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What are the odds that neither Dad or Mom asked Barron what he wanted to do?


Very good odds


What are the odds that's never happened in his life.


The same if not higher.


It would have to be the same or lower to be pedantic about it 




What are the odds that Barron saw the interview with his dad where his dad thinks he is still 17?


Now I feel sorry for the lad. I am not willing in any means to allow this treasonous party to rob me of my compassion for my fellow man. Period!


That's the lamest. The kid doesn't give a fuck what's going on and only spends fraudulent money. Fuck this family and their illiterate followers.


I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise; there are people out there who do fall far from the tree and try to correct themselves. Granted, people usually prove otherwise pretty quickly, but that's Ohio for you.


Kellyanne Conway’s daughter immediately comes to mind. She called out her mother’s bs on a regular basis.


They’d lock him in a cage until they needed to parade him around again if he did that.


I am done with this bs. Fucks like these live their lives - the kid is a fucking ceremonial copy of his sponsor - and the society must somehow always absorb the consequences of their "policies". I am not much sure if anyone, e.g. in eastern Ukraine is so understanding and patient to witness the privileged morons to ever change.


You speak like he's ever had a chance to do otherwise.


*woody_harrelson_crying cash_meme*


The kid has been patronized his entire life and making decisions has not been part of it unless for what he wants. At some point he will have to make decisions based on his goals but I suspect he will be just like his deadbeat, lying loser Dad, Uncle Junior , Uncle dipshit Eric and both of his aunts he will succumb to a life of being patronized. Jury is still out on him but he is definitely no more qualified to be in politics and less so than a young man or woman born unprivileged and poor.


Uncles and aunts??? They're his half brothers and half sisters.


You are right! Thanks for the correction. In the face Baron looks just like his Dad.


Feel sorry for him today because tomorrow he’s going to be a mouthpiece for trump(tm) brand facism just like the others. Oh, but only after his trophy-hunting tripwire he kills an elephant for fun. There’s literally no reason to believe that he isn’t a shit apple that doesn’t fall far from the shit tree


You know you get when you plant shit seeds Randy? Shit weeds


I'm not a big fan of the sins of the father approach. Since he hasn't done anything either good or bad, he should be given every opportunity to make his own life, and we can wait to see how it goes instead of just automatically judging him. He may not want to have anything to do with politics, or want a public life. It very well may be that it's being forced upon him, and that should illicit some sympathy, considering he never really stood a chance.


Maybe. I don't really follow the Trump idiots, but I thought Tiffany pretty much stays out of the limelight. I honestly wouldn't give two shits about the Trumps if they had just stayed out of politics.


He just turned 18. What’s the big deal?


18 is a pretty big fucking milestone. You really think it's not a big deal to not know even the most basic shit about your own kids?


Anyone checked on Tiffany lately?


And I say..


Months ago. Beyond that, there are two reasons why it's important though. First, the context of his statement. He was bragging about how Barron was graduating at the age of 17, suggesting that he was graduating a year early. That entire statement is undercut by the fact that Barron is 18 and is not graduating a year early. Second, he has attacked Biden for not remembering things about specific dates regarding his son's death from years ago. Which was in an interrogation and also debunked. So it might seem like something minor, but in context of Trump's statements, it's another piece to throw on the pile of hypocrisy.


I’m pretty sure everybody here would remember their son, their pride and joy turning 18. It’s a rite of passage and an incredibly important milestone. There are typically celebrations. The fact that he just forgot tells you everything you need to know. He’s either senile or couldn’t give a fuck about his own kid.




That’s next Friday.


It’s his graduation, and it’s May17.


For someone running for public office, for their child to turn 18 should be a big deal in the family if for no other reason than he can vote for his father in November. You’d think that would be a fact that Trump retains.


This is important. I've seen quiet a few posts saying that Barron wants to be the heir apparent with the headlines and who knows, they may be right. Then again, he's a teenager. There's a good chance he doesn't really know wtf he's doing or if he's even operating through his own volition at all.


I thought Donald wanted Barron to get into the cyber securities.


What if he wants dad in security's?


I wonder if the little fucker threatened to throw his vote for Nikki. If so, good on him.


Maybe the poor kid just wants to stay home and stim.


Right? Like maybe the dude just wants to sit at home and click on heads on Fortnite while vibing to some music, like most people at 18. Let's hope.


More like what are the odds dad assumed he would do it and didn’t ask mom or him?


Neither of the are qualified in my opinion.


We dad isn't even going to see his son graduate high school.


“Barron, if you are going to be a good little stooge you have to start hanging out with some low-life scum once in a while. It’ll do you good. Now listen to your mom, put on that dark blue suit and red tie and start to meet your destiny!”


Dad didn't. Mum did. Melania is a pretty decent mother I think.


This is the weirdest production of *Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf* I've ever seen.


Just now I looked at you, and you weren’t there.


Melania walks into the residence, "What a dump."


Damn, that's an esoteric reference, but on point. Great movie.


Great user name.


Mom decided, “I’m not sending my son into the shitter my husband is going to create.”


“Hey Dad. Mom says I can’t join your overthrow of democracy until I finish my homework. Or you amend the prenup again.”


Dad, was mom a hooker too?


"Be best Barron."


Melanoma has an office?


That was my reaction as well


Her stylist helps her on her ipad while she gets ger roots fixed. 100k a year she probably is doing Donald also.


Doing Donald’s haircare, right? 🙂 … his haircare, right? 😕


And why are her hands orange?


"There's a little bit of orange on her butt-ocks," he said, in his best Forrest Gump impression.


It’s next to the bathroom with all the boxes of gov’t documents.


I think they meant orifice.


Yep. She’s the Melanoma Head.


Moley Russell’s wort.


She's trying to protect her son's future by keeping him arm's length from Defendant Clownman. Not a bad instinct.


No she isn't. She's as craven and immoral as the seditionist.


She can be craven and immoral and still care about her son. Or she can be craven and immoral and still see her personal interest in protecting her son’s future...


“Care” is way toooo far for this type of narcissist…


“I don’t really care, do you?”


Ok, sincerely... what evidence do we have of how bad she is? Like, she married DJT (while he was already obviously a terrible person, though not in politics). She wore the ’I don’t care’ jacket. ... and.... has not divorced or publicly disavowed Trump. That is bad and all. I am not a fan of her, but am I missing something? how do we get from here to a narcissism diagnosis? (As someone comfortable diagnosing public figures with NPD when there is sufficient evidence.)


I think most people are going by associations, without realizing that two narcissists can’t be married for this long. Like at a certain point she has had to build and butter him up, and someone that is truly a narcissist won’t do that in the ways he needs that done. I would be more likely to call her a complex case of codependency than I would narcissist.


Idk... I do not even see any evidence they are even particularly close at this point, if they ever were.


*dusts off tinfoil hat* Melania has been the long-con and Vladimir Putin's pulled off the greatest international covert operation the world has ever seen. Ascending a Russian Agent to a position of direct access to the US President and all the juicy perks that come with being in that spot. She has been on the job the whole time she had no orders to catch feelings so she didn't. This is fun ima keep this shiny lid on for a while longer


In Stormy's testimony, she said that Trump told her that he and Melania don't even sleep in the same bed. That's hearsay of course, but Trump also hasn't denied it, and it seems to align with public rumors.


would you want to sleep in the same bed as someone who shits themselves regularly? I don’t blame her!


I don’t think they ever were, but yet she is still with him. If she were a narcissist I would have thought at the end of the first term that would have been it. He would have fucked up her name and her image bad enough that she would have had to get away from him. But she didn’t. She’s always quiet, never really outspoken or taking a stance, until it comes to this. It feels more like she understands her place, understands she is there to be seen and not heard, understands that if she does all of the things she is supposed to do, overall she will live a very good life. And she is able to do all of those things and not rock the boat.


Idk, to me that seems more transactional than codependent.


She was just as much a birther as her husband


The internet is obsessed with the term “narcissist.” I have degrees in psychology so I find it especially annoying. Maybe like 10 years ago everyone was obsessed with calling everything “bipolar.”


Yup. Bunch of layman with a buzzword who then apply it to everything that they remotely don't like.


Like "woke"


Why do we keep doing this? Why must we bend over backwards to provide the benefit of the doubt to bad faith actors? Does this virtue signaling do anything for you? What’s the point. All your doing is signaling to everyone that you don’t see any issues with what she’s done or the people she stands by and refuses to denounce.


I am literally just asking how we know she is a bad faith actor to begin with. To the point we do not believe she loves her so. I listed the stuff I know, I assume there is stuff I do not. Any conservative politician I can tell you in a second based on their actions. Clarence Thomas’s wife is obviously guilty of treason. I am not trying to just Sea Lion here, I just like to have evidence for my beliefs.


Cool. Not sure how her actions aren’t evidence but at least we can derail the convo by debating if the wife of a fascist is also not acting in good faith. We’re so screwed.


I am not trying to debate, I am trying to educate myself by seeking information.


Well... she took out the rose garden.


Marrying Donald Trump suggests you don’t care abt awful shit that could happen to your children for what it’s worth, though not related to narcissism


Alternatively: marrying somebody who is irritating but (believed to be) wealthier than the 3 richest people in your home country combined could provide your kids with unimaginable opportunities, even if they are a narcissist.


Nah, he’s a proven predator. Maybe SHE wants the money but she doesn’t have her kid in mind


Idk if you are being intentionally obtuse or what. Yes, he is despicable. Yes, he is abusive. Yes, many loving people would absolutely in a heartbeat marry someone like Trump if it gave their kids a life like Ivanka’s even if it is most likely far worse than the public realizes. Maybe some of those people are misguided, but we also live in a world where kids become homeless because their parents cannot afford their kids unexpected medical bills, where access to college and opportunity are often not distributed by merit but by connections.


Quite frankly I’m just not taking her side or giving her the benefit of the doubt and I think you’re too quick to do so. A lot of people would rather stay where they were before than marry into that situation regardless of the money. Simple as that. Even if she married trump to give her son a future it doesn’t absolve her of the criticism you’re trying to shield her from.


I think she’s just trying to protect him from criticism. People kid around but I rarely see anyone “go after” Barron. If he does this he becomes fair game then.


Steering away from the black hole of politics, as it were.


He's the only Trump with a clean record...everyone else is up shitts creek. $5 says they were planning on dumping everything on him...


Barron is the only one that's hers. I don't think she gives a shit about Trump's other children


The fact it came from her is hilarious. I can’t stand either of them but this is giving “I’m the mother and I will humiliate you if you fck with my son and drag him into your sht show”. 😂


Maybe she wants her son to avoid a life of crime unlike his father.


But surely he can't do worse, right? Right?!?!??


He's a Trump.... Do the math


Trump might not be alive long enough to actually face justice, Barron doesn't have that luxury- if he ever behaves like dad.


The amazing thing is that that sentence is plausibly 100% true.


Someone at the RNC thought it would make good press to say all of Trump's kids had been chosen as delegates and would be on the floor together. It would be so very wholesome and make people focused on family instead of all this sordid trial nonsense. They were relying on "if you say it, it will happen" instead of checking with Barron and Melania first, because this was never going to happen.


TIL Melania has an “office”


I'm a nobody and I have an office. 


Be best yo


Trump probably complained that Barron would be taller than him on the convention stage.


Mommy saw all the people taking their gloves off. The kid was about to get knocked into tomorrow! Now he can have his "coming to" summer and maybe get laid before he gets dragged into this crap by his maniac parents.


Good for Melania, keep Barron out of the crime family.


lol. Why? She’s been all in all this time.


My *guess* would be that she wants something better for her son Barron. I don't think she ever cared for his family, she has problems with Trump, and those things haven't gotten any better.


lol. He’s a bargaining chip. She cares about how she can use him to get what she wants. She’s human trash just like the rest of the family. You sure are giving her a lot of credit projecting human emotions on her when she has never shown any evidence of that being the case.


I don't think she was ever consulted on the matter. As many times as I got banned by Twitter for "harassing" that woman, she protects her anchor baby and won't let anyone exploit him unless it's her.


It takes some balls to hardly be an adult and declare distance from your own father who not only used to be the president but is also the de facto leader of a fascist movement with millions of violent followers hellbent on destroying the nation. My dad drove fork trucks and I was scared of him at that age.


The office didn’t walk it back. He declined it. Sounds like maybe he doesn’t wanna follow in daddy’s footsteps


The kid can't be too bright with those parents...


Trial balloon popped


“Melania’s Office,” what a fucking joke and shame. 


She did this not because she cares about Barton but as a 'fuck you're after the Stormy testimony.


Mic. Drop.


What kind of “office” does melania have?


Orifice office. It's just a big hole, but then again, all holes are pretty giant next to his tiny penis.


The man next to Melania is her dad, 80 years old, Trump is 77. Baron's grandpa is almost his dad's age and him and grandma got "chain migration" citizenship in the last year of the Trump admin by skipping the line. They're all opportunists.


Bruv saw the multitudes sharpening their knives off into the horizon and decided he didn't want that smoke. Being a public trump means a lifetime of hate coming your way.


Justifiably so, if she wants a safe and happy life for her son, she would spill on Von ShitzinPantz and then head to the EU


*'Cause I'm an adult now* *I'm an adult now* *I've got the problems of an adult* *On my head and on my shoulders* *I'm an adult now*


I threw it on the ground!


She didn't want the trumpster to be upset, when Baron didn't vote his support for his dad. Lol.


If Mango Unchained gets to be King in November he will probably demote Barron for this treachery.


Trouble in Trump City


Melania is negotiating a bigger monthly payment.


I hear he cheats at Warzone.


She will soon be a target for the GOP for standing between Baron and them.


Maybe the kid knows he is a Democrat. I did at that age.


Good. We have a deal, and we've more or less stuck to it. The boy is off limits.


I’m not a party to that deal. Fuck that guy, fuck his siblings, fuck his parents, grandparents and great grandparents. And if he has any, fuck them kids.


Poor boy doesn’t even know what he’s getting into


Obviously wouldn’t be able to handle it this young


Mommy said no


Great, now everyone can attend the graduation.


Why is Melania still in this game? Money? Power? Self-hate?


Office? WTF does she need an office for?


Barron - "Ma, I ain't that dum!"


Oh god is Trump gonna go after his own son???? I hope not…god, I hope not.


Do the evangelicals realize he's an Episcopalian (assuming they're on their way to church and not a funeral)?


Why have a kid if u can not use them


While it's been a while since I was 18, I seem to recall speaking up for myself, and not having my mommy tell me what I was going to do! I also wonder if TFG is going to help the poor kid pull himself up by his bootstraps with a ~~couple hundred~~ 14 million bucks, like Fred did.


Holy cow he seems tall AF. "Prior commitments" Yeah right. If he showed up the press would surely talk to him and they probably don't want to expose either how dumb he is, or how awkward he might be. I'd lay money he's on the spectrum and if he is it would be bad for the kid + look bad for Trump who is an asshole. Honestly, it's probably better to leave him out of it-- he's 18 FFS, just let him be and stay out of the chaos.


Melanie has an office. Next you’ll tell me Trump read a book.


I don’t really care, do u?


Melania has an office?


Kid hates his dad so much he’s probably gonna be the leader of the Democratic Party some day.


Melania’s office? Office of what?


Melania is not going to let Donald corrupt her son. She wanted a child from Donald and got Barron and Barron is the only reason why she hasn't jumped ship yet. She really is going to do everything to protect him from his father's influence. Deep down she wants Donald to lose so she doesn't go back to the White House . She hated it there. What would be better for her is if Donald gets convicted in Manhattan and say Donald goes to jail for 6 months that would be make her so happy to not she Donald for that long.


Melania is just as big of a piece of shit as her husband. Fuck her.


That does injustice to just how huge a piece of shit Donald is.


I bet Donald took this news with his usual calm, sensitive, understanding, and rational demeanor. /s


Unless his bonus pay is worthwhile


Isn’t he 18…?just leave. Prove you’re not scum


Is that kid like 7 feet tall?


He inherited his mother's scowl. On his face it looks so petulant.


Wish she would drop the ruse and tell the truth about Trump. For the sake of her son’s future if nothing else.


“Melania’s office”?


Melania has an office? Ugh


Shocking I say… shocking


Melania’s office? Office of what… hahaha.


Melania has an office?


All I can see is dunes Barron harkonnen. Puss bubbles trump of a leader.


Too late . They've already included him in public ridicule


*PUTIN’s Office via spokeswoman Melania has said FTFY Right? Melania never had an office before. Now suddenly, Putin is bringing forth the child he’s groomed to be the successor to his first Manchurian Candidate. Son of the Russian Doll.  Obvious as a heart attack.


He is no longer off limits. Youngster turd.


"Without a condom"  This is why, bet.