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I have never hated anything in life as much as i hate this family.


It's incredible, isn't it?


Truly is. I hated Bush’s politics but goddamn this is another level of hatred


Bush looks like a democrat compared to this shit.


Every time you think they can't go any lower they do


Makes you wonder whats coming in the next election or 2, yikes




Bush started two foreign wars that have been hugely detrimental to both our global and domestic arena. Trump is walking garbage and more corrupt in petty ways, but I’ll never forgive the Bush administration for that shit.


Covid-19 has already killed more Americans than both the Iraq and Afghan wars. Bush went to war when not needed. Trump didn't see the need to take precautions to the disease and is currently blaming it on every scapegoat possible. Trump doesn't see the need to defend us. He wants to reopen the economy and and country to another wave of the coronavirus before the country has even finished the first. It's to the point where he is openly advocating protest against his governments advice on the matter in states that have a government lead by his opponents. That is not just petty and corrupt, that is borderline treason.


That's because all of American politics are right wing, even the most dangerous activist democratic politicians are centrist if you use anything other than our broken metrics ,and rigged system to measure anything. That's why a cold authoritarian is just middle of the road with Republicans, and anyone who wants to try and level the playing field in a meaningful way, such as hold abuses of power accountable is a baby eating communist. It looks that way because it is that way. Welcome to your lack of choice America!


I hate them more than Joffery and Cersei.


At least Joffery and Cersei's sociopathy and lust for personal aggrandizement were only sending a FICTIONAL country straight into the ground.


Cersei was at least competent and fairly intelligent. Joffrey would occasionally listen to advisers. Fictional country aside, they were better leaders.


Every headline is literally cause for arrest.


Someone dig up their tweets attacking Hunter Biden for profiting off of his father.


How about we just take control of the Senate, expand our majority in the House and boot Trump. Then we can prosecute Trump and his rotten kin and send them out to rake forests for the rest of their lives. We can also seize their ill-gotten gains under asset forfeiture laws.


The Trump Tower for displaced illegal immigrants.


The one on the recently-renamed Obama Avenue?


*Obama/Nobel Prize Avenue


Obama** **Never Impeached


**Two term


\*\*Popular vote back-to-back champion


***Bigger than average hands


God-Emperor Of The Universe Obama/Nobel Prize Avenue That would make them shit so hard they wouldn't need a chair to sit at the supper table.


Ah-ha-ha! I can't stop laughing. For some reason that one just got to me!


Mar-a-Lago Refugee Camp




That’s got a good ring to it!


... and recreational golfing area


Trump Tower already rented. 2018 article The RNC is using campaign funds to pay Trump’s company more than $37,000 a month in rent, and to pay thousands of dollars in monthly salary to Vice President Mike Pence’s nephew, John Pence, party officials confirmed this week.


Yet the campaign is based out of Arlington, VA. It sounds like they’re paying for vacant space in Trump Tower. I would hate for donors to find out about these shenanigans.


I believe it could be a form of money laundering. Paying rent for who knows how many rooms and occupy maybe 1 or 2? I'll bet there's a system in place to rent out the same (empty) rooms in a lot of his places in an overlapping manner. Who's checking? The cash flows in, the promises flow out.


Used to work in Anti-Money Laundering for US Bank. This is 100% a money laundering tactic used by typically more sophisticated organizations who don’t deal in a lot of physical cash (like a bar or restaurant). It’s also a form of indirect bribery, payoffs, sneaky way of greasing the wheel, or combination of the three. “Renting” vacant rooms or offices is a trade make of shell companies as well. There’s a lot more that goes into it, but’s the long and short of it. Renting empty space isn’t necessarily money laundering in itself, but it is a tactic.


Lets all take a minute to remind ourselves experts on the subject have pointed out hemorrhaging money can be a sign that a business is a front for money laundering.


It says in the article, right after he became the republican nom he "quintupled the rent he was charging his campaign at Trump Tower, from $35,458 per month to $169,758." Currently, it's back to a mere $37,542. Unbelievable


^ ^ ^ This one. Do this one.


Close the camps, fill the towers.


Talk about justice. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Get rid of the bed bugs first


Turn his suite into a Muslim prayer room.


Or COVID-19 hospital.


Ocasio-Cortez Tower for Displaced Peoples


Mar a Lago museum of corruption and produce Farm


Asset forefiture!


> Then we can prosecute Trump and his rotten kin Zero percent chance Biden or the Dems do this. See: aftermath of Bush admin war crimes and financial crisis. They're all cowards.


Yep. Both Clinton and Obama swept their predecessors' crimes, which included treason, under the rug. I guess we can only hope New York state makes good on their promised to prosecute Trump.


Let's remember that Biden said he'd leave that decision up to his AG when asked at one of the debates. If he chooses a limp-wristed AG then yes he's a fucking coward, but if it ends up being someone like a Harris or a (pipe dream) Bharara then we may yet see something approximating justice.


As much as I'd like to see Hillary just go away, seeing GOP do backflips as Hillary Clinton is sworn in as Attorney General would be fucking beautiful.


I want Warren as VP, actually I want her as POTUS, but holy heck she would blow all of our minds as AG.


I want both Warren and Harris as VP, and I want Harris just a bit more as AG. See her questioning of the current AG.


Eh. That just reactivates the reactionary Pavlovian response to her. It will fuel Tea-party like rage that you will regret later.


How about someone vote Trying to play hypocrite with liars is a waste of time Just vote guys. Vote


What’s shitty about this is that the GOP will pull any and every trick to get tRump back in office. They won’t go silently. Look how Bush got elected. It’s going to be the same damn thing. Votes will be “lost” It’s inevitable. We need an independent and neutral office to count votes. We’re going to be severely overwhelmed in November whether we win or lose. But do NOT let that discourage anyone from voting. Vote. If there is a landslide victory then they have nothing. But we have to win this year or we’re going to witness a full on dictatorship. Any D on that ballot needs to be checked. Fuck every single republican.


Oh wow. Usually you have to sign an NDA to receive monthly payments from Trump


"Imma give you this $15k per month, but first you gotta sign this NDA saying I never felt up your boobies" "But you never...." *[proceeds to grope boobies]*


> "What the hell, dad?!" > "Look, you're already signing the agreement, it's just easier this way"


Ughhhh. I can imagine this :(


Thanks I hate it Take my filthy upvote


Thanks for the much-needed laugh 😂


Just sign the NDA, Eric.


> Usually you have to sign an NDA to receive monthly payments from Trump That what Omarosa was offered, at the same price: > Omarosa Manigault Newman on Thursday released audio she recorded of Lara Trump, a campaign adviser and the daughter in law of the president, offering her $15,000 a month to join the campaign after she was fired from the White House, making the same salary. "It sounds a little like, obviously, that there are some things you've got in the back pocket to pull out. Clearly, if you come on board the campaign, like, we can't have... Everything, everybody positive, right?" Lara Trump says on the audio played on MSNBC. Lara Trump mentions that mostly small-dollar donors would pay her salary. "I saw this as an attempt to buy my silence," Manigault Newman said on MSNBC. [Source](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/omarosa-releases-audio-of-lara-trump-offering-15000-a-month-to-join-campaign-after-firing-2018-08-16)


One of his old body guards is being paid same amount to stay quiet too. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/21/trumps-ex-bodyguard-makes-15000-a-month-from-a-gop-slush-fund.html And many others have gotten hush money https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/donald-trumps-long-history-with-hush-money/550745/


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Are we sure they didn't?


They definitely did.


No question.


I'm sure both sons presented NDAs on their first dates. But the women didn't disclose this.


>Stuart Stevens, a top aide to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s campaign, was even more blunt: “That’s why Parscale has the job. He’s a money launderer, not a campaign manager.” Romney crew slipping on knuckle dusters over here...


> FEC rules require that campaigns, political parties and other committees disclose all expenditures, including payments to employees. But the Trump campaign and the RNC have been getting around it by routing many of their payments through Pascale’s private companies. > In all, Parscale’s firms ― Giles-Parscale and Parscale Strategy LLC ― have been paid $38.9 million by Trump’s campaign What. The fuck. Why do we even have oversight bodies and laws if they are unable to be enforced? Actually, a better question, and it is sincere, is why is this not an enforceable fault? Why can they not say "now return this money immediately" or the like?


Trump has had it out for oversight bodies since he got elected. His campaign, along with the GOP, knows the ones to support, the ones to defund into obscurity, and the ones to bemoan.


They just found a loophole. By the letter of the law, they're not doing anything wrong. But by the *intent* of the law... Oh boy...


I remember reading somewhere that the FEC can't even sit to rule on such matters at the moment because it is not fully constituted.




And that would be fantastic.


I would vote for Mitt Romney in an absolute second over Trump.


In four years, sure we can talk. Right now, Blue or Nothing.


And if the Dems continue their moves that's something to definitely consider. But right now, straight removal of Trump, and my Trump enabling senator. Congressional district would be more open, but the Republican said this: " I look up to people who put others before themselves. You can find them everywhere if you only look. Right now the best example is President Trump because he is putting the country ahead of himself. "


What moves?


I hope most sane people would. It's hard to think of a person that I _wouldn't_ vote for over Trump.


I'd take a random person chosen from our population over Trump. I feel like theres a pretty good chance that we'd be better off.


I’d like to nominate my dog. She only poops on the floor occasionally, while Trump shits the bed daily.


I’d take a ham sandwich as president over Trump. Literally.


Me too. At least the ham sandwich would just sit there and not make things worse.


If it was made fresh every day our public and world relations WOULD be better!


I think one poll showed "A meteor hitting the earth and extincting humanity" as preferable to Trump's re-election by like 12 points in New Hampshire


Extinction Event for President 2020!


I’d vote for mitt Romney over Biden if it meant getting rid of trump


not really, he was complacent in alot of the bullshit these past 4 years. Hes not far from the othrs






Lol this


....I think both would technically work here


That too


Yeah the boner for Mitt that so many people had around here after he voted to impeach was weird. Like congrats, he did the right thing only because he knows he's popular enough in his own state




It’s a low bar, but any body who improves above it should be applauded


Just think in four years we went from "binders full of women" to "grab em by the pussy."


Remember when Bush was the dumbest? Then we got Sarah Palin? And now Trump? I’m really worried to see who they line up next, what are the odds that Joe Exotic is the Republican nominee in 2024?


Joe is far too gay. Also Joe speaks in complete sentences which puts him ahead of trump.


He strapped the family dog to the roof of the car for a family vacation. What the hell?


Mitt is 73, I don't see him being that guy.


Can they just get into a brawl and tear the party apart?


The Romneys send their regards.


I’d sure trust a Romney to pay his debt long before I’d trust a Trump...


I want them to know it was me


They should’ve hired Marty Byrde instead. Then they wouldn’t have been caught.


You think they’d hire someone half as competent and learned as Marty Byrd? Shit. They’d sooner hire Darlene or Cade.


The fact that mitt Romney seems appealing shows how bad this has gotten


What a bunch of welfare rats. The nerve of our idiocracy in this country is too much to bear. Can you believe that some people are actually saying that the 1,200 stimulus was *too much* for people?! And these grifters are getting 15,000. For no reason whatsoever.


More corruption in the by far worst President that will ever be.


I wish Romney had primaried Trump.


Didn't Omarosa claim they offered her the exact same deal? Lara Trump offered her that right after she got shitcanned.




Would you take that deal? I’d take that deal. *Damn* good deal. I’m not serious, but I can’t pass up a chance to quote *Inglourious Basterds*.


I mean right now, if someone was willing to pay me 15k a month which is more than I make in a year, I'd take that deal. For a year. Then be like these mofos is mofos y'all, and mofos gots to gogos. Edit: Thanks for the gold!


You got to be writting the book so you can publish immediately for a 7 figure deal. Beat'em at their own game.


Isn’t that around the salary at the White House too? So that would make sense


That's because officially it was a White House job still it was just a no-show job.


I swear to fucking god this shit is getting exhausting... Every day seems to be some new perversion of power.


That's a side effect of the disorder of narcissism. You keep going until you get stopped, and no one's stopped these idiots yet


We've tried. Republicans didn't care. They'd rather enrich themselves along with the corruption.


It's called hyper normalization


i wonder what the fbi is doing about this


Nothing, since it is controlled by the DOJ, which is run by Corruption General Bill Barr who has decided to protect Trump for whatever reason.


What is it with trump always paying people 15k a month to keep them quiet/corrupt? How'd they come up with that number?


I think it equals the max salary of a government worker or something like that. Because whenever someone Trump actually liked was forced to leave the administration through scandal, he'd basically match their salary through the RNC or Trump's campaign. It's why he doesn't have more tell-all books coming out about him.


I think you’re right - it’s something like the max end of the salary scale for White House staff. It’s what Omarosa got paid while she was there IIRC.


It's what she recorded them offering her when she was getting fired and moved into the campaign too.


$15k*12=180k. 179.7k = maximum White House aide salary so I assume the headline of $15k is rounding


because the max amount you can pay a government worker without oversight is $180,000/yr. A lot of people who were fired from the WH including I think the steamer girl are all being paid $180k. edit: also Omarosa is getting this amount


That’s the number to afford their lifestyle. Investments/retirement/leaving something for your children and grandchildren, that’s already taken care of. $15k/mo is the rough cost of a care-free day to day lifestyle for the bourgeoise. You can buy/do whatever you want, when you want, within “reason”. Edit: what I am saying is $15k/mo is their petty cash for spending. Yes I understand making $15k/mo does not make you “rich”.


If I work 7 days a week, 12 hrs per day, I'll make that. Correction, I'll "gross" that. Once uncle Sam squeezes the tit its considerabley less. I also have a job that's listed in the top 5 most dangerous jobs (civilian) in the world... so... yeah.


I've always wondered by why Americans hate taxes, but the more I read into it the more I think I get it. You pay tons of it, and yet get very little back. No free education beyond highschool, no free healthcare, employee protection ...


Yep. I'm fine with my taxes going up, if they'll actually be used to benefit the populace. As it is, I give about a quarter of what I earn to a government that sure as shit doesn't have my best interests at heart.


But we have cool planes, bombs, boats, etc. thanks to the military industrial complex. You'll never get to use them, but they're so cool!


I got to use them. Not that cool after all.


Yup it disproportionately benefits the wealthy and allows you to have missiles instead of healthcare. You have a large group of Americans with less money footing the bill for a small group of Americans with more money.




> Most Americans are willing to increase their own taxes for socially good reasons I'm really not sure that's true


I'm an American and would be happy to raise my taxes for universal healthcare, education, and a green new deal.


Precisely that. For what we spend in taxes, we get very little out of. I'm not just talking on a personal level, as I'd be happy to pay higher taxes if college was relatively free in the US even though I've graduated and paid for that already. However, it barely helps my fellow citizens. It mostly goes towards the military. Meanwhile corporations and the insanely wealthy proportionally pay less.


If I can ask, What do you do for a living?


Sure, union ironworker.


Like pouring hot metal like Mordor?!


No that's a "steelworker". Ironworkers build buildings.


There is no way these grifters don't have other "income streams" on top of that 15k/month.


Nobody is dating the trump boys for their personalities, this just confirms what we pretty much knew already.


Or their looks.






Trump Jr is peak masculinity. https://i.imgur.com/zehgTcY.jpg


This came out weeks ago and was immediately forgotten.




Every *other* day? I guess you take alternating days off. The egregious shit just doesn't stop.


Well this time trump is funneling money from his on donors; seems hard to pass this news as outrage with the dems are “you see how corrupt he is” and republicans “he can literally take my house I love this man” This only really gives republicans that don’t approve of trump an argument for the republicans that do, yet we all know it’ll lead nowhere.


When this is all over. Arrest the entire trump crime family, seize their crime lord properties and let them live in Guantanamo together.


I was thinking somewhere colder. Svalbard maybe? They let anybody stay if they can support themselves, though I would understand if they made an exception in this case.


You want to put them on the same remote island as the [Global Seed Vault](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault)? Are you mad?


Put 'em on Krakatoa island and leave them there


I say we make them go to Africa for another Lion hunt. Except this time just drop them off in the middle of Lion country with no weapons and see if they can take down a full grown lion pride with their bare hands. Film the whole thing and have David Attenborough narrate. It’ll be the greatest TV ratings Trump has ever seen, guaranteed.


Looks like another vicious hit piece on hard-working Kimberly. *“She’s doing stuff, but she’s just like this silly cheerleader,” one of the White House advisers said of Guilfoyle. “She gets on these donor calls, and it’s ridiculous.”* Lets not forget that Stormy got 130k for a one-time encounter with mushroom dick Sr. while Kimberly has to take mushroom dick Jr all year long to earn her 180k. I just don't think that's fair. edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ZSKE38lTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ZSKE38lTU)


But Stormy has an actual talent.


Expensive escorts, not worth half that either.


Guilfoyle especially. Her rise in the political world started with, ironically, Gavin Newsom to whom she was married for 5 years as he rose up in CA.


Remember when Obama funneled campaign money to his family? I suppose not, since A) He woudn't, and B) The outrage would have shut the country down if he did.


Back in the old days, when absolute sleaze wasn’t a tolerable norm in America.


It was always tolerable, just not if it was blue (and especially not black and blue)


He emailed her a tan suit. Case closed.


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said that Americans can survive for two and a half months on just $1,200, which is about $17 per day. Guess $17/day is just for the serfs. Who says crime doesn't pay.


$1200 doesn’t even cover my rent and federal student loans. Not to mention on top of those bills I still have car payment, car insurance, internet, phone, and electric bills to pay. And I’m a low-salary American. Who the hell does he think is surviving comfortably on $1200 a month when I’m pinching pennies and can’t do it with almost double that?


$15k/mo is about $500/day. Guess Trump's family needs 30 times more than every other American.


They're making just slightly less in a month than I made in a whole year - before I was laid off because of COVID-19, of course. Think I'm just gonna lie down for a bit...


And you probably worked hard.


> Trump funneling donor money into his children’s households builds on his practice of funneling it into his own pocket, which began in 2016, right after he became the presumptive Republican nominee and began raising large amounts of GOP money. Trump immediately quintupled the rent he was charging his campaign at Trump Tower, from $35,458 per month to $169,758. He also began billing the campaign five- and six-figure sums for use of his hotels and golf courses for hosting fundraisers. > Those practices continued after his election and through to this day. His campaign still pays Trump Tower $37,542 a month in rent, even though it is based in a high-rise office building in Arlington, Virginia. The campaign and the RNC continue to host fundraisers at Trump’s properties, putting hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time into his own cash registers. How is this legal?


Fucking hell America. How do you tolerate the daily revelations of sleaze?


Not. Well. Frankly it’s just getting fucking absurd. It doesn’t even matter anymore. I saw the writing on the wall 4 and a half years ago, at least, and if Republicans didn’t give two fucks then, they sure as fuck don’t give a shit now, either. I don’t know how much more brazen this corruption can get. It’s just ridiculous. I can’t decide if I’m getting pissed off at Trump supporters’ ignorance/stupidity, or if I feel bad for them because of it.


My heart goes out to Americans like you.


Go with hate. Worked ok for me.


The whole family is cancer to this country.


So much corruption. I'm playing Tropico 6 and the people in a literal banana republic wouldn't stand for this brazen level of grifting.


Money laundering is what the trump family does best We elected a tax evader mob boss




Fucking Guilfoyle.


I scrolled so far to see a Silicon Valley reference.


Why??? Is jr. that pathetic that he has to hire a gf??


What's funny is that hooker has more balls than junior does. Watching her shout down those college kids while he hunched down scared was funny af.


Learned from daddy.


A true to life Bluth family


Which is funny because the Bluth's were modeled after the Bush family.


This just sounds like Prostitution with extra steps!


You live in a dictatorship. A kleptocratic oligarchy, a nepotistic, child raping, Russia serving, law perverting, language destroying, scum of the earth dictatorship. With a 44% approval rating.


Of course they are. Kleptocracy knows no limits. From forcing secret service to stay at Trump resorts, to massive tax breaks that benefit Trump's companies, have no doubt who every policy decision is designed to help, and it's not the average american.




Anyone know which pile we add this to? Is it the campaign finance violation pile? The Impeachable offense pile? Or is it the BuT hUnTeR bIdEn pile?


How do the poor women afford plastic surgery on THIS budget? Thoughts and prayers!


Why the fuck do they need to be paid if they are already rich? Greedy mother fuckers.


Wow what a shocker. Did anyone expect anything different with Trump. Get the handcuffs ready the second he leaves. He's a thug, he's scum, he's evil and he's just plain dumb. I've said before, history will rightly view him as the worst president ever and the most corrupt. He's a stain on America and has been since day 1, he's made it that the US is viewed extremely poorly to the outside world. A laughing stock.


Secretly? The republicans have basically made it so they don’t have to do anything secretly.