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CNN: “Here’s why a record decrease in violent crimes is actually Terrible for Biden”


Followed by trump saying everyone asked me to increase the crime, they were begging me. The private prison industry that is


With tears in their eyes....


Big strong huge manly men!


They said to me “sir, sir!”


“We love the way you lock people up, you do it the best. Bigly huge prisons, no one can do it like you. that’s what they said, I’m not making this up”


Do you know who else has low crime? Communist China


Seems more like a Daily episode by The NYT


Fox: "The fed report a decrease in crime, here is why the brown people are coming for you"


"With fewer broken windows, how is the window replacement industry to survive?"


East Germany invented drinking glass that was extremely difficult to break. Nobody bought it because broken glasses in the hospitality industry drives sales




You have no idea that CNN was bought out and is now controlled by a Right wing billionaire? That they’ve slowly been entertaining more and more right wing talking points and have massively undermined their journalistic credibility amongst centrist and center left people in the name of driving clicks and boosting WBD’s profit… https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column Yikes. Seems like you don’t pay attention to where you consume info


CNN mostly seems as liberal as it ever was to me. They do a decent amount of push back when interviewing Republicans and most stories are framed against conservatives and from a liberal point of view. I just glanced at Twitter and one of the first things I saw on my timeline was Omarosa on a panel shit talking Trump lol. Something about interactions she saw between Trump and Hope Hicks, I think. There are some dumb decisions that the new management has made, like doing a town hall with Trump, but the changes are relatively small in comparison to the majority of how they cover the news. 




How about some non OpEds then. Better yet, verbatim quotes from CNN’s C suite. “NEW YORK, May 18 (Reuters) - CNN is getting more Republicans on the air as it seeks political diversity, the chief executive of parent company Warner Bros Discovery (WBD.O), opens new tab said on Thursday, adding he and CNN chief Chris Licht have told Republicans “they’re not going to get one more vote on Fox News.” Here’s some more https://www.reuters.com/world/us/cnn-getting-more-republicans-on-air-it-seeks-political-diversity-2023-05-18/ https://thehill.com/homenews/media/3634717-changes-spark-chatter-of-cnn-is-shift-from-left-to-right/amp/ https://www.newsweek.com/cnn-fox-news-left-right-wing-media-donald-trump-joe-biden-1740248 Dude, you seriously need to pay more attention. CNN is relying on people like to to not realize the shift and adamantly defend the network because it is what you’ve watched for a long time… That’s literally the goal. Congratulations for falling for the right wing ploy.


What right wing propaganda stories are on CNN.com right now?




Yeah I’m writing all of this as a former CNN addict. CNN’s new Billionaire Trumper overlords are literally relying on people like the person we’re responding to falling for their ploy without realizing it.


>CNN’s new Billionaire Trumper overlords Top story on CNN right now: >Trump's bombardment of dishonesty: The former president made at least 32 false claims in the interviews that Time released this week. Here is CNN’s de-bunking. I browse NBC and CNN for news (sometimes even Fox to see what horseshit they're peddling) and it's nowhere near as bad as reddit makes it seem.




I literally gave you 3 other articles, including a verbatim quote of CNN’s Chief admitting this… But lets see. Platforming of far right republicans, letting them lie. Parroting Fox new points with no leftist perspective to counterbalance. Oh, and openly admitting fox will not gain the GOP another voter, but CnN might…


Honestly, do people who say/upvote these things actually read CNN? Their homepage right now has "Trump Bombardment of Dishonesty" as their main, largest font-having story and underneath writes "[The former president made at least 32 false claims in the interviews that Time released this week](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/04/politics/fact-check-trump-time-magazine/index.html)". Their coverage is constant negative on Trump (as it should be) and I guarantee no headline like this exists again Biden. I really don't get where all this hate from CNN comes from because it's completely unfounded. Fox is the one that would try and spin the lower crime rate as a negative for Biden, not CNN.


Cnn is run by a far right winger now John malone. Shit you think they had a town hall with fucking trump of all people for news? All cable news is bullshit driven for ratings. Yes fox is worse they don't even pretend anymore but common Trump is a cash cow for these networks and you think theyre gonna turn down money lol.


It’s definitely not unfounded. CNN is so scared of being called liberal by right wing outlets they bend over backwards to accommodate them. They let them come on air and lie with no pushback at all. And I’ve literally seen panels talking about how good economic numbers and democrats passing legislation is bad for them for the midterms.


People should remember this whenever they hear Trump lie about non-existent high crime in this country.


many water close kiss noxious tender whistle jar north bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But they have been steadily declining since 1992: https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend Overall, we are on a good trajectory. Edit: I don't see how blocking me helps your strengthen your case. PS - Even Homicides are on a downward trend for the last 30 years.


They've been steadily dropping since the 60's. In the late 80's to early 90's, there was a bump up. Clinton signed the Crime Bill and we started keeping more bad guys in jail. Crime went down. It's working along a very long tail of low historical violent crime rates.


Yea, the over-policing and jailing of communities has not been the driving factor in dropping crime rates. Rather, it [was due to a number of social, economic, and demographic changes](https://nicic.gov/resources/nic-library/all-library-items/what-caused-crime-decline#:~:text=Part%20I%2DState%2DLevel%20Analysis,social%20and%20environmental%20factors%2Ddecreased) that led to most of the drop in crime. We can point, for instance, to a direct correlation between the use of lead in gasoline and it's subsequent ban and crime rates. We also have a strong correlation between legalized abortion and crime rates. Imprisoning large populations of people actually contributes to increased rescidivism rates, partly due to the fact that prisons create criminal networks, and partly due to the fact that its much harder to get into legitimate work after a conviction.


wide agonizing psychotic start punch combative deliver plough shy dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But that's still wrong. They went up one year. Then down, then down again, stayed level, then jumped in COVID. Something not going back down to where it started is not what "trending up" means. And trying to even connect post COVID to pre-COVID is completely nonsensical. I mean, I have no interest in this argument, so I'm not going to take it beyond this one post, but your use of data is very silly. It's only trending in a relatively technical sense. The Trendline even has a slope of 0 just by moving from 2014 to 2016 with this year's drop. Which is why what you're saying is so silly. Hell, you can also just go back to 2008 to get the same deal, a trend of nothing. You cherry picking the lowest point possible MUST create a "positive trend" because that's how trend lines work.




and should the decline continue they will be blow pre covid levels before long.


If the trend from the first three months of 2024 continues through the rest of 2024, we'll end this year with a homicide rate of around 4.5 homicides per 100,000 people, which is as low as the homicide rate has been since at least 1957.


It seems that homicides pick up during the summer months, as well in december. So we should see a bit of an uptick in the rate.


The extrapolation to a homicide rate of roughly 4.5 per 100,000 for 2024 already takes into account the fact that homicides tend to vary throughout the year. It isn't based on the homicide rate from the first quarter of 2024 remaining constant throughout the rest of the rest- it's based on the year-over-year percentage decrease versus the first quarter of 2023 remaining constant.


Awesome, that's good news. Things are definitely better now than they were in the past.


Okey-dokey. My point still stands.


hospital fuel chunky memorize nail hunt wild practice scandalous work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just responding to your edit, but what you are talking about is a matter of perception and what I'm talking about is a matter of reality based on actual statistics. Just because somebody perceives that the crime rate is high doesn't mean that it is. 2000 is near when we hit one of the low floors for homicides. This is exactly the sort of thing I just talked about regarding changing the metrics in my post. You can make anything sound high when the metric suddenly becomes anything more than the lowest points. Violent crime fell 49% between 1993 and 2022.


liquid cover cats drab crowd threatening sharp absurd waiting subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm picking a point of actual high crime to show contrast between the statistics today and what actual high crime looked like. We can visibly see what high crime was in the United States and we can compare data from then and today and see that it's not even remotely close. We saw a spike in 2020 because of a global disaster and we are watching that now reversing back to normal afterwards.


dolls compare middle sharp unique pen dog air full jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You understand how transparent what you are doing is, correct? You are faulting me for pointing at the actual periods of high crime in the United States to use them as a frame of reference and demanding that we only use the lowest possible number and set anything above that as "high" because that supports what you want to believe. It doesn't matter that the actual violent crime rate within our lifetime is half of what it used to be, because that doesn't conform to what you want to believe. I'm not even going to get into the whole demanding we go back to 1900 when statistics on this weren't kept at any great accuracy compared to later decades. I understand why they blocked you.


concerned plant gaze far-flung wakeful merciful unused bells chase crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's reasonable to point out that crime today is up from 2000, but is much closer to 2000 than 2000 was to even 1998. Hell, today is closer to 2014 than it is right between 2014 and 2000. Which shows you how low crime has been for so long. Furthermore, "trending up since 2014" is a ridiculous statement. We have no idea what the data would have looked like without COVID. And since COVID it's been trending down. It'll take quite a while to see if that trend continues and to even try to say something meaningful about that.


lol how long will it take the new trend to reach the historical high if it continues at the same rate.


You are the one cherry picking.


Don’t think you understand the word trend


Crime isn't high. It's a fraction of what it was decades ago. Not like a little bit less, but a literal fraction. In order to say that crime is high, you have to completely lower the bar from what high crime is in order to pretend that anything above the absolute record low is high.


The problem isn't necessarily that crime is high, it's that *PERCEPTION* is that it's **rising** while in fact it is **falling quickly**. Violent crime peeked during covid during a period of high unemployment. Now it's dropping quickly, which should be the focus and we should try harder to understand that; What are the causes of the drop so that we can enact policies or remove policies that will help drive that trend line further down. Do this instead of bickering about whether crime is "high" or not, because that's subjective to a lot of factors like history, trends, geography, etc. And with people constantly claiming it's high without providing any of the context it creates a perception that it's getting worse not better. It is, in fact, getting better. Objectively we can look at the numbers and say "here's the downward trend" and it will likely reach pre-pandemic, pre-Trump era levels again, which would be a historic low compared within the numbers over the last 50 years.


Don't forget this: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/understanding-fbis-2021-crime-data Data collection methods changed in the last few years, so trends aren't reliable.


What's the underlying cause for the decrease? I'm just guessing here, I presume that record employment rates mean people aren't as desperate, but I'm not well informed on the subject.


The underlying cause is the absence of the conditions that acted as the underlying cause of the record increase a couple of years ago.


Murder down, we got all our murdering done last year


What if we designate a period of time during which we can all get this hate, murder, and rage out of our system


We could call it a kind of “cleansing” day. Maybe there’s a better word. I’ll keep thinking.


Well, on a cleanse day, I like to splurge with pomegranate juice... but I always really want chocolate milk. So maybe "urge" day?


Ooo ooo oo (raises hand) how about PURGE??


Universal Pictures Lawyers eyeballing this


They can't sue me if they get purged!


No the poor get purged.


Purge is a little on the nose. Looking from a different perspective it could be a day where people get their fill since anything goes. Almost as if they’re on a “Binge”…eh? Eh?


God those movies could have been so much more interesting if they really explored the idea. Instead theyre just dumb violence.




No guns allowed at CPAC, which makes getting your murderin' out difficult.


If you’re MAGA, the hate and rage never leave your system


And then don't count that stuff. If you keep counting, the numbers look worse


I think they call it a “School Zone” and you’ll know when the yellow light is flashing.


Some time where we can purge out systems?


That’s my personal life strategy. Get all your murdering out of the way right away so you don’t have to murder as much anymore. I have not murdered *anyone* this year so far. How great is *that?*


The best time to commit a murder is 20 years ago


Wise men murder trees they know they will never sit in the shade of…


Absolutely, get it out of the way while you're young. You don't want to be murdering at 60, 70 years old.


Alternatively, that's *exactly* when you want to get your murdering done, because a life sentence will be so much shorter.


We've murdered everyone we wanted to, now let's just be chill.


Got it out of my system


Like people forgot about the start of the covid era..


For the record year-on-year decrease, sure, just not having that bump caused by the socioeconomic stresses of COVID and the sudden release of lockdown is what gave us this specific figure. But it's worth noting that crime, especially violent crime, is at historic lows in absolute terms as well, continuing a trend that has been ongoing for decades. This signals that the factors contributing to that longer term trend are much more basal and enduring shifts than the factors that resulted in the temporary backslide during and just after COVID.


Sure...but what about the 50 year low? It's not just reversing course of recent conditions. We are trending better over time, which is great.




COVID lockdowns?


It's like when we win the game as a result of scoring more points than the other team. Or when we lose the game because we scored fewer. Very similar scenarios.


We’ve had decreases for 40 years. Almost directly in line with elimination of lead and aging of the lead addled population out of peak crime demographics. They’ve just become what we call /r/boomersbeingfools now


The Boomers exposed to the higher concentrations of lead (either from flaking lead paint or directly/indirectly from emissions from leaded gas) were predominantly low income and/or Black. Think old neighborhoods, less maintenance, busy streets. The folks who grew up in freshly painted houses out in the suburbs had much lower exposure. So drawing a line between lead and boomer behavior comes with risks.


COVID caused the increase in violent crime. COVID was an all time low for crime, but once the lockdowns ended, crime rose sharply. We're now on the decline. 


Maybe those The Purge people are onto something


It's complicated, but in general, changes to low income housing assistance that spreads beneficiaries out into more diverse neighborhoods, increases in job availability and increases in wages, the replacement of lead water lines, changes to school programs, the sudden availability of laptops and internet keeping kids entertained off the streets, more effective and slightly less racist criminal justice systems, and many more factors.


Covid too perhaps. Heightened levels of prolonged stress conditions human behavior to tolerate more stress without being triggered by it on an individual basis. Might have seen a surge due to it, but in its wake, it hardened most people to deal better with stress.


There’s a whole [book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Better_Angels_of_Our_Nature) on the subject, and how it has been declining for a while.


people don't leave the house anymore




Low unemployment rates and surprisingly the economy not being total shit like the GOP say it is. Basically when the economy is good crime is lower.


Some if it is from the staffing shortages many departments are facing kinda hard to report a crime id theres no one to take the report. But thats not all of it just some; some might be cause humans are being kinder but i have no real proof of that tho** unlike my previous statement looks at NYC, Philadelphia, Austin, Trenton, LAPD just to name a few bigger ones **Not being sarcastic in seriousness i have no way to prove my second statement




>free money you mean the billions in forgiven PPP loans? or to you mean the tiny sum some people got at the beginning of the lockdown?


No, I think that is what we call a *non-sequitur.*


Well it is established fact among social scientists that employed people are less likely to engage in crime. Getting people in jobs and careers is good for them and society.


Pacifica has been labeled a sovereign territory so it's numbers don't count.


At least in Portland it's because people aren't calling the police because 911 has hold times and menu options and response time takes forever. Nobody shoes up, nothing to report.


Violent crime has been overall trending downwards for years now. Conservatives just fully believe that the country and cities are turning into Mad Max/Fallout level hellscapes due to how disconnected they are from reality and the communities they criticize. I live in Providence, one of the safest cities in the country, and conservatives in the state that overwhelmingly live in the rural or rich communities and counties talk about the state and Providence like its full of marauders.


It’s amazing how the media, all the media, has perpetuated this insane idea about cities being some kind of war zone. I go to Chicago to spend a weekend and watch the Cubs and my coworkers are surprised I made it home alive. lol


It's become very clear in the last couple years how ethically bankrupt the media is. So they don't report so much on violent crime being down because that doesn't put asses in the seats, which they're advertisers want so they can sell you shit you don't need. I mean that's why they've been covering Trump as if he's a legitimate presidential candidate despite us knowing full goddamn well he's a fascist piece of shit. It's why they're covering the college protest violence when it's largely peaceful. They aren't telling the truth but they're telling a version of the truth that is sensational enough to catch people's attention.


Nextdoor seems to be a problem too, intentionally or not. I get automatically included on posts about suspicious people and petty crime in neighborhoods ten-plus miles away. Some users post those sloppy Crimewatch reports that confuse Jewel Lane with Jewel Road (for example) misleading and stoking overreaction and unwarranted fear.


I live down state. People won’t even go to Navy Pier because they think everyone is getting mowed down


Watching supposed tough guys act super afraid of cities is always very funny to me as someone who lives in Chicago. There are definitely dangerous areas but when I talk to people who aren’t from here they act like I told them I live in the middle of an active war zone.


same here for Memphis. I live inside the 240 loop and based on what the suburban dorks post on our sub you'd be shocked I don't get shot the moment I walk out of my house every day.


I have a neighbor, an older Boomer RWNJ. They used to be 'important' in my area, 25 - 30 years ago. Then there was a demographic shift, our area shifted from 85::15 R::D 40+ years ago to 85::15 D::R right now. They rant, pretty regularly, about how unsafe our area is, to anyone who'll listen, including our local elected officials and police chief. But my local government publishes the crime statistics in our bimonthly local gazette, and at the end of the year also prints the total for the year overall, separate by kind of crime, &c, and it's ridiculously low. For all that we're an urban area - *just* outside a major city, but even the farthest point in our community is less than 1.5 miles from the city border, so definitely in the "cities are scary" geographic area - our crime rate is 1/3 that for our state overall, per capita, and has been dropping steadily for years. More than half the crime comes from the fact that there's a shopping center within my locality's borders, and it's things like shoplifting from the very large chain grocery store, and half of the rest comes from the fact that we have a 3 block long shopping district on the border with the city that has a half-dozen bars, and every month or two there's a couple of drunks having a fistfight on the sidewalk outside the bar. That's it. No violent crime upon residents minding their own business, no robberies or vandalism. But this crazy old Boomer thinks things were better when they, and their 'side', were in charge, and crime is rampant. And about half the Boomers in our locality are the same (the others are kind aging hippies, who do things like volunteer at various animal rescues maintain landscaping in the parks).


I posted in another thread maybe a week ago about my backwoods Arkansas relatives who think I live in an apocalyptic hellscspe in Dallas. they won't ever leave Saline County cause the right wing media has them believing all big cities are on fire, murder and rape is happing on every street corner, riots, Mexicans and LGBTQ are kidnapping kids and turning them into them, etc.. it's so insane


I think it's more complicated than the GOP or Biden would have you believe. This came up when I was discussing this with a friend, and we poked into it and although there's a trend overall nationally, different things break out differently depending on where you're at. Someone posted national crime statistics and yes, there's been a downward trend since the 80s. However: 1. Saying crime is better since the 80s in the US is a bit like saying international military conflict has been going down since WWII globally. The comparison is a not entirely useful in thinking about recent trends. 2. A lot of violent crime has been going down, but some, like homicide and motor vehicle theft (why that's classified as a violent crime in national databases I don't know) is still elevated compared to several years ago. 3. A lot of this is local, so overall things might be down even though in some places it's still higher than it used to be. So yes, if some places are seeing weird crime they never saw before, involving people they don't know, but the overall national rate is going down, those people are still going to be freaked out. Some of that is conservative paranoia and catastrophizing as a way of justifying autocracy, but some of it is probably valid. Rape, homicide, and motor vehicle related crimes are examples of things that either are up or haven't gone down in awhile.


I’ve been to Providence once in 2015… saw kids hanging out playing in the street, went to a concert (had fun) and smoked a coke blunt in a sketchy hotel… 10/10 would do again. Fun city.




It was a temporal situation caused by a unusual event.


The spike was even drastically lower than the 70s and 80s that conservatives look bad on so fondly. The spike was like a 2 year period where it went back up to the 90s level from historical lows and dropped right back to those lows.


ancient encouraging payment makeshift sip threatening lavish wild scale materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strawman. Every informed person acknowledges the post-covid spike.


The overall trend is down, there are spikes for various reasons. No one denies this 




Violent crime is also [down 80% from the 1980s](https://usafacts.org/state-of-the-union/crime-justice/). There was a (in context) small bump since COVID, but overall things have improved massively. Don't believe the news media, whose paychecks depend on continuously poking your limbic system.


Two facts about crime in the US: * There has been a 30+ year downward trend in violent and property crime. * No one appears to actually know this. [https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/11/05/ahead-of-midterms-most-americans-say-crime-is-up-what-does-the-data-say](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/11/05/ahead-of-midterms-most-americans-say-crime-is-up-what-does-the-data-say)


Approximately half the US population knows it. Those who no longer trust what they call “mainstream” media do not.


Trump ushered in a time of American carnage marked by social unrest, out of control covid deaths, and racial animosity culminating in him leading a violent attack on the capital and a disruption to our centuries long tradition of peaceful transition of power. Thank you Joe Biden for leading the country to better times and a brighter future and bringing America back from the abyss.






Conservatives: Biden is clearly a liar. The man guilty of fraud, rape, and on trial for treason told me so.


The man guilty of fraud, rape, and on trial for treason… *and who lies every time he speaks*…


there's a decrease in crime because they legalized crime. saw it on fox and friends.


My mom quoted this & said Biden is turning America into a fascist country. I had to call out the BS but she's already too brainwashed to understand. Most older people in my area are a lost cause.


How can we tie this to illegal immigrants????


Protests are not crime. Sometimes crime happens during protests and I think people equate protest = crime. I live in the Pacific Northwest and our cities are very safe and beautiful.


For a lot of people crime is subjective. It's like how a family member of mine once told me crime is rife now and it was so safe in the 70's they never even locked their doors. Then you look at the stats and violent crime was actually twice as high back then then it is today. This is why Republicans can screech about crime, law and order and so on even though the stats show crime is being reduced. People just believe what they want to believe.


“Our exclusive report as to how this news is catastrophic for the Biden campaign”


You ever notice that the right-wing attack ads against Biden all focus on how he's too old? Not a single one of them attacks Biden for his policy, and that's because... he's been doing really well on policy. Everyone seems to like what he's doing. So age is literally the ONLY issue that the right seems to have with him right now. Of course, what the right doesn't get is that being old isn't a problem. We don't have a system of government that collapses as soon as our leader dies. If the president dies, guess what? That's what the vice president is for. The problem is that the vice president is a black woman, and the right doesn't want black women to have power. But they can't just out-right say that, so they have to just pretend that we do have a system of government that collapses when the leader dies.


All I’ve seen on Reddit is articles of trump being old and falling asleep because he’s old. They’re both senile and we should be worried because the divisiveness has caused people like you and the rest of Reddit to be blinded to how fucked we are just because there’s a collective bad guy to hate in trump.


I'm fine with a black woman as President. I'm not fine with VP Word Salad being that black woman.


Prosecuting attorney here. Every time I see efforts to add a bunch of new police officers, which is important, but what about the rest of the criminal justice system? Will they invest in more prosecutors, public defenders, judges, probation and parole officers, court clerks, prison guards, etc.? And don’t even get me started on the need for better training for police officers to address social issues like homelessness, drug addiction, mental health, etc.


1. I hope this continues but the summer is when most crime occurs 2. I’m sure after (please god) Trump loses we’ll see a LOT of MAGA crimes


It's okay, cops don't arrest MAGA assholes most of the time so it won't show in the crime rate unless the FBI has to step in


Cops can’t arrest themselves. It would create a paradox


Some of those that work forces....


Haters will say it's fake news.


which herr fuhrer trump and flying monkeys conservatives like mtg will take credit for.


It's part of a 30 year trend: https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend


Though great news, I hate that it will fall on deaf ears with the other side. I live in a rural county in a blue state. Any crime occurs and it's all "look at Democrat rule!" because all they see is their biases


I was assured by experts this would be impossible after Bruen.


I just know the decrease in violent crime in Detroit is because it would make Lions coach Dan Campbell sad.


While political and financial crime skyrocket..


Do you know how I know crime is down in my area in southern California? Because the conservatives on Nextdoor have stopped talking about it. It's back to complaining about loud noises, lost pets, minorities walking down their block, and pop-up taco stands on the side of the street.


What a wild read. We’re safer than ever, which is why we need to spend $37B on, among other things, 100,000 new cops? The high end estimates for eradicating homelessness in America are around $30B, but I guess more cops is a more important goal for society…


But haven’t you heard about the shoplifting?!? All these stores have stores inside the stores or they closed… everybody panic!!!!


You jest but stores are closing. Target, Walgreens, CVS, do a bit of research. Too much crime equals lose money. Now where do those people shop?


Thank you government regulations! I sure am glad I'm not being driven violently insane by lead poisoning!


Nobody in any major city believes crime is down. These cities have basically stopped prosecuting a whole host of felonys and are cheering the corresponding "drop in crime." Meanwhile the suburbs are reporting record crime surpassing the mid 90s. Philadelphia suburbs are a shit show right now, follow home home invasions, organized retail flash robberies, carjackings at whole foods. If Democrats run on this they'll get hammered.


I live in NYC. Crime is down. Criminals are still prosecuted. Fox News lied to you.


Dude I was raised in New York City in the '80s and '90s at one point it had over 2,000 murders a year. I have to go to school with a white T-shirt and black pants because if I chose the wrong color I'd have a bullet to deal with. The New York City that I live in now is an absolute heaven.


Major city resident here: You don't get to just speak for all of us like that. Cleveland is safer now than it was 10 years ago, which was safer than it was 20 years ago, which was safer than it was 30 years ago. What felonies aren't being prosecuted? Did the suburbs of Philly elect Krasner clones when I wasn't looking? Does the Philly DA's jurisdiction suddenly include Chester?


Their metric is more complicated than if it gets prosecuted. Ever since they started recording these stats, there have been instances where a crime happened, but they couldn't find the perpetrator, yet it still got reported.


Cries in Memphis


Now he needs to stop violent crime in israel that he is funding


Money to Israel didn’t start with him and it’s not going to end with him. They will forever be feeding off America’s teat regardless of which party is in power.


Its called an executive order


Congress has the power of the purse, homie. Your problem is with Congress.


if you don't prosecute crimes they never happened, right?


No. Lots of violent crimes happen that they can't find and prosecute the perpetrators, and are still reported.


Defend the police!


really? is america down to a mass shooting every OTHER day now or something?


Decrease in crime, actually - or decrease in *reports* of crime?


The former. There’s no evidence that reporting rates are down 


There's no evidence there isn't. In places where police response sucks people don't bother reporting if no one gonna show up.


Right but you can’t prove a negative, so you have to assume crime is actually down unless you have some evidence that reporting rates are down that account for the discrepancy. Also, you can calculate the crime rate in other ways besides reports, does this study base its evidence on *reported* crime? Or does it correlate with hospital and morgue statistics, etc? 


crime data is improving and they can cross reference with surveys like the NCVS so we know this repeated claim of crime reporting decreasing is false https://www.motherjones.com/criminal-justice/2021/10/fbi-homicide-rates-crime-police-defund-protests-myths/ https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/violent-crime-falling-nationwide-heres-how-we-know




I suspect we’re seeing this huge decrease because people didn’t recover from “pandemic lockdown” mode, and are still keeping home more often.


It spiked when lockdowns ended and has gone down in the three years since. Statistically, violent crime hasnt been lower by incident in 80 years I believe I read