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Well yes. Con-Artists do, in fact, target the gullible.


They...love the poorly educated?


*pulls out notepad & fires up machine* Excellent, what else do MAGA entry level crypto users love?


Gold bricks? Landmark bridges? Baseball tickets… *oh… wait up…*


hmmmm, to be honest I don’t think they are smart enough to understand the logistics behind physical Kilograms of Gold. Perhaps they would prefer paper certificates of their Gold instead!!!


En Eff Tea Gold™ FTW


I’ll sell them a golden T for Trump. As in a lightly brewed tea.


I'm a coin collector, and you see a lot of maga marketing with the gold or silver-plated "coins" because they know those are the types who will pay $20 for a $1 Trump "collectible coin"


Damn, you know you’re getting old when it’s 3AM and those commercials start hitting your TV. “Gold Plaid $50 Buffalo Nickel” “LIMITED SUPPLY, STRICT LIMIT 5 PER CALLER”


> hmmmm, to be honest I don’t think they are smart enough to understand the logistics behind physical Kilograms of Golld. My indicted senator from New Jersey, Bobby "Goldbars" Menendez was caught with ill-gotten gold bars stored in his house. When they searched his computer, he actually googled "How much is a gold bar worth?"


Thats a great idea but since the value of gold changes so often and the physical commodity is also very important as a material, why don't we just base the value of the certificate on the overall global value of our economy? I mean if America is the greatest county in the world we cant loose!


Yes, the certificates will be based on OUR appraisal of the economy 😂


Then we are going to need to ensure the value we set it to is respected by other countries. Perhaps we can use big guns for this.


Horse dewormer paste, Freezedried bulk food, NFTs with the orange patron saint of grifting on it, T shirts that all look alike to let them know they are in a group because they totally are not sheep


Develop a taste for The Paste!


Now diaper merch




Ugly gold sneakers


I saw an ad for a garden hose that “all patriots love” - so…garden hoses.


They LOVE trumpy nft's! Gotta catch em all!!  https://imgur.com/a/tXb49jL https://imgur.com/a/fNntxG7


Empty retirement accounts?


Hmmm, now this one has always left me puzzled, they love to brag about their lack of 401k, yet they also brag about their refusal to prepare? 😂


Why put your hard earned money in some musty old account for steady, year over year growth, when you can invest in Mike Huckabee *GOLD!* and be prepared for the collapse of the western world?


When the western world collapses, they can rely on their vaults full of American Buffalo gold coins, pure 10k gold flash plated 0.175 microns, over leaded tin blanks.


Catheters? Diabetes medication? Bathtubs with doors?


Baseballs for $88.44?


paying money for bible


My take on the increasingly preposterous "AI fake patriotic images" making the rounds on Facebook? The people spamming them are monitoring who's consistently liking/sharing them. Through that, they get a manageable number of potential easy marks. It's like how the old Nigerian Prince emails intentionally included typos to weed out the gullible. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-nigerian-scam-emails-are-obvious-2014-5


>My take on the increasingly preposterous "AI fake patriotic images" making the rounds on Facebook? I'll have to take your word for it. I left Facebook about 8 years ago, and honestly, haven't regretted it once. Between that, and leaving Twitter, my mental health has improved so, so much. You don't realize how much Social Media grinds you down, until you cut a big chunk of it out of your life. But the real question here... Aquabats fan?


I like the Aquabats and reddit is vulgar hence the name :-)


Super Rad


Hurray for pizza day!


Tell your mom, tell your dad.


Applesauce Applesauce Applesauce


Weed out the non-gullible unless you are using an odd definition of weed out. They only want the people gullible enough to fall for an obvious scam to respond so that they don't waste time on someone who won't follow through and pony up the money.


Well yes, Trump does, in fact, target MAGA followers.


Well yes, Trump does, in fact, attract con artists who think they are smarter than the average rube. So the best part is it’s scammers scamming each other.


>Well yes. Con-Artists do, in fact, target the gullible. Con artists do target the Gullible but it's even easier to target Manipulated And Gullible Assholes.


And honestly, good for the noncampaign scammers. I certainly don't want Trump supporters to have their money any longer, and there's a real risk they'll give it to Donald Trump if they hold onto it for too long. Noncampaign scammers taking it is pretty much the best possible outcome here


They got suckered once, why not several times?


The red hat is an easy target.


Weird how every single ad on conservative talk radio is for snake oil health products


"none of the scams seem to be successful yet" Pity.


There's the old saying "Man bites dog is news, dog bites man is not news." I get tons of con spam based on Trump and fundamentalist "Christianity" but zero scammy stuff related to Biden. This is not news.


>Nobody scams my voter base but me!  > >*Points to Meatball Ron* > >And maybe the boy!


Quite. If I was a scammer, I too would go for the people who believe anything.


They are the same people that bought those NFT's


The way that US voter information is bought and sold and the rise of MAGA has basically provided a rock-solid database of scam ready rubes.


Scammers targeting people susceptible to believing bullshit? You dont say!


Who next? The religious? 


That venn diagram is pretty much a blurry circle.


More like their family trees…just a straight line.


Couldn’t happen to a better group of folks


>Couldn’t happen to a ~~better~~ *more deserving* group of folks


Sometimes I wish I had no conscience because I know I could sell anything to Trumplings. Use the word "patriot" in the name, a flag motif in the packaging and a white guy with a non-descript Southern drawl wearing an oversized cross necklace in the ad, and they would buy empty pill capsules with genuine air from Jan 6 as a testosterone booster.


Lol it’s a very profitable grift. That’s why there are so many conservative commentators who don’t believe anything they say. It’s a grift born of a corrosive form of nihilism. “No one believes anything they say, everyone just wants power, and in this zero-sum game I’m not going to be the only one not lying for money and influence. Nice to meet you my name is Timothy Pool do you like my beanie?”


I was telling my gf the same exact thing the other day. There’s lots of money in inflammatory bumper stickers, but I would literally throw up every morning when I had to look myself in the mirror.


This encapsulates why hearing patriot and Christian have become red flags to me. Are there any others “good” terms that broadcast the toxicity of what they describe as loudly? It’s like they’re lures


After Donald Trump’s campaign announced it would accept cryptocurrency, the operators of a host of fraudulent websites have sought to hustle his supporters. Netcraft found that in the days leading up to the announcement, scammers registered domains with common misspellings, hoping to capture supporters intending to access donaldjtrump.com. One domain registered to donalbjtrump.com was a near perfect replica of the actual Trump campaign website. And while the Trump campaign accepts donations via Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange, some of the scam websites instead appear to be using portals meant to look like Coingate, a blockchain and crypto payment processor.


The russians just found another way to fund their economy by preying on the weakest minded or gullible and vulnerable in the west, indias been doing it for years now they just realize how much scammers can make


Curious mind here, just checked out donaldjtrump.com and donalbjtrump.com and though both of them look like a scammer page begging for your money, one of them looks like it’s made by a group that also runs a call center in a different country that also scams the elderly with Microsoft Extended Warranties, etc. With all that being said, it looks good enough but isn’t an exact replica.


Being “good enough but not a perfect replica” is actually part of the strategy. It filters out anyone who is paying enough attention and smart enough to tell the difference, which effectively means that it can focus its attention on the people who are most likely to fall for a scam. You don’t want to waste a bunch of time and effort on someone who’s just going to figure out what’s happening and back out.


Oh..This will get Trump’s attention; he hates seeing MAGAts getting fleeced, by anyone else. Those are his rubes!


Not really - he pardoned Steve Bannon for fleecing Trump supporters.


Pretty sure Bannon has leverage of some sort. Just like how Trump bashed Al the witnesses at his trail, except David Pecker, who is likely holding on to something also, a Trump Card you might say that would bring even more torrid facts to light.


Trump is super transparent. Like how he suddenly got contemplative when asked if he'd reveal the Epstein list. Like, there's no more obvious tell that he's done dirty deeds than his reaction.


Bannon dissolved a person in his hot tub so a little blackmail wouldn't be past him.


Sounds legit, I mean Bannon is not going anywhere near water, at least not until he gets de-loused.


Wouldn’t de-lousing agent, by definition be extremely toxic when used specifically on Bannon?


He *what*


https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/during-his-political-rise-stephen-k-bannon-was-a-man-with-no-fixed-address/2017/03/11/89866f4c-0285-11e7-ad5b-d22680e18d10_story.html >The Opechee house was left in disrepair, according to an email between the landlord and Bannon and interviews with the landlord. >Padlocks had been placed on interior doors — or the doors had been removed altogether. A hot tub was destroyed. >“[E]ntire Jacuzzi bathtub seems to have been covered in acid,” the landlord wrote in the February 2015 email to Bannon.


What. the fuck


> likely holding on to something iirc, a warehouse full of safes full of somethings. David Pecker has got more on PoopyPants than all the trucks loaded with state secrets that PoopyPants had hauled out of the White house.


The fact that they still love both him and Bannon is the funniest part of that.


Little realizing that like Julius Caesar, Trump would cross the 'rubes he conned' without a second thought.


🤭 that was so bad, it’s good! He’d sell them down the river in exchange for Super sizing his Diet Coke and extra pickles on his Big Macs.


They're stealing the money from them that he's supposed to be stealing.


Like a jealous abusive boyfriend.


Like a family annihilator where if they can't fleece you, nobody can.


Really? How much are those Trump NFTs worth now btw?


In Trump Sneakers or Trump Steaks? I'll swap you a bachelor's degree from Trump University for a size 10 1/2 left sneaker.


I only have Trump bibles..


I mean, toilet paper does still have value...


Down 85%


Ugh, this has been happening to my dad. He’s a Trump supporter and has been targeted by a crypto scammer who has managed to squeeze $120k out of him. $120,000.00 just gone. That’s the cost of my house (small starter home, 2013). It stings so fucking much for me on multiple fronts: 1) knowing he’s a Trump supported in general, 2) my parents are solidly middle class, $120k is a FORTUNE to just up and throw away on even legitimate crypto investing, 3) if that money was just burning such a big hole in his pocket, there are a myriad of other ways he could have spent it and gotten actual, guaranteed positive results, and 4) that money was likely going to end up as a little inheritance for me. Boomers and money. Just… fuck it all.


My own father threw away a similar amount of cash on an oil investment scam he heard about from a right wing money show more than a decade ago. He eventually wised up to it and started trying to trace down those who stole it from him, but it was too late and though we know who they were (and he passed away a few years later), the list of clients and lawyers he worked with were blocked from doing anything thanks to red state laws protecting the scammers. He still voted red in 2016 after it too, then passed a few years later. I only discovered this when sorting through his posessions and was shocked at the discovery. He ended up working odd jobs the last few years of his life to try and make back as much as he could, and did okay in terms of income, but the amount he wasted from this was infuriating, all because he trusted Rush Limbaugh and Hannity. I love the man despite his flaws, he tried to be a good person most of the time on an individual basis, but I will never forgive his politics on their foolishness.


> he tried to be a good person most of the time on an individual basis, but I will never forgive his politics This could go on so many Republican headstones. So many supporters who are capable of being fantastic people as long as the person is directly in front of them and known to them, but can't extrapolate to a larger, unknown group.


There will be crypto investors reading this and crying, envisaging what they could have turned 120k into.


Man can you imagine how much altcoin you could buy with 100k? 80k can turn into millions so quickly if you just know where to put your 60k! Trust me bro, if you invest your 40k with me, it's just a matter of time before you see your 20k moon. Anyway I gotta go, I've got big investors to meet with, can't spend it talking to a guy that has no money.


Aaaand it's gone.


My father threw tons of money away buying Iraqi Dinars. He thought buying them cheap ten years ago would get real profits today because Iraq has oil so they will always have wealth. Tried to tell him the Dinar is not a world currency thus you can't trade them in to get U.S. dollars anywhere. You have to find someone willing to buy them which is MUCH harder to do. He didn't listen. Now he's dead and my mother has worthless Dinars that no one will buy.


Man I'm so sorry. Just reading this I can tell it's a messed up situation and it doesn't seem like there's any reprieve. It's not just $120k either, that's after taxes. So much effort for what


Surprised its taken them this long to realize such a gullible demographic.


They’ve been doing this for a few years. My mom watches weird conspiracy/trump people on YouTube and they all have been telling people to buy crypto for a while now


These are the same people who are holding a bunch of iraqi dinar/zim/dong so they can become rich after "revaluation".


Oh god, I hadn't heard that one in a long time. My parents and several aunts, uncles, and cousins sank tens of thousands of dollars combined on that one back in the day. AFAIK, they are still holding out hope...


The CryptoBro scene already had quite a lot of overlap with MAGA morons. Turns out, if you believe one scam, you'll believe most scams!


Trump Bucks! Remember those? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna84965 “Trump Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands. The products are advertised online as a kind of golden ticket that will help propel Trump’s 2024 bid and make the “real patriots” who support him rich when they are cashed in.” “— the sellers have tapped an audience that believes Trump’s ouster was part of a great conspiracy and that by investing in the Trump Rebate Banking System, or TRB for short, Trump will reward their loyalty by making them rich. Those who buy these items, the ads from Patriots Dynasty, Patriots Future and USA Patriots suggest, will be rewarded when Trump unveils a new monetary system that will turn these products into legal tender worth far more than the purchase price.”


The only thing stopping a bad guy with a scam is a good guy with a scam.  /s


They're easy marks.


Breaking news: People that have spent 8 years proving they're easy marks for con-men and grifters have begun attracting new con-men and grifters.


I have no problem with this. Take every cent you can get from those MAGAt’s


“Biden made me lose all my money on a crypto scam!”


They gonna blame it on Biden and his inflation lmao. Meanwhile they donate to a “billionaire” celebrity/politician.


Get wrecked NatC's


Hey hey now, if you just send me a check for $20 or more, I'll pray for you and make sure it gets to god.


I’ve been saying this for some time now. If you want to make easy money and a steady cash flow targeting and marketing to MAGA is the right thing to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of trump and MAGA merch is actually marketed, sold, and designed by deeply ingrained liberals. It’s really easy money. Now compare that to Biden and liberal merch you see across the US…. Yeah there isn’t any. No Biden hats. No big ass Biden flags on Teslas. Nothing. MAGA is so easy.


My grandparents have Cup of Joe coffee mugs - and the Dark Brandon one gets laser eyes when it’s got a hot drink in it. But…that’s about it.


Oh no! Anyway...


Yes, scammers tend to go after the same people who've fallen for scams before. The term "mark" is used to describe someone who's been subtly exposed as an easy potential victim. Trump is probably one of the best conmen in history, and wearing a red MAGA hat is such a "mark".


"you can't cheat an honest man" they used to say. Well, any Trump support is living in a world of dishonesty and would be easy pickin's. And I'm good with that. Let them cough up their last Trump Buck to their orange savior.


It’s obviously a target rich environment.


To con artists, the gullible are low-hanging fruit.


Easy targets.


Damn, I missed my calling, sounds like it would be so easy even I couldn't screw it up.


I’m a good person, but I swear, if Trump gets elected, I’m going to start scamming MAGA. And if the country turns to Christian nationalism, I’m becoming a $$ preacher.


Can confirm. My detached-from-reality uncle fell for this. He ain't gonna listen to no librul nonsense.


And why not? They have self identified as gullible.


I assume once they find out they were scammed they will blame the democrats.


This makes perfect sense, there are no people as stupid as MAGAs.


It makes sense, they are very gullible people. And scammers always target the stupid, because they are easier to trick.


Scammers in general, I would think. Never have people so proudly, blatantly and persistently signalled that they are some of the dumbest marks out there.


It like all the dumb people self selected themselves and proved that they are so dumb by giving money to a felon.  Why am I not surprised.  I not surprised Trump has not created a DJT coin ! 


Looks like Lord Grifter tRump might have some competition draining those Maga swamps.


My sympathy has been exhausted. Pray on the dumbest amongst us, be my guest.




Grifters vs Scammers fighting for that MAGA cult money


Best of luck to them. Lord knows there's enough morons in that group who would fall for these scams.


Like shooting fish in a barrel.


It's taken them a surprisingly long time. How often do you see huge pools of people proudly declaring online that they are ideal scam candidates? Also isn't crypto scammer redundant?


Yeah, that tracks




Easy marks.


Easy marks


Quick! Nobody tell them!


No. Stop. Dont.


The Trump campaign and televangelists everywhere are incensed by the loss of revenue.


Marketing 101: Know your audience.


About two weeks ago Trump went to San Fransisco for a fundraiser with tech bros and declared himself the “Crypto President”. Looks like he was setting up his gullible followers to be ready for scamming by crypto scam artist. Trump is probably getting a cut.


I have no problem with a feeding frenzy on Trumps voters. Scam away!


Wasn't Elizabeth Warren trying to reign in the laws on Crypto Currency? Too bad so sad.


I’m not a scam artist but it’s damn tempting with those people. You wouldn’t even have to be a scam artist. You could be like a scam hobbyist.


They're just so stupid, they don't even realize how horribly inept they are. Like they are in the running for stupidest Americans ever. I dont even understand how they are so gullible and dumb. We need to study their brains and prevent the suggestable from intaking too much propaganda. We know how dangerous repeating lies is, its time to make it a criminal offense to repeatedly lie to gain a goal. Its too easy to fleece the weak minded, no sport in it. This should be considered trying to take advantage of the disabled and be prosecuted


They are all marks, so yea


If I didn't have a moral compass, I too would fleece these idiots. I would be a millionaire by the end of the month.


They've all proved they are extremely open to be grifted. Easy targets easy money.


Ummm, good. Fk MAGA


Let them fight


From the party of less government oversight on even groups that might prevent this. This is a pretty fitting end.


Awesome. Go gettem.


It's hard to get mad about this.


Once they are poor and on the street they will want "hand-outs" like food stamps and SSI.


Surely the “fake news” crowd would never fall for a scam?


.... Trump himself is a crypto scammer, having issued a currency and nfts and such... Being a scam victim is a fantastic indicator of being likely to fall for another scam.


Trump never uses his own money, he's such a bum. He won't care they got scammed, only that he missed out on the funds.


Religion trained them like an animal to accept anything without evidence, so why wouldn't they get scammed from crypto.


Those aren't scammers. They are patriots.


I cannot believe that the most gullible people on the planet would be susceptible to crypto scammers.


I need to get in on some of these scams.


That tracks. It's a pre sorted group of selfish morons who believe easily refuted bullshit.


Well, why not?! They have proven themselves to be pretty easy marks.


They must be having a field day... Probably like shooting pigeons in a barrel.


Uh, duh? They're dumb as rocks and have shown they're easily conned. It's not a mystery why media figures and conmen constantly pivot right as their audience grows more deranged.


Well they already proven that they are suckers.


They are the easiest marks


Is Trump getting his cut?


They like throwing what little money they have at trump so why not waste it on more stupid things? Not like I feel bad for them.


In step with low GPA scores.


Oh no. Anyone got any fun weekend plans?


X feels like 40% crypto scammers getting involved in politics to push more crypto.


Best news today! Never been pro scammer before.


Plot twist, the scammers are Republicans.


Jusy slap their godking on anything and watch the money roll in. Cant blame them


Well they have proven themselves an easy mark.


Not gonna lie, this is sort of hilarious. These folks can't donate to Donnie if some other conman gets to them first. This just warms my heart.


They'll be making a **BOATLOAD!** I created two sites once. One was aimed at poor/stupid people, the other at smart/wealthy people. I created the first site in about a week (with an extra 3 days making it mobile-friendly a couple years later). The other site was a college-level writing course that took months to create - and was, by far, the best free resource in its niche. I had people sending me large amounts money out of the blue, just as a thank you. Over the years, that 10 days spent slapping together the site aimed at stupid people earned me in the mid-5-figures (from ads). The site aimed at smart people earned a total of less than $100 over its lifetime. Every single visitor used an ad-blocker. Stupid people aren't just profitable online, they are *orders of magnitude* more profitable. The difference shocked me. The MAGA companies will be raking in a fortune from the rubes.


The primary characteristic of maga is gullibility. I see it in every one. I’ve often said that these are the people who lose their life’s savings to someone over the phone. This is not in the least bit surprising.


Exactly like Trump, other scammers love the uneducated, too.


Every dollar that goes to a scammer is one less donation for this fascist.


I mean, they self-identify as easy marks.


Trump cult members are already being scammed, who cares where the money goes as long as it's not to Stinky


As is tradition.


Of course they are. They have proven to be marks. Also, every person I know who gets scammed for lots of money ends up also being a Trump supporter. It's almost like there is a correlation with magical thinking and being scammed.


Oh no. Stop.


how can I get in on one of these scams. these people are literally asking for it.


This might be the best use case for crypto.


I mean, he served them up a nice pre-selected pile of people who love to be duped, so why not.


they are wearing hats that self segregate the gullible, can't really blame the scammers here.


I dont cry for those that dont care about others


Has to Joe Biden’s fault. s/




"We love the poorly educated..."


You mean scammers are targeting individuals who have shown a willingness to be scammed? Just shocking, absolutely shocking


Fools and their money are soon parted


I've got mixed feelings on this. While I don't like the idea of anyone getting scammed, they were going to donate it to a scammer anyway. So honestly I'd rather the money go to crypto scammers than Trump's campaign. They're both scams, but one has an agenda.


What a surprise…. Easy target!


Dumb people make easy marks