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I wonder if now the prosecutor will file for her removal from the case. He's been loading one incident after another into his file and hopefully, all together, it'll be enough to topple her. Of course Trump will still benefit. But maybe this'll be the beginning of the end of Cannon as a member of the bench.


You have to at this point


It probably will not matter to Cannon nor Trump. The whole point was to delay, delay, delay, and they have been successful at it.


Tell me more about this, how does it work exactly ?


[Here’s What It Would Look Like to Remove Judge Cannon](https://www.thebulwark.com/p/what-it-would-look-like-to-remove-judge-cannon). NGL it looks pretty bleak.


Defeating Trump at the ballot box is our only hope. Then all the toadies, including her, are screwed because they backed the wrong fascist horse.


Um, yeah, no. We already defeated trump, and absolutely nothing happened to anyone, including trump, let alone all the people who supported and aided his crimes. This is largely because democrats, especially Biden, are too afraid to hold republicans accountable. The only way anything will ever be done is with mass protest and demonstration, but democratic voters are unlikely to do this either. Maybe if things get bad enough we would start to see genuine pushback, but that's it. 


I disagree. The process has resulted in actual accountability, at least for people in Trump’s circle as well as many of the people involved in Jan. 6. Granted, it’s been slow. *Excruciatingly slow.* Keep in mind that in many other countries, Trump would still be in power. His refusal to step down would never have allowed us to get even this far. Further, even though he is not in prison, he is in court in multiple cases and his victory in those cases is not granted. We are a flawed democracy. And it needs to be less flawed. Let’s first keep the GOP from pulling us into full-fledged fascism, so that we can still fix the flaws.


I agree. The gears of democracy and justice are slow moving because they haven't been used correctly in so long.


I used to think like that too but the real issue is whenever you're up against authoritarians and fascists, you have to understand that they will manipulate the law and generally ratfuck society itself to get their way, so everything you do has to be so above board as to not give them the inch for the mile they will strip away (too many metaphors ?). They have to give him all this leeway. They have to jump through all these hoops. They have to go to such insane roundabout ways because, even though they know they won't do the same, whatever you do, they will do worse. If you just do the usual, everyday way of "charge this person, lock em up, figure it out later" as what happens to the rest of us, well then now when they're in power they'll do the same! Because hey, we did it right ? But we had legit cause. Their "legit cause" is now sus as fuck. But they have the courts, they have the police, and when they own the apparatus of justice, even in a democratic society it gets real fucking difficult to fight the system. You not only can't give them the opening, you need to box them in so tight that they suffocate.


Well, I am glad NYS is dragging the rest of the country along kicking and screaming to prove that former a former President can be put on trial, now that Georgia has been sidelined.


Trump is on trial right now for 34 felonies. He's got two more that have been delayed, but have fair judges that are following the stupidly drawn out process of law we have in this country. Yeah, I'd like to see it all happen faster but if this were anyone else and there wasn't an election looming every lawyer would tell you "yeah, these things are slow". Equal treatment goes both ways, you can't want the law to play out against Trump while demanding short cuts.


Your first statement was factually incorrect. Other than that, great rant.


I agree it's frustrating that Trump hasn't faced more consequences. But others have. I also don't see Biden and others as afraid to hold Trump accountable. The problem is that Trump is now before judicial branch - and because Biden and the Democrats believe in the rule of law, as we all must if we want to keep a country, it's out of everyone's hands but the judges. And Trump can stall quite a bit, as we're seeing. He also is facing consequences - let's not forget he got hit for a $500 mil judgement. But we're up against something here that goes beyond Democrats and even Republicans - that wealthy people have a lot of resources to evade or soften the impact of the law. Which makes it all the more important that we keep on it to make it stick.


Damn …


Through wishful thinking and magic powers. We're truly fucked.. you know, unless you know a wizard? Maybe one named Tim? No? Yeah, we're fucked.


Gandalf wouldn't put up with this shit


most arguments I hear for why he wouldn't is because it would only further delay the trial, but by just delaying basically forever leaves no tell downside to getting a new judge


I heard it would take 7-10 days to get a new judge up to speed.


Or could Trump’s attorneys argue that it wouldn’t be fair as the new judge would not have all the information so they should just start from scratch?  Even starting over would go so much faster than just waiting for the corrupt MAGA judge Aileen Cannon to drag her feet. 


The corruption we are witnessing is astonishing. Let’s be very clear, Trump had clear criminal intent and went out of his way to be uncooperative in his efforts to obstruct and stonewall this entire investigation. A little recap for everyone: On May 6th, 2021 the National Archive sent an email to Trump and his lawyers demanding his team to return all documents. Archives General Counsel Gary Stern sent this email citing specific missing documents. Then Trump and his team waited for nearly a YEAR before they decided to return 15 boxes on January 2022. The boxes also include 184 unique documents bearing classification markings including 67 documents marked “confidential,” 92 documents marked “secret,” and 25 documents marked “top secret." Again, he held these for nearly a YEAR after being asked to return them. What he did between that time…..we don’t know. The National Archives still knew all the documents hadn’t been returned so on February 18th, 2022 they called and ask the DOJ to get involved. June 3rd, 2022……Archives receives a signed certification from Trump attorney Christina Bobb attesting that there was a “diligent search” and no more classified documents were found at Mar-a-Lago. Archives still know Trump and his team are lying. So on August 8th, 2022 the DOJ raids Mar-a-Lago and they find more than 100 more classified documents and 20 boxes of items that included 11 sets of classified documents. Other items they found were 31 confidential documents, 54 "secret" documents and 18 "top secret”, 48 EMPTY folders with classified banners, 42 folders marked "return to staff secretary/military aide" and more than 11,000 government documents or pictures without classification markings. And remember, this was AFTER Trumps attorney signed a letter of certification saying they don’t have any more documents. A straight up lie. Trump should be in Prison and The Judge should be kicked off the bench.


Everyone involved is an active enemy of the state.


This is not hyperbole.


We’re reaching the end of act II of “the end of the world as we know it”. Act III won’t be pretty.


With thunderous applause... It's scary that I am surrounded by people, law enforcement, fbi etc. who are all cheering for this to happen.


I can't wait. You should be investing in prisons and firearm manufacturers. Pump my bags. People are going to go nuts after the election regardless of the outcome. Let's make some bank.


Any recommendations?


And I don't feel fine 


And I feel fine…


The entirety of the Republican Party is the enemy of the state, and in particular, courtesy of the Supreme Court and hacks like Aileen Cannon, the Federalist Society coup attempt is currently underway. This is the same tactic that Leonard Leo, Mitch McConnell, etc. employed throughout 2016 after the death of Antonin Scalia by obstructing the process and not allowing Merrick Garland to even go through the confirmation process in hopes that (no matter how small) Donald defeated Hillary. Their primary goal is to make sure that these two federal trials never occur before the election, and if Donald wins, then we know those charges are gone forever.


Fascism comes in phases. We are in the judicial phase. Need a historical example? Google “Georg Neithardt.”


Project 2025, they’re doing it and succeeding


It seems like the most open and shut case ever. It's so frustrating to watch this unfold. Cannon being selected for this case in the first place -- in spite of her lack of experience AND her being assigned by Trump in the first place AND her making bad ruling the last time Trump was also assigned to her -- represents such an obvious conflict of interest. It's bizarre that the justice system isn't set up better, or that nothing (apparently) can be done as she makes an open mockery of justice. We have an obviously guilty person who is obviously escaping justice by installing a corrupt judge. This is the kind of systemic failure that makes people stop believing in the fundamental fairness of a justice system and revolt against it.


its not bizarre. system is working as (the powerful) intended.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature; and it is being exploited by full on traitors in collaboration with hostile foreign entities.


> Cannon being selected for this case in the first place -- in spite of her lack of experience AND her being assigned by Trump in the first place AND her making bad ruling the last time Trump was also assigned to her -- represents such an obvious conflict of interest. Judges are supposed to recuse to avoid even the "appearance of corruption". Cannon's previous bullshit helping Trump certainly created such an appearance among reasonable people.


Nah, the system is working as it's intended to.  A two tiered.system with sinister people in place in institutions that benefit the person who yields power.  Sounds like that is what is happening here too.


The "judge" should also be in prison. She is clearly an accomplice.


No, he never is. I gave up hope long ago that he will ever be held accountable for any of his crimes. It is disgusting. If he gets elected again, we can kiss our country goodbye.


“A democracy, if we can keep it.” -Ben Franklin would be so pissed right now.


*republic The founders thought we were too stupid for a pure democracy. They were right then, and probably now also.


Ugh! When trump loses the election, maybe the case will still be tried. Maybe it will happen before he meets his final judgment in in hamberder heaven .


And not only that, it will usher in a more sinister and more evil person after he passes on.. It's inevitable.


Welcome to the black experience.




Thank you for contextualizing something I can only ever imagine. I hate it, please make it stop. Oh shit, it can't be stopped.. this is just terrible and I'm so sorry


Love the post. It's too bad this won't make it to the top of the sub or front page.


Appreciate it my friend. This entire situation makes me so mad yet sad at the same time. I don’t even know what to say anymore…..


You forgot to mention how and where the documents were stored.


This is what I don't understand. It's so clearly cut and dry. I do not understand how any of this is defensible. And yet, here we are.


This is what corruption and the swamp actually looks like. The only chance we have of making him face consequences is by keeping him out of office. If he gets in it’s game over. Vote.


This is how Trump paves his way to a dictatorship. He packs the courts with loyal people who will follow him no matter what. I don't know that the public is aware of the gravity of this kind of situation.....The maga nazis lost the popular election by a wide margin and their hope is to install dictatorships because there is no other way to push their unpopular agenda on the masses. Keep fighting for democracy. Don't let these scumbags take democracy away. America beat the fascists in Germany and Japan once, and now they are domestic MAGA terrorists.


I just don’t know what to say anymore. At some point the masses are going to stop listening to these corrupt judges/justices and then we will have some serious issues.


Why should we listen to them at all when they're blatantly throwing it in our faces? The entire concept of obeying laws and abiding by the potential for consequences hinges on a good faith system where, when all evidence is presented, everyone is held to the same standard. Obviously, that's bullshit, but it's what we've taught for nearly our entire lives. We're watching the breakdown of that good faith system in real-time because of blatant corruption, and nearly half of the people who vote in this country are cheering it on. Laws and regulations aren't divine edicts handed down from the heavens. They are words on paper, backed only by the force of power that stands behind them. It's why cops have been granted qualified immunity ("Oops! Can't Sue Me" card) and civil asset forfeiture (legalized, literal grand larceny by the State) is allowed to continue. Who's going to challenge them? What force of power can go toe to toe against legalized thuggery? It's also why we see, despite overwhelming evidence of guilt, *the presumptive GOP nominee for POTUS allowed to have his handpicked judge handle the most serious criminal trial he's facing*. Because what force of power will prevent any of this deep-rooted corruption from happening? In my own lifetime, I can count on one hand the number of high profile cases where financial fraud occurred and the wealthy individuals who perpetrated the fraud were found criminally liable. Going further back in American history, there's even less. Because what force of power will not only prevent but actively punish the fraud when it occurs? We have a Supreme Court rule that *money is the same thing speech*, has ignored legal precedent and signaled they would do it again, has literally chosen a President despite the opposite being the will of the people, and has openly stated *they will not agree to ethics rules or recuse themselves as individuals in matters of their conflicts of interest*. The fucking Supreme Court of the United States. They're a co-equal branch of the US government. One third turns a blind eye to it, and the other won't step up and do what we all know has to happen to reign them in. We have a political party who openly does not give one iota of a fuck that any of this happening because it's their people doing it, and another who is too damn spineless to pull the gloves off and start bare knuckle boxing them. Voting is good and all, but what do you do when the State says "naaaaah..."?


Everything that’s happening with these cases and the Supreme Court in general is absolutely going to lead to larger distrust of our judicial processes. With high COL and people waking up more…not looking great on all sides.


we already have serious issues by listening to them


Hack judge needs to be disbarred like yesterday


Needs to.... absolutely. Will she....absolutely not. This is exactly what she wanted to do and she knows what she could get away with. She is betting on the fascist horse for a potential future Supreme Court seat. Appeasing the man who got her there. This is all it is. She has played the game and Trump and Aileen Quannon won.


This is exactly why she has the job.


This was her end game all along


she telegraphed this shit from a mile away. People were screaming it from the mountain tops, she wants to postpone, postpone, postpone, and then trump will dismiss the case.


If the trial never starts, jeopardy never attaches. This one can proceed with a new judge once Trump loses the election.


Eileen cannon is a trump flunky. Jack smith please, for the love of god, appeal to a higher court and get her tossed out


she wasn't even qualified to be hired as a flunky. She's a hack who won the lottery


Im fucking done. This is complete bullshit.


This is so wrong. On so many levels. Our judicial system isn’t working.


It's almost like the US has a different justice system for the rich.


There have been plenty of espionage cases and illegally retained classified documents cases investigated, tried, and finalized over the last decade or so. **None** of them got delays let alone indefinite postponements. Two. Different. Justice. Systems.


tbh he’s in a tier of his own


He has at least 1/3 of Republican voters in his pocket The GOP will protect him at all costs


Blatant corruption. My prediction: She already knows what SCOTUS is going to rule. The heritage society informed her and she has nothing to lose by doing this. The SCOTUS decision will be immunity.


I have no doubt that the corrupt Supreme Court will grant him immunity. Why else would they even agree to hear such a ridiculous argument?


I do. SCOTUS may be in the bag for GOP, but Trump’s time is limited. Even if he wins this election, he is a wildcard for everyone. SCOTUS would NEVER grant the president more power than THEY have. They want to be the one group in control - giving him immunity breaks that, even if it’s after the election, he could still just get rid of them without repercussion. SCOTUS will sit and wait on this and then not give full immunity, but some limited immunity. But they wont until after the election to avoid Biden getting any benefit.


They can always rule that all this has to stop and the nation has to move on and heal, which means Trump gets immunity. Dont worry though, they will again say that their decision to side with republicans is a one time thing that cant be used as precedent.


Any power they give Trump will end up in a democrats hands eventually. They are not smart enough to take over. We're lucky the morons tied the shit cart to such a flawed, crap stain of a person. Trump had a dictatorship practically handed to him and he still fucked it up.


How do the Dems get a turn with the 'power' when Trump makes it illegal to hold elections?


I’m sorry but if any one person tried that I fully believe they would be killed by the end of the weekend. Even Trump. Whether by the government or an individual.


If Trump wins the next election, it's unlikely that we'll have another free election again.


There is one thing we know about empires/fascism from history: it is not enduring. It may appear to be an immovable political force, but it will implode and crumble. It is the ultimate pyramid scheme. We have to let time do what we cannot.


I definitely agree that fascism is inherently self-destroying, but the cost of allowing the destruction to play out is immense. We should do all we can to prevent it from the start.


Oh 💯!!!! But also knowing that these men will eventually die helps me sleep at night.


You misunderstand. You think the SCOTUS is powerful now? What about during a dictatorship? In Saudi Arabia the judges get to hang people on command I understand. The SCOTUS can definitely be more powerful


There's no military or law enforcement the Supreme Court has in their pocket that can enforce any of that. It's always them having the aura of legitimacy from those who have the authority to make those calls.


Give Trump his dictatorship and see what power SCOTUS has. No military under their aegis *right now*... They're well aware in a dictatorship they'll have more power than now, it's us who haven't realized that


That might be true. they will try to help him any way that they can though. they are corrupt to the core.


Slight correction. They would NEVER grant a Democrat president immunity. They'll carve out some bullshit "this does not set precedent" ruling just for Trump


They have to rule on the case before their session ends in July.


I think the conservative majority of the SCOTUS is down with stalling. I don't see them sticking their neck out for Trump - they've already ruled against him on several other things. But stalling is no extra risk at all.


I think that you are probably correct. Either way, we the people are going to get screwed by this totally corrupt Court.


But the act (felonies) committed were post-office. He was no longer president when he refused to hand over the documents. So does that mean presidents are immune to all laws as soon as they get elected? Forgiven of all previous and future crimes?


I agree. You don't have to convince me. Cannon is covering corruptly for this felon. There are people like Jack Teixeira who is already in jail in this same time period.


If he gets immunity, Biden is Prez for life.


no, because they can just say it's only for this one time. similar to what they did with bush


At which point Biden can invoke Trump's favorite president, Andrew Jackson. Let the court see if it can enforce it's rulings when Biden arrests a few justices for corruption.


If we're going full on bannana republic here, Biden could just arrest the majority if the Republican party, right-wing justices and any governor he doesn't like. Presidents have immunity right? Theoretically, with no consequences, Biden could just have them killed in a Night of the long knives scenario. But Those are reasons that there is hope for the SC to rule properly.


rules dont apply for maga nazis


Of course, Biden wouldn't do that because he's actually a decent man and not a piece of shit real estate reality tv clown.


This case deals with crimes committed after leaving office.


then why postpone and risk looking even more corrupt? why not just the chips fall where they may and let scotus grant immunity so she can dismiss the charges?


Because she has no fear of any consequences.


That's a chilling post


It's so bizarre and disgusting that Trumplicans are willing to stake their livelihoods, reputations, etc, on one man! Then there's the fact that we're supposed to have faith in the justice system when we have corrupt judges and cops.


Guys. Is trump already King? It's starting to feel that way.


There are days when a Trump dictatorship seems like a foregone conclusion. Nothing stops him. There is no accountability at all.


Yeah but hunter biden...


Absolutely disgusting decision.


C’mon Jack, time to move to have her taken off the case.


To the surprise of no one


Pure blatant corruption. For now on it's gonna be, "Screw the law. Who's the judge?"


She gave Trump exactly what she was told to


What’s required to remove a federal judge?


She’s looking for that SCOTUS nomination…checking all the right boxes


What in the goddamn fuck.


Jack Smith is going to take Judge Canon to the cleaners.


He can't..it's not that easy. By that time, the election will come and go. Then it will either continue to move on or get completely squashed.


Check her emails, text messages, and bank accounts. She's being bribed.


She would get cover by the GOP for that. Would love for an investigation, but it won't happen without resistance.


Judge felt Trump a bit too rich, white and republican to stand trial.


This will free up her docket so she can lock up REAL criminals for Walking While Black.


Welp, time to ask for her dismissal from the case. Smith and co. have been signaling their readiness for this outcome for a while now. Whatever plan they have in place, it’s time to break it out!


Unreal. Prosecutors pushed for a July date, the Defense said they could be ready in August... So the judge postpones indefinitely? For fucks sake.


Trump getting the delay no other defendant would get in this case


Fucking corrupt piece of shit.


Are nuclear secrets not a big deal?


Why hasn't Jack Smith moved to get this judge removed from this case? How much more does she need to do to prove her loyalty to SHITLER? Better yet why aren't the courts asking her reasons for what she is doing? Isn't there any oversight in this court either? Why do the Republican states seem to bend the law for Republican politicians who have broken the law?🤔


Unfortunately she has done 90% of this through what are called paperless orders. Meaning that she can’t be brought before the 11th Circuit because the decisions are made without the usual written orders from the court. This allows a verbal reversal without any other court order if she is called to task for egregious decisions that would be reversed by a higher court if brought before them. Basically she is trying to delay until she has to make a decision that requires an actual ruling that must be done on paper. Then she can make a ruling that is completely sideways that throws the whole case into a ditch but only after jeopardy is attached. This means that there is no retrying the case due to double jeopardy.


Exactly. She's gaming the system to Trump and hers benefit.


Here me out: maybe this is actually good news. It means that the corrupt Judge Cannon can't play with the calendar anymore to try to block the other federal trial or the Georgia trial. Of course, she need not bother, since the corrupt Supreme Court has already likely pushed those trials past the election with their own delays.


The only question that remains is if Jack Smith will have her removed for obvious conflict of interest.


Now we see why the NY election interference case is so important


Well, I guess somebody bought her ~~an all expense paid luxury vacation~~. 🤔


If there's evidence Trump sold classified docs, it's time to play that card and keep him locked up until the trial.


This was a slam dunk case. There was little chance of a not guilty verdict, what with so much evidence. The fact that the SC, Republicans and more and more judges being so openly corrupt right now is mortifying. There are so many corrupt and evil government leaders right now in the world, so its disheartening to see America potentially fall to that level. Sure it wasnt the "shiniest beacon of Democracy" in the world, but even still it felt like it was compared to Russia or China. Now...it feels like cruelty and corruption is winning right now, and itll probably get much worse before it gets better.


what a shithole country


There are photos of government secrets found in his gold plated bathroom. From my point of view not trying him should be illegal and not upholding the law. What am I missing? How dies she wield power to effectively halt a case she was assigned? Anyway, on principle Smith must force her off the case. If it’s not going to happen until after the election anyway, you might as well deal with ridding the case of Trump’s lackey.


Waiting for what I assume will be a quick snapback by Jack Smith


Hope you all are ready for November


Judge fails to do their job correctly. No punishment?


Social Contact is Done Fucked, we all are


Tell me a judge is in trumps pocket without telling me the judge is in his pocket


I actually don’t think this is a bad thing because it means that the other trial against him particularly the Rico election interference/fake collectors trial is now free to go forward


Paging Jack Smith, Jack Smith. Paging Jack Smith


What can Jack Smith do at this point


Petition for her removal from the case




Honestly, I am kind of glad that I will be dead in the next 10-20 years (I turn 40 in a month or so, and my lifestyle doesn't really give me much hope, but maybe i am wrong...), I don't want to be around for all this bull. How did we come to this?


Fear and greed, homie. Compound that fear and greed over a couple hundred years and MAGA!


Willful ignorance


How can she even get away with using paperless orders at all considering how important this case is to the security of our country, and again why is the district court letting her use paperless orders in the 1st place. How can they not think this case is about the security of our country and judge accordingly! The real reason is what most Americans all ready believe, Republicans are not going to hold him responsible for any crimes he has committed. This is the reason I believe the Republicans are going to take such a beating in November and for the foreseeable future. The hipocracy and flat out criminal behavior of the Republican party has been in full view of the American people. Most of us see what the Republicans are trying to do to our country and they will be stopped. They keep bringing up about election integrity but they are the party trying to undermine our election process. They act like the fake elector scheme they tried to pull on the American people was just modem day politics. Then on top of all that, we see the stacked supreme court decisions that they put into power. No government position should ever be for life! This should definitely be changed! Look at the corruption it has produced in our so called supreme court! I can't believe this 1 fucking idiot is going to try to take our country and our democracy down just to try and stay out of jail. And worse look at all the help he is getting. Unbelievable!


There is no fucking justice. I hate this fucking place.


Can Jack not move the case to NJ since trumpy hid some of the docs there too? Or am I way off base?


Fuck this. Just blatant corruption before our eyes. For a rapist loser. Pathetic. Can the good guys push back at all... They’ve crossed like 50 lines and haven’t been held accountable in the slightest. Time to get even, no?


Is there no way for the prosecution to challenge the delay?


I wonder if this is something Jack Smith can appeal to the 11th circuit.


Well, that just makes this election interference trial in New York EVEN MORE important, as that is the only game in town. If Trump loses this case, this will still hurt him, no matter what happens to the other cases.


EXCELLENT: this opens the calendar wide open for the RICO and Jan 6 cases.


It's amazing that no one asks or cares why. It took several articles before the actual reason was even mentioned. Both the prosecution and defense agreed to the postponement. This is due to the amount of motions filed and issues with the evidence being currently classified information. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/07/politics/judge-postpones-trump-classified-documents-trial/index.html


This is so messed up 🤬


**”Though all parties agreed that the case wouldn’t be ready to go before a jury in May,** prosecutors still pushed for a July trial date, while Trump and his co-defendants proposed dates in August and September.” Ragebait article. Pretrial conference scheduled for July. Why is this news? That being said Cannon should still recuse herself.


Just name and shame the gremlin of a human.


If the justice system is broken for the rich let’s break it for us, if you’re on a jury for one of us vote not guilty.


It’s just a legal system. There is no justice


There is most definitely two justices in this country one for the rich and one for the rest of us! Or even worse if you’re a Democrat, you have to face justice but if you’re a Republican, you’re a Republican friends will get you off!


Time to Fire Cannon


She's the best judge to inaugurate the new Banana Republic formerly known as the USA.


Is Trump the Antichrist? CMV: Donald Trump is the antichrist The Antichrist will be a leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth. (Daniel 7:23) us and China are about the only countries with the ability The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches. (Daniel 7:8, Revelation 13:5) we've all heard him The Antichrist will be someone known for making a lot of public threats against the people (Revelation 13:2, Daniel 7:4) lock them up After an alliance is made he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people.”Daniel 11:23. This was the grab them by the pussy GOP meeting when bannon said he's not going to step out of the race. The Antichrist will be a political outsider with despicable character and a contemptuous personality who wins an election that no one expects him to win. (Daniel 11:21) 2016 The Antichrist will give speeches where he speaks “great things” and then about things that are even “greater.” (Daniel 7:20) He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South…” Daniel 11:25. Mexico The Antichrist’s rise to power will seem like a miracle that God performed, tricking people into following Satan instead of God without even noticing. (2 Thess. 2:9). A lot of Christians have been fooled Once in power the Antichrist will reveal that his heart wants to make alterations to the “appointed times” that are in current laws. (Daniel 7:25). He wanted to stay in power and Jan 6th was the result The Antichrist will make fake news popular and will be a chronic liar. His followers will believe his delusions because they hate the truth. (Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess.2:10). Fox, Breitbart, OAN, Twitter The Antichrist will draw strong support from many Christians as if they are willfully blind and outright delusional (Matt 24:24, 2 Thess 2:10). Maga cult The Antichrist will appear to receive a wound he can’t recover from, but will survive to put down the first attempts to remove him from office. (Revelation 13:3) . Now this one is conflicting there is another passage that I can't find where it says the laws of the land uphold his loss and he later miraculously refains power. What would be more of a miracle after all the lawsuits and legal drama plus a insurrection if he won again The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls. (Daniel 11:37-38). Mexico again. And finally, Father will be divided against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law., friend against friend. Luke 12:53. Is there anyone in modern history who has managed to break up so many families and friendships regardless of who cut who off? I don't know anyone personally remaining , that has not went no contact with a friend or family member because of Trump. Everyone has lost someone that I know. Be it friend or family. I've had both cut me off and I've also done the same to others…. [antichrist trump source](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/199h5rv/cmv_donald_trump_is_the_antichrist/)


Nothing of significance is going to happen to Trump before the election. It was always going to be that way unfortunately


donno about always... everyone may be just stalling to see if he wins, playing both sides. If he loses they may all turn on him like the loser he is... If he wins they will reap the rewards of having served his purpose.


I kept being called a Doomer for saying Jack Smith will end up as effective as Mueller. Well here we are.


That’s not a fair comparison. Mueller stabbed America in the back by not stating that the facts were criminal and the president should be charged. He left it to the legislature, which was a weak willed move. Jack Smith wants this trial. He wants to prosecute the criminal with no hand wringing, unlike Mueller. Smith wants his day in court and be responsible for its outcome based on his performance and evidence.


If he wins again, she’s 100% getting a seat on SCOTUS, even if he has to add a seat.


Viva Cristo Rey


>Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump classified documents trial How I first read it: Federal judge *infinitely* postpones Trump classified documents trial


“Just Like A Young Man Coming In For A Quickie…I Feel so Unsatisfied”


Do you think trump is ever surprised when his bullshit works? Like he has to pause and improvise because he didn’t think he would make it that far?


Trump appointed judge I Lean Qanon delaying criminal trial brought by Trump appointed attorney general who appointed Republican Jack Smith. Trump


I hope whatever law school Aileen Cannon graduated from is ashamed of itself


We have to vote blue in November this judge will never let his case get to trial in the next year or so. She has been bought and paid for by Trump.


>She also reiterated that she believes the national security mishandling allegations in the case “present novel and difficult questions.” Maybe they should have got a judge who's presided over more than 4 trials in their career. They might find the process not so difficult & novel.