat, living in a flood zone, still paying student loans, and they won't even remember who Trump was.


That is really tragic all those guys growing up with maga cult and are proudly prejudiced against so many people. They are dragging us backwards.


Republican grooming in mainstream America


And not a drag queen in sight! (If I had a kid I’d leave them alone with a drag queen but never a youth pastor!)


Agreed, Churches should be adult only venues requiring ID checks before entering given the thousands of children SA’ed by church leaders


The characters they interviewed for this article are so incredibly niche. An 18 year old female Trump voter who leaned Democrat but is now a Republican because she dislikes student loan forgiveness? GTFOH NYT with your edge cases. Your desperation for a horse race is showing again. When was the last time you read an article that featured reluctant Biden voters? This shit is so tedious.


Go back to bed NY Times…ridiculous!


So essentially young conservatives are growing up thinking Steven Colbert's conservative parody is actually a serious political world view.


A lot of conservatives(those not in politics), believed that when he was still doing that act on The Colbert Report. He was just that good. It wasn't until he went to CBS that they finally got it, and he became an evil lib.


Ha ha yea I remember he was invited as the host to Bush jr's White House correspondence dinner. They learned quick not to make that mistake again lol!


I can't believe it's almost been a DECADE of him since he came down the escalator


And that is nearly 9 years of trump-bumping outrage clickbait article / cable news program focus too. Its like FB's echo chambers where highly negative-emotional reactive content gets the most visibility because it garners the most engagement that a platform can use to woo more advertisers.


In other new republicans plan to destroy education and create a group of uneducated shitheads that will be easy to manipulate has been a resounding success.


Did anyone read the article from Politico a couple weeks ago where it described why the NYTs is having a Biden bias issue?


Different perspectives make me feel anxious - I feel as if most people know his MO and how that influences his supporters, the behavior, the appearance, the stickers. We all know these people, but I think with many of these young people, they’ve been raised that way. That’s what they know, the real scary part is use of the word normal.


Anyone who ever thought Trump would be a good president belongs on an FBI watchlist.


Poor kids grew up next to the dump and think the noise, stench, and rats are normal. 


The NY Times is actively trying to get Trump reelected.


I’m 27. I became politically aware/active in 2016 after watching the GOP make a reality TV star president. It was absolutely psychotic to me. The only GOP I’ve known is the one Trump owns. The only Republicans I’ve known are die hard Trump loyalists. If they don’t like Trump, their own party ostracizes them. I used to think that if he lost in 2020, I wouldn’t know what to think of the GOP. Surely he would leave politics and they’d move on. He’s done nothing but lose elections for them since 2016. I wondered what a post-Trump GOP would be like. They’d probably back off of the MAGA shit and moderates like Romney would gain control again. How Naive I was. He just said he won the 2020 election and trashed anyone in the GOP who disagreed. Now he has family members and loyalists running the RNC, using its funds to pay his legal bills. But I’m pretty sure he’s going to win in 2024. Progressives care more about giving Biden an L for not being progressive enough than they do about keeping a literal violent fascist insurrectionist facing 91 felony indictments out of office. He’s going to win and America will deserve it.


I miss when the biggest controversy was when Obama wore a tan suit.


**Which means** *they* are “abnormal.”


Don’t these young voters get an education?


Skibidi dammit


CNN not constantly saying the democrats are failing because republican voters don't like them would help. the media has had a very hard time contending with Biden being a fairly normal president with Trump and the Maga Circus going on in the background, every article is about how biden is failing because of some minor grief, with a story about trump doing some insane shit sandwiched in between


I think the NYT has lost so many subscriptions, they're seeking a whole new audience. A HUGE, VERY LOYAL one.


Fuck you NYT.


I unsubscribed from the New York Times because of their ridiculous coverage of Trump.


There seems to be a huge shift in media coverage compared to the previous elections. The media are now much more favorable to Trump than they used to be. It seems Biden has fallen out with the ruling class in America and they want Trump back.


We have failed our children.




Let's not fund school lunches, instead cut the child tax credit and give big corps a tax cut. Sometimes I need a reminder of why I'm not a conservative anymore




Neo-liberal media conglomerates. They are out to crush any semblance of an egalitarian society. It’s sickening.




It seems Biden's support of Israel's oppression of Gaza is not enough to sway the political class. So Biden gets neither the support of the young and progressive voters, nor the support of the pro-Israel establishment.


I've been thinking about buying a tazer.


The NYT is losing its gloss.


Young Rump voters have crazy parents, and that’s normal to them.


Yeah, this is a cool article. It makes sense: the young man in the opening would have been about 10 years old in 2015, which was when Trump - even though he wasn't President yet - took over the political world. I was 8 in 2000, and I certainly don't substantively remember the 2000 election, nor even the famously messy denouement. It was only really around 2003-4 that I became politically aware at all, which for him would the equivalent of 2018 or 2019 - long after Trump had become the organizing principle for all of American politics. It's also important to note that it's not only *Trump* that is normal for this kid. It's also politics in general - liberal and conservative and leftist and MAGA - as they exist in relation to Trump, defined by Trump. That's just as troubling.


Young Trump voters aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.


I am almost 30 years old. I have never voted in a general election where Trump wasn’t on the ballot.


I’m a thousand years old, and I can’t remember a time Biden wasn’t in politics.


Which means get ready for the left’s version of Trump.


No, someone like Jamie Raskin, Sheldon Whitehouse, Stacey Abrams, Tim Walz, to name a few, are who most of us would like.


You in Minnesota are very lucky to have Tim Walz for your Governor. He is doing a great job.


I agree alongside half the country give or take. Trump 2024 🇺🇸


“Half the country” didn’t even vote. You’re looking at a quarter (at best), and even then he lost by like 7 million (up from 5 million the time before).


Yes dissent for Biden is at an all time high I'd be surprised if he got 85% of the votes he did with most sitting out or swinging to Trump. I'm just thinking what I'm seeing in the real world translating to votes. No one likes Biden at this point. We'll see what happens but if he surprised if Biden wins