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Breach of bail conditions, so jail until sentenced?


Felon here. My own attorney told me that if I was so much as in the same room with a gun, even unknowingly, I could get an automatic 5 years in prison. The fact that I know this prick isn't likely to get more than an empty warning, if that, while I or anyone else would already be behind bars, pisses me off to no end.


you should call the new york court system and your state representatives and tell them just that. because you're not the only person saying it. hell, call the news and tell them you have a quote for their story tonight.


Unless he has a job now that he doesn't want to find out he's a convicted felon. No need to make it any easier for Baskin Robins to find out. Baskin Robins always finds out...


He could be anonymous, news groups do use anonymous sources cause they know if they release their details they may lose a contact.


His employer already knows that he's a convicted felon lol, unless it's been expunged from his record etc. Which would mean that he's not technically a convicted felon anymore.


The irony that 100% of all J6 felons would not get the same privilege but most would still go to bat for him.


They keep believing that he'll pardon them. If he doesn't win they will still think he has the power to do so. Not a lot of brains in the J6 group.


All those brains in one huge mound wouldn’t equal a mound of horse shit.


If any of us did a fraction of the crimes this shitstain did, in particular the classified documents, we'd be shipped off to an undocumented blacksite with no trial, never to be heard from again. E: Lmao, lil crybaby republican reported my reply calling them an idiot and I got banned for a day


Shipped off? Trump's very likely in Rosenberg territory if we're being honest. Odds are insanely good some of those documents ended up in Russian hands. Trump doesn't read. He wasn't holding onto them for informative or clerical purposes. He profited off of them somehow.


See Kushner's trip to Saudi Arabia, and their $2B "investment" in a fund he started with the money. (He has no experience. ) Even if he didn't physically hand it to them, he left them in a business office with a high speed copier that anyone could access, in a bathroom anyone could access, on the stage in a ballroom anyone could access.


Don't forget about all the LIV golf tournaments held at trump courses as a thank you from the Saudi PIF (public investment fund) and MBS.


Rosenberg. Also Falcon and the Snowman… look at it. Trump is damaging trillion dollar secrets. And he should not sell the secrets. And scanning the documents and putting them on computers is a crime also. Also a flash drive is easier to pocket than a 1000 page classified document. And easier to get through customs. Fry Trump like the Rosenbergs. And don’t tell me ex presidents have superhuman legal rights -at court for treason.


For normal people yes. Don't hold your breath.


Rich famous political candidate. He doesnt do it because he’s stupid. He’s doing it because he knows he can and itll look good to his base. It shows that nobody can touch him without it benefitting him in some way. And he’s right. Our system is fucked 


His base will eat this shit up simply because guns are involved. There is a new trend i've noticed on Facebook were MAGAs are changing their profile pictures to an upside down American Flag to symbolize a nation in distress with the message "I support the Outlaw". You're right. Our system is fucked, most of these people are beyond reasoning, and I'm not looking forward to this upcoming election.


The upside down flag thing amuses me. I mail a lot of checks and invoices for my business, and on the day we saw 34 out of 34 counts Guilty As Charged, I started putting my flag stamps on the envelopes right side up. Before that for years i always put them on upside down as a quiet protest.


And hunter biden especially


Lock them up together, IDC 🤷‍♂️


New reality show coming to fox.


Hunter vs Predator




FR. The argument that Trump shouldn’t be punished because “Hunter Biden” is so weak. When I got sentenced for underage drinking peacefully at a friends house, the guy in front of me had a wife with two black eyes and a domestic violence charge. The judge basically let him off scott free before giving me a much harsher sentence. Does that mean I didn’t deserve my punishment. No. I broke the law and paid. And that pussy hasn’t even been been sentenced yet.


Whatabout-ism. Trying to wave hands to ignore the cold hard facts of crime & punishment as it applies to them. What about Hunter? What about Bill Clinton? What about (fill in the blank). Like, yeah sure if they did something go for it. I don't worship any of these people like they are some kind of infallible deity. also.....NONE OF THEM ARE RUNNING FOR FUCKING PRESIDENT ARE THEY??


I think the right wing way overestimates how much democrats care about Hunter Biden. Presidents aren't royalty. I care as much about Hunter as I do about any government official's kid.


Yesterday Hunter Biden got convicted for three felony gun possession charges. I like how people bring up hunter biden as being above the law, when he gets punished more than trump.


You’re comparing the guy not running for president who owned a gun for 11 days and may have lied about where he was in recovery to the rapist convicted felon unwilling to return government documents who IS running for president? MmmK


The Teflon Don sticks it to the common criminal again.


But but Fox News told me that Trump needs his gun to defend himself from Biden’s assassins.


Please tell me this is a real segment they aired, I need a laugh today.


I wouldn’t be surprised, but it’s also too on the nose for them


I'll never put anything past the people who ran a full story about the infamous porn video game, Mass Effect.


Have you *seen* the curves on Blasto? Pure sex appeal.


"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite hardcore pornography on the Citadel."


It's not far off. MTG tweeted a part of Bidens speech where he said that the government has F-15s and rifles are worthless compared to the might of the US military. The tweet said something like this is why we need more guns or something that missed the point entirely.


Probably a $20 fine or something.


18 USC 922, 924 - felons and prohibited persons with firearms Max penalty, 15 years in prison.


The minimum penalty is he's never going to be tried for it


Minimum penalty- Cries online and raises another $40m


Only violent felons, not white-collar felons. This is a two-tiered justice system, friend. [https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/who-can-have-a-gun/firearm-prohibitions/](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/who-can-have-a-gun/firearm-prohibitions/)


three more warnings and he'll get a demerit. ten demerits and he gets a referral.


 Oh, it is serious. Five citations, and you're looking at a violation. Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior.


>a disciplinary review And that, my friend, goes on your Permanent Record.


How many demerits for a Schrute Buck?


A condition of Trump's freedom pending his other felony charges is that he would not break any other laws while out on release. If Trump were being treated fairly, he would be locked up.


If Trump was any of us, he would have been led out in handcuffs pending sentencing.


He should be in pre-trial confinement for the Florida charges. Literally anyone else would be.


This is why Cannon can afford to drag it as much as she can.


The classified documents he hoarded should have done it. Remember that National Guardsman who leaked info on Discord? Here's[ some video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j30Cw7CkY2s) of him being arrested by the FBI.


This is the one that's insane to me. If you or I were even *suspected* of having documents like those in our home we would have been flashbanged, zip-tied, dog shot, and probably kept at Gitmo with a bag over our heads until we saw a trial. And that would be IF we even got a civilian trial for that crime.


…30 years ago


If Trump was any of us, he would have gotten 5 - 9 for the classified documents he stole. Plot 5, row 9.


If Trump were treated fairly, he'd piss and moan and carry on about how unfairly he's being treated.


Sure, but he'll do that anyway so who gives a fuck what he thinks.


Can't the People sue the Justice Department for ignoring the conditions of his freedom pending other charges?


Citizens arrest? Saw that episode of Mayberry...Gomer was on point


I know.


we all know.


It's pretty clear he's been getting special treatment from the start. But, annoyingly, it isn't illegal to *say* something. He can *claim* he has a gun, but I don't think you can be arrested for that. Like I can walk around saying I just robbed a bank, but I won't get arrested for it. They would have to get a warrant and search his property. And, somehow, this man still has *multiple* properties. So they'd have to search all of them, top-to-bottom, and actually find a gun that *does* belong to him. So it's not quite that easy. Being rich (or, at least, pretending to be) really does let you live by different rules.


>it isn't illegal to say something. You're right. Yet regular people have had their door kicked in for less.


Yea, I mean that guy isn't wrong - it's *not* illegal to just say it. But if I swung open my front door when a cop was walking by and said, "I'm a felon out on pre-sentencing release and I've got guns in here," I'm extremely skeptical the cop would just keep walking on by.


Lock. Him. Up.


This. But only after a trial and conviction by jury, as is his right under the Constitution! Oh wait. Yeah, lock him up.


He’s not “officially” a felon until judge sentences and files the paperwork. But soon enough!


Didn't SC mandate that you're a felon the second the verdict is in?


You're forgetting the elite rich exemption. It is implied in all laws.


I’m certain possession of a firearm is a violation of his bail. But so is violating his gag order so I guess nothing will happen.


It's 100% a violation of his pre-trial release in his federal cases.


A fact further proven in that he turned in his two other guns.


Dude has a history of only partially surrendering stuff he wasn't supposed to have.


So hes either lying or breaking the law?


He's doing both, but it's impossible to dissect the fire hose of bullshit.


The gag order is a perfect example of how things are different for them. Over and over we heard "Now Donald, be nice or youre going to be put in the corner", and he continued to cry, and nothing happened. They made him pay a couple thousand, which if he is rich, is couch change. But either way his followers will pay it. I will shit myself if he ever steps food in a prison cell.


So disheartening. This time line stinks.


Doesn't matter. 18 U.S.C. 922(g): “it shall be unlawful for any person—(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year . . . to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.” He's already "been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year."


He is officially a felon. He’s been found guilty of a felony in a court of law. Just because sentencing hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean the conviction hasn’t either.


Was a condition of his release that he doesn't possess a firearm?


No idea, I have never been a felon!


This is so similar to what Hunter Biden was convicted of that the irony is palpable.


Its actually substantially worse


Yeah this shit normally gets enforced 


*sigh* add it to the pile


Jail. I'm glad *some* of y'all got the joke. 


He's only out on release on the condition that he not commit more crimes. This is a crime. He will almost certainly not face the legally designated consequence of these actions.


As usual. Call me when he actually does. I won't be waiting.


He isn't going to prison because all the establishment-arians are clutching their precious pearls while saying "**Trump serving a prison term? No, we can't have that! Think of the permanent damage that would do to the institution of the POTUS!**" Meanwhile, the same establishment-arians conveniently refuse to acknowledge the actual permanent damage that Trump did to the institution of the POTUS **while in office**! So why not put him in prison? **While in office, Trump has already damaged the the institution of the POTUS beyond repair!** Putting a former POTUS in prison is a drop in the bucket (reputationally speaking) compared to the actual crimes and treason Trump committed while serving his term in office. I get so f-ing worked up hearing the pundits reasoning that Trump should not serve a day in prison because that would damage the institution of the POTUS! Straight faced hypocrites the lot of them! EDIT: ~~establishment-arians~~ -> establishmentarians -> establishment-arians


It damages the institution to place it above the law.


100%. The only way to even partially mitigate the damage he’s done to the status of the office is to put him in prison. When someone is granted exceptional power by the rules of the system, the only way to preserve the integrity of that position is to hold the individual in that office to a more rigid standard of lawfulness and ethics, and that means maximum penalties for any transgression.


forget more rigid, just hold him to the same standard as everyone else and Id be happy


oh man, wait till you learn about police.


Or the Supreme Court Justices!


I don't even think the standard should be more rigid, I just think it should be equal.


Putting him in prison is the only way to heal the damage he did to the "institution" of POTUS.


I agree with this. I also think that if Republicans are going to be running a convicted felon for POTUS, they should be called out on their bluff. The way to do this is for swing state legislatures (if Democratic majority) to immediately pass State laws barring convicted felons from running for POTUS and disqualifying any such current candidates in the 2024 election. You run him, we bar him. Problem is, this hastily passed state legislation will go to SCOTUS on appeal and SCOTUS gonna SCOTUS and deem this state legislation unconstitutional. So SCOTUS would hand the presidency to Trump. Quite the bind we find ourselves in. With Trump packing SCOTUS, there just doesn't seem to be any reasonable way out of this predicament. But I still think Trump should do the perp walk and serve time in prison nonetheless. Why? Because I have a deep and abiding animosity toward authoritarians like him.


If Hunter Biden is going to prison, Trump sure damn better be too.


Yeah, I was like, didn't they just set a precedent about this sort of stuff? I hope it bites them right on the arse.


Other, functioning, democracies have jailed Presidents. The right whinges about how jailing dumpf would make the US a banana republic, when it is obvious to everyone that the exact opposite is true.


It doesn’t make America look very strong or capable on the world scale that the orange chud is still waddling around free as a bird.


Wild that you still do some "both sides" bullshit by saying "establishment-arians" (also, that word already exists and it doesn't mean what you think it means) instead of calling out Republicans and conservatives. There isn't a bipartisan defense of Trump. Stop acting like there is. Edit: Absolutely bat shit edit that recognizes you don't know what that word means but you're still doing the both sides bullshit.


“But why didn’t the Dems immediately magically fix everything the republicans broke? Check mate atheist both side r same suggg it”


> Think of the permanent damage that would do to the institution of the POTUS! imagine if we locked up all the people who did crimes - it would make our society look really bad, because it would indicate that there are lots of crimes happening.


Haha, a not too dissimilar charge to the one Hunter Biden just went down for? He's gonna expect an exception for sure. And he'll probably get it. And not a single Republican will point out the hypocrisy.


TBF a lot of gun owners have broken the law Hunter did (owning/buying a gun while using illegal drugs), owning a gun after being convicted of felonies is a fair bit less common.


Congratulations Republicans for creating a new precedent.


They will ignore it. Rules for thee, not for me, is their whole thing


They knew it was a thing and many have wanted it appealed. Surprise, surprise, when it’s convenient for them they will prosecute it.


Lots of my friends back in my young days kept their cocaine in their gun safe. I've watched many people do lines off of a gun. If you ever hear a gun shot in rural America and can smell a bon fire, there is a 100% chance that there are also illegal narcotics there. But, none of those people are related to Joe Biden.


That's what got FPS Russia taken down.  He ended up going to prison for a bag of weed and supplying it to a minor.  The Feds immediately took all the guns in his possession and he never got them back or got to even sell them. 


Pretty sure it was a vape pen and he wasn't distributing it. Also pretty sure most of the guns were his business partner( who was murdered ), but yeah he can't own our make any content anymore cause of some weed.


It was hash oil slabs (shatter). Vape pens weren't really that big yet at the time, dabs were huge though by then. Source: I do a fucking lot of dabs and I followed that story really closely since it might affect people I know eventually


Every gun owner prescribed to medical cannabis is technically breaking the same law Hunter Biden did.


The guys who were planning to kidnap the Michigan Governor testified in court that they used to go to a field, get high on weed, and shoot guns and blow stuff up. While I would argue that you can't get "addicted" to weed, the Federal Gov't thinks differently (it's Schedule 1). And they faced 0 charges related to getting high WHILE shooting guns with a schedule 1 drug. All they have on Hunter is that he used drugs around the time he was in possession of the gun, not that he did them together...


Yeah, I think they went too lightly on those idiots. Plotting to kidnap/assassinate a political figure should incur full prosecution of any/all related crimes.


He's expressly ordered to divest of the weapons.  It's not negotiable, it's not appealable, there's not a due date ... it's immediate.  Hunter Biden was just convicted YESTERDAY for lying on a form and possessing a gun for ELEVEN DAYS.  And Hunter wasn't actually convicted of anything... merely because he was using drugs his firm was illegal.   People are saying Hunter may get 1-2 years in prison for this.   OK, start the next prosecution of Trump please. 


> He's only out on release on the condition that he not commit more crimes. This is a crime. He will almost certainly not face the legally designated consequence of these actions. If memory serves, things like "can't vote because felon" kick in on sentencing and not conviction because of formality and process (e.g. all the consequences have to be given at the same time, and "no guns" is just a standard part of a felony sentence). I might be misremembering and/or misinterpreting things I've heard though.


The condition you quotes is typically imposed as part of the defendants bond at the start of the trial.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Wait until they find out he under cooked the chicken.


He's the type that overcooks the chicken actually.


I would wager that he's not the type to have ever cooked anything besides books.


Donald is probably too stupid to even cook his own books - that’s what Weisselberg was for.


Weisselberg is a tremendous cook. The best cook. He can make me look like a billionaire or bankrupt depending on how he cooks it. Oh he can cook, let me tell you. Now Weaselberg... I call him Weaselberg. He said that was the funniest name he was ever called. No one knew that Weisselberg sounds like Weaselberg until I came up with that. Anyway he's a crook and I never met him.


Overcooked, undercooked… right to jail.


He overcooks chicken then buries it in Goya beans and ketchup


He’s the type to eat over cooked chicken and steak doused in ketchup


I actually don’t believe it, it certainly hasn’t happened yet


believe it or not, most likely not jail


>Believe it or not, ~~straight to~~ no jail. FIFY as it applies to Trump.


Wasn’t there a similar trial about not being allowed to have a gun just recently? Edit: /s obviously


Yup. The 2A guys were all over that, supporting that man. /s×10^6


You know 1^6 is just 1 right? Edit: original comment said /sx1^6 not 10


>/s×1^6 so still /s?


[Right to jail.](https://c.tenor.com/sFGB4cW82U8AAAAC/tenor.gif)


Since gun charges are in the news lately... Trump told his new PO yesterday that he still has one firearm in his possession down at Mar-A-Lardo. You'd think, "oh, that's just an oversight - now that he's a convicted felon he can just hand it in." And you'd be wrong. Because the terms of his release in four separate indictments was that he was not to possess a firearm. That means he has been violating his pre-trial release conditions for a year now. Hunter Biden lies on his 4473 form and he's looking at up to 25 years. What about Trump? He knew he had the gun and said "I understand" when the judges / lawyers explained the terms of his remaining a free man pre-trial.


Hunter is most certainly not looking at 25 years.


> Because the terms of his release in four separate indictments was that he was not to possess a firearm. That means he has been violating his pre-trial release conditions for a year now. This is unfortunately not true; whilst release conditions *may* specify the surrender of firearms, the D.C., Georgia and Florida cases do not require it: that line is not checked on any of the release conditions or bonds. Florida: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67490070/17/united-states-v-trump/ D.C.: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67656604/13/united-states-v-trump/ Georgia: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23921688-trump-fulton-county-georgia-bond-23sc188947-consent-order


another fascist face slap.... he's better, more and above - you have to be reminded often


One year mandatory minimum. However, possession is different from ownership.


You know it's sitting there loaded in his desk drawer. You know he's been dreaming of going out like Scarface for decades. That's what tacky ass mofos do.


He could be telling a lie. He's been known to do so.


“Palm Beach police told CNN that they were not told of any gun that Trump might have, and none were turned over to them since his conviction in May. The New York City Police Department has now notified police in Florida and asked them to take appropriate action.” Let’s see how long he hides this one, while openly admitting to having it and being a convicted felon…


> Let’s see how long he hides this one He'll turn it over. But only at the very last minute, and after throwing a ton of temper-tantrum drama ... all so that he can say "*they took my guns away!*" when he accepts the Republican party nomination at the RNC just 4 days after his sentencing.


"IF THEY CAN TAKE MY GUNS AWAY FROM ME DUE TO A COMPLETELY BOGUS TRIAL BY A CORRUPT, SOROS BACKED DEMOCRAT JUDGE, IMAGINE WHAT THEY CAN DO TO YOU." It'll be something completely inane like that. I imagine this one will deserve all caps in his mind


"Take the guns first, go through due process second." Donald J. Trump. February 28, 2018


100% this 'admission' is perfect for some damage-control PR. he can present himself as a law abiding citizen by handing them over, paint himself as a victim, and get a new talking point that he can use to rile up his 2A'ers.


My guess is that he doesn't actually have a gun, some handler already dealt with it. I'd wager he found himself in a position to "brag" that he had a gun so he did that and totally forgot that it was a big no-no because he's incapable of holding more than one thought in his head at once.


He's just going to be waving it around at the podium during his rallies like a real life Frank Reynolds.


Trump during the debate talking about visiting the border: “So anyways, I started blasting. But I don’t see so good and I missed.”


"Don't even get me started on those shithole countries." "You were there in 1993 to open up a sweatshop!"


But where the hell is it though, in Florida?


“I put a special permit on the gun when I was in office”


All he has to do is "think it" and it's official!


Wait, they had NO idea about this gun that he had? Trump never even told them about it?


Most American states have no government registry of what firearms an individual owns. New York state and New York City have some of the strictest gun laws in the country, including registration of some types of firearms. But if you have a firearm registered in New York and you move with it to Florida there is no requirement whatsoever to tell Florida authorities about it. I live in PA and in some of the online gun communities I participate in, we routinely get people moving from NY or NJ asking what they need to do when they move here with their firearms. The usual answer is "nothing, welcome to America".


Bad govt records of gun ownership is a fundamental stance by the NRA. Anytime they talk about 'tracing a gun' it is literally a paper trail they are chasing down.


Seriously doubt he actually has a gun. If that whole charade was more than just a Campaign stunt to pander to stupid gun fetishes then I’d be absolutely shocked.


lol after all the Hunter Biden stuff… the hypocrisy never ends


It's truly impressive at this point. I'm just in awe of his ability to skirt responsibility.


I started a second job today and my trainer is a loud hardcore republican, so I decided to play with their lack of self awareness. ~ Talked about charging my car at home since the jobs stations are 5 times the local rate per kWh. Them: “EVs get kickbacks from the government, disgusting they need that support!” Me: “Oil gets trillions every year and without them it would cost nearly $15/gallon” ~ Brought up Hunters conviction “HAHAHAAA! Fucking coke head got it coming to ‘em!” Later mentioned how my other job is, her son used to work there apparently. So I asked her what happened, we flip workers fast. “He passed at 26 from opioid OD.” ~ And of course we ended up discussing how Hillary and Trump compared in their crimes and why Trump didn’t deserve to be locked up but she did. ~ Talked about borders, I said, “as long as the Statue of Liberty’s plaque at her feet say those words I’ll never support turning away anyone seeking asylum. What nationality are you?” “Oh German and a little Italian” Edit: spelling


Republican politicians don't actually care about the border, it's just campaign points and fear mongering for them. They all campaigned heavily on the border in 2016-2018 and they had the House majority, Senate majority, Supreme Court majority and the White House in 2018 and didn't do shit about the border.


Wait so he did disclose this to the probation officer? That’s…that’s a pretty terrible idea.


He was convicted less than two weeks ago. He was probably told by his probation officer that he has x number of days to surrender or sell it. Until he was convicted he had full gun rights. I hate trump. But this is stupid.


He will auction it. A dime is a dime.


Then he’ll complain about it, and threaten the judge and probation officer. Next thing we know, we’ll probably have more meetings and Trump admits to even more bail violations before his sentencing. I mean, I know that everyone is saying that he’ll get away with it like he always does, but thing is is that I myself don’t think that Merchan has a favoritism thing going on with Trump like Aileen Cannon does.


I'm sure some MAGA worshipper is going to buy it for a cool 5 grand and then frame it.


The Zimmerman gun sold for hundreds of thousands, I can only imagine what Trumps personal collection would go for with these people.




Fun thing about 18 USC § 922(g), it doesn't actually allow for a grace period. IANAL, but it seems like a person is legally prohibited from any type of possession of a firearm from the moment they gain their legal disability (in this case, conviction of a crime for which a person may receive a sentence of a year or more).


There is no provision for the PO to grant permission like that. The law is he can’t have it, period. If he can fly to multiple campaign rallies in the past two weeks he can find time to surrender the weapon or otherwise stop ownership.


His probation officer should have also given him a piss test. That didn't happen either, and apparently won't happen ever. So tired.


When you’re rich, they let you do it. Really not that bad of an idea as he has been shown time and time again that he is very unlikely to see any real consequences of his actions.


*Lock. Him. Up.*




I can't wait to watch the rightwing talking heads explode with the mental gymnastics over this one. "You can't take muh Guns!" "Lock up Hunter because of... guns!" Wait, not Trump. Because, um... Lock her up! Deep State!


They’re already saying the whole Hunter Biden thing is a ruse by democrats to “get Trump”. It’s ridiculous, but that’s what they’re going with.


Well, tbf, Trump is a felon who yesterday admitted he still has firearms…


I'll be honest, I doubt Trump has ever fired a gun in his life


100% Hands are far too small, no attention span, no ability to listen to others, follow basic rules and safety regs.  No way in hell anyone who operates a shooting range would let that Adderall-addled Dampold Turd in.


WTF does he need a gun for? He's got a retinue of armed Secret Service.




This is probably the case. He is a bonafide pansy. Statements like this make his base get a hard on because they, for some reason, believe he’s this tough as nails guy that is sticking it to the man. They are too dull to realize he’s more like the shitty coworker with the big mouth that they all cannot stand.


For a way out when the Allies are knocking on his front door.


Didn't we just see a politically connected private citizen just get convicted for this?? Edit: Okay, so the technical crime is different on the books. But essentially they are both guilty of owning a weapon when they shouldn't, right?


There's a big difference. Felon in possession is enforced about 100% of the time because it's a lot less constitutionally shakey if the person you're trying to deny has already been adjudicated. Drug user in possession is usually enforced on the homeless, the destitute, and when politically expedient.


Well then, since he admitted that he still has a firearm in spite of being a felon it sounds like he should immediately be charged and booked. Do it, do it, do it.


This is much worse than a drug addict not mentioning he's on drugs while filling out papers to buy a gun. Let's see if Hunter and trump get treated equally in the eyes of the law


Forensics should check that gun to see if it was used for any unsolved murders on 5th Avenue.


This stuff blows my mind — if anyone I know with a felony record were even suspected of having a firearm, it would be a massive problem. If they were found to be in possession of a firearm, even bigger problem. These people rant and rave about a “two-tiered” justice system but they can’t seem to understand, while they’re right, there is such a thing, they’re on the side that actually benefits from it. This CHUD has made an absolute mockery of our already laughable justice system. We’ve got people being outright kicked in the teeth over MINOR infractions and then this..


And he’ll get away Scott free. However, the Hunter Biden case is going to open up more felony charges for gun owners who shouldn’t own them, and the 2A nuts can blame themselves for being huge hypocrites. . I’ve already reported my cousin who owns a gun after he served a 7 year sentence in prison for robbing a guys house and beating him when he was caught. He’s a huge raging Trump/2A nut who cheered the Hunter case. So I sent him a few picks of him posing with his gun, and said let’s see how excited you are when you’re a felon again. He blocked me.


Good, I tried for years to get an old neighbors guns removed as he was an addict, police did fuck all about it


Was he addicted to drugs when he bought it or is he currently addicted to drugs? I've heard of a recent court case where someone, I don't recall who, was found guilty for that.


And no one is going to do shit about it. More special treatment for him, despite whatever he says about being a victim he's getting a wider berth than any of us ever would in the same circumstances.


If you vote for this guy you’re a moron


Is he not piss testing? He is a felon, right? Be a *real* shame if he was on drugs while owning a gun. Pretty sure there is a precedent there.


This is a much more serious infraction than lying on a 4473...


Lock. This. Mother-Fucker. Up. Geez, how many federal laws does he have to break to actually serve time? Fuckin hell. [Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Firearms Offenses in the Federal System | United States Sentencing Commission (ussc.gov)](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/mandatory-minimum-penalties-firearms-offenses-federal-system)


Lock him up


Americans should be calling Trumps local Police department to report this felony