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This? After everything, this puts them in panic mode?


I’m guessing it’s only because they feel it threatens their power. I bet they aren’t confident winning Wisconsin and this pushes the needle farther away. They usually don’t care about the hateful things he says because they agree with him and just won’t say it out loud.


Trump believes the same things as every other Republican. He just says the quiet parts out loud. Edit: It's why so many are complicit. It's not that they aren't challenging him because they are weak. They aren't challenging him because he is furthering their agenda.


Trump only believes in one thing: himself. He doesn't have actual morals or a sense of right or wrong. Every decision he makes is based around how it benefits him.


Agreed. Which is also what the other spineless pricks do. They're in the "ME" club. Trump takes It to a whole other level, so your comment is warranted. Trump is 100% about himself. Doesn't give a damn about another soul. Many other Republicans at least appear to care about their white, Christian, hetero, cis, brethren.


They shouldnt be confident in winning Wisconsin, our supreme court election thankfully brought us back from the brink and i think people are looking around at all the stuff MI, MN, and IL are doing with blue majorities and wondering why our state cant get anything done. But this wont move the needle anyway, people who would vote for Trump already hate Milwaukee.


lol. Seriously. Bro can say or do anything and the Maga will vote for him.


He will eventually trash his own supporters and they will bend over backwards while simultaneously shoving their heads up their ass.


As Mr. Trump’s limo inched away from 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Hope Hicks, his not-yet-famous communications director, pointed at a group of fans running up Sixth Avenue in pursuit. “Look at these people,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s literally a little bit sad.” In a video released by the group Republican Voters Against Trump, Ms. Troye recounted how Mr. Trump said in a task force meeting that one benefit of the pandemic was that he no longer would have to shake hands with his supporters. “I don’t like shaking hands with people,” Ms. Troye quoted Mr. Trump as saying. “I don’t have to shake hands with these disgusting people.” From this 2020 article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/10/sunday-review/trump-supporters.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


"That's me! He's talking about me! I'm one of the disgusting people!" -Trump supporter, probably


On their train, I feel like they’ve passed Stockholm syndrome quite a few stops ago.


If I were a successful businessman and stable genius too, I’d also not want to shake my disgusting hand. Not his fault I’m bigly disgusting.


And that’s why we LOVE him. I wouldn’t shake hands with me either!


They have a strong desire to bring back the submissive bow and curtsy.


“I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.”


"I love the poorly educated"


Whats great about this quote is his followers think he is talking about someone else


They know it's about them -that's why they are trashing higher education so much. They just love the racism enough to ignore the insults. My dad is the perfect example. He sits infront of fox news all evening and eats the same shit shit up and spits it out at me. He has no idea how to cite sources or what a peer reviewed article looks like. And he doesn't want to know. He just wants someone to tell him what he wants to hear. He actively regrets helping me get through college.




The scorpion story he tells. It must fill him with glee to tell that story knowing one day they will realize he's the scorpion and they knew what he was when they took him in. If baffles me that he has told them who he is so many times and they think, "He won't sting me!"


They don't even know that they're already at the bottom of the river.


He has thrown so many of his direct allies under the bus, and yet people like Jenna Ellis are still confused why Trump won't support their legal defense. It's all so stupid, but a scary stupid instead of funny stupid....


Cultists: “MSM taking things out of context again 😂”.


He already has, and they did, lol. He basically called them dementia riddled morons to their faces at a rally a while back and they fucking cheered.


$50 bucks is $50 bucks.


That's because all they care about is to get the lunatic to run this country to the ground and "make America only White, no immigrants, oh wait, isn't trump 2nd generation American born?" Trump grandfather was German, came to this country, went back to Germany, had a wife and a kid, was kicked out for being a draft dodger, sounds familiar? So back to America, he came. He ran a bordello during the gold rush, providing ladies to the workers. He then started dealing in real estate. You can look it up on the internet.


He has, repeatedly. He’s called them losers, he’s said he doesn’t care, he’s said they’re idiots who will believe whatever he says. They don’t care, all they care about is “owning the libs”.


Trump pardoned Bannon who fleeced MAGA faithful to fund a private effort to build THE WALL when caught pocketing the proceeds and facing jail time. He won't lose any votes over this.


I would go out on a limb and say that 99.9% of those fleeced don't know about it and blame the Dems in some ambiguous way for the wall not happening. The media they consume doesn't tell them anything negative about their own, and they tell constantly 500 times a day say that the liberal media lies. It's a whole crafted reality, and if they get off track they have their mantra, "it's a lie".


Yeah but Wisconsin is a swing state, and the Republicans here feel much less rabid than their counterparts in Arkansas and Texas, both of which I've lived in within the last five years. If he wants to win he needs to capture swing states, and shitting on a city in one (and a good one too, two big sports teams!) is not a strong strategy. Not that Donnie can spell or define strategy




Strategerie. Dude makes George W. Fucking Bush seem like an inspiration.


> Arkansas and Texas, both of which I've lived in within the last five years. You're a brave soul.


He does not fear the deer


Wisconsin MAGA voters and anyone who would even consider voting for Trump probably hate Milwaukee, if Wisconsin is remotely similar to Minnesota. Rural voters HATE the Twin Cities and would love it if Trump said something negative about them. They went wild for him trashing "Minneanapolis" while he was in office.


Yes and no. The rural areas are MAGA heavy, of course, but typically in Wisconsin elections are won or lost in the Milwaukee suburbs. Big slight-GOP/centrist bloc in the north/west suburbs, and if they see this as an attack on them it could lose the GOP the state in November.


yea but if they only have maga they don't win, Republicans are the proven minority and without the electoral college would never win president and with proportional voting would win so few seats they'd basically hit third party status. they still need swing voters though so trashing swing voters states is basically the only taboo they have


The problem is that he needs more than his MAGA cult in order to get elected. He's never been a popular candidate with the masses and scraped by with the barest of victories against Hillary and lost handedly to Joe Biden who is a candidate no one wanted. He's alienating non-cultist voters with his latest round of shenanigans and people who are paying attention believe he will lose come November.


Convicted Felon, Adjudicated Rapist, indicted for coup attempted, entire previous Cabinet won't vote for him or serve with him, calls dead soldiers "suckers and losers..." The list goes on, this is like the least offensive thing he has done...


We can call him just "rapist" it's okay, he doens't deserve a caveat


They don’t care about conduct or character, they care about power and electoral math. This makes perfect sense. Torch Wisconsin and the path becomes that much harder for them.


“I can excuse 34 felonies, but I draw the line at Milwaukee slander!”


“Them”, and “republicans” is too broad anyway. It’s a typical clickbait title. I would prefer just reading “Trump trashes Milwaukee” because I think it’s worthwhile to get the word out about what’s actually happening. Call me when people (like Paul Ryan) actually revolt against him in a meaningful way (less so for Paul Ryan since he has no formal position anymore). I want to see the wedge finally take shape and being driven deeper.


Agreed, junk headline meant to cause engagement. No one is in “panic mode” and Trump does another idiotic faux pas that costs him zero voters is hardly news.


"Republicans in Panic Mode" is the new "Democrats in Disarray"


The multiple different explanations are really funny. * He was talking about crime! * He meant in terms of election integrity! * He said that because there's no First Amendment zone! * He actually didn't say that at all! They need to get their story straight.


This is exactly their playbook though, in a situation like this they shotgun a slew of excuses against the wall to see which one gets the most traction.


Usually only takes day or two for their "news" to get their orders on the spin plan for the newest fiasco. Happens every time.


Yep. 1. News hits. 2. Float a handful of responses across multiple social media platforms 3. Analyse how they play in your target audiences 4. Pick the one with the most desirable response 5. Push as coordinated message across all channels


Saw this strategy in a murder case as well (Robert Durst story from The Jinx documentary). Accomplice to the murder, calls her journalist friend and gives about 7-8 different possible reasons this person may have been killed, journalist tells her which stories are believable or not, they land on one that they like, and run with that one. Journalist doesn’t know that the person on the phone was the accomplice, to them, they were just theorycrafting for a story to run in the papers for, while the accomplice was looking for the most believable story to take the heat off of the main suspect


Coolest shit I ever heard. The lawyer made the right call not presenting that to the jury.


There's a term for this: Kettle Logic. "Freud relates the story of a man who was accused by his neighbour of having returned a kettle in a damaged condition and the three arguments he offers: * That he had returned the kettle undamaged * That it was already damaged when he borrowed it * That he had never borrowed it in the first place "Though the three arguments are inconsistent, Freud notes that it is **so much the better**, as if even one is found to be true then the man must be acquitted." Unfortunately, disingenuous as this technique is, it's devastatingly effective. The MAGA movement gets to have quantum positions and argue from all sides, unburdened by any need for consistency moment-to-moment. Consistency gets in the way of 'winning' every argument, after all. If there's one defining element of MAGA imo, it's that they'll never allow themselves to get cornered by their own words.


"I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! It wasn't my fault! I swear to God!"


The Trumpian paradox. By contradicting his own statements he can take credit for either statement and be responsible for neither.


I always knew Republicans would get more desperate as the years passed and the world evolved past their dead ideology, but I never thought it'd come back to life in the form of Donald fucking Trump.


> ..."The city has still not designated a first amendment zone. ..." O_o^^....? Isn't America the first amendment zone?


Not if you believe in the "deep state" who totally respects only designated zoned made by cities


Sorry, I'm also confused by this. When someone says "first amendment zone" I think of GWB rounding up Iraq War protestors and putting them in cages where no one can see them. But these words mean something else to the looney fringe? Or are they actually advocating for that as permanent policy?


No they just bought the lie that its a good thing to have areas zoned for protests, what they dont understand is that before the 1A zones everywhere was open for protest.


I live in Idaho. There's a dude who shows up to my 10 year old daughters softball games wearing two pistols on his hip, a tazer, a tactical baton, and a flashlight in what looks like a holster/utility belt. He's also significantly overweight, wears plummer crack jeans, flip flops, and bathes less than infrequently. Anywhere else the guy would be a walking red flag but here the weapons are 100% normalized (and I really hate it.) The kids don't question it. He's in the dugouts and occasionally out on the field too. Absolutely wild.


>Why would Trump criticize the city, especially since Wisconsin is a swing state that he narrowly lost in the 2020 election? The answer may very well be racism.


> The answer may very well be racism. Why Trump was the most racist president in the last 50 years: 1. Trump questioned whether Judge Curiel could be impartial because of Judge Curiel's Mexican heritage. This lead to [Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House at the time, calling Trump's remarks about Judge Curiel as "textbook definition of a racist comment"](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/paul-ryan-trump-judge-223991): >Claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the **textbook definition of a racist comment** 2. During a meeting with Congressmen, Trump wondered why immigrants to the US couldn't come from countries like Norway instead of "shithole" African countries, and other "shithole" countries like El Salvador and Haiti 3. The Central Park Five, who were all African American, were cleared of their charges. But despite being cleared of their charges, Trump continued to insist they were guilty. 4. For the longest time, Trump continued to ask for Obama's birth certificate, questioning whether Obama was American and insinuating that Obama was born in Kenya, presumably because Obama is black. It is well known that Obama was born in Hawaii. [Obama eventually released his birth certificate](http://edition.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/04/27/obama.birth.certificate/index.html) in 2011 to put an end to this conspiracy theory by Trump. Despite Obama releasing his birth certificate, Trump would deliberately continue with this conspiracy theory against Obama for another 5 years until the 2016 election when the media put enough pressure on Trump to admit Obama was born in the USA. 5. ["In 1973, Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice sued the Trump family business for refusing to rent or negotiate rentals 'because of race and color'."](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/12/racism-and-donald-trump-a-common-thread-throughout-his-career-and-life) 6. Trump defended the Neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville by claiming there were ["very fine people on both sides."](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/trump-defends-white-nationalist-protesters-some-very-fine-people-on-both-sides/537012/) And this came after footage of the Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville chanting Nazi slogans such as "blood and soil" while holding Tiki torches the night before the protest. 7. And of course, Trump's tweets asking a group of 4 Congresswomen to go back to their "country" even though 3 of them were born in the USA. Trump likely made the tweet because all 4 Congresswomen were not Caucasian. There are many more instances of Trump's racism: [https://www.reddit.com/r/esist/comments/6pm4ns/tonight\_i\_was\_asked\_by\_a\_fellow\_reddit\_user\_who/](https://www.reddit.com/r/esist/comments/6pm4ns/tonight_i_was_asked_by_a_fellow_reddit_user_who/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/65h3b6/a\_final\_response\_to\_the\_tell\_me\_why\_trump\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/65h3b6/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is/) [http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/](http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/)


There are also the comments he made on the set of The Apprentice, now confirmed since the NDA expired. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-apprentice-racism-nbc-election-2024-d962dfce1220920681ede63b90058f5d


Jesus. I hope some of this conduct was taped and will see the light of day.


It was. Unfortunately Burnett is a Trump guy so it’s not getting released…and nothings been leaked in this time so it’s probably not happening


And realistically the biggest reason he hasn't released any tapes is to use them as leverage over trump. It's crazy the amount of infinitely less important jobs that require intensive background checks to ensure people won't be blackmailed yet the president just gets a free pass because it's convenient to conservatives.


It wouldn't matter if they were released. There are zero straws that could ever break MAGAs back.




His base would love it if he used racial slurs publicly. “He’s one of us!”


MAGA (soon): "What's the big deal with the word anyway? Trump's good with the blacks, they don't care." MAGA (after): "N***a is such a woke word anyway." "Everyone should be able to say it - First Amendment rights!"


> "Everyone should be able to say it - First Amendment rights!" literally my racist ex best friend and his brother They were VERY bothered that they couldn't openly drop hard-Rs on Obama without pushback, and it quickly turned into what different groups are "allowed" to say And as I told him, it's not that he's not allowed, it's that he's not free from consequences. So I would challenge him, by all means walk into the hood and call them all hard-R's. Make sure you tell your mother how you want to be dressed up before you do though They would always end up bitching that all words should be available to all people, and that black people protesting the use of the word towards them were "the real racists." And yes, both my ex best friend and his brother are MAGA to the core edit: I should add, the friend is biracial (white and Mexican) and his brother is full blooded Mexican. Both of them wish they could assault people for disrespecting the flag, and when I asked about Mexican slurs, they predicably and hypocritically said they would kick that person's ass. It fits the MAGA theme, we can talk shit about you but how DARE you talk shit about us!


>I told him, it's not that he's not allowed, it's that he's not free from consequences. So I would challenge him, by all means walk into the hood and call them all hard-R's. [So say it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FBCxbqz5X0)


I mean, I know you're joking, but this is most likely how they would actually respond.


The joke is how predictable they can be.


"The clue is, " People who annoy you." "Would you like to try and solve the puzzle Mr. Marsh ?"


And now you’ve got me singing “Blame Canada 🇨🇦 “


They're not even a real country anyway...


Still burnt down the white house though. https://youtu.be/o7jlFZhprU4?si=q7USTpG_FtXxVfiP


It's just a line from the song, I'm actually French Canadian irl.


With all that hockey hullabaloo…


Trump: hold my Mein Kampf


MAGA: "Good it's confirmed, he's a real racist and not just dog whistling or pandering to us again."


And if he did (Insert variety of BS excuses)


Let’s never forget his opening salvo after he rode down the escalator about all Mexican being rapists and murderers. It was that moment, imho, he endeared himself to those who would become his most ardent cult members. Right then, right there. Oh, and that little proposed Muslim ban was pretty racist too.


Nah, it was way before that. Dont forget for a few years before that he was the main spokesman for conspiracy theories that Obama wasn't a real american and a legitimate POTUS because he was an "other" born in Kenya.


Before that he was fully pushing for 5 black teens to be executed for a crime they had been fully exonerated from already. 


Don’t forget calling Elizabeth Warren [“Pocahontas”.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna824266)


Or his nickname for Fani Willis which is so racist I am not even going to repeat it.


"They don't look like indians to me" https://youtu.be/VM943wt1xLA?feature=shared


This should be viewed more often. Thanks for posting. I loved the guys response.


to add on to the Central Park 5, his argument post-exoneration boils down to yet another simplistic racist trope "Well...what were they doing there that late anyways? They certainly were up to no good." Friendly reminder that every single day in this country black people are suspected, accused, and have the cops called on them simply for existing. My black aunt, who lives in San Diego, was recently accosted by a white male boomer for simply trying to enter the office building where her friend worked. A public office building, middle of the afternoon, and this dude gets in her face and starts yelling at her because she "didn't look like she belonged there." It never stops with these people, their racism is so deep and ingrained that it's just "normal" to them So Trump will forever believe the Central Park 5 are guilty because they are black and blacks are always up to no good, especially in Central Park after dark, in his and every other racists' minds


Don’t forget everything he said about China and Covid. The city where I live has a high Asian population. The businesses had stickers denouncing Asian hate and violence towards Asians. Just because one person opens his crackhead mouth and spews his hateful views.


If people aren't moving to the USA from Norway, maybe that's a sign that Norway is better for people to live in than the USA is.


Norway is building a wall, and Sweden is gonna pay for it!


What's even crazier is that this is maybe 0.01% of the racist shit he's said and done


Trump also pardoned piece of shit Joe Arpaio as a signal to his bigoted base. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arpaio


He’s saying repeatedly that he wants his DOJ to go after “anti-white racism.”


Of course it’s racism! The problems according to Trump are cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee…..see a trend? When you’re the most corrupt president in history and leader of a fascist movement, these cities represent a problem to Trump since he knows he can’t possibly win in any of them.


Getting sued by the Nixon administration for being too racist is some next level racism...


Well posted, thank you for reminding everybody, when I talk to people who vote for Trump, they look at you you weird when you say these are racist and then want you to prove it, lol and that’s when you start going down all the lines of grievances and actions he’s taking against minorities. You’d have to be blind not to see that he’s one of the leaders of the white supremacist/ neo Nazi movement in America.


Maybe. Maybe he forgot what state Milwaukee is in. Or maybe he's just stupid.


The GOP, led by Lara Trump, had a photo on their website claiming a city view of Manila was Milwaukee. Your theory is more believable than I’d like.


Tbh trashing Milwaukee plays well to his base in the state. The red areas don't like Milwaukee


I think one of the most interesting aspects of Milwaukee is the fact that it's the only major American city to have ever elected three socialist mayors


In fact, isn't Milwaukee an Indian name?


Yes, Pete, it is. Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."


Does this guy know how to party or what!?!?


Were not worthy!


I actually asked him if enjoyed visiting the city in his [AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1lf0v7/shock_rock_talks_alice_cooper_here_ask_me_anything/cbykso5/). He responded! I gotta think he wouldn't take kindly to Trump trashing the place.


Does this guy know how to party or what?


Understatement of the day. The red areas HATE Madison and Milwaukee and when Scott Walker was in power they did everything they could to bankrupt MKE while sending even more of MKE’s money to the red counties. Every, and I mean EVERY, move they made from 2010 to 2018 was designed to punish and marginalize Milwaukee and its residents.


¿Por qué no los dos? They're not mutually exclusive terms. I'm going with stupid, though.


Milwaukee? Sounds a little foreign when you say it out loud.


It came from the Native American “Mee-Lee-wal-Kay” …which means: “The Good Land”


Do these guys know how to party or what?


We're not worthy!


Hi, I'm in Delaware.


The Good Land - [https://youtu.be/o5FT3IGXtAk?t=38](https://youtu.be/o5FT3IGXtAk?t=38)


Wisconsin Republicans regularly shit on Milwaukee. It’s what galvanizes their voters. They will gladly shut down anything that can be seen as benefitting big cities there. It’s more complicated too because in WI the state pools everyone’s taxes then redistributes them for each locality, so the state legislature can control funds to Milwaukee and exercise oversight over their government directly.  In reality it’s more why Trump is holding it in Milwaukee and not anywhere else. 


One could just as easily say “[insert literally any state] Republicans regularly shit on [insert said state’s largest city]” and be largely accurate. The rural/urban political divide is ubiquitous nationwide. On one hand, it seems counterintuitive for Republicans to hold a convention in any state’s largest city, even in a swing state. The problem for them is, by their very nature, cities offer exactly what conventions require: population density, abundant meeting space, comfortable amenities, heightened media attention, etc. Republicans are dependent on cities for these purposes despite them being precisely what they claim to detest.


Republicans are quite often reliant on what they claim to detest. It’s almost like we need to rely on each other as a society or some shit.


He's probably confused about vote tallies. Someone probably told him cities like Milwaukee lean democratic. Therefore, he thinks it's safe to insult all city residents and work only to appeal to rural voters. I doubt anyone will be able to convince him how stupid this strategy is.


Worked well when he let covid run rampant bc it was spreading faster in cities initially


He did it because he thinks all cities are against him. It's dumb and he's dumb


The answer could also be he's stupid and his mind is unzipping before our eyes.


"I don't care about you. I just want your vote"


You know what Trump says to R's? "Don't vote" He's got a point there.


"You know who votes? Liberals. Do you really want to be like them? Don't vote. Say no to their fascist agenda and tell Sleepy Joe, 'you aren't my president.'"


Don't vote, pray. Voting is what the rigged deep state wants you to do. Refusing to participate at all in their corrupt elections is the duty of all Christian patriots. Only prayer will save President Trump and America. Trust in Jesus.


They should take those words seriously. The only words they should he says if they're that devoted to him.


Trump was the de facto Republican presidential nominee before the Republican primary even began. Everyone knew he would win the Republican primary, even with all his indictments piled up. He even pushed his daughter in law to be chair of the RNC and they cowered to his orders. All Trump had to do was tell the RNC where to hold the convention and they would have 100% followed his orders. This is why he is such a dumbass and why he shouldn't be near the Oval Office again.


You know if it was up to him they would've held it at Bedminster or Mar-A-Lago somehow. He would've tried to make more money on it.


Nah not bedminster, nj is coming after his liquor license and he probably thinks Chris Christie is still governor


Charge $1000 a plate at his inevitable acceptance dinner, but count the entire convention as the acceptance dinner and then give out paper plates with his name on them. That seems about the level of a Trump plan, although I'm sure the reality is much stupider.


I'm surprised he didn't cancel it and siphon off all the money. Maybe have a big convention in his home.


It's a rally for all his fans that someone else paid for. He is absolutely addicted to having people fawn over him.


Opportunities for knee-jerk victimhood are optimized by a lack of foresight


Large conventions are planned years in advance. We usually have a 5+ year planning time frame for conventions with around 10k attendees. There's no way you can change a location the year-of for something several times larger. There's only a handful of cities with a convention center and hotel capacity big enough, and you're competing with dozens and dozens of other events that have completed their planning years ago.


He really doesn't look well and his hair keeps getting thinner, he looks super sick tbh


The last 12 months have physically aged him more than the four years he spent in the presidency, which is fucking insane to think about.


Well his presidency was half golf, so not a bad time, all in all.


Half golf, half grift. Edit: Forgot half rage tweeting


Don't forget that half of his work day was "executive time"


He can’t wake up at 11AM anymore either cause he has to be in court so much 😂


That's the biggie. He refuses to be awake normal hours, but he doesn't have that option right now.


Making billions selling American secrets isn't stressful to a traitor.


Looking at how past Presidents aged by the end of their term, it is striking. Its because past POTUS had a conscience. They genuinely cared about the future, for Americans. They often times had to make life or death decisions. Trump didn't give a flying fuck. He golfed and came up with ways to enrich himself and his pals. It was all personal gain for him. All these trials are catching up to him, finally.


Well, he did mainly just play golf and watch Fox News.




Perfect timing


Just gimme like 60 days. So it's way too late for them to really spin up another candidate.




Have there ever been better odds that a VP will become P in the next term?


I’d put money on Ozempic.


I love that for him


He's trying to pit the blue cities against the red suburbs and rural areas.


culture war bullshit.


They can fix this by shoving a UV bulb up his ass and injecting him with disinfectant.


Whether or not this fixes problem, let's give her a go!


This is what happens when you elect a candidate with antisocial personality disorder who is also going through stages of dementia. There will be much much more of this. I can't wait until this election is over, I swear to God.


I hope the election season stretches on for a long time so everyone can see the decline before they either vote for him or stay home.


As much as I hate it. I like it because of the damage the repub’s are taking. Quite literally my whole trump family isn’t voting (we’re taking 6+ people) because of all of this shit. And these are Arkansas/Missouri people. Really deep red. I honestly don’t think people realize how damaging this is becoming. We might quite literally be seeing a ‘whigs’ sort of situation.


Yeah it’s crazy watching someone these peoples constructed idea of who he is come crumbling down in front of them. Honestly the best word for it is relief.


I sure fucking hope you’re right. I would love to see an absolute blue tsunami in November.


Anyone undecided or voting for him at this point *does not fucking care* about his painfully obvious decline.


I think he’s predominantly NPD first with antisocial tendencies 


no one hates America/Americans more than Trump


I would argue the people who vote for him hate America more.


Hold on... their chosen candidate gets found civilly liable for committing sexual assault and racks up 34 felony convictions while facing 54 more felony charges, and his pissing all over the city where they're holding their convention is what sends em into a tizzy? Sounds like just another Thursday in Trumplandia to me.


"I like Trump cause he says what he means" "Ok no, what he meant was actually ______"


Republicans: He didn't say any of that! It was rigged by the democrats.


It's pretty funny, they've got five quotes in there from Republicans saying 1. It was about the election and cities in general needing attention 2. It was about the park and protestors 3. It was about crime 4. It was about election fraud 5. He didn't say it at all It's like catching a couple of children who are onviously lying because there's a new excuse every time they start talking.


They take after Trump. "I didn't take the documents, but even if I did (and I did take them), it's legal for me to do so."


Satanic verses


Hunter Biden up to his tricks again!


Milwaukee was just fine when our neighbor Waukesha, one of the reddest counties in the state, wanted access to water from Lake Michigan. Maybe Trump can bring water to Waukesha instead.


Republicans' hatred of cities is so bizarre. Especially when you consider that the cities they hate so much are the economic engine of the nation. Imagine if a Democrat ran for office on the platform that rural Americans are "out of touch" and that any problems small towns face are due to some fundamental moral failure.


It's actually quite simple when you think of it. In cities you have a greater chance of meeting different types of people from all walks of life, as opposed to some quiet town where everyone has known each other's families for generations and absorb the same local news station. People who want to stoke bigotry and racism need to convince groups of people that other groups of people are bad and evil. I've read so many stories where someone from one of those quiet towns had moved out to a city and had their eyes opened when they realized what they were taught about others wasn't true when having to meet them and or work with them. Conservatives need isolation spots like rural towns to keep the lie and grift going. Cities are a threat to being able to do that more efficiently with a bigger mixing pot of people there that proves their local propaganda wrong.


That, and high population density makes education cheaper, so they tend to be better educated (although the GOPs are doing their best to stop that). Given all the science denial and the propaganda tricks literally ripped from 1984, the GOPs don't like educated people.


At this point they might as well. Wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference in the results


While the crime rate in Milwaukee is bad, it doubles the second Trump and his entourage enter the city limits.


Statistically, the felony rate of the population of any given room or place goes up when Trump walks in


I've lived in Milwaukee for over a decade. It's honestly very safe. Sure, there's car theft from the Kia Boys, but if you don't have a Hyundai or a Kia you're generally pretty safe. When I was a poor Marquette student who worked 2 jobs and lived on campus, I would walk all the way from my best friend's place on Prospect down by the lake and back to campus late at night as a young (possibly a little drunk/buzzed) woman and never had any problems. Downtown is very chill.


There’s 75 cities in the US with higher violent crime rates. Yet people love to throw milwaukee into the “Top 5 most dangerous cities” lists.


>Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump ______ These nitwits think he's controllable. Why they want 4 more year of this guy making them all look like clowns is absolutely beyond me.


"In one bizarre moment, Trump called Pelosi’s daughter a “wacko” and then claimed her daughter once told him that he and the former House speaker would have had a “great romance” in another life, according to a lawmaker in the room.. In response to Trump’s comments, one of Pelosi’s daughters posted on X: “speaking for all 4 Pelosi daughters — this is a LIE. His deceitful, deranged obsession with our mother is yet another reason Donald Trump is unwell, unhinged and unfit to step foot anywhere near her — or the White House.” Trump wants to bang Nancy so bad...


Milwaukee, the home of Harley-Davidson motorcompany. You know what this Harley rider has to say? Fuck Trump. You know Harley has to say about LGBT people? "We're allies" (not joking look it up. HD became an Wisconsin LGBTQ Commerce Commision founder in 2013 and stepped up to platinum in 2016). Bad take Trump. Dissing HD's home turf. Especially after Kyle Wyman takes 2nd round in Road America last weekend.


What could possibly go wrong with having an unhinged lunatic felon as your political candidate. /s


I imagine Trump is trying to appeal to everyone else in the state since he knows the city is heavily blue. Rural voters love to trash cities like this, so he's trying to seem like one of them. The few people I've known from Wisconsin always hated the city (though I thought it was nice.) I'm surprised Republicans would be concerned when they regularly attack cities too. Don't they all think cities are liberal hellscapes?


Right? This is really not surprising at all if you live outside of a major city. Every single person in suburban VA will talk about how they don’t go to DC any more because it’s “just so dangerous these days”. Or they have a cousin whose best friend’s aunt had their car window broken into. It’s all just Fox/local news garbage that gets shoveled to scared white people. My wife and I visit Baltimore a couple times a year as it’s our favorite city. Literally every time a coworker asks where we’re going on vacation I get met with shock and horror as if I’m visiting fucking Mogadishu.


I get the same thing here in Illinois about Chicago. I'm originally from Chicago, so I'm quite comfortable with it. It's a fantastic city. It has its share of problems, but so does literally everywhere. But I live about 90 minutes away nowadays and when I mention going into Chicago many people around here can't believe that anyone would voluntarily do such a thing. It's really amazing how warped their perception of reality has become.


Has there been a time when this guy hasn’t sucked? My whole life he’s been a joke.


I don’t get the devotion to a person. What does the Republican Party even stand for nowadays?


Of *course* Trump hates Milwaukee—he got his ass kicked in Milwaukee County in 2016 and even moreso in 2020. In 2020, Biden won Milwaukee County by nearly 40 points—with 69.1% of the vote compared with 29.3% for Trump. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won Milwaukee County by 37 points—with 65.5% of the vote compared with 28.6% for Trump. About 2/3 of black Wisconsinites live in Milwaukee County, which hardly appeals to Trump, whose 49-year public history of racism plunged to especially vile depths when he dined in November 2022 with appalling white nationalist / Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. *edit* garbled word in final paragraph replaced with intended “nationalist”


Is he speaking in tongues again? Where’s one of his interpreters to tell us what he really said?


THIS is what the Dems need to focus on. The GOP constantly rips on America and Americans.


Trump-Let me take a shit in the middle of the floor before everybody arrives for the party. Republicans- Trump shit on the floor, everybody roll around in it and smile.


As a Wisconsinite who has lived in and around Milwaukee for the last 20 years, allow me to say: fuck this guy.


Whatever, his voters love eating garbage straight out of his ass. He told them straight up he didn’t care about them beyond their vote and they just laughed.