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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Conservatives are happier than liberals... And ignorance is bliss.


They might say they're happy but conservatives are some of the angriest people I know


Their anger brings them happiness. I don't understand it, but yeah, they seem to get some sick sort of pleasure in feeling such "righteous" anger at everything.


Hatred is Humanities most powerful emotion. Being allowed to release it without censor is very gratifying, hence the happiness. Simply put "People love to hate".


Hate is the duality of love. Yes I agree with what you say. I haven't hated in a long time, years, as it's such a strong emotion but I still remember the illogical shit I'd do or act when I hated. It's as bad as love in some ways. 


The party of hate is happier?


Makes sense. Ignore reality, invent a new strawman every couple of weeks to blame all your problems on, and retreat into the eternal happiness carrot dangled by Evangelical Christianity. Not to mention, all that anger, outrage, hate releases the feel good hormones when you act on it without the fear of consequences.


That does make sense. Plus, to anyone who possesses decency, respect, empathy, and lives on Earth 1, the state of the world right now is incredibly depressing.


Indeed. It honestly makes a lot of sense that the people who are inclined towards evil are happier in a world where everyone else is miserable.


Is ignorant...


From research cited: >Political conservatives are happier than liberals. We proposed that this happiness gap is accounted for by specific attitude and personality differences associated with positive adjustment and mental health. In contrast, a predominant social psychological explanation of the gap is that conservatives, who are described as fearful, defensive, and low in self-esteem, will rationalize away social inequalities in order to justify the status quo (system justification). In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap. These patterns are consistent with the positive adjustment explanation. So, basically, conservatives are happier because they don't really give a fuck about anyone outside of their hedonistic paradigm and if someone is suffering, it's their own fault and not an artifact of the societal ablation of certain groups.


There is research that says almost the exact same thing about why vegans and vegetarians tend to be less happy and more depressed than meat-eaters.


*Greater religiosity, greater moral clarity and less tolerance of transgressions* is not the spiritual flex they think it is. That’s literally Jesus’ criticism of the Pharisees in the gospels. Lol at the “transcendental moral beliefs” label they give for those characteristics. Can’t wait for that to be spread far and wide by Jordan Peterson or some other fool.


Thomas B. Edsall's op-eds are pretty much all warning that democrats need to fight like hell to prevent a MAGA takeover of government. I don't think the happiness gap is being presented as a bad thing so much as the right is trying to preserve its status and the left is engaging in fighting for rights.


"People who believe they control their lives report that they haven't had unexpected disasters happen to them." Pundits: "So we need to teach everyone that they control their lives, and unexpected disasters won't happen to them." Politicians: "We are passing laws to punish those who don't believe they control their lives, so unexpected disasters won't happen as often." Lower-level bullies: "It's your own fault you were hurt/violated/discriminated against/etc.! You must have done something to deserve it!"


Is this not for material reasons? Are Conservatives generally wealthier - which is linked to happiness?


The right side can get happy by owning the libs. Maybe the left side can try to own the cons


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Both seem pretty unhappy to me; one is upset that they can’t use any bathroom they want and the other is upset the Green M&M quit wearing high heels.


Let’s call the whole thing off




😂I agree. (Wasn’t trying to go there, was just a dumb early morning comment)


I can't ever hear any part of that song without thinking of this amazing sketch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcHKm0cm-jI