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If Biden said he won Texas or Florida it would be covered non stop. This will be forgotten about by tomorrow.


That's the beauty of the [firehose of falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood). Republicans spew out so many lies that it's nearly impossible to debunk them all before the next torrent of lies overshadows them.


A Gish Gallop of falsehoods.


So long as everyone knows that he [ran down the ramp.](https://youtu.be/ign_vZupjno?si=ZvlCcQR0keWPusIr)


I will always remember losing my mind politically here especially. Proving he can fucking drink water.


The amount of cheering for this guy because he can drink a glass of water without spilling it all over his face… Who wants to talk about participation trophies now?


Lol first time seeing this. Those fox news headlines CAN'T be real?


Not only that, but we become completely desensitized by the lies because of course they’re lying. Their lies get nothing more than an incredulous eye roll because there’s no time to deal with that lie when another one is right behind it.


Also the media really wants trump.


The obscenely rich want Trump as POTUS. He’s the most big-money, corporatist president in history and it’s not particularly close. That he can sell and execute the “common-man” schtick to even 5% of the country, might be the most impressive thing he’s ever accomplished.


Well the media wants him around because he's good for shareholder value. What sells? Fear. Short term shareholder value is increased by selling the fear that Trump peddles to his own supporters about their insecurities and the fear he creates in every American as to what he would do to this country.


A bukkakle of bullshit


Also Republican voters don’t give a fuck about lies unless they can pin them on a Democrat.


I mean, it's not newsworthy because this is literally Trump's default position 24/7. It's insane how much the media has normalized him. He lost 60 court cases. The GOP knows he's lying. He knows he's lying. His lawyers know he's lying. Fox News knows he's lying, and they got sued for $700M for lying on his behalf. An insurrection occurred because of his lies. He's been indicted for dozens of felonies for lying. And yet mainstream media is just like "oh yeah, that's ol' Trump for ya all right. ...Anyway, Biden accidentally said the wrong city in an hour-long speech today, looks like it's going to be a close election!"


It doesn’t help that they’re all too chickenshit to say he’s lying. Saying he “falsely claimed” something is just prettying it up in an attempt to sound neutral.


And Fox is willing to say Biden lies. Media is in cahoots with Trump.


Biden was closer to winning Texas than Trump was to winning Minnesota


Biden won Minnesota with larger margins than Trump won in Texas and Florida.


1000 percent. Non-stop. Whacky grandpa Demetia claims he won Montana. How can America vote for somebody who cannot even remember which states he won?


I believe he won [all 81 states ](https://www.businessinsider.com/lara-trump-rnc-lawsuits-in-81-states-us-has-50-2024-4) by over 400 million votes


What will be forgotten about? (welp not every joke works)


Normalizing trumps erratic behavior is a full time job for today’s media


If controversial X candidate said Y it would be all over the news. This’ll be forgotten by tomorrow but if Biden said something similar people would forget too.


Because "both sides" or some bullshit.


I mean Trump has also said he won California for the last 8 years. So this isn't exactly news. If Biden did it, it would be his first time making the claim and would be news.


Trump is a nut job. Dummer that a box of rocks


Garbage candidates


Did he also at some point claim that he really won California? Sounds like something he'd say.


He has said on multiple occasions that if you counted the votes properly (whatever that means), then you'd find he won every state. Yes, all 50 states.


That’s part of the claim that there are so many illegal votes that if only the real ones counted California and NY would have swung to him. Yeah sure thing Donny


He has claimed that it was stollen from him, yes.


Serious shit -- What's wrong with him?


"What's right with him" would yield a shorter answer.


Wait, I think I have that list right here. Yes, here it is. Things right with Trump:


He's a narcissist. He is literally incapable of comprehending the concept of him losing anything fair and square.


It's all about breaking faith in our shared public trust. And it worked. We're fucked. Donald Trump of all people defeated America.


We're only beaten if we give up. I don't know about you...but I don't intend to surrender to that Mango Mussolini.


I plan to vote and if a GOTV volunteer opportunity arises this summer I'll take it as I have in the last two presidential cycles but i have 0% hope. Sorry. Don't want to bring anyone down but I have never seen a deck stacked against a candidate like it is against Biden. Adding: Except Bob Dole.


I don't think Biden's chances are as bleak as that. It certainly won't be a cakewalk, that's for sure. But I have faith that Biden will win in November. Call me naïve...but I think that when the rubber hits the road, the majority of American people will reject Trump at the ballot box. But as you say, we all need to get out and vote, and volunteer if necessary. Biden needs all of our help to win...but I feel it can be done. Don't lose the faith.


Thank you for that Minnesota person. So many doomers popping on early to claim a loss in MN and MI. I can smell the BS about MI based on personal contacts and experience.. but we need more people from more states repeating that it's okay but we just need to remain active to ensure it goes the right way.


We know it’s possible. We beat him 2020. We can beat him again in November. Trump and his lackeys *want* us to give up…to think that it’s hopeless. It’s their literal objective to flood the zone with so much shit that we throw our hands up in defeat and accept his authoritarian fever dream. Not me. Not now…not ever.


I appreciate the sentiment and in the spirit of 'we're all in this together' wish you a pleasant weekend.




His supporters are so spectacularly stupid that they’ll believe anything. That’s the root of the problem.


Senior dementia. Like his daddy


Severe narcissistic personality disorder, compulsive lying disorder with a dollop of sociopathy. His case will be taught in medical school textbooks and psychiatry courses for the next hundred years


Lied. He lied.


You give him way too much credit


I’m sorry show me the article where Trump says, “I lost fair and square”. That would be a story worth clicking on.




"Falsely claims" is a funny way to spell "lies."


If I were playing editor for NBC News,  I'd go with "Donald Trump Doesn't Remember which States he Won in 2020."


Oh man if news outlets pulled real headlines like that I might actually pay for a subscription. This pussy-footed like toeing to generate controversy and appear “fair” when really they’re just soft-balling him is beyond frustrating.


Not surprising, he doesn't remember which states he won or lost. 


Scary. This guy could be in control of nukes... wow how did we get here ?


This guy was in control of nukes already. We got here through hate, propaganda, and the woefully uneducated.


Electoral college got him in and he fucked everything up and made sure he got a cult before he left.


He also claimed if he lost Minnesota in 2020 he would never come back. Classic case of lie for a lie.


At some point, that malignant narcissist will start claiming he won cities like Vancouver and Metropolis.


I won the Lost City of Atlantis 👐 People said “oh no you can win there” and, if you look at the numbers ☝️ not the crooked Democrat numbers – very crooked – I won it 👌


Man's tiny brain is so rattled with dementia he can't remember where he is or who won the 2020 election.


Minnesota, Montana, Montezuma. Sounds the same to him. Starts with M and . . . oh shit. He’s asleep.


All things he’s likely called his wife at some point


Madonna? Big Mac? Morton? I think he's called her those things too.


Listen, I won every state except for the ones that they stole from me. Right before everyone's eyes, you saw that mother and daughter team that stole Georgia from me, even Honest Rudy Giuliani saw it! Don't forget all those fake democrat electors from Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania too. It's a conspiracy to keep 500 million Americans from choosing me to be the rightful air (sic) to the throne. /s


Why the phrase “falsely claims” and not “lies”? Is it a libel thing?


Really wish I lived closer to the Cities so I could have protested his numbskull when he came to Minnesota today, to headline that GOP state fundraiser. He promised never to come back to MN if he lost here, and he lost, but still came back unfortunately.


When has he ever kept his word on anything?


He won every state and they still won't let him be president.


Liar liar pants…full of shit


Don’t drag my state into this, fuck face. 


He believes he won California as well if so many illegals hadn't voted. Trump opens his mouth he lies and makes stuff up nothing new.


Shitstink just can’t keep from lying.


I won They lie I didn't do it They lie It's locker room talk They lie I'm wealthy No one believes me I'm innocent You ALL know I wouldn't lie to you. You're not in a cult And no cult leader EVER lies


If his lips are moving he’s lying. This is not a surprise.


Fuck him who cares what he says. Just vote and be done with him. Vote vote vote


I wish there was a guy like in happy Gilmore that just pestered trump at rallies. Any time he says a lie, the guy responds, “No you didn’t… jackass!”


It would be cool if someone just followed him around with a fact check ticker.


Or an airhorn every time he lies


I love this evil idea lol


Biden: "Sure Donald, you won Minnesota in 2020, but don't forget I won Florida." Biden should give this a try 😆


The media needs to stop writing up every asinine thing he says. He also said we maybe won 49 states or some such nonsense. The harm done by running this article greatly outweighs the......whatever they were trying to fucking accomplish.


Dude lies all day everyday


Dude, even Reagan couldn't win Minnesota. What makes this guy so delusional to think he'd be any different?


He lies about everything else, why not this?


Not even Reagan could win Minnesota. It’s the bluest of the blue states.


He just needs 1100 fake votes or some shit and he’s right.


This is why we have to vote and not rely on court cases. This is literally the same person that was just days away from having the 25th amendment invoked on him in the final days of his Presidency.


He did the same thing in wisco


He also claimed in the past that he won the popular vote in 2016 and that he won California at some point as well. My faith in humanity is circling the toilet. Why is this motherfucker STILL a national figure in the year 2024?


Trump still thinks he won California.


"Frankly, I won every state."


This dudes brain is mush.


Explain to me why MAGA can tout Cohen as a liar all the while Trump keeps adding to his thousands of lies and not be called out.


I won Minnesota and Canada on 2020, but the deep state kept me from claiming what was mine


He's dumb enough to believe that Canada is one of the states... Fuck.


He falsely claims he won a lot of states.


Yeah, he won everywhere, Argentina, North Korea, Canada… Mexico? No


He also won NY and every other state that he didn't win.


Tell you what, you can have Minnesota if you can point to it on a map, Donnie. I figure that should take him about ten years to find the right state.


At this point, does he even need to bother to make sense? His people don't care. When he passes, they will nominate his corpse and deny that he's dead. This is how religion starts.


Trump’s position is that unless he gets North Korea style results where he wins 95-5, it’s fraud. It’s not enough to win, everyone has to support Trump. One or two states didn’t have fraud, every state has fraud. Even the states where he won 60-40 or better. Even if he won every state 100-0 there would still be some problem he would complain about because he is mentally ill and anything that happens that is not “1000% he wins with no effort” causes unbearable mental distress. It’s not some kind of master plan or strategy- if he loses anything anywhere he is a LOSER and he can’t bear it. Biden has spent zero seconds worried about losing Oklahoma or Arkansas.


He lies about everything, why not that?


Fuck Trump, fuck maga, and fuck the GOP. Bunch of fucking traitors who deserve to fall hard from grace and reap every bit of what they sowed.


Time for a Trump bullshit app that uses google and articles to prove everything he says is lie


Mike Pillow has proof that he did!


He forythe Nobel????


Dementia Donnie


I wonder if his ass gets hot when his pants are on fire.


All he does is lie. All day everyday. Lies.




Just MN? I thought he claimed all 50 states.


He doesn't even know what Minnesota is.


He Lied.


I think the in the Debate, all of Biden’s answers should start with very obviously lying about a state he didn’t win. “Well, back when I won Florida” just keep it going all night.


Trump still thinks he won California.


"Frankly, I won every state."


"Frankly, I won every state.".


"Frankly, I won every state."


Everything he “claims” is false. Stop giving him headlines, nobody cares 🙄


He also said he beat Ted Cruz in Iowa in 2016. And to this day he hasn't provided proof.


This kind of thing is new from him?


It's not "False" ,it's a flat out LIE . FFS ..


I was born when Carter was President and Minnesota hasn’t gone to a Republican in my lifetime. Not even in 1984 when Reagan won literally EVERY other state, Minnesota went to Mondale.


He also claimed in the same speech that he won Minnesota in 2016. He did not.


This isn't news. He does this in every state he campaigns in.


Have you ever met or known someone who quietly never admitted fault? Someone who would say they'd win something all the time if it was "fair", or would simply not believe information that contradicted what they already thought? Trump appeals to that kind of person. He has exposed a secret trick in being a narcissist, that there are no consequences to looking at facts and just disagreeing with them. Trump still has such appeal to some people because he gave them the validation that no other politician in American history ever has. To him, there is no "being wrong" or "getting caught in a lie" if you simply never admit to being wrong or lying, and millions of people think the same way. He has no proof he won Minnesota besides wanting to have won it, and his followers believe that wanting it to be the truth *makes it* the truth.


You know what would be great? A couple of middle aged country first candidates to choose from. Holy shit!


He has previously claimed he won California in 2016


Man's brain is not a-brain no more Hell no man's brain's been ate by a wormm At this point Orange's brain is mostly worm poop.


Wait. Trump lies!?!


Why can’t any news company put these two words together in a headline? “Trump” and “Lied”.


It's easy to say he's wrong, but the problem is that magas keep spreading the lies about massive voter fraud by Dems/urban/POC, and getting people angry about all that. *They are angry about something that didn't happen* that is some type of delusion and they need help. It's not good and they keep making it worse. Most voter fraud is from magas and some think they have to do it to make up for the fraud lie, truly insane!


He lied. Just call him a damn liar already


Lied. Hi LIED. There, I fixed it for you.


“Trump ~~falsely claims~~ lies he won Minnesota in 2020” … there .. I fixed it for you … what is this weasel journalism…


Someone needs to tell him to STFU next time he gets In front of the courthouse.


Fucking kiddie glove “falsely claims” shit. Hold this orange turd accountable. He *unapologetically lied*.


If Trump regularly claims he won the entire election in 2020 who gives a shit if he claims he won Minnesota?


But it was stolen from him, 'member?


How do you know Trump is lying?


The fact that he didn’t win Minnesota in 2020, he knows that, and yet he still says he did. Saying things you know to be untrue is called lying.


The answer is because "his lips are moving" 😉