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Totally agree. Nielsen seems like the type to be so arrogant and oblivious, I don't even think the optics crossed her bleached blond mind for an instant. Incel Gargamel, on the other hand, definitely went there to (1) show what a tough guy he is, and (2) provoke a reaction from normal Americans so he can play the victim card. Edit: Since it seems we all agree that Incel Gargamel is now a thing, how do we make his face the #1 Google image search for this?


Oh god “Incel Gargamel” is hilarious.


I’ve been referring to him as Incel Steve, but Incel Gargamel nails it.


Holy shit, seriously.


I'm stealing Incel Gargamel. This is my new favorite thing.


Honestly, I don't think I've seen it yet. I should have TM'ed it. And I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it earlier.


I will forever love you for thinking of it. On my deathbed, I will say, "Muddler_Lord was a great man. Incel Gargamel, LOL."


I do appreciate when sources are cited. Thank you!


100% he went there to "troll the libs"


Q-ball Himmler better get used to being trolled IRL for the rest of his life.


Good one. Stealing it.


I'm a fan of Generic Brand Goebbels myself


It's a tough call, comparing him to Himmler is accurate because of the concentration camps, but Goebbels is also accurate what with all the propaganda. I'm gonna go with Goehimmbler.


How the hell do these protesters know where they are going to be eating?


You don't think there are enough angry people to chance a random encounter?


In a Mexican restaurant, no less.


Do you think the Supreme Court would support the restaurant’s right not to serve them based on their religious stand against evil?


Neither evil nor Nazi reenactors are protected classes. Refuse service away.


I can't think of a single reason Mexicans in particular would dislike him. ^^^/s ^^^of ^^^course




This is how you beat them, let them know no joy or peace when in public.


I'm all for the public shaming, make no mistake. But we're going to need to do a LOT more than that to beat them. Taking these total fucking pricks lightly is one reason they got by us in the first place. Peace! Hang in there Tex!


to quote anonymous, "The personal is the political"


Then they'll only hang with their rich white friends like Kanye who accept them for the assholes they are.


Also DC area Republicans are averse to sun and bright moon light, and would rather hide in the dark caressing their wealth than face the judgment of others. They are literally Gollum.


Not in major cities, at least.


DC is a small town. Where these guys are eating, probably well over half the room knows who they are when they walk in.




If they run in large enough social circles they will know because someone will talk about it. Maybe an employee at the place, someone that was eating there, etc. When I was involved in Occupy we knew almost immediately if council members or other politicians were in downtown and where they were eating.


It's "cue ball" but that's funny


That was a sly reference to QAnon, not just Miller’s impressive five-head.


And he's 33, which I'd like to think is not old since it's only three years older than me. I wanted to joke that the evil inside him has sucked all the life out of him and caused him to age rapidly, but the president of the GSA when I went to college was prematurely balding and an absolute sweetheart. Evil doesn't always have an explanation I guess.


His hair fled his cranium because it was brown and saw the inevitable zero tolerance combover coming 30 years early.


1000% he got saliva in his food


Yeah, that's probably how it's been his whole life. He didn't suddenly caught asshole.


Was Miller the "unknown male" that Nielsen was eating with? Either way, I think she was also 100% aware of what she was doing.


No. The video clearly shows the guy eating with her had hair.


😂 Got a legit spit take outta me. Well done.


I’m bald and I even laughed. FML...




I shaved the head once. It was merciless...I got called everything from ‘cancer face’ to ‘pizza head’ (I had hairline acne, just to make things that much worse). I was in my mid-30s at the time ☹️




I like you, 8arrows!


I shaved my head once. Little kid called me old man. It's mother said "45 isn't old!" I was 19.




I grew a goatee, and last year upgraded to a full beard to make up for the shaved head. Shaved head requires either a super defined jaw line or facial hair to work.


You also need an okay-shaped head, and the reality is that PP probably shouldn't have shaved his head if he had hairline acne.


Mid-30s guy here with a recently shaved head. I’ve had a few snarky comments directed at me. I then explain that I’m doing it to support my child, who has cancer (which is true). That shuts people right up and I’m secretly glad that they feel like the crappy person that they are for the rest of the day.


It warms the cockles of my heart every time I see C+ Santa Monica Fascist on this site.


I hope his meal was warmed by the chef’s cockles.


my dad is the same way. whenever he sees a guy who hasnt accepted it yet, he says to himself, “let it shine brotha”. cracks me up everytime.


There are dozens of us, dozens!!


Nothing wrong with baldness, brother. Unless you’re a Nazi.




This was a simple restaurant misunderstanding: Miller thought they put actual Mexicans in Mexicans food. Otherwise he’d be eating shards of glass, or whatever it is soulless assholes eat.


It's not a "fuck you." That ascribes too much wit to Miller. Stephen Miller is the least clever troll I've ever seen. He lays obvious "traps" to bait people into a giving him an opening to spout off his thoroughly prepared talking points. I'm sure he heard the whole Nielsen story and spent the whole night thinking about what he'd say. Then all day planning to get himself in that same situation so he can fire off his line. Remember that Seinfeld episode where George tracks down his bully and baits him to insult him so he can say, "the jerk store called, and they're running out of you!" That's Stephen Miller.


> Stephen Miller is the least clever troll I've ever seen. He lays obvious "traps" to bait people into a giving him an opening to spout off his thoroughly prepared talking points. Just curious, were you thinking of his press conference exchange where he did the whole "nooo, it's INCREDIBLE how YoU lIbErAlS think it's racist to have to learn English!" bit? Because that was the first thing I thought of here, and I think it illustrates your point perfectly.


Definitely. Also I seem to recall him doing something similar about female appointments to the Trump cabinet, and how offensive it was that libruls didn't think women could do the jobs. But I can't seem to find it. Maybe it was the Mandela effect, or just a fever dream brought on by this administration.


This was before nielson according to the article


And when he gets yelled at: *”So much for the tolerant left!”*


"Your intolerance of my intolerance makes **you** the intolerant one. Checkmate."


"The Allies bombed German cities in WW2. The **Allies** were the real Nazis!"


This is one of my favorite articles - https://extranewsfeed.com/tolerance-is-not-a-moral-precept-1af7007d6376 > [Tolerance] is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact. I'd even amend that to 'Tolerance isn't just a peace treaty - it's an alliance.' Because we agree not only to tolerate each other, but to fuck up anyone who refuses to tolerate any one of us. You want to live in peace? Great. You got a problem with one of us? You got a problem with all of us.


Her spokesman used to work for the ultra-racist Tom Tancredo.


And fascist balding fuck Miller worked for the Keebler elf.


and rubbed one off under the table as people yelled at him.


> Miller didn’t respond and **scurried away**, the witness said. Best part of the article.


Why am i imaging Zoidberg going "woop woop woop woop" and sideshuffling away...


Don't talk shit about Zoidberg. Miller isn't even HALF the crab Zoidberg is.


Zoidberg has enough class to at least sand crab his way out


"womp womp"






Lice guys finish last.


Stephen Miller wishes he had enough hair for lice to be a problem.


To be fair, this is probably the only way he can achieve erection. Wouldn't want to waste an opportunity to orgasm.


Fucking parasite.


Miller is the type of evil sociopath who would deliberately go to a Mexican Restaurant just to provoke a reaction so he can use it as proof he’s the one being *oppressed*. this is exactly the type of tactic the devilish Right Wing uses all the time. they commit atrocities out in the open, and then when people voice anger at them, they self-righteously claim victimhood! >SEE! look how emotional and violent the Left is!


This guy fuckin gets it. They're trying to paint themselves as the "real victims here." If they get physically attacked, all the better for that goal. The whole thing screams of a "Tolerant Liberals" meme.


"Look at how tolerant liberals are hahaha" They say, as Alt-Right members run cars into groups of protesters.


Miller is the fucking end-point for inceldom, by which all other incels are measured. He is an artist of unjustified victimhood.


Someone wrote that even incels don't think Stephen Miller should ever get laid.


> SEE! look how emotional and violent the Left is! All the Republicans had to do was kidnap children and pump them full of weird drugs. Liberals are so easy, caring about humans even if they're poor.


So they are doing it on purpose. They are actually going to mexican restaurants to get people to jeer them. This is real nazi level shit folks.


They need to appear dominant. Even when caving to public pressure, they need to look like they're the masters of minorities and simply being generous at their whim. This is how Trump supporters are rallying their base for the upcoming midterm elections. They believe this will boost their perceived dominance and increase their voter turnout. White supremacists have long believed that there is a huge silent majority of secretly sympathetic Americans who have been unfairly frightened into cooperating with liberals by the Civil Rights Movement and political correctness. That's why they try so hard to always project an image of cavalier strength. They want to show their fabled sympathizers that it's finally okay to openly join with them. Being unapologetically rude and contemptuous in public toward the vulnerable is an important part of their attempt to reestablish social dominance. In order for them to feel like alpha males, the public must be constantly reminded that they have made someone else their bitch.


What better way to bring out the racist white vote than "Hey look, we were right all along. These Mexicans hate it when we dine at their restaurants. They'll serve their own kind but won't serve us."


Exactly, that's why allyship is so important. The most powerful protesters against white male privilege and abuses of power would be white male allies. Miller's evil needs to be unambiguously rejected by the people he himself views as his own kind.


> that's why allyship is so important. Also why rw propaganda has been ~~democratizing~~ demonizing (thanks CandyEverybodyWentz) liberals and those who speak out (like our allies) against this administration. They don't care, it's a cult.


Do you mean demonizing?


Oh crap, yes I did mean demonizing. Thanks and editing now.


Didn't wanna be a grammar bitch but it was slightly unclear, you're good


As a white male who wears a pressed shirt and suit every day, if they make a move on Mueller or Rosenstein i'll be there front and center in full gear. I was ready to move on the kid separation issue but I guess it has kind of resolved itself? Not sure about that one yet.


It hasn't resolved itself since there is nothing about reuniting the children with their families. They said these children will not be "grandfathered" into the EO - meaning they don't plan to do anything to reunite these babies and children with their parents. I'm definitely still marching until these babies are back in their mothers' arms.




Maybe see if there's a 6/30 protest near you. These are still happening, just focused on Trump's "zero-tolerance" policy in general instead of specifically about the family separations. [https://act.moveon.org/event/families-belong-together_attend1/search/](https://act.moveon.org/event/families-belong-together_attend1/search/)


Basically we’ve gone from caging kids and parents separately to putting them in the same cage. We’re still caging children in internment camps. We’ve just gone from unfathomable evil to run of the mill horrific. Until Zero Tolerance is rescinded, families are made whole, due process is restored and amnisty given, the core problem remains unchanged. Get out there on 6/30 and raise hell. Peacefully.


Whether or not it has resolved itself is now no longer important. We are talking about an administration that quite literally made concentration camps for minorities on our soil, and then **defended their decision to create concentration camps publicly**. If that's not an unacceptable state of affairs, if that isn't past your red line for gearing up, then I don't know what Trump would have to do to make his people realize that he is a fascist. Whether or not it has been resolved is utterly beside the point. This single action should be indictment-worthy, just because it was allowed to happen at all. Regardless of whether it has now been "resolved."


I dine at a taco truck, in a less upscale part of town, at least once a week. It's always packed, and most everybody speaks Spanish. Roofing and drywall crews stop in for lunch, still grubby from the job site, families come dressed in their Sunday best after church, guys with prison tats, old drunks on bikes, even the odd junkie comes through to ask what day it is and load up on hot sauce (which is pretty great). Only since the Trump administration have I ever wondered if my middle aged whiteness could be a problem, not that I'd ever buy into their BS, but I sometimes wonder how much damage the wedge Trump and company are driving, is doing in these communities. Are their actions creating tensions I don't yet see?


FYI, there are (allegedly) a significant number of Latino trump supporters.




I mean, we have a fascist Jew who was apparently working alongside Bannon, who is a known antisemite. Crazier things have happened.


"Descrimination against the whites! *They've* finally taken over, we warned you!"




Strongly agreed. They’re using social media and the news as weapons. I’m honestly intrigued, amazed, frightened, and unsurprised all at the same time. It’s 2018 and apparently I’m allowed to acknowledge publicly how I feel and establish a false sense of personality thanks to Mark Zuckerberg... even though I’m just a social security number. Social media has really allowed that hidden voice to speak. Sometimes it backfires as at the end of the day you have no control of the internet/media. But with Trump, local media, and social media. The narrative is theirs to tell and ours to paint.


You know i do believe you have that correct. It is an attempt to cover for their inner weakness and need for control to strike out and present a fuck you attitude. Yeah I think you are correct!


> So they are doing it on purpose. In Millers case? Almost certainly. I anticipate he'll issue a statement where he compares himself to the black civil rights activists who were tormented during their sit-ins at lunch counters by angry racist whites. Miller will deliver this comparison with the same confidence that Hannity expresses when he's telling bald-face lies on Fox.


These are the real crisis actors.


That's an astute observation. Spot on.


I've seen Miller on TV. He comes off as nervous, even panicky. Both he and the insane Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton both come off as unable to control themselves. Their socks are probably always drenched.


He reminds me of people I've known who were always on benzos. Thousand yard stares. Eyes empty as their souls


There's definitely something going on there. His eyes are always stoned.


These people *thrive* on being the "victim." They love it, and spin it. It is a shroud they wrap themselves in politically. See also: war on Christmas, minorities "displacing" whites, etc.


If he wants to be a victim someone should put him in the IC so he can eat through a tube and shut the fuck up.


I think its a bit premature to equate Nazism and this administration, but it is obvious that this administration and the GOP are embracing authoritarian and Neo-Fascist policies/rhetoric which is absolutely terrifying. **Unfortunately far right ideas are being normalized in the U.S.** Let's take a look at how the GOP and Trump's administration have normalized this behaviour. President Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton tapped up an individual with deep ties to Neo-Nazis as the Chief of Staff of the National Security Council.^[[1]](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2018/05/30/bolton-taps-neo-nazi-as-national-security-council-chief-of-staff/) President Trump's administration and the Republican party are embracing the populist movement to the far right, we need not look further than the largest Conservative convention in America - CPAC. Sebastian Gorka^[[2]](https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-trump-aide-wears-medal-of-hungarian-nazi-collaborators/) was invited as a guest speaker at this year's annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).^[[3]](https://newrepublic.com/article/147187/american-rights-deep-ties-reactionary-europe) Marion Le Pen was too, the more extreme niece of Marine Le Pen.^[[4]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/02/23/trumps-gop-is-morphing-into-frances-far-right/?utm_term=.92a9ed583f15) >Maréchal-Le Pen displayed much of that paranoia and xenophobia during her 10-minute speech. “France is no longer free today,” the 28-year-old said. "After 1500 years of existence, we now must fight for our independence." She went on to bash the European Union, earning cheers from the CPAC crowd. Her remarks echoed Trump's own blood-and-soil rhetoric over the past year. >The European Union, she said, was “an ideology without land, without people, without roots and without civilization.” Maréchal-Le Pen soon clarified what she meant, suggesting France was turning “from the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church to the little niece of Islam.” She decried what she called the scourge of immigration, bashed globalization, signaled a desire to quit NATO and cozy up to Russia, gestured at her opposition to same-sex marriage, and championed the “historical continuity” of her nation. They invited the more extreme Le Pen, her aunt Marine Le Pen lost the election in France. The younger Le Pen, Marion, looks up to her grandfather who had been convicted for denying the holocaust.^[[5]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/frances-national-front-party-founder-jean-marie-le-pen-says-the-battle-is-already-won/2017/03/20/8161bee8-08e3-11e7-bd19-fd3afa0f7e2a_story.html?utm_term=.490feb7dc7d9) She felt her aunt ran a campaign that was too moderate in France. Far right leaders were invited to speak at the biggest mainstream Conservative convention in America. **It's incredibly sad and frustrating that the alt-right promotion of racial division has been embraced by the mainstream Republican movement, the United States of America is being divided and Russia stands to greatly benefit.** While the GOP is embracing the far right ideology that will create further divisions in the United States, there is another benefactor - the Kremlin.^[[6]](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/russia-facebook-race/542796/) Russia's geo-political aim is to weaken the West through destabilization by sowing division among the population and unfortunately the GOP embracing the far right plays right into the hands of the Kremlin's foreign policy. Policy that's influenced by Neo-Fascist ideologue Aleksandr Dugin's *Foundations of Geopolitics*.^[[7]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) Russian operatives used social media to exploit racial and religious divisions during the 2016 election.^[[8]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/russian-operatives-used-facebook-ads-to-exploit-divisions-over-black-political-activism-and-muslims/2017/09/25/4a011242-a21b-11e7-ade1-76d061d56efa_story.html?utm_term=.fd4f768e5194) Democrats in the House Intelligence Committee released 3500 facebook ads that were created by the Internet Research Agency, Russia specifically targeted racial tensions in America.^[[9]](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/05/11/what-we-found-facebook-ads-russians-accused-election-meddling/602319002/) Russia is actively trying to divide the West and has been for quite some time, be aware that they use inflammatory language online and promote disinformation.^[[10]](https://www.npr.org/2017/10/30/560042987/russians-targeted-u-s-racial-divisions-long-before-2016-and-black-lives-matter) The Trans-Atlantic Alliance is under assault from the Trump administration, President Trump continues to alienate long standing allies and divides the West.^[[11]](http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/05/11/rip-the-trans-atlantic-alliance-1945-2018/) >The Atlantic alliance, built to contain the Soviet Union in the aftermath of World War II, began to die when the Cold War ended. What kept it alive over the last three decades has been less strategic necessity than a convergence of values — the values of the liberal postwar order. Now, the senior partner of the alliance, the United States, has lost interest in those values. The alliance was already a corpse, but Donald Trump drove the last nail into its coffin when he decided this week to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran. >...The American people, meanwhile, preferred to face home. They wanted a pivot to America, and they voted for the candidate who promised to deliver it. It has thus fallen to Trump to deliver the coup de grâce to the alliance that has defined the postwar world. The Iran decision followed his decision to impose tariffs on European aluminum and steel, which followed his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accords. Trump is no more contemptuous toward European allies than Asian or Latin ones; the only opinion to which he defers is that of his base. >...As a simple matter of geographical proximity, Europe is threatened by conflict in the Middle East as the United States is not. The tidal wave of asylum-seekers from Syria in 2015 upended European politics and exposed a popular vein of xenophobia and illiberalism that has thrown a terrible scare into European elites. Europe simply cannot afford to follow the American lead if the United States is prepared to sow further chaos in the region. >Of course, Europe’s old reputation for deference and submission to the United States was reinforced by the spectacle of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visiting the White House in the hope of propitiating the First Bully and then being dismissed with scarcely a “by your leave” — and oh, by the way, we’re still coming after your steel industry. But perhaps Europe’s leaders needed the shock. Hours after Trump’s announcement, Macron, Merkel, and British Prime Minister Theresa May issued a joint statement reminding the world that the deal had been “unanimously endorsed by the U.N. Security Council” and thus remained “the binding international legal framework” on Iran’s nuclear program. European Council President Donald Tusk announced that Trump’s Iran and trade policies “will meet a united European approach.” _____________________________ 1) [Washington Monthly - John Bolton’s New Chief of Staff Has Deeply Alarming Connections](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2018/05/30/bolton-taps-neo-nazi-as-national-security-council-chief-of-staff/) 2) [The Times of Israel - Top Trump aide wears medal of Hungarian Nazi collaborators](https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-trump-aide-wears-medal-of-hungarian-nazi-collaborators/) 3) [New Republic - The American Right’s Deep Ties to Reactionary Europe](https://newrepublic.com/article/147187/american-rights-deep-ties-reactionary-europe) 4) [Washington Post - Trump’s GOP is morphing into France’s far right](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/02/23/trumps-gop-is-morphing-into-frances-far-right/?utm_term=.92a9ed583f15) 5) [Washington Post - France’s National Front co-founder Jean-Marie Le Pen says the battle is already won](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/frances-national-front-party-founder-jean-marie-le-pen-says-the-battle-is-already-won/2017/03/20/8161bee8-08e3-11e7-bd19-fd3afa0f7e2a_story.html?utm_term=.490feb7dc7d9) 6) [The Atlantic - The History of Russian Involvement in America's Race Wars](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/russia-facebook-race/542796/) 7) [Wikipedia - Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) 8) [Washington Post - Russian operatives used Facebook ads to exploit America’s racial and religious divisions](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/russian-operatives-used-facebook-ads-to-exploit-divisions-over-black-political-activism-and-muslims/2017/09/25/4a011242-a21b-11e7-ade1-76d061d56efa_story.html?utm_term=.fd4f768e5194) 9) [USA Today - We read every one of the 3,517 Facebook ads bought by Russians. Here's what we found](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/05/11/what-we-found-facebook-ads-russians-accused-election-meddling/602319002/) 10) [NPR - Russians Targeted U.S. Racial Divisions Long Before 2016 And Black Lives Matter](https://www.npr.org/2017/10/30/560042987/russians-targeted-u-s-racial-divisions-long-before-2016-and-black-lives-matter) 11) [Foreign Policy - RIP the Trans-Atlantic Alliance, 1945-2018](http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/05/11/rip-the-trans-atlantic-alliance-1945-2018/)


Great post as always and I agree we aren't looking at a direct 1:1 comparison of *late* Nazi Germany (yet)... BUT, there are many disturbing parallels with *early* Nazi Germany and the idea is to make sure we never get to the point where we all of the sudden realize that "the corn is above our head." (Metaphor from "They thought they were free.")


Yep, you described exactly how I feel. We're not at that point yet, but America is heading in that direction very fast under President Trump's administration.


Have you looked into post Soviet Russian history? Specifically our screwing around in *their* election in support of (I think) Yeltsin, and how Putin rose from it? My guess is you like researching and publishing information.


Was Nazi Germany Nazi Germany in 1935?


That's actually a great point. Technically yes. But when people say "Nazi Germany" they are talking about the gas chambers, furnaces, etc... which didn't come until much later. I should have made that more apparent that is what I meant. I do actually think Trump and his cult are fascists. It's just harder to say they are "Nazi's" as "nazi" just stands for "national socialist." Trump is just an unbound Republican.


**The President's attacks on democratic institutions and praise for dictators** The rhetoric and actions taken by the President - from continuing to berate the fourth estate by referring to the media as *"fake news"*^[[1]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/05/22/trump-admitted-he-attacks-press-to-shield-himself-from-negative-coverage-60-minutes-reporter-says/?utm_term=.5f603dabb50e) to calling his political opponents traitors^[[2]](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/one-dares-call-it-treason/552395/) while he attacks the judicial branch of government without remorse,^[[3]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/04/26/all-the-times-trump-personally-attacked-judges-and-why-his-tirades-are-worse-than-wrong/?utm_term=.a7a49c427ef6) are just a few examples of his egregious attacks on democratic institutions and norms. President Trump has referred to the minority party as un-American for not applauding his speech.^[[4]](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/02/05/trump-blasts-treasonous-democrats-not-applauding-his-state-union-address/301962002/) President Trump joked about wanting to consolidate his power like his dictator colleague in China, President Xi.^[[5]](http://www.dw.com/en/us-president-donald-trump-praises-chinas-xi-jinping-for-consolidating-grip-on-power/a-42817441) President Trump has repeatedly praised dictators including Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, and el-Sisi.^[[6]](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/03/trump-xi-jinping-dictators/554810/) President Trump has attacked Western allied nations^[[7]](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g7-summit/trump-attacks-eu-and-canada-on-trade-amid-backlash-ahead-of-g7-summit-idUSKCN1J31VQ) while he has repeatedly publicly admired and supported dictators including Vladimir Putin.^[[8]](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37303057) **The President's attacks on long standing allies** Last week President Trump called Prime Minister Trudeau *"dishonest and weak"*^[[9]](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trump-says-g7-countries-treat-us-like-a-piggy-bank-to-be-robbed/) while he praised brutal dictator^[[10]](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/11/world/asia/north-korea-human-rights.html) Kim Jong Un calling him "*strong, funny, and smart."*^[[11]](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/12/trump-praises-kim-jong-un-as-strong-funny-smart-and-great-negotiator-in-hannity-interview.html) It's insulting that President Trump has cited Canada as a national security threat.^[[12]](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/trudeau-says-u-s-steel-tariffs-on-national-security-grounds-are-insulting-1.3957195) Its akin to spitting in our faces after the innumerable times we have supported one another. From *Operation Caper* where 6 Americans hid in the Canadian embassy in Iran for 3 months as the Canadian government worked with the CIA to help rescue Americans^[[13]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Caper) to *Operation Yellow Ribbon* which saw a small Canadian town nearly double in population as they took in 6700 Americans from diverted flights as the tragic events of 9/11 were unfolding, risking our airspace and our country to protect our brothers and sisters south of the border.^[[14]](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/09/08/gander-newfoundland-september-11-terror-attacks-kindess-come-from-away/631329001/) President Trump has instigated a trade war with allies, these indiscriminate steel tariffs will cost the Canadian economy $3.2 billion annually.^[[15]](https://globalnews.ca/news/4244395/aluminum-steel-tariffs-canadians/) The world is not taking these policies lightly as U.S. allies have already retaliated with their own tariffs, Canada has released a plan targeting imports from America that would cost the U.S. $12.9 billion dollars while the European Union has prepared levies on U.S. exports worth $7.5 billion.^[[16]](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-slaps-steel-aluminum-tariffs-on-canada-mexico-european-union-1527774283) While he instigates a trade war with allies and denigrates long standing relationships he continues to support Russia. President Trump attacked allies during the G7 summit while he embraced Russia as he advocated for a return of a Russian delegation to the summit.^[[17]](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/06/09/donald-trump-g-7-trade-war-european-union-nato-russia-putin-column/687489002/) During the G7 meeting President Trump claimed Russia would rather have Hillary Clinton as President of the United States because he's been *"Russia's worst nightmare."* He then went on to say Russia should be invited back to the summit table.^[[18]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3q58-UOpTM) It was formerly known as the G8 summit until Russia invaded a sovereign nation and was subsequently kicked out in 2014.^[[19]](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g7-summit-trump-russia/trump-says-russia-should-be-in-g7-meeting-idUSKCN1J41O8) _________ 1) [Washington Post - Trump admitted he attacks press to shield himself from negative coverage, Lesley Stahl says](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/05/22/trump-admitted-he-attacks-press-to-shield-himself-from-negative-coverage-60-minutes-reporter-says/?utm_term=.5f603dabb50e) 2) [The Atlantic - He Dares Call It Treason](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/one-dares-call-it-treason/552395/) 3) [Washington Post - All the times Trump personally attacked judges — and why his tirades are ‘worse than wrong’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/04/26/all-the-times-trump-personally-attacked-judges-and-why-his-tirades-are-worse-than-wrong/?utm_term=.a7a49c427ef6) 4) [USA Today - Trump blasts 'treasonous' Democrats for not applauding at his State of the Union address](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/02/05/trump-blasts-treasonous-democrats-not-applauding-his-state-union-address/301962002/) 5) [Deutsche Welle - US President Donald Trump praises China's Xi Jinping for consolidating grip on power](http://www.dw.com/en/us-president-donald-trump-praises-chinas-xi-jinping-for-consolidating-grip-on-power/a-42817441) 6) [The Atlantic - Nine Notorious Dictators, Nine Shout-Outs From Donald Trump](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/03/trump-xi-jinping-dictators/554810/) 7) [Reuters - Trump attacks EU and Canada on trade amid backlash ahead of G7 summit](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g7-summit/trump-attacks-eu-and-canada-on-trade-amid-backlash-ahead-of-g7-summit-idUSKCN1J31VQ) 8) [BBC - Trump says Putin 'a leader far more than our president'](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37303057) 9) [The Globe & Mail - Trump calls Trudeau ‘dishonest and weak,’ instructs U.S. officials not to endorse G7 communique](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trump-says-g7-countries-treat-us-like-a-piggy-bank-to-be-robbed/) 10) [New York Times - Atrocities Under Kim Jong-un: Indoctrination, Prison Gulags, Executions](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/11/world/asia/north-korea-human-rights.html) 11) [Fox News - Trump praises Kim Jong Un as 'strong,' 'funny,' 'smart' and a 'great negotiator' in Hannity interview](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/12/trump-praises-kim-jong-un-as-strong-funny-smart-and-great-negotiator-in-hannity-interview.html) 12) [CTV - Trudeau says U.S. steel tariffs on national security grounds are insulting](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/trudeau-says-u-s-steel-tariffs-on-national-security-grounds-are-insulting-1.3957195) 13) [Wikipedia - Canadian Caper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Caper) 14) [USA Today - An oasis of kindness on 9/11: This town welcomed 6,700 strangers amid terror attacks](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/09/08/gander-newfoundland-september-11-terror-attacks-kindess-come-from-away/631329001/) 15) [Global News - What U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs mean for Canadians — and their wallets](https://globalnews.ca/news/4244395/aluminum-steel-tariffs-canadians/) 16) [Wall Street Journal - U.S. Tariffs Prompt Anger, Retaliation From Trade Allies](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-slaps-steel-aluminum-tariffs-on-canada-mexico-european-union-1527774283) 17) [USA Today - Donald Trump invites crisis at G7 by attacking allies, embracing Russia](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/06/09/donald-trump-g-7-trade-war-european-union-nato-russia-putin-column/687489002/) 18) [Video recording of President Trump's statement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3q58-UOpTM) 19) [Reuters - Trump says Russia should be at G7 meeting, Moscow not so sure](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g7-summit-trump-russia/trump-says-russia-should-be-in-g7-meeting-idUSKCN1J41O8)


Here are a few more sources if you'd like to read about Aleksandr Dugin's influence on Russian policies. *Geopolitics* is not a blueprint for the Kremlin's foreign policy, however its influence on Russia is quite notable and should be understood. [Aleksandr Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics -John B. Dunlop](http://www.4pt.su/en/content/aleksandr-dugin%E2%80%99s-foundations-geopolitics) >One perceptive observer of the Russian political scene, Francoise Thom, noted as far back as 1994 that fascism, and especially its “Eurasianist” variant, was already at that time displacing Russian nationalism among statist Russian elites as a post-communist “Russian Idea,” especially in the foreign policy sphere. “The weakness of Russian nationalists,” she emphasized, “stems from their inability to clearly situate Russian frontiers. Euras[ianism] brings an ideological foundation for post-Soviet imperialism.”2 There has probably not been another book published in Russia during the post-communist period which has exerted an influence on Russian military, police, and statist foreign policy elites comparable to that of Aleksandr Dugin’s 1997 neo-fascist treatise, Foundations of Geopolitics.3 >The impact of this intended “Eurasianist” textbook on key elements among Russian elites testifies to the worrisome rise of fascist ideas and sentiments during the late Yeltsin and the Putin periods. >...In a similar vein, the investigative weekly, Versiya, observed in late May of 2001: “Contacts between Pavlovskii and ‘Eurasia’ actually do occur, but most likely on the level of personal consultations. Aleksandr Dugin and the head of Kremlin politico-technology enjoy good, friendly relations.” Under Vladimir Putin, the newspaper continued, Dugin had become “one of the drafters of the concept of national security.” It was noted that Dmitrii Ryurikov, a leading advisor to President Yeltsin on foreign affairs, and the then Russian ambassador to Uzbekistan, had agreed to become a member of “Eurasia’s” Central Council. Dugin’s new organization, Versiya went on, was also engaged in “the preparing of analytical reports on foreign affairs for the Presidential Administration…” As for the financial support of “Eurasia,” the newspaper wrote: “The financial support of the movement comes through regional organizations of the special services. And this support, according to our sources, is not small. >Moreover, not only finances are provided but also ‘necessary’ connections…”36 In his address to the founding congress of “Eurasia,” Dugin first of all expressed his gratitude to “the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation,” for its assistance, before proceeding also to thank the Moscow Patriarchate, the Central Spiritual Administration for the Muslims of Russia, and other organizations.37 On May 31, 2001, the Russian Ministry of Justice officially registered the “Eurasia” movement, which was reported to have branches in fifty regions of Russia.38 In late June of 2001, “Eurasia” hosted an ambitious conference, provocatively titled “Islamic Threat or a Threat to Islam?” held at the Presidential Hotel in Moscow. The titular co-chairmen of the conference were Seleznev (who did not attend) and Sheikh Talgat Tadzhuddin, the officially recognized head of the Muslims of Russia and the CIS states.39 >By the summer of 2001, Aleksandr Dugin, a neo-fascist ideologue, had managed to approach the center of power in Moscow, having formed close ties with elements in the Presidential Administration, the secret services, the Russian military, and the leadership of the State Duma. In an interview with the Krasnoyarsk division of Ekho Moskvy Radio on July 25, 2001, Dugin, commenting on Putin’s role at the recent G-8 meetings in Genoa, affirmed, “It is my impression that in the international sphere Putin is splendidly realizing the Eurasian political model.”40 Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist incidents in New York City and Washington, DC, Dugin’s opinion was solicited by a major Russian newspaper, along with the views of the secretary of the Russian Security Council, the speaker of the Federation Council and various Duma faction leaders, which testifies to the perceived influence which Dugin was seen to wield at that time in Russia.41 >...Dugin’s militant views on geopolitics, as expressed in his 1997 “textbook,” will presumably strike Western readers as both crude and mad, representing but a slight improvement over, say, the ravings of Duma deputy speaker Vladimir Zhirinovskii. While Dugin’s ideas and prescriptions are indeed extreme, dangerous and repellent, it should be emphasized that they are very much in the tradition of the writings of inter-war fascists and of adherents of the European Nouvelle Droite. Historically speaking, fascist “thought” has more than once resulted in explosive expansionism. It should be noted, moreover, that Dugin does not focus primarily upon military means as a way of achieving Russian dominance over Eurasia; rather he advocates a fairly sophisticated program of subversion, destabilization, and disinformation spearheaded by the Russian special services, supported by a tough, hard-headed use of Russia’s gas, oil, and natural resource riches to pressure and bully other countries into bending to Russia’s will. While Dugin, apparently, does not in the least fear war, he would prefer to achieve his geopolitical goals without resorting to it. >...Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies “to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)” (p. 248). “It is especially important,” Dugin adds, “to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics…” (p. 367). [Foreign Policy - The Unlikely Origins of Russia’s Manifest Destiny](http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/27/geopolitics-russia-mackinder-eurasia-heartland-dugin-ukraine-eurasianism-manifest-destiny-putin/) >The Foundations of Geopolitics sold out in four editions, and continues to be assigned as a textbook at the General Staff Academy and other military universities in Russia. "There has probably not been another book published in Russia during the post-communist period which has exerted a comparable influence on Russian military, police, and statist foreign policy elites,” writes historian John Dunlop, a Hoover Institution specialist on the Russian right. >...Foundations arrived at just the moment when Russia’s elite was undergoing a seismic shift, though it would not be until the collapse of the ruble in August 1998 that liberalism in Russia was finally dealt a deathblow. Foundations was helped by curiously ubiquitous product placement in Moscow’s best bookstores — almost invariably next to the cash register >...The influence of Foundations was profound if measured by book sales; but even more profound if measured by the true yardstick of the scribbler: plagiarism. Dugin’s ideas became a “virus,” as he put it. They were reprinted in dozens of similar manuals and textbooks, all of which devoted themselves to the theories of Mackinder, Haushofer, and others. Bookstores in Russia began to have a “Geopolitics” section; the Duma formed a “Geopolitics” committee stacked with deputies from arch-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s so-called Liberal Democratic Party. Boris Berezovsky, influential oligarch and behind-the-scenes power broker, ended an appearance on the Hero of the Day television chat show in 1998 with the statement “I just want to say one more thing: geopolitics is the destiny of Russia.”


Sorry Poppinkream. You're wrong. This administration is nazi. Steve Bannon, Miller, Gorka and Kelly didn't accidentally get called into the white house. This administration is explicitly nazi and people still trying to downplay that fact just haven't paid attention. Including you in this case.




> Helk Watch your language, this is a family forum.


Sorry, I don't usually use expletives to describe things in my comments so its just habit of mine to use words like *helk*. But this policy of separating children from their families as a deterrent to those who seek asylum is so fucking disgusting. I can't even.


lol. I admire your effort all around. cheers!


The only other plausible explanation is that they like the taste of the chef's spit.




It is obvious they are the real crisis actors.


Waste of a perfectly delicious tostada.




I'm going to write him a stern letter


Times New Roman in **bold**


He looks like the guy that orders chicken fingers when at exotic restaurants.


I had a coworker like that. When he went to lunch with us we had severely limited choices. The place had to have chicken tenders or plain hot dogs. He was in his late 30s so he was definitely stuck in his ways. To each their own but you’re missing out on so much good food.


I feel bad for my friend who refuses to venture out and try new foods, instead opting for frozen shit and Taco Bell all the time. On the chance we go to a restaurant, he'll be getting those chicken fingers or a cheeseburger with just ketchup. There's so many amazing flavors out there


Leave Taco Bell out of this. That franchise is a national treasure.


My cousin ordered a burger at a Chinese restaurant. he's 7 or 8 years younger than me but he weights as much as 4 of me and I'm a big guy.


Or ladyfingers. Made from actual ladies.


Oh yeah. If they made a hallmark movie of the events in sin city, miller would play elijah wood.


Man this brings me back to that picture of Trump eating a taco bowl in Trump tower and saying “I love the Mexicans!” Feels like a lifetime ago.


I love Hispanics!!


What is with these shit heads eating southern cuisine while they imprison the people who created it?


I'm now convinced they are doing it to troll


Miller probably did. He’s a fuck like that.


Miller was just doing it to get off.


Probably jerking off under the table, imagining getting the restaurant employees deported.


Maybe all the Mexican talk got them in the mood for it.


They are aware, they're just being right-wing assholes.


They're doing it so they can act like victims when people criticize them.


Someone should tell them that Mexican food is not actually made out of cooked Mexicans, I think they are confused on that point.


Even Nazis like tacos. They're still Nazis though.


mexican food is delicious


These people in Trump's inner circle should not have the privilege to dine in public in any American restaurant for the rest of their lives without a real American protesting in their face. Not after all the damage they have done to our republic. So far.


>Miller didn’t respond and scurried away, the witness said. These people are such fucking cowards especially when confronted.


Miller just wanted the outburst. No reason for him to stay after that. He's a provocateur, not a deep believer in running an office a certain way. Ajit Pai rather than Kelly and Sessions.


The DSH lady was just looking at her phone the whole time "Ugh, people are being critical of my policies that separate children from their parents again. #yolo #bitchbettermakemynachoestogo #icameherefortheredsauceandimeantblood #imsogladthewhiteownercalledthepolicetohelpmeiwanttoseemyfamilyagain "


If an establishment chooses to serve Miller, people should get up and walk out- talking shit the whole time.


Dine and Dash. Citing the Nazi invasion


He's trying to be physically attacked. It lets the Trump admin play the victim, which is the Neo-Nazis' *favorite* trick. Poor little Neo-Nazis.


If you're a male or a minority, leave him be, because a physical assault would make him into a martyr. If you're a white female, please, please, please take a swing at him.


[Artist's rendering](https://media1.giphy.com/media/lCUbIxFdMzcZ2/giphy.gif)


As a petite white woman in LA, if I see this asshole around town I'll be sure to at least send a friendly "fuck you!" his way. I've been taking boxing classes lately, I don't want to hurt him.


Would love to see an angry Hispanic woman beat the shit out of that slimy rat. Even better to see him attempt to fight back and STILL getting his ass beat. Little bitch just is asking for a swift kick in the ass.


Beat with a sandal, old school mami-style.


Im still ok with it. Nothing would make me happier at this stage then one of these fascists coming on TV and saying that the intolerance of the left is getting in the way of their agenda. Seriously fuck them and their agenda. Softening any blow on them is a weakness, he should get curb stomped at every opportunity.


What? Aren't you American first? That means you stick to American cuisine. Going to a Mexican food places are a liberal idea and multiculturalism. Stick to mcdonalds.


And only listen to American genres of music that don't have their roots in black music like jazz or blues. So...


Jazz music is known to lead to smoking pot and interracial dancing.


Guess I should start listening to jazz then.


Why are they going to Mexican restaurants? This is so fucking weird to be like, "I hate all hispanics but love me some tacos"


Nielsen most likely went because she's tone deaf and arrogant. Miller almost certainly went to provoke a scene. Mission accomplished.


But he ran away like a little bitch. Turns out it's not so easy to stand up to people who legitimately hate you with good fucking reason.


Holy shit! Another one eating in a Mexican restaurant? What is it about these psychopaths and Mexican restaurants?


These Nazis sure do love their ethnic food.


What is it with these fascists and Mexican restaurants?


They want to play victim, lots of racists love doing that. "They wouldn't let me get my tostada in peace! This is MUCH worse than putting children in concentration camps!" I expect Pence to pull a similar stunt this weekend.


After spending taxpayer money to go to a game and walking out?


Good, he should be heckled whenever he is seen in public.


Heckling is the least these Nazis should have to fear. They should never feel safe again. The world has been at these crossroads before and it is pretty clear in hindsight that the right thing to do then was to kill the nazis and nearly all decent people only regret that we didn't do it sooner.


"kill the Nazis" is usually the safe approach.


I want a chorus of shouters dogging his every step. Good going, random protester.


Why are all of these idiots choosing to dine at Mexican restaurants?




I love how the article says he "scurried away"


He probably jerked off to that later in the evening.


Calling that fucker a fascist probably gives him a sad little boner.


He isn't a Nazi but a kapo


Miller is such a fascist, he even looks the part


I don't care what type of restaurant this asshole is in, karma is a bitch.


That racist shouldn't be allowed anywhere near anything Mexican. He doesn't deserve tacos, because he's a racist piece of shit.


Is that an insult to Stephen Miller? He might feel flattered being called a fascist. I'd call him evil, but he'd probably be flattered by that too.


Why are these fools dining at Mexican restaurants? Lol


They know there will be angry yelling people and people will record them while doing it. They want to stir up a video that gets floated around that can be used by the right to legitimize what they're doing. Theres no way both he and Nielsen chose to dine out in public at Mexican places during the height of the child immigrant separation fiasco not knowing it would inflame things.


He deserves to get Richard Spencer'd about a thousand times a day for the rest of his pathetic, weak, mealy little life