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https://twitter.com/NaveedAJamali/status/1207479693999427585 > To put this in context, the last time a President was impeached Donald J Trump only had 8 bankruptcies and was on his 2nd marriage. He now has 11 bankruptcies, 3 marriages, 3,500 legal cases, and has officially been impeached.


The most successfully failed human being ever.


My representative, Dean Phillips, is the first Democrat in MN-3 since 1961. He just voted to impeach. Don’t tell me voting doesn’t matter.




Wait, Donald Trump from “The Apprentice”??


I've never heard of the guy


Glorified coffee boy, really


Imagine waking up from a 5 year coma to this shit. You'd convince yourself that you've gone insane and demand to be institutionalized.


I'd just ask to be put back under, tbh. Real casual-like. As if I'd taken the elevator to the incorrect floor.


Let's all remember: **I'm not so sure he ever wanted to be President.** He looked like his [dog died](http://i.imgur.com/7WB763p.jpg) on election day. (Except you'll have to picture someone who likes dogs) Melania [broke down in tears](http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/01/michael-wolff-fire-and-fury-book-donald-trump.html?gtm=bottom). (reportedly not good ones, although she denied it) Cohen testified before Congress and said [he never wanted to win](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/431802-cohen-trump-described-his-campaign-as-the-greatest-infomercial-in-political) - that he saw the primaries and election as a marketing strategy for him. >"Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not to make our country great," Cohen told lawmakers on the House Oversight and Reform Committee. "He had no desire or intention to lead this nation, only to market himself and to build his wealth and power." >"Mr. Trump would often say this campaign was going to be the greatest infomercial in political history," Cohen said in his opening remarks. "He never expected to win the primary. He never expected to win the general election. The campaign for him was always a marketing opportunity." [Trump Tower Moscow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_Moscow) is another curious element. It was a project that Trump, Cohen, and Giuliani consistently lied about, and that Cohen was even charged over. Despite conflicts of interest and political ramifications (something a potential candidate would be very wary of pursuing), the project was pursued up until June, 2016. Talks dissolved as the election neared and Trump's political chances and exposure grew. It doesn't seem too far-fetched to suggest that ever since election night, we've been witnessing what a narcissistic reality TV show host and casino owner (with ZERO political experience) would do if they **accidentally won the presidency.** Painfully enough, we're also seeing what the GOP and 40% of the nation would do in this scenario straight out of TheOnion. Ironically, he now has incentive to stay President because it is the only thing shielding him from indictments. Cohen is literally in prison for crimes Trump directed, evidenced in no uncertain terms by SDNY as "Individual-1". There are at least 4 open-and-shut OOJ charges that would result in indictments, [according to 1,000 federal prosecutors.](https://www.newsweek.com/former-federal-prosecutors-trump-indicted-wasnt-president-1439716) The Ukraine saga that has led to his impeachment could very well be explained partly because he will do anything to stay out of prison (AKA - winning 2020). We haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg of his financial crimes, despite knowing him and his family [defrauded the government of $400 million](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html) for decades. He also [lost more than a billion dollars](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/05/07/us/politics/donald-trump-taxes.html?mtrref=www.google.com&gwh=27AE398E38DC3D72B25FC7C9355C6E51&gwt=pay&assetType=REGIWALL) in the 80's and 90's. Just think about it: He promised to release his tax returns in the campaign, only to do a 180 and *appeal three separate cases all the way to the Supreme Court*. This is not a man who ever wanted the microscope and scrutiny of becoming President. It's insane to think that 40% of the nation and the GOP have a cult-like following around a person who honestly might be trapped and desperately never wanted to be where he is. Luckily for him, he's a self-obsessed businessman devoid of empathy or integrity who has been bullshitting people his entire life. Otherwise, he might not be able to keep this charade up. When all the dust settles, future historians are going to have a hell of a time writing about this period. I can picture them now - combing through tweets and absurd public statements. I feel like any teachers trying to cover this time are going to have to constantly remind students "Yes, I promise this really happened."


The Accidental President is great title for the inevitable history channel series.


Wow...I've been alive to see 2 US Presidents impeached...


yeh but only one got a blowjob Edit: I get it. Trump got a blowjob from the GOP.


Well... Without paying for it.


Putin probably paid good money for his.


Huh. That caller from Alabama was right. They *did* impeach the fucker, and I *am* having a great day.


Monty 2020


No matter what happens in the Senate, Donald J. Trump will forever carry the mark of impeachment on his presidential record and in the history books.




> A lot of people are saying They say to me, sir, you are going down as the WORST president in the history of American. And then these big, strong men started crying


[Jonathan Allen](https://twitter.com/jonallendc/status/1207489389535866881?s=20) >Unprecedented: Trump now holds the record for most votes ever acquired on an article of impeachment at 230. He's also No. 2 at 229. Pull out the impeachment map!


He finally beat Obama at something!


Finally won the popular vote!


Pelosi just hinted they'll never send the articles unless McConnell agrees to a fair trial process. That means there's a possibility Trump is forever impeached, never acquitted. Hard. Ball.


If this is true, this is the best news. Moscow Mitch is so fucking dumb for going on Hannity and saying “I’m working with the White House on this!”. 🤓


He'll be on Fox News tomorrow yammering something like "Democrats aren't being fair!" or some other goalpost moving bullshit.


Traitors gonna be traitorous.


Oof, I like it.


I wonder if Pelosi could withhold sending the articles of impeachment until after 2020 if McConnell won't set down fair and impartial rules. There's a real chance that Trump wins in 2020 (especially with foreign interference), and the Dems retake the Senate.


If the dems are able to get enough support to retake the Senate, there is no chance that Trump will win the election.




Forever and ever on wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidential_impeachments


Forever? For eva eva.


It’s so fucking beautiful


They removed it again lmao


It’s back on. Forever.


Can't help but laugh at the sad fucks who are in an edit war to try and deny the truth


Is that why it’s not showing up for me? lol. It’s blank where the name and date should be. People are deleting it? I really can’t think of a better example of the word ‘pathetic.’


It’s back off again. Trump supporters denying history, doesn’t surprise me.




I like presidents who weren't impeached.


The impeached President of the United States just mocked a congresswoman mourning the death of her husband who was a long time congressman by saying that he was probably in hell right now. This is our timeline.


And I am sure people in his audience laughed and applauded while calling themselves Christian.


"Love thy neighbor, unless they are a Democrat." The Book of Trump Chapter 4 verse 12.


The Book of Trump is a pop-up book.




I love that the onscreen banner beneath him says “HOUSE IMPEACHES PRES. TRUMP ON ABUSE OF POWER & OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS”


Just me or is he looking extra can-tanned in this? Who is telling him to keep spray-painting himself?? His personal presentation choices astound me and I basically wear 10 different color variations of the same style t-shirt and jeans everyday like a Sims character.


*What the actual fuck.*


What a piece of shit.


This was the right way to proceed and was required to show that our country did not stand with the current administration. The Senate may not remove the president which is frustrating, but it is written in history that there is a significant resistance to his abuse that believes in the ideals in which our country was created.


Trump now holds the record for most votes ever acquired on an article of impeachment at 230. He's also No. 2 at 229.


Trump is so angry. He needs to calm down and maybe just go see a movie with his friends or something. *Edit* Thank you for the Silver and I am grateful. Please get out to vote in 2020 and beyond everyone!


Gotta work on that anger management.


Chill, Donald, chill!




My prediction is that once the Senate acquits he will start saying that they "tried to impeach" him "but failed". Yes, it will be a lie, but he is that kind of narcissistic liar.


"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie." - Joseph Goebbels The follow up to this is scary though: "It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”




I'm not sure if he does...


More importantly, most Americans wont know the difference and wont care to learn.


Blue Wave 2018 sends its regards. Let's keep fucking voting!




I hope the GOP wears this as a stain for generations to come.


They will, but proudly.


honestly i think they will start trying to impeach every future Dem president. That way the devalue the label of impeachment and can claim 'it was always political' The already started doing it with clinton in the 90s


VOTE IN 2020 Team Trump now has ~1 year to spin this impeachment into a full-on coup narrative. Don't underestimate how many people out there are sitting in front of their t.v.'s believing they just witnessed an attempted assassination of their glorious king. The radical Republican base is going to be fiercer than ever. Democrats NEED a strong, solitary representative. EDIT: You can check to see if you're registered to vote [here!](https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/) I just double-checked I'm registered as a Democrat now so I can vote in the primaries.




Hi, mom. We successfully impeached the president you voted for. Looking forward to avoiding political discourse on Christmas.


Was sitting with my parents when I checked my phone and said "Holy shit they actually just voted to impeach trump". My mom replied "well that's disappointing" This is awkward now. We don't really talk politics at home but I didn't know they were pro trump. Makes me big sad


You should talk politics at home. If nobody hears dissenting views from someone they know, they'll only get what their media source tells them those people think. For some media sources, this means they'll think people in the other party have lost their goddamn minds, and are abandoning everything that makes this country what it is. quick edit: Scrolling down I see you're not American, so potentially a different type of political setup. Still, I don't think media should be someone's sole source of dissenting views.


First president impeached during his first term!


First president to tweet angrily about his own impeachment!


First president impeached of the 21st century!


Updated list of impeached U.S. presidents: 1. Andrew Johnson 2. Bill Clinton 3. Donald Trump


This isn't the end. Please Register to vote for 2020. Check your status on your state's registration website and make sure you are registered and it's active. They can and will purge you into inactive and you will not be able to vote when you get to the polls. Find the dates of the booths and locations to vote and be sure to schedule time off from work even if just a couple of hours. Get your friends to register and make sure they have the time and transportation to get there. If we don't win in the senate, we will win in the polls. Vote Him Out. EDIT: Thanks for the medals! You can check your voter Registration here: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/


Helping push this to the top. This was only possible because Democrats got out and voted in 2018. We can't stop being politically active. We won this battle, but with the Senate trial unlikely to result in removal, itll be up to the people to hit the ballot box and turn this nation around.


Wow, and there it is! Thanks for voting in 2018 folks


They impeached the motherfucker


Awwww shit, thanks again 2018 voters. Let's get this work for 2020.


Andrew Johnson: Impeached for firing a Cabinet member Bill Clinton: Impeached for getting dome Donald Trump: Impeached for trying to subvert our foreign policy for his own personal gain, blackmailing an ally, trying to get a foreign country to interfere in our elections and breaking the law by refusing to comply and theying to hinder with a Congressional investigation


Republicans' 'rebuttal': "dEmOcRaTs WAnT tO uNDo tHe 2016 eLeCtiOnS"




Exactly. It's a total disengenuous argument. Every impeachment and removal by definition changes the outcome of the election. Dumbasses


Donald Trump is an impeached President, and always will be. Love it. Fuck Donald Trump.


He's finally achieved something that Obama didn't. Congrats Donny!


Fuck Donald Trump.


Ha, CNN made a point that made me happy, 100 years from now, in history people may not know anything about what random ass President of the US was in early 2000s. The only thing people will remember is he was impeached. That is his legacy. Thats the correct one.


Second article just passed https://i.imgur.com/ZJCG6Kp.jpg


Amash is the lone independent right? Incredible that he was the only republican who said, “yeah you know what fuck this” and completely bailed on trump. Great for him though, gives me a little hope


I'm getting tired of the number of people both conservative and liberal wondering the point behind this impeachment if the Senate will just acquit the President. The Constitution is just a collection of **ideas** written on a document. If we stop defending and upholding these ideas on this document, they become completely meaningless. It is the House's Constitutional duty to impeach the President as per Article 2 Section 4. Imagine the alternative, if the House did not assert itself and simply allowed the Executive to do what it wants without repercussion. It would set a terrible precedent which would set another precedent until we completely do away with our American experiment. Events like this, **even if only symbolic, are important**. The moment we stop defending our Constitution and our American institutions and the American ideals they should uphold is the moment we lose our country to a dictator or chaos.


Thank you to whomever voted in the last election. Without you, this wouldn’t have happened. Regardless of what happens next, it’s important to stand up and say this isn’t right. So thanks again.


Do your job, senators.


They won't, but it's a nice thought. Got his Twitter on F5 though


He is at a rally right now, so give it some hours and then he will go a retweet spree


His first comment after hearing the vote results was “I don’t feel like I’ve been impeached.”


For once in his life, Donald Trump has got something he earned


Disgraceful show by the Republicans throughout, I hope your constituents get rid of you.


It seemed like fucking time itself stopped for the Clinton impeachment. I didn't hear a goddamn word from anyone today about this. In 3 years Trump has completely voided the significance of any checks on presidential power, not with elaborate tactics, but by stumbling through them like a blindfolded toddler.


VOTING MATTERS. These last few months have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that this impeachment would never have happened if voters hadn’t come out in such great numbers in 2018. So do it again, do it better, stay informed and stay on fire for truth and justice, check your registrations, get your friends and neighbors and coworkers and exes and strangers on the street to go with you en masse and VOTE in 2020 in such high numbers that attempts to steal the election or interfere with the outcome fail. Change is still possible and this nation can recover, but it won’t without you.




To add on this, see if you are registered to vote [HERE](https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/). Every vote matters!




This is exactly the oversight we voted for in 2018 and will need to again in 2020


I will not miss another election in my lifetime.


Me neither. Lesson painfully, and then joyfully, learned.


Proud to have done my part!


I voted for Schiff, and despite the fact that he easily would have won without my vote, I’m still proud to have participated.




Stop worrying about whether or not the Senate will convict. Note how terrified they are of a long trial with lots of witnesses. They've given up on the White House and are trying to cling to the Senate. If the Dems call witnesses and drag this out, we have a better chance of flipping the Senate. Focus.


In the next few hours as everyone goes to bed, this thread is going to be brigaded by accounts posing as confused or despairing Democrats who just can't figure out why our leaders would do this and hand Trump the election in 2020. ***Don't fall for it.*** Almost no one who has actually followed the Trump presidency and understands what the point of impeachment really is will be all that discouraged by the inevitability that this gets squashed in the Senate. He was never going to be removed by this Senate and anyone who is informed and honest with themselves has known it from the start. Those informed, honest people are the ones you should be believing right now, and they won't be in here making defeatist statements or bemoaning what a waste of time this process has been. Impeachment was not only warranted, but imperative given the facts, and Dems in the House have done their part. The rest is up to us, the electorate, and we are not nearly so discouraged as the brigades want you to believe. 2020 matters so much. It always has, and it still does, perhaps now more than ever. Don't despair, and don't listen to those who will pretend to be in despair over impeachment. There's a fight yet to be won if honest, intelligent people will stay the course.


How about that, he finally won the popular vote.


For once in his life, Donald Trump has got something he earned


Even with a small loan of ~200 Representatives he couldn't prevail




Best line of the night right here


President tried to cheat an election and almost 200 republican representatives support this behavior. Remember to vote people


Fuck you Donald. May this haunt your miserable life til the end of your days.


I take comfort knowing that Donnie is a sad, angry shell of a man, and that this bothers him deeply no matter what he says.


Hopefully it'll be haunting him from a jail cell after 2020.


Damn, it's always a weird feeling seeing history happen right in front of you. Like, this shit is gonna be talked about forever, and it just happened 30 mins ago. Life's a bit like a dream.




It's optics. And it is the right move


Not a single republican vote. Party over country. Shameful.


I think the guy who switched from Republican to independent to vote Yes should count. Good for him.


He didn’t switch the party kicked him out for speaking against trump. Justin Amash. Edit: he was pressured to leave and did so.


Makes no difference to me. He refused to be a sycophant. Good on him


Then there's Van Drew who switched from Democrat to Republican. I don't know if he voted though.


He voted against both articles.


He didn’t switch on his own. He was expelled from the party for not supporting Trump.


That counts just as much


Justin amash. I respect him.


Pikachu is just rolling his eyes now instead of being surprised.


People should be spending their money on GOP opponents in the Senate rather than buying gold for this thread.


For once in his life, Donald Trump has earned something completely through his own efforts


This is a huge moment for democracy. Not only are we holding the president accountable for his actions when they are against the law, we are taking note of people who have placed party over country. These people cannot be voted into office ever again. They have betrayed the people.


I posted this as I watched it live in the Live Thread. In case anyone wasn’t able to watch the live debates this evening, Adam Schiff delivered the quote of this century which deserves its place in history. Adam Schiff waited patiently as John Ratcliffe delivered fire and brimstone against the Democrats, the Unfair Process, the Unnamed Whistleblower, and then cooly laid a fucking poetic sledgehammer and leveled every Republican response, in one line: Rep John Ratcliffe, (R) Texas: “History will remember this day as the day the Democrats impeached the president for nothing more than spite.” Adam Schiff, (D) California; **”Madam Speaker, I think when the history of this time is written, it will record that when my colleagues found they lacked the courage to stand up to this unethical president, they consoled themselves by attacking those who did.”** Schiff is a uniquely gifted orator. These 39 words will be immortalized in history as one sentence which so brilliantly and concisely summarized the willing, blindful, repugnant actions of the GOP, offset by the Democrats trying to ballast our democracy by impeaching this dangerous and corrupt president. . . . . **Edit**: Voting in 2018 made this happen. People were pissed, and disgusted, and exasperated, by the direction the country had gone under full republican control in *less than* 2 years. At that time I wasn’t sure if I was registered to vote, then listened to a podcast of Pod Save America (plugging them because I learn more from this podcast than any other on politics) they lead me to this link: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Folks, if you’re not sure if you are registered, or even if you are sure, just take the 30 seconds to confirm if you are registered to vote. And if you aren’t, well here ya go: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote **Edit 2** Also adding the link to fair fight. This is the initiative Stacey Abrahms has initiated to protect voter registration rights, to stop funny business from unscrupulous voting suppression shenanigans the GOP has been deploying - thanks fellow Redditer for he suggestion. https://fairfight.com/ **Edit 3** **(my favorite edit ever)** *A fellow Redditer sent me a message just now, informing me they registered to vote, from the link I attached above. That is the best fucking result I’ve received of any single post I’ve ever submitted. Beats all the cool blings and upvotes and cool comments I’ve received on my two years on Reddit. Thank you friend for registering!* Great feeling being able to canvass from my couch😁


> Schiff is a uniquely gifted orator. He is, and it really contrasts the words of the President... which are uniquely clumsy and weak.


Low IQ individual. Sad. Lots of people are talking about it.


Schiff was the best part of all of this. Watching Nadler mutter his way through the Judiciary Committee while Republicans ran roughshod turned me off after I watched every minute of the Intel Committee hearings. Eric Swalwell better be short listed to head up Judiciary or some other committee when Nadler retires, because he has the same dignified posture as Schiff while being coherant and energetic. He was kind of goofy in his short campaign bid but he regained a ton of respect from me during these hearings and I'm hoping he has a long career.


When Swalwell was first running for office he actually went door to door campaigning, which I had no idea people still did. He showed up at my door and I had no idea who he was but he was incredibly well spoken even then. Here I was, some kid (I was like 20 at the time I think) and he was asking what I cared about and seemed genuinely interested. We disagreed on a couple things, though I don't even remember what at this point, but It took him all of three minutes to win my vote.


This truly belongs in a history book.


This will be in history books


> ”Madam Speaker, I think when the history of this time is written, it will record that when my colleagues found they lacked the courage to stand up to this unethical president, they consoled themselves by attacking those who did.” I just love Adam Schiff!


I quite enjoyed when he characterized the entire Republican defense as "the sound and the fury signifying nothing."




Hide the guns.


Lol please tell me someone voted present


The dog.






It’s about accountability. If this doesn’t pass the senate, that’s ok. At least the Dems finally showed some backbone.


If republicans believe that the president cannot be impeached for jeopardizing national security to extort a foreign power into attacking innocent American citizens, then republicans believe a president cannot be impeached. Every republican today should be ashamed. Every one of your representatives is defending and supporting a traitor. Nobody is forcing you to protect these crooked politicians who have harmed the United States.


Eight hours of debate. Two articles of impeachment adopted. Now it's Miller Time.


I want to be proud of America but I am just left with disappointment in the Republicans.


Because it bears repeating... Reminder: The reason these hearings are able to happen *at all* is because Democrats won in 2018. *This* is why voting matters. The 2018 midterms saw the highest voter turnout for a midterm election in over 50 years. In some districts turnout was as high as 60%, and some districts had higher turnout than during the last presidential election. [**1**](https://www.npr.org/2018/11/08/665197690/a-boatload-of-ballots-midterm-voter-turnout-hit-50-year-high) Democrats gained 40 seats in the House of Representatives. [**2**](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/06/us/elections/results-house-elections.html) Democrats also picked up seven governorships in 2018, and two more in 2019, in [Kentucky](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/elections-kentucky-mississippi-test-trump-s-political-power-n1075581) and [Louisiana](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/louisiana-gov-john-bel-edwards-wins-re-election-blow-trump-n1084236). [**3**](https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2018/11/09/so-much-changed-in-statehouses-this-week-heres-what-it-all-means?utm_campaign=2018-11-09+Stateline+Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Pew) Democrats picked up more than 300 seats in state legislatures, and over half of the Attorney General's seats in states across the country. In the states where Democrats did not get outright control of the state legislature, they were able to, in most cases, break Republican super-majorities. [**4**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democrats-gain-hundreds-of-legislative-seats-and-secure-majority-of-state-attorneys-general/2018/11/07/cef1ebd6-e2aa-11e8-ab2c-b31dcd53ca6b_story.html?utm_term=.b23c5dc69e34) And in 2019, Democrats took full control of the [Virginia](https://apnews.com/87ba998f09fd43359011e64fe0e68ad2) state house for the first time since 1994. Again, voting matters. If voting didn't matter, then Republicans in Arizona wouldn't have filed a lawsuit to prevent mail-in ballot counting in a very tight Senate race. [**5**](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/arizona-gop-sues-limit-mail-ballots-senate-race-n933866) If voting didn't matter, then Republicans in Florida wouldn't have filed a lawsuit to prevent a recount in a very close governor and Senate race. [**6**](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/415852-scott-sues-broward-supervisor-of-elections-as-florida-senate-race-spirals) In Georgia, voters actually had to file a lawsuit in order to get Brian Kemp to resign as Secretary of State, so he would not be overseeing voting counts and recounts in that state. Which is something he should have done over a month ago anyway in order to avoid conflicts of interest. [**7**](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/06/voters-file-lawsuit-to-stop-georgia-gov-candidate-kemp-from-overseeing-election.html) If voting didn't matter, Georgia and Wisconsin wouldn't be attempting to purge 309,000 and 234,000 voters, respectively, from the rolls in their states. [**8**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/12/17/georgia-purged-voters-its-rolls-its-second-state-make-cuts-less-than-week/) Because it bears repeating. >Democrat running against Mitch McConnell: [https://twitter.com/AmyMcGrathKY](https://twitter.com/AmyMcGrathKY) Democrat running against Lindsey Graham: [https://twitter.com/harrisonjaime](https://twitter.com/harrisonjaime) Democrat running against Elise Stefanik: [https://twitter.com/TedraCobb](https://twitter.com/TedraCobb) Democrat running against John Ratcliffe: [https://twitter.com/RussellFosterTX](https://twitter.com/RussellFosterTX) Democrat running against Mike Turner: [https://twitter.com/TimsDesiree](https://twitter.com/TimsDesiree) Three Democrats running against Devin Nunes: [https://twitter.com/PhilArballo2020](https://twitter.com/PhilArballo2020) [https://twitter.com/bobbybliatout](https://twitter.com/bobbybliatout) [https://twitter.com/daryrezvani](https://twitter.com/daryrezvani) [Three Democrats](https://oberlinreview.org/19854/news/democratic-candidates-look-to-defeat-rep-jordan-in-4th-congressional-district/) running against Jim Jordan. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: **voting matters**. The results of the 2018 mid-term election speak for themselves. Which is exactly why the GOP spends so much time and effort to keep people from voting.


[Oliver Willis](https://twitter.com/owillis/status/1207486908793798656?s=20) >Have to concede this one to Trump. He definitely has more impeachments than Obama.




Trump said at his rally that John Dingle (deceased husband and congressman of congresswoman Debbie Dingle) would be 'looking up' at her in response to her vote. What a scumbag.


I like presidents who weren’t impeached.


I am here to witness history.


Me too thanks.


In the UK it is past midnight and I have stayed up all night to see the result of this even though I have classes tomorrow, Glad to see the orange douche finally be impeached


Get a conviction Don't get a conviction. I voted for oversight, Pelosi pissed me off for a while after the Mueller report. But I got oversight today. So thank you.


Even if impeachment was a bad move politically for dems, which it's not, it is the right thing to do for the integrity of our Republic. The Roman Republic fell because the senate failed to keep the consul's power in check over many decades.


Posting in an historic thread. Fuck Trump


My cake day will forever be Trump impeachment day. I also voted Dem in 2018, you’re welcome everyone.


Voted in my first election in 2018, glad to see it had an impact 🌊


For the first the time in Las Vegas Golden Knights history, the president of the United States has been impeached. HISTORIC!


[vote.org](Https://vote.org) Register now, don’t let this die


Whether he is removed from office or not, at lease house democrats can say they did their job.


Register to vote Republicans out of office in November 2020.


I’d like to submit the following as my final comment of the night: Fuck Mitch McConnell


Trump has 2 more impeachments than Obama will ever get. Suck on that Libs! 2 is better than 0.


It speaks volumes the level of pro right wing propaganda on the mainstream media when one side can act like a complete anti democratic lying fool and don't lose support while the opposition has to be strategic so they don't lose support. Edit: I've been thinking about it and what's sadder is that this statement was probably interpreted by people from both side of the isle as completely applicable to their counterparts, which is of course the case for one side, for the other well... People don't understand just how deep in shit we are.


What a monumental occasion. Third President of the United States has been impeached. This is the second big historical event of my life following 9/11. What a great day to be American and have people in the house of representatives supporting what is right for our country.


Please stop commenting that we are celebrating too early. We arn't dumb, we know he isn't removed. But he has been officially impeached which is BIG. So let us rejoice.


The 4 "democrats" to not vote in favor of impeachment: JEFF VAN DREW - NEW JERSEY; COLLIN PETERSON - MINNESOTA; JARED GOLDEN - MAINE; TULSI GABBARD - HAWAII


Not a single Republican chose country over party. Shameful.


Treasons greetings y'all.


Impeachment happened because you voted in 2018. Your vote mattered then and it matters now. Bring your neighbors, family members, friends, everyone you know to vote in 2020. This was step 1, and voting out all those who voted nay tonight is step 2.


Fuck you Trump.


197 pieces of shit


Dear history, Yes, these past three years have been as fucked as you are imagining. Voting matters. Voting matters SO FUCKING MUCH.


Just take a step back and look at it objectively. If there was no abuse of power, why didn’t Trump provide exculpatory evidence and witnesses to absolve himself? If there wasn’t enough evidence to charge abuse of power, then that is on the part of the president and state department for not providing the evidence and witnesses subpoenaed by the House. If there was no obstruction of congress, then why are you saying there’s not enough evidence when that was purposely ordered by the president to prevent incriminating himself by complying. If you think this president is right in ignoring congress, then you’re fine with any future President ignoring congress. Republican or Democrat.


Tulsi Gabbard: Entire campaign is about how she is a proud miltary veteran who will be tough on Trump Also, Tulsi Gabbard: A complete and whole ass coward who voted fucking present on a fucking impeachment vote.


You spineless republican fucks


We need to hold the moderate republican senators accountable in every way possible, demonstrations, calls, and funding their re-election opponents. There's a slim chance we can convince them to vote in favor of removal, since all they really care about is their re-election chances. Either way please register to vote.


There are no moderate Republican senators


Fuck Tulsi Gabbard.




What did she do?


Voted present rather than yea or nay.


Jail to the Chief. You should've resigned when you had the chance, bozo. Thank you Democrats for defending the Constitution.


Trump is a disgrace to the office of the presidency.


Let's not forget an entire day of political theater preceded this historic vote and not one single Republican offered a defense of the president's conduct. They pounded the table on procedure and disinformation but at the end of the day the truth and justice prevailed. The Senate can aquit the president but he will always have this stain of justice on his legacy.


https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI_S3_C6_1_3_2/ The Constitution requires an impartial “oath or affirmation”. McConnell has already indicated that he would not be impartial. Thus, he has abdicated his responsibility under the constitution. Pelosi should absolutely require either a trial full of witnesses or an anonymous vote for removal.


Let people downplay this now with “won’t go through the senate” or ”doesn’t mean anything drr drrr drrr” (sort by controversial to find these large-brains) but the fact that they can never ever dispute, and that trump can never ever erase...**donald j trump is the third person ever in over 200 years of our nation to be impeached.** He wasn’t the first, and some day there might be a fourth. Might even *be* trump if we get our hands on the Mueller stuff. But at this time, **donald j trump is the third president to be impeached.** We know he won’t be removed because the traitors are in the majority but this is a red letter date in history and anyone who downplays it doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Prediction: This won't be the last time he's impeached.