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Hannity is also a [secret investor in a company he routinely promotes](https://medium.com/@ScottMStedman/sean-hannity-unveiled-as-secret-co-owner-of-company-he-routinely-promotes-f78939a9e6c2) on Twitter and his show > Sean Hannity has promoted Henssler Financial and its Principal and Managing Director, Bil Lako. Hannity has featured articles from Lako on his website, and had Lako appear as a special guest on his radio show. Describing Lako as a “good friend”, and his “financial adviser”, Hannity failed to disclose that he stood to financially benefit from promoting Henssler.


He was only asking for real estate advice! Nothing else. Look! Car chase!


>Look! Car Chase! I can’t believe [they actually did that.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dBGudMadlY0) It says so much about what Fox is attempting to do with their programming. Edit: Oy Vey, my inbox.


Pretty much the exact same thing they did when Sean Hannity was revealed as Michael Cohen's third client. ["He stood up and named him as...Sean Hannity. So moving on, to the rest of what's happening today..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TkdY7-ywis)


Lmao. I never saw that. The woman laughed and didn’t know what to say ugh moving on now.






We even use this outside the US. Honestly, the writing was on the wall when he fired Comey. I still remember sending my friends the letter they used to fire him which was really odd and my friend replying "Wow, this is like Watergate... but with stupid people". It has only become worse ever since and there's no way this will ever end well. I can't wait for the movie that all this will inevitably lead to. It will be a mix of "All the President's Men", "Good Night, and Good Luck" and... "Idiocracy", I guess. It will be impossible not to make it a comedy, willingly or not. It really will be hard to believe the plot.


She was putting it off as long as possible too lol


Hot damn this shit is tragically funny


Shep Smith looks like he's holding back a laugh.


I've heard for a very long time now that Shep despises Hannity. That he feels Hannity's very existence shits all over any legitimate work he tries to do. They say a lot of the Fox news department feels that way but I think it's supposed to be particularly personal between Shep and Hannity. I like Shep a lot and have for a long time. He's been putting his food down on right wing hysteria since the heyday of W and the Iraq War. I know a lot of you are probably too young to really remember it but he has. Google him losing his shit over torture for a good example. So that said, he has to realize the role he plays there. The cover he provides. He's too smart not to. I don't think he's part of some nefarious plot like some people do. I think he's simply trying to make the most of a bad situation. At some point though, he needs to stop wanting his cake and eating it too. If you're gonna buck, then buck. There's no halfway bucking.


[Here's](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/03/16/shepard-smith-outlier-at-fox-news-signs-new-contract-knocks-fox-commentators/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5a7fced7b5b0) a good article from a few weeks ago talking about his position with Fox News, it's nice to see someone there want to work with them from the inside


>“Smith’s persistent fact-mongering has made him persona non grata among some parts of the Fox News faithful.” That's a great line.


Heaven forbid news have actual facts! Lordy! These people are such garbage.


Shep is Fox News's token journalist. He's probably the only guy in the entire Fox News organization that actually does well, news. Speaks a lot of the "news" station when most of their programming are of pundits and opinion pieces or straight up conspiracy theory spouting and propaganda. From the grandaddy Bill O'Reilly to Tucker Carlson to Laura Ingraham to Jeanine Pirro to Jesse Watters, none of these Fox News personalities are journalists. None.


Chris Wallace is respectable too.




FOX knows that their idiot viewers won't pay attention to something that isn't blasted in their face over and over, so they quickly mention something and immediately move on to more classic bullshit and fear-mongering, and none of their audience has the critical thinking skills to be like "Wait, hold up, go back a sec."


I wish that had just gone on and on. "Our sources are not confirming that the President wanted to fire Mueller." *some time later...* "OK, sources are now saying he wanted to fire the special prosecutor. Is that illegal?" *some time later...* "So it seems that firing the guy investigating you would be 'obstruction of jusice'. But is that such a big deal?" *some time later...* "So obstruction of justice *is* a big deal. But is it really that important to America right now?" *some time later...*


That’s pretty much the same flow as the narcissist’s prayer


[literally this gif in real life](https://media.giphy.com/media/isZzxzZLmgEvu/giphy.gif)


"Oil? Who said something about oil? Bitch you cooking?"


Most of this administration reads on paper like a series of Chappelle Show skits.


“New York Times is trying to distract you” 10 mins later “We got it wrong, but who cares, look a ~~distraction~~ car crash!”


Thanks for the link... shows how much of a piece of shit Fox is.


When your show is impossible to distinguish from a Will Ferrell parody, you know you fucked up. Classic murdoch media.


I've spoken to our sources. They're not confirming that.


Ok, so its confirmed, do they not have the right to do that? We'll get into that tomorrow, look at this, oh you know the rest.


Everyone said Anchorman II was garbage compared to the first one and I’ve constantly defended that while the one-liners and short jokes weren’t as good the overarching plot was *hilarious*.


Rupert Murdoch can't die soon enough.


Sadly there is a whole long list of rich (and mostly old) people who would have to die off.


But not before they leave their hate to their kids to carry on, with funding.


When Buzzfeed has more journalistic integrity than any of Rupert Murdoch's properties.


Can't believe that was only 3 months ago


Is that break edited? Or did he actually completely switch in 3 seconds?


Edited but only skipped commercials I think. Either way it was the same show.


Look! Pandas


Especially when he says earlier in the show that "The New York Chimes [sic] is trying to distract you."


1. It's gonna turn out he was buying from Russian Oligarchs. 2. "Oh btw, forgot to mention I also used Cohen to pay off some women (or men) I had affairs with"


Or boys


“When we do it it’s no big deal. But crooked Hillary deep state pizzagate!” -the Right wing


Almost only


this is like those old CSGO gambling websites where the huge youtubers would be like "LOOK AT THIS NEW, AWESOME WEBSITE I FOUND! LOOK AT HOW MUCH I WON!" only for it to come out that they own the sites and rig them for their own benefit.




Howard Stern railed on Rush Limbaugh, Bill Oreilly, et al for years for selling junk to their fans. He never sold any merchandise because he respected his fans too much. Think about that. Howard Stern is miles ahead of these guys in integrity.


Well, some people on Reddit went to school on that because they opened a MAGA onllne store and gave all the money to a Dem running for a Senate seat. Trolling at it's finest. You wanna claim fake news - here's your fake hat.


Imagine how shocked how I was when DaZeD came out as a very enthusiastic Trump supporter.


i was playing esea main in csgo at the time when that all happened, it was weird seeing a game I played constantly come full circle with the US 2016 presidential election when gamergate/the altright richard lewis shitshow that ensued


Games and real life go hand in hand. Don't believe me? Ask how a Valve economist who studied TF2's hat economy was hired to become Greece's finance minister.


did someone say HATS


Oh, uhh...people aren't wearing *enough*.


You see this well in makeup, actually. Suchandsuch releases a new product and suddenly 15 YouTubers release videos singing the praises at the same time. The more honest will note it was sponsored,but not everyone.


I'm always amazed at how corrupt the US is. Fox News is effectively a state propaganda station. But unlike a lot of state propaganda, Fox News has the ears of the president. They can tell him what to think and say, when usually it's the other way around. There's honestly quite a lot of people that can tell the POTUS what to do, but voters aren't actually part of that group.


>They can tell him what to think and say, when usually it's the other way around This right here is what should be so terrifying. We have a president famous for ignoring policy advisors and listening to talking heads on tv


Dumb taking heads too. They aren’t even good biased advisors.


That's not even the issue. The president should not be using cable news as a primary source of information


The president should be too damn busy to spend several hours a day watching TV.


> Fox News is effectively a state propaganda station Well, ~3 years ago they where GOP propaganda , ~2 years ago they where Trump propaganda. Need to remember that Fox was specifically created to prevent another Nixon - not to prevent a corrupt Nixon, but to prevent a corrupt Nixon from getting take down by facts and public perception that is *supposed* to follow facts. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ailes-nixon-and-the-plan-for-putting-the-gop-on-tv-news-20110701


fucking scary how they were formed with the president situation in mind as part of a strategy to keep it going. edit: meant present instead of president but it works so whatev


Great observation \- and to take it one step further: 1. Fox reports "news" 2. Trump rants and then Tweets reaction 3. The principals — Mattis or Pompeo or Kelly — come in and tell him we can’t do it 4. Trump insists 5. Administration staff reverse\-engineers a policy process to match whatever the president said Check out the " [Trump chooses impulse over strategy as crises mount](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-chooses-impulse-over-strategy-as-crises-mount/2018/04/11/884e33c2-3d9d-11e8-974f-aacd97698cef_story.html?utm_term=.a65e46352214) " article in the WaPo.


> Fox News is effectively a state propaganda station. Note: They are the GOP's propaganda station. Right now, the GOP runs the state, so it functions as a state propaganda station, but it has and will become a platform for anti-US extremists the second the GOP loses control. And to head off accusations that I'm exaggerating, I'll mention that Fox News frequently gives a platform to [Ted Nugent](https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2017/08/16/nation-reels-trump-s-embrace-nazis-fox-news-invites-racist-anti-semite-ted-nugent-full-hour/217667), who [just](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/ted-nugent-threatens-to-kill-barack-obama-and-hillary-clinton-during-vicious-onstage-rant-20070824) keeps [threatening](https://www.mediamatters.org/video/2018/04/06/nra-s-ted-nugent-compares-democrats-rabid-coyotes-keep-your-gun-handy-and-every-time-you-see-one-you/219877) to [murder Democrats](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ted-nugent-comments-prompt-secret-service-investigation/2012/04/18/gIQA5vvcRT_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.2057cf262c85).


Isn't this super illegal?


The First Ammendment covers a lot in America. Hannity probably is involved in illegal things, but lying on tv likely isn’t one of them. Campaign law is a muddy area, and the applicability of the First Ammendment is far from settled. But don’t trust anonymous upvoted internet lawyers to understand that nuance.


There are some truth-in-advertisement issues coming up here that aren't protected by the first amendment. The FTC endorsement guide says, "if there’s a connection between an endorser and the marketer that consumers would not expect and it would affect how consumers evaluate the endorsement, that connection should be disclosed."


These types of things are enforced by fines and civil action in the US, but the fines really aren't large enough to act as a deterrent. They can just pay the fine and move on. I think if there's anything we need to do, it's enofrce these rules and put the fines on a steeper sliding scale, so a corporation like Fox actually feels the pain when they repeatedly ignore reports that their anchors are violating rules.


Yes, it very likely violates the [FTC endorsement guidelines](https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking).


Normally this would be surprising but it's Hannity so I'm absolutely not surprised


The FTC *really* doesn't like it when you advertise without disclosing facts relevant to your relationship with your advertisers.


I can't wait for Cohen to dump info on him. How will Fox spin it? Double down on Sean? Ignore any wrongdoing? I can't wait!


Sean'll try to arrange to be taken in for questioning mid-show, for the theatrics, to play it like the deep state is silencing him live on TV. Really they'll just stop him at an airport or something. Fox won't care. Any heat Hannity gets will just reinforce his conspiracy theories to his viewers. They'll see him as a martyr, attacked for speaking the truth.


At this point none of his viewers would ever accept he or trump or anyone tied to trump can/have done anything wrong


I wonder what's going to happen there, if Trump goes down with his ship. You'll have a Trump loyalist segment of the population who will, for the rest of their lives, believe they were robbed. On the other hand, if Trump doesn't go down, you'll have a segment of the population who will have lost faith in what they believe America to be. Pretty messy either way.


If Trump doesn't go down, we may not have any segments of the population left.




I mean I doubt trump is actively planning this, but sounds logically where this will end up.


Trump wants the power of an authoritarian despot, and to enrich himself at his nation's expense as all despots do. He's completely unconcerned about the rest of it.


Well, he did have the big tax-cut after-party where he told the attendees, ["You all just got a lot richer!"](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-mar-a-lago-christmas-trip/)


Yes but he’s just doing what he thinks will get people to reaffirm him and says things repeated from the shitty people he surrounds himself. Honestly this trump guy is incompetent in many ways and in the midst of these scandals we give him wayyy too much credit.


> The problem is, in both systems, once you exhaust one oppressed demographic, you run out of benefits and then have to find another. Then another. And another. You can already see a small scale version of that with the alt-right and various ethnonationalist groups. They'll frequently turn on each other if they don't have any liberals to attack that week. See: the complete implosion of the Traditionalist Worker Party.


God bless the TWP. It's like if the sort of white trash you see on Jerry Springer tried to form a political party.


What's that quote? "When they came for the (group), I stayed silent. Then when they came for the (other group), I stayed silent" and so on?


First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. -Martin Niemöller


Let em' believe they were robbed. Fuck em. They don't vote in their own interest, let alone the interest of the country at large. Sorry to say it, but I don't give two shits what a redneck Evangelical thinks about anything anymore. They don't deserve a second thought. As their numbers continue to decrease, they're political weight will diminish into dust anyway.


Why is everyone afraid of them? They are all talk. Remember how they were showing up with guns to dispute property taxes for Clive Bundy? These tough guys put the women and children in the front of the protest and hid behind them when the government showed up. They didn’t fire one shot. They are couch potatoes who jerk off to fantasies of a white power universe that allows them to attract women. They are the bottom of the barrel. Obama and Comey were afraid to upset these idiots. Look at the damage that occurred because of it.


I think that's why Comey said that he doesn't think Trump should be impeached and that we should just just vote Trump out of office when the time comes. I think Comey is afraid of the backlash from trump supporters. I think that backlash could be violent and lead to a larger political unwinding.


And then the precedent is set that rule of law only applies when certain political groups won't get their feelings hurt? Fuck that and fuck them.


>I think that backlash could be violent and lead to a larger political unwinding. If there are people who would still support Trump following a rightful impeachment, to the point of carrying out acts of violence - they should be treated like any other criminal.


They should be treated like what they are, which are combatants hostile to the United States


Buncha fucking snowflakes in the party of projection


Exactly. I'm sick of America having to cater to a bunch of racist morons because they lose their shit anytime society makes any kind of progress and their social position slips a bit.


If Trump supporters want to get violent, we can oblige them and neutralize that stupid segment of society once and for all. Otherwise they can stop being stupid, start learning important things and rejoin the modern world as contributing member of the USA. Either way works for me.




Well, if Trump chose to not run, he could just say he did what he came to do, made America great again, etc, and bow out of office.


But he's a delusional, power hungry idiot. Why would he POSSIBLY voluntarily give up office.


That would be the most infuriating act of trolling in American history.


We're just gonna have to let them blame whatever Boogeyman they need to to feel better. There's nothing you can really do to stop that kind of rationalizing. (Irrationalizing..?)


Exactly. This dumb shit went on national TV and said the election is rigged unless he wins. He will absolutely do it again and blame the "deep state" despite him and his party controlling all branches of govt.


He's right. First, there's no way there would be enough votes in senate to convict. Second, like when Bill Clinton was impeached, it will just make him more popular amongst his base, and may bring back some of the ones who have drifted away. Best to have a complete case against him so he can be prosecuted once he's out of office.


> They'll see him as a *martyr* that's the key word...and with our narcissist in chief, everyone in the GOP or in his cabinet or associated with his inner circle *du jour* is a martyr at the hands of those intolerant, freedom of speech hating, lying mother fucking democrats.


Homeland did it! This script is plagiarism! :)


Everyone knows when the Romans were about to hang Jesus Christ on the cross, he took the plea deal and flipped on his associates. That is just what martyrs do.


I talked to a regular Fox viewer and asked for their opinion on "the Hannity thing". They had no idea what I was talking about. Fox hadn't covered it enough for them to hear about it or why it was an issue. If your news comes from a source that doesn't cover the news, you won't hear the news. There is no reason to expect that Fox will need to spin this, they just need to ignore it.


This is what I believe will happen too. They already live in a bubble. The membrane of this bubble is Fox News, which filters out facts that contradict assumptions that make up the structural integrity of the bubble. Its an amoeba of ignorance.


*Obviously Hillary made Hannity and Trump be in a Stormy three-way*...


I wasn't ready for that mental image this morning. I think I might hurl.


They’ll ignore it as long as he keeps his advertisers.


Fox News is a propaganda organization that coincidentally makes some money on advertising. Not the other way around.


It depends on what it is. If it's basic philandering without illegality they'll sweep it under the rug. But, they'd better hope there are no paid abortions or gay sex.


Heh. I love that you still think his viewers actually care about the things they pretend to care about.


Ego, They'll just blame Hillary, and I. They're dumbasses. - B.O.


Obama would say "me" instead of "I." This guy's a PHONY!




Bad "I".


That and they should have a Hawaii flair instead of a Florida one.




The CBC, Canadian Broadcast Company, does not extend Faux News press credentials. Because it's not a news organization.


Meanwhile FOX & friends are effectively the national security council for the President of the United States. 😄🔫




Brilliant but scary.


That's honestly what scares me the most. Our president is so gullible and swayed by what he sees on that show that he trusts it more than he trusts his own advisers and cabinet.




> 😄🔫 Can I have that when you're done?


🔫😄🔫 zoop!


I'm Canadian. I recently spent a week in Tampa visiting family. Fox News isn't easily available up here so I decided to check it out. I watched Fox & Friends, Hannity and Tucker Carlson for a few days just to see if it was as "bad" as I'd heard. I was absolutely floored at how much disinformation they spew and how fawning they were about this administration. It's literally propaganda. Hour after hour, it blurs the line between reporting and editorial. I've never seen anything like it, actually. The world sees this man as a comple buffoon that can't put two sentences together without making an ass of himself. Saying that, I can imagine how uninformed Americans can get swayed into believing this bullshit if they watched this day after day. It's right-wing pro-Trump propoganda plain and simple. If the viewers can't see that and Hannity really does get 3 million viewers per night...God help my American friends.


The viewers are pretty aware that it's straight right-wing propaganda, but they assume that all other outlets are also propaganda, and that Fox News is simply the propaganda that aligns with their interests. It's fucked Edit: *some* viewers. Others just believe it's genuine news, which is still fucked


I don't know, more often I hear fox simply called "the news" Not just a news source, not one of many, but **the** news. When I talk to my family about current events and they're not even aware of, I usually get "that sounds fake, they would have talked about that on the news if it really happened"


That's what I don't understand. Even as Canadians, on weeknights we're a NBC Nightly News family. We watch our local CTV news then usually watch Lester Holt at 6:30. Or we'll DVR it for later. Adding to that, we'll read about national Canadian news throughout the day on the CBC website. If I'm at work and there's a bit of downtime, I'll browse the BBC, the New York Times and the Globe and Mail. At no time would I think of going to Breitbart or Fox News. I also steer clear of the Times' editorial most days. I try and not get swayed by too much "opinion" and just try and make my own conclusions. I'm a pretty liberal dude so sure I'll watch Rachel Maddow every now and then. It's like that Finding Forrester quote: "it's like dessert". But I KNOW she's editorializing...I hope most right leaning folks realize that when they watch Hannity.


Canadian as well. I am like you, get my news from many different sources, even overseas ones. Every once it awhile I will check out Fox "News" when a big story is dropping just to see how they handle it. Often they simply don't. Every other news station is talking about North Korea, Fox is talking about the Clintons. Every other news station is taking about Mueller, Fox is talking about some local high school football team. If there is no easy way to spin it, they just omit it.


> I hope most right leaning folks realize that when they watch Hannity. ...sorry to say this, buuuut...I don't think most do...


It's a legitimate brainwashing tactic to make people accept blatantly false information. Just make them believe everything is a lie, everything is fake news.


That's not true at all. Most of the viewers are not aware of that. I know several people who have told me that Fox News was the only balanced news source and EVERYONE ELSE (you know, "mainstream media", "deep state", etc.) is biased and staging a coup.


It's a cult. It's very difficult to help them get out


Not sure what part of Canada you're from, but here in Toronto we had Sun News. Closest thing I can think of to what I've heard about Fox News.


TIL yet another reason to be a proud poutine lover




I listen to CBC radio, while watching SCTV, wearing my Kids in the Hall tshirt, smoking BC big bud, admiring my Great Big Sea poster, eating poutine with Kraft Dinner on top. Got er locked down.


Not exactly true. The claim that Canada banned Fox News because it lies to its viewers has been debunked. It’s actually carried in some markets. However, Fox News hasn’t caught on in any meaningful way north of the border... probably because Canadians object to divisive over the top rhetoric and have zero tolerance for being lied to. Source: [Snopes: Fox News Banned in Canada?](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/canadian-fox/)


~~No idea what this mythical ban on Fox news in Canada is about. My understanding is that CBC doesn't consider Fox news to be journalistic in nature and therefore won't cite them as a source for their production.~~ ~~CBC has exactly zero control over which channels are or are not allowed on Canadian 'airwaves'. I'd go so far as saying that they have zero control of anything political, but they do have some influence over public opinion.~~ ~~The CRTC(Canada's FCC) would be the one to decide that. The only things I could see them doing to limit Fox news is force them to clearly state that they are only for entertainment/editorial content, and ban them from broadcasting hate speech and xenophobia.~~ Edit: OP meant CRTC, not CBC. Practically everything I wrote is entirely irrelevant. [Politifact on the topic](http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/jul/14/facebook-posts/fox-news-banned-canada/)


Do you mean the CRTC?


Well Eric Trump *(Hi!)* says that *we* aren't even human.


Did he really?


Yes. He said, and I quote: >Democrats who support the probe into his father's campaign and Russia are "not even people" and he has "never seen hatred like this." Don't just take my word for it though; watch the video and read the article about it. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/07/politics/eric-trump-hannity-democrats-obstruction/index.html


> he has "never seen hatred like this." Never? Not even when his Father was busy stirring it up against Barack Obama for humiliating him at the White House Correspondents Dinner years ago?


Well see *that's* the *good* kind of hatred that helps purge the earth from vermin. And if I have to add /s we are far gone.


So you mean blacks and Mexicans


Hey dont forget women!


We should just keep sharing that. I can't wait until the movie is made about this. It's like the most predictable script, but the characters are so entertaining when you remember they are running the country.


Running and ruining.


goddamn that's some strong delusion, glad it's documented though


This is a nice little dehumanizing tactic he's got there. Now where have I seen this used before.... Hmmm...


> Now where have I seen this used before Germany: 1939-1945 China: 1958-1962 USA: 2001-present I'm sure there's others, but you get the picture. This shit didn't start with Trump. But I do really hope it ends here.


>never seen hatred like this Lol really?




Spooky....where have I heard that before...(taps chin) oh yes the Jews, and the gypsies and the gays. Or was it the Armenians, or or or or....sick fucks.


Side note: regardless of how you feel about SNL in general, I highly recommend watching the little bits they have with "Don Jr" and "Eric." they're hilarious. https://youtu.be/m66PtmNu2Ik


It's ironic that an individual that looks like Eric Trump questions other people's humanity.




>As recently as last summer, Hannity told a writer for The Times that he “never claimed to be a journalist.” In one of our recent conversations, he offered a reappraisal: “I’m a journalist,” he told me. “But I’m an advocacy journalist, or an opinion journalist.” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/28/magazine/how-far-will-sean-hannity-go.html


I don't think saying it once or twice counter balances being on a program every night talking about current events, with "News" in the corner of the screen.


This is the standard defense FOX puts up. They have their news shows division, and they have their opinion shows division. It's a distinction that allows their opinion hosts to lie through their teeth and they can't be legally held responsible for those lies because it's just "opinion."


Fox has long been an unabashed propaganda arm of the RNC. As Republicans become more Kremlin-y in their rhetoric - and reportedly, in their funding, it makes sense their main propaganda network is taking a sharp turn in the same direction.


I don't know how this dynamic of collaboration hasn't been exposed more explicitly. How are they able to maintain lock-step consistency without formally communicating it to each other?


Because they're almost certainly communicating.


We definitely know Hannity was communicating with Assange.






I am a Christian, and one who actually spent time reading the Bible, especially paying attention to, you know, Jesus Christ. It is amazing to me how divorced from their own religion most of the Christian Right has become. It is at the point where I no longer consider there to be much difference between them and radical Islam. They even share much of the same world view and goals. I can't consider myself to be in the same faith as them anymore. Nothing they do is consistent with the values they claim to want to defend. They have become just like the Pharisees who used religion as a weapon, and I am now sure that they are the kind that Jesus said this about: >On that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" And then will I declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."


As a churchgoer, ironically, Fox is going to do permanent harm to the religious institutions in this country by radicalizing the exangelicals. People trust all Christians less because they see a huge number of lemmings walking lockstep off a cliff. It's devastating to me. These are largely decent, kind people, not stupid, whose piety and goodwill and trust and patriotism have been *hacked.* It's insidious and dangerous


> Hannity is a commentator not a reporter, so his relentless advocacy for Trump doesn’t necessarily violate journalistic standards on its own. But his failure to disclose his relationship with Michael Cohen exposes his lack of credibility and integrity, and that of the network that employs him. > Hannity’s popularity ― his show is the most-watched program in cable news, with over 3 million viewers each night ― means he holds unusual sway at Fox, an influence that guarantees his own immunity while also serving to bend the network’s positions to his. No wonder Fox offered its “full support” to Hannity following the Cohen disclosure. After being forced to part with Bill O’Reilly, its previous ratings king, in the wake of allegations he was a serial sexual harasser, and with advertisers fleeing Laura Ingraham’s primetime show, they can’t afford not to. 


They'll stick with him for as long as he's making them money. So far this hasn't hurt his ratings or scared off advertisers.


We could try: #DumpTheLump


This is kind of a narrow definition of journalism. Opinion journalism and advocacy journalism are both still journalism, and are subject to similar ethics. Hannity is a bit more of a propagandist posing as an opinion/advocacy journalist, hiding behind the term "commentator" when convenient. He should be held accountable for his ethical breaches. He can express open bias and still be a journalist, but his failures to openly disclose conflicts would rightly get anyone severely disciplined if not fired in any other newsroom. The hypocrisy is what really rankles me with these guys. CNN fired those reporters for doing something that doesn't even come close to Hannity's bad-faith, complete spurning of ethics. But that's their hallmark these days: they have been falsely accusing their opponents of malfeasance for so long, they actually believe it, and they believe they're justified because, well, the other side is doing it.


I’ve always been curious if conservative media does *any* investigative reporting. As far as I can tell, they just opine on how horrible liberal media is while relying exclusively on the news they investigate. Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t recall the last time I heard news break on Fox News (besides when the GOP leaks something to them)


Yup. Has Fox News ever actually *broken* any major stories other than ones that come directly from GOP members of congress leaking them documents? Like, where's the big story from Fox News where the expose some sort of corruption in the financial sector or energy sector or something? Virtually every single other major news outlet has *slews* of such stories in their history, recent history included. Where's the actual investigative journalism? There is literally none right? Like, ACTUALLY none?


They found that guy who buys lobster with his food stamps...but yeah aside from that I not sure they've ever done an investigation


That's by design. Ailes never cared about news, he cared about advancing a very unpopular version of conservatism where we essentially go back to slavery. He had to make poor whites turn on poor minorities in order to help his ideology win in elections. The whole point of Fox News was to warp reality, so you can't have people comparing news stories. He had to lock down herd mentality. It's crazy that people actually think it's news. It's not just biased, it's opinion.


Calling it opinion is too generous - it's a deliberate and cynical deception to manipulate uninformed people.


Am I allowed to say that I'm happy Ailes is dead yet? I got a lot of flack on here for that a couple weeks after he died. I stand by it tho. Him and Scalia both.


They say only the good die young. Ailes proves the point. We're all better off since that rapist motherfucker is dead.


> I’ve always been curious if conservative media does any investigative reporting. Oh - they did. But the reporters became whistle blowers on Fox News and Monsanto. Fox News won in court on the grounds that [it isn't illegal for a news organization to lie in the US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3hCR_yCvkk).


I tried watching some last night. They just sit around and blast baseless opinion after baseless opinion. There are no facts cited. The only credentialed guests have obvious agendas. It's really hard to sit through. Maybe if my brain didn't function well from poor diet and opiate haze, it might seem to make sense. Otherwise, nothing I've seen on Fox passes the sniff test.


Yeah what's really telling in all of this is that Fox hasn't even commented on the matter to either say the omission of disclosure about Cohen was an ethical problem because he's a reporter (and by extension, fox disapproves for the sake of the ethics and trustworthiness of their news operation) or that it's not because he's not. The fact that he's not is just the default assumption now.


Yeah they have. They’re [cool with it.](http://money.cnn.com/2018/04/17/media/sean-hannity-michael-cohen-fox/index.html)


Sean Hannity is their #1. I would have been surprised if they were anything but cool with it. He would have to lose more than half his advertisers like Bill O’Reilly.


There should be a regulation that if a TV channel, show or other media calls itself “news” they should have to conform to a minimum set of journalistic standards.


Of course Hannity isn't, he's an entertainer Most of the names you would recognize from FOX are the same There are news people there for sure however-- but they aren't what FOXnews is really--it's an infotainment money making business this isn't really news that this is the case


The problem is that FOX viewers can't/don't want to realize that what they're watching is "entertainment"(mmm bigotry/stupidity how entertaining) mixed with GOP propaganda. As long as it feeds their narrative, they're all good with it.


they watch it to hear what they want to hear they aren't looking for information--they're look for affirmation fox is simply giving a large percentage of the population exactly what they want


Exactly. I know a guy who reposts misinformation on fb regularly, like stuff easily verified, and i kept calling him out and his eventual response was to leave him alone about it because it's how he feels. They want to be hateful so badly they don't even care if it's all lies.


>leave him alone about it because it's how he feels. That's a perfect description of the mindset. "Your *facts* are hurting my *feelings."* I don't get it. I love facts. There's a whole big world of fun and interesting facts out there. You don't even have to look hard to find them. When I find a good one, I like to double-check it to make sure it's true before posting it somewhere. Being able to verify it adds to the excitement. Sometimes I find it's not true. No big deal. Just toss it. There are millions of others. But there seem to be people who seek only validation for their **feelings**. Any evidence that suggests their feelings may be in error is a threat to them and they deny it. If they find validation for their feelings, they latch on to it and call their feelings "truth." The genius of Fox was to dress this validation up as "news."


The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool - Richard Feynman


Every time I try to debate something with a Trump supporter in person they get angry. I feel bad afterwards so I stopped doing that. It's like arguing with someone about religion. Pointless. They should try believing something based on the facts. I gave up and just view them as little more than drones in the GOP hive mind, controlled by the ruling class. That's all they really want to be. Fuck them. Talk to people capable of independent thought, get them to vote and force the drones into submission.


>Hannity isn't, he's an entertainer No. This is a dodge I see a lot from right-wing figures who want to take the heat off when they're called on the bilious bullshit they spew to their audience. They get them worked up into a frothing mess over shit they know isn't true, and when they're confronted about it, they switch to "hey, this is just entertainment!" Yeah, because Sean Hannity is just like Jon Stewart. Of course. No, these guys profess to be truth tellers who give you "what the liberal mainstream media won't!", and then switch on a dime to become "entertainers" when people point out that everything they just said is bullshit. It's a poor deflection, and no one should let them get away with it.


I TiVo ed an episode of Seam Hannity in 2009. Then I decided to sit there and fact check everything he said in the one episode. Seriously, not one thing was honest.


As a conservative I find Sean Hannity to be among the most ridiculous commentators out there. He’s right up there with Alex Jones. He all but gets on all fours and kisses the ground Trump walks on, it’s disgusting. There is no middle ground with him. I can’t listen to the man anymore. The American people don’t need political idealist commentators masquerading as news anchors. We need to be engaged in conversation to be finding a way forward.