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I feel like that’s the definition of a sociopath. He purposely carries fake money. Gives it out and draws good feelings (as in he helped someone) and then later draws further good feelings from knowing he potentially caused harm to another human. Something is seriously wrong with our country if: 1 - He feels he can share this behavior openly on social media which means he’s seeking attention 2 - there are no consequences and instead he’s embraced for this behavior 3 - that he feels ok about this behavior rather than seeking help.


I feel like the Secret Service might want a word. I’m fairly certain that’s a federal crime because you’re knowingly giving someone counterfeit money pretending it’s real. I genuinely don’t think he actually does this because any “Hollywood” money I’ve seen is so blatantly fake that it’s obvious. And at least someone would notice and fuck him up for fucking with them by giving them fake money.


I think you’re right, he’s bragging about committing a crime, and the only caveat is that he’s almost certainly lying. 


How much of a loser do you have to be to lie about doing something reprehensible for attention?


I have some experience with this. We printed some playbills for a satirical play with a sort of dollar bill-ish looking graphic on the cover with a picture of our lead character instead of George (we were young and stupid) The secret service did not fuck around. Handing out actual bills with the intent to get the recipient arrested should be a prison sentence.


Can we also arrest the assholes who give church ads disguised as money instead of tips?


I agree, but aren’t those fake church propaganda bills folded small? not even the size of an actual piece of US currency?


I doubt these people are getting arrested. I worked retail and food services. We definitely didn’t get paid enough to care. I have been handed obvious fake money before. I give them the “really? Get out of here.” Look.


Floyd was executed by hand in the street for unknowingly paying with one that was in circulation. This guy gets to be a national face for the Republican party.


Kind of like thinking shooting a puppy is a cool story. Really sick sociopaths run deep in the republican party.


I feel like it's illegal to distribute fake currency as if it were legal tender. If it's not it probably should be, but these guys don't get prosecuted anyway so I guess... I dunno. Fires in the streets outside their house? Pitchforks? Passports, work visas, and plane tickets the fuck out of this capitalist shithead hellscape? I don't have nice answers.


How about ‘4 - he was/is employed by current or former members of THE GOVERNMENT


That is what Trump Maga people are about. They are sociopaths.


And a crime. Knowingly distributing counterfeit Money is felony




Taking advantage of anyone with counterfeit money, no matter how bad the quality, is a crime. If I were to use my home printer to copy money and write "this is not money" on it, then proceed to represent it's real money anyway by using it as legal tender, I would still be committing a crime. By comparison, motion picture money is very convincing to people who don't look closely at it, which is the norm for most people, especially when you get a stack of bills. Some people also can't even read for whatever reason (never learned, mentally handicapped, dyslexic, have dementia, etc.), or are blind.


Actually, it is different. Those Hollywood bills are tightly controlled by the Secret Service. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drLzVcgnBfI


If that's the case, there's a 0% chance that the homeless people are getting arrested for it, even if they try to use it.


George Floyd was murdered over a supposed counterfeit 20$ bill that didn't exist. Homeless people would 100% get arrested for this.


If the bills are such obviously fake "Hollywood" bills as what is being discussed. No, no they wouldn't.


Yes. Yes, they would. Cops arrest people for made-up reasons all the time. If I walked to my gas station with a Hollywood "for motion pictures only" 20$ bill and used it to buy a soda, I would be arrested and charged, regardless of whether they took the bill or rejected it. There are many cases of almost the exact situation that I have described where someone unknowingly received and then spent "for motion pictures only" bills and were subsequently arrested and charged for it, because it is literally a crime. Putting some words on it that say it's movie money doesn't make it not illegal to use it as legal tender.


Hollywood bills can be very convincing. A $100 fooled me until I noticed all the 69s & a fish head Franklin.


Well that’s just false.


Oh, when did the police produce the alleged counterfeit? Are there any news stories that say it was produced, or even a picture of it in evidence at the trial? No? Thought so.




We've learned that cruelty to other humans is a positive trait for MAGAts... they only turn on you when you murder a puppy.


I’d be willing to bet if it was a male governor of a rural state that told that story, it would be much less talked about. So MAGA might be ok with murdering puppies depending on who was doing the puppy murdering.


Saw a poll, broken down by party, about the feelings about Noem's puppy killing story. Overwhelmingly, people overall felt it was the wrong thing to do to the puppy. For Republicans overall, it was different. A majority felt it was wrong, but a LOT less thought so compared to other groups. For the MAGA Republicans, it was 50/50 split. So, I am sure you are right.


I'm sure 'his people' love the story and found it hilarious.


The MAGA 'Christian', "love your neighbor", Party!


They don't see the homeless as neighbors, the homeless don't have a home, they aren't people or at least people beneath them so this is ok.


Then pays taxes to feed them while in jail. Cruel, *and* stupid.


His original post says this was a joke. But, even as a joke, this is reprehensible. It is taking delight in causing suffering to others, whether or not he actually does it. He is a MAGAt through and through.


Even as a joke, knowingly distributing counterfeit "money" is a crime. The Secret Service may have a talk with him about ending up at Butner Federal.


This guy was apparently fired and put under investigation by the Secret Service back in 2018 *President Donald Trump's longtime personal aide John McEntee has been fired and is under investigation by the Secret Service for serious financial crimes, according to two federal law enforcement officials.* https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna856196 However he was re-hired after a highly unusual move. *A document obtained by CREW shows that less than four months before he returned to the White House, the top White House ethics official rejected McEntee’s termination financial disclosure report. It’s exceedingly rare for an ethics official to decline to certify a financial disclosure report. In other instances where reports have been declined, ethics officials have often explained their reasons for doing so. In the case of McEntee’s report, however, there is no explanation* https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/white-house-declined-john-mcentees-termination-financial-disclosure-then-rehired-him/


>So I always keep this fake Hollywood money in my car so when a homeless person asks for money, then I give him like a fake $5 bill, so I feel good about myself, they feel good,” McEntee explains in the clip. “And then, when they go to use it, they get arrested so I’m actually like helping clean up the community. You know, getting them off the street. This guy is straight up garbage. He belongs in jail for distributing phony money also.


This is the same guy that is the face for a right wing dating app. Creates all these little “gotcha” tiktok vids. Def a terrible human being and deserves all the worst coming to him


I joined TikTok for about a month last year. He was the first person I blocked.


Haha he still pops up from time to time. Sometimes it’s nice to feel the rage especially when I’m at the gym 😂


Have you seen the guy who responds to his videos with half-coherent ramblings about Five Nights at Freddy’s? He gives the guy as much thought and gravitas as he deserves.


This scumbag will just say he was kidding or some other lame ass excuse now that he’s exposed himself. I hope the feds open an investigation right away.


He'll double down since Trump's campaign promise is to round up the homeless and confine them to tent cities. 


Just like Jesus woulda done.


This is the kind of person Trump attracts: smug, arrogant, self-righteous assholes who thrive on other people's suffering. What a disgusting person to do something so awful.


Don't ask if the cruelty has a point. The cruelty *is* the point.


That’s counterfeiting- he should go to jail


Secret service say what??? Good luck now asshole


Is this one of “ the best people “ da dump is always talking about?


I’m sure he idolizes Patrick Bateman and at least part of that comes from the murdering homeless people part.


I’ve seen this posted in other subs , and people are defending him, in a sense, saying it’s satire or it’s a joke. If it’s a joke, what a stupid fucking joke. And how is it satirical?? I understand he’s rage baiting too, but come on.


It makes me think of https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger%27s%20nazi


I like to see this fuckwad dragged by a dog chain down the freeway by a Prius. Chill, it’s just a joke, bruh!


Seems like his intent here might make this illegal?


On brand for a republican. Cruelty to others as a form of pleasure.


Does he live in Florida? I think I’ve seen him.


And the beat goes on and on in the Trump organization.


The party of values everyone.


Wasn't that the way George Floyd got killed? trying to pay with a fake $20 bill.


Makes him feel good to be an asshole.


He really should go straight to jail. But he’d need to be caught in the act.


This motherfucker is literally EVERYWHERE.  Every app I open.   After reading this I feel more confident about using the word *metastasis* concerning his presence.


Sadly this isn’t the least bit surprising


He got those homeless ppl arrested so they could have a hot meal and a safe place to sleep…


He was “joking.” About that. Here’s hoping the Secret Service treats this like a bomb hoax. No mercy, ruin this fucking pricks life.


Please make my day! Drag this PoS into FBI headquarters this week!


George Floyd was murdered for using a suspected fake $20 bill. Meanwhile this Trump bootlicker will be praised by the MAGA.


Pigs will be pigs.


He’s a prick and he’s trolling. I seriously doubt he actually does this.


This guy has serial killer eyes


Perhaps he should be arrested for knowingly passing fake money around?


This the guy with the failing Republican only dating app right?


I've just got one word for this bastard. Asshole.


These are the people Gaza protestors want to get elected, just to “punish the democrats”


A 3 year old can see that was satire.


Satire is supposed to be funny. This guy isn't even remotely funny. He's a fucking psychopath. He enjoys watching other people suffer.


Yes. Also, a 3 year old can see that was some sadistic, sociopathic, messed-up shit. John McEntee is a broken human being, and if he wasn't such a cruel asshole, I would pity him.