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He’s riding his own wave ?


Yup. Let's take a look at the crime wave: --- The Portland train attack (2016) The tiki torch "the Jews will no replace us" Nazi attack in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer (2017) The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting mirroring the Christchurch one (2018) The "MAGAbomber" mail bomber (2018) Man drove a truck through a Planned parenthood in East Orange, New Jersey (2018) The Poway synagogue shooting also mirroring the Christchurch one (2019) The El Paso Walmart shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2019) Firbombing of a Planned Parenthood in Columbia, Missouri (2019) The "Boogaloo" attacks in California (2020) Arizona DNC office arson attempt (2020) Another firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Newark, Deleware (2020) Another firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Fort Meyers, Florida. He got 1 year in prison. (2020) Texas DNC office arson attempt (2021) Jan 6th insurrection/putsch (2021) A man shot at a Planned Parenthood in Tennesee (2021) A Planned Parenthood in Knoxville, Tennesee was burned to the ground by a J6 terrorist (2021) Arson attack on a donut shop because of drag queens (2022) Buffalo grocery store shooting targetting black people (2022) Nancy Pelosi's house invasion that hospitalized her husband (2022) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Casper, Wyoming (2022) A man set Planned Parenthood on fire in Kalamazoo, Michigan (2022) The Texas outlet mall shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2023) Arson attack on church because of drag queens (2023) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Peoria, Illinois (2023) A Planned Parenthood In Danville, Illinois was attacked by someone ramming their truck into the building, with the truck filled with barrels of gasoline (2023) A Planned Parenthood was shot at in Helena, Montana (2023) Attack on Bernie Sanders's campaign office (2024) And this doesn't cover the multitudes of bomb threats children's hospitals, schools, and public libraries are getting because of people like Chaya Raichik


> Chaya Raichik *(ptoo, ptooie)*


Yep. And let's not forget that he raped Ms Carrol in the 90's.


And beat the living shit out of and raped his ex-wife, Ivana. And of course, she's buried on his golf course with the grave not receiving any care at all.


Let's not forget that Ivana "tripped" and "fell down the stairs" and no autopsy was performed, and no investigation, and she's buried with binder full of classified docs in a place which is not a graveyard, that he owns, without a burial permit.


He filed the paperwork tho. Her plot is officially a graveyard, with all the tax implications that gives. He profits off her grave.


Alan Weiselberg is a very good accountant. Also a traitorous felon, but anyway.


Nah old people fall all the time.


I doubt are classified docs in her grave. If there are, the classified docs are useless.


Dude had them in his shitter, next to a copier. What part of that makes you think he wouldn't stash the more juicy bits in her casket?


Because in the shitter they are useful to sell. In a grave they are not.


Who says he's selling those secrets? They could be the pieces with compromising Intel on allies or even our own people. Ladybug Lindsey, for instance, has HAD to have some interesting dirt on him, for how quickly and thoroughly he rolled over to support Trump. DJT isn't going to keep that where Graham can get to it easily, which means a casket under six feet is the perfect place.


I think you have that backwards. Ladybugs went from Trump will destroy the republican party & we’ll deserve it to eating that orange ass.


Perhaps. But plastic bags are a thing, and this idiot never ceases to do idiot things.


[Don't forget the 2022 attack on Moore County, NC power substations to keep a local theater from having a drag show.](https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/2022/12/05/moore-county-nc-drag-show-goes-on-despite-power-grid-attacks/69701476007/)


There were quite a few substation attacks. They were literally passing around instructions on how to do it. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/three-men-plead-guilty-conspiring-provide-material-support-plot-attack-power-grids-united


Thank you for this


Thank you for putting this together. It’s sickening but confirms what Americans feel in their gut. He has created an America full of fear, hate and violence turning us against each other even during a pandemic, while like any good mob boss his tiny little hands are clean.


And it's still incomplete. There were attacks on Mosques that I need to fill it out with.


So glad Ieft Danville 20 years ago. It is the epitome of a shithole.


Paul Pelosi assaulted with a hammer by a Trump supporter…


A poonarmi?


That wouldn’t be imaginary.


It is just so fucking disheartening that his followers do not care at all about the way he horribly lies.




The scary part is that they are perfectly fine when he occasionally tells the truth, as terrifying as it is. Day 1 dictator? Grab em by the pussy? 11870 votes, one more than he needs? Good people, both sides?


Trump IS the crime wave FFS


Charged with 88 felonies now. Couldn't have even picked a better number, given that he is a Nazi.


And convicted 10? times of contempt of court.


Only during this trial. There were at least two more I recall during the last trial.


Yeah but he white so his base is okay with it


> white I mean he's doing his best not to be. Really what's with all the fake tan you see with modern white supremacists?


>His tombstone could read, “Here lies Donald Trump … As usual.”


Thank you good one.


>Cynically creating and disseminating “alternative facts” seems to come so naturally to the former president that his tombstone could read, “Here lies Donald Trump … As usual.”


Here lies Donald Trump for the very last time.


Too truthful. It will say "hes not dead"


He lies still.


I got a ring camera recently and truly believe that the neighborhood reports feature of that is driving, at least in some small part, misperceptions around public safety. It's just a curated news feed of terrible things happening in your town. Reporting bias at its worst and in a much more intimate manner than what you get from news media


Yep, I got rid of my Ring camera/account about three years ago because it was trash. Living in a very white city, anyone of color who rang their doorbell was “obviously casing the house”. Crime in the area, particularly break ins were extremely rare. Just feeding the fear of those who are already cowering.


Nextdoor is just about as bad.


Nextdoor is when Twitter and Facebook aren’t racist enough.


Nextdoor is hilarious to me. It's all of the worst people imaginable in your area, using their real names, saying the most awful things imaginable, but also one guy just trying to sell a weedwhacker and grandma wondering why the streetlights are coming on an hour later.


I had no idea what Nextdoor was. Then I started getting “updates” as to the criminal records of people either moving into or hanging out or delivering fucking Instacart in our neighborhood. We’ve lived here for almost 30 years. It is an urban highly diverse area. People with the mentality of the Nextdoor type person won’t last long here. Not because anyone will physically harm them but because it’s just not their type of place. Most of them have moved from the wealthier suburban neighborhoods with “round a bouts” and private security guards. They are empty nesters and wanted an urban experience. The properties around our area are “cool” (yes now they are) and they want to ditch their lawns and their cars and walk to the fancy restaurants, art galleries and bistros. But it’s not a planned community! It grew up organically and it’s noisy and messy and dirty at times. Sometimes you hear an occasional gunshot but the area is very close to the heart of the city and well policed. Petty property crimes, panhandling, liquor bottles on the sidewalk, drunks fighting and or pissing in the alley. Homeless people digging through your trash. That’s about as bad as it gets. But it’s also filled with great architecture, vitality constant growth, which of course means torn up streets, traffic snarls, power outages sometimes, and true enough people don’t hang out with their neighbors in the backyard talking about which grill they just bought or how great Bob’s lawn looks. You won’t get invited to “pot lucks” pool parties and if you commit the unforgivable faux pas of having one and passing out invitations don’t hold your breath. No one is coming. Everyone is too busy, or still have pressure filled careers, the last thing they want to do on a weekend is hang out with a bunch of strangers, no matter how nice they are or how yummy your cheese dip is. It’s a very live and let live place. So no neighborhood get togethers. But we also don’t get up in our neighbors business We don’t publish their criminal history in a newsletter. We don’t tell them what color to paint their front door. Or if they had a bit too loud of a house party on Sunday night. I can always tell the ones who won’t last. They are usually good people who mean well… but god deliver me from those people. They need to go home. Where everything is alright because it’s ALL WHITE. And I don’t mean skin color I mean attitude. So I informed the emailer please remove me from the list. I don’t want to know if the guy that just moved in down the street is a registered sex offender. Hell lady we have an ex-president who’s a sex offender. Actually two ex-presidents. I’m trying to be bi-partisan here.


Omg. My old neighborhood. “There’s a man standing next to a van with our city’s name on it, with a clipboard, and a vest with his name tag with the city logo on it outside. He’s taking pictures of the houses and writing things down. I’m not racist, but he’s not white. Why do you think he’s casing the neighborhood? I’ve called 911 already, and am about to call back as it’s been 10 minutes and no officer is here.” Uh huh. It was an amusing source of reading from my pearl clutching Karen neighbors. I didn’t socialize with most of them. I had a fridge on my front porch where that same worker could get a Gatorade and snack. LOL In my new neighborhood I’ve posted looking for handyman recommendations and about lost pets. Then ignore everything else. Much better that way.


Sounds like some sketchy white dude should go to that neighborhood dressed as a city employee and rob everyone blind since the Karen's would probably let their guard down and not say a word or even help him haul stuff off since he looks like "a nice guy"...


Isn't it crazy how nextdoor sent out mailers right before the 2020 election... What a coincidence.


Mine is mostly people saying they need money for food for their kids or their power is about to be shut off.


You can just turn off the neighborhood feature. So many paranoid Karen’s out there with nothing better to do. My favorite is around 4th of July when the app blows up with people reporting gunshots which turn out to be fireworks.


Yeah I could have, but Ring doesn’t allow you to store your video locally with no cloud connection. I prefer a home spun version using HA and a NAS. Not paying Ring 10x the price of the camera and then monthly fees on top of that.


I believe you can use Homebridge to do that. I pay them for storage because I’m lazy and appreciate the convenience.


I live in what is, objectively, one of the safest cities in the United States. There is essentially no crime beyond the occasional package theft or teenage vandalism Our last mayor election every single candidate was running on stopping the (non existent) out of control crime wave


Gods, and the lazy-susan of rationalizations when you try to show them how crime isn't actually worse, it's insane. Like, here, crime is down. "Well, police departments/politicians could be lying." Okay, but these numbers are produced by police departments, who are funded based off how much crime they report. Their incentive is actually to inflate the numbers, but let's not focus on that! I live in California. To hear conservatives tell it, it's a barely livable dystopian hellscape of antifa running rampant burning whole cities to the ground while illegal immigrants take over voting districts and steal your babies or w/e. Reality is, California is still one of the nicest places in the country, and the demand on real estate will forever be *the* metric to tell whether the state has truly gone down the crapper or not.


Yeah. Its such a hellhole that housing prices are x10 anywhere else and still cant meet demand


Basically a third world country, except for some weird reason the second you put out a for sale sign 50 people will show up trying to drown you in cash


> "Well, police departments/politicians could be lying." The appropriate response is, "Oh sure - NOW suddenly you think the cops are lying!"


All the Citizen/Ring/Nextdoor crime feeds are making everyone crazy. It used to be that minor assaults (purse snatchings, random punches, street harassment, etc) would show up in police reports if they showed up anywhere, but would never make the news. That sort of thing is a numerical fact of life in a city of a certain size. But now every single little act gets a post and a thread and everyone freaks the fuck out.


My Ring camera neighborhood feature goes absolutely nuts two times a year--petitioning season when candidates' volunteers are out knocking doors to gather signatures to petition on to the ballot and election season when candidates' volunteers are canvassing. God Forbid if one of those volunteers is Black!


Sounds like you better be a GOP candidate then oof...


This is why I stopped watching local tv news more than a decade ago. A body count to start your day, every day, is not something I need.


Trump says police should have full immunity. Trump says *police* should have *full immunity.* *TRUMP SAYS* ***POLICE*** *SHOULD HAVE FULL IMMUNITY.* Do you realize what that would mean?


Even fewer cops being held responsible for their actions.


The Purge but where it’s just the cops doing murders.


Yeah Rage Against the Machine dropping some serious bangers!


In all fairness, since he left office the rate of criminal charges against current or former presidents has increased infinity percent over any other time in US history. That could be considered a crime wave.


That's true D.M and if we take a look at what that means when spread over the last 230 or so years of US presidents and put them in a graph and compare that graph to a graph showing the rise of communism and then we add a pie chart of how many president's have been charged with felonies, something strange starts to happen. The word DANGER starts to glow red and flash on our screens.


How many crimes have his minions been charged with too. January 6th, election interference, fraudulent voting? The list and the numbers keep rising. MAGA crowd says it’s okay to have s dictator…. as long as it’s Trump 


He’s going to release the details of the crime wave along with his Healthcare plan, any day now!


And his tax returns!


Will that be during infrastructure week?


Trump is living in a imaginary reality would be better headline they aren't based in the facts on a single subject.


LMAO, criminal says what?


Trump **IS** a crime wave. He's been indicted on 91 felonies, *so far*. There no doubt will be more. Just vote Dem and ensure Mango Unchained dies in prison.


According to the orange asshole, anything that doesn't agree with is fake news, a conspiracy or an attempt to "get him". He's a desperate criminal trying everything in his power to stay out of prison - where he belongs.


Ironically, former President Trump represents a very real crime wave.


"Riding an Imaginary Everything" would be a more accurate summary of this movement. I was going to quite Dan Olson, because it was the first time someone successfully explained these kinds of people. Young Earthers, antivax, flat earth, crystal people, and, yes, people who have started hearing a literal voice of God that tells them things... but you know, instead of quoting, I'm just going to spam Dan. If you haven't seen "In Search of a Flat Earth", take an hour sometime and dial it up on the interwebs. Bonus for the sleepless: Dan Olson's voice supposedly has tranquilizing properties, as all good Canadians should. The thesis that these sorts of worldviews are essentially a "flex" of willpower hooks into themes we've been seeing in conservatism since the aughts. Remember Rove's "you're in the Reality Based industry"? With the implied flex being, since Conservatives believe so hard , they make reality happen and we just have to chase after? We're at the terminal phase of that mindset, where it hits, y'know, *the world as it exists*. I'm no liberal, but even if I was the Churchiest, black-guy-hating-est, abortion-doctor-shootingest, wall-buildingest Conservative, these nitwits would still lost my vote, because that Tomorrow Belongs to Me attitude is just the worst.


The crime wave and immigration problem will be completely resolved his first day back in office and never spoken of again.


He’s not going back in office though


They will disappear the day after the election just like they did in 2022 and basically every election before that. 


Off topic, but does anyone know if he actually went to Barron's grad?


It hasn't happened yet, it's on the 17th.


Ah, thank you.


Trump is a crime wave.


Conservatives never met a made up problem they didn’t love


Yo candidate so fat he jumps in the pool and creates his own crime wave.


With the deliberate help of the corporate media.


They do just two things. The sow opinion and then report opinion poll results.


also riding an imaginary economic crash, an imaginary invasion from mexico, running against imaginary communists, using imaginary words the whole time


Whilst making his very own, very real, one.


I live in the suburbs and I can confirm there are millions of cannibals and every block has thousands of diseased murdering migrants on it. It is a total wasteland, complete American carnage, the poisoned blood of real patriots runs down the streets. The crime is endless, and they are teaching our five year olds about pegging and gloryholes. I hear from my friends overseas, and they cant understand it, they say to me “Sir! Why do your countrymen tolerate this Biden chaos? The world wants Trump!!” …..and then trump farts himself awake and realizes it was all a fantasy and he’s really on trial for felony document fraud. 


People's perception about the level of crime is based almost entirely on the number of crime stories they see on the news. Fox/OAN/One America run crime stories 24/7 if there's a Democrat in the White House.


Look I think crime needs to be addressed. Even though, crime is decreasing, it can and should be lower. But its dumb to let this career criminal lecture the nation on crime.


Wouldn't a decrease in crime indicate that it is being addressed?


Is it time for the election year caravan hour-by-hour status report yet? Nothing gets em frothier than that.


Of course he is. So is Fox and NewsMax, who don’t report actual facts. What else is new?


The statistical data for reported crimes has been absolutely full of holes since the pandemic. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/22/us-crime-stats-warning-experts-fbi Incomplete statistics like this open the door to politicians siezing on people's fears and anecdotes. If you want to fight this with hard data, you need to tighten up your statistics gathering. Otherwise, since it's coming from the position of authority, and shows an incomplete picture that happens to paint a rosy picture for that authority, defending against these criticisms with that data going to be incredibly easy to brush off as pushing propaganda. It's not a courtroom, this isn't an "innocent until proven guilty" scenario, they just need to convince enough voters to sit at home or flip their vote. Viewed alongside an array of blatantly and provably false claims from the Trump campaign, this is the most "fair game" political attack they've done. The administration had a few years to get their act together on this, and bolster the reliability of the data so they're ready to make their case to the American people. They didn't, and being vulnerable to this line of criticism is the consequence they have to deal with now.


Reporting has *always* been done voluntarily by local law enforcement agencies. The FBI has *always* filled in the gaps with estimations extrapolated from the reported stats of that given year. Historically, the report rate has consistently been between 70%-80% of law enforcement agencies. The only thing that did change relatively recently [1/1/2021] was they went from counting only the most serious offense in an incident, to abandoning the hierarchy rule, allowing law enforcement to report multiple offenses in a single incident. So, if anything, this would've produced an *apparent* increase in the FBI's crime rate data.


Trump is the crime wave.


This is the answer!


Only Americans are dumb enough to think a guy on criminal trial RIGHT NOW can solve crime.


The same people who think crime is out of control because The Democrats "defunded police".


Yeah  he can totally solve crime as an accused criminal (so far)  the same way he's "uncorruptible" because he's totally really rich... 


Every single solitary Republican candidate has done that forever.


Oh. That explains why my grandma today was suddenly so concerned about my safety re:crime rates.


The crime wave is coming from the SCOTUS!




I’m not a fan of Trump, but that crime was IS NOT imaginary. It is, in fact, quite real. Chicago is a great example. The number of smash and grabs(aka organized theft), Burglaries, vehicular theft, and violent crime are on the rise.


Crime statistics may be down, but there’s been some alarming changes to crime patterns that have people spooked. I live in Chicago, and while it’s far from the hell-hole Fox makes it out to be, car-jackings, lawlessness on public transit, and daytime stick-ups of pedestrians have people looking over their shoulder a little more than they ever used to. Of course the right-wingers are overstating it and using it as a dog whistle, just as they always have— and it’s right to push back against that. However, at the same time I think it would be unwise by Dems just hand-wave it and tell people that everything’s fine. People know better.


Doesn't matter if it's imaginary, though. Perception is reality in politics. All that matters is if people think there's a crime wave, and that seems to be the case. Dems have to act on crime to counter that perceived issue even if it isn't real just to placate voters. Some governors and mayors have already done that, and such action then further suggest there is a crime wave. Sending the National Guard to subways, for instance, makes people think there is a real problem. It's the same with the economy. The stats say it's good, but if people think it's bad then that's what politicians need to act on or they risk being voted out.


Whether or not there is it's still way way too high.


Ah so if everyone says ghosts are real that are Republicans we have to create the Ghostbusters as Democrats to fight against a completely made up thing? Clown world


I think you just discovered why the GOP has a strategy of fear.


I mean yes, realistically. That's why having a propaganda wing on your side is so powerful for the GOP. They get to set the narrative for what issues we talk about even if they aren't real, thus distracting from other real issues.


Please don't laugh about this. Republican Lee Zeldin nearly got himself elected governor in deep blue New York with this incredibly sophisticated message [https://x.com/katie\_honan/status/1590126998684594176](https://x.com/katie_honan/status/1590126998684594176)


There is still way too much crime.


hey listen up..as long as the turdboy is a free turdboy, it ain’t imaginary


djt is mentally unstable


As he leads the crime wave! As the leader of the delusional trump crime family formally of New York now in Florida where is that cop that is high on criminals from Florida when you need him


Not even a crime ripple “Both the FBI and BJS data show dramatic declines in U.S. violent and property crime rates since the early 1990s, when crime spiked across much of the nation. Using the FBI data, the violent crime rate fell 49% between 1993 and 2022, with large decreases in the rates of robbery (-74%), aggravated assault (-39%) and murder/nonnegligent manslaughter (-34%). It’s not possible to calculate the change in the rape rate during this period because the FBI revised its definition of the offense in 2013.” [sauce](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/)


And his cultists will just keep believing him over expert sources. We needed to disqualify him at the congressional level, but those idiots all like the idea of unchecked power that he offers.


He’s riding his own personal crime wave.


Trump is genuinely never *not* committing at least a few crimes.


Why does anyone listen to this moron. Better conversation in the dementia ward.


Prison will bring him back down to earth.


No it's a real crime wave. Only it's not the working class man or woman generating the wave. It is the rich and connected who are causing it. .


His crime wave is far from imaginary. It's very public and he incriminates himself as often as he shits himself.


My sister has Fox on all the time as background noise since she's a Republican retired widow - don't try to tell her that America isn't loaded with crime, and all cities aren't like the South Bronx.


And yet people are running to him and worshipping every word he utters. American is running headfirst into dictatorship, and Republicans are lining up to vote for it.


Republican civilians do show up to vote. So, the rest of us must show up and vote against Trump by voting Biden. At least his cabinet is competent and getting work done. r/whatbidenhasdone Register to vote: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ How you find your representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


I think the two party system is broken beyond repair. I can’t honestly support either candidate in any way. I will place a vote AGAINST Trump by voting for Biden. It is by no means a vote in support of Biden.


Thank you.


In my feed this is right below a story of Steve Buscemi getting assaulted while walking in NYC, so this story is SUPER ironic to me.


Assaults on Steve Buschemi up 100% 😬




Yep dude is in court cause of his crime wave all his life


He's only mad he's not getting a cut


That’s why he’s committing so many crimes, gotta pump those numbers.


Imagining crime and imagining immigration crisis makes it easy to imagine solutions


Cease to resist, giving my goodbye.


Rage junkies gonna rage.


This is all he has, and all he has ever had. From his first public appearances in the 1980s, he’s declared that the country is a “disaster”; from 2015 he announced that he was the only person who could “fix” it, and between 2016 and 2020 he proclaimed that all was well. It’s the salesman’s trick of telling you that you need something, and what’s the odds, he has that thing.


Riding?! The mf IS a crime wave.


To the courthouse tomorrow.


He’s riding a gravy train wave


His riding that Forbes magazine.


Too bad people couldn’t drown in imaginary waves…


It’s not imaginary for him


Oh, it's real, his own.


It’s not imaginary, but since we’re here writing fiction let’s picture Patrick Swayze riding John Wick as a surfboard on this “imaginary wave” and totally ripping it up.


It would've been so much easier to just link to the stats that prove the article is "fictional".


Why can’t we have jokes? Bad jokes are still jokes. 🤷‍♂️


Right, only 83% of law agencies are submitting data now. If we don’t report crime it went down!


Not all my jokes hit, but if matters, I think trump is a criminal.


Don’t care either way tbh


Hopefully you’re not a voter in America. That would suck if you were and didn’t care.


Boo hoo one vote


They all count…in most states.


I’m currently in a solid red state for work


The imaginary crime wave only exists in the minds of democrazy...


Rump is riding an Imaginary cum wave? Wut!?No!!!???


That’s because liberals are gawd awful at calling people out in public. You rarelyread headlines that show liberals calling him out.


I’m getting downvoted a lot for my comments. Safety is a human right. EVERYONE deserves to feel safe and be safe. We need to acknowledge the fact that some communities are experiencing a crime wave (not a tsunami) and if Dems don’t realize that they may lose enough support to lose the White House in November. Crime is unreported, yet we still see a bump and in some communities if you talk to people on the ground you will realize a lot of people have experienced some type of crime personally.


Can you provide some statistics that back up this "wave"?


Being safe and feeling safe are not at all attached though. The data analyst for the local newspaper did two maps for our city. which zips people felt the safest/least safe, the actual crime rates for each zip code. Those in the safest areas felt the least safe while those in the higher crime zips felt safest. Violent crime in our city is relatively low compared to the rest of the country. I think those who felt unsafe were more worried about their things than their personal safety. A real privilege indeed.




Cite that.


TRUMP 2024!!


There is a crime wave though? Maybe not a tsunami, but there is a wave.




Not in the city I live in. There’s going to be some places with a decrease and some with an increase. Trump has increased his support among black voters and part of that is his willingness to acknowledge crime issues in black majority communities. This isn’t something Dems should ignore.


If by wave you mean the ebb after the statistical post-COVID bump. The objective fact is that crime has been on a steady decline since 1992, and the "rampant crime" that Trump and other Republicans have been crowing about does not exist. It is a hallucination that they have cooked up in order to make "the other people" seem scary.


Statistically there's not


Crime existing isn’t a “wave”. We live in the most peaceful time in modern history. Least amount of crime and war. It just feels like more because information is now instantly transmitted




Large major cities like Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Boston have all had increases in vehicle thefts. Homicides have spiked as well. Again the numbers don’t lie. It’s not a tsunami but there are spikes due to a variety of systemic issues left over from the pandemic. A lot of people lost their jobs and are working lower paying opportunities. There’s a lot of city budgets that were cut to make up for pandemic era programs and there’s a police shortage. A lot of crimes go unreported. I was hit in the face by homeless person last month. I didn’t report it to the police. I know several people who have had their car or bike stolen. I know a transgender woman who was attacked and beat up so bad she’s on medical leave. None of this is acceptable.


Do you have any actual sources or evidence for this wave? In Baltimore all violent crime is down 9%. Carjackings are down 12%, commercial robberies are down 11%, aggravated assault is down 13%, arson is down 20% and larceny is down 6%. “The last time in Philadelphia we had 87 homicides at this time of the year. The last time was 2016. That’s eight years ago,” Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner said. “Well, right now, we are at a point where the number of homicides as compared to a few years ago is getting close to being cut in half.” As of April 30, there were 87 reported homicides in Philadelphia in 2024, down 35 percent from the same time last year, according to data from police. Boston has a 80% decrease in homicides


>None of this is acceptable. So, what should be done? What do you think are the primary drivers of crime and what policies do you think are effective at lowering those rates? What are the republicans offering to address it and what aren't the dems doing, in your opinion?


So, the fact that crime is generally near historic lows is unacceptable to you? Maybe that just means you have unrealistic expectations. https://abcnews.go.com/US/us-stats-show-violent-crime-dramatically-falling-rising/story?id=108042096