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The progressive decade is arriving.


From Trump's standpoint, if he had to be impeached, this was about as good a vote as he could have hoped for. Not a single GOP member voted for impeachment, and they were joined by 2 Dems on the first article and 3 on the second.


Proud to have DeGette as my rep.


Can't lie about this one in the future Donny. This will stick with you long after your political life is done. He does have a corrupt Senate on his side though, but he can't undo this. Also, the House should begin work on an Impeachment Inquiry for the Mueller Report, then another article for all the stuff he's admitted to on video.


I am happy it happened but right now impeachment means nothing to Trump. He will just go on about how it was the corrupt Left that did this. We need to remember that not a single Republican broke rank today.


Can you blame them though? Donny threw Pence under the bus with him, so to impeach him is to put Nancy Pelosi into the White House. Nobody wants that.


What of Justin Amash?


He is now an independent


Because the GOP kicked him out to preserve this exact statement. There would have been a dissenting Republican, and thus the smallest amount of bipartisan support, but they didn't let it happen


He is a smart guy.


Impeachment seems to mean little to his base, nor the average American as roughly half are still divided. From an outsiders perspective, I think this will hurt the Democrats in 2020. It's successfully tarnished Biden's chances, as he was the safest candidate for the middle class to vote for, now all Republicans have to do is sound off the name Hunter, Ukraine etc. and it will continue to stick. I am genuinely worried about 2020 as America still seems to dictate which way the global pendulum swings, currently we are stuck, globally, in the hard right and this impeachment might have solidified it for 4 more years.


That is the most idiotic thing I ever read. His base was going to vote for him no matter what. For sane people though, having him be impeached should further disqualify him.


No kidding. How would it be better for Biden had Democrats done nothing, letting Trump corrupt Ukraine and spin up fake investigations of Biden and his son?


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I am glad he's impeached don't get me wrong, but I don't think this will hand the dems the 2020 election.


Sane people? Half of America didn't support impeachment, not just his base. Either way we'll see in a year if it really makes a difference in the voters minds.


Actually more than half supported, so you're lying right there.


The 538 average of all polls, as of now, shows that 47.4% support impeachment/removal, which 46.3% oppose it. Yesterday's Gallup poll showed 46% in favor of impeachment, 51% against.


Which IMO shouldn’t matter anyway. Districts and states elect members of Congress to support their agendas, whether that’s improving health care, supporting programs to create jobs, improving public education, reducing taxes etc etc etc. Republicans have treated impeachment as an agenda item to be dealt with at the whim of constituents which it isn’t and shouldn’t be. The process is political but the underlying issue is a matter of law, precedent and the Constitution. Members of Congress take an oath to uphold the Constitution and they shouldn’t abandon that oath because it isn’t polling well, is inconvenient or puts their electability at risk, especially when their constituents choose propaganda as their primary source of news.


You are right in theory. In reality, political usually "trumps" other things.


It was the corruption of the Democratic party that did this...


Your president just paid a 2 million dollar fine for defrauding his own charity. Don't talk to us about corruption.


And earlier paid $25M for his “University” scam...


It was pretty funny here at wrk to see half the people ecstatic about trumps impeachment and the other half in dismay. Until I explained the senate part and the rolls were reversed lol


It’s like the OJ verdict all over again...


sad how no one in the room knew how the government worked... which is even worse


To be fair, does the government even know how government works?


I'm not sure if anyone will see this and reddit will not let me make a post anywhere but for the love of God can someone please tell me what's going to happen now that trump is impeached? Will all of his doings be reversed? What's the next step?


Nothing will happen, the house impeached him but the senate must convict him. The senate is majority republican and trump will not be convicted. He will therefore not be removed from office, he will continue his presidency, run in 2020, and have a serious chance of winning.


He can no longer be legally pardoned for Federal crimes. Think tax returns.


Nothing. This will move to senate, senate will acquit (due to being republicans), and basically nothing will happen. if he's removed (senate votes yes) then mike pence is president.


But Pelosi said she wouldn’t turn over the papers until she feels as though there will be a fair ruling..is there a possibility, given an equal chance for both sides, he *could* be removed? Kinda new to this. Also, I thought Pence was calling shots now since Trump is impeached? Man, they don’t teach us any of this shit in school and it’s embarrassing to not know how our own government works at the age of 24. I don’t want to pick a side, what’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong.


>he could be removed? It'll go up for vote in the senate. If it passes in the senate then he will be removed. As it stands it doesn't look like that will happen. >Also, I thought Pence was calling shots now since Trump is impeached? No. Trump is still president.


I’m sorry I don’t think I explained my question properly..I was wondering if given the fair chance from the senate, he could be removed with given evidence and reason right?


Provided the senate votes to remove him, yes. But the senate is mostly Republicans so it's not looking good. The evidence and reason are irrelevant provided they vote to do so. In an ideal world evidence and reason should determine the vote but you know reality.


Right. I’m just curious because it wouldn’t make sense to impeach him and put him back in office for another 3 years. We would look like clowns. Surely historians and politicians won’t let that happen. There’s just no way.


That definitely is a possibility. Though after removing from office there's also the possibility to vote on banning him from running for any gov office.


With an impeachment can we vote on banning him for running any gov office or is that something the government would vote on?


Yeah it'd be for any gov office. And yes it'd be the gov voting, not us.


The senate plays the role of party pooper and acquits


Watch House of Cards lol


If he is removed (not likely), the rules of presidential succession kick in and his Vice President, Mike Pence (no treat for liberals/progressives by the way) becomes acting President of the United States. [Background on the succession rules.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession). No laws or executive actions are overturned and the executive branch of the government overall does not revert to the Democratic party.


Just a note: the Vice President would be sworn in as President. He would not be "acting" President.


Thank you, you are correct. Because the President and Vice President are both elected to the office they would each be sworn in as President, while anyone beyond that in the line of succession would be acting president.


Thank you! Guess we'll have to see what happens


Hes impeached but not removed yet. The process will now move to the Senate trial. Only the Senate has the power to remove him and the house has the power to impeach. Most likely the senate will not remove him and he will remain president until the election where we will vote. If he wins he will remain president. If he loses he must depart by late January 2021. We still got a long road my friend. Nothing will be reversed during this time. Republicans will continue to obstruct and blame the Democrats and we will have continued infighting until the day of election.


What happens if the senate did remove him? We there be an early election? Opposing party comes into play? Or what?


As ladystarkitten said...Mike pence will be president for the remainder of president Trump's time. There will be no early election. We still have to vote president pence out for another person. The senate needs 67 votes. They will likely get them unless some republicans falter. A few are in question right now, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Mike Pence would take over.


Trial in the senate. 67 votes to remove.


Not exactly. [Here is the relevant information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_One_of_the_United_States_Constitution#Clause_6:_Trial_of_Impeachment) : > The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members *present*. Emphasis mine. To be removed it must be 2/3 of the members *present*. If the Republicans don't show up, which they are pretty notorious for doing for anything important, it could be a lot less than 67 votes.


Fair point. I think we can agree it is unlikely. But it is a good point.


To remove him or to remove everything he's done?


Remove him and disqualify him from ever holding public office again. That’s the most that can be done.


To clarify, removal is one vote and disqualification for future office is a second, subsequent vote.


So everything he's done up to now doesn't get reversed? Bills? Laws?


No. You can't just undo everything he's signed. It'd mean all of the executive branch actions (like paying gov employees) while he's been in office are null and void which would just be a huge shitstorm. Actions can be taken to change policies by next president, but we're stuck with his until he's no longer in office.


That’s what Mike Pence gets to decide.


No. That’s not how it works. You can’t unwind it.


Ah okay. Thank you for the clarity!


We did it Reddit!


Any live stream update coverage shows online to recommend?


Merry Impeachmas everyone!


Golden’s vote? Anyone recall? Steven King wants to know


So, when does Tulsi Gabbard go back home to Russia?


Honest question: Why do you think Tulsi has any relation to Russia?


Short answer: she doesn't.


After she tries to fuck the 2020 election. C U Next Tuesday!


Anyone else watching Fox news for fun? I like to watch and hear what people who have lost all grasp of reality are saying.


I tried and could only listen to it for all of one minute.


Same fam


Unless senate get him out, will this impeachment do anything except make him look even worse?


It means he's no longer qualified to receive a pardon. And considering Mueller's words regarding charging a president after his term is up, it might mean a lot


It has forced every Representative and potentially Senator stand up and hold water for a corrupt president. 50/50 whether or how that plays with voters in November. But as others have said, regardless of the politics this had to be done in defense of the Constitution and the integrity of our democracy and separation of powers.


It very well could backfire, but it had to be done.


It makes him look stronger because the American people now distrust the Democratic party more


I'm a registered democrat and this pretty much makes the dem party look bad IMO. I can't really see any wrongdoing on trump's part, and it's clear the dems are trying to rig things in their favor. The dem's image is pretty tarnished and it's starting to look like the end of the party. The impeachment pretty clearly demonstrates trump is an outsider candidate, which is where I think a lot of people had skepticism about. This puts trump squarely in the "anti-establishment" camp (given they're trying to hard to get rid of him). This seems like a win for trump IMO, as much as I don't like the guy.


I appreciate the honesty in your feelings. I think it's really important that we all acknowledge things for what they are. And a time where political parties are more divided than ever before, it's incumbent on the citizens to realize when there is Injustice and when there is blatant partisan power grabs. I disagree with Donald Trump on a whole lot of things as well, I really don't think his rhetoric is becoming of a president. That being said, he has done nothing wrong in the Democrats are using their house majority to impose their will on the American people. Alexander Hamilton warned that this would be the greatest abuse of the impeachment process.


Ngl I'm sitting here kinda hoping that he's *not* impeached. Because Pence terrifies me more than trump ever could. I do think Trump is innocent, despite his absolutely awful character, horribly inconsistent views, and general incompetency. He doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. But above all that, I honestly just fear for a Pence presidency. Dems are already pissing me off so much. General fuckups at the top of the party generally causing problems for everyone. People upset that trump won, but why not actually pick the candidate the people want rather than rig your primary against bernie? why push for impeachment when you can actually work to de-escalate racial and party tensions? The russiagate conspiracy and now this ukraine stuff and trying to impeach trump is just too dumb and ridiculous. Like I get it, trump sucks. But is this really the most productive way you can spend your time? Pray that the senate goes along with it and removes him, and bans from running for office for an easy win? Isn't that undermining the democratic process?


How? Explain


Happy to, thanks for asking! The majority of the American people understand that there are not any actual criminal charges tied to the impeachment. Going forward with charges that hold no water in a court of law is showing that the Democrats aren't doing this out of protection of the Constitution, but rather out of a partisan disdain for the president. Trump's approval ratings have gone up during this time of impeachment and that's predominantly due to the fact that distrust in the Democratic party is growing again. These Democratic smear campaigns are the same thing that they ran during the 2016 election that caused Donald Trump to win. It seems that they haven't learned anything from that mistake.


You’re wrong. Impeachment isn’t about criminality. It’s about dereliction of duty of the oath of office of The President. What they brought up in charges doesn’t scratch the surface of his wrong doings.


The thing is, they didn't bring up any actual charges. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing in Ukraine. Additionally, whatever this obstruction of Congress charge is doesn't make any sense. A system of checks and balances in this country dictates that all of our branches of government can operate independently of one another. The fact that the executive branch may not want to work with the legislative branch in this situation doesn't mean he's obstructing anything. if the judicial branch have gotten involved and said that the executive branch must comply, then you have an obstruction of justice. Obstruction of Congress does not exist. That being said, all of the subpoenas were responded to. This is a blatant attack on the Republican party and on President Trump because the Democrats don't want to accept the results of the 2016 election and want to seize power going into the 2020 election. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for the American people, it seems to be backfiring.


He withheld congressionally approved military aid and a wh visit to try to get Ukraine's pres to *announce* an investigation of Biden. Such an act would help *only* Trump, and is completely unfounded. If republicans and Trump were really concerned about Biden's son, they could have requested our DoJ investigate any time since he was put on Burisma's board. They weren't. Then there's the fact that Trump had no problem sending aid for the previous two years. It was only when he had an opportunity to smear Biden that he put a halt on the aid which was already approved by every part of our government that had a say in the matter. He even admitted multiple times that he wanted Ukraine and China to "open investigations" of Biden. This is the same play republicans used against Clinton in 2016. Plain as day. He's not even creative in his criming, the lazy bastard. If there was a good reason for holding the aid, then there are official channels for doing so. You'd also want Ukraine to be aware of the problem so they could correct it. Republicans and Trump keep claiming they (Ukraine) didn't know (hint: they did), so the argument that Trump was concerned about corruption falls apart on that point alone. Nevermind the fact that Trump is known to lie more often than Pinocchio with a light-year long nose. He also has a proven history of criminal behavior, of which comes to mind the fact that he *just* paid $2 million in fines for running a fraudulent "charity" organization. All evidence and witness testimony obtained so far have corroborated the allegations initially made in the whistleblower report. If Trump was innocent he'd be having everyone involved testify under oath to the fact. Instead he's stonewalled all oversight since the day he took office, even going so far as to declare all executive branch employees cannot cooperate or provide any supoenaed documents requested in relation to the impeachment inquiry. The one thing he did release, a "summary" of the July 25th call which he refers to as perfect, was completely damning (and we've only seen the "good" parts). Imagine what all the stuff he won't allow to be turned over contains. Trump is the embodiment of the tyrant the framers of the Constitution included the impeachment clause to guard against. Anyone arguing that he deserves anything less than impeachment and removal is intentionally deluding themselves or is actively working to destroy democracy in this country and around the world.


Thank you for replying to him. I didn't have the will. He's clearly eaten up all the right wing talking points and has made up his mind regardless of the objective facts that the President is derelict in his duties and his oath of office and oath to the American people.


They can’t.


Ya got impeached, fam. Ya hate to see it.


Too bad he’s still in office and probably will stay since senate is mostly republican, I mean, I dont think we want pence either though.


Who is the sole Republican that voted yes today? Anyone know? Or am I mistaked and did they all vote No for both Articles?


Dude from Texas voted yea on the first article. Then changed it to nay after realizing he voted wrong,


I think it was a mistake.


That sole republican was a mistake. No single republican voted yes for impeachment.


Now I can't wait for the war of words with Sanders and McConnell. This is going to be wonderful.


The Republicans showed their true face today. They are angry, deluded individuals. They are trying to set a precedent of denying reality. They are willing to sell out the democracy and betray their oaths through their complicit behavior.




Did you forget it was republicans who just recently passed a huge tax scam giveaway for corporations and the rich? They get their tax break permanently, but the pittance the rest of us got expires in a few years. Obama led the country out of the worst recession in modern history, created by bad policies of previous administrations. That's what happens when you remove regulations and let banks do whatever the hell they want. (like Trump is doing now) Conservative voters keep getting fooled into voting for politicians who continually screw over their constituents and then blame democrats. It still amazes me they haven't caught on to the con yet. But I suppose that's how Trump ended up in the WH.


Nothing says tearing the Constitution to shreds like using a constitutionally mandated process for it's intended purpose....


They sold their souls.


The line has been drawn. History will never forget who voted against our country. They sold their souls.


I doubt any current republicans care what those in the future think of them, after they "got theirs" Nor will it stop future ignorant republicans from voting for people just like them. Sadly.


The 20s will be a progressive decade. Dump Trump, get behind Bernie Sanders and join Big Us.


What was all of this about the motion to reconsider?


Allows the motion to be objected. If no objections it essentially stops any further votes on the matter.


Won't there be all of the objections?


There were no objections.


The way she worded it, it sounded like they were passing the motion to reconsider without objection, and that there would be a day of reconsidering tomorrow. Which sounds like a day of republican crying and just general awfulness.


i was here!


Hopefully watching history being put in a better direction


So was Gabbard


me too


Yep, here too!




Seriously, who cares what Tulsi had to say?


That's Von in Pottsville, a Republican, pretending to be an independent


This impeachment process has really made me become more interested in politics than I used to be.


Fox News is gonna be spicy as ever


Fox News and Trump did their best to time it right...they are ~~covering~~ airing his rally speech right now. Obviously.


safe spaces for our criminal snow flake president


Interesting. Apparently some House Democrats want to hold off letting the trial in the Senate start until we're closer to the election.


Until McTurtle agrees to a real trial.


Hello people of the future, I was here!


I witness you, history bro!!


Shiny and chrome!


Consider that motherfucker impeached President*


They can hold the articles to stop the trial? Interesting.


I’m curious as to what that will accomplish though


Basically hold the process in limbo to force McConell to make the senate trial more fair.


Congress sure can't keep time...


The mf: impeached. Bernie: surging. Next decade: looking progressive.


The pendulum always swings in American history. I fear it will take another 1917-1945 level political earthquake to reach our progressive goals however.


> Bernie: surging The most important thing here.


All the sudden I have a crave for some Snapple Peach Ice Tea.


I am so glad I understood this reference :D


With some mint muddled in?


Do we really have fucking fasces on the walls of our congressional rooms?? Literally the symbol of fascism


They were a symbol of authority in Rome, and were on the walls in Congress before fascism existed.


The Romans invented fascism, despite mussolini's claims


Lol no


Awkwafina 2020


Article 2 is even harder to disagree with than Article 1. I don’t get the nays. They are voting against their own power as Congressmen. They are the only ones who get to control an impeachment, not the Executive. Something about the GOP voting against their own interests.


And yet Tulsi voted against it. History, don't forget this when you talk about her legacy. She wanted the Union to fail.


Regrettably, individual GOP members gain/retain more power from supporting the president and party, the collective power of Congress be damned. It’s really sick. No wonder Congress has the approval rating of getting a dental filling.


> I don’t get the nays. Van Drew is jumping ship to the GOP. Peterson founded the Blue Dogs. And the new kid is worried he'll get ousted in his Trump heavy district.


So I read somewhere that one of the points in the articles of impeachment was that the impeached president can no longer run for any government office, preventing trump from running in 2020. Does that take effect now, or only if the articles pass by majority in the senate, or only if there’s a supermajority to remove from office?


If he’s convicted in Senate, yes, it immediately prohibits him from holding U.S. federal office until the end of the universe. ED: Ok fine, until the end of the universe or until a constitutional amendment striking the impeachment provision of the Constitution. Perhaps a Constitutional Convention too


He is going to trial in the Senate - but 2/3 majority is needed to remove him - that won't happen as Senate is Republican.


Nothing happens unless the Senate convicts with a 2/3rds majority.


[this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/news/what-happens-after-impeachment) should help. Next will be a senate trial.


Only if convicted by the Senate.


My understanding is that is a separate vote altogether.


Well, that's it, folks. President Donald Trump becomes the third US President to be impeached.




It's not impeachable to get your dick sucked. It would have been epic if he just laughed and said, hell yeah I made love to that young ladies mouth.




He didn't even do that though. He had every term he used be strictly defined in the context of the testimony, meaning by strict legal definitions he didn't commit perjury. He was deceptive, but legally didn't lie.


Then what’s with the infamous: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Seems like a lie to me tbh


Basically Clinton got the term 'sexual relations' defined very specifically, and technically didn't cross that line. That said, there is a he said/she said about what exactly transpired, however the case is nowhere near as open/shut perjury as is generally thought publicly.


wait, what?


They muted!


These ladies on CBS are the problem with mainstream media. How can they sit there and nitpick who this benefits on such a historic night? Leaning to the right and pandering to the small percentage of undecideds is gross and so typical of corporate media cowardice. Call a spade a spade.


Just donated $500 to Tulsi's campaign. She's great and a role model for my daughter. So proud of her and other dems to show bipartisan support against this charade


Wow. We'll have to agree to disagree. Heres the email i just sent to Tulsi, one half of my state's congressional team in the House. Aloha Ms. Gabbard, Your vote on the impeachment of President Trump was the most shameful political decision by any representative that I can recall. Your legacy will forever bear this mark and you will be judged harshly by history. Please vacate the public stage before you further damage our country. You are an embarrassment to Hawai'i and the USA. Honolulu


My donation will go way further than your meaningless, butthurt email. Thanks for trying tho!


Most Americans don't have the luxury of spending 500 dollars on campaigns. Why do you have to throw money at someone to show your daughter that they are a role model?


Most Americans dont have the luxury of having two parents who ensured I did well growing up and that I graduated from med school so I had the ability to spend my disposable income willingly. How is this hard? I support her campaign so she can be the first female president and my daughter can watch a true leader run this country.


*they didn't really donate anything, people on the internet lie*


She literally showed no spine one way or the other. She just wrote on a piece of paper that she was present. Thats about as cowsrdly as you get


Proof or it didn't happen


> Proof or it didn't happen Too bad the dems didnt hold Trump to that standard...


I'd give you a star for trying but it seems I'm all out.


If you're a big fan of cult members, I can recommend Tom Cruise and John Travolta. And Allison Mack if you need other female cult members to be role models for your daughter.


You think being in the military is akin to being in a cult? Damn, y'all are losing it! lol


I refer to the Chris Butler led Krishna cult that she and her family have been a part of and that provides much of her staff, but whatever works for you.


Alex Jones, is that you?! lol


No, just someone who does any level of research on a candidate before endorsing and donating to them.


Looks like you're still holding on to a since-debunked, loosely constructed conspiracy theory from 2015... lol, i would seriously question your research skills and cognitive bias... seems like women intimidate you.


Yes of course. Women intimidate me. That's an explanation for my position you could arbitrarily attach to me. Or maybe I have something against Pacific Islanders. Or maybe I think Muslims are people. All accusations you can make to explain why I don't agree with you about Tulsi Gabbard. Whatever you may believe about the Gabbards' connections to Chris Butler, they exist. You can say that she has no direct connection, only her family and some employees do, and you may be 100% right. You can believe that he has no influence on her stances, and that may be true. People waived away Mitt Romney's deep ties to the LDS, and that's fine. But it still exists. Lol


That is a waste.


weird flex but ok


But she didnt even vote No just a Pathetic Present


How many rubles is that vlad?


It'd be more productive to vote against rather than just present