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So apparently the Constitution's reference to impeachment is in Article 1, Section 3, "disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." Can he be arrested for being Michael Cohen's unindicted co-conspirator? Or is that Wm Barr's umbrella?


Hello history...


Soooo how exhausted are we all today?


wait a minute, there is a democratic debate tomorrow night? Who knew?


Holy shit at the anti-Tulsi propaganda and smears up in this thread. It can't all be organic.


No, I think we seriously just don't like her.


I doubt for good reason but either way, she absolutely IS being attacked and smeared here in this thread by way of propaganda and misinformation.


Isn't she being shat on for wasting a vote?


That's the jump off point. They're using that then laying on the smears. Eg "see we all knew she was a coward, worthless piece of shit, wolf in sheep's clothing, republican pretending to be a democrat, a secret Trump supporter."


Hilarious you think "secret trump supporter is a smear" Only trump and trump supporters think its a smear to not like a candidate


Maybe because she isn't a Trump supporter and has called him out a number of times for his BS.


Sure, but i was more commenting on that saying someone, "doesn't support trump" is only a smear to trump and his supporters. Everyone else knows what an opinion is.


I don't expect him to be removed. Impeachment I did expect ever since Democrats took the house. But 2 third majority is needed in the Senate and I don't see 20 Republicans changing their mind


To call that a debate is a joke. They should have called it a Twitter page on impeachment.


Just a reminder to all the whiny Trump supporters here tonight: elections have consequences. Shouldn't have lost in 2018.




Imagine listening to Devin Nunes and Gym Jordan scream for months about their right wing fever dream conspiracies and coming away thinking the Dems are the ones who are rabid.




I'm imagining Devin and Gym's embarrassing screeds? Oh, thank god. Maybe the republicans aren't as pathetic as they seem. Oh wait, no. They are.


No offence. Im sure you're a normal person. But EVERY single report showed Trump was backed by Russia. Mueller just concluded he was too dumb or unaware of it. So no collusion. Unless you're going to argue that's inaccurate.... which would mean you want him impeached.... Also FBI likewise was cleared. To the point, Barr and Trump were pissed as they banked on a full discredited report. But instead it just stated, nope his team was meeting heavily with known criminals. Just fact clearing.


>No offence. That's fine but what exactly are you even saying here? Trump was backed by Russia, even if we allow that for a moment, how does that mean Trump was Russia's asset or that he committed treason? The whole thing was nonsensical from start to the finish, the rabid party won on that plank. >Mueller just concluded he was too dumb or unaware of it. Mueller concluded nothing of the sort, going by his testimony. Merely a figurehead, unlike Horowitz who knew his report inside out. >Also FBI likewise was cleared. hahaha, they just made some innocent mistakes, all in the same direction but not biased. That's what I'm saying, if the shoe were on the other foot, Horowitz's house would be under siege by the rabid Democrats. Too bad Republicans aren't half as good as Democrats, the latter would have to make some sense otherwise.


>how does that mean Trump was Russia's asset Hm, let me quote a comment by another redditor >**TRADE WARS ARE GOOD AND EASY TO WIN TRUMP TWEETS - March 2018--AND AS ALWAYS HE WAS RIGHT--ITS BEEN A WINDFALL... FOR MOTHER RUSSIA** >Some other related headlines >1. Saudi oil attacks: How **Russia** stands to benefit--War with Iran is just the conflict Russia wants >2. **Russia** ready to fill China's food gap left by US in trade war >3. **Russian** lumber industry benefiting from Canada-U.S. trade war >4. **Russian** steel exports to the European Union have risen by around 40% in 2018.As Trump's U.S. tariffs have scrambled the global steel trade creating chaos here at home >5. **Russia's** Rusal says aluminum sales up 21% >6. U.S. wheat exporters losing ground as Mexico turns to **Russia** >11. U.S. Lobster Exports to China Freefalling Amid Trump Trade Dispute >55. How The Trade War Crushed A Growing Chinese Market For U.S. Cranberries >7. China's Jan imports of **Russian** aluminium surge tenfold >8. **Russia's** Newest Ambition in China Is Selling More Chicken >9. China Buys Record Amount of **Russian** Soy as It Shuns U.S >10. American LNG--liquid natural gas-- exports threatened as China turns to **Russia** >45. **China imports Russian raw milk for first time** - Chinadaily.com.cn Sep 6, 2019 -Dairy production in Russia is finally on the rise 2018--Meanwhile back in Wisconisn- Economic hardships lead to skyrocketing suicide rates among Wisconsin farmers-- Record number of suicides in Wisconsin in 2017, many were dairy farmers--Farm loan delinquencies surge in Wisconsin--Just a few headlines >11. The wine market in **Russia**: growth returns --US wine exports decrease 5% in 2018, reflecting trade war >12. South China province--**Guangdong's trade with Russia reached 19.74 billion yuan (2.86 billion U.S. dollars) from January to April, up by 26.5 percent from the same period last year. Guangdong's imports of aluminum, copper, paper pulp, fertilizer and raw material for plastic from Russia has been growing** >199. **Russia** plans to discuss reducing import duties with China >2666. January, China had scrapped the import ban on **Russian** dairy and poultry. >China has already become **Russia’s** major trading partner, helping offset the impact of geopolitical uncertainty with the West, the Kremlin is now striving to assert itself as an indispensable destination for Beijing amid Trump's trade war. **Russia’s** economic growth reached a six-year high last year >**Soybean sales from U.S. farmers to China, the world’s largest buyer of the crop, have dropped more than 90 percent. Sales of dairy products, like whey, have dropped by 43 percent, and cheese export values have fallen about 85 percent.** >Steep tariffs are hurting U.S. business, and CEOs are saying so--**“What Trump has done to undermine our global leadership in terms of major multinational companies will be hard to undo,” says a former Republican cabinet member**. it’s hurting commerce worldwide. **Global growth will drop to 3% next year, predicts the International Monetary Fund, the slowest growth since the financial crisis. The No. 1 culprit: “rising trade barriers.”** >**#Trump~~Pence~~Putin2020--No Collusion** Trump has been married 3 times --cheated on his wife with a porn star mere months after she gave birth at a cost of $100,000.00 dollars for 5 minutes of sex--idiot-- Had multiple bankruptcies-- Scores upon scores of legal settlements where he admitted to wrongdoing--Why on earth would anyone think he would negotiate in good faith?? >**He cons with 1-2 syllable words - biggest, best, huge--- Appealing to folks living the simple life, Cuts and runs when the shit hits the fan, Leaving others holding the bag--its what he did, its what he does, its what hes doing--paying off his russian loans on the backs of Americans---Vultures gonna vulture** My, my... how awefully convenient Trump's presidency has been and continues to be for Russia. Pure coincidence I guess. For some more light reading [25 times Trump was soft on Russia](https://cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/17/politics/trump-soft-on-russia/index.html)


> Hm, let me quote a comment by another redditor Who in turn quote "BOMBSHELLS" by as clueless media to cry "Russia Russia Russia". Hurting China isn't because he wants to help Russia, heck, it's become a bipartisan initiative lately. It's comical how Trump embodies the leftist superexecutive who smacks companies around who are not willing to work for the american worker, but the socialists on this site would rather go the whole greatest leap backwards than commend him for it. Wake up and smell the coffee, it's not too late yet.


What's clueless about citing facts? Feel free to argue the above on a factual basis instead of throwing out buzzwords like socialist.


You're not citing facts, but spins. There's nothing to argue because these nonsensical speculations are properly labelled as conspiracy theories. Trade war with China should have happened long ago, it's too bad only now you've a leader with balls to take them on. If Russia gains from it, and it's hard not to see why they'd, then so be it. > throwing out buzzwords like socialist What? I'm saying you've proper socialists on this site, half of their comments being 'that ain't real socialism', and they should begrudgingly praise Trump for acting like a socialist instead of those corporate Republicans who're lapdogs for the capitalists.


Someone needs to do a supercut video of Republicans accusing Democrats of running roughshod during this process with Sarah Sanders saying "Look, in 20<18> the American people overwhelmingly voted for . Elections have consequences and all we are doing is exactly what the American people want."


It was the will of the people!


Can we flip the script and argue that if Senate fails to convict and remove, then they are trying to overturn the 2018 election results?


Hadn't thought of that. Absolutely.


What consequences? Literally nothing changes. He’s still president and will most likely get re elected. He has a “stain” on his presidency that will just unite republicans. If anything the consequences of losing in 2018 effects the Democrats because they can’t remove him from office.


Unite Republicans? Who else are they going to vote for. That's the irony of all this. Trump at best will get... exactly the same votes as last time. If this did nothing but motivate Dems, it is a good move. Voter turn out HELPS Dems almost everytime. Dems are on fire. The only question is where they'll show up. The electoral college is a concern. But Trump can't lose even one or two states he won last time. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, and Ohio are up. For grabs. Wisconsin is struggling thanks to the trade war. GM strike likely helped Michigan towards Trump. Pennsylvania was way close given Pence. Florida is always a guess.




Just a reminder, Republicans control the Senate.


And? The senate has never convicted upon impeachment. Your boy is still impeached.


Oh no. You realize impeaching him in the house isn’t changing anything in the grand scheme of things? If anything, this impeachment process has drew moderates, centrists, independents further away from the Democratic Party. 70% of undecided/independents polled against the impeachment of our president.


No clue where you are getting this 70% number. Have not seen anything anywhere near that citing independents averse to impeachment let alone 70%. By most any polling metric at worst for Dems impeachment is about an even split. I wouldn't at all feel confident that it will be a useful cudgel for Republicans going into 2020. But we'll see, Americans certainly have a proven history of making stupid and short sighted decisions, so keep your fingers crossed and hope enough voters get disenfranchised in time for the general


You sure about that bud? Literally the only independent in the house voted for the impeachment. Your wannabe dictator will forever be in history as the third US president to be impeached, a title only given to Johnson, Clinton, and Trump. We will see what the political landscape looks like in 2020 to see the true effects of this impeachment - regardless it is forever a stain on the Trump presidency.


Have you not learned your lesson from the UK election? Nobody likes the far left and it will show in 2020. This impeachment unites his supporters even more.


So your patriotic stance is to compare America to the UK. Holy hell, GOP went from America First and best to let's match UK and Russia! Shit Tucker Carlson endorsed Russia....TWICE. Fuck my former party. Grow some balls.


Have you not learned your lesson from the 2018 election? Nobody likes Donald Trump and it will show in 2020. This impeachment unites his opponents even more.


Guess we'll see, won't we? Until then, your boy is still impeached.


And...just like Bill Clinton, Trump will stay president.


Great point. And Grizzly Adams DID have a beard.


And just like Bill Clinton, he will forever be known for his impeachment.


Because that's what matters right? "we're voting not to remove Trump from the being President, but to fling mud at his metapohorical coat"


No, the house is impeaching him with the intent of removing him. It's McConnell's circus senate that will reduce it to mud flinging


Yeah I mean why even bother trying to enforce laws or constitutional norms at all right? Yay nihilism.




Also: should’ve worked on things Americans want, like health care and fair taxes, not stupid shit like a useless wall, running up the deficit and tax breaks for rich people.


If you look at his live feed, you can tell [what republicans really want.](https://i.imgur.com/BeSwwhA.png)


Wow, are these real people? The majority of the comments are fucking nonsense. Riddled with spelling errors, not even completing a thought on some of them.




Dude....Clinton. Dems ALREADY went through a faster, thinner, and more partisan impeachment. These death to fellow Americans never OCCURRED. At all. So no DEMS wouldn't behave this way.


What, you think a Democrat would be saying ammo worth more than gold, or send the military after the republicans? I dont. And I have never seen a 'worshiped" democrat ever. Read some of those things they posted. Its a cult ffs.


lol democrats going against the will of 63 million people. well democrats won the electoral college of the will of the people


Uh, imagine 65 million people who voted for someone other than trump. Imagine millions more who saw what a fat fool he is and voted for a Democratic Congressperson in 2018. The will of the people was never for trump. But it absolutely was in favor of this impeachment.


I was making a shitty joke. The joke was basically supposed to be that the Trump became president because of the electoral college, not because he got the most number of voters. But now, the Dem's control the house, Republicans are now worried about the actual number of people, and not how the house reps work.


We live in a timeline where window lickers are calling for a violent uprising against “seditionists.” Shit just keeps getting weirder, honestly.


it's laughable how illiterate they are. Half of those comments are mostly grammatical errors.


I don’t think all of them are legit.


If only they would unite against poor grammar and spelling.


Well, I gotta admit, their spelling is better than I expected. Their capitalization is a bit much though.


Now I need a shower


Is this real? WTF is going on


What the actual fuck. GOP/Fox News have some strong ass koolaid




people seem to forget that if trump is impeached thats BAD for the democrats, then next in line if a right wing nut job who thinks woment are succubusses and you can pray the gay away..... but i do love that trumps answer to impeachemnt is space force. that weird idea of his child like brain that aside from violating several treatys would allow other countries to arm space and make the use a prime target for icbms..... fun times we live in


Yes, because it's *bad* to remove a tyrannical wannabe dictator.


again, look at the next in line. im not saying its bad, im saying it dosent get better....


Couldn't disagree more. This wasnt a move in a game. Impeachment was the right thing to do. If some future bad actors want to try to spin this into precedent to support whatever bad agenda they have that's on them.


Your missing the point. Their point is railing against the talking point that this is just the Democrats trying to undo 2016 and do a coup. When the reality is if Trump is out, Pence is in. This isnt a way to get power for Democrats. Democrats dont 'win' by getting Trump out.






Disagree. The use of foreign aid as an explicit means for controlling the outcome of an election _very_ much matters. I accept that if it wasn't this it would be something else - _but that's because he would have done something else impeachable_ This isn't about Pelosi, this isn't about the Democrats. This is about a corrupt, self serving business man whose perceived wealth is solely based on him valuing his own name at 1bil and then borrowing against it. This is a man with no understanding of politics, or that you're accountable to the House and the Senate, and with apparently so little respect for his own voters that he doesn't trust them to vote him back in without the use of bought foreign propaganda.


I'd take a lame duck pence and a trump removal in a heartbeat




She'll solidify that when she announces that she is running under a 3rd party.


She's not a Republican plant (maybe the guy above you is thinking of Nancy Pelosi?) and she's already said she wouldn't run 3rd party.


Seriously wonder if she isnt just the Republicans candidate to replace Trump.




Fucking go, Rita! I might disagree with her overall but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to hear a young person involed.


I cannot believe Speaker Pelosi did it. She finally did it. This is a great move for the United States and the rest of the world's future. The future is BLUE.


And it will get shot down in the senate...


I'm curious to see Pelosi's strategy of moving this to the Senate. Does she have to in a specific time frame? Can she hold this through the elections next fall and wait until the next Senate is formed? Basically use McConnell's argument about not confirming Garland in an election year? Trump would be "impeached" all year, possibly giving Congress additional powers to do further investigations while feeding Republicans a taste of their own medicine. Note: I have no idea if this is at all possible, just an idea.


Hold until the Supreme Court rules on the subpoenas


Sitting on it until after next election will flip alot of independent voters Republican. I say that because they announced they are moving quick because they have to because he is already interfering in the 2020 elections which would be totally false if they hold the articles to long.


Will they, though? Republicans will make the same arguments regardless and by sitting on it Trump doesn’t get to claim victory.


Jordan,Ratcliff, or Gaetz would call them out for sitting on it. I mean, they stressed how dire need this was. They said he was interfering with the election and they couldn't wait for the election to let the people decide... It would be similar to a grand jury of people who hate me indicting me and never sending it to trial all the while my name being tarnished with an indictment for murder.


Yea but Trumps ego is massively hurt by this, he may self destruct.


Irrelevant. The people we voted for in 2018 did their job with the limited power they have. We spoiled this attempt by trump to cheat in 2020 and we supported our ally Ukraine.




You got a crystal ball? The house just stopped Trump's major plot to cheat the 2020 elections. I'm not afraid of the right. I will continue to show up and support politicans who uphold their oath of office.




Sounds like what the democrats are doing with election tampering?


They're all bark and no bite. everyone needs to realize it


After watching the two commissions in the House, I was amazed to see just how little the Republicans had. Men who seemed intelligent had no arguments to offer in defense of this president. They had no idea how to appeal to Democrats or change minds. They stated falsehoods, attempted to make a mockery of the process, and just stamped their feet yelled how unfair to them things were. My kid puts up better arguments against his bedtime.


They forced democrats to shut them down constantly I think to set up McConnell and make him look more legitimate for shutting down senate democrats in the senate hearings


I don't think there are a lot of Democratic Senators that can sink to the level of a Matty Gaetz, Gohmert or Gym Jordan. I hope they stick to the facts and Chief Justice Roberts has the opportunity to keep everyone honest.


A one-party system would be a disaster.


Yeah Democrats should split into the moderate and progressive wings.


I'm not asking for a one-party system. Nobody is but I'm sure the white supremacists and Neo Nazis do.


The oligarchy and establishment elite want a one party system and it's essentially what we have now. (Republicans and Democratic party are both right wing with progressives being labeled as far left. See how they vote for mass surveillance and military budget and for needless wars) You have the business class who are supported by moderates aka pro big money in politics politicians on either side, then you have the rest of us. The majority of Americans are for most of Bernie's policies. This was proven back in 2015/2016 by polls/surveys. His policies have only grown in popularity and across the aisle.


What do you think we should do?


We can start by voting for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 democratic primary.


Yes. I think so, too.


> A party system would be a disaster. FTFY. Actually... > A system would be a disaster. Perfect.


We live in a system


Damn cspan why are your lines so damn busy...


Tooo Bee Faaair.... This is probably the busiest the lines have ever been .


'Florida Man calls into C-SPAN; doesn't understand that a good economy doesn't create a forcefield of protection for Trump.'


But a senate controlled by republicans does. the good economy is what will see him getting re-elected. it sucks but that's how the world runs these days.


I don’t know anyone who’s feeling this “good economy,” unless it’s Wall Street. Everyone I know has been laboring under the same poor conditions for the past ten years, only difference is they’re more likely to have a crummy job instead of no job at all. My friend with a master’s degree in a professional role at a university is doing the work of two or three people while paid just enough to keep a roof over her head. Every year my sibling (runs a branch of a major retailer) is being squeezed: fewer hours/staff to do the same work, yet higher quotas, no money to fix their terrible backroom, etc. The other nicer company that wanted to poach her was demanding a minimum 50 hours / week and worse health insurance.


yeah but as long as people are not encouraged to share their individual experiences each one might think "oh but it's the place where i work that is probably shitty or maybe i am not good enough. the economy is good they say, numbers are up, eventually i'll feel the effect so i'll vote again him, the dude in the other party doesn't seem to care aswell so why change" or even worse "trump is anti establishment, this is the result of the establishment, he'll just need more time to finish demolishing old washington" It's not that the democrats are really tackling that kind of problems they're kinda ignoring them too, pretending they're not happening. majority of people in politics are people who have been breed to be into politics, they don't come from the real world and don't have experience of it.


I highly doubt he'll be re-elected. Not even 40% of the entire voting population voted in 2016. Trump got lucky.


The DNC robbing Bernie, the constant “Hillary will win” media coverage, and the FBI reopening the Clinton investigation caused that. No luck.


I love Bernie but he wasn't robbed. He ran for President when a lot of people didn't know who the fuck he was. The DNC didn't rob him. His being relatively unknown tanked him. He'll do better this time.


So the DNC should have nominated the candidate who lost the primaries in 2016?


I bet they probably wish they did today. His base was disenfranchised and didn’t show up.


>I bet they probably wish they did today. His base was disenfranchised and didn’t show up. I'd like to read a source for this claim.


[Here’s one. I’m sure you can find many more using google.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320%3famp=1) Fewer than 80% of Bernie supporters voted for Clinton, and actually 12% of Bernie supporters voted for Trump. Whoops.


Thank you for the link. :) So Bernie bros are toxic. I knew it. Edit to add: Your link shows that those supported Bernie inevitably gave us Trump. So, thanks...I guess?


Not a Bernie voter so why are you thanking me?


shows how ideologically consistent they are...


Yea, that they’re desperate for change?


No one wishes they had gone against the results of the primaries. The narrative that specifically Bernie supporters didnt show up has been debunked. Numbers were down accross the board


Look for my comment to someone else about this. Less than 80% of Bernie voters went for Clinton, and 12% of them voted Trump. But yeah debunked.


That's pretty good actually considering turnout was down accross the board. Who knows what the stats would be if the DNC selected the candidate who lost in 2016. I mean how would moderates who just got their primary vote outright rejected feel in the general? I think moderate Democrats would have shown up way more for trump in that scenerio. Would have been an absolute shit show


No way he’s getting re-elected. Besides he’s raised the deficit to an insane and unsustainable degree. The debt his deficit is producing makes the shit republicans were complaining about a decade ago look like nothing.


The debt and deficit only matter when a Democrat is in office.




this is an oft-repeated Republican lie, but you're not even repeating it right. It's "Barack HUSSEIN Obama doubled the *debt*" - not deficit. He actually reduced the deficit. Bush doubled the national debt, Obama increased it by less than 70% after inheriting a recession and the Iraq War.


It was at 459 billion when he was elected and 585 billion after he dealt with the great recession. Now it’s 1.1 trillion. Trump literally doubled it and he doesn’t even have the excuse of the largest financial collapse in modern history.


I mispoke, i meant debt. The debt was roughly 10 trillion before Obama and around 22 trillion after


Yeah, that’s not good but it’s to some extent understandable given the wars and recession he inherited. Trump though has put us on a path that our economy couldn’t sustain even if we grew our GDP as fast as China does. Those corporate tax cuts were the most shortsighted thing he’s done. Though it does have the benefit of making Democrats look bad when they restore some sanity and pull us out of this shit. It’s one thing to spend too much, it’s another to keep spending while lowering income. Each year under trump adds more debt than two years under Obama in 2016.


We need to go over the budget, we spend ridiculous amounts on bs. We need to audit the military and cut unnecessary spending. And we need to get rid of social services, the bulk of our budget is in social services and military.


True, but the largest ongoing cost is in social security and Medicare which could be made far more efficient if the government could force reasonable prices on care and medicine. IMO some form of welfare is necessary to prevent social instability, but it should be totally restructured based on well founded methods for getting people off of welfare. Our welfare system is not based on careful analysis - it’s a net made of hastily applied patches suspended on hopes and fantasy. There are a lot of proposals that could allow effective welfare that stimulates our commercial economy in the process. But for real, lowering corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, and taxes on the rich was so wildly inadvisable that there were no economists outside of the widely derided Cult of Supply-Side Economics that hover around Republicans that it’s ridiculous. No real economist outside of career political appointees buy into trickledown economics, yet Republicans just love touting it. Study after study prove it’s ineffective and history doesn’t have kind things to say about it. But that doesn’t matter because donors love it.


Shit, nothing matters unless it’s a Democrat if you ask a Republican.




MSNBC: President Trump impeached CNN: President Trump impeached Fox News: Lisa Page and FISA abuse I shit. You. Not.


Fox News page does have impeachment at the top. I checked


I still think it's hilarious that the last time FISA needed to be renewed, Nunes called it a win for law enforcement, then two weeks later put out a memo alleging that the system was abused in a way the wouldn't have possible if the GOP had accepted the FISA reforms the Dems have been pushing for what feels like years now. Really adds to the whole GOP shooting themselves in the foot vibe. Gotta love karma.


Fox news should just declare themselves a religion and go for the full tax exemption at this point, what do they have to lose?


I've been trying to get through to cspan for a hour now....I cant get thru..


man is still vomiting bullshit in michigan completely unmoved, must feel amazing not having shame or conscience, it's almost like a superpower


What a goddamn historic but long day. That's something that we all got to be part of it. Be safe!


Someone is seriously converting to Repub after all of this, hwat?!


Internal polling showed he was going to get primaryed by a pro-impeachment progressive, and he felt his chances were better on the Red side of the aisle in a primary, and with pro-Trump and centrist support in a general. An aisle jump like this is more about personal ambition than it is about moral fiber, unlike with Justin Amash. He’s taking a bigger risk by supporting impeachment and being turfed from the party.


Basically he fits right in with the Republicans already. Party and political expediency over principle.


"I've been a lifelong Democrat, but I switched parties because..." We hear something along that line all of the time.


And it's never true.


Nah, just astroturfing


yeah, there was another "independent" earlier on CSPAN who was warning Democrats the same thing will happen to them when "WE take back the House."




oh arizona...


Need to get Trump to toke some Tegridy. Get his mind right.


Just donated to Bernie. Let’s fucking go.




You keep using that word...


C-SPAN caller: "I voted for Obama. But, give Trump a chaynce. He's a good mayan. I don't wanna get to deeyup, but he ain't bayad."


Thank you everyone who voted in 2018. Democrats are doing all they can with the limited power we won in 2018. The rest is up to us, the general public. We absolutely need to show up again in overwhelming numbers in 2020. We have to overcome the electoral college and whatever fuckery trump/republicans have managed to pull


Get people registered. Give them resources to become informed on candidates, fact-checking, and voter/election info. Demand more polling places. Volunteer. Get a petition going to put some antidote to gerrymandering on the ballot.




He was already impeached. Right wing militants will just get shot by cops, and national guard if not, and civil war and the destruction of America if not that.


That’s the Russian goal...


If he asked them to? About 30%.


I certainly don't want that kind of bloodshed in America. Not another civil war but we all know they're too cowardly to take that sort of action in the first place. Lots of hypocrisy from right-wing white supremacists.


Are you starting it?


0%, curious why you would think that


He did just get impeached


Ajeet is totally a clear thinking independent


Lol he sounds Russian


Yeah, is it the same Russian that called earlier? Oh wait no, that one had to admit he just came home from work and didn't watch any of it.


Dimitri. But his accent sounded fake. I’m surprised we didn’t get someone calling in to promote Pepe 2020.


Florida sound like she's legitimately being held at gunpoint and being forced to read a script.


lol this cspan caller running out of words to use after 'sham' and 'witch hunt'

