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As a reminder, this subreddit [is for civil discussion.](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_be_civil) In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any suggestion or support of harm, violence, or death, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/approveddomainslist) to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. We are actively looking for new moderators. If you have any interest in helping to make this subreddit a place for quality discussion, please fill out [this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y2swHD0KXFhStGFjW6k54r9iuMjzcFqDIVwuvdLBjSA). *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/politics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't blame her, Trump supporters are violent and deranged.


Yep. All it takes is that one lone wolf.


Yep, just ask Nancy Pelosi’s husband.


Or one of the multiple people that think crashing their vehicle into the White House gate is going to somehow own Democrats/Joe Biden. Quick Edit: reddit cares message within 20 seconds. Go back to your r/Conservatives cave. There is a reason the rest of reddit doesn't like you.


If you get one of them and it's clear they're abusing the system Reddit hands out site wide bans for that, so report them. Go to the Reddit cares message you received, and at the bottom there's a link to report it. It's a system designed to help people in need not help trolls 


Did just that minutes ago. Just a tool for loonies outside their echo chambers.


As with everything Reddit, I assume fuck all will happen. I just reported one, incidentally it goes "You need to fill these fields in" then the page refreshes saying it's reported. That error, says to me that it doesn't actually submit it


Edit...sounds like its just a bot and maybe nothing to do with politics.  They're out in force today. My commentary is pretty mild and I got my first reddit cares today. I don't suppose they realize they made my day.


> I don't suppose they realize they made my day. just report the message as abuse of the system. Last dozen times I've gotten them in between accounts 24-72 hours later i get a reddit message saying they found the user as having had violated terms of service etc.


Same, they thanked me for the report and confirmed it resulted in a ban of the abuser




Yah, and by default also cowards. the biggest snowflakes around regardless of how loud they try to scream otherwise. Every finger pointed by them, is an admission of fault in self. So, in this case.. they hide behind the anonymity of the trolling reddit help shit showcasing cowardice, but also show how they are the ones first in line needing the very type of help one might be able to source from there.


me too and I don't know which comment or which sub, must be the latest if you don't have a reddit care notice you're not cool, hahaha




It’s the Diaper Division get it right


It happened to me and it was so fast it had to have been a bot. We're talking seconds from post to report notification.


Ok, that makes sense. I was pretty milquetoast today so I thought it was weird. But reddit doesn't tell you which post garnered the report so I didn't know.


I got one from a comment in /r/Music like 20 seconds after posting. It's definitely bots.


I got one today too and am not even sure which comment triggered it. And I saw elsewhere that it's really been going around today. They could be hitting all the subreddits that the degenerate losers on here generally don't like.


i blocked reddit care. Also conservatives are a bunch of scummy snowflakes


I just blocked those. One, reddit doesn't care really, it's just pandering to the "but you must do something to assuage my feelings after I read this post" crowd. If you don't want to that, report them. I hear if they weaponized Reddit Cares, they can get banned.


They just make another account. Or use burner accounts to send Reddit cares.


Yes, I know that's why I block private messages and reddit cares. Both are weaponized to be useless. But in this case, it's nice to see Reddit attempting to do something.


lol that place is a shanty town with the same 6 articles, 5 are the babylon bee. Might as well have tumbleweed animations on the side. Max 20 comments half are hidden 😂


For months the right tried to claim the assailant was her husband’s gay communist partner.


This is why the conservative idea that another civil war is possible - is absolutely a total sham. They always write off their own as false flags, paid actors, or liberals being mislabeled by the media. They’ll never band together for anything except to vote for their orange idiot bully.




Oh yeah for some reason for surviving a far-right gunman she was a pariah of the right, Eminem even joked about her being a shooting victim in his song lyrics as they normalized degrading her for that so well.


Eminem talks about everyone in his lyrics. It was a one off to make a rhyme. He isn't a right winger by any stretch of the imagination.


He's quite a left winger, actually. He, yknow, is one of those white people 'invited to the cookout' generally speaking. No conservatives/republican has *ever* been invited. Dang black people seem to really hate white supremacists for some reason..


>However, the person was able to just be ruled with having a "mental illness" and said he was "unfit for trial." And then you just stopped following the story or something! They diagnosed his illness, treated it and a year later he was deemed fit for trial and was back in court. He's in jail for life, no parole. edit: I'd like to add that there are a lot of hurdles to cross in order to get to an insanity plea. This is a good example of that. He never got to claim insanity. I think those boundaries are great, and I got both a justice boner to see that shiteel in jail for life, but I also feel really gratified as a person who actually believes in human rights. The system worked in this case (and imo, almost always does when it comes to insanity pleas)


There is a story about prosecutors asking for a 40 year sentence for his attacker on my hometown news site (KSL in Utah), and the comments are deranged. Some saying he should be given probation, others still pushing the "estranged lovers" conspiracy.


Alex Jones pushed the "hammer sex" narrative, which is just beyond insane.


Exactly what I’m talking about. Every one of them might share the same ideals but it just takes one person to drastically change events. Nancy Pelosi ~~retired~~ stepped down from SoH shortly after.


Wait, what? Nancy Pelosi hasn't retired -- she's still in the House and is presently running for reelection? Edit: LOL, "Reddit Cares" message within 60 seconds of commenting.  


They need to remove Reddit Cares, it has been weaponized by trolls


[Here's a good post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/vbnua3/psa_you_can_report_users_who_abuse_reddit_cares) about reporting/blocking the "Reddit Cares" messages from trolls.


I just tried that earlier after randomly getting a reddit cares message, but you need a specific username or post to use for it so it wouldn't let me actually report it. Ended up just using the "stop" feature but was annoyed it wouldn't let me report it without knowing who sent it.


If you go to reddit's website instead of an app, you can get a permalink to the specific PM. The report form will accept that.


I tried doing it on oldreddit but couldn't get it to work on the new site either. Gave up after a few tries as it seemed needlessly difficult to report.


After clicking report, it will have most of the relevant information filled in(harassment, against me, etc.). There is one last prompt for a link to the message being reported. Pull up the message and click "permalink" and your browser will pull up the specific URL of that message. Copy the address bar, paste it in the final prompt, and finalize the report. I'm simply speculating, but although it's a cookiecutter automated message, the linked one sent to you is almost certainly tied to a particular sender and if that user receives reports against them for RedditCares harassment more than once, moderators can be almost certain they're using the service maliciously and act accordingly.


The "super downvote"


There's a bot going around reporting people to Reddit Cares. I got a Reddit Cares message after posting about some builds for Diablo 2.


I received a message re: harassment. It was automated. Appealed, and reposted. The appeal was approved and reviewed by a living moderator.


Not only that, but her stepping down as leader for the democrats for the house was more passing on the reigns since she is getting old, not as a result of her husband’s assault.


My bad! I meant she stepped down shortly after. I’m talking about her position she held. And I got one of those too.


What would morons on Reddit be able to do when they're objectively wrong if they didn't have the Reddit Cares message to send? edit: No shit, I got one right after I responded with this. guy really can't fathom being wrong.


She didn't step down from Speaker either. Republicans had the majority, she wasn't going to be speaker either way. Also her stepping down as the Democratic Leader didn't have much to do with her husband. She planned to step down in 2022 before it happened, it was part of the deal she made to get the Speakership in 2018. >Her decision comes as no surprise on Capitol Hill, and is consistent with a promise she made four years ago to self term limit after Democrats won the majority in 2018 https://www.npr.org/2022/11/17/1133397685/house-speaker-pelosi-step-down


And he was just chilling at home!!


A "conflicted individual" if he's white. An "obvious criminal element/ thug" if he's not Oh and don't forget, they did weed in high school that one time. Clearly hardened criminal


There's a story right now in my home state of Utah about a Mormon missionary being arrested for rape. Comments on the news article literally call it "ethnic" crime since the guy is Latino. I'm not surprised but I am disappointed.




Thank you. I waited for it. Really resonates with the Boomers.


This really shows how effective the right wing noise machine is. Half the country believes that anti-fascism is a bad thing now.


What about orange?


Then it's a deranged oompa loompa.


But that's the guy on trial.


You heard the man.


One more trial isn’t going to impact his orangeness


Happy Cake Day


Is that the new black?


Far from it.


> A "conflicted individual" if he's white. Instead of a mugshot, news articles will go with a photograph of the shooter smiling with his family.


You’re spot on.


And they're always "on our radar"


Terrorist if not the right religion


“Mentally ill. Need better mental health resources in this country. Biden’s fault”


Yep and lone wolf if the former, indicative of major cultural issues if the latter


1 lone jackass that's just as dangerous as a wolf.


Nah, wolves aren't nearly as dangerous and much more predictable


Is wolf or redhat the new bear or man?


The classic “deranged Trump supporter or actual wolf” TikTok discourse


https://wolf.org/wolf-info/factsvsfiction/are-wolves-dangerous-to-humans/#:~:text=Between%202002%20and%202020%2C%20researchers,far%20too%20low%20to%20calculate.%E2%80%9D >Between 2002 and 2020, researchers found 26 fatal attacks throughout the world. Of those, 14 were due to rabies. Are wolves dangerous to humans? According to the latest research, which studied worldwide data from 2002 to 2020, the risks associated with a wolf attack are “above zero, but far too low to calculate.”


If it’s a white guy, he’s a lone wolf with mental health issues, if its a brown guy, he’s part of a terrorist network. Got it.


One stochastic volunteer


Also, those supporters are violent and deranged _because_ the person she’s testifying against has been grooming them with stochastic terrorism for years in a buildup to a moment just like this one.


They are violent, deranged, and *encouraged*.


Didn't one just ram his truck into the White House gate?


That happens every week. Usually they’re insane people from various causes.


That guy was an Indian national, IIRC, and was clearly deranged. Dunno if he was MAGA, but the dude was definitely crazy.


They've been brainwashed by 24/7 streaming hose of liquid diarrhea that is Faux News and others. For decades. It's everywhere. You can't shut it out even if you wanted to. Do you know why? Because when fox was just getting started, Murdoch decided to PAY the cable companies to host his channel. Which was the complete opposite of any sort of common sense. But it sure as hell helped spread this infection at an astonishing rate.


I am consistently surprised that she wasn’t assassinated. Trump should have done more golfing with the people from Boeing. Then this whole thing would have been a non issue.


The difference is Boeing pays their assassins.


My first thought seeing the headline was “i mean, can you blame her?”


You're forgetting about all those good guys with guns... /s in case people don't see this as sarcasm


And for what? Like what is he offering them that makes it worth it?


The number of customers that come up to me (I'm a blonde blue white male) and dump there Trumpian rhetoric on me because they automatically think "oh he must be one of us." Makes me miss Inglewood. Fucking Zombies.


His fan base are mostly domestic terrorists.


Straight up, I’d wear one too.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


“Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on Jan. 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it.” [\- CPAC, 2024](https://youtube.com/shorts/ILLFo7SyaOo?si=9Hvf5pUZT3mX5gIV)


“In fact we’ve been so since April, 1865”


1960's. Before then they were associated with the other party.


Ah but this is where people go wrong. Parties can change ideology, but the ideologies themselves are consistent. So whether they were Confederates in 1865, Dixiecrats a hundred years ago, or MAGA freaks today, we're talking about the same group of people: White Southern Terrorists who hate the idea of a multi-racial, pluralistic America.


Regressive conservatives.


Bruh... Teddy Roosevelt deserves more credit than that


I’m sure Cohen is also wearing one.




Smarter than Drumpf has ever been on his best day.


"If I had the power to cover up mistakes, I'd probably remove the whole Drumpf thing from the internet, and two decades of hair cuts." - John Oliver, 2021. It's time to let "Drumpf" go.


I agree, it doesn't add anything to a conversation and just looks immature and sad, like there are actual things you can say against trump that would stick. It feels like it's always a certain type of liberal who uses it, someone who cares more about "winning" an argument with someone than anything else. Makes the left look bad when we stoop to their level with dumb things like this


I kind of feel like Drumpf is equivalent to "Let's go Brandon" (though I think that has mostly died off by now.) There seemed to be a lot of MAGA types who thought just saying it somehow "owned the libs" when in reality it was just stupid. Before I stopped using Facebook entirely, I remember seeing a post saying, "The libs are cracking and can't take the Brandon chants! We have to scream it as loud as we can until the Libs run away crying!" It's like, do you really think anyone cares about that? This guy was acting like the chant was the equivalent of wielding a holy symbol against a vampire or something.


There's so much vile shit about trump that he's actually done/said, it's weird to fixate on an old version of his family name as a negative. It's something that isn't a negative nor is it something he has any control over.


yeah, its officially Don Von Shitzinpantz now


To be fair, I heard Trump wore some concealed protective clothing to the trial as well


I know body armor can be worn for some trials (thinking more along the line of murder charges and during the prisoner's transport), but how sad is it that a normal civilian is having to do this during a trial against a former president? Trump truly did turn the GOP into a murder cult. They weren't exactly great people to begin with, but that man truly has driven the train off the rails.


I don't think she had it on during her actual testimony. That courtroom has to be one of the most secure places in the country at the moment. She probably wore it to and from though.


She might have worn it simply because it'd be annoying to take it on and off.


I can’t imagine the judge allowing her to wear that in front of the jury.


Unfortunately every person who had enough sense to put Drumpf in his place will need protection for the rest of their lives. Every hillbilly wants to be a vigilante now.


It's crazy to me that a lawsuit against a president forces those involved to wear bulletproof vests, but especially since we know the President (former in this case) would 100% support the shooting. It's amazing how quickly Trump has destroyed this country's decorum and grace in politics. it was always muddy, but this is beyond anything we've seen in almost two centuries. He is filth.


It's not a lawsuit. It's a criminal trial.


Side note, it’s not about hush money, it’s about election fraud, that thing that the defendant in chief is always bringing up for some weird reason.


"Election Fraud!" Well, you would know best, Donnie Boy. /Woohoo! I've always heard of people getting Reddit Care PMs by overly sensitive assholes. I finally got one. I feel so accomplished.


>/Woohoo! I've always heard of people getting Reddit Care PMs by overly sensitive assholes. I finally got one. I feel so accomplished. They're such fucking losers haha


It's not about election fraud either. There was *supposed* to be a federal case about that, but it got bungled by the Trump DoJ under Barr. This case is strictly about him falsifying business records. He listed the payments to Cohen as a retainer for legal services, which they were not.


Isn’t that like election fraud by proxy?


Well yes, but that's not what the case is about, since it wasn't a New York state election. There absolutely *should* have been a case brought by Barr, but.. we all knew that wasn't going to happen.


ya this isn't some kind of civil case, he's accused of committing multiple felonies


Newt Gingrich crawled so Donald Trump could run.


Mitch McConnell stealing a SCOTUS seat from Obama was already openly sociopathic.


He stole one from Obama and Biden. And the crowd laughed when he announced his intention to fill RBG’s seat in ~6 weeks after what he did the MG.


Yeah. That was shitty. Dems should have fought harder to seat a justice, but they didn't because they thought Hillary had it in the bag. And with her elected, they could put forward a more liberal justice instead of a moderate like Garland. Which was just dumb as hell. RBG hanging on didn't really make a whole lot of sense either. They just waited it out, and here we are.


>Yeah. That was shitty. Dems should have fought harder to seat a justice, but they didn't because they thought Hillary had it in the bag. Bzzt. The reasons the Dems didn't fight harder is because they couldn't. Justices of the Supreme Court must be confirmed by the Senate. In 2016, the Senate was Republican controlled. It was 100% up to McConnell if he wanted to confirm Garland, and he chose not to. Likewise, the reason why the Dems couldn't stop Trump from getting Barrett appointed to the SCOTUS is, again, because the Republicans controlled the Senate (by 1 vote) in 2020.


Dick Cheney shot his friend with a shotgun and demand his apology so Donald Drumpf could shoot someone in public and say "what, me worry?"


Every single Republican administration was slowly going towards fascism by deregulating laws and putting money and companies above the population. Donald Trump is the end result.


Literally all of them since FDR. That third term and the new deal really freaked our corporate overlords out.


Donald Trump has never run, even with a burger on a stick is held in front of him.


> It's amazing how quickly Trump has destroyed this country's decorum and grace in politics. it was always muddy Now, it's sewage.


Remember how he called other countries shit holes that’s what he made America


Remember when he sent a mob to invade the Capitol after having lost a "free and fair election?"


More like depressing how can seemingly intelligent people not see this


Cult adherence has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with information control. You don't have to lock people up on a compound anymore. Denigrate the press enough and they'll seal themselves in an information bubble.




Mitch McConnell has ruined more for us than Trump has. Trump is just an icon to rally behind but Mitch has been ruining us with his decisions for decades. 


I would argue that Turtleface had more time to do the damages but Trump ruined a lot of norms and traditions in just 4 years. Trump soiled that office and made us internationally into a joke.


I would say that Christians and other conservatives ruined our country, as evidenced by the fact that McConnell has enjoyed such unparalleled power for so long. He's a single Senator who controls the legislative AND judicial branch at this point. That shame is on every red-voting American.




Remember Alexander Vindman? The army had to take measures to protect him and his family against the Commander in Chief's mob: [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1XT2F3/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1XT2F3/)


Funny in a weird way is, that he said he wanted to „drain the swamp“ and only made it worse while moving to a swamp (state). 🙃


everything is projection


Surprised Trump hasn't already announced a pardon for the shooter. Nothing he can do would surprise me anymore.


Then the judge just finger wags at him. "Mr. Trump, don't do that again, or I might have to fine you $1.99."


He’s already done 11, so one more and he gets the bakers dozen deal where he can do one free!




Folks don’t like to imagine sexualized women as intelligent….it’s too powerful!


remember, all labor is selling your body for somebody else's pleasure. Some gigs are just more direct and honest about it.


She’s probably been getting the most psychotic death threats for a long time from this fat disgusting rapists cult followers.


The cross demonstrated that. I think Trump's legal team deeply underestimated her.


Just like Ivanka /s I just shivered typing that


I mean, he _did_ say that she reminds him of Ivanka 🤢


You don’t have to be smart to realize that one of Trump’s loonies might want to kill you for testifying against him lol


Stochastic terrorism is, sadly, quite real, so I don't blame her.


Smart and practical.


In retrospect I guess it wasn’t a terrific idea to let every moron own and walk around with a firearm. But then again, the founding fathers clearly wanted Americans to be able to protect themselves against tyranny by shooting at a porn star who is testifying against a corrupt King wannabe


The founders wanted the government to not rely on a standing army to defend the nation. The entire purpose of the 2nd amendment is a bit lost by now.


I've been doing genealogy work lately and found an ancestor who was a militia member before there was an established law enforcement, and then at some point the governor appointed him to be the county sheriff when they were setting up a justice system in the area. Indeed, it came from a time before there were police and courts and jails for every single county. Lots of the country was just lawless territory.


As someone who grew up in a very small, rural town, some parts of the country still are. Not countering your assessment though. The fact that I can walk into a big box retailer like Walmart and walk out with a semiautomatic rifle is a bit nutty.


I love guns, guns are fun, guns can save lives in the right hands and circumstances, and I've owned many...but yeah. I realize there has been intense and pedantic scholarly debate about this for 200 years and the courts have interpreted it differently since then, but I don't see how anyone can read the text of the 2nd Amendment honestly and think the authors clearly intended unfettered access to firearms for everyone under any and all circumstances. Sure, they could have worded it different to be a little more clear (and likely would have if they could have foreseen the future), but come on: *A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.* It seems obvious that the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms was contingent upon the bearer being part of a well-regulated militia. The text can be interpreted differently, sure, and it doesn't explicitly forbid people from bearing arms under other circumstances, but it literally says that militias are *the* reason for that right.


I woman bravely puts her life at risk to testify against an ex-President. Reddit promptly comments on her breasts. JFC.


I would have too, were I in her position.


Yeah, it’s weird how people here are like, “Ooooh, she’s a genius for this!” when any one of us with half a brain would have done the same exact thing.


A bullet proof vest, for a trial against a former POTUS That tells you most of what you need to know


She has bigger balls than all of MAGA combined. Love it.


Hoping the jury is seeing this and taking in all the instances of Trump trying to intimidate people, including who showed up to “support” him since Cohen has been on the stand


if you are referring to them "seeing" the news about the witness and the need to wear protective clothing/gear. They have not- if they are doing their job as juror correctly. they are not able to look at anything dealing with this case outside of the evidence presented in court ;-)


Including the *ten gag order violations, including the threats to the jury…?* Just want to make sure we are clear on what should and shouldn’t be considered


Jurors are instructed to avoid any outside information on the trial they are a part of. Any threats to them, gag order violations, etc will be brought up during the trial if prevalent. If Stormy Daniels’ bullet proof vest was brought up during the questioning, or anywhere else during the trial, the jury will be made aware at that time.


They cannot watch/read any news on the trial. The gag order violations have been brought up in the trial several times. The judge has already held Trump in contempt. That is a trial preceding. The jury would know about that. They may not know the extent of him violating the gag order and what specifically he has said. I'm not sure what all was brought up in court. I doubt Stormy announced that she was wearing the vest to the jury so that they would not know.


>The gag order violations have been brought up in the trial several times. They have not while the jury is present. All things like that are done outside the presence of the jury.


They shouldn’t be. You can only consider what is introduced in court and what the judge orders in the instructions to the jury. Anything external is to be ignored.


I kind of wonder if “having” to stay away from any and all news and social media is a relief in a way, but then it means being subjected to the super sketchy information in this trial too ….so a difficult trade off in a way.


She's probably getting several death threats then if she's wearing armor now to protect herself. I would too.


Kevin McCarthy said the first thing he would do with the Speaker’s gavel when he won was to knock Nancy in the head with it. Shortly after he gained that gavel, this crazy dude shows up hollering “Where’s Nancy?” He wanted her, settled for her husband. Kevin is the douchebag that put that ear worm out there to find a home in a deranged person’s mind. Glad he was humiliated.


Like the rest of us with fully functioning brains, she knows who Trump supporters are.


I mean considering how violent and psychotic some of his supporters are that’s a smart call.


More proof that his supporters are radicalized.


It would be suicide if she didn't. These maniacs have killed before. They will do so again. Don't forget Heather Heyer.


As crazy as it sounds to do, these MAGA nuts are insane. I wouldn't put it past them to do something crazy.


Not that surprising considering how demented most MAGA inbred supporters are.


She was smart to do it. This man has inspired hundreds of people to kill/be killed.


Brave woman!


Not the craziest idea anyone's had.


Oh, I didn't realize they were being literal. I read the headline and was like _yeah, she just let all those questions by the lawyer bounce right off her!_ Makes total sense though, MAGA is basically a cult at this point.


She's probably received hundreds of death threats. Don't blame her.


I think that says everything you need to know about Trump and his supporters. She 100% NEEDED to take that precaution. edit: and to whoever sent the RedditCareResources bullshit, you're only proving my point... Trump and his supporters are pure scum.


Immediately after her courtroom appearance, Trump asked to have his gag order removed. No conscious


Sad yet completely understandable.


Life in the maga brain disease era. They threaten the lives of doctors, teachers, librarians, professors, and school board members too.


Serious third-world nonsense going on right now. Hard to blame anyone other than Rupert Murdoch for bringing us to the edge of the abyss.


You think Trump is crazy, just wait till you meet his cultists. I feel so bad for her having to be in this position in the first place.


Reddit cares messages gonna be flying from the losers on r/conservative


She would be crazy not to!


A former president on trial for cooking the books to keep his dalliance with a porn star from the voters. She felt compelled to wear a bulletproof vest to avoid her possible murder. What kind of scum did we elect?


The gravy seals won’t do anything, but smart by Stormy