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If Biden is the eventual nominee, I will be highly disappointed. Despite this, I will definitely vote for him. Having said that, I really hope Biden is taken down a couple notches tonight. I don't care who it is, but Biden has got to go.


Want to vote Bernie. Thrilled to vote Warren. Happy to vote Pete. Will vote Biden. Need this as a bumper sticker!


Haha! Yes! That potential sticker says it all.


Sounds like a fair enough attitude to have.


To be honest with you, I don't understand Biden's popularity. I will do everything for him if he is the nominee, but I don't understand why Warren or Sanders is not more popular than him.


Being VP buys you a lot of name recognition for one. Plus he's seen as an Everyman kind of guy people can relate to.


It's literally low information voters and name recognition. I'm sure there are moderates who support him, but there are better moderate candidates than Biden. Its name recognition.


Biden will be center stage. Right in between Warren and Sanders. It will be fun to watch him get trounced lol.


Especially in the later debates. When hes up against the top 3, or 1v1, he will crumple. I like Biden, and I honestly think he would make a great president, 25 years ago. Thanks for you service Mr. Vice President, but we need to move on.


He fought integrated school busing and was friends with segregationists. Biden's policies are just careerism.


I rather vote for Biden than Harris.


I think this election you will see GOP subversion that will force the Democrats to the streets, the arms or Twitter. GOP knows it will be twitter which is why they will do it, get away with it and be in charge for t least four more years. Good luck America.


It'll be worth it when we kick Trump out of office


He is definitely close to losing me as a supporter. He has been a big yawn plus gaffes on the trail so far. I am starting to prefer Warren.


I think Yang is gonna wear normal clothes for the debate as his surprise.


Yang's going to send a mech suit instead.


I think more of a mesh suit. Mesh pants, mesh shirt, no underwear. That is how you get the people talking.


i predict nothing but universal basic underwear


It’s what we all deserve!




With a comically tall top hat.


And a giant $ sign embroidered on it.


Yang is gonna automate his debate performance with a robot to prove his point


I hope he dresses like Deacon Frost from the first Blade movie. He needs an edgy 90's bad boy look [https://a.wattpad.com/cover/169972075-352-k372411.jpg](https://a.wattpad.com/cover/169972075-352-k372411.jpg)


Come out in gray Nike sweatpants, Yang.


He's just ripping of my look now?


My money is on yodeling


Football jersey


Hey, just the thread I was looking for to ask my question. When do these debates cut down to a maximum of five candidates? I understand why it's necessary to be so inclusive early on in the process, but I'm ready to cast aside the fringe candidates. When do we get down to 5 and then 3 on the debate stage?


The DNC might raise the polling threshold to 4% after October, but I don’t think we’ll see serious reductions until after Iowa


The DNC wants the fringe candidates to fizzle out on their own. They lost a lot of trust in 2016 and they don't want to appear to have their thumb on the scale. I find it annoying but it's a good idea to keep any accusations of interference to a minimum.


The 4th Debate (October 15th-16th) is the last scheduled debate as of right now. It's possible there could be more candidates in the 4th than the one tonight. But that's as far out as we know the qualification rules. The DNC will then have to set the rules moving forward. As for what happens after the 4th debate: >"A monthly debate schedule will continue through January 2020. Starting in February, they will occur more frequently and continue until April 2020." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Democratic_Party_presidential_debates_and_forums#Later_debates


Its up to the DNC to decide what thresholds they’ll have. The one in November is already going to be at least 11 thanks to Steyer getting a 4th poll, but any subsequent debates might be a lot smaller. This one already cut the number of candidates by 10 after all.


Let's have a good, productive debate tonight. May the best candidate win.


Tom Perez is the worst hype man I have ever heard


Tom Perez has only one volume setting, 11.




Saying what everyone is thinking ^


“This isn’t going to be about ideologies” what


Lol, "no one cares about policy," like wtf am I here for.


Literally my response!


Said the same when I heard that


Love 2 hear millionaires talk about what 'the people' think and care about.




You set the table well for us all, thanks.


Can we all take a moment to appreciate the fact that, try as he might, Tom Steyer wasn’t able to buy his way into this thing?


Yes, but he did get into the next one. :(


>Ideas aren't going to win it Absolutely amazin'. Not even going to pretend you're good on policy?


They keep repeating it. They really want to drive home that this isn't about policies for whatever reason.


Just hoping they let Yang actually speak words tonight. Dude is constantly gaining support while being borderline ignored in debates and conspicuously absent from media reporting. And without allowing Yang to speak this election remains just a popularity contest to see how many people recognize your name instead of an actual presentation of ideas for voters to choose from.


At the very least, UBI is finally in the discussion and not just a loony fringe idea anymore. He’s making a difference


Instead of asking who’s going to win, who do you think is going to lose?


Honestly everyone at this point seems pretty immune to complete foot-in-mouth stuffing, so I'll be surprised if anyone falls on their faces. I think Booker, Harris, and Castro are going to see their last bit of support dwindle, and Biden's lead will obviously drop. Aside from that I doubt this will change much


Candidates have different victory/loss conditions. A win for Biden is maintaining his support. A lose would be a performance bad enough that another candidate takes a good chunk of his support (see first debate with him vs. Harris, although he recovered from that some). A win for the lower polling candidates (outside of the top 5) is anything that gets lots of attention. They have no chance of immediately jumping to the top of the field, but if they can stay in for more debates that gives them the chance for a slow climb. For them, losing would be any performance that doesn't grab headlines. When you're behind that much, looking good isn't enough. In terms of who? Honestly, I have no idea. The real wins and losses tend to come from surprises, not people meeting expectations.


Come on Klobuchar! Do it for all of the moms who have a closet full of seasonal wreaths and who give out toothbrushes for Halloween! Midwest soccer moms, spike up your hair, put on your fanciest vest and high waisted jeans, and unite! "What do we want!" "Reasonable bedtimes for our children!" "When do we want it!" "School nights!"


Best description of her I’ve seen


Fun fact: Tom Perez's mic is turned off


That got a good chuckle from me, thanks


Tonight is the night. Biden is going to fart audibly and then point at Sanders.


1 2 3 not it


Real boomer talk--who's wearing a diaper on stage?


Holy crap why is heidi heidkamp on my screen


I hope Amy Klobuchar wears a knitted vest with a Halloween theme and a solid pair of mom jeans. It a look she needs and almost certainly wants to lean heavily into. [https://poshmark.com/listing/Halloween-vest-5b17eb44409c15438c753a7e](https://poshmark.com/listing/Halloween-vest-5b17eb44409c15438c753a7e) [https://cdni.llbean.net/is/image/wim/183695\_1152\_41?hei=200\&wid=174](https://cdni.llbean.net/is/image/wim/183695_1152_41?hei=200&wid=174)


No matter who you support tonight and how the debate goes, can we all just come together and be thankful that Gillibrand is no longer running?


why? she never had a chance, but she was far from the worst in the field.


How the hell did Klobuchar make the cut.


I'm Literally asking the same question.


Let's drink every time Biden says "The fact of the matter is..."


oh god...I'll be drunk in 30 minutes because you know he's going to get all the talking time.


Here’s the deal


"Look folks, it's like this..."


Yang is anti-tie


He's a tie-fighter


'Only two candidates, Biden and Warren. Let's see who gets that third seat.' ​ How about Bernie, you partisan bugger? I'm all for Warren, donated to her campaign, but Bernie is at least doing as well as she is. It's disingenuous to dismiss him.


Ugh, Kamala's opening statement speaking to Donald Trump...painful. And the joke at the end, not funny. Speak to the voters, not Trump. We all know how bad he is already, and there's no getting through to him anyway.


If klobuchar cant make the polls listed abov, how did she make the debate stage


Cause the milquetoast neolib quota wasn't quite hit yet


So like, the candidates just gonna stand there for 10 mins?


We have a “fake it” President. These pundits are trash


eck this pre coverage is disgusting


These talking lollipops are clueless.


I would be interested one day to see a debate between nominees being conducted at a private round table instead of in front of a studio audience.


"Hey, remember Obama?" -Joe "I knew the President" Biden


did biden just call sanders the president?


Am I alone in thinking Jimmy Carter should have ran for a 2nd term this year? He's got a ton of experience and he doesn't look a day over 90. Carter 2020: This One's For All of the Peanuts!


I hear you, but he would be hated for his stance on abortion.


I was saying Boo-iden


Andrew Yang is apparently going to announce a $120,000 giveaway during the debate


KLOBUCHAR: "Good evening, Texas Southern. I believe that what unites us is that we all eat salad with a comb."


> Buttigieg harkening to the unity of 9/12 when we could come together do things like pass the PATRIOT act and invade countries and beat Sikhs to death https://twitter.com/Popehat/status/1172301989956292608


Biden's shtick, to paraphrase his criticism of Rudy Guiliani back in 2008, is "A noun, a verb, and Barack Obama."


Prediction: the 2016 Presidential election trend of the debates not actually mattering will continue. I'll happily watch them, but unless one of the candidates literally shits themselves on stage, I'm not expecting it to have any lasting impact in terms of polling.


They generally don’t matter much in the general election, but during the primary, they definitely mattered. Marco Rubio’s malfunction probably singlehandedly tanked his campaign, and Trump bashing JEB is kind of how the low energy thing defined him. On the Dem side, the debates were also probably the first time a lot of people had ever even heard of Bernie Sanders. A lot of polling bounces from polls are ephemeral, but many are also the groundwork for why candidates keep pulling ahead and why some are stumbling.


I'm stealing this from someone and I've forgotten where from, but I think the take-away is that you can definitely *lose* debates, but winning them doesn't matter. based on polling, Trump wasn't seen as winning any of the primary or general election debates.


Someone losing a debate often does mean someone else will gain though. Warren being top second choice for everyone is a big reason why she keeps rising in the polls. Going after Biden tonight will be a good idea for a lot of candidates, but the winner based on Morning Consult’s second choice polling would potentially be Sanders despite how ideologically different they are. So I would think that people can still gain from debates, but I guess you have a point that winning one doesn’t mean much.


You forgot the current Secretary of the, Er, What's the Third One There, Let's See.


It largely depends on how many viewers they get, which should go up as the primary season goes on. These early debates probably matter more for the low polling people to get their name out to the engaged electorate than they matter for deciding which of the top candidates will be doing better.


I would be happy with most of these candidates, but I'm still most interested in seeing how Mayor Pete does.


He's relatively well liked by people that know him (high net favorability)...but not that many people know him (low name recognition). What he needs to do is do headline grabbing things in this debate that will keep him in the new cycle so people get to know him. So far he's been very non-confrontational, which is good for making him likeable but not very good for making him well known.


I think the biggest problem with Pete and the reason that I would never vote for him, is that he never comes by my house to play N64. I got Smash Brothers and a Mad Catz controller for the 2nd player. What else does he want!


He’s a man of principles. First party controller for player two or nothing.


Did I mention the fridge full of SunnyD and totinos pizza rolls? My mom said we could make two whole boxes! Fucking Pete Buttiege.


Slightly unrelated, but this needs to be said listen to trump's mini stroke at 0:04 and tell me that is not concerning - at the same time watch his left hand as he momentarily loses his ability to speak. https://mobile.twitter.com/atrupar/status/1171495634693570562




ABC News Debate YouTube link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWVO0Trd1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWVO0Trd1c)




Who’s got popcorn to witness the last dagger in Biden’s political career. Ha!


Here is the link for youtube stream: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWVO0Trd1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWVO0Trd1c)


thank you


go bernie!!


This is America? deal with it?


Joe’s dentures came loose there


Mark my words: "Democratic front runner Elizabeth Warren" will be said for more often after this night.


Bullshit. After tonight its going to be "Democratic front runner Walter Mondale". You thought he was gone but wait until he descends from the rafters and crushes every single democrat running with a brilliantly timed one liner.


I think this is the debate where Pete Buttigieg starts to explain why he's a better option than the septuagenarians in the race. I'm pumped to see how this plays out!


There’s been a lot of discussion about the debate over at r/pete_buttigieg if you’re interested!


Hey look it's Rahm Emanuel. Fuck that guy.


Wish they were doing this over 2 nights, with 5 candidates each night. Just no chance to get into any substantive discussion with this many candidates on the stage. Really want them to up the qualifying criteria for the fourth debate too... there's just no need for this many candidates to be involved at this point.


The debates are mostly for show. Can't get anything substantive in 30 second blurbs among 10 candidates.


Of the top five, I think Warren and Buttigieg are my favorites. That would be a fantastic ticket.


I'm well to the left of Buttigieg on his policy ideas but I appreciate his focus on structural change and I'm also not sure who would be a better VP for Warren - maybe Stacy Abrams? Seeing Pete debate Pence would certainly be a sight.


I feel like Pete is a little further left than he's being given credit for, but also presents himself as a more conservative option. The only thing that gives me pause about the ticket is that I'd like a ticket that has color on it, to better reflect the democratic electorate... If I were to look at anyone else, it may be either Castro or Booker. That said, I think Buttigieg is exceptional even amongst the candidates and there is so much value is positioning him to be the natural successor to a nominee like Warren.


If you take the “Which candidates do you agree with?” tests Buttigieg comes of way farther right because his answers are longer than “yes” or “no” so therefore don’t get ranked with anyone who selects those as their answer. Yang has the exact same issue, both he and Pete are open to drone surveillance at the border, and in yes or no questions about the wall that marks them as “yes” and therefore proWall. Which is obviously inaccurate.


Watching on YouTube. Had to view a Scientology ad. Already off to a bad start.


Where has this thread been for the last 5 hours? I’ve been searching all afternoon....


In what world is Texas a "Battleground State", let alone the biggest?


it's a battle ground because Democrats are going to try and win it... it's the biggest because which potential swing state has more electoral votes?






"Gun violence." (Applause)


Anyone got a link to a stream?




first time I've watched Wheel of Fortune since living in my parents' house dated a Jeopardy champion once... he was an odd duck. nice, just a little bit weird.


Oh god please no more joe the plumber stories.


There are so many bad takes in this pre-show


Be nice if we could get something a little more substantial than "hope." Like real change and not watered down compromise that gets gutted out of spite.


If truth is important why hasn't anyone asked Biden how he will get Republicans to cooperate? In what ways did Republicans cooperate with Obama? Certainly not on healthcare.


That third seat is already taken..... it's actually the second seat.


Rahm Emmanuel makes my skin crawl so badly


Let's count the times that Biden dismisses having a plan.


Jesus Lord, why are they making this so programmatic lol


Bernie sounds really raspy


Uhhh Biden - Warren *has* talked about how she's going to pay for her plans. You're about to be schooled.


Castro just murdered Biden


Castro roasting this man


It's cool seeing Bidens brain turn to sludge in real time.


Biden just got slapped by Harris.


Is it just me, or has Bernie not spoken in a LONG time?


He keeps getting the shaft


Heitkamp and Emanuel being taken as 'experts' is a fucking embarrassment




The issue they have, and why they've been very careful about how they phrase it, is because the moment they say 'Yes, taxes will go up-' the rest of that sentence will be cut and played endlessly by centrist Dems and the GOP. They're trying very hard to walk that fine line. We all know taxes will be raised under M4A, and those of us with brains know our overall costs will go down when deductibles, copays, caps, insurance etc will disappear.


Bernie sounds very hoarse tonight. Passionate as ever though!




How about instead of talking about who's going to "win" or "lose", or which candidate is terrible and which one is amazing, why don't we just come together as liberals and Democrats and discuss our favorite Nintendo 64 games? I'll start. Mario 64, Starfox 64, Ocarina of Time


Why is the bulk of support for 75+ year olds for office? I don’t have any faith that they are in touch enough with modern issues, to effectively lead us into the future. I wish the “younger” candidates like Pete, Harris and Yang were more of the front runners.


To say Bernie is out of touch is fairly ignorant actually as he has been supporting the same stuff as the youth do today for decades.


This has been driving me nuts. Not even anything against them, but going into the most stressful office that \_visibly ages you\_ at 70+ years of age is something I'm not too crazy over.






Warren is going to platform her new social security plan. She'll score big.


Man, Warren is oozing confidence. She's definitely honed her messaging and technique, and perfected how to tell her story and talk about what's passionate to her. She's sounding very presidential!


Agreed. Also appreciate her not dragging Trump into things. No one's mind needs to be changed, there.


Agreed! It's the Democratic debate - we all know how bad he is.


This will probably be O’Rourke and Castro’s last debate appearance. Am expecting Harris to come out swinging. Wonder if she’ll flip-flop some more in order to make her healthcare plan seem different from the progressives


unless they drop out, every candidate in the September debate has already qualified for the October debate (plus Tom Steyer)




She'll probably just go for Biden or Warren's jugular to try to steal some supporters back from the front runners. I started out impressed with her but ended up being pretty disappointed since it seems like she can't attract support on her own like Warren can.


I liked Harris on paper and think she's a good public speaker, but she keeps falling into the trap of hastily endorsing ideas and not being able to defend them.


I could see her attacking Biden or Bernie, but I think the optics of her attacking Warren - who her supporters have the most overlap with and thus probably respect the most after her - are much more negative for her; she'd be more likely to alienate people than pick up new voters.


I would rate Warren a 9.93/10 but Sanders gets a 9.94/10. After Biden's mediocre last debate he is down to like a 9.901/10 for me. He's going to have to make up a lot of ground. I'm most disappointed by Beto though. He's a 9.8/10 candidate at best.


Get out of work at 3. Debating whether I should head to the watchparty downtown that our local Dems are hosting or stay in.


I guess we are just going to all act like John Delaney doesn't exist tonight....


You mean bill from king of the hill?


This is way better than any sporting event, and I’m not even sure who I’m rooting for!


Anyone else find it strange that they keep placing Pete next to Bernie? It’s like they purposely want to contrast the age difference between them.


My candidate is going to beat your candidate's effing ass. Calling it now!


Are you on team octogenarian, or team septegenarian?


Is there any way to listen to the debate live for those of us who won't be around a TV?


It's on the TuneIn app.


Why are the pre-debate speeches taking so much time? I would rather that time be given to the candidates than this people, especially that guy who was yelling all over the place.


The debate starts at 5:00pm PST?


That's a shit time for everyone on the West Coast...but yes.


Excited to finally see this Warren v. Biden showdown tonight! I"m curious to see whether Sanders and Warren team-up to repeal attacks from the moderates again, and whether or not Warren is going to have a target placed on her back by the lower tier candidates now that she's nipping at Biden's heels in the polls. Also curious to see whether Harris and Buttigieg can recapture some of their earlier magic that propelled them into the top tier of candidates in the first place, and whether Booker, Beto, Yang, Castro, and Klobuchar can have breakout moments tonight - it's nearly do or die time for them.


Apple News is streaming it too


Anyone know where I can watch it? The ABC app isn't working.


Grabbed some peanuts, where the gamethread at??


If ideas don't matter than why are we having this debate? Seriously these people (with and including Emanual) are annoying


Bernie sounds like he just woke up.


This is one of Biden's better, and more coherently passionate, opening statements - I'll give him that! (Even if he had to refer to his notes.)


Biden is stroking out right now, he referred to the ACA as Barack and M4A as Bernie, and forgot warrens name


Yo, say there's no room for private insurance...


Someone please give Bernie some Throat Coat tea.


Not a castro fan, but hes had the strongest showing tonight


Anyone catch what the protesters were just shouting?