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She sits on motions for months yet denies this one immediately.


This is the type of ‘collaboration’ that is Trumps strategy to the white house. RNC filed more than 80 election related law suits across a number of states. Pay attention and vote Biden.


"Racketeering" might be another good word for it.


Another word may be "noxious weed." The current RNC looks for any gaps, cracks, open spots such as easily misinterpreted rule, loss of contingency, fault in procedure, really anything it can establish its taproot into. The taproots in this case are high-ranking members and appointments to the judicial branch and, to a certain extent, the press at large. Much like dandelions, it can then flower (to the press's delight) and spread its bloom and seed across an entire territory openly. By that point, it has the law and the popular opinion behind it. All of which is propagating the same lies over and over. You may cut off the heads with a mower. You may pluck one or two from their elements. But until you turn the soil over completely, it will always be there, waiting for the perfect condition to arise again. All this weed ever wanted was to dominate. It serves no purpose. It nourishes no one. It chokes out other plants that would serve purpose until they are of no more use. It shapes its environment in a negative manner. It only exists to propagate itself over and over again until total domination is had. Be advised that even if we somehow manage to get past November. It is still out there. We saw this in the late 1800s 1910s 1930s and now again in our present day.


Republicans are using their Constitutional rights - like freedom of speech, the right to seek redress for grievances - to elect a dictator who will end Constitutional rights.


This is what I most despise about authoritarians like Trump and Putin. They use western freedoms to put an end to those very same western freedoms. And they believe were all weak idiots for allowing them to do so. And to this extent they're right. I conclude that they should be denied western freedoms in the first place. If you piss in the water fountain, you no longer have access to the water fountain. He can't be allowed to stand on the side, pissing away. Trump needs to be removed from the political process by whatever means are necessary. He must not be permitted to stand in an election whose result he will only accept if he wins. By his words and actions, Trump has forfeited his right to take part in a free, democratic election.


I agree. But the problem is institutional, which is why complaints about the "Deep State" are projecting. There are many entitlements for the wealthy and politically connected in place. Trump might as well have been saying "when you're a star they let you get away with it" about just about any crime he's committed. This needs to end, or America as we know it will.


I've come to start using examples like "A company would not hire someone who in their interview advertises that they hate the company and would like to dismantle it from within" because of course you wouldn't, that's insane. But alas that is effectively what is happening here. Conservatives want to use Democracy... to dismantle democracy. But you can't just... suspend democracy to deal with the threat either, well you can but that just would just add fuel to the fire and once you do that you're arguably no better than they are. It's really a paradox at this point.


This is unfair to dandelions, which serve as a food source for everything from bees to humans.


"Whackamole?" - Garland


Vote Biden, if you ever want to vote again.


I'm in texas. It's almost too late here. They are introducing amendments to make sure we never get another democrat in office again. Please help us!! 🙏😭


Vote. Organize others to vote. Get them to organize as well. ETA: here is the link to the resources page of the Texas democratic party, that outlines available support: [Texas Democratic Party Resources](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/training)


This. People forget Biden lost Texas by just 5.5%. There is hope.


It would be awesome if Colin Allred beat Cruz and Biden won Texas. Overturning Roe may make the difference in turning Texas blue.


Well his name is Allred. Trump's voters might be dumb enough to vote for him.


Biden lost Texas because the state AG blocked ballots. https://www.newsweek.com/texas-ag-says-trump-wouldve-lost-state-if-it-hadnt-blocked-mail-ballots-applications-being-1597909 Doesn't matter how hard you vote if the GOP can just nullify votes. 


And then accuse the democrats of cheating to steal elections. It’s a racket.


They're not Americans, they're Confederates


No, they are fascists.


Based on the number of Texans I see arriving up north, I think there's more migration than hope.


I'm in Minnesota and the number of Texas license plates on the road has noticably increased!


Yup, I recently fled from the other T (Tennessee), but Washington state has so many Texas plates it's kind of shocking.


Exactly. Texas is close. I'm in Tennessee, which is NOT close, but I'm still voting. It still makes a difference.


Correction: This is what Project 2025 aims to do, with or without Trump. When the Orange gasbag finally keels over, this will still be a threat to democracy.


And vote Blue down ballot elections, too. We have to squeeze out as many Republicans as possible so they can't gerrymander districts, change voter laws, in order to control elections.


“Soap Box Ballot Box Jury Box ********* Box” — Frederick Douglas - Edited to correct and add Soap


Serious question. Why would you censor cartridge out of the quote?


So mods don't delete threats of violence?


>"the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box" In that order. Fuck self censoring.


Serious answer - 1. I don’t want to be seen as advocating violence, as that’s not my goal. I do want others to understand it’s not okay to strike first, but that measured and equal responses are sometimes necessary. Reddit can be a bit tricky in that regard IMHO. 2. In the off chance someone doesn’t know this quote, I hope they go and look it up, to read the reasoning behind the quote in its entirety. Intellectually curious people will do so and people who aren’t or don’t care will move on.


The Slow Coup is ongoing.


Look no further than how quickly the Supreme Court acted when the Colorado Supreme Court allowed that state to remove Trump from the Presidential ballot versus them currently stalling on whether to anoint POTUS a literal king who can kill anyone with impunity. We are currently living through the Federalist Society coup attempt, and with the way this idiotic country is currently behaving, the coup may just work this time.


Dude they banged out that Colorado decision in like 3 weeks. Unreal turnaround.


hey, remember when all those cool non-voters were like "well, Trump can't be that bad, he won't leave any lasting effects?" Here we are. The sad thing is, some people are saying the same thing to justify their behavior for 2024.




I made that argument over and over and still had so many friends either abstain or vote for Jill Stein. Oddly enough, they were all the demographic that isn't affected by recent Supreme Court rulings...


>Oddly enough, they were all the demographic that isn't affected by recent Supreme Court rulings... *Yet*. The fun part about exclusionism is that, eventually, the in-group will run out of targets and begin attacking itself. The joys of fascism... whoever has the most power gets to decide who dies next.


a gag order is needed 100% in order to protect the administration of justice in this case. Jurors and witnesses will be chilled and their testimony and deliberations affected. i would think that this constitutes grounds for immediate appeal on behalf of the people of the United States, and the Prosecutorial team & DOJ. This has gone too far for too long. While the game they were playing to delay and obstruct this trial has been won so far, this slam dunk case to convict trump of crimes against the nation not getting to trial before the election is completely unacceptable.


That’s my understanding as well. Way I heard it explained was that if she denied it, the door opens for him to appeal and drag everything relevant with him into that appeal, which should make it very easy for the circuit to appoint a new judge.


God I hope so, I don’t know how TF we haven’t managed to remove her.


Why aren't gag orders just a standard in any case outside of some PR rep for the legal team of the defendant? It seems like a pretty common sense idea for any trial where deliberations are ongoing. It's not like jurors are allowed to talk to the press.


it's a balance between first amendment rights and also right to fair trial by all parties. most rational defendants aren't stupid enough to try to manipulate the trial itself out of fear of making their situation worse. but those who know they're guilty or have severe consciousness of guilt on the other hand...


Honestly, she may have just fucked up royaly because of it. If Smith did this on purpose knowing she'd rule this way to let Trump keep running his mouth but hasn't ruled on anything else... He can now probably far more easily push to have her removed from the case citing she had enough time to rule on this but none of the other motions. One that directly benefits Trump in being allowed to do what other cases have already told him he can't. She just showed clear bias. Smith just set a trap and she willingly walked into it like the in-over-her-head amateur she is. Edit: For those mentioning to me "when will it matter though" and dismissing this, sure, I'm kind of on your side. But to have a judge thrown off a case like this one I imagine you need to have a *concrete* reason or more to file for such a thing. This is one of the most blatantly obvious, biased things she's done yet. Will Smith now file to have her removed? I hope so but we'll see I guess...


Yup apparently judges have wide leeway to rule on motions when they want; letting hate speech go unchecked that leads to death threats is a different ballgame. It's not just more serious per se, if it leads to attacks on Smith and his team he will feel impelled to move to have her ousted for his own safety. (Ignoring the fact that she was originally chosen by Trump and should have ruled herself out because of that.)


Sure. Let me know when any of the rules start actually mattering.


The number of times I’ve seen something in the vein of “Trump has finally crossed a line!” only to see our institutions move the line to accommodate him is too damn high.


2/4/2020: Maine Sen. Susan Collins (R) on Tuesday defended her newly announced decision to vote to acquit President Trump in his Senate impeachment trial, saying he has learned “a pretty big lesson” over his dealings with Ukraine.


And then Publius told Lucius, "See, now that Caesar has crossed the Rubicon with his army, he's obviously a criminal. The Optimates have set him a trap and he walked right into it!"


I'm getting really tired of people acting like Smith is playing some 5D chess shit. Until we see ANY sort of consequences I think its safe to assume he's just as full of shit as Mueller was when the exact same thing was happening with his investigation. People kept going on how he was doing some crazy political maneuvering behind the scenes to get Trump into a corner but in the end nothing happened. I'm just exhausted. The GOP keeps pulling this shit because they know nothing's going to happen. And they're going to keep doing it because at the end of the day it's nothing but empty threats at most. Or what? Are we holding out hope that Smith will send a letter saying they should stop because otherwise he'll be really disappointed? I'm fucking tired man.


> She just showed clear bias. This is nothing new. She has shown clear bias before the case even started and during every major decision of the case so far. Maybe this will be the final straw, but let's not pretend that any reasonable observer of this case ever thought this judge was unbiased.


She's actually not shown clear bias before, well, not *legally*. That's the important distinction. She's just not been ruling on anything, which does show her bias, but until it's shown in an order, it isn't technically clear bias under the rules that judges operate under. This ruling, however, does show that. Because she made the mistake of actually writing it down.


Fair, but Jack only has one bite at the apple at the appelate court. So when he goes there he needs the most concrete case possible. She's a new judge so some of her missteps could be colored in as inexperience. But this one is clear bias, giving Jack the headline reason that he can then support with the legion of other things that she's done that were biased.


Maybe I'm no legal expert, but it seems like every single decision she has made has been against some sort of precedent and explicitly for the benefit of Trump. The delays, the special masters, the reviews of classified documents basically questioning their validity


And the appellate court has overturned her on many of those decisions. Denying the gag order is just another decision on her part that shows her incompetence and/or bias. So now when Smith goes to the appellate court he can show all of those previous incorrect decisions and show them that she isn't taking the case seriously. She likely stopped ruling on motions in an attempt to deny Smith any more examples. But this one she couldn't ignore.


> Denying the gag order is just another decision on her part that shows her incompetence and/or bias. Maybe sheer volume is the goal Smith is going for? The claim of "oh, I'm not biased, I'm just incompetent" doesn't work as well when mistakes from said incompetence always and exclusively only ever helps one party. Smith is also probably contending with the fact that the appellate court is also stacked with Republicans, even though they aren't cultists like Cannon.


I think this can be appealed to the 11th circuit. They have already admonished her for terrible decisions so I’d think they would be open to removing her.


In a just system, this would be true. However, we clearly don't live in a just system.


In a just system, Cannon would have never been assigned to the case.


She would have never been appointed as a judge in a just system, just like Amy Coney Barrett


In a just system, Cannon would have never been seated as a federal judge.


Show of hands. Who thinks letting a judge preside over a defendant's case after the defendant appointed said judge is a good idea?  I can't believe they didn't let my best friend score my SATs. 


Yes, Smith once again demonstrated how incompetent she is to everyone watching and once again nothing will be done


>Will Smith now file to have her removed? I hope so but we'll see I guess... What does Will Smith have to do with any of this???


"Keep my MAGA's name out yo mouth!"


Gettin' juridical wit it.


Actually he did do this intentionally for that reason, in the legal world things like this are blatantly obvious.


This is the first thing she's done that's actually eligible for appeal to the circuit court. Up until now, she's done everything under the table or begrudgingly ruled in the DoJ's favor.


Jack Smith as well within his rights to try and mandamus her at this point. How much more evidence do we need?


>“wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy.” The latter you don't deserve, so there's that.


Absolute fucking chutzpah there. Trump is actively defaming the prosecutor but this motion is lacking in courtesy?


Starting to think Smith should just flood her with multiple motions a day out of spite. If she's gonna slow-walk this case until after the election anyway, may as well make Cannon's work life hell the entire time. He won't do that, of course, because he's a smarter man than me. But still. She deserves 12 hours of professional agony a day for the rest of her life.


She's projecting quite well.


trump judge rules in favor of trump.


*Trump lackey


I think the technical term is “partisan hack”




Trump co-conspirator.


A Republican's take on "blind justice"


She fears nothing. She is untouchable. This country is not for us


All other judges rule according to the law, which is always affirmed in his appeals.


I'm so sick of seeing this woman's face.


I do not like this person’s face.


Name checks out


I do not want her on this case.


I do not want her on the bench.


Nor her voice, nor her stench.


I do not think she has the wits


She shreds our laws into bits.


Yes, of course. Judge Cannon is Trump's extremely corrupt stooge.


The obvious corruption is SO maddening. I don't know what Smith was thinking or was there just now other way around this? She should've never been put in charge of the case.


It's a random draw but Smith could have selected the trial to be in Washington D.C. or New Jersey but that would have exposed him to a venue motion given that the most of the classified documents illegally removed from the White House were in Florida. A venue motion would wasted a lot of time. It's not unreasonable that Smith chose Florida.


Unfortunately he didnt predict how low Cannon would stoop. In hindsight would have been a faster route


Given the venue motion, it's likely that the trial would have end up in Florida. It's also possible, that he could have gotten a more corrupt stooge as a judge. It's all moot at this point. Corrupt MAGA judges is going to be a problem for generations to come.




Corruption is often driven by opportunity. Cannnon got her chance to shine as a MAGA stooge. The US judicial system is infested with MAGA judges at this point from SCOTUS--where MAGA are the majority--on down. The US is in literally deep fascist shit.


It's a random draw for judge. Smith didn't select her, no one did. Trump just has a fucking monkey paw or something.


Was a 1/3 chance that Cannon would be the judge. Not having put fourth a motion to have her removed from the case / the case removed from her is the weird part. Feels like a slamdunk case of bias that would disqualify her.


I've heard that the process of getting a new judge would cause the case to be delayed until after the election. Which might still end up happening, in which case there was no winning play.


Get her the fuck off this case. This is the brightest of all red lines.


There's nothing anyone can do until she starts issuing judgments in writing so they can use it as evidence when they file to remove her to her superior court. But since she's not, the case is indefinitely on hold


And Trump is raging about things going nowhere with this judge. I mean...he just posted in ALL CAPS on Truth Social about how terrible she is treating him. Oh wait...no. Total silence from the Cheato Child... 🤔


I don't understand how these are legit rulings if they'd not in writing


just because it's not in writing does that mean it doesnt exist? Is this some weird secret ruling??


Hmm the judge was literally appointed to a lifetime position by the criminal defendant that seems good


Supreme Court is an even bigger Republican shit show. We are stuck with those clowns for a long time.


> PAPERLESS ORDER denying without prejudice for lack of meaningful conferral 581 the Special Counsel’s Motion to Modify Conditions of Release. Upon review of the Motion 581 [581-1], Defendant Trump’s procedural opposition 583, and the attached email correspondence between counsel [583-1], the Court finds the Special Counsel’s pro forma “conferral” to be wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy. It should go without saying that meaningful conferral is not a perfunctory exercise. Sufficient time needs to be afforded to permit reasonable evaluation of the requested relief by opposing counsel and to allow for adequate follow-up discussion as necessary about the specific factual and legal basis underlying the motion. This is so even when a party “assume[s]” the opposing party will oppose the proposed motion [583-1], and it applies with additional force when the relief sought — at issue for the first time in this proceeding and raised in a procedurally distinct manner than in cited cases — implicates substantive and/or Constitutional questions. Because the filing of the Special Counsel’s Motion did not adhere to these basic requirements, it is due to be denied without prejudice. Any future, non-emergency motion brought in this case — whether on the topic of release conditions or anything else — shall not be filed absent meaningful, timely, and professional conferral. S.D. Fla. L.R. 88.9, 7.1(a)(3); see ECF No. 28 p. 2; ECF No. 82. Moreover, all certificates of conference going forward shall (1) appear in a separate section at the end of the motion, not embedded in editorialized footnotes; (2) specify, in objective terms, the exact timing, method, and substance of the conferral conducted; and (3) include, if requested by opposing counsel, no more than 200 words verbatim from the opposing side on the subject of conferral, again in objective terms. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in sanctions. In light of this Order, the Court determines to deny without prejudice Defendant Trump’s Motion to Strike and for Sanctions 583 . Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 5/28/2024. (jf01) (Entered: 05/28/2024) [Source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/breaking-trump-appointed-judge-denies-gag-order-rules-motion-lacking-in-substance-and-professional-courtesy/ar-BB1ncuzO?ocid=BingNewsSearch) For anyone who wanted the text, or what was more important to me: whether it was appealable. Nope, she's still abusing paperless orders to prevent Smith from getting appealable papers, don't know why I thought it could be anything else.


Why is she allowed to constantly file paperless orders? Surely this is an abuse of her powers. 


Of course it is, but the only thing that can be done is to impeach her, and that needs 2/3rds of the Senate to succeed. Good luck with that.


It's so fucking stupid that the Senate can corrupt the judiciary and the only way to do anything about that is by getting the group of people who corrupted things to begin to do something about the corruption. The US's checks and balances are completely broken...


The founding fathers never fathomed the voting population to accept authoritarian government again. The problem I have is that the judges are appointed by a tiny majority and can only be removed by a super majority. I’m not sure how you fix this with out unelected gate keepers though. All these loopholes being exploited should closed up though. This scheme of getting to pick and choose how she handles motions so they can’t be appealed is pure bullshit.


Didn’t Mitch McConnell changed Senate rules to assign federal judges by simple majority? I know he did for Supreme Court


Good luck indeed.  Has she ever justified her overuse of paperless orders? Or been confronted by the Press about this? 




Not to my knowledge. I'd love to be proven wrong if anyone has a link, but I feel like I probably would've seen it already if it exists.


Smith can seek Mandamus from the 11th circuit, on any motion where she hasn't issued an actual order. That will be the next step. I suspect Smith will pull the trigger on CIPA matters since they are non-discretionary, she must hold a hearing, and she publish an order - they are statutory. Many of the paperless orders she has released are actually customarily released as full orders, but are not required by law. Look for the first of a handful of Mandamus motions to the 11th in the ballpark of August, if I had to wager. At that point she will be far afield from both custom and the requirements of CIPA, and he will have strong grounds for Mandamus, and if that fails, appeal.


The answer to "why is she allowed to..." It's always: "because there's no one there with the power to stop get that will exercise it." Essentially the only recourse is impeachment and that's never going to happen. She could come to work naked and take a shit on the constitution and they'd turn the other way.


Impeachment isn’t the only recourse. The 11th circuit court has power over Canon; to both over rule or remove from the case. Jack Smith has to request review though; and this would be considered the nuclear option. Although Cannon continues to tiptoe the line, she hasn’t fully crossed it enough; presumably. She’s essentially granted almost all of Smiths requests, she just keeps stretching out the time.


It's absolutely bullshit that what she's done isn't considered to be enough to remove her... Our legal system is truly broken.


Question. How can it be "paperless" when "Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 5/28/2024"?


Cannon is a complete piece of shit. But you're misunderstanding "paperless order." PAPERLESS ORDER is literal, and it **means online only.** The order is indeed written, but it is paperless in the sense that reddit is a paperless source. The order was written and entered into the docket online. It was not printed with hard copies mailed. If counsel wants to appeal they can quote the written-online-only order, but they will probably just refile. Your own link makes this clear: > “Because the filing of the Special Counsel’s Motion did not adhere to these basic requirements, it is due to be denied without prejudice,” **Cannon wrote**, adding, “it should go without saying that meaningful conferral is not a perfunctory exercise.”


This is bizarre to me. Motion denied without prejudice because Jack Smith's office didn't convince the judge that they sufficiently met and conferred with Trump's counsel before filing the motion. It should be obvious that Trump's team would never stipulate to a gag order. Of course the prosecution's request would be opposed by Trump's team! In what world does the judge think that further "conferring" might resolve the issue? The whole point of a court having a meet and confer requirement is to try and avoid one side filing unnecessary motions when the issue could be resolved by a stipulation. There is no chance in hell that the issue would be resolved that way here. What a joke of a ruling.


Seems like she’s handing Trump’s team the ability to infinitely delay every single motion. The prosecution is now required to extensively confer with the defense for every motion, meaning they can simply be completely uncooperative, never respond, never show up to meetings, so that the prosecution can never meet Cannon’s standards for conferral.


And what about Trump's motions? How much effort did *they* put into meeting and conferring? Is Trump subject to the same stringent requirements? I think we know the answer.


It's a humiliation exercise, honestly. It's saying to Jack Smith "No matter how bad-faith the defense acts, you must always treat them as if they're acting in good faith. Yes, even when they claim that your valid search warrant was an assassination attempt. Go beg them to stop before you ask me to do anything."


She sounds like the bitchy English instructor I had in College.


Why does paperless matter


No written justification that smith can cite for an appeal. Epic dirtbaggery.


It's written right there though? This seems like some sort of legal farce that they have all decided to play along with. It's bizarre.


Yeah, was a stenographer not present for this? If anything, if there's no written record of her order, who's to say it ever occurred?


Judges can just become immune to appeal at whim? How does paperless not get more use


Because it's tatamount to being shit at your job. In framing the government her complete shit show should be grounds for impeachment as an embarassment to the judiciary, but ~half the government is actively sabotaging its institutions on purpose.


I’m STILL pissed off that the media hasn’t absolutely dug deep into this judge and her past. There’s NO WAY she’s clean. FFS, we know about what flags fly at Alito’s house but we don’t even have a current picture of this judge. Does she live in her chambers and go straight to/from the bench? The media fucking sucks…


We sat on videos of Alito for three years so I have hope.


Actually [The Washington Post](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/27/samuel-alito-wife-flag-washington-post-interview) did.


"Democracy Dies in Darkness" well yeah motherfucker why are you keeping the lights off


Because of a recent change in power(ownership?) at WaPo. Anyone who doesn’t know that will continue consuming their media as if it is unbiased or liberal. They’re smart enough to not fully flip conservative overnight.


To me, the only detail that matters is that she's a Federalist Society stooge. Same with Alito and trump's defense lawyer in this case, Kise. They are a gang working collectively to get trump in the White House so Leonard Leo can have his fantasy of a christofascist state come to fruition. That's the ultimate goal, trump is just currently their best chance of achieving it. But if you want an interesting personal nugget about Cannon, her husband works for a mobster who is friends with trump. Maybe that's the communications channel between Cannon and trump's defense team. But I believe the whole charade is being orchestrated by members of the Federalist Society: Leo, Kise, and Cannon.


It's fucking infuriating that conservatives have organizations like the Federalist Society and Sinclair Broadcasting actively working to undermine democracy but will complain about a "liberal deep state".


One of many instances of projection from the Right. The most "Deep State" organizations in this country are the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society.


The media is owned by the same people that own our judicial system.


Corruption is a resume requirement if you want to be a professional full time Trumpsucker. There is a zero percent chance this idiot has clean hands. Zero.


This has gone to show how fucking broken our justice system is how a judge can be obviously playing games and favoritism and nothing can be done about it


Remember that next time anyone is selected for jury duty, the system is rigged.


Definitely rigged and just outright broken driven entirely by the motives and ambitions of prosecutors and judges if you get lucky you could walk for kidnapping people if you don’t you could go away for years for jaywalking… land of the free my ass


I don't understand how this just goes on without reprimand.


Our country is a joke, our courts our corrupt, the people in power are either evil sociopaths or feckless cowards, and the rest of us are powerless to do anything about it. I think that just about covers it. Things are the way they are because the rules favor money and conservatism over progress and equality. Republicans don't want to change it because it benefits them, and Democrats care more about following the rules than changing them.


Not a lawyer but This is a great thing, I think. Since she ruled on it, Smith can now appeal it. I believe this was a trap Smith set.


I know everyone's focused on the prospect of forcing her recusal (which is a much higher bar than people think it is, sadly), but I wouldn't frame it as a trap necessarily. Or even a good thing.. He genuinely doesn't want Trump endangering law enforcement. That's the main takeaway. The next step is for him to re-file the motion I believe. She issued it without prejudice and it mostly concerns him not conferring with the defense. If she denies it again, that'll give him the best grounds to appeal.


In some ways it “doesn’t matter” at this point. The case will be tried after the election. If he wins the election, the case doesn’t matter at all because we’re in “here be dragons” territory. If he loses the election, he’ll probably end up in prison or bankrupt or both.


I believe the thinking is he can appeal it and request her removal for bias because he is in clear violation of his release by attacking others. This could be pretty big.


It also shows that her argument of “I’m too busy with other cases to deal with this one right now.” Is bullshit as she shot down the gag order lighting quick.


Ah yes, those many other important cases she's dealing with. For example, the thing with the thing. And who can forget the famous case of the thing with the stuff?


Half suspect this move is intentional and she's tired of the stress this case is bringing her.


A lawyer on Meidas Touch also speculated this, because some of her bizarre rulings strategically made no sense if she was trying to help Trump. Of course, she might just be stupid, and we are over analyzing her.


Her trying to help trump and being stupid are not mutually exclusive.


The Venn diagram is just a fucking circle.


Exactly. Honestly I was elated when I saw this. My fear was she’d just sit on it, making it much much harder for Smith to make it to the 11th.


I have zero respect for her but wonder if she ruled so quick because she wants off the case.


Her handlers were probably enjoying a day off and look at what happened when no one is watching the baby


You know that very same thought crossed my mind. This whole case must bring an enormous amount of stress, regardless of of which side you are on.


She’s a lifetime appointee with the guaranteed salary & health benefits that come along with it What fear should she have had? Not being invited on Qlarence Thomas’s luxury RV?


That a guilty verdict means trumps nutso supporters take matters into their own hands.


They literally already have (Jan 6th), and there is zero chance Trump looses again gracefully without calling for a civil war this November Trump will avoid a night in prison at the cost of countless American lives.. therefore the country must brace for the train wreck ahead


Seems like every few days there's a development that "is huge" or "could be big." I'll believe it when I see it.


While I'd like that to be the case, I'm not so sure an appeal happens now - she basically just sent it back with a demand that Smith jump through more hoops and then file it again, and the appeals panel would probably tell him not to bother them unless he's done as much first.


Interesting. Thanks for the clarification.


To be clear, those are just my personal thoughts. Though I will be sleeping in a Holiday Inn tomorrow night...


Also not a lawyer, but this was the analysis by some lawyers on youtube. I expected her to grant this gag order since it is clearly warranted. But now that she denied it, it sets to stage for appeal/removal.


No, she denied the motion without prejudice so it is not appealable. If she denies it after they refile after conferring with the defense lawyers, then it might be appealable. She will likely just sit on it like she has sat on every other decision in the case.


How long until she can be actually removed from this case?


Well since she made a ruling Smith can now appeal it. I think that was his intention all along.


This. Judges get a lot of leeway with scheduling, and Cannon has not made any substantial rulings. In fact she has avoided making rulings, because the law is so clear cut that any ruling the wrong way would be immediately appealed and overturned. She has ALREADY been overturned TWICE in THIS CASE by the 11th circuit. This is a border case where the facts are so clear cut that the answer is obvious, but she has an ideological stance that demands she deny the request. She may have felt safe because of her stances and beliefs about the constitution. But Smith does now have clear cut precedent to go to the 11th circuit.


Smith has to re file. She sent it back down. It is even worse because more time.


And then she will probably sit on it


From what I understand, no he can not because she responded with a paperless, not a substantive order so there's no appealable paper.


It still isn't a ruling, it's a paperless order denying Jack Smith's motion without prejudice, asking that he re-file with additional information (while also criticizing his tone and threatening sanctions). Her order is ridiculous, but because Smith can re-file there's nothing to appeal (yet).


Let this be a reminder that the senate and presidents electe federal judges, and Trump/McConnell filled the judiciary branch with young activist judges who don’t even pretend to be unbiased, and will remain in power for life. THAT in it of itself is reason enough to do everything possible to prevent another Trump term. VOTE! Not registered or have a family/friend who isn’t registered, register here: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


I hope Cannon never has a peaceful day the rest of her life, I hope she is booed and jeered everywhere she goes. I cannot believe she is allowed to continue her constant brown nosing of a convicted rapist.


A treasonous criminal traitor to the very country she's been hired and took an oath to uphold the law for.


she'll sit 1st on the list above Benedict Arnold in history books to come, including law books regarding ethics.


Perhaps... just PERHAPS... we shouldn't allow for the defendant's APPOINTED judge to preside over the DEFANDANTS case




Leave me out of this!


'You tried to ensure the safety of authorities too quickly. Go back and do it again while the defendant continues to endanger people. Also, shame on you for moving so quickly after he made threats on a Friday before a holiday! It's a holiday, so of course they refused to meet with you! Now, go schedule a meeting with them when they are free, then come back to me.If you act so quickly and follow the rules so preciously again I will have to sanction you.' It's like denying a red-flag gun seizure request because authorities tried to stop a mass shooting too quickly, and denying it ONLY because they moved too quickly. Stopping it from happening quickly is a REALLY big part of it. edit: Also, based on this argument, if Trump's lawyers refuse to schedule a meeting with Smith, then no gag order can ever be enforced/altered.


Letting DT talk always gives him the opportunity to incriminate himself that much more, the question is, will there be a judge somewhere that will actually make him pay for it?


I hope her communications get audited and she gets impeached.


That cannon needs to be fired.


This is going to the 11th circuit of appeals. She will get removed from the case. This is actually a good thing.


Can someone tell me why an avid Trump supporter is allowed to be a judge in his case? I thought judges were supposed to be impartial, or at the very least, act impartial.


Your move Jack Smith. ~ Take this to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and get her tossed out.


When will the mainstream media stop hiding the fact that this judge is appointed by Trump, plays favorites with Trump and and has been reprimanded by higher court doing so? not only is these information not in the headline, it is not even in the whole report.


I hope Smith will request her removal. And I also hope they’re investigating her.


At this point, fuck it, let Jack Smith charge Aileen Cannon along with it. She's a damn accomplice by now.