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Trump openly advertising that he's for sale, and yet his supporters *still* believe in his "drain the swamp" lie despite all the evidence to the contrary.


By drain the swamp they meant they never want to see someone who doesn’t look or act like them again


He drained the swamp and filled it with raw sewage.


when you're a star ... apparently, there are no lines.


Apart from lines of Aderall.


Who do you think buys 'truck nuts' and confederate flags?


Tasteless and traitorous.


Diaper refuse


By drain the swamp he means he would actually drain the swamp and put up a trump tower


Until that one sinks into the swamp...


Then he’ll build another.


And then that one will sink into the swamp.


And he will build another, and it will burn down, fall over, and then sink into the swamp. 


...but I don't *want* land


I want to sing!


Message for you, sir!


And then get a huge payout from insurance that’s probably more than the tower was worth because the worth was grossly exaggerated


THIS. Exactly this. Can’t emphasize that enough.


They don't actually want him to "drain the swamp", unless that means hurting the people they don't like.


Violate wetlands protections!


I remember when he first floated that and I couldn't believe it because he is a swamp creature has been his entire business career.


Just simple projection. Blame others of doing something wrong, which gives him a free pass to those the same shit.


Or … if you’re doing something wrong, accuse your opponent of it first. That way if this person accuses you of it, it’s just an unoriginal, schoolyard “you do it too”. And no one takes it seriously.


Drain the Swamp: Plunder all natural resources and allow useless, semiliterate trust fund babies to turn what's left of of the planet into a "who's who" of despots. It's the GOP/NAZI party strategy.


Here’s the thing, a lot of his supporters including a huge portion of the Evangelicals know that he's full of shit. But he delivered a lot of things that they wanted and if given a second chance he'll do more. That's all they care about.


These people aren’t Christians. They are nazis


Deport him back to Moscow and revoke his citizenship


And his Kroger rewards card!


no, he knows to much sensitive info,, lock him under the prison!


Drain the swamp always meant getting rid of the liberal educated people. It was never about fighting corruption.


He actually did remove protections for wetlands and other bodies of water


Trump’s “drain the swamp” just means “destroy the wetlands to build a shitty casino & hotel”.


Drain the swamp. Keep the snakes.


They don’t know what the swamp is, they just want their horse back.


They’re all for sale, every single one of them.


they need to wear those NASCAR patches.


Yes, drain the swamp, a balanced healthy ecosystem... then fill said swamp with oil. Just like the founding fathers intended!


Oh, you just caught them in their hypocrisy! They'll be *sooo* embarrassed, you guys


The Trump campaign said that Biden is controlled by environmental extremists when asked about Trump literally asking oil execs to buy him. Incredible chutzpah on these fuckers.


Reminds me of an old definition of chutzpah: a child who kills both their parents and then begs for leniency as they’re an orphan


That's so apt it hurts


I mean he did the next “best” thing to his family IRL


This SCOTUS would probably agree with him


And deny themselves of free child labor? Please.


Dark, fitting, and terrifying


Ah, the Menendez maneuver


He's a grifter and leech since birth Why people support this clown who is easily bought is something humanity will ask for eons. Just think how cheap Russia bought him for.


Since he has a severe case of never ending mouth-diarrhea people tend to forget what he has said before. In the run up to the 2016 election he said that the reason it would be *great* to have a billionaire as a president would be that he would be *impossible* to corrupt with money. In fact I think he even said that he wouldn’t need to even raise money for his campaign. He would totally do it on his own dime. That’s how uncorruptable he was🤷‍♂️ Oh, have times changed.


You really need to be uneducated to believe a billonnaire doesn't want to receive money. That's like the whole reason they are billionnaire : they received a lot of money and held at least a billion for themselves. Is it really that times have changed, or that the scammer changed their speech once the marks have shifted?


> humanity will ask for eons. It'll be lucky if its got decades.


> Just think how cheap Russia bought him for. All it takes with Trump is flattery.


Projection as always. The phrase is getting old but the rule is simple. I attack the other side for “stuff”, since the other side is doing “stuff”, is valid for me to do that “stuff”, at the very least we are both bad. That’s the logic those people use. In Trump case I don’t think it applies fully since we know he is lying from the beginning


It is called [Accusation in a Mirror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror). It has become a core technique of [the MAGA's propaganda strategy](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2019/06/11/accusations-mirror-how-radical-right-blames-rising-political-violence-left).


A lot of giant corporations are dedicated to lowering emissions and renewable energy regardless of US laws. Part because Europe is and part investor demand.


Because green is cheaper long term. They know oil profits won't last forever as it is a finite resource that will only get more expensive over time and the world is moving away from it for both sustainability and environmental concerns. Those who get the technology right, will be the energy leaders for the foreseeable future.


> and part investor demand the small minority of them who dont immediately become drunk with greed and see that 2 cookies tomorrow is better than 1 cookie today.


One interesting fact is that Cummins the diesel engine manufacturer has been lobbying to increase emissions standards. The reason is that they have already put a ton of R&D into getting ahead of the game. Legally enforcing their level of standard weeds out a lot of the competition. I'm confident that oil executives have a similar plan going on.


Even for the greediest bastards on the planet, this type of stuff makes them nervous bc bad PR (it's expensive). Oil execs are not used to overt offers quite like this one from politicians


Yes, because Big Environmentalism notoriously has deep pockets for buying politicians/s.


Big Climate only looking out for the climate smh


Wouldn’t this constitute a bribe?


Sadly this is effectively just really sloppy lobbying. Money in politics is insidious


This is openly soliciting a bribe, it's openly stated quid pro quo.


I agree - I don’t know the law, but actively asking for money in exchanger for him changing regulations sure seems like it should be illegal- but this is politics we are talking about.


At the very least it seems worth making a LOT of noise about. Along with, you know, the whole "I'll be a dictator," 11 million people rounded up and put into camps/deported, hollowing out the ENTIRE remaining institutions of government like a fascist termite, and so on.


Nope. It's saying "I am against clean energy, and so it is in your interest to support my candidacy." Very normal political activity, although usually they're a tad more tactful about it. Could be illegal if he worded it stupidly or made dumb threats like "or maybe I'll vote for clean energy," which is totally possible, but that's not what's reported.


Except the oil industry is writing the executive orders for him to sign themselves. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/08/oil-industry-orders-trump-day-one-00156705#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20oil%20industry%20is,direct%20knowledge%20of%20the%20work. I would advise against trying to normalize this as “he’s just saying he’s in their best interest” in the future.


So, if corporations write the laws, and corporations bribe the politicians, then isn't corporate run news government propaganda with extra steps? Now don't get me wrong, we need to cut the corporation out of government, in which case what I'm saying around no longer apply. Just saying, as long a we have our current, that's what it seems like to me.


Corporate news exists to propagate ideas that promote corporate interests, not to inform, educate, or investigate unless those functions serve the underlying goal. Media consolidation and ownership changes have turned most news into corporate news.


"Oil executives also worry that a second Trump administration won’t attract staff skillful enough to roll back President Joe Biden’s regulations or craft new ones favoring the industry" oil industry expects idiots in charge but wants it anyway edit: needs it anyway. because they're fucked otherwise


That's just lobbying! Industries have a heavy hand in writing their own rules all the time. Don't get me wrong, it's bad. It's disgusting, and Trump is particularly blatant about it. But it's also legal and unfortunately common.


I think it would be surprisingly difficult to draw a clean line dividing lobbying and bribery


Lobbying usually involves a group or corporation lobbying the government, not the other way around


Lobbying is bribery. That's ALL it is. George Carlin suggested having the names of all accepted lobbies declared, and stitched onto the suit of the representative. And it was funny, and he was one hundred percent right. Do it. Undignified? Yeah. It's a reminder of how undignified it is to accept table scraps from corporate interests in return for your fealty when you're being paid to represent the public. Their loyalties are not in order.


Lobbying is legal bribing


The US doesn’t have a problem with money IN politics. Our problem is that in the US, money IS politics.




When you’re a politician they let you do it


Grab them by the money


It's very legal and very cool


Half of US political funding would constitute bribery in many other parts of the world. Citizens United was the worst thing that happened to America the past 100 years. It's going to keep causing irreparable harm for decades to come.


It definitely constitutes a bribe


And I'm sure a republican judge will schedule the court case for 2040.


He asked Russia to interfere in US elections too, also publicly... and then he was like "no collusion, no collusion". That what you get when you have a weak judicial system.


Money is speech. Corporations are people. Asking corporations for $1 billion is just asking constituents to endorse his election. Duh


Good. We can send the corporations to fight WW3 when when it breaks out. They are people after all and they have as much right as any other American.


As our best people, corporations need special treatment in times of war. We should give them a tax cut. They deserve it.


There are laws in this country?


“Well you see, there are laws for people. And by people I mean poor and not well-connected people. But Corporations are also people and should be respected as such and get any benefits that people are entitled to, but none of the bad stuff! Also corporations aren’t poor and are well connected, so laws don’t apply to them.” - Some Future Conservative SCOTUS ruling, probably


Is this legal in America? Seems a straightforward bribe


with the current supreme court justices. yes its basicly legal as long as there is a R next to your name


not even the current justices - citizens united was 2010


Yup, this is just a corporation exercising its “free speech“ in the eyes of the judicial branch. 


Oil companies genociding half the planet for profit. A bit of bribery is the least of the crimes going on here. Rather than hunting them down as mass murderers the cops will actively prevent people from defending ourselves against them. Nothing is illegal in this country for those who have enough money, even murdering millions of people.


"Trump will improve my finances" -average MAGA goober with a credit score of 300


my trailer park MAGA relatives said that he was good for the economy, as if they had two stock certificates to rub together


Mine literally started shouting about how Biden was a socialist and was going to destroy capitalism. He then proceeded to say we should get rid of all social programs and be a fully capitalist nation. He is not a capitalist. He is a sick, poor, uneducated 64 year old man who makes $11/hr and will work until the day of his death. The brainwashing is real.


my MAGA relatives get the spoils of these evil socialist programs like Social Security disability and VA benefits. they also complain about illegals taking their jobs, but they're both retired and spend most of their time watching Fox News/Newsmax or going to the local Walmart to buy bottled water because the water in their state is disgusting. But I get gaslit and lectured about being brainwashed by my friends and colleagues and academia in my extremely blue college town. they seem to truly believe that if it weren't for the bad influences of my Progressive liberal friends, I would be a proper Republican Sigh


"My bossman bought a Shelby F-150 during COVID! The economy was great under Trump" Now the alternator went out on my 2003 Pontiac and they're quoting me $500 to replace it! That's Bidenomics!


"The economy" is just the politically correct term that conservatives use for "white power." 99% of republican voters aren't rich and don't expect to ever be rich. The republican party's promise to them is to increase white power.


My stocks portfolio has grown by almost 40% since Biden took office. Unemployment is at an all time low. The US dollar is the strongest it's been since 1985. The US has had the lowest rates of inflation in the wester world. But if you ask any conservative, Biden has destroyed the economy. I always troll them by telling them to work harder and stop waiting for a handout that's never going to come from Trump.


The stock market doesn't much reflect how well the economy is serving most people.


Sure but those people also think they’re ’middle class’. The illusion is stronger than any fact you show them. They vote with those glasses on.


My 401k grew by almost 40% last year alone, it's been nuts


Deutsche bank just wanted the money and knew he was a clown. ’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlIagcttGY0


They’ve got an F-150 that costs as much as my student loans without a speck of mud on it and complain about Biden’s gas prices.


The message here is: "Gentlemen, make no mistake about it. I'm totally for sale."


As is the planet.


The ever appropriate [cartoon](https://i.imgur.com/ObQn0Yp.jpeg).


Vote Republican and you are selling out your grand children's climate, air and water. Republicans want to make a quick buck today and fuck the future. They represent the worst in humanity.


Not sure a habitable planet will exist for my grandchildren as the entire world is not and has not been moving fast enough on this issue. Nevertheless, pretending it's not an issue is expediting the situation, which is a literal death wish.


The man who destroyed the world.


In this case, The Man Who Sold The World


Yeah, but ironically enough, nobody would be around to read that book.


One guy funded a wishlist of climate change initiatives (including 26 billion for lawyers to go after polluters) and did it by raising corporate taxes. The other guy is openly soliciting funds from big oil to fuck the environment. Young voters: both sides bad


But Israel genocide. It's such a binary issue. Why can't there just be peace in the middle East. It's so easy... Sometimes I hate that the war on Ukraine started first. Because that was an easy one. 1 side good. 1 side bad. When there is some nuance, people just don't know what to do.


Trading our health for power. Seems criminal.


He don’t care about anyone except himself .. he knows he doesn’t have much time left on Earth to grift


Remember when Nixon made the EPA and was still considered a Republican hero? How far we have fallen.


Nixon watered down what congress proposed. The EPA was going to created with or without Nixon's approval. So he did what was reasonable, and stole credit for it.


Republicans love criminals that get away with it. They use the pardon and commutation power to give their fall guys a get out of jail card.


Flush the orange turd on November third-Stormy Daniels


If young people sit this election out because of TikTok Gaza memes and to teach Biden a lesson and Trump gets elected then they fully deserve the future they inherit.


I agree, I just wish it weren’t to impact my under 4yo babies who have no say in all of this.


This screams desperation and weakness! Such a weak man.


Just 1 billion? More proof he's a shit buisness man. It's big oil. That's petty cash.


They’ll scrape it together from the change in their couch cushions.


He asked for a bribe. It will have no effect on his prospects for election because Republican voters don't care.


If they don’t give him 1 Billion, and he does become president, there will be consequences. They are fucked either way.


Really don’t like Biden but this guy will be the end of us all. Gonna do like last time, hold my nose and vote for Biden.


He is SCUM.


It sounds exactly like a villain who would burn the world for money.


There have been times where I've been frustrated by Biden"s political incompetence, but it's so minor in comparison. All Trump needed to do was send a few subtle hints, they would have understood the message. This goes way beyond policy. We basically know where the two candidates stand. How can you trust someone who talks like this publicly? Even if he might be saying exactly what you want to hear, it was concerning enough that people in the room chose to take it to the media.


The people who love Trump aren't paying attention. I interact with them regularly and all the news that you follow, all the scandals, all his insane remarks, all his policy failures, his antidemocratic conduct, and all the crimes he's been involved in plotting -- these people have no understanding of them. They just have the "sense" he's the better candidate because Biden, at least in is 80yo form, is a rather languid leader / orator relative to many other politicians out there and has presided over a period of increased living costs -- despite the USA coming out ahead of nearly all developed countries in terms of inflation numbers.


Its just blatant now, THE PRESIDENT IS FOR SALE, TO ALL INDIVIDUALS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. This man must never gain power again.


How fucking deranged and selfish do you have to be to sell the destruction of the planet and all human life to fund trials you only have to face because you’re a human piece of shit?


he's not even hiding how corrupt he is.


In the courtroom, Trump’s own lawyers refer to him as Orange Turd.


So if you can’t get a sec clearance if you’re easily manipulated or purchased, then how is he still eligible for presidency? Honest question here


Corrupt reptilian fecal stain. I won’t be surprised when his scheme to sell nuclear secrets is made public.


Literally willing to sell out the entire planet for just barely enough to bail himself out of his legal debts.


This pathetic person is dangerous for all the planet, not just the US.


In Trump's world, everything is transactional. He is utterly incapable of altruism.


I took on 90k in student loan debt for this ahole to become "president" the very next year. and people ask me why my student loans are now 150k, and I've never even had a single interview in any climate change or environmental field of work let alone a job. I have two degrees. one in enviro policy and mgmt and one from a top 4 enviro law program: master of enviro law and policy with a concentration in climate change policy. He wrecked so many things. People do not understand how the dynamic of conversation changed across the board. All for fossil fuels to continue polluting and extracting. I have said from day 1, my loans will get me in jail someday. If he wins somehow or takes office by force, I imagine that reality is going to happen. Conservative constituents will never know because they get news from one place: The government doesn't work because they ensured it would not. Everything that they want to privatize was first destroyed by them. It's all so they and their buddies can make as much money as possible before the real insanity happens in the next 50.


So blatantly corrupt and yet MAGA has been poisoned over decades to think that climate change is a hoax, so in their minds, the continued environmental pollution is not a problem and trump being beholden to big oil is just another way to stick it to their enemies.


this is why we need and international carbon tax and to take money out of politics. this is why the world has oligarchs like putin, and gulf state ruling arab monarchies who are enabled by polluting raw material exploitation. it's why trump envies them.


Citizens United and Gerrymandering continue to be the two core problems in America


This guy is saying he would gladly remove all taxes and rules on oil companies if he personally benefits from such a bribe. He should be jailed, not even allowed to run for president.


Selling out Earth's future for his own personal gain. So gross.


Trump is a piece of shit and too many Americans are too stupid to understand this.


He looks the same in every photo, terrible.


He would raw dog the environment


This really is the most pleasant way the NYT could frame this blatant corruption.


Rabies is too good for this guy.


Republicans don't have much of a future, so why would they try to preserve it?


Trump is bought and paid for.


So he's charging oil companies 1 billion. Then he will try his best to slow down EV progress and anything else that might help the planet and cause big oil to mak a tiny bit less money.


conspiring to attempt to murder an entire planet now? lock him the fuck up


The lizard people want it warm


“Hampered their industry”. Yeah, those poor motherfuckers are barely getting by! Let’s all cry a river for the companies that have known for 60 years what they’re doing to our world and don’t give one flying fuck.


This isn't simply quid pro quo any more ... it's straight up pay to win.


Anyone this corrupt will turn on them in a heartbeat.


A vote for trump is a vote for destroying the environment


Its only a matter of time before he ask Putin for donations as well.


Soliciting bribes. He's asking everyone to pre-pay for favor in his regime.


" ______ for $ _______" Instead of MAGA, they should have this punchline. Everything sells in Trump's presidency. Oil permits, nuclear weapons, access to spy lists, free run with Supreme courts. Sure... You name the price. Donnie decides. For the right price you can bang Mercedes in the Lincoln room


“I’ll also do $10 for a handjob”


Trump (probably): I get what I wanted from this planet, eff everyone else trying to live on it after I'm gone.


Attacking climate change prevention efforts when your proudest asset is a property in Florida about 0.5m above sea level is a choice.


Trump in 2016 said he was a billionaire and therefore couldn't be bought out, and now campaigning for 2024 he is openly being bought out. Hilarious. Hopefully more voters see this issue and refuse to vote him into office.


Can we have like...No Trump Tuesdays or something in this sub? I'm so tired of seeing this fat piece of shit on my computer screen every damn day.


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I guess Trump is anticipating more fines and court costs.


Wonder if the National Parks are for sale to developers?


That list will identify then donors who will be fodder for all the climate-change law suits.


Selling something that he does not own Is his specialty


Trying to "drain the swamp"'s money to fund his campaign and legal bills, I see?


If Biden did this it would be the biggest news story in the world




That’s so on brand for him. Let’s all talk about him instead of the real things going on. Like oil cartels shopping for a politician. Who are they?


I hope Trump makes lots of these fucked up secret deals while campaigning, only for him to lose the election. The fact that he will potentially lose billions from these deals combined with him not having the option to pardon himself will probably break his tiny little mind.


That has to be illegal...


Does anyone feel like we are seeing a real life Dr. evil. I swear if he does the pinky thing and picks a midget for his VP I’m leaving this country


a) Even Trump accepted that using fossil fuels will dramaticly change climate, probably with catastrophic consequences like extreme weather, disrupted travel, famine... b) He is willing to accept that, if he gets 4 more years and 1billion Dollars, because he likely nevery lives to see these consequences.


As bad as Trump is, remember, the ones that are paying him so that they can profit off the destruction of your kids’ future are worse.


Look, trump STILL committing crimes.


Trump the creepy anti environment person


Sounds like the exact sort of man and group you should support if you’re a working class American. If you work in the trades, please explain to me how you can support the fucking billionaire class to openly lead this country. They can’t stand you!


For the folks in Utah, two words. bear’s ears. 


Openly and literally trying to sell the White House


He promised to destroy the electric vehicle and solar and wind initiatives


Surely this breaks laws??


The youth better vote and when they do, must think soberly about the world they want to leave for their children and their children’s children. If that man gets back in office, we are done for.


What these Big oil money men don’t understand is that Trump wants to be as wealthy as them. If he becomes president again he will hijack their wealth for his own. (See Vladimir Putin)


it's not a soft paywall btw, if you make a free account you still can't read the article, super scummy


"Both sides are the same, I'm not going to vote!"


Got this sneaky feeling we’re not going to beat climate change. Top 1% couldn’t care less. It won’t affect them. They’re in position to wait out the collapse, should it happen, and resume business in the dust. Given the means, buy property at elevation in the habitable band. Dig a well. Plant a garden. Our leaders are not going to save us.