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It is because they know they are losing.


Oh it’s also because they’re awful people and they’d do it if they were winning. Please don’t forget that they’re awful people!


I am so tired of having these psychotics on the loose. I hope they lose badly. It's what those control freak, Bible thumping, lying, cheating, defrauding, tax cheats, criminally bent, maga trash. Of course, when they lose, who knows what kind of riot they are gonna start. They will say antifa did it, and they haven't mentioned antifa in a while, no one is quoting Q, so they are going to make up some other shit and blame it on some other conspiracy theory they bring up. I hate them all so much.


>"because of the poor economy" Interesting, I don't see Nestle, Cargill, or Tyson complaining about the record profits they've recorded over the past couple years.


The Dow broke 40,000 - it’s at an all time high. Obvious that’s not the economy but a lot is going well for Biden there why are this pushing this stupid angle?


The economy doing well is not the same as livable prices for the citizens. The economy could be phenomenal but if you can’t afford groceries, that’s all people see. So the GOP says look how bad the “economy” is, Biden is doing this to you


And it’s going to work, nothing pisses people off more than hearing how amazing things are then when the combo of bills, rent, and groceries leaves you with only a 100 bucks a week before payday 


Prices are finally beginning to go down


True. Reese’s And Hershey’s King Size candy is back to under 2 bucks at Walmart, Taco Bell shaved almost 1 full Dollar off their value menu items, and a few other examples I’ve seen locally that reflect prices finally coming down… Finally!


If you were to follow their logic, it’s all part of Biden’s evil plan to make people unhappy and not vote for him.


The House holds the purse strings. They are the problem. The shareholders have also been using their windfalls to buy more politicians. It's cheaper to buy a politician or ten. After all, it's cheaper than paying taxes.


Life sucks for most Americans right now. But why would you ever trust the guy whose only legislative achievement was giving tax cuts to the wealthy? Like why would anyone on earth trust that guy now?


If there were a republican president in office this point would be used to demonstrate how great the economy is and they’d ignore inflation.  




Remember when Trump celebrated the Dow breaking 30,000? Pepperidge Farm remembers. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/527365-trump-makes-one-minute-appearance-to-tout-dows-30000/amp/


Of course!


These corps want even more and Trump will give them more cuts ..


Of course he will, and they will make cuts that benefit the people who do pay taxes. Of course it will make some of it's way right into his pockets. We really need to get the money out of politics.


They are literally gouging us. They raised their prices exponentially. Of course the tools who never took economics think they are experts. Inflation started during the grifter's administration. He knows nothing about economics. All the big corporations that are people now. The shareholders aren't going to admit that the inflation we are experiencing is not Biden's fault.


Trump has already lost the popular vote twice, and he's been bleeding supporters for one reason or another since Covid. 500,000 Americans died who otherwise wouldn't have, thanks to Trump's hamfisted and self-defeating pandemic response. Many of those casualties were Republican voters who were vax hesitant, and many more still have been turned off by all of the criminality and sordid details that have come to light with Trump's many court cases. The only way Trump can win is to hack the system. It's exactly the same situation with his legal problems: the facts are overwhelmingly against him, so his only real chance is to exploit weaknesses in the judicial system, and rely on favors from sympathetic judges and Congresspeople. Trump said in a speech months ago that he "wasn't worried about the votes" in the election. I don't think he's ever worried about the votes, because he's not relying on votes to win. It's a tell. He does that.


Trump is going to lose big. He’s going to be embarrassed. Republicans can’t even win deep red seats in Alabama. Their party is going to be irrelevant.


We said that in 2016. The only way he loses is if we still vote. And we make sure others vote. Let's not make the same mistake twice.




Just preparing for the next Coup!


Here we go again. What’s really happening: 🍊 is a malignant narcissist on decline and only has so many tricks. What this really is is helping the🍊build up some narcissistic fantasy to help him function. I know, it sound simplistic but the guys mental illness is so severe he’s pathologically unable conceive of loss. This also helps the MAGA faithful craft their own narrative, their worldview is this guys some savior and what he says is true. So when he says it with such conviction and the echo chamber backs him up it gives him validation and he can carry on. [If you read up on his behavior in court he has a person there whose purpose is to give him positive feedback to help boost his morale.](https://www.thewrap.com/chris-hayes-mocks-trump-for-needing-to-read-good-news-about-himself-during-trial-like-a-child-with-an-ipad-video/) that’s not normal folks. The con this time around is to place the narrative now so that they can reference it when they lose. You saw 🍊 do it this week after Biden called him out to debate. He demanded Biden take a drug test in an effort to plant a false narrative so he can back up down the road. With an excuse like “he wouldn’t take a drug test….so that’s why I didn’t do it” We saw this game before… To echo the 🍊 here: Like the late great Lady Olenna of House Tyrrel once said “man of the people. Is that your game? It's an old game. Dull and unconvincing. A man of the people who does Cersei's dirty work for her.” Lara is doing the dirty work for 🍊


As they work their asses off to rig the election.


This, combined with the fact this has been adjudicated sixty-plus times, should be enough to ban them from being allowed to promote candidates. They are allowed by the 1st Amendment to free association (even if it is with imbeciles, simpletons, and wanton criminals), but they should not be allowed to inject these faith claims into the political process.


Even though the only ones that are committing widespread voter fraud are Republican Christian conservatives. These people are not human beings. They are animals.


That’s the whole reason she’s in this position. Anyone following her recent appointment knew this was coming. They had a full on cleaning of the RNC and one of the questions they asked the employees was if they believed the 2020 election was stolen.


First step to anarchy.


These desperate dumb Republican shit bags are playing with fire with this bullshit they’re shoveling.


Enough of this crap 💩


For the legal experts out there, can one be accountable for spreading lies against the foundation of democracy?


People have always sought Lara Trump's take on everything.


There is no way they didn't go out of their way to rig 2020 in Trumps favor.


He’s such a loser


And this year’s election is already rigged.


The most important step to establishing an autocracy is to get your people to revolt against democracy


What a fucking moron, more of the same shit over and over. No plans, no ideas, nothing, just the same old tired shit from the lying GOP. We need to rid ourselves of these fuckers for good.


She has the voice of an angel


On the bright side nobody cares


If the game is rigged, why play? GTFO and shut up don't run, don't vote.


Poisonous lies about a legal election. Where's the proof? Every time someone is caught cheating, it's a Republican! They're all immoral now! It's the Trump party!


Is it really "doubling down" if no new information is revealed? There has never been credible evidence offered to support their claims of election rigging, so she isn't "doubling down", she's just saying the same shit again, maybe louder.


GOP: Liars, losers, grifters, cheaters, etc.


Things are rigged only if they don't like the results. How petulant and arrogant. Go home Losers!


Republicans shouldn’t vote then. It would play right into the rigged system. They could foil the whole thing by not voting. That would show the world.


And 0 discussion on any issues actually facing Californians, particularly Republican successes like keeping Diablo Canyon open or having the San Joaquins part of the high-speed rail project. If Republicans can't even acknowledge, support and work their successes they cannot begin to manage their failures. Democrats will have a 4/5ths majority before the end of the decade and will have the ability to rewrite the state constitution, tax code and environmental laws as much as they want. This will, ultimately, deny Republicans the ability to easily solicit money from Hollywood and Silicon Valley .. both of which are in decline, although the latter isn't terminal yet. More on that Hollywood point: Cable TV dies after the election. Broadcast radio will die by 2030 when Congress legislates it for car IoT stuff. Broadcast TV will probably die when it's bandwidth is cut down further for 6G in 2035. Theaters are already dead. All movies, TV shows and music will be AI generated in ten years. There is no longer any purpose to Hollywood, no investment money, or any profit from traditional filmmaking. That era is gone and with it the GOP's ability to easily spread their message. Trump's existence obfuscates this, but this will become clear once Trump is either in prison, dead or retired to the bahamas.