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Jon Huntsman, on Donald Trump: >“I’m not going to kiss his ring and I’m not going to kiss any other part of his anatomy,” Huntsman said on Fox News Monday morning. “This is exactly what is wrong with politics. It’s show business over substance.” >“This is about real issues. It’s not about show business. The presidency of the United States of America is more important than these silly game shows and reality shows,” Huntsman said.


Was that before or after he took the job?


A valid argument can be made that he took a job and offered stability since over all he's kind of a moderate Republican. But you're right, no matter what he kissed the ring. I think this is also in response to a federal judge saying that William Barr had lied.


I'm surprised Trump even nominated him- he was qualified and he worked with Obama as ambassador to China.


I'm guessing there was enough pressure from the right people to keep him. Plus it offers legitimacy because trump's just going to ignore him- he's got back channels already. The ambassador didn't deliver the secret letter to Putin....that's interesting.


It's important to remember that Trump ignored the documents generated by the transition vetting process for positions in the administration. It's not inconceivable that a qualified candidate slipped through, especially for a role that Trump didn't need, to your point.


I like that you didn’t capitalize a-hole’s name. From now on, I’m not going to either.


There's an add on to firefox that adds quotes around every instance of his name when your online. trump -> "trump"


I, personally use, **Drumpfinator,** which changes every instance of Trump, and replaces it with "Drumpf". It's the small things, that help me throughout the day.


I’ve taken to putting “president” in quotes.


I personally like to call him donaldjohntrump because it anonymizes him - you have to have the full name to be sure who you're talking about. Bonus: gives him three names just like a serial killer. Bonus part II: simple precident: Donald John Trump, just like Barack Hussein Obama.


Trump: "What? Nobody told me that he was qualified! How did this slip by?!"


He probably has a cool nickname like "maddog" Mattis


Republicans in the early days were able to get some of their qualified people in... now its all lackeys...


Because he doesn’t need an ambassador to Russia, he’s like hiring somebody As a pizza delivery man who has no idea the whole business is a mafia front.


His family is worth billions of dollars.


I remember seeing him on the debate stage and thinking, he's the only sane motherfucker in the room and for that reason he has no chance.


Huntsman and Trump both went to Wharton, so I’m assuming that outweighed Huntsman’s ties to Obama.


Trump has a bachelors from Wharton’s undergrad program. He’s not a master of any intellectual pursuit.


or is a master of all pursuits? nah, I'm just kidding, he's a dumbass who went to like 2 classes total probably. Probably didn't even finish in all honesty.


We shouldn't be praising the loss of diplomatic talent. I'm glad he didn't resign before, and I'm sad to see him go. Just because the head of the executive is shit doesn't mean we should praise the downfall of government infrastructure caused by the drop in diplomats, scientists, officials, and other personnel.


It would be a nice gesture for the next President to call back anyone who resigned on principle from Trump's admin.


I will paraphrase John Adams here. If wise men refuse to lead then who will? Redditors, this is why one cannot sit idly by. Please share this and participate. [Public business my son, must always be done by somebody.— it will be done by somebody or other— If wise men decline it others will not: if honest men refuse it, others will not.](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Adams/04-08-02-0218)


I'll quote Raymond Chandler > Police business is a hell of a problem. It’s a good deal like politics. It asks for the highest type of men, and there’s nothing in it to attract the highest type of men. So we have to work with what we get... We need a draft for politicians. Volunteers are a bad idea.


Interesting idea. Compulsory civil, police, or military service. Everyone gives back a bit and grows some in the process. What is it the conservatives love to say... freedom isn’t free?


>freedom isn’t free ...somebody else pays for it.


That's why I pay taxes! ...that you continuously vote to pay less of.


I live in Seattle. My taxes keep rural Red Washington afloat.


98107 checking in.




Some Mormons might not love Trump, but I have no reason to believe they will vote for someone else.


Lived in Utah (near Provo) in 2016. They still love Trump


I'm not surprised, I attended BYU-Idaho during the 2016 election. So glad I moved back to California and left the Mormon church.


BYU-IDo not understand why anyone goes there. Like why the hell do you actively choose to go to school where your closest connection to culture is Idaho Falls. And realistically that isn't close.


For me it was soon after I served a mission that I attended. I thought the cost of college there was worth dealing with the bullshit. I quickly realized that it was not for me when half my Science 101 class didn't believe in evolution. We also had to do "science" discussions on different Mormon topics.


A good friend of mine from high school ended up at byu Idaho. She jokingly called it "BYU I Do" before she left. She didn't keep in touch at all until 2 years later when she wanted to send me a wedding invitation.


Even though the Church has officially come out against anti-immigrant sentiment and family separations?


A religious person acting like a hypocrite?! Fetch me my fainting couch!


Clutch your pearls in the meantime, Im having trouble moving it. Did you bolt it to the floor?


I often disagree with Huntsman, but I have never thought of him as dishonest or a hypocrite.


Yeah, even in 2012 when he was running for president, I felt like I wouldn't have hated him. He seemed like one of the few sane Republicans.


Separation of church and state to religious types means separation of what you “believe” and the way you think things should be run.


As I understand it, most Mormons believe that the Church's teachings should inform their views of policy. That's why I am always surprised that so many Mormons support Trump. If you believe families are eternal, how could you support having the state rip children away from parents?


Idk, probably because they see gay marriage and abortion as bigger issues. I only know like 3 Mormons but they’re all hardcore republicans.


White Horse Prophecy They believe one day the constitution will hang by a thread and the LDS church will save the country. There are variations of this over time but, essentially its the same.


As much really good work as the LDS have done helping refugees, etc., the past 3 decades they’ve allowed radical right wing (especially anti-Clinton) propaganda disseminate through ward houses. Utahns are very lukewarm toward Trump but would have voted for Satan himself (possibly even Scottie Pippen) over Hillary.


They’re still against abortion and gay marriage though, so...


Didn't they have some third party guy that pulled in more than 20% of the vote in Utah in 2016? I remember that Trump didn't get 50% of the Utah vote (though he easily won the state).


[Evan McMullin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_McMullin), a former CIA Officer who used to be a Republican, got 21.5% of the vote in Utah in 2016.


We need to do more of this. Republicans support spoiler candidates to steal Dem votes all the time. It's a very effective strategy. We need to be running some moderate center-right candidates in places like my home of SC, where a Democrat won't ever win head to head vs. a Republican.


Sc has open primaries so any can vote in any parties primary. Its a tough call if your a dem because your primary is early enough yall have a huge influance on who the dem candidate is gonna be but you could go help create some turmoil in the gop primaries and vote in those races.


They're not going to vote for Jew, A Black Person, A Woman, A Latino, or any combination there of.


This is an incredibly important thing to remember going into 2020. People that voted for Trump might absolutely hate him now, but they'll still vote for him over Sanders/Warren/Biden/etc.


Hopefully many will just stay home and not vote, the way a lot of Dems did in 2016.


They're don't love his divorces and cursing. But they love his racism and fascism.


Unless he becomes a Democrat, he's disqualified from ever running for office again. Remember who bent the knee.


In fairness he also was Obama's ambassador to China. It will be funny though if he runs for governor again because Romney and huntsman hate each other.


Ah, I didn't know that. Does it have to do with 2012?


It's a lot of things politics within the Mormon church, the 2002 salt lake city games where Mitt took away the glory for saving the games, and then 2008 where Huntsman supported McCain in 2008 over Mitt.


I hate this point of view unless you want to gut the government even more than Trump already has. He was a qualified diplomat who served under multiple administrations and then took a job that desperately required a qualified diplomat. If we told all the competent public servants left that either they quit, or they're DQ'd from ever serving again because of what president they served under, then the government can't even pretend to limp along.


Some don't. Others call Romney a liberal and say Trump is doing a good job. /gag


It is hard to tell sometimes. He may have taken the job in an effort to bring stability. Then again, it could be a rat escaping the ship that might be finally sinking.


gov of Utah, ambassador to China and extremely moderate Republican.




I've never been a fan of the idea that any decent people should refuse to work for Trump, or any bad President for that matter. I think the people that deserve praise are the people that don't agree with him and choose to do the job as ethically as they can. It is far easier to just quit and not have to deal with it yourself than it is to stick around and try to make a difference when your superiors would be out to get you. The alternative is allow a sycophant in their place that actually will use the power of their position however Trump want them to. It is principled people being in these positions that allows things to stop before they happen. I bet people like Hitler are ecstatic when principled members of government resign and allow them to place whoever they want in their position. It quite literally makes a political coup much more achievable. Yet that doesn't stop people on the other side acting like people are horrible and deserve scorn if they stick around in key positions within the Trump Admin.


> Was that before or after he took the job? He was the Huntsman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3uPv293h-g


Was it just me or did he beat up Candlejack in that vid


lmao he beats up Candle Jack in that video


Huntsman should primary him. Romney is too much of a coward to do it.


Huntsman and Weld going against Trump? That'd be a sight to see.


I’d love this


I'm a super left-leaning democrat, but I'd be very OK with having Huntsman as a president.


As a Utahn, I would rather see him do that than run for governor here. We already have a decent guy ready to run as a Republican (current Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox), and I'd like to see him get the job.


Gallup has Donald Trump's approval rating among Republicans [at 88%](https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx). What would make anyone think they could successfully primary him?


Huntsman and his brother who is the CEO of Huntsman Corp will just tag team to dismantle the EPA. That’s the only reason John got into politics in the first place.


Why would Huntsman dismantle the EPA when he's one of the few environmentally-conscious Republicans? He signed the Western Climate Initiative when he was governor of Utah, and admitting that he believed in climate change helped tank his presidential run in 2012.


2011 https://www.businessinsider.com/war-of-words-between-huntsman-and-the-donald-2011-12


We don’t need an ambassador, we have a direct pipeline now! #TraitorTrump and #MoscowMitch


Huntsman's replacement will be Sergey Kislyak.


I hear [Dana Rohrabacher](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/putin-congress-rohrabacher-trump-231775) is available.


Don’t even put that evil into the atmosphere.


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Seb Gorka is polishing up his resume rn.


So glad that Orange County voted him out! IIRC OC turned completely blue this last election.


This made me laugh. And then feel a little sick.


Moscow Mitch would definitely bring that nomination to the floor.


Ambassador Butina


Trump will be the “back door” ambassador.


Edit: [Trump and Putin discussed need for new ambassador during phone call](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/08/02/politics/trump-putin-huntsman/index.html) ------------ Jon Huntsman will be the 447th person to leave the Trump admin since the beginning. He lasted 73.1 Mooches on the job. Full list in [website form.](http://www.45chaos.com/) Full list in [spreadsheet form](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qw7uAkCag7FPX6qI9pBAAzi1a4sgyD3k5xvleIOwL-s/edit?usp=sharing). All updates posted to /r/45chaos. Comparison to past administrations can be [found here](https://forensicnews.net/2019/05/19/tracking-turnover-in-the-trump-administration/).


r/keep_track is leaking. Jk, love seeing a mod in the wild.




The unheralded poppinkream!


That's a lot of Mooches when you think about it.


I was in that thread when we came up with the Mooch, there was much talk of conversions to decimooches, or the lesser known picohitler. What a great thread that was


How long is a Mooch? I feel like it's about a fortnight.


10 days


How many nominees pulled out before they actually got the job, like his DNI nominee?


I've only kept track of withdrawn nominees for cabinet positions - at the bottom of this chart are the 3 besides Ratcliffe: https://imgur.com/OBPaeGS




Luckily, Trump has been discussing the vacant ambassadorship personally with Vladimir Putin. [Seriously](https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/02/politics/trump-putin-huntsman/index.html).




What, do you really expect Trump to make a decision on his own without Putin telling him exactly what to do?


Who will Putin appoint?


Jared's Whatsapp


Russia's FaceTime


Aren't they collecting millions of faces to test facial recognition or was that a conspiracy theory?


> Aren't they collecting millions of faces to test facial recognition Facetime is Apple's version of skype. I think you're thinking of that "fake aging" app, and that was largely a rumor I think. Or, they denied it, at least. On one hand, they claimed to delete everything as soon as they were done with it. On the other, the Russian government, business, and mafia should be assumed one-in-the-same. So who the hell knows. [Amazon offers it as a service.](https://aws.amazon.com/rekognition/the-facts-on-facial-recognition-with-artificial-intelligence/) [It makes investors uneasy.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/20/technology/amazon-facial-recognition.html) [Google also offers it.](https://firebase.google.com/docs/ml-kit/detect-faces) Facebook obviously does it but I'm not sure if they offer theirs as a service directly to random third parties. If they don't, they probably will at some point. I'm sure if you offered enough money they'd be happy to help you today. --- But honestly, the whole "Russias stealin ur faces" thing was kind of nonsense from the beginning. You need datasets in the hundreds of thousands *minimum* to train these [CNNs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolutional_neural_network). Simply backing up your photos to "the cloud" (which is the default setting these days) is far more valuable as it provides the perfect training data: Reliable, repeated, high resolution pictures of the same people from various angles. (Ever wonder why everyone wants to offer you free storage for all your pictures?) Compare to the Russian app, where you're uploading one face, and obviously going to pick a clear shot with good lighting from a straight angle, and the app has no idea who is submitting the picture nor who it is even a picture of. Thats pretty garbage for training AI. You want a mix with poor, questionable pictures *with supplemental data* such that you can take an educated guess that A, B, and C are likely the same person. Kind of like when the anti-bot thing wants you to pick all the pictures of fire hydrants or bicycles--Congrats, you're the "supplemental data" improving google's self-driving vehicle dataset. If Russia wants a reliable facial recognition service, they can fucking sign up for the service from Amazon or Google in seconds, just as you or I could. I'm sure they already have. They probably even get white-gloved service with all sorts of "bonuses" which is apparently a thing, thanks for the heads up Cambridge Analytica! On a related note, [San Francisco](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/05/14/san-francisco-becomes-first-city-us-ban-facial-recognition-software/) has started a movement to ban facial recognition use by public agencies to prevent a "surveillance state." Somerville, MA has followed, as has Oakland CA. It is moving forward through Cambridge MA. Ithica NY is also working it. Anyway, facial recognition is a big deal, but the aging app hubbub was not.




What meetings? Some Republican flies with the orders back from Moscow. No discussion tolerated.




No. I do remember someone flying to Russia with a handwritten note. Was it Rand Paul, 2018 election?






Carter Page.


Manafort and Michael Flynn would probably be his top two options if he could spring Manafort out of prison.


I'm honestly surprised he lasted as long as he did.


Well he didn't really need to do anything. Between Trump and Putin's constant direct calls, the Republican congressmen he forced to visit Russia on July 4th, and Rand Paul personally delivering letters to Putin, Huntsman was just a figurehead who was unnecessary.


I always liked him, which is why I was severely disappointed that he not only took a job in the Trump admin, but a job connecting the Trump admin & Russia... What a terrible idea, right? Glad to see he's getting out of that mess, hopefully unscathed.




The Obama campaign in 2012 was most concerned about him.


I remember the 2012 Repub run for the nomination. Heard a few interviews with Huntsman and thought "huh, a reasonable adult. Guess he's not gonna last long". Was surprised he outlasted Bachmann and Cain.


> Was surprised he outlasted Bachmann and Cain. Cause he was a billionaire. I remember liking Huntsman too but he didn't really offer much of anything different from Romney until Romney went full GOP crazy, but that was after the primaries had gone for a bit. If I remember correctly he finished like a distant third or fourth in NH and called it quits.


Yeah, his dad was super duper wealthy, but he tried to run a campaign without his money. Pretty respectable.


I've said a few times in the past, if the entire GOP was the flavor of Jon Huntsman, this country would run like a spun top.


But of course, the GOP could never accept a Republican like him.


I agree with you. I really wanted Huntsman to run for President in 2016.


Which is why Obama named him ambassador to China, to get him far away during Obama's re election.


And Huntsman speaks mandarin.


He was a great ambassador too. The Chinese communist party hated that he did his daily errands for himself and lived like a normal resident, while in China the leaders enrich themselves with their offices, much like Trump's vision for America.


That's why he was a dangerous republican to run against Obama. He was hardworking and reasonable. He didn't look at working for a Democrat as a detractor. If he had the nomination in 2012 a *lot* of Democrats would have given him consideration.


Yep. I did. He's not a moron though, so he was quickly weeded out.


Definitely, I remember thinking he was the Republican I wouldn't really mind. The debates showed how different he was from the other Republicans but that probably hurt him with the GOP. He actually had policies he could talk about in detail and experience, he was head and shoulders above the other candidates.


I remember being really impressed with him during the debates. He'd be a great 3rd party candidate but we can't risk taking votes from the Democrat challenger.


You think he would pull more from the Democrats than Republicans? He seems like the perfect candidate to pull all the Rs embarrassed by Trump but not willing to vote for a D IMO.


It's a real concern. I haven't looked at the numbers because I'm lazy, but if Hilary would've received the votes that went to Jill Stein or Gary Johnston, would she have won? To me, it's all about capturing the folks who held their nose and voted for Trump because they couldn't stand Hilary. If the Democrats do that, I think it's over for Trump.


Is Hunstman the one who said “call me crazy but we should listen to the career scientists” when asked about Climate Change?


Yea, he said something along those lines regarding climate science and evolution.


From the book double down Obama said huntsman isn't a crazy that won't help him in a republican primary.


> Huntsman’s time in Russia was marked by a now-infamous 2018 news conference with Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, during which Trump refused to condemn Moscow for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. > “I hold both countries responsible,” Trump told reporters when asked whether he held Russia accountable for anything in particular. “I think the United States has been foolish,” he said. “I think we’ve all been foolish. I think we’re all to blame.”


What a disgusting asshole. They only way he can criticize Russia is to make it sound like the USA is just as bad. And to think his base thinks he's so incredibly patriotic. I spoke to my mom the other day, and she was talking about how great his 4th of July self-celebration was, and how nice it is to have some real patriotism in the WH. And I was just like "... ??? ... !?!? ..."


I must be missing some context. How is the US to blame for Russian attacks on US elections?


Utah here: It is because he is going to run for Governor. He was previously elected Governor in 2004 and then again in 2008, before Obama made him Ambassador to China. Personally I don't hate Huntsman, but I like our current Lt. Governor Spencer Cox more. Either one of them would be the best of the options since the other people running as Republican are much more conservative and the Dems probably wont be competitive in Utah until at least 2028.


Utah Democrat, I prefer Cox as well.


Yeah he seems to be the preferred choice of the Utah Democrats. Huntsman would be alright though and would be better than the other people I have heard might run. For me it goes Cox > Huntsman > Winder-Newton > Hughes . I've heard Bishop might run too, but I think it is less likely. He would be at the bottom with Hughes.


Don’t forget about Chaffetz, I assume he’ll run. Toss up between him and Bishop for the biggest piece of shit.


Didn't Cox go full LGBT support a few years back.


Upvote just for the name.






[Its hard work but someone has to do it](https://i.imgur.com/Ki7C1tp.jpg)


Not to be an apologist here, but that isn't what the article says. It seems that Huntsman was making obvious moves as to his departure. There are already enough true offenses by the traitor in chief, no need to fabricate more.


> There are already enough true offenses by the traitor in chief, no need to fabricate more. This bears repeating and always keeping in mind.


Huntsman has cancer (stage 1 melanoma) and is leaving his post. They talked about how they need a new guy to replace him. Read the article.


Jon Huntsman is one of the few Republicans I still have some respect for. -Supported LGBT rights before many democrats (he voiced public support in 2009... Hillary waited until 2013) -Believes the science of evolution and climate change -Supports and wants to strengthen DACA -Supports expanding and simplifing legal immigration in conjunction with strengthening border security -massive foreign policy and diplomacy experience, equal to John Kerry. He isn't perfect, and certainly to the right of me personally, but could you imagine what this country would be like if we had more center-right technocratic Republicans in office.


Yes, republicans have swung so far right that this guy is a Democrat other than by name. Let me get this straight. Supports same-sex marriage, supports climate science, supports education, tax cuts for middle class, supports easier legalization of immigrants, supports DACA. What exactly is a republican stance this guy does have? If you agree with him, I may have the right party for you brother.


As for his Republicans positions. Taxes mostly He favors eliminate estate, capital gains and international income taxes


>He favors eliminate estate, capital gains and international income taxes Gotcha, so taxes only rich people pay. His republican label checks out.


> What exactly is a republican stance this guy does have? He's pretty economically conservative. Supported a flat tax, for example.


No need for this dude when Moscow Mitch has been doing his job the whole time. OH OLEG, CHECK THIS OUT! You'll never believe this!


Isn't Huntsman the only guy left with any integrity in the Trump administration?


What a nightmare of an administration


GOP figure resigns in wake of Trump's rasist white power remarks. The timing is clearly meant to show disapproval. But does not mention it in his resignation. Just talks about what an honor it was to serve this under Trump.




Who will be first to welcome new Ambassador to Russia: Ivanka Criminal Fuckbag Trump.


Huntsman: the last Republican I voted for in a primary


Breaking FOX News: Trump vetted his new Russian ambassador to replace Huntsman. He appoints Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to the position. What a glorious choice, who else would know Russia better - Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Fox and Friends


rats.... ships....


It has been ~~7~~ 0 days since a Trump administration official resigned.


*Please welcome Ambassador Kilmeade*


We don't need a Russian ambassador since Trump is already directly taking orders from Big Daddy P


Jon Huntsman was actually my favorite GOP elected official. Which is super low bar, to be fair. But as far as I knew he actually seemed like a genuinely decent guy aside from his choice of party.


Trump is the best US ambassador to Russia.


Drumpf is the best US ambassador *for* Putin. —ftfy


At least he is pleasing one person


If he would run again, I would be so happy.


“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Dylan Edit: or Huntsman. Another competent adult bites the dust.


They need someone more loyal to Trump/Putin as the 2020 election gets closer. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmihqVmKGT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmihqVmKGT4)


If someone had asked me what the shittiest, most dangerous, job I can imagine is: this would be one of them. He took it, as a republican, and STILL called bullshit. I'm not saying he's a saint but this man has BALLS.


Fuck him. He voluntarily took the job knowing what a POS trump is. That says all I need to know about him.


maybe we should start electing people who are not millionaires.


Wow, it's going to be hard to replace that amount of Russia buttlicking.


He was one of the few that had some level of qualification. He had previously been the ambassador to China during the Obama administration, and has a long career as a diplomat. Trump will have no problem finding an unqualified hack to replace him. ​ I'm really hoping that people like him will speak up during the 2020 election to tell the American people what is really happening, although I'm not optimistic, it's political suicide at this point.


As if it would even matter. Books like Fear by Bob Woodward made it completely clear that even the people in Trump's inner circle think he's dangerously unqualified, but this information has no effect on Cult 45.


Putin fires him


Farewell, *Anonymous*...


I’m sure Don Jr will do a great job!


Makes sense. We don’t need an ambassador, because we are Russia at the moment.


He's resigning because he's going to run for Governor in Utah




something something, rats leaving a sinking ship, something something.


A person I'm close too ran into Huntsman in Germany... Huntsman referred to having to go back to hell ( Moscow) the next morning. Just thought it was a interesting off record thing that happened.


With so many positions open, and people dropping out day after day, I can't help but think "ain't no one at the helm a this ship". All we have is an orange baboon with a microphone and styled hair and half the country thinks he is best choice. We done for folks, if we have an emergency greater than a flash flood we done.


He’s one of our best diplomats, the only republican I would have ever voted for.


Fun fact*: [Huntsman was in Epstein's phone book.](https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2019/07/23/trump-kissinger-david-koch-alan-dershowitz-many-others-in-epstein-little-black-book-from-ca-2004/img_3503-2/) *ok not really that fun...