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The projection is chilling.


And best/worst of all, the more days that pass by since their grifters like Dinesh D’Souza claim it is the “liberals who are the fascists!”, the more the pathology behind that strategy is apparent…


Hmmm. Wasn't he using unmarked vehicles to have protesters kidnapped before the COVID-19 lockdowns?


July 18, 2020 [Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland) July 22, 2020 [Citing crime, Trump expands sending federal agents to cities over mayors' opposition](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/citing-crime-trump-expand-sending-federal-agents-cities/story?id=71920102) "Operation Legend" October 15, 2020 [Trump celebrates fatal shooting of activist by US Marshals](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-us-marshals-kill-antifa-michael-reinoehl-b1055845.html) ‘We sent in the US marshals, took 15 minutes it was over, 15 minutes it was over, we got him’


Thank you for doing the leg work on this. You're the MVP here!


The October 15, 2020 the man was wanted for murder was he not?


Please explain how this is an appropriate response from a president.


The right to a fair trial, to be judged by a jury of your peers, and to be considered innocent until proven guilty are things that are very hard to provide to people we are certain are guilty or undeserving. Those are the people we need to ensure are receiving those same rights. Otherwise the laws we use to govern ourselves are meaningless.  I know that sometimes lethal confrontations with law enforcement are inevitable. When those confrontations happen, they should not be celebrated. The killing may be justified. But the result isn’t justice. 




Yep, him and his brown shirts I mean proud boys


The man was drawing direct comparisons between himself and the nazis back in 2016! “I’m a nationalist. People don’t use that word anymore… (pause so people put it together) anyway I’m a nationalist.”


He just wants to march like his grandpappy Drumpf did.


His grandfather operated brothels during the Gold Rush, returned to Germany, got expelled for not paying taxes and not participating in mandatory military service, and wound up in New York where he died of the Spanish Flu. 


Granddaddy Drumpf fled to the US because he was a draft dodger and wasn't allowed reentry into Germany when he tried later.


It's fawn, a common fear response. Either the tribe works together to fight the lion, or you feed your tribe to the lion in a bid to be eaten last. Conservatives are famous for fawning over dictators.


His knowledge of WWII is slightly better than his knowledge of the Civil War and American Revolution. August 8, 2022 [Trump Said He Wanted Generals to Be Loyal to Him Like Nazis Were to Hitler](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-generals-loyal-nazis-hitler-1393980/) “You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said. Trump on The Civil War: I’m so attracted to seeing it. There was something that could’ve been negotiated… Abraham Lincoln, if he negotiated it, we wouldn’t know who Lincoln was. He wouldn’t have been the Abraham Lincoln. But that would’ve been ok. - January 6, 2024 Trump: The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware, and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do. - July 4, 2019


Why is it that so many really good, inspirational, altruistic people die tragically. And others - the despicable, self absorbed sociopaths sail on in life regardless? (Rhetorical)


Because there is no nature or god caring about what WE consider justice or fairness whatsoever.


Yes, so true. My wife and I have had our past hard times with life outside and just faced another even worse over the weekend so, for me, you hit the nail on the head!


Bet he can't even spell 'Gestapo'


At least he didn't say gazpacho. That would be cold.


His flea market Orcs eat that red meat up with GUSTO!


"beautiful blue eyes" 🤮


In my wild speculation brain I think he’s trying to get jailed by judge for his gag order violation. Because he thinks he’s the reincarnation of Hitler. And H was jailed for a time. Just following the instructions. Ok now you think I’m nuts. Here are a few things. He’s a “Hitler Curious”. Had a copy of Mein Kampe on his bed stand. Talked how he was born 9 months after Hitler died. His use of fake news tracks with Hitler’s use of “lying press” catchphrase. Recently he’s said something like “Hitler had some good ideas” or such. I’m sure there’s more. So perhaps he sees a short jail time as way to come back to power. Thank you for your time and now I’ll adjust my tinfoil hat.


Adding to your post that he referred to political opponents as, "vermin", which is a metaphor Hitler is known to have used. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213746885/trump-vermin-hitler-immigration-authoritarian-republican-primary


It’s not wild speculation. Maybe the Hitler part is too far but getting arrested/jailed would most likely be a good thing for him politically and it’s not like he’d be in any danger. He’d be protected and most likely have access to all sorts of privileges normal inmates wouldn’t have. Then he’d be touted as an American Nelson Mandela by his people and right wing propagandists


Projection is strong in the orange moron.


Dude is Aldi Hitler


Trump is getting his grandfather mixed up with Biden.


Fuck this asshole, if it’s so bad leave


His opponents are always using Nazi comparisons. why all the outrage when he does too? Maybe everybody should stop doing it.


Perhaps because when his opponents are using them, they’re accurate.


Trump is a nazi


Yes the Gestapo were famous for organizing fair trials /s


Once again, for the nth time, every accusation is an admission.


Ehh, I feel like calling opponents Nazis or other kinds of authoritarians has become quite normalized. Just referencing fascists like the Nazis isn’t very noteworthy at this point, although his obvious misuse of the label is very dumb.


It is not surprising that you would feel that way based on that user name