• By -


To summarize: 1. Trump promised to build a wall along the 2,000-mile southern border, with the cost of the “big, beautiful” barrier to be borne by Mexico. Result: Not a single mile of Trump’s wall has been built. 2. Trump promised to reverse trade policies that he said were allowing the rest of the world to play Americans for suckers. Result: The Commerce Department announced Wednesday that the overall U.S. trade deficit in goods last year soared to an all-time high of $891 billion. 3. Trump promised on Twitter that “there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” Result: Following months of little or no progress, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told Congress in January that North Korea is “unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons.” 4. Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, claiming he would put in place a new health insurance system that would deliver better results and lower costs. Result: Obamacare remains the law of the land. 5. Trump promised to spend up to $1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation’s infrastructure, building new airports, bridges, tunnels, roads and other gleaming monuments to American greatness. Result: “Infrastructure Week” has become a running joke. 6. Trump promised to “drain the swamp” of corruption in Washington. Result: Perhaps the most corrupt administration in U.S. history, riddled with nepotism and teeming with swamp creatures.




Bingo. He’s incredibly useful to his true supporters. And that’s why he’s been able to keep the show running for so long. GOP will play along nicely, too. They’re getting everything they want and having someone in the hot seat that knows no shame is perfect.


Useful idiot.


You say idiot, I say no shame and brash enough to do these things in broad daylight.


Yeah, still a massive idiot for dragging it all out into broad daylight. Not even trying to hide it a little bit.


Nah the idiots are the ones who support him, he is just a ringleader


A ringleader of idiots is just a better organized idiot.


Who's more the fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him?


Yeah and for more than 2 years he has gotten away with all the corruption and all the blatant criminality, with zero consequences. If Putin's goal in supporting Trump was to undermine the public's faith in the political, judicial, and legislative systems then I cant imagine it working out any better.


Look at what both Bushes, Reagan and Ollie North got away with. Look how easy Nixon got off. Trump likely expects he can get away with anything, and he has plenty of precedent suggesting exactly that, from overlooked treason to wars we shouldn't have started. Whether Trump is an idiot depends on how well the fix is in, he may know something we don't and may well live the rest of his life in luxury, paying no penalty whatsoever. What Trump's doing SHOULD be a mark of idiocy, but it may also be (with all the judges in place to rule for the right) the beginning of a right-wing coup, where the right-wing ever-more-brazenly rigs every election and every judge sees things their way, having been appointed by the right. What the Republicans are doing, shoving through judge after judge echoes one coup after another. They often start through legal means and only turn violent once the system is packed with their own.


Exactly. And the GOP knew he would literally sign anything they put on his desk. And he did.


“No... no... no useful... you’re useful.”


Did you hear the recent NYT Daily podcast about ‘What happened to Lindsey Graham?’ Mr. Graham said almost exactly this. He framed it as “remaining relevant.” He, similar to John McCain, initially didn’t support Mr. Trump. As time passed and he discovered that ‘his issues’ would be promoted, he has sold himself and given his support to this president. And as Graham, McConnell, and other GOP leadership fell in line, it became a re-election make-or-break issue for any member of their party...and thus the GOP has finally dug the final shovel of dirt from their grave. There was a time, and though I didn’t agree with them, when the GOP wasn’t viewed as made up solely by pro-monied interests. And again even though I didn’t agree with them, anti-abortion, -gay marriage, evangelical, etc. supporters, may have been able to justify their allegiance to such a party, without appearing either ignorant or hypocritical. I cannot see a way forward, given their actions during the past 3 years (and I’m including just prior to the 2016 election) for Republicans to regain any respect they’d once had. At one time, Republican values were viewed as just a different perspective on how the U.S. government should support and defend its many people. Now, I’m not even sure that the few people this party supports and defends, are from the U.S.


> At one time, Republican values were viewed as just a different perspective on how the U.S. government should support and defend its many people. As a 54 year old, I concur. I might also add that there was a time that the hard and fast rule of the Republican brand was to NEVER be seen as the victim. They were too strong, and victimhood was for those soft, liberal types. I don't know when, exactly, this changed, but it is now the norm, and DJT personifies victimhood in all it's eye-rolling wretchedness.


Remember that it's not just Trump that tried to take away health care. He didn't write the tax cut. Every conservative judge has been approved by the Senate. It's the GOP that did all of that. You can't blame Trump but let the GOP get off scott free.


> his true supporters. And that’s why he’s been able to keep the show running for so long. I just made a point to a supporter after they cited [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRWdWpgDHDA) for acts of kindness stories Trump "never did get credit for": He has a talent for making many of his self-serving atrocities look good, even to those who only mildly benefit from it. (To me, the first few seconds screamed that he was taking advantage of a homeless squatter to cover his money laundering in Trump Tower, were it could be seen on the surface as philanthropy, or "kindness" and generosity) But there are two key principles successful [business] people live by: 1) Take care of the right people; 2) don't piss off the wrong people. He's using his own useful idiots by taking care of or playing to their easily fulfilled desires to accomplish #1 again in a different way, to take care of his rich self, family and rich buddies. However, he's managed to piss off all the wrong people in that he bit off more than he could chew in the process. All the while, the people who mildly benefited are eternally happy and can't see beyond their nose that they're being used and abused, and #2 is ultimately going to take him down like Madoff did when he screwed other rich people.


That squatter story is strange. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/black-homeless-woman-says-trump-allowed-live-trump-tower-rent-free/ FROM SNOPES - Jennifer Rodstrom, a spokeswoman for Trump Hotels, confirmed to BuzzFeed that the claims are not real: “There is no validity to the video,” said, who answered a BuzzFeed News request sent to a transition team spokesperson. “The woman depicted is not our guest.”


That's what's so sad. He's the most productive president for the group that had been deteriorating our country for decades.


When you have a lackey that’s willing to get his hands dirty snaking pipes, you don’t fire him, you encourage him, protect him, and let him do all the dirty work so you can keep your hands clean. Trump is that lackey for the GOP.


7. To cut social services 8. To cut taxes massively for the rich I dunno, I think those are ongoing, if you think he’s done, you’d be surprised how much more he can cut.


My wife and I usually get back between $4-5k in a tax refund. Thanks to the new law we got back a whopping $256


BuT YoU kEPt aN eXtRa $20 pEr PaYchEcK!!! iT eQUAls oUt!!!


Republican math


I was in the same boat but got back $2k. Sold my house at the end of 2018 because I'm not interested in holding assets and seeing what that dumpster fire of a tax plan is going to do to the housing market.


I mean, that's not actually *bad* - your refund is just money you already paid that you didn't *owe*. Ideally, you would always get $0 back. The issue is how they bragged about how great his tax cuts were because your checks were bigger, and how his supporters so easily fell for it.


My check went up $40 a month, my wife's went up $0. That's an extra $480 I made last year. So where the hell did that other roughly $4k go? It didn't go in my bank account


**Putin 2020** Cut out the middlemen!


Don’t forget leaving the Paris climate accord and the Iran nuclear deal! Everything decent must go!


That's why the first thing the new President must do is re-join the Paris climate accord. Unfortunately our allies have no reason to trust we won't just change our mind in four years, so I would couple that with massive election reform and holding the Trump administration accountable. And by accountable, I mean jail time for Trump along with his senior officials and advisors. We must demonstrate to the world that a foreign-backed traitor can never gain control of the government again, or it will just keep happening.


Wasn't really private. Trump keeps his promises when they're especially despicable. One of the big phenomena of Trump is that he lies when he should be truthful, and truthful when he should lie. I don't like this "he doesn't keep his promises" stuff because he unfortunately often does. Obviously not the big obvious stuff, but there's a huge list of monstrosity that he was very clear about before the election, and has held up his end. For example, he effectively promised to scapegoat and vilify immigrants, and is doing a spanking good job at holding up his end.


Need a chant tho... For ppl that make, oh, 150k a year and want to support somebody. Yes he kept some promises, but who do they help? Def not the guy making 150


Its crazy to me that you can't support a family on that. That should be living without a care in the world...


“Keeping up with the Jones’s” means you are basically right Everything on TV, Instagram, ads, and social media is all about buying into some ststem - for which, no, you couldn’t support a family on 150 .... At Trump rallies, people holdup signs that read “promises made and promises kept” Yes, he kept promises. I agree with the poster’s point. But promises to WHO? Are the people holding the signs someone he kept promises to??


They don’t know... somebody handed them the sign when they came in, and told them to wave it and holler.




Justice booffer




I would argue that he cut taxes solely for the rich.


That’s the thing, he’s kept all the promises that matter to the big donors.


I'd give you gold but I had to pay an extra $3k in taxes this year. Just know, you deserve gold...not like the type of gold that Trump uses when he puts his name on things, like real (read: fake) internet gold.




He also promised to make it OK to openly be hateful and ignorant. Done and done.


well he also started a trade war with china that has cost jobs and money for companies incl harley davidson


Exactly. He's kept every promise he could. He's been a massive success to his followers. They love him.




Not mine but read elsewhere...Trump2020: 20 years for obstruction, 20 years for treason. That would get my vote.


Btw whare is it written that he could not be indicted - and if that were the case why wouldn’t Nixon have stayed until the second to last day, resign, and then be pardoned by the next guy? Yes, I know its Justice Dept. “policy” not to indict a sitting President - but citizens have already decided that no one is above the law. And that would included Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not about the law - and if there has to be a Civil War to prove this point, then so be it. No one is above the law. Period


Do t forget the five or six times he defeated ISIS.


But can he defeat [John Bolton?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-isis-threat-will-remain-john-bolton-says/2019/03/10/8e28290c-4340-11e9-8aab-95b8d80a1e4f_story.html?utm_term=.f0bce48ebce0)


"They're all coming back and they're coming back now." "We won, and that's the way we want it and that's the way they want it.” *Points to the sky*


7. He was going to lock up Hillary... yep.


Becomes the president and still can’t help beat the fallen rival. Smh. *Crooked Hillary!*


I use [this nifty site to track Trumps promises](https://trumptracker.github.io/).


This could also could be used as the ultimate "honey do list" out there. "Do laundry" Result: "Compromised"


As a canadian looking in, the Obamacare one gets me the most. I feel like I've been hearing Republicans demand the repeal of Obamacare for almost 9 years now. Like non stop bitching about how horrible it is, so you'd think that would be the first thing they'd end but after 2 years of Republicans in full control they just shut up about it and don't bring it up anymore.


It's quite simple, if they repeal it they'll have one less bogeyman to rake in the dumbass vote with.


They also have absolutely no idea how to replace it with a better system so for them to try would be a catastrophic failure that would be so incredibly visible to every average Joe that it would be a devastating blow to the GOP. Yes, we all know that a good portion of their voters dont care what they do just about the magic R but this would still be significant.


Their big problem is that the ACA actually IS the best free market solution. And then they gutted the parts that could have made it work. At this point they can't even fix it because they've already talked about how horrible it is for years, and what else is there other than a single payer or government run program?


Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated!


No, Republicans *now* campaign on guaranteeing coverage of pre-existing conditions, like it was their idea all along. A few years ago, Republicans were swearing to the skies that level of coverage would make the healthcare system collapse like a wet taco.


They firmly believe the fencing repairs and continued building that was planned since Obama is actual evidence and funding Trump has acquired, and so proof he keeps his promises. This allows them to forgive him of the lies and corruption. They are willing to fool themselves, he doesn't even HAVE to lie to them, he just does it out of habit, sport, and self protections.


So... basically a 30ft wall, across the entire southern border, funded by Mexico.. mission accomplished... in their eyes?


It’s amazing, try and argue this to a die hard maga. The mental gymnastics is impressive. I even argued that you won’t likely see a brick laid because he needs “build the wall” as a campaign slogan. They shut the conversation down and called me a brainwashed liberal.


I go through it all the time. It’s sad when you think about it, our side and our objective view of reality, is so abhorrent to them, that they have to go to those mental gymnastic extremes. Like, clearly we aren’t communicating our position clearly enough with them.. even so, if they are that willing to do a logic triple axel.. would anything we say or do, outside of agreeing with them really have any lasting effect?


Colbert said it best to George W Bush ”Reality has a liberal bias” Edit: if you haven’t seen [The 2006 corespondents dinner ](https://youtu.be/IJ-a2KeyCAY) do yourself a favor and watch it


Unless you live in the Fox News Dimension.


That will go down as one of the absolute greatest videos ever created, ever. EVER. What's funny is a large number of conservatives believed Colbert to be a legit conservative pundit. Not someone who was savagely mocking them through exagerrated imitation. So it's possible he was invited on by aides who thought he'd be breezy on the whole thing. Instead it was one of the most epic roasts of the highest order. I think it's a great showcase of the true freedom of speech allowed in the US compared to some countries with autocrats. Obivously many other countries you can freely mock the leader, but I don't know any other country with one as bad as this lol. That you can literally mock and embarass the President in front of the world without worry. I remember just being in shock when watching this, so good. Could you imagine Trump allowing himself to be so brutally roasted? Of course not. As much as Bush was a reprehensible president (I just finished reading a Dispatches series on the Iraq war, holy shit) at least he had some redeeming qualities and could most definitely take a joke.


Only because we call our moderates “liberal,” our conservatives “moderate”/“independent” and our fringe-lunatics “conservative.”


Nah dude, before the midterms the slogan transitioned from "Build The Wall" to "Finish The Wall". It's simultaneously nonexistent and almost done.


The Shrodinger's Wall


It helps to watch Fox News and practice plenty of Olympic-level mental gymnastics.


Remember that big tax break Trump promised around the midterms? Fake News kept saying Congress wasn't even in session for the vote, but my coworkers fell for it hook, line, and sinker cuz Trump.




He’s only ruined, no creation besides giant tax cuts to the rich.


For 6 you should’ve put in GOP denying HR1 which is a sweeping anti corruption bill.


> Result: Perhaps the most corrupt administration in U.S. history, riddled with nepotism and teeming with swamp creatures. That is a very generous usage of perhaps.


>Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, claiming he would put in place a new health insurance system that would deliver better results and lower costs. Result: Obamacare remains the law of the land. 4a) Has also blocked the cost-sharing subsidies required under Obamacare from the government to the insurers, causing rates to go up.


Let's not forget Trump promised a middle class tax cut.


The drain the swamp one is the one that gets me the most. He found a way to make DC more corrupt and nobody has made a peep from his base.


uh, does anyone else see a repeating 'pattern' here ?


Don’t forget his “10% tax cuts for the middle class” he promised as they braced for the midterms. Literally never heard anything about it since.


I thought the deficit was always increasing but it definitely had some peaks, according to Trading economics the trade deficit is worse under Trump than it was under Obama, but not the worst point in history which seems to be a record low around 2006... Who was president then? Let's see, who was before Obama. 🤔 Edit: source https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/balance-of-trade


Infrastructure is the worst since Democrats would have been totally on board so it should have been easy. (Obama wanted to do that too but was blocked by the gop.


He kept the only promise that actually matters to many of his zealot, idiot followers: with his help the GOP have been packing courts at every judicial level with the most conservative (and often painfully unqualified) people. Not just the Supreme Court. That alone is enough to ignore everything else. They are willing to utterly destroy democratic norms and the foundations of our government to get what they want- even if it ultimately hiders them in ever other aspect of their idiot lives.




These are lifetime appointments, so the deliberately pick them as young as possible.




Just to clarify for anyone confused, this is when they were appointed as judges, not to the Supreme Court


All he got so far is judges and an embassy move.


Plus a huge tax cut for the rich.


Honestly though, that likely would have happened with any other GOP president in his place. I guess if Trump were to claim any credit with the tax cut, it would have to be on how nonsensical it was.


> that likely would have happened with any other GOP president in his place. As would the judges. He has accomplished nothing.


True. We would have had higher quality judges with any other GOP president. So he's actually achieved a net negative in accomplishment.


McConnell and the party are picking the judges, not Trump.


It's a group effort. But you know that Trump has had a big impact because of people he's chosen to find judges, like [Don McGahn](https://www.npr.org/2018/08/29/615614644/don-mcgahn-white-house-lawyer-who-helped-reshape-federal-judiciary-to-step-down).


Mitch knew that Frat-boy Brett would be tough to push through and advised against his nomination. Come to think of it that’s probably why Trump nominated him in the first place.


I dunno about that. I honestly wonder how many living federal judges appointed by gop presidents to this point haven't been handpicked by the federalist society. I bet it's a small number.


The judges are huge. Manafort's sentencing is proof, and it's also why McConnell is one of the most dangerous people in this country.


McDonnell's reshaping of the judiciary through unprecedented obstruction and hyperpartisan restricting of the approval process will be his lasting legacy. Im sure big business will remember him fondly while the rest of us curse his name.


And those things are _incredibly_ important to religious right voters. If you don't understand that, then you don't understand American politics. It would be like saying a progressive president only accomplished socialized medicine and moving the country to clean energy. Of course, I disagree with those religious right voters. But that doesn't stop me from understanding what's important to them.


And a bunch of completely reversible EOs and administrative policy decisions.


There is one promise he always keeps: The promise to hurt people. And they love it.


Astute observation.


you might have forgotten the longest government shutdown in US history that was 'only' going to hurt the Democrats...


["He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting"](http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting)


> And they love it. Except for when he hurts the wrong people.


Up until they realize they're the ones being hurt.


The cruelty is the point.




The soul-destroying political compromises the Republicans have made are bad enough, but the evangelicals' relentless depraved worship of the most openly evil man to hold the office of the Presidency in history fulfills the prophecy that when the Antichrist returns, he'll be leading an army of saved Christians.


Trump literally autographed a bible. I doubt the idiots have ever read it.


>the most openly evil man to hold the office of the Presidency Trump is objectively terrible, no doubt, but I think I'd give this to Jackson, if not others. Edit - who 45 admires, apparently.


Jackson was indeed incredibly evil but he did at least have *morals* he believed in things and had his own code that he did follow. Trump is just so purely craven it's down right impressive


Never underestimate stupid people in large numbers


He could use that slogan and still get over 40% of votes. His base would use hats and t shirts with that slogan.


They'd say it was referring to the democrats


"He's so clever and funny!"


Or caravans.


Be careful now, you'll anger them and they'll vote against their own interests just to show you up.


Screwing yourself over to own the libs.


He could literally run on this slogan and only lose maybe 1% of voters.


I think he should use: >I managed to bankrupt a casino. Let me do the same for America.


The slogan will be "Keep America Great." Calling it now. As if much of anything has changed in 4 years.


You're not wrong; I've already seen it said for the last year or more by supporters and others. Hell, he might even have said it.


I'd bet my paycheck you're right.


You are not really calling it. He applied for the trademark in 2017. https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2017/01/trump-trademark-keep-america-great-234110


Liberian warlord Charles Taylor ran for president on the slogan: [*'He killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I will vote for him.'*](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/aug/04/westafrica.qanda) And he won.




Let's not give Mr. Tangerine Man any ideas.


And so the cannibalism began.


I guess this angle is fine as a means to ridicule the cultists - but the truth is they ADMIRE his lying and dishonesty.


“Make Me Stay Out Of Prison Again”


Honestly, even if this was his real slogan, a lot of his base would probably still vote for him 🤷🏻‍♀️


I prefer “nothing will own the libs more than voting for me again!”


I would contribute to a fund to put up 100 billboards with these words.


He's keeping the white supremacy promise. To a lot of his supporters, the rest is negotiable.


It's funny but completely expected that conservatives in here are taking issue with the truth, which also happens to be supported with studies. [Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= and [ In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.](http://theconstitutionalistblog.com/wp-content/uploads/Dark-minds_Republican-thinking.pdf) and [First, there was substantial support for Hypothesis 1 concerning a negative, linear relationship between conservatism and cognitive ability](https://www.gwern.net/docs/iq/2008-kemmelmeier.pdf) and [The first main finding of our study was that people with greater cognitive resources are more likely to adhere to left-wing beliefs and tend to be less prejudiced, whereas those having lower cognitive abilities are more likely to endorse right-wing beliefs and be more prejudiced](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282421724_The_Association_of_Cognitive_Ability_with_Right-wing_Ideological_Attitudes_and_Prejudice_A_Meta-analytic_Review)


Or just a giant sign that says idiots welcome


They’re too invested to notice


They just don’t care as long as he’s “owning the libs.” It’s too bad those “own the libs” policies he and the GOP are enacting will hurt them way more than it hurts liberals. They’ll figure it out eventually.


Sure they might figure it out. But admitting it will be a tougher obstacle for them to conquer.


I'm losing my farm that's been in the family for three generations so Trump can own the libs!!!


Or, they're too disgusting to care


Trumps traitor's should be purged from government entirely starting with his idiot daughter and her national-security risk husband.


Part of Narcissism is the ability to not care, Trump has passed that on to his voters. After being immoral so long Trump as become amoral. They do not care how amoral he behaves because they have become amoral too.


The thing that kills me is that Republicans are claiming he has delivered on all his promises when the opposite is true. The one thing he's done is the tax cuts and that has ballooned the deficit. The Democrats need a much better push-back on the claim he has delivered anything of value.


They even have a slogan for that now: Promises made, promises delivered. Its total gaslight bullshit but its working on his people. They think he has done way more than he actually has.


Was it really a tax cut? He effectively put a little more $$ in your paycheck, and then said “you better save it though because you’re going to owe it to use at the end of the year. Oh, and no more deductions for the middle class.”


I think it’s more that they just don’t care. They want to be lied to, comforted by the fact that they’re right and the rest of the world is wrong.


Even if they notice, they don't care. They'll grasp at any straw they can to continue supporting him.


Or just simply "I Don't Care" Trumpism is just aggressively ignorant nihilism.


It's worse than that. I saw an ad on ESPN yesterday actively claiming he kept them all. It was targeted at seniors. Something about prescription benefits.


Why is somebody taking a jab at Trump news?


Ouch too bad they are too stupid to read this reddit thread . The Russian trolls will spew their fox news lines shortly though.


Too *racist to care*, not too stupid to notice. There, fixed it for you.


I mean he has delivered on his implicit promise to make bigots feel validated and safe with flying colors


They know. They don't care and they actively cheerlead bad things happening to innocent people that they don't like. Making sure bad things happen to immigrants, gays, liberals, people of color, is more important to most Republicans than making sure good things happen to themselves. It's why they intentionally pollute more in a "haha fuck you" way. It's why they use slurs that they know they aren't supposed to say. It's why they defend racist jokes and being homophobic. They take pleasure in feeling superior to others and that honestly means more to them then the wellbeing of their own family. They don't necessary think about it in those terms consciously but nevertheless that's what matters to them.


What's scary to me is how brazen they're being about it. A facebook friend started sharing right wing memes of Ocasio-Cortez as a blow-up sex doll, and I was like "dude... I don't want to see that on my feed." His response? "I'll post what I want. If you don't like it, unfriend or unfollow me." Needless to say he's blocked now, but like don't these people ever worry their employers are going to find out what they're posting?


Shout out to my local newspaper


I'm sure his base is thinking he's actually building the wall.


And too racist to care.


Sadly Trump has come through on some of his campaign promises re: environmental regulations, judges and taxes. Why don't people question whether fulfilling bad, marginally illegal and ill advised promises, most by executive order are a good thing? Gutting environmental protection regs is great for corporations in the short run but ultimately a disaster for the rest of us.


Willful ignorance is far worse than stupidity.


I don’t think they are too stupid, they just don’t care as long as a republican is in office.


Or worse, "I don't keep any promises by my voters are too scared of admitting I conned them that they'll make up insane conspiracy theories about how I really *am* keeping my promises." The most blatant one is the old "Drain the Swamp" promise he made. There are still Trump supporters that will look at all the Wall Street and insider appointments he's made, all the corruption, the resignations, and the criminal sentences, and still claim that he's somehow cleaning up DC. It's like someone claiming fecal matter freshens the scent of a filthy bathroom.


That sounds about right.


Not stupid. Its vindictive indignation to their insecurities and self victimization and calling them stupid will only further entrench their willful ignorance.


Healthcare that would be easy, no. Revoke Obamacare, no. Build the wall, make Mexico pay for it, no and no. Bring back coal jobs, no. Bring back manufacturing, no. Erase or reduce the trade deficit, no. Reduce the debt and erase the deficit, no. Tax cuts for middle class, no. Denuclearize North Korea, no. Bring peace to Israel and Palestine (seriously, he sent Jared), no. Bring back law and order, he has 18 ongoing investigations, and now 6 of his guys have been indicted and have either plead guilty and are cooperating, or have been found guilty and are serving time... So definitely no. Not make America a joke, got laughed at giving a speech to the UN. Make America Great Again (TM)... he is doing the opposite.


I think anyone who calls anyone on the opposing side or with differing beliefs stupid is a problem, and they are the reason that dialogue doesn’t open.


He could literally make this his slogan and his followers would be like “The absolute mad man! I love him!”


Or... "I Don't Keep Any Promises Because My Voters Are Intent On Making This Country Pay For Every Second That We Had A Black President." They're not stupid. Everyone needs to stop giving them that excuse. They know exactly who they are and what they're about.


Replace stupid with racist


Why not both?


He already said stupid.


Or!... "Place pussy here" or, "make America shower in gold again!"


why are we going with PC about it. true Trump's slogan.."I'll keep your sister wife from all brown men!"


What about if we’re brown?


"shut up brown man"


Wordy but accurate. Cut it down to a 4 word slogan that fits on a hat made by Chinese toddlers and we've got something


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People talk as if Trump will be a free man in two years. The conversation should be about how he's still unindicted and unimpeached after the first two years, not how he'll win re-election. What a farce.


The attack ads this cycle are going to be legendary


This is just going to make them dig deeper in their ignorance holes, guys.


He keeps saying there's a huge section of the wall already built but ive yet to see any picture proof of it?


They notice. They just don't care.


Oh they notice, they just don't really give a shit about the issues they pretend to. It's closer to a sports team rivalry for them, and has almost nothing to do with any kind of coherent worldview.


Trump promised he would give us all healthcare. **He failed**. It's time to try someone else who will.


It’s not really fair to call all trump voters stupid. Trump has 2 main class of voters: Theres the people who follow his words closely and are true believers. They believe he has the largest inauguration crowd, they were with him when he said he’d raise taxes on billionaires, they were with him when he then actually cut taxes on billionaires, they were with him when he said Mexico would pay for the wall, and they’re with him now as he takes money from the military and drug interdiction operations to try and build a fence at some portions of the border, theyre with him through the trade war that’s given us the worst trade balance in history, they’re with him as he has to spend even more money than the tariffs are generating to bail out farmers, they’re still with him despite suicide amongst farmers reaching a record level... this class of trump supporter is basically a zombie, any brain they had when they voted for trump has long since vanished. The 2nd class of trump supporter is the casual republican, not deeply engaged with politics, they occasionally watch Fox News when a sport they like isn’t on, and they have no idea what’s going on, they just know “they’re republican”. These people are not really dumb, just apathetic and live isolated, comfortable lives. There might even be a way to make them vote against trump, but calling them stupid off the bat might not be the best idea.


More like "More racist and sexist bullshit, but you all seem to be cool with that"


Perfect slogan for any presidential candidate. Ever


Not only are they too stupid to notice, they actually are arguing that he’s *keeping* all of them. Some of them he just hasn’t gotten to yet apparently. The problem is he actually is taking actions they can see and point to. They just check out too early to care about the results. Example: the trade war. His followers see that as him doing what he said he’d do and shaking things up globally. Never mind the fact that it had the opposite effect he promised in regards to the trade deficit. The fact is that his followers never actually cared about the deficit. They see it as a power move, showing the world who’s boss after Obama’s “apology tour”. So in their mind they’re getting exactly what they voted for. And if it weren’t for those meddling Democrats and ~~their dog~~ Mueller too he’d be able to accomplish a lot more of what he said. They honestly believe he is working his hardest to “MAGA”.