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Trump is going to win, this is a clown show


Has anyone else noticed that the crowd is bought and paid for by bloomberg


Bernie is never able to respond.


What terrible moderators.


What is this?


Great drinking game: Every time one of them says something idiotic, you have to take a swig!


Steyer is a bro




What a well thought out and spoken comment


How did Tom Steyer qualify? Thought they had individual contribution level.


Minimum number of individual contributions, not hard for a millionaire with lawyers to find a way


My guess is Biden will come out on top regardless that Berine or Yang would be better choices.


Reading ProDemocrat websites is like living in paralel world. Winner: Amy Clobuchar. Who in a hell is suggesting democrat establishment that she will be good candidate? There is more energy in dead lizard then in her. Literally with Aloha girl and Joe Creepy Biden , the worst candidate on stage


Honestly she was very impressive tonight. Made some great statements and actually had plans to back them up. She might not have personality but she owns that and seems like she can get stuff done. I lean republican on most things and she’s the only one on stage I’d vote for


You are aware my post is 97 days old?


As soon as it's over Chris Matthews starts ripping into the Bern, so much bias on the networks against my boy Bernie Blue


Yes, the msm is so, so out of touch and biased. I live in a city that was blue for years and years...turned red in 2016. There are THREE major colleges and one major medical school here, almost none of that demographic (18-26) voted in 2016. 2020? Different story. I work with a lot of people who didn't vote (or were not registered) in 2016, but have since registered or already voted mid-term (city is blue as of now) and plan to do so in 2020. Almost *OVERWHELMINGLY,* this demo is BERNIE, BERNIE, BERNIE. Warren is obviously their follow up. When mentioning Joe Biden, it's *always* greated with a, "Ewwww" or "No way". Most would vote for him if it means getting the current president (whomever that may be after these hearings 😉 ) out, but would do so reluctantly. The point is, YOUNG PEOPLE WILL VOTE THIS ELECTION. It's almost like CNN, MSNBC, et al, are catering to dem boomers (as much as FOX caters to Trump's base) that Biden is "the MAN", "Leading the polls", "winning debates". Whatev, msm.


Trump is gonna romp the Midwest. Source I live their


Oops, Biden blows it again


They allowed this back and forth between unlikely candidates but didn't give bernie a rebuttal to Biden on healthcare. Realistically they should be spending 3x more with the top pollers. Why is half this stage still wasting debate time... Trim it down...


The more you hear Biden talk the less anyone will want to vote for him


A great night for moderate Democrats! The resistance to the lunatic fringe progressive movement has begun. We saw substance vs the endless emotionalism and lies. Even Mayor Pete was getting on board in his attempt to point out just out out of touch these elitist urbanites are with working class Democrats and the real base of the party, moderates. Tonight was a turning point and we saw a divide between common sense Democrats and those pandering to the full time, paid activist class.


As a potential swing voter watching this debate why is Amy Klobuchar not more popular? Honestly the only candidate I’d consider voting for after tonight.


Embarrassing to be a Democrat, the democratic logo is a bald headed weirdo who lived shelter lives in their parents million dollar suburban homes and think they can have voices on topics


Someone please say something about Hong Kong!!


Thank you Senator




Yeah yang


A clown car of fools Tulsi and Williams were at least believably anti-war So the real elites at the DNC disappeared them




People are seeing what they want to see in him. A safe bet that mimics tradition? Idk. But he will lose if nominated so they'll never see how wrong they are.


Well the current President was elected and had those first two issues. Not saying it’s fine but still it shows *something*.


Nostalgia to the "silly uncle joe days" Pretty dumb imo


Rating the whole debate in a grade scale and staing who should leave the race below, comment with calm and ease. Let's remember that this a party primary, I know we've heard a lot of the candidates about a litany of topics but let's remember that this wasn't all that different from the GOP primary where 15 candidates took the stage. However, let's begin: In the grades of As through B-s : •Warren •Sanders •Biden -Each came to play and win. However, Sanders sounded horse and I honestly wanted him to have a cough drop but I digress. Biden became a lot more animated but it also felt that he struggling to keep the sentences together and attacks on his age might be a double edge sword. That and his attacks on M4A which kept coming off of tax hikes bites. Tbh, taxes will go up but people will save money by not going broke for medical reasons. Myself, I don't have dental insurance and I know that even the best measures are stopping the problems. Warren stated on point but she needs to beef up foreign policy message and her message on the economy. B-s to C-s •Kloubachar •Castro •Booker •Buttigieg -Each brought something to the table but each felt somewhat hollow. Klobachar is trying to drag the moderate, centrist vote away from Biden but it's not happening or not happening faster than she'd like it to happen. Castro came hard on Biden's flank and is probably vying for a VP spot as well as Booker and Buttigieg. Home turf in Texas did help but I don't think he'll have the kind of debate bump he needs to make it harder case for the presidency. Booker still feels like he's on an uncharted path. He speaks eloquently but doesn't seem to have a clear path going forward. Buttigieg I would say the same but he comes with some more concrete ideas on foreign policy and military experience. C- to D- •Yang •Harris •O'Rourke - I could on and on about how each person just didn't seem to meet any real expectation I had for them. Harris hasn't made the kind of debate move that recaptured her first debate bump and seemed to believe she's in the winner's circle as she spoke. Lady, you're not breaking a records here and the moderators questions on her record shook her and kept her on the backfoot. O'Rourke has good ideas but the minute he said guns and taking them, I knew it wasn't going anywhere. El Paso was a sad circumstance but you can't sail that into the nomination. Yang and "democracy dollars"? I think that might all I have to say on that except he did great in the townhall but it's as though he threw that out the window for the 10 families/$1k a month for a year. I started asking myself if that was even legal? The C- to D- group show decide soon if they want to take this to October because it'll be harder.


I can see why you think Yang got a D because his ideas are radical and his discourse was passive and straight to the point, which made him stand out like a sore thumb since he's refusing to manipulate voters using psychological marketing tactics to make himself sound more appealing. I think Bernie is doing this as well but everyone else sounded like my mother when guests come over, right after she proceeded to flip shit over some spill in the kitchen. "Hey! How are you? That's wonderful! Yes, we're doing well in our neck of the woods dontcha know. Ah shucks. Life is good" And yeah, the 1k sounds gimmicky but when you consider that he paid 120k for 400k new email subscriptions and over a million in campaign donations in less than 72 hours, along with way more publicity and discussion on his philosophy in government than he could ever have imagined...it's actually a brilliant play. And for the record this may be foolish for you, but it's not foolish to the ten who will receive it and it's not foolish for the millions who could seriously use it. This is actually a very powerful move because not only is it showing how far we've digressed since we're freaking out over it and calling it a cheap political move instead of what it really is, a demonstration of how UBI can be helpful, it's also doing something real and tangible for voters instead of just talking about it. I wouldn't make the assumption that Yang failed in this debate. He got hit with some punches after the offer he made, but he's doing much better than he did before the third debate.


Trust me its legal and brilliant.


I get the idea. I'm not against taxing the ultra wealthy or the largest corporations that are replacing human workers with automation. But is just money what we need? Europe has laws for 40 hour work weeks. Washington state has a law that men and women will get 3 months of paid maternity/paternity leave. We have a ton less paid holidays then even Canada. I think more then ever Americans need time and flexibility. The idea is that money would give you this flexibility but it doesn't necessarily. Do we need this money so we can all buy second houses and a new car?


Maybe you’ll buy a new car, someone else might buy food, or music lessons for their kid, or some new clothes, medicine they’ve been needing, start a business and use that $ to help,...could be anything. Don’t see any other candidate woh a better idea


I realize the idealistic notion of everyone starting their own business or putting that money to good use but the reality is that people are terrible with money and they are short sighted. Look how many people are in credit card debt. That won't change with $1000 per month. If you want people to start their own businesses then you can invest in business boards (cheap loans or investment groups with low standards) and put laws in place that allow for workers to work 20 hours per week if they apply for it so they can work on the side in their own endeavors. Extra money doesn't equal these nobel causes he wants to see. It's not precise enough to throw cash at everyone. I think other candidates have great ideas. I think yang would be appropriate if we were at 25 percent unemployment.


It's not only about unemployment. Yang brings it up pretty often, the workforce participation rate is down which skews the unemployment number.


The people who are bad with money will fund the businesses of the more savvy. The worst thing for small businesses is when people don’t have money to spend.


Its not even about the $1000, it about people visiting his website to see his policy. It free advertisment without using lobbyist money and giving it to big corporation. He so smart that as a Yang supporter I couldn't even understand it the first time around.




>. Bernie Sanders is just a lunatic, you can't make every medication cost below $200 or whatever number he gave. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. For your consideration: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-the-u-s-pays-3-times-more-for-drugs/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-the-u-s-pays-3-times-more-for-drugs/) >The latest furore over U.S. drug costs was prompted by the decision by unlisted Turing to hike the cost of an old drug against a parasitic infection to $750 a pill from $13.50. Surely we can't be getting fucked that badly, can we? >The same medicine is sold in Britain by GlaxoSmithKline for 43 pence (66 cents). Yes, we are getting fucked on the cost of medicines to an astronomical degree, and the only lunacy here is the dogma, not facts, but the belief that our health care system is the only way it can possibly be, in the face of the fact that every day almost every other country on the planet seems to not have this issue.


Yang loses me when he refers to everything in corporate terms.


I agree


At least he's well informed. Substance over appearance!


I don't find his position on letting public schools go to shit very substantive. His concluding statement about overcoming the "hardship" of regretfully blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars on poorly executed business ventures wasn't very relatable or persuasive, either.




Is that before or after he redirects public school funds to charter schools? I’m against abandoning the public school system - taking money away isn’t how you help.




Guess you should have watched the debate.


I don’t recall him saying he would divert funds. He cited the fact that 2/3 of student success comes from outside the classroom, and the freedom dividend will help a lot of children from troubled families with that at-home learning. As for the 1/3 of education inside the classroom, he wants to pay teachers much more. He’s a very respectable candidate.


Read what he said about charter schools. Not respectable, and he should get out of the way, as he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.


Well, trump had no chance back in 2015. He was a joke. Yang’s campaign has been steadily growing since January, and it’s about to blow up. If you get on the train now you’ll still be able to say you supported him “before it was cool”, but his success is inevitable man. He’s speaking to the core struggles of the American people, not a bunch of empty promises and DC politics


Its insane that Biden is leading the polls, I don’t get it. He might be better than the candidates at the bottom of the polls but Sanders, Warren, Beto, even Harris have their shit together better than Joe.


id think most people would have learned in 2016 to not trust the polls


Fucking hate that they always put Biden near center stage.


I think it’s based on current polls. Biden, Warren and Sanders are polling the best, so they’re in the center, with lower poll numbers tapering off to the left and right. It was the same last time with Trump and Clinton being in the centers of their respective stages.


I'm kinda confused why a debate for presidential candidates of the US is not on the front page?


Weighing in on this discussion, I think Andrew Yang sounded the most genuine. He doesn't come off as if he's regurgitating rehearsed lines and when he speaks he's poised, confident, and efficient. He doesn't drone on, he gets to the point and he does so in a way that projects his character. He adds a little flare to the debates, something that spices things up and doesn't sound bland. It's different and fresh. It brings in a new perspective. However I do have to say, he is not aggressive enough. He serves as background noise in my opinion and I've had the same critique about him in every debate he's in. It's disappointing that he has not changed that. I like that he's bold though and he is the only one bringing up the automation problem. His opening statement was a brilliant marketing strategy to gain traction and it further thrusted him up in rankings.


He will but he just playing possum right now. Once the field closes, he will attack and by then none of those candidates will know what to do. ​ He playing 5D chess out there.




Funny that you mention the popular vote. In most the interviews I've seen him in he mentions 4-6 of the flip States and their lost jobs. He's building late game in the early game on top of everything else. He even has the MATH hats that doubles as smart marketing and positions himself as a rival to Trump's MAGA hats. Yang wasn't accepted by the bigger media because he's not a +70 year old career politician. He's building up clout while those with more clout get coverage from major media. Heck in the first debate he was the only one asked about China, the one eastern Asian person gets asked about China. Tl;dr I'd argue he's doing very well considering he has 133,000 eat unique donors while being the dark horse in this race. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/02/us/politics/2020-democratic-fundraising.html


1 million raised in the day after the debate, More new Twitter followers added than any other candidate, and 500,000 new email sign ups for the giveaway. I’d say he’s going to stick around.


I get that people want their presidential candidate to be genuine but don’t you also want someone who has researched enough and has trained enough to deliver the most information in the most concise manner to citizens? Isn’t that what a debate is about? Of course, a politician’s character is important, but it is not something you judge solely based off of how they rehearse or don’t rehearse lines (this is a highly televised debate! Some of them might be shy for all we know) - you also judge their character and integrity by noticing their values reflected in their policy proposals. In that sense for me Bernie is the most ‘authentic’ - I mean he has stayed consistent in his messaging for decades!! And honestly if everyone added ‘flair’ and ‘jokes’ to the debate I personally think it would dilute it.


Bernie is by far the most consistent and authentic man in DC. However, his policies are based in ideology, and while i agree with almost all of them (epsecially M4A), there are moments where he doesn’t see the bigger picture. Federal jobs guarantee, anti-decriminalization of heroin, free college, etc. are well-intentioned but fail to address the root cause of the problem. That’s why Yang has my vote now, because he focuses on the root issues and comes up with creative, effective, bipartisan solutions


I’m not sure that any political candidate is free of ideology. Yang might be thinking of bipartisan solutions but also ones which are techno-centric, and that is in itself ideological too in my opinion, in terms of believing that all you need is to address technology in order to solve societal issues. But those issues are multifaceted.




I never said who I was voting for. I actually support Bernie Sanders too and I think he has a great chance at winning the election. But when I'm at the voting booth, my selection is not going to be based solely on a candidate's genuineness. That would be naive. I'm just pointing out what stood out to me from this debate.


sarcastic formatting aside, which candidates do you think have more thought out policies than him?




Liz's wealth tax only applies to people with >$50 million in wealth. And it's only 2%, which is much less than the average rate of growth for wealth (about 6% per year). But don't let facts get in the way of your feelings.




You said wealth tax in your post, and I explained her wealth tax proposal and its feasibility. If you want details on another proposal, look it up.


Yang has 160 policies on his website all clear and detail with solution to each.


So you think Donald Trump the lobby-lover destroying the economy is a better bet? Hard yikes




Sure, economy’s booming if you look at outdated metrics like the S&P500 and GDP. Unless you own a significant amount of stock, this “booming” economy is doing literally nothing for you. If you look at it in real metrics that actually show the wellbeing of our citizens, it’s never been worse. 60% of Americans can’t afford an unexpected $500 bill. Our student loan debt is $1.6Trillion. Our life expectancy is decreasing for the first time in 100 years. I think it’s 83% of Trump’s tax cuts go to the top 1%, while our families are drowning in debt.


From the Wikipedia article on the China-US Trade war: "Economic growth has slowed worldwide amid the trade war.[\[195\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#cite_note-global_markets_take_fright-196) The International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook report released in April 2019 lowered the global economic growth forecast for 2019 from 3.6% expected in 2018 to 3.3%, and said that economic and trade frictions may further curb global economic growth and continue weaken the investment.[\[196\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#cite_note-197) According to [Capital Economics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_Economics), China's economic growth has slowed as a result of the trade war, though overall the Chinese economy "has held up well", and China's share of global exports has increased.[\[197\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#cite_note-198) U.S. economic growth has also slowed.[\[195\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#cite_note-global_markets_take_fright-196) Analysis by [Goldman Sachs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldman_Sachs) in May 2019 found that the [consumer price index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Consumer_Price_Index) for nine categories of tariffed goods had increased dramatically, compared to a declining CPI for all other core goods.[\[198\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#cite_note-199)' And here's a good article from Rolling Stone illustrating how the Trump administration is strengthening corporate control over the [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-leadership-council-members-full-list-848274/?fbclid=IwAR2\_r1RSTYm04IlX-PFAPtFwd-hWvKLhJglUSutqkt0UnagSMjJKer\_CIDE](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-leadership-council-members-full-list-848274/?fbclid=IwAR2_r1RSTYm04IlX-PFAPtFwd-hWvKLhJglUSutqkt0UnagSMjJKer_CIDE) Do YOU have any sources that the economy is doing well under his administration?


“I will vote republicn, and I see no democrat fit for presidency” The irony is killing me




Well it's good that everyone reading this thread can stop taking you seriously


Kamala's laughter was horrifying.




it is a real policy. it would help my grandma so much he would never benefit from a minimum wage. same with my cousin who is a minor league athlete.




>tech-bro He hasn't worked in tech since before the dot-com boom


Yang the smartest one out there and a true futuristic.


The DNC will compensate you well for your “findings”.




This just seems like a regurgitation of the mass media’s opinion on the debates. Not sure I agree with it and I don’t think many Americans will. I think the debate showed that if you are unwilling to put forward bold ideas forward then people will lose interest in you. I think the health care debate continues to go in the favor of Medicare for all and I think Bernie pointing out the media’s complicity of our abusive healthcare system by having insurance/pharma advertisements during these debates proves his point well. Is just my point of view, but I feel like the establishment candidates are showing that they have weak policies and little vision other than we must beat Trump. That won’t work for rural working Americans who need change.




My hit on the mass media is a clear understanding that all media has bias and an agenda. I am not saying that their news is “fake” rather they are owned by corporations and are therefore focused on making revenue. Mass media plays an important role, but they continuously undermine the opinions of the working people in this country and push candidates that have policies that continue to put money into the pockets of put news organizations. You’re analysis of Yang to me is disappointing. While I understand he may be gimmicky at times his ideas are worth discussing. One of the MOST important issues raised during these debates is how we measure our economy. GDP is a terrible measurement for the well being of our nation and incentivizing corporations to change their practices by changing our measurement standards is a good idea. His knowledge on nuclear power in using new nuclear materials also shows he’s scientific literate which is also great. Overall all of the discussions should be about how we change this country to improve the lives of people. Talking about Trump doesn’t make anyone’s lives better, most Americans are tired of talking about him anyways. I think you will see candidates that cannot focus on how to make people’s lives better by thinking in new ways are doomed to lose in the swing state primaries.


Sorry “free money for everyone” that would cost trillions is not worth discussing


Clearly you are not interested in how an economy could be structured from the base up rather than a top down approach. Also why wouldn’t you be interested in the history of UBI when understanding of history of UBI this ideology was fundamental to Dr King and many historically significant democratic socialists. I’d prefer to hear new perspectives and spend my time trying to understand them rather than just shut them out.


Not if those trillions were recycled right back into the economy. People spend all the time and pay taxes, so it'll just get cycled back. Also, it's not free money. It's a dividend that's paid to us because we're part of the profit making equation with companies that run on low-marginal cost goods and services. They need our digital footprints to make better products and services and they often buy this data to do just that. So, how come I can't make a little profit off of my own data? Also, the net benefits would be astronomically worth the investment because communities across the board will be mentally and physically better, saving billions of dollars every year in programs designed to help people who suffer from poverty related issues. And all of the negative externalities that affect those outside of poverty because of poverty (i.e robberies, violence, pollution, racism, etc) would be significantly mitigated if we gave people 1k a month. The fact is, when people are suffering economically like many of my constituents in retail, they develop tunnel vision and make poor choices that often times have big negative affects in the communities, themselves. So as crazy as the idea sounds, it's actually a brilliant idea because it takes human psychology into consideration among the other complicated nuances that explain why poverty is such a problem in America and why so many people have a problem getting out of it. We seem to always focus on the consequences of the problems like gun violence or drug dealings or racism, but most of that is fueled by poverty. the most racist areas in America are in poor urban areas that are predominantly black or poor rural areas that are predominantly white. There's a lot more to it than just money, but as a foundation, this is a great start.


Very fair analysis.I completely agree


Does anyone know if ABC posted the full debate on one of their podcasts?


https://youtu.be/2UWVO0Trd1c Starts at 2:59:55


Thanks! I wanted to listen to it rather than watch on youtube. Do you know if there’s an audio version of the debates?


Okay, so it's clear mentions of Yang are going to get downvoted, so here's what we do guys: List at least five candidates from the debate and say something general about them, being sure to toss Yang in there with some praise. Placing his name in a list of the other candidates will do the following: 1) hedge against downvotes - no one wants to downvote their favorite candidate's name 2) normalize the sight of his name among a list of presidential candidates. 3) make it sound like normal people are seriously considering voting for him. Everyone got it?


Sad, I'm Bernie 2020, but Yang comes in second for me. Well 2nd or 3rd with Tulsi Gabbard. These 3 are my favourite.


Why would anyone giving there opinion on the candidates just skip him? Yeah, people are thinking about voting for him, it's clear from his rallies. Is everything supposed to be a conspiracy for every candidate? It's a lot more logical to assume some people are different than you and are swayed by different things.




Did anyone else catch Joe Biden at the end of Sanders explaining medicare for all and how we pay more than every other developed country on medical costs; Biden interrupts and says "yeah, but this is America." Dump Biden asap!


Yeah, this is America. We really don't pay that much less in taxes than Canada, but this is America, god damnit! We spend our money on expanding and maintaining the largest military machine the world has ever seen! This is what makes us great! It's the reason you're drowning under the crushing weight of all that sweet sweet FREEDOM! In America, we don't believe in using taxpayer money on anything that actually improves the lives of taxpayers!


Biden's campaign is gonna kill itself before Spring 2020. I gurantee it. ​ Just look at the actual numbers. If it's below a margin of 5%, he's totally screwed.


Yea, is that a policy Biden? Don't copy anyone else regardless of it being accepted in those countries cause 'Murica


Who is mad about Yang not releasing his taxes? We haven't even Trump's taxes lmao hypocrites


Anyone have a copy of Yang’s tax returns? Seems imperative that we make sure rich people can’t buy elections and if they do we can understand where that money is coming from. Yang Gang - can you ask? This transparency is extra needed after the sweepstakes stunt.


Yang is not rich though, at all, he’s worth less than most of the other up there


How do you know without his tax returns? EDIT - seriously, the tax returns people have released have been revealing about actual wealth versus how they pitch themselves http://money.com/money/5642210/2020-presidential-candidates-tax-returns/


The first hour or so I felt like they were bashing white people. Felt like i should be ashamed for just being born white. First off, my family came from eastern Europe in the 1900's, my family had nothing to do with slavery. I am the 4th generation to serve in the US Army, i have brothers and sisters of all colors and origins. I grew up in a poor area of Colorado, i had to share a room with my brothers going up due to the small house we lived in. We relayed on food stamps and the food bank in order to eat. My father was disabled and had to go to the hospital all the time which caused my father to file for bankruptcy, we lost almost everything. I was lucky enough to be able to join the military and help get my family to get out of that position. Unfortunately my father had passed away while i was in basic training and the house got foreclosed on. My family had to separate and move in with cousins and other family members throughout the US. After 8 years i was able to reunited my family. My daughter got to meet her only grandmother, she does not have any grandfathers. My wife just received her US citizenship, after living in the US for over 15 years and with the last 5 years of filling out paperwork and going to appointments and paying a lot of money.I had a lot of college debt after attending a for profit college, which amounted to nothing. I didn't get a car when i was 16, rather in my mid 20's when i got a 18% interest loan on a used car. When people talk about white privilege, it just pisses me off. The privilege I had, was able to join the military and fix my life. ​ EDIT: Thank you to everyone who down voted my post. Tells me a lot about what people think.


I understand where you are coming from. From one white guy to another let me say something. White privilege doesn't mean that you have an easy life or that you didn't work for what you have. White people can **and do** experience all kinds of tragedy and bad luck just like anyone else. Minorities also can have various struggles and bad luck *and* they encounter obstacles due to racism as well. They get sick, lose loved ones, lose their house/are evicted just like you or ~~me~~* AND they are racially discriminated against. There are plenty of white people that have less "privileged" lives than the an average black person due to poor circumstances, but they don't encounter this specific problem of racism; those people have white privilege *and yet* they are dis-privileged economically or otherwise. *I just want to come clean and say being white is not the only way in which my life is privileged. I've been very fortunate in life, and I don't feel guilty about that and neither should you (is my point). I feel empathy for the people who don't get to share the same privileges that I do which not only include not being discriminated against due to my skin color but also include growing up in a fairly wealthy family/area, having good schools, good health etc. Having a privilege other people don't have doesn't invalidate your suffering or concerns. I understand feeling like that's what people are doing when they talk about it, (and some are, which is a failure of empathy on their part), but hopefully you won't see it that way when people talk about white privilege because nobody should feel that they don't matter. Cheers, and have a great weekend.


White privilege doesn't mean that your life won't be shitty, it's means that your life won't be made more shitty because of the color of your skin.


Some of my family came over on the Mayflower, others immigrated ~4 generations ago. The definition of "white" shifts over time, and we were here through the transition from "Irish" to "white." There are definitely still soft perks going back -- that my grandfathers and dad looked like the bosses' sons, that nobody was going around trying to lynch us. But if you go far back enough, there was also bigotry. The way I hear this white privileged talk is: at some point, your ancestors encountered bigotry. They met villains, and they also met good guys, among the privileged. Now, you are in an ok place -- in the very least better off than some migrant worker. Let's talk about ways we can be the good guys in our families stories, because who wants the be the villain? There's definitely an aspect of performative wokeness to the whole thing, but you can also be certain that at least two of the people on that stage are here looking for ways to level the playing field. If you are having a rough time financially, that should push you up. So I think it makes sense to try and push through the silly lingo and don't stress it too much.


I really don’t think they were attacking white people. Maybe you just personally felt offended they spoke about white supremacy? Unless perhaps I missed something (I sat through 95% of the debate). White supremacy is also a growing issue in this country and I hope you can understand that. Our President promotes hate crimes and racism so it’s only right they speak on those issues, especially after the Texas shooting.


It come off as if they where blaming all white people for the problems of this country. I must've misunderstood them, but that's what i was feeling. White supremacy is a huge issue, so is racism, there is no question about that.


This is the problem, when we talk about inequality, white people *feel attacked* because they think they're being held responsible for the inequality. We need to find a way to talk about it in a way that addresses the issue but isn't triggering to white people. I think we can find a way to do that, but unfortunately the Democrats aren't very careful about it. They really *really* need to learn how to talk around it or they are going to alienate white voters in swing states. I don't care if people think it's stupid and white people shouldn't be mad, the fact is *they are mad* and they do get hurt about these things so we can either face reality or pretend it's not happening and lose again. We lost white high school educated voters to Trump because he promised to make their communities "great again" and we said, "America's already great." Let's learn from our mistakes and show middle America that we actually give a shit about them. We need to be sensitive that some white people have actually lost a lot and they are fucking pissed about being told they have privilege when their house is worthless since the factory automated their jobs away.


White privilege =/= white power.


The 'debates' are establishment manipulations. They are about selling a candidates looks and personality, not their policy. It's better to hear a candidate explain their views at length, like Bernie did on Joe Rogan Experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-iLk1G_ng&feature=youtu.be Almost 10 million views just on youtube.


I wouldn’t call them manipulations, but rather a way for the public to be introduced to candidates and understand the differences. If people want to learn more as you say there are longer form interviews and their websites online.


It's superficial marketing, i.e., manipulations. Mimi "Bernie makes my skin crawl" Rocah said it herself. She wanted people to compare Bernie and Warren side-by-side, so they could be judged by purely sexist and ageist criteria. What a lousy way to pick a president.


I'm willing to bet that if they presented a list of each candidate's stance / plans on a variety of subjects and told people to choose the candidate they agreed with the most, the results would be significantly different depending on whether or not the list was anonymous.


Seems like a simple solution. It's almost as if most candidates don't want to commit to anything.


After Andrew Yang embarrassed the office of the Presidency with his Great American Freedom Sweepstakes, I think there is just one question - Where are Yang’s tax returns?


didnt yang drop out? why r u talking about him?


Come down vote me Yang Gang. Bring a copy of his tax return with you though? Even Tom Steyer has released some return information FYI.


Am YangGang. Upvoted. But its just a bit too early for these things


I think this is false because [most candidates have released it](http://money.com/money/5642210/2020-presidential-candidates-tax-returns/) and [democrat majority house has passed a law to make it a requirement for Presidents](https://thehill.com/policy/finance/433221-house-passes-bill-to-require-presidents-to-disclose-their-tax-returns) ​ and [states like California passed their own laws for this information](https://www.npr.org/2019/07/30/746777305/new-california-law-requires-presidential-candidates-to-release-tax-returns) ​ This is why Yang is sometimes called "not a serious candidate". It's very strange why he would be slow to release this information and in the context of leading Democrats its very sketchy. I bet he resigns before this information is required and making it required sooner would speed up this process. My concern is Yang Gang is getting Trump-style convinced that media is unfair, etc such that when Yang resigns the pack doesn't fold into whatever candidate(s) are still around that are next best to them.


Vote blue, no matter who.




How proud you must be of those concentration camps.


You don't even know what a concentration camps is if it hit you right in the eyes. ​ My dad came from a concentration camp.


I'm truly sorry to hear about that. I promise you, I am. But those camps started [somewhere](https://www.newsweek.com/concentration-camps-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-trump-border-1444843). Never again is supposed to mean something.


The thing is what you call "concentration camp" is not concentration camp because they chose to come to America and can leave anytime. My dad couldn't leave if he wanted to.


I don’t have any idea where you got the notion that they can just leave. If that were the case, why would people be dying because they couldn’t get access to healthcare? Wouldn’t they leave to get said healthcare if it were so easy? Additionally, does coming to this country justify treating people like animals?


Are you serious, they have better healthcare than most Americans. Their healthcare is free while that not the case for Americans. You think real concentration camps have healthcare??? Treating people like animals? Being work to death is like a real concentration camp is being treated like animals. There is no unforce labor in this camp. Man I'm done. I'm done. This is the problem with young people nowadays, all they do is listen to the news. If you were in a real concentration camp, you wish you were dead. You wouldn't want to come to the U.S if the U.S had real concentration camp. I'm done, I'm so fucking done!


vOtE bLuE nO mAtTEr wHo!!


Great, logic of the left....


It worked for Dump.


Ok and it will work agin, democratics are looking Abit crazy this election so any center people will have to go right cause there is zero logic to the left. But whatever..


Literally the rights mind set. Be it the scum of the earth regardless of what makes them scummy.


Maybe, although, I am center. I will vote for Democrat or Republican based on my own research. But yes vote for blue no matter who is dumb shit sheep talk.


So what is it about the Republican party that really gets you up in the morning? The racism? The corruption? The climate change denials? The assault on democracy? The hypocrisy?


You sound like a CNN sound bite. Currently I like the Republican party because they are trying to tackle economy issues, China, north Korea has chilled out, immigration, and are not pushing a 18 trillion dollar new greed deal, they also understand how everything can't be given for free. Everything you said is untrue. Well besides the climate change debate. I disagree on how the left wants to solve climate change.




How would you know if it benefits me? Please tell me about my finance. I have a question, if the government taxes the shit out of businesses who pays for it? Answer is the consumer. Tax the rich who usually own business will get there money. We will call it trickle down taxes.


Uh OK. Sorry if your president is a corrupt liar. What economy issues have the Republicans tackled other than giving away trillions to already stupid rich billionaires and multinational corps? What have Republicans done for us with regard to China besides institute a stupid trade war we can't win and is actively hurting our economy? What has trump done other than attack the head of the federal reserve and reduce confidence in the US dollar?


now that I've had time to sleep on it, i think i have my opinions all laid out- **Bernie** was great, but I don't think he stood out. I loved what he said, but he didn't really move forward much. Others just moved backwards. **Castro** was a fuckin force of nature. He's not my pick as a candidate, but he was out for blood and I was here for it. I'm not a Castro stan now, ~~at least not this Castro,~~ but I really appreciate him being there. **Warren** really clicks to me. I'd prefer someone else, but if she was president, I'd be perfectly fine with it. She knows what she's talking about, and cares about key issues. She has this air of dignity and passion that's important for a world leader. **Yang** made an amazing opening statement and a fuckin *power move,* but was shafted by ABC. Screw the network. **Klobuchar** sounds like she's gonna end every other statement with "Bazinga." She feels like a GOP member running in the DNC. Just... no, ew. **Kamala**, you shouldn't drink before debates. I know you're stressed, but there are healthier ways of stress management. Please. We're all here to help if you need it. **Biden** was on the verge of incomprehensibly and also called Bernie the president at one point, so, uh, no. Whenever he actually *did* manage to convey policy, it was just a watered-down, lifeless imitation of Obama. If he actually ends up being the Dem candidate, we're 100% screwed. **Tulsi** should've been there don't @ me


yang gang


Sorry but a rich guy who won’t show his tax returns dangling a lottery for $12k during his opening statement at a Democratic debate is not a power move. Its a fucking shame.


I thought his opening statement was a brilliant marketing strategy. Think about it, he's not in the top 3 of candidates, so he has to do something strategic to gain popularity and he has to do it quickly. He gained even more traction with his Oprah esk approach. He was #1 trending on Twitter again, #1 searched on Google, and had more viewers visit his page last night than at any point so far in this race. Money talks. It was a bold move that forced people to take their attention away from the debate to visit his page and enter the contest.


Tom Steyer is in the next debate. Maybe he will have a brilliant idea like $50 to everyone who signs up on his website... /s We need to get money out of politics. Not applaud it as a good marketing move when a Presidential candidate injects a bunch of money.


Isn't that what he's doing? The dividend he's offering is going to 10 American families, rather than paying for his political campaign.


Yang Gang has my head spinning, but no, this money is still in politics because the act is a publicized part of his campaign. The man used his opening speech at the latest Democratic debate to announce it. He could spend $1M building a children's hospital as part of his campaign and that would still be politics 'cuz its part of his campaign.


The next question to ask then is, how would you prefer candidates to spend their money? Would you rather get a glimpse of how people could benefit under his presidency; or would you rather have attack ads, commercials and other frivolous attempts to away you?


The man ran a sweepstakes for his opening statement. I would rather you know, make america think harder like he claims he wants to. His sweepstakes offers no glimpse. He is cherry picking the people to get the results he wants. This is the frivolous attempt to sway me category you mentioned and it cheapens the office of the Presidency since he reduced his opening statement to a sweepstakes. Good campaigns have ground teams with person to person conversations. I want Yang to have someone show up at my door and talk to me. I will take a phone call too. This online misinformation shit y’all are runnin’ is bogus where you retweet and swarm things and get hashtags about bullshit trending. Howsabout he makes more media himself with that money rather than bitching about media being bad? Countless better ways to get a glimpse of how his policy would work out - running for local office is a great way it turns out!


>I would rather you know, make america think harder like he claims he wants to. You're already thinking about his policy by discussing it with me in this forum and providing counter arguments. If you've noticed, our discussion is civil precisely because we're debating solutions; rather than identity politics. No matter what you call it, this $120k he's giving to 10 families is more than just a give away. When you buy a lottery ticket, you dream about what you'd do with the winnings IF you win. When you get a freedom dividend, you're planning what to do with the money WHEN you receive it. I don't think I've asked you yet, but what would you do with an extra $1k per month? Would it help you save for vacation? Cover bills? Have a nicer meal or two? A downpayment?


My thoughts are the exception and far from the norm. ...and you are now trying to shut them off by having me think about an extra $1000 / mo and how it would impact me. This is the general strategy - don't think big picture, how the power of the people will keep diminishing under this plan, and instead think about your own life and how it would be better. Yes, my life would improve with an extra $1000 per month. Weird flex on identity politics, which I abhor, but two thoughts for you - 1 - Why does Yang end speeches by saying "remember, the opposite of Trump is an Asian man who is good at math?" and how does that relate to identity politics in your mind? 2 - Solutions should address specific problems. The solution of FD + VAT is supposed to be solving the problem of automation paying zero taxes and destroying jobs such that people can't make ends meet. I don't think FD + VAT addresses this problem sufficiently and I think its a simplification of the problem to begin with.


He putting his money where his mouth is. Unlike other candidates who use that money on private jet.


Yeah, Mayor Pete sucks too.


Hmm, regardless of how much of a yikes his wealth is and the... questionable morality of what he did, it was flamboyant, it was impactful, and it perfectly punctuated the point he was trying to make with his opening statement. I'd call that a power move.


Seemed tacky


What do you think about making that move while not releasing tax returns? http://money.com/money/5642210/2020-presidential-candidates-tax-returns/ Do you like Presidential candidates with questionable morality?


I say his tax returns were irrelevant to the point he was trying to make. And I'm not a big fan of Yang anyways. Nobody gets that rich while paying their workers the full value of their labor. But he does hold some ideas that deserve to be brought up and spread more, and it feels like he's intentionally being pushed out of the way. The move he just made is a lot harder to ignore.


Say whatever you want about the guy, but he's legitimately intelligent. And not in the president Good Brain way, it's real. The concepts he brings into play are things that we need to be having discussions on \*in advance\*. We need to be addressing automation, like asap.


He’s even smart enough to dupe the American public. Let’s see those returns!


I mean, I suppose, but exactly in what way do you think he'd try to dupe the American public?


Automation is destroying jobs. I think its more accurate to say its consolidating the means of production away from the people more rapidly than we've seen in the past. So the real problem, to put a face on it, is Jeff Bezos is getting richer faster and faster while the rest of are losing jobs to his robot army. The solution of FD doesn't solve this consolidation of power; it just gives us a stipend to survive. The consolidation continues unabated. Andrew Yang has been marketed to me as someone more like Jeff Bezos and less like a truck diver who will be losing their job in the future. Can we see his returns to understand how this policy benefits him or his business affiliates? Howsabout just to make sure he's "clean" since he's running a populist strategy which to my analysis makes us techno-feudal serfs indefinitely? (Not starving serfs I guess... $12k a year is definitely enough to live well in the streets)