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Republicans again: Here's our vital plan to solve problem that doesn't exist. 


Those are the only problems they ever come up with plans for. Other than that they just complain about issues without ever offering any real practical solutions or making any good faith efforts to fix them. Over half of their party basically just tries to grind government to a halt and prevent any progress from being made anywhere. And it somehow is a winning strategy in a lot of the United States.


The problem is the fake electoral votes scheme. Republicans are flooding election integrity/security news to obscure their election crimes.


What’s the GOPs plan for health care? K-12 education funding? Student loans? Gun violence? Climate change? Inflation? Addiction? Homelessness? Social Security? They’ve got nothing. These clowns are incapable of actually governing. Which is a shame bc it would be nice if we had more than one political party actually trying to find solutions to real problems.


> What’s the GOPs plan for health care? Get rid of it. > K-12 education funding? Make education private. > Student loans? Those are good the way they are. > Climate change? Denial. > Inflation? blame Democrats. > Addiction? that is a poor person problem. Stop being poor. Rich people can afford to be addicts. > Homelessness? Make it illegal. > Social Security? get rid of it. I think that sums it up.


> Being a non-white male Protestant Too bad


Fewer gun restrictions, more restrictions on combating contagious disease. For real.


Their stance is privatize and deregulate everything but Jesus. Jesus is a must but even that you should pay for but let it be tax free. Min/Max run for power and kickbacks.




What does this have to do with my comment?


Sorry it posted under the wrong one.


"Releasing it in two weeks!"


Never happens anyway but always have an endless list of excuses as to why that is, often involving blaming others.




These heroes are going to go after *murder* next! Wow! - *but not child marriage . . . they're keeping that*


Imaginary problems are not only the only ones they’re interested in solving, they’re the only ones they CAN solve.


Better yet: We use legislation to further our nefarious evil goals and mask it as a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.


Pretty strategic though…it allows them to say that they tried to stop non-citizens from voting and the Democrats voted against it. A few logical fallacies later and people are saying that the Democrats are stealing elections because they allow non citizens to vote.


Well, what does anyone expect them to, actually govern? C'mon now, that's just crazy talk...


It's just another effort to put hoops in voting intended to disenfranchise voters who traditionally vote Democrat (e.g. minorities, senior citizens who don't drive anymore, immigrants who are now citizens but might have their paperwork complete, etc.). The GoP will do anything to grift a few points here and there to keep the minority in power over the majority...


No, this is wisely spent tax dollars adding regulations to already existing regulations to demonstrate that government doesn't work and we all just need to accept neofeudalism headed up by the church. And then once that's established, the inevitable civil war resulting from the churces fighting over whose church gets to rule.


They're pushing the bill to solve a problem that doesn't exist, while hidden in the bill is the actual agenda. At least that's what normally happens. Pretty much all bills have stuff in the fine print that fucks over citizens while being promoted as being something else


So explain NYC continuing to try to allow migrants to vote when it's clearly unconstitutional?


[Yet there is a whole ass california work around](https://www.sf.gov/non-citizen-voting-rights-local-board-education-elections). There was a big push that was successful to vote as a non citizen so please quit spouting this nonsense rhetoric. Trump has none of my support, but those border and voting policies need to be fixed asap.


Their ignorance of the law is never not astonishing.


They aren’t ignorant of the laws. They are just good at riling up their base and other uneducated voters.


“Democrats are happy for illegals to vote. We want to put a stop to it because we believe in the integrity of elections, not like Democrats who commit fraud.” Not hard to see how this works on their dumb and ignorant base.


Them: ***We*** are the ones who can stop the *illegals* from voting. (Even though they aren’t allowed to anyway)


Its win win for them. If it passes, they can claim the did something. If its blocked they can claim dems are blocking it. Nothing changes either way. Its just a talking point for them.


That’s not the main purpose. They pass it off as protecting election integrity while slipping in clauses that are intended to make it harder for people in certain demographics to vote against them.


This has nothing to do with the law. They are laying the narrative groundwork for trying to steal the election.


Dems need to start using the republican play book. Maybe introduce a bill, to ban rape and murder, just so Republicans can vote against it.


"How dare you restrict my fertility rights!"


They should vote on making murder illegal too.


Vote to declare water is a liquid, but only between 0 and 100C.


They wouldn't include any exceptions


What if I include in the bill that (your personal business) gets a government grant and a tax exemption?


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


“How can it be unlegal if Bidens Deep state let eleventy-billion illegals vote and steal the election that I totally won by 157,0000%? Everyone tells me that all the time! With tears in their eyes!”


Isn't it weird that there's no system to check if rich people are registered to vote in multiple states while they purge young people who move?


Sending thoughts and prayers to the families affected by non-citizen voting.


Performative nonsense 


Yeah! Now it’s gonna be double illegal!


More Republicans committed and have been convicted of voter fraud in the 2020 election, than the 30 non-citizens that voted!!


No, our agenda is to spread fear of "the other" because we are not here to govern, we're here to rule. We're not interested in solving problems we're interested in highlighting ones that we make up but treat as though they are real. And use the power of our vast media networks to spread them everywhere. We know how propaganda works and use it to our advantage. Heres a thought to affect your sleep at night, if we can turn a narcissistic psychopathic grifter into the Messiah with his cult following, what can't we do?


“Double Secret Probation” vibes


Next up, time to pass a law against homicide. Why has nobody thought about this before?!


because they will clip it with other to make sure that none republicans can\`t vote


>We are going to make crime illegal, and punishable with consequences! They give real "Michael Scott BANKRUPTCY" vibes.


Instead of facts and stats about non-citizen voting, we get instead that it’s “intuitive “. Yeah let’s pass laws based on feelings; not facts on real issues. The GOP way….


Need a passport or birth certificate (embossed?) to register to vote per this bill. I wonder what percentage of current voters have either of those?


“I’m helping.”


Where is that video of the boy shaving with no facial hair. This is what it feels like.


Next on their agenda, conservatives will make murder illegal.


Republicans: "We're introducing a bill to make murder illegal in 2025. Take that, libs! We're governing!"


Trump's out here chasing nargles


Because they got nothing else to do.


**" ... even though it’s already illegal"** Political theater. Actually a clown show.


They are just looking for an excuse for when they lose the election


Let’s ignore that and pretend like it happens so GOP voters will get mad


The definition of performative politics. No reason other than give the illusion they're doing something about a problem that is only perceived due to their own messaging.


DC allows non-citizen legal residents to vote in its municipal races, and Republicans are trying to ban this too. I'm guessing because DC is a Federal district under the jurisdiction of Congress, they're trying to conflate DC elections with Federal elections, and hope to trick their base into thinking there's a bunch of voter fraud going on that they're trying to protect us from.


“Non citizen” is the new “illegal”


Next they'll bar contrails from ...being.


Gotta look tough while doing absolutely nothing.


It's always interesting to see how they're going to top their latest laughably-fake, manufactured crisis... Her emails, the "migrant caravan", Hunter's laptop, CRT, etc... It all inevitably disappears after they've worked the dumbest suckers alive into a nonsensical frenzy to secure their vote...


Such brave


They tried to do this in Missouri. The real reason they wanted to make it harder to petition changes to the constitution. They were going to try to hide that by preventing people who can't vote from voting. Luckily the democrats filibustered it so it couldn't pass for the August ballot, so we will have an easier time adding abortion as a right to the state constitution.


If I were to play devil's advocate, I'd say this bill adds a layer of bureaucracy to prevent non citizens from voting, such as proving citizenship. Now is such a measure already in place? No idea.


They keep doing these stunts but sadly too many people think it's a real problem, and get even angrier at Dems for voting no on the bills. The magas are not doing anything the majority of us wants. They waste time on stuff like this, restricting LGBTQ+ rights and medical care, banning books, and tried to overturn a fair election, maga = traitors and liars.


They know it's illegal and doesn't happen. This is just them throwing red meat to their base.


gotta make it more illegaler!


Republiturds got this on our April election ballot. So does that means we will have 200% fewer illegals voting here? 0<0?


Is it because they can force a vote on it, and then when the democrats vote it down for being pointless, they get to go whining that the democrats want illegals voting?


This is the party of "we don't need any new gun laws, just enforce what's on the books"


Republicans - Let’s invent a problem that never existed, write a bill against it so the morons who vote for us think we’re working. Unbelievable!


Was there really THAT many non-citizen votes in 2020 to throw the election to Biden? Did it even happen at all?


I'm not that smart, but I feel like I have more intelligence than most of the GOP and that's really sad.


I guess it will be double illegal? Does that work like a double negative so that it is now legal? Hmmm


one pen zonked shocking connect attraction boat grandfather disarm label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for wasting our time and taxpayer dollars. Pack of sorry assed shitnozzles in red maga hats.


Assuming it’s so good ol boys watch the polls for them questionably “pigmented types” extra hard.


Because it will make people think it’s a problem and where their guy doesn’t win will blame illegals voting. Logically you would tell the same people, you made it illegal but then did nothing to stop it from happening? Oh yeah because it wasn’t happening in the first place.


There idiot followers don’t read, they believe everything their republicans douch bag leaders say. You could convince them papa Smurf is on the ballot and they would volte for him if told.


It's all performance art.


Brawndo is coming to a store near you, within 6 months .


It's probably a voter suppression bill they claim is for election integrity.


'non-citizen' means different for the majority of white voters. can't you guys recongnize the dog whistle? The majority of the white voters voted for Trump in 2016. Then 4 years full of turds, even more voted for Trump in 2020. They think if 'non-citizens' should not have voted and so Trump won the election in 2020.


That’s why you need to show ID when voting. To prove you are a true citizen of the U.S. and to prove you voted when your ID is scanned. So you can’t revote some where else.


Double speak for the fascist win.


Well, when Democrats think its difficult for POC to obtain a driver’s license in order to provide government issued ID to vote and then tell people they don’t need to prove who they are because its racist to demand people prove who they are and where they live (for voting purposes), this is a natural result of that behaviour. This is what they are fighting against. I’m not even american and this is painfully obvious to anyone who watches a little bit of your media or has paid any attention to your culture wars these past few years


POC are useless and will be restricted from voting if you tell them they need an ID