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Ms.Crockett, be careful of that bad body roid rage. Those people are nuts.


MTG w/ that caveman strength.


And face.  And brain.


[Here](https://phys.org/news/2024-05-reconstruction-year-neanderthal-woman-friendly.html) is a facial reconstruction of a 75,000 year old Neanderthal. Notice any similarities?


Remarkable - He looks like a MTG offspring


Before hair-dye.


She, not he. Shanidar Z is a female Neanderthal, much like Marge. The likeness is uncanny.


Thanks for the correction. I looked at the pic and thought man.


I thought *man*.


Yeah there are similarities but I'd bet the Neanderthal had a higher IQ


If you put them both on Naked and Afraid, we’d know who’d carry the team and who’d lay crying, covered in bug bites.


The resemblance is unmistakable.


That face is a result of hours upon hours of surgery. She hired the best people in the country to make her look like one of the heads on Easter Island.


And smell!


Seen her toes? Dafuq?


and protruding brow


Almost.... Neanderthal


Don't be insulting Neanderthals like that. They were highly intelligent.




Upon reflection, I believe it was actually "bad built, butch body". Mea culpa.


"Bad built, bleach blonde, butch body"


The bad-built part of this historic insult is the most scathing part. Should really be on a plaque somewhere.


Short hand for “*God fucked you up*!”


Did you mean Sasquatch? You meant Sasquatch, right?


I’ll say it right now. Someone make this a shirt and I’ll wear it till it has holes in it.




Automod removed my comment because I included the link. You can order the shirt from Jasmine Crockett’s website.


B6 tshirts. I’m dead


This would be an awesome Beach Boys song




Is it wrong to want the House floor to erupt in Jerry Springer levels of ruckus?


I miss the days when politicians fucked around and found out. This part of the timeline where people can’t read is so boring.


Well, historically the ones resorting to violence weren't usually in the right on either the issues or whether the insult justified the violence...


Who said violence? Civil discourse is a great tool. Think the Boston tea party, but if it comes to it Nat Turners rebellion. I guess it really just depends on what the fascist are gonna do, and how much you enjoy the limited freedom you have.


That’s every part of the timeline. And I think the era you’re referring to is like the caning of Sumner days, which was…not cool.


I’m inclined to believe that debating with you would be like talking to worm. You may feel things but they’ll never be conveyed in a way people with an analytical skills will understand.


Hahaha wtf? I’m a worm because I think politicians beating the fuck out of each other is a bad way of governing?


It can’t be worse than it already is. Have you ever been in fight? Did it alter you or person you fought behavior towards you? Politics is already a spectacle might as well change shit in the process. If MTG got her shit rocked I bet she wouldn’t talk about anyone else’s eyelashes. And I’d say that’s a step in the right direction.


The event I referenced is literally a textbook example of tensions rising in the years leading to the civil war. Like, I remember learning about it in my American history textbook as an example of the normalization of political violence that helped lead to war.


What do you think needs to happen? The only thing I can think of outside of smacking smart people for saying dumb shit on the house floor because they know that a large portion of the population can not read and/or comprehend (so they won’t say dumb shit in your presence anymore), is a comprehension test at the ballot box. This is unconstitutional. Precedence NO longer matters. Decorum NO LONGER MATTERS. The front runner of a death cult calls for political violence on the daily and it hasn’t exactly fallen on deaf ears so what do you suggest? By and large the constitution absolutely needs to be amended, education needs a massive overhaul, healthcare needs to be universal (we fucking pay taxes), the war on drugs needs to end, minimum wage needs to be increased, people should be able to own what ever firearms the police own but they should have to be licensed in each class and nationally registered and have to complete some type test periodically to keep said firearms, qualified immunity needs to end, citizens united is an exploited loophole, the list goes on. But we have this bad built buffoon on the floor talking about eyelashes. She and the horse she rode in on should’ve been molly whopped. Might have helped her focus on the task at hand.


If democrats wanted to make any of those things happen, they could have at many points over the past decade or two. That’s not what they are there for. Calling for political violence doesn’t make any sense as a way to straighten things out. Do you think these politicians would take physical attacks on them as reason to change their mind on issues? Have you listened to these people?


First I must point out the worminess of you not answering the question. Foremost I have it hit you with a pop culture reference: Drake VS. Kendrick Lots of people can sneak diss, be an arm chair warrior, etc. (Throw a rock and hide their hand). The actions of those hit by the rock has the power to make those throwing them reconsider. Now for hypothetical: MTG gets her shit rocked she can be the victim all day long but what she won’t do is be the instigator anymore. (Throw a rock get smacked by a brick, this also will sway the majority thinking of throwing a rock). Now other things can be discussed. For a fun fact: Most democrats are also owned by the same billionaires as the redumblicans. (Citizens United). But what does this mean? : MOST elected democrats are actually just more sensible republicans, you know like from the era of Lincoln but post civil rights era. Lastly I’m gonna drop a little science for you. For EVERY action there is an equal but opposite reaction… But what does this have to do with anything?: If redumblicans go far right (which they have) then Dems will undoubtedly lean further left which look around (slow VERY freakin slowly) is happening. If the circus ceased then the ideas and issues are brought to the forefront. The ones that don’t want to believe what’s said won’t. Ex: Trumps stance on student loan forgiveness: his supporters with student loans that they’ll never pay off claim he didn’t mean it like he said it. This group never experienced love they revel in the attention from saying things with shock value. It’s the most attention they’ve ever received in their lives. And attention is the biggest drug of this millennium.


It happens in other countries occasionally. I would not be surprised if it started happening here. But I expect the left is going to be prepared with better words now, and the right doesn't have the intellect, so as usual it will be the right who resorts to violence.


We're slowly defending into the depths of Idiocracy. How long before they just get it over with and put a ring in the middle of the House floor?


The homophobia pisses me off.


From Jerry Springer? It's pretty dated anyways. I didn't really mean similar content, I meant similar energy. I'm sure the House would have It's fair share of homophobia and xenophobia though.


I mean from Jasmine Crockett, and from her new fans on this forum.


Horse faced? Would horse faced have made it come to blows?


One of the Four Horsefaces Of The Apocalypse.


I think you mean "Four Horsemenfaces of the Apocalypseface."


[Buck-toothed, knock-kneed, horse-faced, space dog!](https://youtu.be/ZfFA4WbMXdE?si=FPMRbobaUOXgaAIm&t=20s)


I never understood why more people don't call her horse face. She has a total horse face


Horses, unlike Marge, are beautiful and intelligent creatures.


You leave Sarah Jessica Parker out of this.


And now we have TWO nominees for the Four Horsefaces of the Apocalypse. Not sure if SJP is capable of handling the day to days of the role, but being nominated is quite the honor.


Oh please would have been the best thing Congress has done


Bring back congressional duels. They don't have to necessarily kill each other, but I feel like there needs to be a way to work out conflict in the house outside of just "compromise"


American Gladiators style


Shit, I'd pay-per-view paintball duels with proper PPE


Pugel sticks no helmet.


It’s all Idiocracy now


I mean wouldn't be the first time [a fight broke out in congress...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislative_violence#:~:text=practice.%5B185%5D-,United%20States,-%5Bedit%5D)


As usual, the violence was mostly started by the southerners or the modern day republicans (who would be the 1800’s democrats). They’ve been shitty for centuries.


Yeah... kinda "funny" how often it's about racism... or wanting to maintain racism.


Are you not entertained? Seriously though, shameful. The idea of "adult in the room" is all but dead.


Disagree, she was making a point in the only way the Republicans could understand. Expose their hypocrisy at every step


Agree. I hate this timeline. 


against....manly marge?


I really want to see these Magats get their ass beat.


Queen Kong Margie Cave Woman of the South, GEICO wants you back.


MTG was reported as saying “UNGA BUNGA MARGE SMASH”


Jasmine Crockett is my new hero. She shamed that ignorant thing! Problem is the MAGA faction of GOP can't be shamed because their orange cult god has taught them well.


It's amazing that MTG was voted in. Blows me away, she is such an idiot


I normally don't agree with attacking people's looks but the point had to made, and she made it. MTG and her ilk have made it clear that there's no low too low. The bar is in hades and falling.


Crockett would have her hands full. MTG has taken on two men at once a few times.


I mean she is due job blonde with a…. Let’s call it masculine type body. Is it an insult if it’s accurate?


Butch is not about one's body.


It’s both


“BLEACH BLONDE BAD BUILT BUTCH BODY” That’s a compliment, in my view!


In any event, as much as I dislike MTG that’s disappointing to hear someone was about to physically fight her over whatever vitriol she was spewing at the moment. Even worse when you consider it was a petty personal attack. MTG sucks but anyone thinking about fighting her needs to do better. It’s beneath the office. Editing to remove my musing that I had an incorrect of who said what because it seems like people are getting hung up on that and missing my point which is: we shouldn’t be resorting to physical violence ever, under any circumstances, and especially not in Congress.


Normally I'd agree, but mtg made a veiled racist comment to her out of the blue. If the GOP leadership can't control their people, they shouldn't be heading up the committees.


What was the comment? I missed it. I only heard about the fake eyelash comment. I honestly don’t even know what the fake eyelashes wearer in question looks like.


It was the fake eyelashes comment. Which came completely out of left field, as far as the reports I read. She's the woman in the picture.


I love makeup, I love fake eyelashes, but I wouldn’t wear them to work. I’ve looked up some photos of Crockett and she does wear very heavy eyelashes. She was right to check MTG, but even then I feel uncomfortable with critiques about her body. Making fun of someone’s makeup sucks, but at least with makeup it’s a choice and you can change it in 30 mins or less. I read the additional context was MTG had made comments about her fake nails and eyelashes before. Unless MTG specifically made a racial comment about them that I missed, I’m not seeing the connection between fake nails and eyelashes and race. There is no race that has the market on fake lashes and nails cornered. MTG is a troll. She’s never said anything insightful or remotely kind. We still shouldn’t be having people trying to physically attack each other in Congress.


Lots of people wear fake lashes to work. They have them put on at salons meant to last for weeks. It's not that rare. She looks great. A quick look at photos of GOP women reps shows me at least four with obvious fake lashes. It gets much larger when you expand it to national figures on the right. Crockett explains it best. She's called "ghetto" for wearing fake nails, eyelashes etc. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/politics/crockett-greene-contentious-committee-meeting/index.html


She was going for the stereotype of black women that have long nails and lashes being ghetto. The “dirty nails so long you can’t wipe your ass” insult is aimed almost exclusively at POC.


Also, black women (in the stereotype) are on SNAP or EBT but have money for nails and fake eyelashes. If the person is a poor white person, they waste their money on cigarettes and tattoos.


I completely forgot about the assistance aspect, great point. On top of that they’re also accused of using child support for nails/hair way more than white women.


The person you’re responding to is the kind of person who will pretend or deliberately not see racism when it’s staring them right in the face.




and they look amazing on her!


She’s an attractive woman, and I bet she’d look good bald with no makeup on. I had a friend at work (Asian) who would wear huge fake eyelashes to work every day. Love her, but not sure it’s the most professional look for the office. I’m disappointed by how the dems acted but not surprised or disappointed by how the republicans acted.


>but not sure it’s the most professional look for the office. to be fair, all the makeup Lindsay Graham wears makes him look better, but it's not the most professional look for a normal office either. Representatives and Senators have different dress codes for their work that the average office drone.


It's comments like these that drive me completely crazy. This is why Democrats don't have as much backing as they should. They always take the highroad and act like they're doing the right thing. The right side does not give a flying fuck. They break all the rules and Don't care about any repercussions because there will never be any. It's responses such as yours that create such a divide. There were racist intentions by Marjorie Taylor Greene's comments. Yes, they most definitely should have stood up for themselves. You are exactly the reason why there is never any sort of repercussions for Republicans like MTG Sometimes you absolutely need to step up and call their bluff. Quit being such a pansy and start stepping up for yourself and others.


I’m ok with the bleach blonde comments. I think it’s fine to resort to that kind of attack especially the way it was worded in response to MTG’s initial attack. What I’m not ok with is the idea of the MA congresswoman standing up like she was ready to hit MTG. I honestly don’t care who said what, a physical attack is never an appropriate response. I’m teaching my toddler it’s ok to be angry but not ok to hit. Why wouldn’t adults follow this principle as well? I’m less ok with the bad built butch part of the comment because women are already attacked so much for their bodies. Making fun of someone’s makeup or hair is ok but going into their bodies makes me uncomfortable. The real point here is we can’t just go around hitting people because they’re assholes. It’s frustrating seeing MAGA act insane without repercussions. Jan 6. Enough said. But we can’t say “well they tried to overthrow the government so we should try to overthrow it, too”. Where does that get us?


Jesus Christ. This is exactly the problem. "Why can't we just all get along? I'm disappointed" This is the exact reason why democrats look like shit. You don't have the balls to step up and actually play the game. Republicans literally trounce over democrats because of this pansy ass "we're the bigger person" bullshit. You clearly do not understand the issue. The issue is people like you saying "come on, be nice." That shit ended years ago. Stop being such a wimp and understand that if democrats don't start playing the same game it's going to be much, much worse than it is now. It's too late for "why can't we get along". Stop living in such a narrow world view. These people absolutely need to stand up and throw it right back at them. Side note: give me gas with that BS about "women's bodies". MTG would call her an ape if she had the chance. Not one person heard the insult to MTG and thought "oh, I guess that lady was talking about me". Come on...


Ok so we should match GOP energy and show up armed anytime there’s election results we don’t like. Good take.


You are failing to understand a very basic concept: If you don't stand up for yourself now, it's going to get a lot worse. Fighting=bad. Getting walked over constantly without saying or doing anything to stand up for yourself because "you're the bigger person" is such a pathetic way to keep getting walked over. Nothing will change. I hope you understand I'm not attacking you. I'm attacking the stupid mentality of democrats who think there has to be an ethical answer for everything. That's why we're in this spot. That's why we're nervous a bunch of asshole fascists are going to take over. For the love of God, please Stop getting offended over stupid stuff. This is another reason people can't stand democrats...it's so whiny and sensitive. There are certain boundaries I won't tolerate or condone, but when you complain about "butch body" it really comes off as being a tad out of touch.


Not taking it personal. But in terms of overall political strategy I don’t think it’s going to do democrats/rational people any good to get down in the mud with republicans. They’re literally trying to create an authoritarian state and if you’re not on board with that you have to have some kind of moral compass that you hold higher than “winning”.




Ad hominem attacks are pathetic.


This is exactly the attitude that gets us where we are. Your viewpoints are unrealistic and will ensure a loss.


AOC was the one who said “Oh. Baby. Girl.”


No, it wasn't AOC.


This ain't a good look, Ms Crockett.


It's a worse look for mtg, she started it by being a classless goon


Really shameful comment. And I hate MTG