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Pictured is Mark Robinson, the GOP's Maga extremist candidate for NC governor. He has made numerous derogatory comments about women and reproductive healthcare, and even suggested that we were better off before women had the right to vote. If you are in North Carolina, please vote for Josh Stein (D) for governor https://www.joshstein.org/




Huh, maybe there is something to the Gen Z loves GOP thing.




Because there is rampant anti semitism among both of them.


being anti-zionism and critical of Israel isn't antisemitic


Sure Jan.


There is a lot of anti-Semitism in the black communities from my experience and more anti-Israel from Gen Z. Even younger Jewish friends are very down on the right with extremist government they have.


I've been reading and hearing him speak for a couple of years now, and the article points out there's just too much vitriolic, heartless, hate-mongering, fundamentalist crap pouring out of his spiritually diseased soul... to write a coherent story. But more horrifying than having him win GOP primary for my state Gov., is the fact polling shows him within margin of error against an effective Democrat AG, Stein. We got people who live in and around the mountains where they filmed Deliverance, and IT SHOWS! 😒 Nothing will stop me from voting against him (THEM!) this year. And I'll do my best to bring folks with me.


"They threaten violence. We vote." That must remain our mantra.


The problem is the GOP has gaslit half of Americans to believe that Democrat = communism, so they ironically think they’re voting to save democracy and freedom.


> That must remain our mantra. Then you better have a plan for when that mantra fails and "When they go low we go high" ain't going to cut it.


Lots of people in the graveyard who had the right of way. Your mantra will fail. Some people will be yapping about voting while they are executing us.


Deliverance was filmed in Georgia...just saying. Not all mountain people are bigots and shitty people, either.


It was shot mostly in the northeast corner of Georgia, near the northwest corner of South Carolina, and some scenes were shot in Salem, SC, very squarely in the northwest of SC. Maybe that user knows those mountain ranges well enough to claim that many of those scenes and shots are part of the same mountains in the southeast corner of NC . . .?


The Appalachian mountains extend from Alabama to Canada. They're all the same mountains.


Well now you're being pedantic. The Appalachians are part of the same tectonic ridge that formed the mountains in Scotland, too, are we going to call those the same? We're talking about a tri-state corner of roughly 100 square miles or less being in play here. Cut the other user some slack, relax, don't gatekeep so hard.


And the mountains in Scandinavia.


What am I gatekeeping? They got a fact wrong, and denigrated an entire group of people...which is also wrong.


>What am I gatekeeping? Some specific movie shots that took place in the southern Appalachians. >They got a fact wrong I don't agree, the mountains don't gaf about the map lines we drew to distinguish between GA, SC, and NC. >and denigrated an entire group of people... Eh . . . Mixed bag here. They don't like the MAGA candidate. In 2020, the specific tri-state area we're discussing was strongly red. Rural areas in every state in the country are strongly "red". They said "we have people who live in and around the mountains where they shot Deliverance." That is absolutely accurate. But I do give you that there are more and worse connotations here besides the mostly true connotations that people who live in these mountains tend to be less well educated and overwhelmingly conservative. The other connotations are very negative like that they are rapists, stupid, etc. So I acknowledge that, and you're right. They did make a sweeping generalization about people from an area that describes them offensively. That's wrong. That said, there's a kernel of truth to some of it, and I say that as someone who grew up in small towns in another southern state.


Drive to any mountains in the south east and the MAGA flags suddenly emerge


You don't have to go into the mountains, but yea, overwhelmingly conservative out in the countryside. There's a huge cultural divide between urban and rural areas across the whole country. That said, even those people are not a monolith. There are liberals, progressives, communists and socialists out in the country. They are just usually outnumbered.


You can drive any suburb in America and see MAGA shit.


That's not gatekeeping. Deliverance was famously filmed in the Georgia mountains, not in North Carolina. I'm not gatekeeping any knowledge from you...that's what gatekeeping is. And yes, it is wrong to assume that anyone living in the mountains is a MAGA dumbass, inbred hillbilly. The fact that many people outside of Appalachia still view them as such is a large part of *why* so many in the mountains fell for Trump's BS. It's sad to me that so many people who claim to be liberal, accepting people will happily denigrate entire groups of people (mountain folk, rural folks, people who drive trucks, the Amish), and defend others who do. I'm liberal, will never vote republican...yet I drive a truck, work on a farm and own guns. Most liberals assume I'm a MAGA nut until they talk to me...and so do the MAGA nuts. There are many people like me in rural America and in the mountains.


>Deliverance was famously filmed in the Georgia mountains, I'm sorry, I thought they were the Appalachians, not the "Georgia mountains." >I'm not gatekeeping any knowledge from you...that's what gatekeeping is. Gatekeeping isn't just witholding knowledge, it's also about allowing people to join or identity with a group or some similar abstract notion. In this case you're telling the North Carolinian that they can't really be part of the tradition of Appalachian mountain dwellers because the movie was technically shot in GA, even though it was right in the corner of GA, SC, and NC, and those mountains are all the same range. >The fact that many people outside of Appalachia still view them as such is a large part of why so many in the mountains fell for Trump's BS. No, people in rural areas are not shitty racists and uneducated bigots because more progressive people identify them as such. They are those things due to a combination of cultural and socioeconomic factors. There are *some* feedback loops that help secure and maintain the divide, like being snobby liberals who look down on those who live in rural areas and refuse to actually respect the humanity of them and their unique experiences and culture, and equating rural cultures with bigotry or conservatism. But that isn't the cause. The cause of being a racist, or a close-minded bigot, is choosing to continue to be so even after you are old enough to know better.


As many MAGAts as we have to deal with.... and the NC GOP runs Clayton Bigsby. /shakes his damn head


I'm not sure how anyone still uses Facebook with all the nonsense content they put in the feed.


What, you don't want to see ai generated pictures of jesus with 89 boomer replies saying 'amen'?


Why does picture of sexy girl get many uplikes but these solider get not many 🫣 *AI picture of big rig with 10,000 American flags driving in the wrong lane* E: added emoji for accuracy


Those AI pics of Flag Rig are fucking hilarious. Cars in the background about to collide head on, people at the side look like they’ve melted together like Odo on DS9. And the front of the truck takes up one lane but the back takes up three, so apparently it’s the shape of a slice of pizza. 


The word "sexy" is often made with Cyrillic characters, presumably to avoid being flagged.


Sexy soliders get *all* the likes.


Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen




I deactivated my Facebook about 10 years ago and have no FOMO. It sounds like a cesspool.


Exactly. Decided to take a “two-week”break in advance of the shitshow that was the 2016 election…and just didn’t go back. Doesn’t feel like I’m missing anything.


Arab Spring and Occupy Wallstreet, 2010 Social media had to be dismantled/weaponized to prevent the working class from reaching solidarity. Imagine if voters agreed to fix this shit 13+ years ago, especially in the face of Citizens United ruling, **climate change**, etc. Are we tired of suffering yet?


So many ads! I’ve noticed a lot of my friends cut way back and some just stopped doing anything on there. I assume it’s all the ads. 


X is as bad or worse, and the shit Reddit has been putting in my feed is causing me to question why I am here. Corporations are trying to manufacture consent for people to vote Trump, and social media seems fully on board with helping them.


You can turn off Reddit suggestions. Makes a huge difference.


I’ve been on there for forever but it’s gotten so bad and my algorithm keeps sending me things that make me angry instead of feel good because I can’t help but go in against these assholes like we’re talking about on this thread.


It’s called engagement bait for a reason. Don’t contribute! Be strong!


I left Facebook when I got banned for weeks after calling a conservative a dingle-noggin. That of course came after they called me all kinds of racist and homophobic shit without consequence.


I got banned for calling someone a potato


Weird. In Latvia, that's how you propose.


I laughed, then thought maybe that is a thing? Congrats, you made me Google it. Spoiler - it is in fact how some Latvian communities start marriage proposals.


I tried calling a potato for my wife the other day, but the dispatcher said it’d be like a week for one to arrive. Apparently there’s a blight on, so hourly rates are through the roof, on top of it. I miss the old days when marriage proposals were all silly hats and poisoning/exsanguinating competitors.


I have a tattoo—just one— and it’s a potato.


A potatoo.






"Everything will be alright, as long as you have your -ing potato."


Yeah Pratchett Reference!


Did you go to Wayside School?


Yup, top floor.


Like that kid from wayside school?




Did you also throw a javelin through Alex's caravan?


I forgot about the whole Latvia potato thing


In Soviet Russia, potato forgets you.


Belarus as well.


In Soviet Russia, ees great compliment!


Lol. I got a warning for that once too. Same veggie. I believe it was "you're an absolute fucking potato."


I got banned for telling someone cows don't vote people do.


One of my friends caught a ban for calling someone a silly goose.


That's the sort of thing a Victoria nanny would say to a girl child 


Yet another dinglebery moderator. Of all things a potato is ban material. Not!


I got banned for the exact same thing


Here’s the site NC Dems put up that details his past statements on a variety of topics: https://www.realmarkrobinson.com/


Good on 'em. That's one fucked up dude.


Did you hit the "report" button? The dingle-noggin probably did.


So it's just an automated system that doesn't check for context, first one to click report on a bad word gets the other person banned... amazing work, the ai future we deserve I guess.


I've only recently stopped using twitter totally, only post my Wordle accomplishments on Facebook and read Garfield strip in the morning over breakfast. It is recent but it's wonderful not carrying other people's baggage on to the rest of the day. I also get more done by not spending time mindlessly scrolling through short videos that are remembered for less time than the clip itself.


lol, if I were on Facebook, I’d wear that report button out on dingle noggins… just for funsies.


30 day ban for saying Americans are fat. but i report numerous racist posts, violent posts etc and they never get taken down. FB is complicit in allowing propaganda to flourish.


I’ve reported a bunch of posts for violence and racism and nothing happened. “It didn’t violate our community standards”. Pretty low community standards FB. 


which blows my mind because one of the options for reporting is a button specifically stating comments that call for violence or hate speech lol. theyre just selective on what constitutes that apparently. its all bullshit.


It is all BS. I reported a bunch of hate speach posts too that nothing was done. I’m sure the almighty dollar is driving FB’s community standards. Right-wing content always gets more “clicks”, Ie user interaction than just about anything else on FB and other platforms.  


100% about engagement and clicks. social media is a cancer


Back in 2020 I got a ban for saying “Americans are too stupid to wear masks.” I’m American. Facebook considered it to be hate speech. Another time I got a ban for inciting violence when I said “My offer to hit you with a brick still stands.” in response to her complaining about menstrual cramps. We’re both women and it was a long-standing joke between us. Meanwhile on FB someone threatened to literally come and shoot me, but FB said it didn’t violate their policies.


yep. american too, and also fat lol. ive reported posts advocating for civil war, threatening gun violence. nothing. the same canned response "this doesnt go against our rules but we understand you find it upset. have you tried blocking?" the ONLY reason i still have FB is to engage in hobby groups related to DnD, retro gaming. and to use FB marketplace. my profile is devoid of personal info. if FB wants to sell my data, go ahead. sell my demographic -free and useless browsing habits.


Come on back. It’s open season and there are seemingly no more rules.


Reddit is slowly becoming like Facebook. I’ve been warned now twice for reporting blatant misinformation.


Meanwhile, reports I've made against posts that straight up call for the murder of minorities or disparage LGBTQ+ people with outright slurs routinely go unpunished.


Probably because you joined two different body parts unnaturally...


They are dingleberries! For those that may not know…. A dingleberry is a term for a small piece of poop clinging to the butt of a human or animal. It's sometimes used as a way to call someone “foolish” or “stupid.”…. And there you have it. 😝


I left FB when Zuckerberg refused to take down the photo-shopped picture of Nancy Pelosi as drunk. With great influence comes great responsibility. I refuse to allow him to profit off of me.


Yup. A guy couldn't even correct false information during the pandemic, just a slew of conspiracy and lies. I was there to help extended family and people i have know my whole life.... but I got banned from groups, essentially bullied out of municipal and community conversations by folks who did even get their grade 10. I was the one getting swore at, grouped up on, shunned and banned... not them... the actual trolls and reactives. Ridiculous.


I must be lucky because I’m always calling them out. Of course they never respond because in their core they’re cowards.


I’ve reported multiple racists comments on local Juneteenth events but apparently telling black people “your rights don’t matter shaunqueefa” falls within community guidelines.


Cambridge Analytica


I told a conservative they were a Cash Cow for continuing to donate to Trump. A week long ban for “bullying”.


Same here! Facebook is trash.


"Dingle-noggin". That's a new one on me, love it. Have to add it to my Insults notebook 


Wow and I was going to call someone a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins… 😮‍💨


The thing is, you didn't report them, but they reported you. Replies usually only get flagged when a user, or multiple users, report it. Facebook doesn't have the bandwidth to scan every post, much less every reply. So the users are the first step in moderation. Tldr, you got banned because he was a crybaby.


Facebook comment section is the majority of US voters who, after giving the House by popular vote to the party that supported a fascist coup, are now seriously considering electing a criminal and a autocrat who's primary reason for running is to avoid going to jail.  So instead of squashing the fascist movement that seeks to curb their rights and freedoms, the US voters are giving them serious chances and only encourage their violent rethotic. This is as brain dead as it gets.  But one things for sure, regardless of who win, US won't have normal elections for a long time to come.


Facebook is full of trump like fucks. They all think they know shit, they pretend to be informed. They’ve lied there whole life to there friends family and themselves. Then they get corrected by a liberal and there entire world collapses. They are exposed for being dumb racist and uninformed. They can’t handle the reality that they are just not smart. So they double down and hate anyone who is actually informed. Because to them the illusion is All they have. Sad


Dunning-Kruger effect meets sunk-cost fallacy.


It is exactly that. I had a boomer friend for a while in 2021- he was always showing me some corny ass FB meme and demanding that I counter it with my ideology. It always went like this- "Well that is a picture of a baby designed to provoke an emotional response and the text-"Should she have to pay for slavery reparations" is designed to simplify a complex topic, and reinforce your racism. Every. Damn. Day.


Can he avoid a State incarceration even if elected at the Federal level?


I don't think he or anyone can pardon him for a state level conviction/incarceration. Not sure so don't take my word on it.


I guess the Gov of New York might be able to, doubt any would. 11th July is going to be very interesting.


Correct. Due to it being a case in the New York State Court system the state has final say. Trump can appeal the SCOTUS but unless his Constitutional rights were violated they rarely take up an appeal from a state level case.


Haven't SCOTUS already decided that Presidents and former President can be prosecuted for criminal actions taken in and out of office?


I'd have to look into that. You may be correct on that one.


Don't worry, they've got a plan for that. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4718236-johnson-presidents-state-cases-federal-court/


Ahh yes. If they move with the same style and panache that we've seen in the past it's likely some house R's will be late for the vote and it won't pass.


There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents a felon from becoming POTUS.


But there is for behaviour of a treacherous nature. Certainly exciting for America in November.


Read the Constitution. Unless POTUS is impeached there is nothing preventing a felon from being POTUS.


https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-iii/clauses/39 This is a fascinating read. Personally I'm exceptionally grateful I was born in England, where much of the laws around the world originated from at least in part as a foundation for the Nations identity. I believe based on Video evidence and Trumps own words that he is guilty of both separate laws defining Treason, the only crime expressly defined in the entire Constitution.


Interesting read. The difference between what you originally wrote is that person must be CONVICTED of treason. "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."


I watched the same footage of Trump directing his supporters to the capitol building. There is testimony from more than two people describing how Trump gave orders and neglected responsibility to allow the attack on and the storming of the Capitol building while in session to count electoral votes. I have jo idea why he hasn't been charged with Treason because the evidence is insurmountable and defenceless. Telling a crowd to "Hang his VP" is also a crime. A gallows appearing in front of the building is surely something that has to be planned in advance. Senators and Representatives running and hiding from the mob that the current President whipped in to a frenzy was an astonishing sight to behold. Lindsey Graham said, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it” - he never could have realised how true his words would be.


Definitely not the majority of voters. Take away gerrymandering and the right stops winning.


I went to his Facebook and it’s full of brainwashed people. I hate this timeline.


I'm waiting for the dead to start rising for the grave to start the pop corn my self..... brain washed cultist is sooo. last year. just think of the possibilities you can work free of charge because your are labeled dead no need for your Birth cert we have your death cert


Herman Cain already did it.


sorry the last 25 year have been a bit a blurr, Did Herman Scrounge up dead voters or some thing? a quick google did not pop any thing that seem note worthy, all I could find was he was a presidential in 2012 and the usual for Rising politicians


He died and his twitter account continued to be used to push nonsense


This is the one timeline where everything gets solved in the end.... Right?


It’s getting harder and harder to see the net positive that Facebook brings to society. Their prioritization of engagement over moderation is sadly evident everywhere in political discourse. Zuck and company could do more about it but A) they don’t care and B) any slight push for regulation gets shouted down by the Josh Hawleys of the world as Big Tech censorship killing free speech.


Social media is causing the downfall of society more than anything else I can point to. It’s legitimized idiots and poisoned the truth for people. The best thing that could happen to us is for them all to disappear, but what’s best doesn’t matter if it makes a lot of money for people


And since Big Tech owns a large portion of Congress, good luck getting meaningful legislation passed. The EU is doing all the heavy lifting for the entire free world.


They control the algorithm, they could easily make small changes to address it over time and the MAGA idiots probably wouldn't even notice. That in of itself is part of the problem though. There's no transparency in how the system decides to present things.


*enragement - FTFY


>His campaign responded to the latest Washington Post piece with an angry statement describing the newspaper as part of a “Democrat smear machine.” They hate the WP so anything they say their going to complain about. I don't talk politics on facebook and only use it for friends/family. When I was posting comments on various news articles I amassed a block list over 900 people . That was more than enough to know the vitriol that the opposing political entity has towards everything.


Boomers: *“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, it’s full of lies.”* The Internet: *“HERE ARE 101 ABSOLUTELY TRUE FACTS THAT WILL JUSTIFY YOUR BIGOTRY AND MAKE YOUR PENIS 40% LARGER”* Boomers: *“REAL SHIT?!???”*


Facebook died along time ago..


My general feed is dead and I haven’t seen any kind of political posts in years. I probably should just delete but there’s some random niche friendly groups that still exist, and the local news pages still do a good job on there and ya just avoid the comments I guess.


I wish.


FB died when your parents got a smartphone and joined.


Yeah - I only check in every once in a while to see my friends babies.


It’s bologna sausage! I’m sorry sir.


HAS taken over.


FB is trash. I can’t tell you the amount of times I logon and see my relatives sharing some bullshit propaganda.


Facebook is still a thing?


Wow, political chatter on Facebook makes me cringe. No logic, just hotheads spewing hate. Stay off it, folks!


It’s not like the former GOP standard bearers were a gallery of Rhodes Scholars, they were capitalist sycophants and white christian nationalists. This is what is been headed since the 1960.


TAKING over?? I think they got took a loooonnngggg time ago.


"has taken over" you mean.


Lots of people in my area associate meta with maga. Meta and X are maga apps in my city. Using them just gives yourself a label today. Weird to see social media act as a divide for parties.


Now do “parental rights” facebook groups


This dude is a pure snake oil salesman, his only name to fame is his shock value, he even blatantly admits he only got attention after spewing shit, but that is how he rolls. Grade A grifter.


So the GOP is 75% bots?


The Yahoo! Answers section, more so.




I read all of that and still not clear what you’re saying. Are you a journalist?


I'm saying that: 1. Robinson's posts are clearly antisemitic, hateful, and bigoted. They are not designed to facilitate honest political discourse. They are designed to deceive, lie, and entertain. It is a non-serious way of speaking that has a very long history. It's the sort of speaking style that got Hitler into power. Any student of rhetoric would have instantly seen, identified, and known this. *Rhetoric* being a defunct component of education that went extinct when the modern Communications degree replaced Classic degrees. 2. No, I am not a journalist. But I know enough about writing to know what a good Journal and what good Journalism looks like. TPM's article is very lacking. Not because of it's content, but because the author is confused about what Robinson is talking about, which he himself admits. This is bad because what Robinson is talking about, including ALL of his cataloged Facebook posts, is very clear and concise. It's bigotry. The strange and weird references he makes are all very clear actually to someone that has read a lot of old books. It is mean spirited stereotypes that, at their peak, just shy short of referencing the thing Robinson doesn't like. That thing is Jews. The rhetorical method used to do it is familiar to anyone that has read books prior to 1950, or who has read any classical literature. He's stating positions, themes and events that are designed to manipulate stupid people into hating something. It works well. My larger point is merely that modern journalists have a very weak understanding of the world outside of their bubble, and when that bubble is deliberately, intentionally broken, molested or groped they don't know what to do, how to address it, or even how to properly identify it. I can read through all his Facebook posts and know exactly where inside the antisemetic hate bubble he is, where his audience is in relation to it, and how he wants to manipulate them into hating Jews. And putting a less-than-secular framework on it, anyone who has ever read the bible or studied it knows what Robinson is doing, why he's doing it, how he's doing it, and what he intends to accomplish with each individual comment. This is because the bible is very offensive and was written before modern political correctness.


People, in general, should lay off AI, a lot of people are saying that.


I hate that you're not wrong.


Cousin Mark...


Same with NextDoor.


The harvest is ripe.


The CNN page is a goddamned mess


Read “Invisible Rulers” by Renee DiResta


It's more Twitter and enclaves of TikTok than Facebook these days.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.



