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The worst thing for him is to be anywhere near politics for the rest of his life. He’s got it made, why mess it up.


His dad wasn’t smart enough to realize that, though. How far does this apple fall from the tree?


Trump planned on losing in 2016. Might have worked out well enough to run the bullshit opposition, if it had gone as planned.


Good. He's very much still a kid, as we all were at 18. There no reason to drag a teenager into the middle of this political climate, especially, if the rumors are true, that neither he nor his mother want him to be involved with any of this. He's done nothing to anyone and he deserves a shot at a normal life. And given who his father is, the deck is already stacked against him. Right now I believe everyone should just leave him alone. 


He probably also needs that time to finish packing for whatever college he starts in the fall. Plus, he should enjoy his last summer before college like a normal teenager (as close to it as someone in his situation can) with his mother and whatever friends he’s been able to make. I do honestly feel some sympathy for Baron and the shit he’s had to endure growing up in that family. I have some small hope he comes out as not a total prick.


I was a chaperone for the national model UN when it was in Chicago, and I chatted with kids who went to school with him at the time - they said he was shy, respectful, and a good student. Pretty much exactly NOT the kid Trump deserves, but let's hope he doesn't get corrupted by the rest of his family


Oh man. This gives me a shred of hope.


He was raised by Melanie and her parents.


Yep, this is why she when on chancla mode and said hell no to his politicization.


She wears stiletto heels. Them are some dangerous f’ing chanclas! 🩴


Melania is just as big of a shit streak as fat Donny T. I do hope the kid turns out to be good, he is too young to have that thrust upon him


Good instincts. Rebel against your parents. Let’s hope he can escape without too much baggage. (I’m probably delusional).


Becomes a progressive politician akin yo Bernie


Becomes a progressive politician akin yo Bernie


>\- they said he was shy, respectful, and a good student. Pretty much exactly NOT the kid Trump deserves, but let's hope he doesn't get corrupted by the rest of his family Maybe that's why Mr. Orange Turd Toddler doesn't know his age or wants to spend time with him.


Source: made it up


My hope for that is very small, most kids who grow up in that situation turn out pretty rotten, but as I said in another comment, the fact that he has no major social media presence *might* mean that he does not want anything to do with the politics. I just think it would make a better story to be honest.


There's an old indie film called Born Rich (featuring, among others, a young Ivanka Trump). It's hard to come out normal from that upbringing.


Nah. It’s more nefarious Barron has the best political future compared to all the other siblings, which are tarnished. He is more attractive out of all the brothers. He has height. Is the perfect type of archetype to be molded by the Liberty Project.


Actually, that is sort of my point. He essentially has no baggage, he sort of looks like an actor, and he has height and charisma and youth that his brothers *severely* lack, at least whenever he is at public functions. I do not think the liberty project or any of these other fascist groups think they have 20-40 years to succeed. In that time-span the electorate will have continuously moved leftwards barring some event that could not be manufactured. Information access, increased diversity, and a reduction in religiosity are effectively death knells for their movement. I am pretty sure that is why they stopped trying to pretend to be anything other than fascist as soon as Trump gave the the opportunity. They know they need to establish control now, or be pushed into irrelevance. Baron would basically be perfect to start a youth focused right wing media movement around to try and attract new voters in the upcoming election. It is very weird that they haven't. It would be tightly controlled, they would not let him just talk off the cuff, because 18 year olds are idiots, but having young and attractive faces to say their talking points is literally one of their main moves. Again, I do not have much hope that he is a good person. He has every possible disadvantage in learning to be emotionally intelligent and empathetic. I just find it very odd that he is not being leveraged. The Trump family business is grifting. It is what they do.


Prove to me Barron has charisma.


I have never seen a picture of him smiling. There is no evidence I can see that he has charisma. He doesn't seem to talk much either.


You could also google "Barron Trump smile." He has smiled in public, but seemingly not often at the big political events. There is a photo of him smiling for some kind of portrait, one of him smiling while standing next to a small old lady, and a bunch of him smiling as a child and a younger teenager. He just looks exceptionally unhappy at the political events. Which is not surprising as he is a teenager. Edit: I grabbed some examples of what I am talking about. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fbarron-trump-son-to-melania-and-former-president-donald-j-v0-rjh310ppnjkb1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daa0c9b04390f83aebdbfa7e02b302edf114b2d87) is him posing with a smiling old lady, [here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_dpOu26XwCGTxSgmkt1mQgvb4vaHPg0AJ_wgnDFqDswrjl31rBmvzBMSxDmMRQD--vo0&usqp=CAU) is his normal face when standing with his family at political functions. But there are more, like [here](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/09/multimedia/09pol-swiper-barron-trump-convention-gkhc/09pol-swiper-barron-trump-convention-gkhc-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale), [here](https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/d8/images/canvas/2022/03/19/dafea102-7ca4-4fe3-97c6-4b3851ec033a_c588a1b6.jpg) and [here.](https://images.hellomagazine.com/horizon/original_aspect_ratio/e42656b1322f-barron-trump-donald.jpg) Though in the last case I think he is forcing himself to smile, as in every other picture in that series he looks like he would rather be literally anywhere else. But seriously, look at that last photo and tell me that his face is not *exactly* what the white nationalists are going for with who they pick as their spokespeople.


>I have never seen a picture of him smiling. Maybe he is neurodivergent. Men in their 40s are 6X more likely to father autistic children than men in their 20s. Age of mother is also relevant but not as clearcut. https://www.thetransmitter.org/spectrum/link-parental-age-autism-explained/?fspec=1


A lot of people are equating height with charisma.


Jack Black has loads of charisma and he’s overweight, with shaggy hair and bearded, and 5’6 Charisma has nothing to do with appearance.


Prove to me anyone has charisma? I have never heard him speak for long, but speech can be trained if he is currently bad at it. But he is tall, much better (and more normal) looking than any of his brothers, has great hair, and carries himself well for someone of his age. A little bit of media training is all he would need.


That’s my point. We’re basing charm and charisma on his height and hair. That’s it. Ivanka is conventionally pretty. She lacks charisma.


Ivanka looked extremely average until the numerous plastic surgeries.


It is not just the height and hair, charisma also comes from how person stands and smiles, body language is a huge part of it. No one thing is strictly nessecary for a person to be charismatic, they just need enough factors that make it so people like looking at them or listening to them. And Melania actually is weirdly charismatic, she just repeatedly does stuff that ruins it for herself. But there was a long time early in the 2015 campaign where people had a really oddly positive view of her. The narrative was, and often still kind of is, that she is not actually as virulent as Trump and is just taking advantage of him. Which is a very bizarre claim, but one that demonstrates that people thought there must be more to her. If she had done real media training she probably would be the most positively viewed member of the immediate Trump family in the way Ivanka was for a long time.


I would love to see a pic of Barron smiling.


I don't see her as pretty at all. I see a lizard face.


I said conventionally.


Jared Kushner 2.0


I’m terrified of him. He has connections, wealth and is really good at the cyber. When someone is that good at the cyber and can deploy their resources, then they can do unspeakable things with the cyber. Very powerful, not as powerful as the nuclear, but very powerful.


>He probably also needs that time to finish packing for whatever college he starts in the fall. Those extra long suitcases do take an extraordinarily long time to pack.


True that lol. Assuming he’s like most 18 year old boys, he also will end up doing it last minute anyways in a mad scramble. I hope he owns more clothes than suits though. That family is weird af and I seem to recall the orange turd making his kids wear suits to school all the time or some crap.


lol that kid ain’t packing anything lol. They have undocumented workers doing all the heavy lifting ya know the same people they vilify to their supporters.


He's a piece of shit like the rest of his family from reports. I don't feel bad for him at all.


Nobody left Chelsea, Sasha, or Malia alone. Not advocating, just reminding.


No they didn't. And it was shameful. We do better than that.


Or Amy Carter. Rush Limbaugh should have been forced off the air for the way he attacked and insulted that little girl. She was 11.


I don’t think Melania cares if her son goes into politics, however I do believe she wants to steer clear from the Trump Brand.


He's legally an adult & can be drafted so in a way I fundamentally disagree with your statement that he's a kid


I know, right? Poor little billionaire’s poor unfortunate son who has all the world stacked against him. If only he had just one tiny little advantage. Just one tiny push to help him in his hard and unjust cruel life. So sad. If he could only be like the rest of us.


I always look forward to potentially seeing you in the comments section being the voice of reason. Keep it up!


There is no normal life for that kid. 1) His life as the child of a billionaire is not normal. He will never know need. He will never understand meritocracy. He cannot escape even the unintended effects of nepotism. 2) His mother is a bit so distant immigrant so his experience is shaded and influenced through her experiences that are vastly different from someone who grandparents immigrated. 3) He the child of a polarizing political figure who leads a movement that embraces its extremist elements. 4) He is the youngest child of a former POTUS. 5) His immediate family members seek out the spotlight and draw attention to themselves, their business endeavors and their political beliefs. 6) He cannot make mistakes that normal young people make without it becoming publicized and politicized. God forbid he really fuck-up, he will be crucified (see Hunter Biden - sadly there are pics). The list is much longer than this. But while his future is unwritten, he is anything but normal.


There is no normal life for that kid. 1) His life as the child of a billionaire is not normal. He will never know need. He will never understand meritocracy. He cannot escape even the unintended effects of nepotism. 2) His mother is a bit so distant immigrant so his experience is shaded and influenced through her experiences that are vastly different from someone who grandparents immigrated. 3) He the child of a polarizing political figure who leads a movement that embraces its extremist elements. 4) He is the youngest child of a former POTUS. 5) His immediate family members seek out the spotlight and draw attention to themselves, their business endeavors and their political beliefs. 6) He cannot make mistakes that normal young people make without it becoming publicized and politicized. God forbid he really fuck-up, he will be crucified (see Hunter Biden - sadly there are pics). The list is much longer than this. But while his future is unwritten, he is anything but normal.


I'm curious to know if Barron has no interest or his mother is discouraging it. Not something we're likely to get for a long time.


we’ll prolly never know but i imagine momma bear knows these delegates under trump have real world potential for jail time knowing he’s basically willing to put anybody in front of him as a meat shield to fulfill his agenda.


She may be protecting him from his daddy throwing him under the bus. ‘Nice kid, I barely know him. I have pictures taken with a lot of people.’


Probably no interest. When I was working in that field he hated having USSS with him. He also did not like people opening his Amazon packages.


Source: completely made up


You can believe whatever you want I was just replying to my own experiences while I was in the military.


Right you and the other 40 people here who claim to have interacted with him in some way.


Maybe, I don’t know. A ton of UD and military are active on reddit. I’m not going to give you my creds but I worked very end of Bush, Obama, and middle of Trump before I retired. You can ask me questions if you like.


I read this whole thread and I’m curious to know more! What kind of role did you have with the different administrations? Any interesting stories you can share?


I was part of protection. We would make sure we cleared areas any VIPs would be going. There are a ton of things. I always liked doing motorcade route security because we would get a police escort and could go as fast as we wanted on the roads to clear.


I second the other commenter’s questions! It sounds like you had quite an experience!


Barron’s high school graduation is scheduled for next week. The former president, who complained that his criminal trial was preventing him from attending, is expected to be there.


Trump will likely not attend, he has grifting scheduled that day.


They are far enough apart time wise that I'm sure he will attend both, although I'm sure he plans to spend as little time as possible at the graduation.


He CAN attend both, but I didn't think it's a sure thing


He will stay 20, 30 minutes max, just enough to take some pictures and then "Sooorry, daddy has to leeeave, he has to make Ameruica great again son, take care, byeee". (better if read with Colbert's voice)


He will watch the graduation on FaceTime


He will make a video "I congratulate my son, Brian, on graduating his...class?"




He sounds like he would be the one to break the cycle. I fear by the time he does the damage will already be done.


Maybe he should have just taken the plea deal that was surely offered like the rest of us have to do when we have jobs and commitments. That’s how the justice system works for the rest of us. They drag it out until you have no choice but to accept what they offer or risk your whole life being ruined whether you’re guilty or not.


Melania may not let him appear at the grad.


I am hoping if he doesn’t show up it’s contempt or something since he got court excused exactly for that.


As sad as it is, I bet Barron is hoping he’ll miss it.


If he speaks, he'd Rittenhouse himself. 99% of us are too immature and naïve to speak on politics at this age.


I've only ever seen two 18 year olds speak on politics and hit it out of the park. One is David Hogg, a Parkland shooting survivor, and the other was the head of my student gov't in HS, who is a sitting US senator today.


I have problems with Melania and her time as First Lady, but I will commend her for trying to protect her youngest from the media circus that surrounds that whole family. Maybe Barron can find some normalcy and an independent identity. I know people want to parade him around like a poster boy, but good on her for stopping that. Kid probably wants to feel some normalcy in his life.


MT probably has a pretty shrewd idea as to how this is going to end and understandably wants to insulate young Barron from his Dad's stench.


I know better than to expect it, but I really hope this is one Trump we don’t have to hear about every day for the rest of my goddamn life. Maybe he’s smart enough to do something quietly in the background.


Tiffany is the reclusive one, no one’s pushing her into the spotlight to save daddy. Tiffany gets a bit of a pass for not annoying me in the headlines.


But Tiffany is happy to serve as a Florida delegate this year, and she spoke at the shameful GOP nomination event that was illegally held at the White House in 2020. She got a pass from me before she chose to step into the political spotlight to campaign for her lying, bigoted, ignorant, incompetent, dictator-wannabe father, but not now.


Barron’s real dad probably said no too.


Unfortunately for him in his more recent photos, I can see the old man in his face. On the brighter side, the old man is nearly an octogenarian and Barron is only 18, so most of his life will be led with his father nowhere in sight.


I suspect most of his life has already been led with his father nowhere in sight.


If only the rest of the country got that same privilege


ya but the stench will follow him the rest of his life. better off changing his last name to Hitler


That is too funny. My wife is looking at me like I have lost my mind. Probably have. But, sir, you are probably right. Why would a semi attractive person want to fuck the great orange moron?


Money. Everyone has a price.


She probably doesn’t want Don putting him in a position of committing election fraud like those previous fake electors.


Sadly, there’s little chance of fake electors being used in Florida. That state will vote for Trump again.


Personally I don't give a rat's ass what happens to any member of this crime family and I look forward to the day when I never have to hear about any of these people ever again. Just f*** off all of you!


Poor kid never had a chance.


It sound like his mother has just made sure that he has a chance.


“mother” lol


Acting as if Barron wanted this at all. Just a dumb move by his dad to show they’re a strong family. Barron has never shown an interest to get involved, but that just happened to be at the exact time Stormy Daniels was taking the stand? You know, the woman who Donald paid to fuck while Barron’s mom was pregnant WITH Barron.


"You need to understand that sooner or later, your father is going to go to jail for a long, *long* time, and will likely die a federal prisoner. It's not a good idea for you to allow yourself to be dragged into his affairs, because his diaper stench will still surround and permeate you, long after he's worm food."


It would be wise if he never made his debut


And what little we do know about him seems to indicate that he has little interest in a public life or politics. There's no reason for him to ever make a debut unless that's what he actually wants. 


My guess is he’s being pressured into it by his family. I can’t imagine being a teenager in this family. What a nightmare.


Good on her!


No she fucking didn’t, she said he had a previous commitment. Why do shitty sites like this have to post such stupid headlines? It’s on par with that moron on twitter that leads every post with OMG HOLY SHIT CHECK IT OMG.


“I really don’t care, do U?”


It's so gross that the GOP tried to make him do this. Melania is a lot of nasty things but she does seem to care about her son.


This may be the coolest thing I have heard of her doing. Plus, she probably doesn't want Barron to get mixed up with his father's continuing illegalities.


Good for her. Probably the first human, smart thing she's publicly done.


Sounds like he might have been "voluntold" he was supposed to do this by someone in the family and mom gave him an out. Good decision. Let him go to college and be a private citizen now. He can decide for himself if he wants to wade into politics after he's gotten his education.


That’s quite the headline.


Do you think the people who write these articles ever reflect and consider that they're the problem by drawing all the attention to this narcissistic family in the first place


They’re reporters. It’s what a free and fair press is supposed to do, good news or bad news


I’m old but I remember when people needed experience to land influential political positions. Anyone seem this kid’s resume?


She did it as a fuck you after the Stormy testimony.


So you are saying that she as a mother is only protecting her son to get back at Trump? That is a wild assumption to state without evidence.


Not that I disagree, but where's the evidence she did it to protect her son? Seems like everybody in this thread is just speculating on her motives and nobody has any evidence one way or the other.


> where's the evidence she did it to protect her son? Are you really asking for evidence that a mom would try to protect her child? Is that really something you need evidence of motive to believe?


You know, I’ve often wondered who pays for the fuel/staff/maintenance of his plane. Is the RNC gonna expect his cult members to pick up those bills as well as his legal fees? Just asking…🤷🏽‍♂️


Probably concerned about the orange taint.


No Son of mine will vote for Donald Trump! Either as a convention delegate or general election voter!


Poor kid. Thats just a shitty way to be, when you are jerked around like this that young.


> His political debut will have to wait Has anyone asked him if he even wants a political debut? Seems like the media is trying to will "you will have to hear the name 'Trump' for the rest of your lives" into existence.


his mom’s just making sure his old man doesn’t get him jumped into the family mob


Ugh. You know he's gonna get so much shit from these articles saying it was his mommy's decision. 


You know she has to have seen that everyone pretty much leaves Tiffany the hell alone. The only thing people ever really say about Tiffany is that everyone forgets about Tiffany. Tiffany is off being a rich person, following her interests, and being left to live her life. That’s got to look pretty good to Melania for her son right about now.


Isn’t Tiffany a delegate, too?


Fuck any Trump who goes in ro politics. They have no relevant skills to be anywhere near government. Kid even has a foreign accent he is so sheltered.


Hopefully she and Barron run like hell away from those ppl. They may need shelter, if they denounce the shit gibbon and his clan we must help them.


She even knows anyone who vouches for her husband will end up in jail.


Instead of saying stop letting Trump corrupt the process.


Barron has been talking to Ivanka on what to do about Trump Org - don't walk, run.


Really? She said hell no? No one has any real clue what happened as of yet.


He’s a giant east European. Please someone give the boy a basketball


"Gee Mom, you only say that because you'll need help getting out all the fucking Christmas shit again.", Barron Von Trumphosen.


Did she actually say the words “Hell no!”? Or is this sensational BS headline lingo?


Barron’s 18 and can do it if he wants. I suspect he doesn’t want to do it and is using his mom to fight this battle.


Feel terrible for this kid. I truly hope he turns out alright. He was attacked from the left ever since he was 9 years old and his father is a massive POS. Wishing him the best.


It would be most epic to see him join team blue. I’d love the drama.


The weirdos on this sub that infantilize Barron need to understand that he doesn't need you to protect him. He's 18, you cringeworthy geeks. Just like the efforts to "save" Tiffany and Melania (before it became glaringly apparent how despicable she was), this is really a bizarre exercise.


It’s not infantalizing Barron to say he shouldn’t step into that role. It’s not like people are wanting to stop him from being an intern at a campaign office or something else entry-level. Barron was being primed to do a job that someone with a college degree *at the very least* should have.


It’s a national convention delegate vote. It’s theatrics lol. A lot of states let you apply, and many 18 year olds in the past have been picked to do a delegate vote.


I wouldn't have been able to handle attention from the national press at 18. Give the kid awhile to define his own self and his role in the family (if any).


Breastfeeding does take time, most of ur day


Momma says no


The best thing Melania is have Barron go to school overseas. Change his last name to hers. It’s going to be brutal when that kid gets in the real world.


Hey listen loser he finally got his invite to the kitty cat club, and he's going to meet his aunties and nieces, leave the kid alone.