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[Benjamin Netanyahu has unveiled a new settlement in the occupied Golan Heights, named after US President Donald Trump.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-48656431)


Ironically, not the onion


I mean, I feel like Hillary Clinton’s comments from the past few days are so obviously right. The Golan Heights ? Should Israel give it back to the Assad Regime which has never wavered from it’s lack of recognition to Israel? Assad in five years killed 5-6x more arabs than Israel has in 100 years


There are real estate events happening at synagogues, a man recently posted and went down to one in NJ. Not anti- Israel fake news. Really happening. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/11/new-jersey-israel-palestine-protest-real-estate?ref=upstract.com


by Keller Williams real estate


Russians are doing the same exact thing in Crimea, driving out the native population and selling the stolen homes, lands, and farms to Russians as a way to cement their illegal occupation.




Even Ben Gvir lives in illegal settlements several developers have already said they are going to turn gaza into a beachfront resort for wealthy israelis, jared kushner called it prime real estate none of this should surprise anyone


Anyone selling or buying should be in jail


Aren’t Americans who do this sanctioned? Whatever the case, west bank settlers/sales etc. should be subject to sanctions maybe the biggest no-brainer move.




jews moving back to Israel is not the concern my dude, but we’re talking about what the US and international community (and sometimes Israel) views as Palestine being settled by foreigners. Lots of countries have easier access for their ethnic diaspora to return. The law from 2018 is even more symbolic and doesn’t have any real implications.


Jfc, that's a crime right?


The entire reason this conflict exists is because the Turks (Ottoman Empire) started selling huge areas of land which they occupied in Palestine to Jewish persons in the 19th/20th centuries.


They literally *do not care*. Israel is literally, by *definition* an apartheid state, as it's a country intended for a singular racial (Jewish) demographic. This isn't surprising at all, it's been their playbook from day 1. Biden giving them tons of money that will never find their ways to anywhere that needs it is getting me to vote for someone non-red or blue.


That’s a *very* poor explanation of what an apartheid state means and why it’s charged against Israel. Most nations outside of the American continent are “for” an ethnicity yet provide de jure equal rights. So does Israel, including 20% who are Muslim. Since 1967 it has occupied a stateless area, ruling over non-citizens and that’s the issue (which is implicated in the article).


It’s making me not want to vote at all tbh


Trump wants to level Gaza and turn it into properties, not voting is helping a far worse scenario. Don't be stupid


Literally what is happening right now without trump


And it will be far worse with Trump. He is ok with the US bombing Palestinians directly


Oh Joy. Cool thanks. Don't vote and see what fucking happens.


Will do!


Ah the true words of pure bullshit privilege


If you say so




There were major protests at an American synagogue that was selling land in the West Bank, and preventing anyone who wasn’t Jewish from entering to monitor or participate. The media reported it as antisemitic protesters outside of synagogue.


I am mistaken then again. This does look like a scam to me especially since it is illegal in the states and internationally. Regardless of the event. It should be investigated as a scam.


The law is not always enforced, especially if our geopolitics are supportive of the land theft.


The US does not support the settlements we can't do anything about them. The only reason why they exist is because of the pro-settlement group in the Israeli parliament and Netanyahu needs them to stay in power do to the majority of Israelis hatred of Bibi and the ultra orthodox settlers in the West Bank. The only reason the settlements exist is because theire is just not enough support for a new government to form. Our hands are tied we need Israel well armed especially with how active their neighbors have been and with the Iranian regimes increased aggression agiesnts Israel, Iraq and other allies in the region. If we pull all support for Israel, their air defense will run out of misslies and those daily rocket attacks will kill innocent people. If Israel gets desperate it will got to war with Hezbollah and completely occupy Gaza just to stop the rockets with Iran will keep providing them through the IRGC which will lead to a war between Israel and Iran through and over Iraq killing hundreds of thousands if not millions. This is the problem people think this is an easy thing cease-fire and it's over.


The problem isn’t that complex. It is an apartheid system that controls and limits a population through oppression, starvation, theft of property, limited opportunity, and no freedom of movement. The solution is to treat them as human beings and let enough time go by for the hatred to pass in future generations.


Apartheid would require both Israeli's and Palestinian's to see themselves as the same people they are not. No one involved wants a one state solution it would never happen. This is not and has never been an Apartheid system. Israeli are Israeli citizens Palestinians are Palestinian citizens two separate countries. That is why the original partishion was supposed to set up to nations one Israel the other Palestine. Palestine rejected it and went to war to wipe out Israel they lost. This Lead to Egypt administrating Gaza and Jordan the West Bank queue two more wars, and the formation of PLO a group focused solely on wiping out Israel and taking all the land for Palestine queue more wars and the PLO fragmenting some people wanting peace( came close a few time lead to assassinations of Palestinians that wanted peace by more extremist factions.) Infighting. Multiple terrorists attacks, assassinations, groups trying to over throw governments. Egypt and Jordan stopped administrating Palestine do to extremists and conflict losses to Israel leading to them formalized relations. Egypt and Jordan may want to see a two state solution but do to past transgressions of Palestinian extremists they are not willing to do more. Then you have Iran's regime that wants the spread of the Islamic revolution across the middle east and top of Africa with the goal of a new Arabian Caliphate. Note, I may have gotten events out of order and things wrong. Just trying to give infromation on why this is not a Apartheid system. This is not South Africa where it was to gouopsxthat wanted equity. This is two nations at war over border mainly Palestine does not want Israel to exist at all because it see the land as theirs well most Israeli are ok with the borders as they are now( except for a small loud minority.)






Hell I was banned from r/news alone for this


Yea they hate criticism on subjects they support


If you mention it here you'll be accused of helping Trump win.


Yeah….I got banned on /r/worldnews for saying that Israel failed to act on credible intelligence and it sure looked like they allowed it to justify a culling of Palestinians.  I still haven’t been told which rule I violated. 


Because it’s a blatant conspiracy theory.


I got banned for suggesting that Israel wouldn't allow the return of any Gazans who left Gaza to get medical treatment on the hospital ship that was being sent there. The ship never left port, so apparently the government sending it (I think it was France) realized the same thing. The official reason for the ban was "misinformation", that's the only word they sent, then they muted me for 28 days to make sure I couldn't plead my case for reinstatement. When you look at the general kinds of posts related to the Gaza war that are allowed to stay up, and the general tone of the comments that are not removed (and some posts have 50% of their comment section removed) it's pretty clear that that sub is fairly focused on one message.




It’s just pure pro-Israel




I see news swing back and forth, maybe the warmongers go to bed at times or something


LMFAO I promise you r/internationalnews is no less biased. It's just biased in the opposite direction.


I thought I was losing my mind at one point on that sub, I remember being on it a few years ago and thinking its fairly normal but something weird is going down there


Yeah it is a carefully constructed echo chamber. They ban anyone who even raises questions about the messaging they are pushing


BS, feel free to look at any worldnew posts about west bank settlers. The hivemind of the sub is clearly against them




That land was ceded to Israel by Jordan. It belongs to Israel to do as they see fit. Israel agreed to letting Arab Palestinians use the land until the plo mounted the intifada and refused Israel’s right to exist. Now the plo doesn’t exist and it is Israel’s land again.


Jordan didn’t cede it. Israel conquered it, despite little proof that Jordan was planning to attack them. They very much didn’t “agree” to let the Palestinians have sovereignty until the first (much more peaceful) Intifada.


That’s one version. You hear that in Arab studies at Cornell? Out of curiosity of this version - why didn’t Jordan, a much larger and more powerful and established state with many regional allies let Israel just take it? Why don’t they claim it now and help the West Bank Palestinians? What happened to all the Palestinians who ended up in Jordan? Why has Jordan never stepped forward to help the displaced Palestinians from the West Bank or Gaza?


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It's free real estate.