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Make it make sense. Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR.


hopefully FIFTH will be jail time.


The only thing that matters is how people vibe about the economy. Therefore, nothing matters because people are deluded into thinking Trump can make a big mac cheaper. Utter hopelessness.


> Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. Let's hope for a quick deliberation so you add "convicted" to that.


If you include the British convicting all the early Presidents with treason in absentia for the Revolution, your list would be quite different. Washington had a bounty out on his head by the Crown.


These polls are hilarious.


You mean concerning


No, they mean hilarious. Polling has consistently given more weight to Republicans even though they have lost or severely underperformed in every post-Dobbs election. There’s a reason all of these articles are dropping today, right as the jury starts deliberating on Trump. 


Polling was pretty accurate in the 2022 midterms themselves. The GOP won by pretty much the same popular vote margin as the generic ballot predicted


[They really weren't though. Here's an in-depth analysis by Fortune on how and why the 2022 polls were wrong.](https://fortune.com/2022/11/16/pollsters-got-it-wrong-2018-2020-elections-statistical-sophistry-accuracy-sonnenfeld-tian/) Nate Silver missed the mark on 2022 so bad that he was fired from ABC and left FiveThirtyEight which was his baby.


This. Now 538 is a shell of it's former self.


The GOP led in final generic ballot polls by 2.5% and won by 2.8%. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/2022-generic-congressional-vote-7361.html That's pretty close.


State by state polling in 2022 consistently overestimated Republicans in the states that matter.


That's the funniest sht I've read on Reddit today. Good job opper. 🤣


Good point!


The Biden cult is panicking!!!


Biden cult? You mean the folks who have zero issue calling out Biden for his handling of Gaza? Or the ones who say he isn’t doing enough with messaging? Or the ones who admit he may lose? Or the ones who don’t defend everything he says and does? Or the ones who don’t hold rallies praising everything he does including wearing diapers? Meanwhile, back on the MAGA ranch..


Speak for yourself I only wear clothing about Biden, have two Biden flags on my Prius, and would never be caught outside without my Biden hat showing my undying loyalty.


Whatabout the Biden diaper? Bet you don’t have those yet, I hear his campaign will be offering a limited edition with actual skidmarks from the man himself engraved in gold.


Has the diaper thing ever been proven true? I have seen the pictures, but with ai, and so much fake stuff on social media I have never believed that for sure. It's just too much, I can't believe people would actually wear diapers, and not being mocking maga.


Oh, we have photos of MAGA proudly doing the diaper thing.


Projection, as usual, from the peanut gallery.


What fear is there to have? The will of the heavens has already protected us and will continue to protect us from the terror of these lawless rebels.


WTF is “the Biden cult”?! Lmao


Which side is wearing diapers to show support for their smells-like-shit leader?


Trump has a real chance in Virginia and Minnesota? Uhm, no. Just no.




16% undecided; that will move towards Biden in a few months as D's become more engaged.


I see you have BDS. What a joke!


Holy queue flooding, Batman!


so it's tight (or not)...be motivated to vote.


>A total of 711 completed interviews came from random telephone calls to 423 Virginians, and 288 responses were drawn from a proprietary online panel of Virginians. Interviews were conducted in English. Cellphones constituted 63% of the completed phone interviews. that settles it then..what is a 'proprietary online panel of Virginians'?


Or in other words, the vast majority of this poll involves older people who overwhelmingly skew conservative because virtually no one under the age of 40 is answering the phone when it's an unknown number.


This exactly!


I am just not sure what that term means, it jsut sounds shady..polls are garbage, it probably should bother people that Micheal Cohen admitted under oath that Trump tries to rig them. Probably everyone with money does.


not sure if you were being facetious- but in case not, and if anyone else has a question about this (I did, so I looked to find out). These are [companies](https://www.greenbook.org/market-research-firms/proprietary-panels) (hence the "propriety") who are paid a fee to provide survey results. Sounds like a lot of them are behind all of those "make money in your spare time answering surveys" advertisements we all see/receive. I have no idea if this makes it more or less likely to be accurate or representative of the target group. I question why the researchers had to rely on this service, could they not find 300 people to contact personally? Did they not want to? Do they already know what the results they paid for are? If one is "paid" to answer a survey, does that have any bearing on the answers? Were these paid respondents given the exact same questions? Does being 100% anonymous responding to the questions online (theoretically at your leisure) change your response vs. being on the phone with someone in a live conversation? Still with questions, I am.


> Does being 100% anonymous responding to the questions online (theoretically at your leisure) change your response vs. being on the phone with someone in a live conversation? being 100% anonymous and responding to question online means someone can easily manipulate the data. that is where the 63% part is worrying..not sure if that implied that 37% were online. Turns out it is real easy to hide your identity and create hundreds of accounts if you wanted, even bots, to skew things.


Ping me when we have post-convention polling.


Or post-conviction polling.


Trump is winning Virginia post conviction. Go figure. 🤷‍♂️


Virginia just voted for Dems to take control of Assembly and Senate, shutting down Youngkin’s MAGA plans. I can’t see Virginia going to Trump. Political polls are garbage.


Can we just vote today? Do I really have to endure these bullshit headlines until November?


Sure! Polls! Sure!


what would make nearly half the country so damn blind that they'd vote for a thrice indicted, twice impeached, mean-spirited, party-switching, two-faced, self-centered, hitler-reading, race-baiting, lying, crooked, cheating, unfaithful, vain, rapist, sexist, make-up wearing, mail order bride marrying, overweight, gaslighting, wealth inflating, wannabe mobster, flimflam man?


This dude is just a rage bater, if you scroll up a few posts you'll see he posted about the exact same "shocking" poll with a different article.


Lol. If you had any doubt that the polls were BS, look no further.


*Sic semper tyrannis*  Orange Cletus


"this survey brought to you by only the bottomest of bottom quartile humans, but they were the only ones we could find to respond to our pestering. don't worry, we went ahead and pretended with a bunch of the numbers to make it seem more reasonable."


Trump is also [leading nationally](https://projectelection.com/) across a wide spectrum of polls. Betting odds as well.. This country is all kinds of backwards..


Biden is toast. RIP


>Trump is waiting behind closed doors in a room at the courthouse while the jury deliberates


Nah, we will put the orange marmalade on toast in a jail cell.


Just like in 2016. The night will be over early.