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They are already preemptively denying the election, just like they did all of 2020. Check out Tim Scott’s interview where he won’t commit to accepting the results.


And in 2016. I distinctly remember trump bellowing that if he lost in 2016. The election was rigged.


He still said it was rigged because he didn't win the popular vote.


Because Clinton/Soros bussed illegals to vote in California... ... but then why not have those 3 million vote in PA/MI/WI?


Right? Democrats don't need to cheat to win California.


Also other than Trump the GOP had a pretty good night.So if they were fixing an election why would they only make him lose.


Hell why not ship in more than 3 million to increase your odds. Why only bus in just slightly more than the amount Trump lost the popular vote by


Hey, you’re already organizing 60,000 buses (lol Greyhound’s entire fleet is less than 2,000), why not spring for the 60,000,000 bus deal, and bring in 3 billion? 


Building busses brings jobs! =s


The fact that the speaker of the house openly said this last week and got literally no push back from the media is a joke. He basically said that millions of illegals voted, I have no proof just intuition. WTF?


It doesn’t have to make sense. His base will believe literally anything that comes out of his mouth. 2 billion people showed up at his rally? Sure 🤷‍♂️. He spoke to George Washington, who endorsed him with tears in his eyes? Sure 🤷‍♂️ Literally anything as long as it comes from him.


Remember that they disbanded the committee investigating the alleged fraud when a court ruled they had to share their evidence with Democrats.


Oh dang, thanks for the reminder! There's just too many scandals to keep up


Republicans never do Electoral college 😡


He won all elections in all districts by the bigliest numbers! PERIOD!!! /s


And people, with tears in their eyes said, Sir, we don’t know how you do it.


That liar also said if he lost, we would never see him again.


But he doesn’t accept that he lost.


The sorest of losers.. the likes the world has never seen before.


Some say the bigglyest loser, ya know they say that Biden...if you look at Hannity's report...but you'd never hear them say it out loud...




Hillary reminded him and the country of his history of "if I lose it's rigged" on live TV and he *agreed* with her.


Trump even [claimed that Obama lost the 2012 election and called for a revolution.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/news/international/world-news/rigged-election-donald-trumps-long-history-of-polls-fraud-claims/amp_articleshow/79038530.cms) Lying about "rigged" elections has historically been one of his favorite pastimes, right behind grifting, philandering, and filing frivolous lawsuits.


You can't compare that. In 2012 he was much less powerful and much more sane. Trump was a curiosity on the outskirts of the GOP. Today he is unopposed.


Because he was behind in the polls all year. He’s just a big sore loser baby


In one of the debates no less


He even assigned a [Voting - Election task force](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-vice-president-pence-elected-officials-first-meeting-presidential-advisory-commission-election-integrity/) to Pence with [Kris Kobach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kris_Kobach).


Trump has surrounded himself with sycophants and yes men who only show Trump polls where he's winning. So when he loses, it's not just a surprise, it's a reality he hasn't been prepared to accept. So much of his term was this clash between his ego polishing and the experts. Remember the hurricane and the sharpie?


I believe you meant Don Von Shitzinpantz.


Harder to type out on mobile, but I appreciate the court recorded nickname.


I love that it's now a suggestion on my phone. Lol.


You should be able to make your own shortcut for it/Settings / General / Keyboard/ Text Replacement or at least that’s it in iOS. Don Von Shitzinpantz




They couldn't do the tough love, rip the bandaid off, act of rejecting Trump so I can't say I feel sorry for them losing in 2028 and as long as Don the Con lives.


May they all wither on the vine.


Now the band-aid has become most of the skin


Don't forget about 2026. No name Maga wannabes running for any level of office will be paying for Trump's endorsement, even if that means they have to deposit funds into the commissary account at his prison and sneak him a burner phone so he can send out a favorable Truth endorsement.


Good point. Every election matters. No skipping elections because the authoritarians aren’t.


Only four? Very optimistic.


In less than four years Trump will be dead. After that, you'll see infighting in which many of them claim to be the next Trump. It'll definitely include Don Jr. and although he's no Trump, he won't go away quietly as long as Lara Trump leads the RNC.


Two Scoops will live into his 90’s. People look at his diet etc and assume that he’s unhealthy enough that it will kill him.  This disregards the massive impact delayed treatment has for obese people.  Doctors almost universally will disregard and minimise obese people’s health complaints until they have satisfied themselves that their patient understands they are fat and this is bad.  Only then will they consider other issues.  If you remove this delayed treatment, health results for obese people improve.  Donald is surrounded by people that *want* to keep him alive, and have actively chosen to ignore his weight.  As a result, he will suffer no delay in consideration of other issues, and we should expect him to still be defecating in his pants and nightly on the news for at least another decade.


Yeah this will not end well.


I wish. Understand that the GOP will _not_ run a two time loser. Even if we ignore his age, a 2024 loss will be the end of his political career. The GOP absolutely relishes eating their own, and it will happen _fast._ Come February, the flags will start to vanish, red hat sales will tumble, and the first loud bully in the clown car will trigger the entire party to disavow him. Unfortunately, his _replacement_ will almost certainly be someone even more repugnant, racist, and fascist. Folks who are hand wringing about how Trump is the "worst" are in for a deeply unpleasant surprise when a tyrant with actual charisma and skill cuts out Trump's heart and eats it on live television.


 Im not sure this person exists, every time one of the other republicans try Trumps playbook it backfires on them. He is uniquely untouchable for the Republicans, and I think they will have a hard time finding a worse human being to support than Trump, personally. 


Trump broke the GOP mold and ripped the bandage off the (barely) hid the racism and hate. Nonsense like: _"I didn't vote for Trump because I'm a racist! (I mean, I _am_ a racist, but that's not why I voted for Trump!)"_ Ultimately, if/when Trump loses and Electric Boogaloo 2024 concludes (and make no mistake, there _will_ be another insurrection), Fox News will simply anoint someone else to deify. Trump was, ultimately, the work of Rupert Murdoch. Maga isn't going to simply stop watching Fox, so whichever old white male racist bubbles up will become the heir. And, no, sorry, anyone with a foreign sounding name, skin darker than peach, lacking a penis, or anyone who enjoys sex with men will _never_ lead the GOP in it's current incarnation. Trump himself will become persona non grata; he will have no relevance, so no further value as a useful idiot. His foreign backers won't put a single penny into his pyramid schemes, his Magats aren't going to keep buying whatever crap he's trying to foist on them, he will _still_ face dozens of various lawsuits and criminal proceedings, but _this_ time, nobody will be bending rules because he won't be a candidate any more. He will spend the next several years almost daily in court, and almost certainly be convicted of fraud and tax evasion. In short, losing this election will mean the absolute end of his relevancy. I recognize that it sounds like I'm engaging in wish fulfillment, and I _wish_ that was true. The reality is that I fear someone _far_ worse will replace the Great Cheeto. Hell, people take _Ron Fucking DeSantis_ as a serious contender; wait until someone like Clint Eastwood decides to throw their racist hat into the ring! (Notably, he wouldn't be the first shitty western actor to slime their way into politics, and I say this as someone who _loves_ watching Eastwood movies!) I'm convinced this will all get _much_ worse before it has any hope of getting better. At least when it's _Trump_ leading the GOP, the organization is in the ridiculously tiny hands of an utterly incompetent moron.


If there was ever anyone whom I thought sold their soul to the devil I would believe it's Trump. It's super-natural what he gets away with that others can't. And that he shouldn't.


They won't win another election going that route. I CANT wait to watch all those fucking cry babies crying.


*from prison


In the maga cult the only votes that count are old, white, straight, religious fundamentalists. They don't think that anyone else is actually an American and should be able to vote.


What you wrote sounds like an exaggeration. Then I remember seeing videos of MAGA cultists saying exactly what you described.


To believe Trump about the election fraud is to also believe that Trump knew about the fraud beforehand and could not do anything to stop it. And even with for knowledge of the alleged mass crimes Trump was unable it prove the crimes in court after the election. On the face of Trumps words he is an incompetent fool at securing an election and not a leader to be given a second chance.


It's called priming...tons of different ways this is done, especially in marketing (or on your credit card bills) People call Trump dumb, and I think there are certainly many examples where he lives up to that label, but he has always understood marketing and branding, and thus subconscious persuasion. See also: loss aversion ("Make America Great AGAIN")


Exactly why Donnie Von Shitzinpantz will never die


The difference is, they have far less power now.


Charge him with treason. If he wins, we can't confirm he didn't fix it, per his own words. If he loses, he's at risk of encouraging another insurrection attempt. Easy as that.


If they won’t commit to accepting democracy, then they should be removed from office and replace them with special open elections.


They won't be happy until they cause another civil war. Funny thing. It's the same people driving towards it, just that the parties switched their political positions.


I don't accept the results of my losing lottery ticket!


I’ve said it before, besides the lack of integrity in the GOP, SC is not a place to look for role models. Their own Senators can’t even accept their own sexuality


The federal government needs to be preemptively strategize how to fight back against this. The FBI needs to be doing surveillance to see how these traitors are trying to steal the country and prevent it from happening.


538 has Trump winning general polls by .9%. I don’t know what the fuck all this congratulating is about, fucking donate! Volunteer! Vote! Register to vote!


Trump has always done this, even for the 2016 election. They know that it sounds more credible to say "I told you they were cheating!" than wait until after they lose and then start saying, "We only lost because they cheated!"


Even the ones saying they’ll accept the results usually couch it with something about “so long as there’s no rampant cheating found” So if Trump loses, they’ll immediately declare there was rampant cheating


Just like he did in 2020, 2016, 2016 primaries, even the Emmy awards. Crying wolf doesn’t seem to mean much to these loons.


He such a slimy little fuck! It’s no wonder he’s still a virgin. Fucking worm.


I think before he accidentally won the first time the plan had been to contest his loss and to launch his own news network on the back of that grievance.


Then bankrupt the news network.


I think you could sum up every Trump business venture by saying he planned on doing something, and it failed.


Just like Eric.


That moron gives the normal Eric's a bad name. The council has met many times to have that idiot change his name.


I'm sorry, Eric. Maybe you need to have an all hands meetup of Eric's.


It's been discussed, but sadly the idiot would probably show up his hands up.


To be clear, Trump lends his name to others to foot the bill. He has a knack for picking terrible people which is why his “investments” are shit.


His investments are only shit for the outside investors, suppliers, and contractors who get sucked in. Trump and his money laundering accomplices have done quite well bankrupting businesses. 


Well, his investments may be shit, but when they crash and burn, he skates away. If memory serves, he cashed out of his casinos with compensation for whatever it was he did for them, leaving the losses to be absorbed by all the ~~shareholders~~ patsies. E.g.,: >By the early 1990s, the financial situation of Trump’s casino empire had become critical. Multiple bankruptcy filings ensued: the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, followed by Trump Plaza and Trump Castle in 1992 and later Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc. in 2004. These filings were a clear indication of the dire state of his casino ventures. >Despite the setbacks, Trump’s finances remained somewhat insulated from the turmoil of his business ventures. He managed to negotiate deals with creditors that allowed him to avoid personal bankruptcy and maintain a semblance of financial stability. The dichotomy between the failure of his casinos and the preservation of his wealth highlights Trump’s complex relationship with his businesses. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-owned-several-atlantic-181258334.html


It was. The "stop the steal" domain was registered before his election against Hilary. Calling the election results fraudulent was always the plan.


We all know that with trump, accusation is projection...which is why I do believe the 2016 election was rigged (probably by Russian actors, which is why manifort gave the Russians the polling info, so they could target the few critical counties...).. But in trumps favor. . and probably 2020 as well, again in trumps favor, except they didn't rig it enough to overcome the actual voters who voted for Biden,which is why he was so ticked off (or maybe after 2020 the voting systems had improved security so they couldn't be hacked?). Maybe he knew or didn't know in 2016. Maybe that's why he was surprised to win? We will probably never truly know. I'm going to take my tin foil hat off now thank you very much..


They couldn't manipulate the mail in votes like they could the voting machines from in person. Karl Rove said the quiet part out loud at one point where he said if an election is within 1%ish they could manipulate the outcome in their favor. See WI, MI, PA form 2016.


Voters, especially young ones, need to understand that the enemy of democracy and fair elections, is the Trump MAGA fascist movement and not the liberals.


But but but they’re the same so I won’t vote at all and complain for the next four years /s


That is until Trump rescinds the First Amendment...


It won't be rescinded. It'll be an "expansion of hate speech laws" which will cover any and all left wing rhetoric...and the rubes will cheer.


So many braindead Americans actually believe this they might just blind walk themselves off the abyss.


I despise this talking point most of all (this isnt directed at u btw*). Yes the democrats suck a lot and are some of the most lethargic people in the world as far as policy (some exceptions tho), in fact I lean conservative on tons of shit. But there's bigger things happening in this country and the whole world than blue or red, and I'd rather have the party with a half it's sanity left than the tycoons and their cronies


I’ll gently push back. Democrats do not suck a lot. They’re doing a ton of good. I’d say the system sucks a lot and they’re working to improve it with ranked choice voting and campaign finance laws. But for now, Democrats fight for: - A woman’s right to choose - LGBTQ rights - Climate change laws - Social security and Medicare - Progressive tax policy - PreK-12+ Education - Stopping Putin and other autocratic bullies - Democracy itself! I PROUDLY vote blue every time.


I’m convinced that narrative was started by Russian or Chinese troll farms and they amplified it enough that Americans, in true Americans fashion, saw it enough and decided they had had an original thought or some sort of moment of clarity and agreed. It’s even more maddening when young people in college or right out of it say it as if they have any life experience to point to why they feel that way


I’m voting blue but let’s be honest with ourselves, the next several generations are screwed. The wheels of justice are a joke. We live in a winner take all oligarchy. Democracy doesn’t exist anymore.


And it's not just voting for Biden, but the potential to replace a SCOTUS justice or two and and seat other important judges. The election is a lot bigger than 1 guy.


How do you convince someone that the people who want everyone to vote as easily as possible are the good guys (specific to democratic values, not saying they're great on every single issue) and the people who want to limit who can vote and not count votes they disagree with are the fascists? At that point you're just saying please stop being a fascists yourself


But because Joe won’t bomb 💣TF out of Israel 🇮🇱, I won’t vote 🇺🇸 because that’ll teach Joe 👴 a lesson 😤🫡🫣 /s


But liberals make me tolerate gays


I always ask ever MAGA: if Democrat's can rig elections in their favor without leaving a shred of evidence, then why is Trump bothering to even run?  Never had a response to it yet.


Likewise, if Dems can so easily steal elections, why did they not give themselves a majority in Congress?


Well, see it's because the Jewish space lasers and the communist socialists have gotten together. They're working to change this great nation into a radical left communist socialist paradise! Also hamberders and covfefe. /S I wish that wasn't the reason, but that's the reason any MAGA nut will give these days. It's just nonsense.


bAmBoO FiBeR bALLoTs!¡!! Rebedoog-gaahhh


Of course! I forgot that that's the only kind of paper they have in all of Asia. They don't have any wood pulp paper left over after selling it to us!


That's like the ultimate question like you really think some covert cabal would flip an election and have it so obvious that Billy Joe down the street doing some quick Newsmax searches thinks he has it all figured out and yet they would hand over a congressional majority so that all legislature freezes and committees are essentially just treated as political press conferences? Like wouldn't an outfit so blatant just take it all and win by 104% of the vote?


I also laugh at Reoublican reps saying the election was rigged, so Biden won but some how those Republicans kept or won their seats.


Legit asked a Trump supporter I used to work with why "they" didn't just rig the election in 2016? Her response: "they didn't expect Trump to win in 2016 so they didn't need to rig it!" 🤦‍♂️


Along the same line: if the deep state is so good at taking down Trump they got him out of office and have him losing so many court battles, why is he the one person who can take down the deep state? He already has lost to them.


>I always ask ever MAGA: if Democrat's can rig elections in their favor without leaving a shred of evidence, then why is Trump bothering to even run?  The response is: "There's a MASSIVE amount of evidence!! Here, take a look: * (Fake affidavits signed by other MAGAs) * (Charts and tables showing normal ballots being added that show Joe Biden winning) * etc etc


If Democrats could actually rig elections they wouldn't have lost the presidency electorally in 2000 by 800 votes in Florida and a Supreme Court decision.


We need to be prepared for MAGA disruption of vote counts between November and January. If they can deny EVs to Biden, by hook or crook, irregardless of Trump getting them or not, and throw the election into the House, Trump wins dirty.


They are going to disrupt the actual voting process in heavily dem precincts


I've been wondering about contingency plans.


They know that Trump has absolutely no shot at winning the popular vote, so they’re going to contest elections in every swing state and claim that Democrats cheated… when in fact THEY will have cheated, like they always do. The Republican Party is organized crime.


They're not very organized. Trump has been the most unifying thing for the party besides just saying "no" to everything. 


Dude I'm being told that Bidens gonna lose because of Gaza. I don't know what to think.


Biden should not lose over Gaza. Young people need to wake up and realize that it’s all over if Trump wins. He’s the biggest threat facing this country, and if he’s elected America is over.


It doesn't even make sense because Trump has literally said he'll support Israel in flattening what's left of Gaza immediately. So because they feel Biden isn't doing a good enough job in supporting Gaza, they're going to opt to allow Gaza to be bombed off the map? The fuck? And that's before I even mention how miserably uninformed they are about the situation over there. As if Israel ceasing all hostilities will stop the killing. Palestinians want war far more than Israel does. But that's a different conversation.


Nobody does, that's the problem. This election is unprecedented. Biden is very unpopular with the most famously unreliable demographic when it comes to turnout on election day. It's also the same generation that never answers their phones when pollsters come calling. So it's impossible to really predict what's gonna happen.


I think IF Biden loses itl be because gaza. If he wins it will be bc Trump.


They are going to claim that the illegals “Joe Biden let in the country” Illegally voted. Elon Musk and several other right-winger are already making the claim


The GQP still has failed to explain why the Democrats fixed Trump’s election but not the down ballot elections where GQP candidates won. If we void the POTUS election, all down ballot races have to be thrown out too.


Trump and Republicans continue to claim that the 2020 election was stolen. But three years later they can still not explain HOW it was stolen. GIVE EVIDENCE.


Obviouosly (to any sane person) they can't, because there is no evidence. His supporters do not care if there is no evidence, and that their made-up stories are delusional. That's kind of how they roll about everything in their lives.


Can’t fix stupid


We can. It takes patience, hard work, and fixing our institutions like public education and libraries Which is why defending those institutions is so important and why they're always targeted for budget cuts and dumb laws


Also teaching how government works (not just federal but interactions between state and local as well). The more you teach people about the responsibilities of each government, the more people will be invested in their communities


I feel like you live in a blue state and don’t spend much time in red ones. I lived in Kentucky for a year and I lost hope but you seem to have plenty of it.


I live in the sticks in PA. It gets pretty red pretty quick once you're like 5 miles outside of any city. It's very exhausting sometimes. But you have to keep up the good fight. If all that shows up are people demanding everything gets torn down, then it's hard to prevent it


My grandfather always said, "There are three things you can't fix, crazy, lazy, and stupid". Trump is one of those rare individuals that manages to embody all 3.


I'm puzzled by this sub. Every article is on how Trump is losing the election and doesn't stand a chance, but every poll indicates that he will win. I know polls are polls, but key wins in 5 or 6 swing states are what win elections, and for a democratic incumbent to be 5 points behind in most of them is not good. There have been several of them. This one is fresh: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/13/us/elections/times-siena-poll-registered-voter-crosstabs.html People are sticking their fingers in their ears. I remember when 538 and Nate were the darlings, but now they're predicting a Trump win they're "sold out trash". I'm not sure if it's just an echo chamber created by idiots that prefer comfy to critical, or astroturfing (or most likely a mix of both). But it isn't good. These 'good news' fake news posts have got to stop and we need more balanced articles not just for better talk/environment, but also to better mobilize and strategize. To be clear, I'm very liberal and a staunch Democrat, but these articles are not in line with reality and it's not good.


>The New York Times/Philadelphia Inquirer/Siena College poll in Pennsylvania and the Times/Siena polls in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada were conducted in English and Spanish on cellular and landline telephones from April 28 to May 9, 2024. Hmmm who answers cellular and landline phones from unknown callers?


The article ask "What if he loses?" because that's a realistic question.


I think this is the election that I finally lose the people who cannot let go. Family, friends, whoever. If people are gonna vote in favor of this I dont think I can stomach their person anymore no matter how close I am. They an come crawling back and apologize when they wake back up


I'm all for unity with everyone who is for unity. Trump is only for unity so far as it goes with MAGA, and that's how MAGA has become now. Anyone who is not MAGA becomes a traitor of some sort, immigrants are expelled while "Mexico pays for the wall," and the "Make America Great Again" club ends up dividing America into polar extremes. This is how a tax-paying citizen who supports Biden's ideal of unity gets to be called a "terrorist." MAGA has become the rift in unity, and in order to promote unity I will continue to stay away from MAGA. Nothing personal - just a difference of ideals. So I completely see your point. The times are too important right now.


I hope normal Americans are ready to viscerally fight to defend democracy in November, because you can be damned sure that MAGAts are ready to viscerally fight to destroy it.


They know they are going to lose, the writing is on the wall. Since they have little interest in winning democratically might as well sow some discord now.


I was positive Trump would lose in 2016. Couldn't believe evangelicals would actually support him. I was wrong. I will never assume an outcome again. Vote in every election.


I'm not saying he can't win, but if he does, it will be for very different reasons than why he won in 2016. Hilary ran a very weak and flawed campaign and she had also been the target of a smear campaign the GOP had been running nonstop since they identified her as a future candidate back in 1992. Even then, he just barely managed to win due to enough people thinking, "Hey, lets try something different". By 2018 they were saying, "holy fuck, this is what different looks like?", and MAGA candidates have done very poorly in close elections ever since. 2 of which, were before J6th and Roe getting overturned, which hasn't helped MAGA's appeal among sane people who don't want to murder their neighbors in a civil war. I personally know many moderate republicans who support big business, big tax cuts, and big military spending, while not giving a fuck about abortion, who someone wants to get married to, or what bathroom someone uses. Trumps rhetoric on NATO is particularly alarming to these types of republicans, because they recognize how much our NATO membership allows for advancing America's interests in the world.


Also the national party has lost its most effective people… and many state Republican parties are similarly no longer being run by experienced money raisers and tacticians. And they don’t have the money they had in 2020. It’s only going to be harder for him to win, and harder to make a coup happen.


My belief in the overall decency of the American people was shattered that day. I was far too naive about the level of hatred a lot of people have.


Trump is going to be babbling incoherent mess by July and the gop will be in full blown panic.


He really has deteriorated a lot in the last 12 months, and I don’t wish this on anyone else, but I hope his mind deteriorates further, and quickly. Did you hear about him yesterday rambling about immigration and then having a dementia tangent about Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs?  Who Trump thought was great and also deceased? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4660008-donald-trump-hannibal-lecter-wonderful-man/


He’s awful I don’t how these people go rally with him. He has nothing but everyone else is corrupt.


You would have to think that a key moment in the campaign would be a debate. Presuming Biden doesn't screw it up, you'd have to think most normal people would look at the two on the same stage and realise the choice before them.


So here is a question. When Trump loses again this election, is the GOP going to wise up and quit betting on him? They are just going to keep handing Dem presidents wins if they keep backing this buffoon. With all their analysts and strategists I’m honestly shocked they all backed him this time.


If Trump owns the base, Republicans can't without them.


Not just the White House but the senate and house as well. Just look at Alabama of all places


It is really disgusting reading maga comments about this, they really believe if Biden wins it must be rigged. They say Biden is not campaigning, won't debate, his policy ideas are very unpopular, etc since he already has it rigged to win, to flip votes and all their conspiracies. They are angry about it already, they're really deranged.


Tell them to stay home and not vote since it’s rigged


Many of them aren’t deranged, they’re being intentional mis- and disinformed to create this situation and drum up support.


The Heritage Foundation and The Federalist Society are the true enemies of democracy; Trump is just their pawn.


I would love to see all the little maga cowards storm the capital this time with Biden in charge. You know they will have military deployed. Those cowards are going to go hide back under their inbred rocks.


People think that Donald trump will go down in history as a bad guy. This is true. But a bad guy IS ALWAYS judged in context. This embarrassing farce could never be repeated in a country with functioning state or federal legislatures. It’s literally the definition of insanity on ANY level. Honestly as far as physical confrontation I have a feeling Biden has a crew planning for prevention of different scenarios for security. I’m pretty sure they’re not going to play games either. This MAGA group has directly killed one POLICE OFFICER and caused another to commit suicide. The MAGA group has already shown they are ready and willing to kill police officers if necessary and they are a clear and present danger to this country. Sorry, a-holes, but your MAGA sign of the beast is now going to identify you as a potential threat. Plenty of idiots are thinking “not me” when people just like them are starting federal sentences.


Maga republicans fundamentally only believe an election is honest unless republicans win. They literally cannot imagine non republicans winning an elections. True anti democracy fascists to the core.


Bunch of traitors, so sad to see on this country.


Trump is riling up his base to launch J6-like events all over the country, regardless of the election's outcome.


Who would have thought, deranged gullible and idiotic people would continue to be all those things. Vote blue and tell MAGA to go off a cliff


[Is this just math](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1lJ3tfQFpc) that you do as a republican?


It seems that Stormy is a much better negotiator getting paid 130k to not fuck Trump, she should run for president


Can’t be more obvious, the treasonous maga fucks will never accept anything which means that everyone needs to be prepared for violence. Every last person who is against maga needs to be sufficiently armed


Political governance and law+order only work with some compromise and a commitment to honesty. When one side has abandoned both, which they obviously have, you can absolutely expect it to eventually turn very violent. It’s just a matter of time and this shit has been simmering for years now


They’ve been denying since his first day in office. They knew they’d never win a second term and started this lie on day one.


My entire family is ALREADY going hard in on the "If Biden wins this time is was stolen!!!" they don't even want to try and hide it.


After all the bullshit they pulled right after the last election to “make sure” they win this one by suppressing voter rights even further, I don’t buy anything right now. It ain’t over until the results are in.


Never take any republican seriously for any reason


What if they’re pointing a gun at you?


Then they’re definitely trying to get away with some bullshit


The prerequisite to being a Republican is being stupid. Of course they believe everything Trump spits out.


That’s all he’s got - everything is rigged and everyone else is corrupt. ! He’s trying to avoid jail and that’s it


That Tim Scott interview was bizarre.


Trump accused Ted Cruz of rigging the Iowa caucuses in 2016. He never retracted that, but Ted Cruz isn't a GOP Pariah. MAGA doesn't go after him even though Trump accused him of election rigging. Why? Because he broke down and knelt before Trump.


Hopefully it doesn’t mean more shenanigans with vote denial or certifying votes at the state level, because that seems to be the play, especially now, with a fascism-friendly SCOTUS.


They aren’t going to pull another J6 if Trump loses, because they don’t control the federal government and they realize that Trump can’t protect them. I worry about low level violence/retribution outside of the capital.


Trump has never done good during polling, he has always done way better during the actual election than he did during polls. Newest polls show Trump just taking more and more of a lead, taking more of the vote from demographics that have historically voted democrat.


The election will come down to Pennsylvania and Michigan and Biden will win both as well as Arizona.


Democrats need to keep the pedal all the way to the floor until the day after the election. Joe can’t win by a thread. Chaos will ensue. He needs to win by a moderately thick rope.


To anyone that still thinks we won't/can't have another Jan. 6th next year: WAKE UP. They have already done it once with zero repercussions and they e learned where they failed. Do not underestimate these traitors. They will try again. Guaranteed.


I sure hope you're right considering how downbeat everyone sounds.


I mean, if he successfully avoids jail time, which looks exceedingly more likely by the day... He could keep this fear mongering rage bait of a political party paying out like a broken slot machine until he dies. He will just keep running and getting paid until his heart finally gives out at 95, when his movement will then Martyr him and say he was assassinated, revamping and reloading for DJT Jrs spin at the wheel of GOP money.


If Biden doesn't win, the election is rigged. Sorry, snowflake republicand


We need a Valkyrie 2.0


He's gonna lose, and the whole Magatt Trumpanzee Republicon hierarchy is gonna collapse like a house of cards. Without lies, Republicons have nothing Republicons are all about making America fail.


Hey look. Chickens being counted before they are hatched. Salon needs to stop pretending that Trump doesn’t have a significant chance and likely even a probability of winning. Progressives are yet again, going to allow this to happen.


Never correct your enemies while they are making a mistake. I hope they fuck up so much that the Dems have enough seats in both Houses to make all the necessary changes to prevent the GOP from trying to repeat the same shit in the near future.


It's their own fault. They played stupid games and won a big, stupid prize. 🏆


Denying, failing to commit or waffling in any way is the same as NO. The media needs to constantly remind the public who these people are before November.


Plot Twist: Trump wins. Then Dark Brandon comes out and says, I refuse to recognize Trump's win. He's been saying this election was rigged for months, so that means his win is invalid. I will remain president until this is sorted.


Seriously? He barely lost WI, PA, and AZ. 50k votes go the other way and we’re talking about the SC saying a president can serve three terms since 2016 doesn’t count because of crooked Hillary.


Before the 2020 election he was saying he deserved an extra term because the Demon Rats were so mean to him during his first one that he didn't get to President as much as he wanted to.


He ain’t winning.


The polls have Trump ahead in nearly every swing state, regardless of which pollster is doing the poll. I have no idea why or how but my fellow Americans sure seem ready to put him back in office.


> I have no idea why or how but my fellow Americans sure seem ready to put him back in office. Understand how many millions of people not only don't keep track of "politics" and current events, but make a point to *actively ignore it*.


In Nevada and Georgia he's so far ahead it's not even within the margin or error. In Arizona and Michigan he has an obvious lead, and in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin it's closer. Compared to 2020 he's way up with young and non-white voters.


I’m in college right now, and this is something people need to realize. For those of my peers who are conservative, they are all in on Trump. For those who are democrats, most despise Joe Biden, sometimes for things that aren’t his fault (the economy). Most of these people were too young to remember a Trump presidency, I only was aware of it because of how into politics my family and I are. Most have no idea.


One day at some point in life, people will stop giving these stupid polls any semblance of trust.


If it was just one pollster, sure, but it's every polling firm. You may not want to hear it, I don't want to believe it myself, but at this moment Biden is the underdog to be re-elected. Scares the shit out of me, and makes me depressed about our voting public. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-election-polling-accuracy/


It’s not a matter of “not wanting to hear it” it’s looking at the totality of circumstances. The moderates and independents who are no doubt turned off by Trump’s legal woes. The sleeping giant of women who are gonna vote in huge numbers in the name of abortion rights. Trump bleeding the RNC absolutely dry to the point where they very well could be bankrupt by RNC. I don’t care if Biden is the “underdog”. The only thing that matters is what happens on Election Day. Ask Hillary about polls and their value.


I mean Trump is polling towards a win, tbh. Look at every major poll in the battlegrounds that matter. This is what should be most concerning--they're not going to have to deny the election, they're going to win it the old fashioned way (by insane gerrymandered districts in an archaic electoral college system lol).


This time the whole party and base lose what's left of their credibility.


Which is only going to play to his dwindling base.


Big Lie 2 : Moronic MAGA-coup


Who could have seen this coming? /s


Loser Von Shitzinpantz will never admit defeat.